2012 Photojournalism Syllabus

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Whitney High School communication studies

digitalphotojournalism Contact information: Mrs. Sarah Nichols Room C-2 snichols@rocklin.k12.ca.us 632.6500 x6624 Essential Skills, Concepts • principles of design • photo composition • camera operation • visual literacy • photo manipulation • color • Photoshop basics • multimedia storytelling • career opportunities • history of photo Extra Credit Students who wish to earn extra points to improve their grade can volunteer for additional photo shoots. Students must obtain teacher approval first in order to earn bonus points. Being Successful Bringing a high quality digital camera from home or purchasing one for class this year is a great idea. More camera time = better photos = higher grade. Contact me for info if you are thinking about buying a camera. Grades All grades will be posted on Edline and updated weekly. Late work will lose a letter grade per day late. The best way to contact me with questions about your grade is via email. Checking Email Having an email account and checking on a regular basis is helpful for this class. See me if you need help setting up a free Gmail account. You can use the computers in C-2 for email at the beginning of class.

Welcome to photojournalism, where your creativity will be showcased in photos. Be prepared for an intense class with many opportunities to be successful, express yourself and have work published as you tell stories through digital photography. Course description Photojournalism is a hands-on application course in digital photography for printed and online publication. Special emphasis is on taking photos to be used for the school yearbook, news magazine and website. Students will master skills in all aspects of photography, including composition, technical quality, storytelling ability and timeliness within a digital platform. Students also will learn basic photo manipulation using Adobe Photoshop, basic desktop publishing with Adobe InDesign and multimedia software such as Soundslides. Students enrolled in this course agree to possible use, display and/or reproduction of all photos taken for class assignments or photos taken using school equipment. This course has been approved for UC entrance as a VAPA course and meets the WHS requirement for VAPA or applied technology credit toward graduation. Class policies All students will be assigned photo shoots. Some photo assignments will take place during the regular school day on campus; some will not. Instead of typical homework assignments, the out-of-class work for photojournalism requires attending activities to take pictures. Most of the photo assignments will take place on the WHS campus during athletic practices and games, school dances, VAPA performances and other events. These assignments will be divided equally among all students in the class for one monthly shoot per student as homework. Showing up on time and doing a good job at a photo shoot is an important part of each student’s grade. If you are sick or have an emergency that requires you to miss a photo assignment, you are responsible for finding a replacement in time to shoot the event. If you cannot find a student replacement, you should contact Mrs. Nichols prior to the event. Meeting deadlines and taking pictures assigned to you is a large part of your grade in this class. *If you are taking pictures of a WHS home athletic event or special activity like a dance, you will not have to buy a ticket or pay entrance fees as long as you have been assigned to the event and show your WHS Press Pass for identification. Camera use You will have access to WHS cameras for all assignments. If you have access to a high quality camera from another source, you may be able to use it for some or all of your photo shoots. It is an excellent idea to put a digital camera on your birthday or holiday wish list. All cameras in C-2 will be locked and checked out only with a specific checkout process. To use the WHS cameras you will be required to sign a separate user agreement. Turn to the back for additional information.

moreinformation Materials This course includes professionally printed photo projects, a portfolio (binder, CD and online) and other items you will be able to take home and keep as a showcase of your photography if you choose to do the voluntary Project Ownership Contribution of $30 (check payable to WHS). A separate handout explains this system. Please contact me if you have any questions. In class you will need a photojournalism notebook/folder every day, as well as something to write with and something to write on. Everything else will be provided for your use. You are expected to follow all class procedures regarding equipment like memory cards and USB card readers. Use of class time All students will be expected to follow school policies. When you are outside C-2 taking pictures, you are representing the communications program. Poor decisions on your part could lead to loss of privileges, disciplinary action or removal from class. Think about your actions! Computers are to be used for uploading photos, doing class activities and assignments or for checking email during approved class time. These computers are not to be used at any time for games, downloading music or any activities that violate the WHS technology agreement. You will earn suspension for any misuse of equipment, so make good decisions. Helpful hints Anytime you have questions, just ask. Be willing to try new things. Respect your classmates and all school property. Follow directions. If you want to get ahead in this class, be willing to take pictures anytime possible. If you are part of a class or activity on campus and something “visually interesting” is happening, call down to C-2 or come by the room to check out a camera. An open mind and positive attitude will help you succeed and enjoy this class all year. I’m glad you’re here. This syllabus is yours to keep and use for reference throughout the year. A copy also is available on my website, http://sarahjnichols.com. In the tab called “photoj daily” you’ll see a detailed agenda of our class activities with links to online resources we’ll be using. If you use Facebook, I encourage students and their parents to Like the class page called WHS Communications with Sarah Nichols as a way to subscribe to updates and reminders. Students who subscribe will earn extra credit. The easiest way to find the page is to visit www.facebook.com/WHSCommunications.

Whitney High School communication studies

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