Page 1 The Job Site That Works For You.

Zachary Cadorette and Sarah Knott

Why Choice Hotels? • The largest independently owned hotel network • Best amenities for target audience • Customer service guarantee • Trusted industry leader

Why Journeyman’s Travels? • Offering a direct increase in business for Choice Hotels • Guaranteed bookings up to a year in advance • Partnerships with Industry leaders • Backed by reputable employers and investors • Comprised of a pool of employer networks • Opportunity for Thousands of Reservations • Partnership, Expansion and Advertisement Opportunities

Industry Leaders • Contracted Partnerships with five of the top industrial employers • Averaging over 20,000 travelling workers • Hundreds of jobsites annually, which means thousands of bookings for Choice Hotels • Expansion & Partnership opportunities • Five more large companies on waiting list for Journeyman’s Travels to launch

Filling A Need. Filling Your Rooms. • Currently the employee’s responsibility to arrange all booking/lodging for each jobsite • These employees travel across the country to represent these employers and to maintain their lifestyle • Access to upcoming job listings and employer’s database of workers Journeyman’s Travels knows when and where the next job site will be, AND how many positions need to be filled.

How We Work • Journeyman’s Travels will book the hotel for each employee • Employees pay pre-set rate per diem • We know ahead of time the number of workers needed per jobsite, estimated occupancy and duration per stay • We have a team of professionals to handle seamless booking and record-keeping integration • Regular fiscal report generation • Option for growth both internally and externally

Partnership Opportunities • Putting Choice Hotels in the forefront • Advertisement on website, blogs, community resources of Choice Hotels and from employers’ H.R. departments • Become a common industry practice • Up to 6 months to a year preparation • Philanthropic option to support domestic emergency relief efforts • Positive P.R.

Rest Easy with Guaranteed Savings With a Choice Hotels Partnership we can maintain a positive and dynamic partnership with expansion opportunities on multiple levels, as well as guarantee employee savings with reduced rates across the U.S.

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