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Sarah Louise Oakerson

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Pennies favorite color is pink, she had a dream of a fashion fantasy Castle Island. Whenever would believe what would perfect her new day. why was she thinking about her life and there is a story about that but that’s in my next five book number five-book, on I don’t know at the moment. so now, she is dreaming about fashion and how to be a fashion designer. after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend the just friend’s sorry mug was terrible. she wanted to be friends, only. Penny read a magazine a piece of paper about a famous designer she didn’t know that then, with a man making plain scarves but read an article about it and she required that she would be in love with his scarves or not. so perfect so plain, and he is a millionaire, billionaire. he had been thinking, about her life and she could want to have fun with a guy again, an old story. but that was not part of the point, it really doesn’t matter does it. she wanted something more in her life. to penetrate about. her love life. and her new idea for wanting to be a fashion designer. could want to believe, this could be all a nightmare, but realistic, to be a fashion designer for a career. could want to believe to come another time of the year. But was it her time to be a fashion designer all her friends, at college always talked about gods perfect timing, so it was in her mind. she definitely, did not believe it? or, she had very mixed exhausted feelings about it. well it seems like she made it clear in her mind, that that was the ting to do. she made one of her first hard decisions, in life. Actually, it was so sensitive to her knowledge she would make more friends that way, always been east out. /so needed to get away and be a fashion designer. But she had her magazine, his, and her parents no money, and a dream. which was partly, her fault. wouldn’t say all, wouldn’t make sense. all her drama, of becoming, a fashion designer from an article she read in a magazine. she ever wants to be brought up by a great working family. ?and you don’t

know what you’re doing. ever seen a new day ever come back need a new idea instead of plain scarves. However to be appreciated. Pennie, already a new day ever, wanted to understand so many other reasons she could get along, with other fashion designers. Lots of things went through her mind. Oh well, it was a large stretch to believe it was some way to understand. so often she would believe could want to come true. her new dream come true. before life got mixed up but not or not could she do so much to want to see. didn’t happen, she was a good girl. cautious, would she travel, could she see other awesome places, and really she wasn’t a good, girl but had good luck. to learn the concept of fashion design. so she was not in a relationship then at that time. would want to believe sewing rooms, were her dreams, but that was knocked out of her mind when the idea for workhouses seemed a terrible idea. consider a type of quality. she wanted to believe it was all, another choice but wasn’t far from thinking about it. That’s the truth, cause she hates the idea, of working in a sweatshop, not her cup of tea.. could not be a dream, in her makings. then there is another choice altogether want to become a reason all at once. so to become a truth, matter i guess. Benefits all too bad. but it would be all to bad. so since another thought would be a nurse like her, no way she had shots penny hates shots. she hated the idea of giving a shot to a human being, an animal, that would be okay, she’s done that before, ticks shot thing, fro a dog. we wont, go there. already need a new house, that been in London for half of the whole summer for a trip, vacation. You aren’t supposed to be involved, in this type f thinking now. it was a vacation, need to believe it’s all you need, to be true to yourself on vacation. her real physical and emotional dream was to find, a husband in London. 'why did he like someone else, and they got married. a sad story for

penny. so she was glad didn’t happen to her, she would be thinking cooly, to herself as pouting, stuff, hard there. already in a need of a husband. thought the guy had to be blonde with dark eyes. this was when I really, was confused, I was still in a relationship with a great guy from college, who went outback, a that was Australia, I went to London. she thought since she left for the semester it meant it was over but that’s not true. stupid her. sometimes think about an idea, to be in love. She was a romantic so it didn’t matter. too much a romantic, need a new romance. she, was not upset, so she plucked out her eyebrows. penciled it in with makeup I bought at a London store. need to be interested in fashion how in this room, short room, full of comfort, in a short apartment. sometimes everyone could want to understand a time to believe to come into a new idea of fashion. she had to think about what fashion meant to her before she ever started taking fashion classes, and how interesting, she was smart. Already in no inspiration, of the room, she saw, didn’t understand she wanted no other, ideas until got into her own house where her mother and father liver ed with their daughter. like goldilocks, and the tree bears. she got her mother, to get out flashcards, used recipe cards, instead, and drew her vision of her own idea dresses. first idea dresses. and she really doesn’t know where they are now. she outlined her dresses, that was her new idea, she never told anyone. /she could, believe there is another reason, could believe to get away from it all. she thought like that. she needed to be in her dreams .like responding to her tradition, of her lovely, grandma, late passing. Oh she loved sewing, and needed to get better she was serious about this, no stopping her. she put it away. Begin to think about what fashion meant, to Penny. never would she know she would be taking classes at the best school there is. so all that would want to rediscover her life in fashion. authentic, ideas could be so much at all into her

work. already known, already been ever too much at all know it all about fashion. I’m so much to be alone right now in my room to be listening. bangles cd. Only in my room, ever thoughtful and crying she couldn’t make it as a fashion designer. so causes never wanted to b believe that was what she wanted to do at that time, anyway. for now.

It’s okay, whenever it was, a mystery, fashion what did it mean to her. stretch fashion as if to stretch cloth, to fit your body, she learned how to sew, before starting to learn to sew. Descend to d fashion anyway. although would want to believe it’s all okay every day need a try there is another fabric to use. so when you use fabric you believe, you can make a garment, of clothing like what sort of what you see in stores out of the run of the n]mill, ideas everyone where. Oh, it just hands me down clothes, could you understand that would believe it’s all about the love of fashion idea, it’s if she can think of an idea. not at all. Considers her to be another way to be fashionable. ever want to become so much at all. need a new challenge to think of something. need to believe could want to be trying, to a new day you wear fashion, better fashion each day, to get better at it, if possible, she mixed and matched her clothing then. but you don’t need to stretch a piece of fabric if you don’t need to. except for a reason, there is no reason, to be completely=she learned in painting, class, or art classes at her college. personality is everything, you got to be and on the go person. to believe there is an answer to bring out. Thought needs to be perfect in your thinking, even though life is not perfect. weird thought, perfection is what you make of it. jean material can not be stretched but can be made as a dress, like she sen an on a magazine, or her friend back then used to sew dresses, jeans, dresses, it was a thing, she did. how

neat. . shoes are everything, most in most people look at your shoes. or not I have disregarded this is classified as not always true. fabrics could believe this is all used to it. when to become to tell of equal ideas need more stretch. Stretch your ideas a white dress, stripe, could be long, absolutely, when could it believe, could come so much at all. inside the fashion-house. nee to believe could tell you when you needed to be at the fashion house to learn fashion design, who knew, although. near a mile of cloth, some needed a change of scenery, you never understood, it. could you understand, when you can tell the truth your okay? need, to take that mile of cloth, to make your dress, she had no idea, of what how to measure with a ruler, then. or forgot, she had shop class, then it came back to her. you could want to all need something left over, need new life, a stretch, will do.

Chapter two Knit Fabric, throw everything away, never meant any harm, at all learned this in painting, lass, could become alone and never understand the lives of knitting. Is there something, too something? is there something wrong, with me, penny, needed to knit. ever, wonder a little knitting. gos=es the wrong way. what goes in the wrong, way. Let’s never make it makes more to say. needs something else to do, a knit fabric. Could want to be some want to tell, who would want it. what is something out there you want to be proud of who you are? needed some other way needed a new dresses to wear. want a new, knitted dress. and you get it so much. could you let yourself down, yes you could and go to the reason want to never make it on your own, but what’s good, sense in trying, if you don’t know the deal with your feelings, you need a fashion house,

someday, need a fashion house you can grow and learn, fashion, and of course, sexuality if there is a guy or two around. needed somewhere, to believe, it’s an important way, wan to try to believe, it is all you needed to party. whats your party clothes, and dress look like? It’s all you need to be there is want to recover, from. want to tell across, what is wrong, needed a new thing, to d whenever you can believe it’s all you see. knit fabric everything. you, want to try to believe, in yourself could ever be better to believe, all the bells, and whistles go away. you feel good, and you never will understand it, you don’t need to do what someone wants you to do, probably, nothing, he hates your guts, which is probably a. good thing right now, stupid idiot, penny, a guy wants you to do, won’t win your guy, do what the other guy likes to do. every minute, counts, like your boyfriend’s sweater. going to make it your own going to make it to take your little kid phenomena, away, time to grow up in more singing. Everything is wrong, you can not make that great sweater you just can’t make that right, note foe the look you won’t need a new look every day. you need, to believe it gets better to believe to become so much see more of Penny, everything last a little longer, you never cant expect to believe, they’re all there needs to believe its all great. make that great sweater need to your to know you can be true everyone, cud want to believe its all, but do people really care? I don’t know, throw your little kid outfit away whats a circus. you never match up ton your potential is all about you. can believe it’s your baby, toys, needs to grow up make sex toys. what’s the harm in having its grown-up. Want to turn yourself on, made it clear. to be it ever to be appropriate. needles to say it’s all okay you need a new day. It’s all you can do. you can believe it needs your own. ever

could want to know your okay. never, want to mix it up and make it better today. That’s how you have orgies, with house hood products. okay, ever, would believe it’s so much to feel good.

all could believe it all you want to recover from never understand the real. truth. Could I believe there is something else you can get without yourself needing a new idea could believe its right for you? Never, now whats, in particular, it’s never made it great you can believe you’re not at all saying, that at all. you’re serious about ha you can do. need to et it goes and wears your fashion attire. need a new idea. Never could you have felt more lonely. learn to like it make yourself like it, I learned this in study class, on how to study. Works, like a charm, even for marriage too. just a helpful hint. it, the fun in your life comes in words. you don’t have to act like a fool to believe it’s all incorporated. in your idea of business. need a new idea, want to become a new way, would be there would want to try to keep it right. not to say, you can be here, today, however, want to try to tell another idea could want to believe, there is not at all quality with Penny, or anyone else to the home of, she thought. need to begin, a. whole, the new idea of a new way to believe to tell a whole new day, all every day, could believe it’s all you know you believe you can’t trust that, why won’t believe so much to see, you’re really beautiful in fashion and men are handsome also in fashion. alright ever need to try, to keep, my boundaries, every minute, of the hour, could believe, it’s all, cold want to try, another reason too, get by. can you be into yourself as a self, it’s all about you, just t think of yourself in your own shoes, inside out. It’s all about you to make that dress. what look do

you want? Especially, a new idea going somewhere Penny needed a new guy, I guess she did know she was still dating, him. must of had an argument. she needed a new guy matter, to step up, and she found one finally, a great guy. Who steps up to the boundaries. could you understand a little nervousness goes a long way in trying to be cool, and collective, don’t you need it. An idea like what Penny was thinking. so no matter what goes on. you can escape with knitting, and computers, like a hobby to do if you have nothing else to do, which is really what Penny wanted and meant. come to go, with knitting, computer-like on youtube, knitting videos. actually, it’s so wonderful to actually, be in a knitted garment you make for the first time. At the beginning of time people women and men knitted with seven needles or more, or less, it depends, on what they were knitting and used. and technique they used. made all kinds of luxurious, knitted garments, need to believe there is another way to be thought through, a sentimental garment. need to be in the ideas your meant to knit. However, need to read books, and disregard what your mom says she knew s nothing, about your feeling, need to feel for only your ideas, only that. way your feeling will be. actually, a new day could be the common, folk the parents would believe to blend, into a new idea, back in the dark ages. In the 1400s or 1600,s maybe 1200,s ad, new ideas of mayhem, continued, on a new nation, in knitting, which means, they carried, their ideas and other people learned others until other peoples idea, that were a brand, new, out stood the bother people, side, as bettering the technique, used in knitting, during the middle ages. were so much into a new blanket for the fireplace near a bedroom, suite. could want to become used to telling. It’s never your turn to make a dress. a luxurious, dress, they already did that, so it’s hard to not, copy what has already been done, very difficult anyway. a luxurious, address, ever

made for the queen of the manor. Peasants are what you think to know are to be thought of bad, people. ned to relate honor the king, and queen, of the manor. on top. a way to, see you can make it your way only an example, which means, you could are it your way, the hilt, but it needed a new light, even more so, jacket for the summer, nights, i the future, that’s why they made new items, that advanced throughout the years, cause some items, were, not quite, comfortable or couldn’t go with the household, or was, humane, or not. a jacket for spring, jacket, for the summer, air, anyway in the bedroom, attire suite I don’t know is another idea internally. chapter 3, fashion style, everyone needs a new style, but how to go about it, needs a new look. could want to be looked into the rows, of seats ahead of you. Where God wants you. need to be almost a person, who needs to relate to another peon, in prayer. could want to become a person of wit, and might, strength, might is strength, already is gonna be a suffrage day. to need an attire of white to say they’re a sinner and sorry for their sins. says so in the bible in revelations. talking about color, wheels, white is not considered a color, sort of like back, is not considered a color, and doesn’t make sense at all, but adds more, both colors add more to your clothes wardrobe, the wardrobe you wear, fancy coats. to look, bad in winter. so can you understand a new day to run, away from a shopping spree, you don’t want, cause you don’t want to get those same white, back, taupe, ugly colors you already have in your room? in your color combinations in your clothing, the color of your clothing, almost really going to be there want to relate yourself going to Palm, Beach Florida, you have to take, your colors in consideration, cause of the warmer climate and how the clothes, make your feel. vacation of a lifetime. It’s not so fair to not admit a new idea for another reason, to

believe there are some jackets das come through. another day a sad day goes blind, it was a new fashion idea market, with a tshirt to color. wear what’s on your mind, you can believe it’s alright to be okay, to dream ain’t, ever, to dream not to dream. dreaming is not a good, thing, nit in a fashion not at all reluctant, to afford a new wardrobe, already comes further to hi the guy you love someday soon. and you found that guy now. such a day comes in a day of looking good. a requirement, for a new workable, date even made required it will not ever, work so why are you there. penny had exboyfriends that made her feel that way in the past. but now it is different. caused to be broken-hearted, awhile ago, she had so many ex-boyfriends, so, it was a long time ago. were the exboyfriends break your heart. she found one that is great for her, heart. love her heart. the old days, come to an end, in itself so when you dating, and it breakups up, ex-boyfriend, wise, you have to find someone else, to date anyway. right you don’t want to be alone, but you don’t have to anymore. be openminded, about fashion, and other things, seem to dream, in the right expectancy, I think it works that way affordable to your feelings come tonight. but how much can you say, your outfit costs it reminds you of stalking a past ex-boyfriend. your only truly ex-boyfriend, ever comes along. class is not to be taken seriously I was told that by a counselor, and i realized now that’s wrong, it is to be taken seriously. if you really want to get married. she was so wrong and hurt me for years. back then. so inspect your clothes, a juicy fruit not to chew on, and before you live and dream, back then, and now. you can be a dreamer state of mind you ant to be n the style of dreams, your location dreams, nothing wrong with dreaming. but there niching wrong with reality, penny couldn’t see then right at that moment, anyway, so far she hasn’t understood, that. so so much could believe, that your way to attractive to live your

life, is not true, I used to be that, and its a lie. you can live your life, being attractive you don’t have to live a sorry life being attractive you can live a good life being attractive. she was very sad back then penny how often it would be for her. could want to be nice to everyone, she said everyone in a way that she didn’t know anymore, she thought only. knew more people that she thought had bad self-confidence problems, back then. Penny was scared, you can be just as good as those friends, of yours, and you can also have that look. type of good attuned and understanding something could come from within, but her feelings always end in decay. she loved fashion anyway. made her feel better, her best friend is fashion, design, she loved, it saved her life. she needed help, everyone, needed help, she thought, to dress, well. dress, for success. There was her optimism, coming out. she had a lot of boundaries to get away from. bible boundaries, things she misunderstood the Bible about. she leaves no recollection, of knowing what to wear. she just went for it, put it on, see what goes together, and matched it made it better with jewelry, and style she learned in magazines did her own emphasis, on it, and wore that to college, that way. she didn’t, know what to do with her outfit, like a shirt or pants, obviously, she needed real ideas to goby, style trends, she didn’t know back then. she needed a new idea of fashion to understand. she was not at all reluctant, to behave, it’s never okay, to just be okay. near made sense at all, what means, to you, smart, for what you need. todo. so changed into another reason, to believe it’s never intriguing, across of new years outfit anyway, it goes without knowing, why can’t you accept it. so often to be better, off could want to try to make it on her own. way down the street. street fashion is well into the way f the hearts and minds, it never makes it on her own, way down the street. It makes a

statement, it goes without being so rude. got it now never understand what comes across to a new day, comforts, you anyway. The to come to believe it’s ever coming, back, in fashion, or a new fashion trend idea, has been brought in t replace it, is that better off? loud you believe, it’s better off to hide from your friends don’t stare at me, learn. hard lesson, from that, but it will take lessons, to learn. what makes it okay to be sure it is ever, going to be okay. Come between another way. Want to recover another choice to become another reason to be controlled again would never understand a new time. Could never time could want to be made to make it right. Ever need another choice would rather believe there is no other attitude ever coming up toward a new day. Could rather believe another chance to believe could make it right. Fashion could rather make it only toward believe could no other way, would become so much at all, to believe it’s another chance to fashion. Make it right. Want to become another choice could, want to believe it’s another choice, to rather make it clear. Not at all, not good enough to believe to become so much at another chance could rather make sense another day, won’t make sense it another chance choice could combine another way. Never make it only there could want to believe another chance could want to believe theres another chance to come believe this another chance of fashion sets ip to believe its all up to believe . Want to become another choice its never could not to believe make more fun in fashion. Never say anything could rather make it right never since you could want to recover from a. New day. Believe it’s another there is another chance to complete another way wit, believe it is against the chance recommend another reason. Want to become another choice could tell another way would want to believe it could rather be full, of love of fashion.

However, makes sense at all none other would sense at all. Need another to recommend, the other side of fashion. another way would be there could not make it right for another way, the way would make it certain, In the help comes sort of in the way. Another way would become so much at all want, to believe there is another chance in fashion. Another fashion degrees need another way, want to be for never make sense of it all. At all at once ever needs to believe could want to recollect another chance to believe it’s all okay. Another idea could rather make sensate of all needed to believe there is want to try to make it understand anew way, would make it could believe it could not want to make sense out of all fashion ways. What makes sense since another way makes sure could believe there is another choice to become, another way toward another chance could rather believe could not make it so certain t believe it’s all okay. Never make sense that other people could want to recommend another day, would believe its near could admit another day would be all fashion concerns. Never enough it could believe its never could want to recommend a new way its all the way to become another chance to come from herself makes sure another reason could be fun of fashion. Chapter 5 jean design Cute jeans can be made by design and a creative mind. Another chance toward freedom from a chance to work another jean fabric for fashion. Fashion jeans come to between another way won’t believe it’s all, into jeans designs ever comes before a new diet gets from a new dance. Another chance would rather be better off without a chance could rather become lately. Believe it, understand another chance to believe could tell against another chance makes it interesting. Fashion starts nevermore it against the choices to regain to believe another

chance to come to form jeans. Jean fabrics everything comes from another chance to become another chance to benefit ever since I know a chance to be better. Believe this against all odds need to be between another will be done. Ever since another chance could rather make sense ever home. Believe there is a chance to find another way. Begins to become a jeans girl in a jeans outfit. ‘Want to recommend a new idea would believe would want to become either would make sense of it all. Understand another way, would believe it’s all okay. Jean fashion is a guess on a new diet would believe every chance could tell one that. Would be there. Sometimes jeans had been the thing a jeans handbag. the idea of a dream, jeans idea is painted jeans but in her own abstract art mind. Something felt good comfortable o the skin was sort of so much to be sort of not at all, into fashion. Into fashion needed a new idea of fashion with jeans really want to recommend a new date wearing a jeans and headband these day been said. Already. Needed a new idea, could come to a new idea, would believe it’s so much could compare about her thoughts get in the way. All the way would she rather make another jean outfit could want to recommend , the days go wild with jeans. So far the girl needed to make other ideas to refer her instructions on paper. rather become open up to the ideas ever been so much at all alone could she shatter be still. Hardly ever need a new idea. Ever need. A great idea would get any from the choices could have become another chance to be a Fashion designer. Going to believe it never could rather make it work, it is all undecided. Never needed a new idea to make fashion designer feel

better, actually would become more open to the idea, that jeans, could be frayed, jeweled, sequined or buttoned. Could come and see your ideas in power point format. Need a new idea, could be so hard to think about. Need a new ideal, could believe it’s so, okay to believe it’s all too much to bear. Could rather make sense of it all. Never mind, could not make it underneath all the way it comes through. ‘She was a computer and beautiful but hot the way boys liked, they liked their girls mean and rude so other girls. Wearing dress-me-down jeans. It was a fought, to want to portray to the world as a crude word as you like they get all the sex you get your crude jeans. Never could you say fashion is not physical, it is so cool. To believe you’re so cool, today is not so swell. Bit there was no spark in her eye was not charismatic and hated other girls. Need to portray them that way like a work of art, in clothes, they weren’t she knew how clothes people thought these days about, commercial work of art. So much like everything was wrong, Like nothing was wrong, how depression clothes is that? She was sick of living that way but had no choice, in wearing clothes, like that. She choose her life, her clothes felt so dam wanted to be suicidal bad outfits clothes, which already came, but I’m making a fashion announcement more so in fashion and artwork with chains, and clothes, and more so, the suicidal, punk outfits. And the Harley quit, more than that. All put together, in a great sexy fashion statement, for girls and guys. The guys are not feline, rough, and edging to a guy. And she tried fashionable, good clothes, to Mae her feel better, she was so sad in her suicidal clothes. So many friends he left Pennies and her mind. Was so startling, to know they left her, she wants to be crude with her crude fashion like her crude self. She was not religious either. She was crude and a hypocrite was sort of like a heathen, never

cared at all. But it was good, cause nothing to worry about didn’t care. Heathen, like through the world she would live that way with clothes, needed not to be yelled, at. Instead of her friends, she thought she didn’t have complimented Penny, on her great outfits. She was so much, Penny, could she understand how people wear, these days rude and crude and wore just about anything, clean and smelly and old and ugly Like their ugly selves in clothes. But then could not try to believe there was no way to be happy, in fashion, so many rules and not enough fashion. Concerns for fewer rules. But gender means and woman rules, matter, woman were, feminine, men were rough and awesome. But it comes to believe it’s all across the choices, transsexuals, also. Penny could want to believe it’s all that way, but not everyone was a transexual, not, at all that way. Most weren’t. The majority, wasn’t, at all. She wanted a real girl to become a real dresser. She was sad about dressing badly, oh she could be so much long-wearing cuddly clothes to get ready for the unexpected lounging around. Complain she must not be so much upset with herself it was a lonely world, anyway, rough ugly clothes everyone wore. Most people, not everyone. Do way want to believe these not, want to try to be that way anyway, to come across to know who she is. ‘Whenever she felt not safer it was known her flowers, grey sweatband sparkly shirt, she wore that day, different from the norm, her own design. And of course, back jeans. She felt very tested and rudely abandoned and missed too much. Going to believe this was so much at all, want to believe it’s all so much to be s much alone In clothes, so sad. So happy valentines day, in hearts jeans, never matter it was so much could it believe too much to believe its too much more to be better to be with your guy, or girl a valentines day jeans. Need to say, you can’t understand and never mind you

can believe this recommends a choice you can run on by believing it too much could really, believe tis so much to be creative. Chapter6 Victorian Fashion Mark your territory in Victorian fashion. I had the first dream, of being a victorian fashion designer actually, there is a way toward your dreams. Just do it, I didn’t, but working up to it. So important to design, you’re victorian, corset wear in a fancy attire better work lovely woman. Need to become another chance to believe could really come to believe there is something to be gorgeous about. So you really believe you can not be half of a fashion designer you didn’t want to be. A regular fashion designer is your dream into reality. You don’t have to be a singer to be a victorian designer. Be like Victoria Beckham, you will be famous, and she’s doing music, and singer also. So working hard and getting your best features is the key to a great dress. Flowers for every occasion, knock yourself out. Need time to believe this is the day of design. You’re a princess at heart. You love looking gorgeous, need a new look. Understand you’re very nice and you need to change your attitude into a forceful attitude, and get things accomplished. Be the best designer you can be. Write your own memoir. You can believe you’re interested in fashion you can feel better, to work harder. How often do you care so much want to believe you could not make a mess of patterns, no mess here be neat. How you can believe it’s hard work to before gotten too far know you must be careful with Victorian fashion design. It would not be right to use rules. How of ten you go to church looking crabby, freshen up what to look good. Never have always used friends to help your new look. You

are miss America’s Dream and you will be into your own dream, fashion design, everyone can be. Really makes another reason could collect your thoughts and write on papers get ideas. I’m never making it right you can always change your look. This is for a fashion book, you know about fashion. What makes it look right to make it your stage to romp through. The stage is everything in dresses, victorian dresses make it your dress, add your own touch to it. Believe in fashion you can do it get books, fashion design books, how to do things, form a store. With a pattern, or not, if you know how to make garments without a pattern. You can still go to the store, learn from what you see at a store, get ideas, for what they have there try something new they have there to buy. Boutique stores for instance are the best they’re uniquely inspired for you. You can recognize the best you can be in victorian fashion in a bow tire dress. Every idea comes, naturally. Everyone could understand you’re better, your number one charisma in your life, you are. Ore exciting than you think you are. Believe you can become it, girl., Fashion designer. A little surprise doesn’t hurt anyone. You can keep your profile, and get your signature out there on clothes. Get to play your part if you’re having trouble, make yourself love your job. If it gets to be not much fun, ad too much work, at times. I have been through that, take a break. Try something new. I tried singing and added it to my collection of artistic fashion design talent, at first then it took off, not far yet though, but taking off. I want it all singing and fashion design and will go out to all lengths to do it. Not all got to have some boundaries and goals, and values. You need values, you value yourself as a designer, and get your groove on being the better designer you can possibly be. /work at long nights if you can, everyone could. But some cant, like me, I can’t get a project

done in a night. But try to be healthy, and unharmful, Think of your body don’t overwork yourself take breaks and you’ll do fine.

Chapter 7 Lights, On Stage Light shines through, your whole line you made it picture and you need an audience. No tears your shyness get the word out. Art commissions drawings, drawing make your house into a fashion house if parents approve, or not. Only if you believe you can market your own stuff. Not to believe, you need a little mistake in your audience you have none. You have a boyfriend, it’s all you can believe your smart need to prove, need to prove it, and believe you’re the number one girl, or not. Believe you can take it on yourself and be the only girl that knows what she’s doing. Really could ever need a new language. Need a new fashion style for the stage. Wrong you can expect not to mistake your way to a dream your own dreams, coming true you can have a great boyfriend, pray for him. You can back your career and be the one. But if god, is not hearing your prayers and won’t answer them the way you want him to. Another guy believes it’s never too sure you’re to know it does not believe it’s going to be drama free never understand the truth could not believe it is not too much too far ahead to go down the line. Not another idea could rather make sure you are so much into yarn own design fashion comes t the rescue, you can be it girl, and get your designs out. Open up see your hidden talents, and do some research on their things. You are better than a can possibly understand, you sure you can believe you’re indecent desperation is not what

you want. Unheard of to believe. It’s got to believe it’s got to be a given talent to believe it’s near enough to make it a workout. When you can believe you can be a drama queen In your new attire. Wear it well, but the unknown factor you can believe to the best you possibly been running apart to know who you can be the best part and you need to believe its never too late for yourself down the line. Need to become a great way want to feel better to dramatize the features of your models. Would ever want to believe its all you can do to become your own attire. You need or a new way of doing things. When it is a new way of doing things. Could possibly be turned away, couldn’t be turned away hear what would you believe it’s going to be okay. Aren’t you they’re ever going to be so far alone, out there holding your clothes going down the line. Ever make it alone could believe its all could want to recover from a new day. Ever can believe this s so much you can become so little a bit helps you the long way through. Tears of anger, never get away from you. Chapters would lead you astray and need to believe you are capable of being better, and neither could want to rise to the attention. To believe this is what you can do to believe there is more you can wear be there much more make sure you are given the talent to do this in the choices you made. Allow your ideas to come close to a new you become ever to know who a person related neither making sense of t all. Want to push the limits to break yourself into a self line not a new line of fashion design. Chapter 8 Brand New Day Clothes rags to riches were part of her problem changed her mind and could believe it over, to become I hardly know you. You could want to be okay once in a while and try

to be okay. A brand new day to be a view, before needling anew place to become the place gets to believe this could want t take the right idea needed to be Blessed as Jesus loves her. Bu that could want the better way, a new outfit brighten your day. As bad as a new place to be better become so much at all, need more to before, could rather be there. Want to become usually t believe it’s ever, going to be okay. Need a new man to brighten your day to a new diet get from a place to believe you can talk, the way past look away, and see yourself with another man. You finally, moved on, finally took you a long time but you moved on. /want to believe everything is good, yes but not great. Nothing is great but God. The. The place to believe this is the end of your ex-boyfriend. You found someone, else better finally. But you don’t know your fashion d=sense and become less aware of it makes your dress, better to full out of your better body, features. Want to prove it’s all a good day to be f, feel better each day. Stepping stones why dark companion did not work out, he was all wrong for you. No more dark attire, fashion has changed. When you can feel good, knitting sweaters for yourself can be the new fashion idea to believe you’re writing ever gets in your label on a piece of paper. Some were, someday. But you can tell a new way of learning to be yourself is making a comeback and you did not give up your second dream wish is not about fashion so, you’re the second dream. A new idea of fashion, singing, music in fashion lines, you’re being prepared to believe its coming, a place to believe to know what would be true to become a new day gets too much. But you need a change along, haul but a change indeed to get over your intimacy problem and be sexual I clothe your way. So it’s all about truth inspiring you to be there and see

The reason to believe it’s all okay to be usually, every day. Every minute counts. Want a new commitment, leave a new guy behind you never ever met it was hard to do. Hard to need a new idea cold to believe to hear the thoughts ever into you. To become a new idea at being thereto be forever to know you not alone anymore. Drab fashions are out, you found the right manor your dreams, and it’s been too far to hold you down to make it work. Almost would become so much more than a way would want another way could believe it’s another choice to believe. Can you believe that you’re going to become a rock star and a fashion designer? Can you draw your own attention to your ideal movement comes to a new environment, want gets you in trouble. But you deal with as you know now, comes to be so solid, now, you can’t believe its seen known to be apart, of dreams could want to believe it ever can be apart the way want to believe its too, much to handle it ever, makes more it ever more fact to believe its neither your fault nor your own. But true you’re better off knowing it won’t, last long. We’re too much for some time comes in hand and hand. You cant understand another way to be okay comes to believe it comes to believe it’s also can believe it’s never too late to make it right to believe it’s okay. Want to prove you’re a student to be a fashion designer get your way into a good school goes to be in the time, and place you want to be.

Chapter 9 Baby Doll Clothes

Frilly handmaid clothes really believes to be in style right now this summer of 2012 you can tell your into a person

you want to be. Your frilly scarf its all you need to impress others, gets you in distress. What’s more, you cant bow, to someone else’s clothes. It’s so happened, clothes are expensive still anyway. Some people aren’t allowed to get those clothes, go to buy your own clothes. It so happens, clothes are expensive and really mark the way you end up wearing them. can you tell you can be so much in love with a garment of clothing, mentor believe it’s not to become so much interested in another piece, of clothing? Frilly handmaid ideas. I need a challenge for all the way you deal with yourself . Whenever you find another place to be liked, to be anywhere you want to be. E explained the new day, each known okay to tell you can be right. Not at all, like, this going back near, when I could be there is someone could not become so much to believe. Normality would become so much hooked to different benefits to believing it takes a while to believe it’s all right to believe in yourself. So often you can believe it’s so much to begin to become unusual that this belief is so much to begin to become unusual to believe in yourself. So often you can believe it’s so much to begin to become unusual for believe this is so much to want. There is so much to be through another way, so when can believe this is so much to understand a new day. Frilly, whether chills need more sun, to believe it’s too hard to become crazy to understand another opportunity changes anything. Whenever still down to earth could want to believe there can make it better to beige is soon, to believe there is some way to believe approach stability. In fashion rather gets to believe it’s so much could want to believe there is somewhere a frilly pillowcase comes to rather in a room of luxury.

When can believe to welcome the sense that you can believe this time, come between the sprinkle uses on a piece of paper print? Which is all you can know to say about another year. Another year with fashion and all its frills is never going to be okay. Near understanding the truth at the time goes to belief to become unaware of yourself. Wen, ever it’s all that comes between there is another way that could have been better. Each day. Never knowing, the days gone to know frilly, was in. Whenever you see what would believe could want to try what would you tell to be right, want to try could tell would be so right. Today. Near what you can imagine a place gets hooked on its charm and beauty goes into being. Whenever you feel so much believe this has gotten so much. To do with yourself. Making that dress look, good, want to believe there is another way. Would believe it’s so not at all a coincidence. Want to require a lot of mysteries led to a downfall, a need for a new place to be. Want to believe there’s somewhere, could want to become another place. Hardly ever need another thought could become as a new idea comes into being to make another idea go away. Getting out of a lot of stressful activity, comes t believe the only way to see the frilly, coat you made. Really, unbelievable realization needed to come back to believe it’s all okay to believe there’s no way out, to know who you could come to believe it never so much to believe you cant tell why. Want to believe there is a time to call, into another day let go, and never, return to yourself needs a chance to feel, so much to see the day. Another day would become so much could believe there is someday could become so much at all could believe there is more to see who dreams, to become so much to be surprised. At all times to be sure you recognize, a place to e somehow to know who could believe another one mesh of an attitude could believe it’s so important.

To believe you can possibly, see another frilly idea. Want whatever would not be ready for the love of fashion is not a steady thing. Need to be the way you walk down the stairs, what do you wear. Because another reason to believe there can cope is to want to believe when could believe things too late to be in a baby doll dress. Already need, a possible relate metaphor to have come what you want to become what you want to acme so much t be there is another way. It doesn’t matter at all need to say what’s wrong with fashion uses lots of things to understand what new to believe your t be okay, want to do it right, fashion design .make it into a fashion school your school, be crazy with fashion, is baby doll clothes wrap you up nice.

Chapter 10 Relieves your sense’s work and progress

Whenever you see a woman in the store and wonder why they look the way they do, most likely you can believe you in it for progress, whenever you try to prove a point to a conclusion there is a relapse of your life pass by you. I think about that, all the time I am a deep thinker in my own way. So, the words of wisdom, work hard do better in silence, Amy makes no sense but you got to draw your attention to a purposeful reason to believe nothing, else could want to believe the tie comes to believe that never could want to believe to become, so much at all want to beehive there much to believe there is so much to become to know. To know who could come to pursue, another day, want to believe another reason could want to believe there is so much at all neither could believe more hard work. But never could take another thought could want to believe

there is no way the time could come to be drawn into a place called, your fashion house. Fashion design much could want to believe there is more to become the thought could want to believe there s so much at all enough to become so much at all never could want to believe to become so much tot ell the thought, could believe could want to be s much better. Much at all know much could rather believe there is so much to say. All the reasons could want to believe never could want to become so much at all reasons could believe there is so much at all. All thoughts could want to believe so much at all, there is want to be knowledgeable. Could want to believe it was all okay. Much of all want to believe could at all much not want to believe they’re so much to do about the change to be another day with want, to become a not the chance to come to form fashion. Fashion never would believe could want to become, so much at all, welcome. Never could want to be there, is to become much alone near fashion. The then that wold receive could want to become so much at all the time could wait upon, another time, need to believe it’s all okay. Wan to separate wants to of fashion more to believe its all, okay, to be enough to tell all the choices you want to believe too much at all, another chance to be okay. This has got no longer needs another day to move forward in fashion. Already leave around the day comes to across, the day wan to come from another way, would believe to tell, how who could wan to be fashion. Design ever went to believe to tell. , the whole could want to believe it could not tell who could want to believe there. Is not the way, want to become so much. Become so much at all what would believe, cold want to come from near want to believe too much to become so much at all.

Wan too believes it coming to send the fashion design would want to become so much another way would much at all, need a new idea to believe it’s so much fashion Neds to be around the whole reason. Fashion design wants to believe too much believe it’s so much at all needed to be okay want to believe into another idea would become so much fashion to understand, understand a new day want to believe to ant fashion design could want o to be there. Wan to believe there is a come a reason to better could want to believe who knows could want to become a better way. Another way would want to bereave did not become another year wood belief to be more could want to believe recover form fashion. What to tell to understand another way, of the fashion world would be better. Fashion wants to believe it’s never coming out to believe it’s near could return another fashion design, could want to believe this is t much to fashion. Could want to believe they could want to come to form a peasant room and could believe fashion design still haters. Fashion concepts could believe, wants to believe it’s all the reason who could tell, want to tell how, the reasons, could want to come to the choice to seem. So strange. Fashion, design, would want too beige to know what cool want to believe this coming to the reason we come from fashion stories ahead of us. Continue to a new idea when can believe want to come for the choices to believe its so much fashion inner lives. To keep up with it. /going to believe this is all the choices to believe it’s so much fashion it’s already into another way could believe too much. /want to come to form the reason, to tell who will be fashion designer in you. Want to become the reason how would you believe it’s never

caused when to come back it’s all too much for fashion to ask for. Chapter 11, Fashion as Awhile

Could not believe its understanding at times, could not want to believe its all the reasons to become it’s all right won’t come to believe it all there to become so much at all better. Could believe to become so much at all, better could believe to come to form another way to believe its king to be want to recover to The Who wants to welcome your feelings to could want more fashion style design. Want to believe this is a better way of overthinking it an a whole story Want to believe you can help to be another choice, comes to be another way wants to recover another reason to want more fashion to learn about it. Want to come to form knowing all the time concerned believes it’s all, could rather believe it’s going to believe it’s so much causing to tell who wants to, the thought could want to be better to tell. I know everything about fashion design. Who could be another choice could ever want fashion later in the day wants to become. When actually every day want to believe it’s near to know who could want another time today want the fashion as a whole. Want to believe it’s all okay, want to be nothing else, it comes to the way fashion begins to say. However, can be forgotten fashion. Where it can be from the way fashion was not forgotten and kept moving anyway. The movement kept moving. Until fashion kept moving on. Ever want to understand fashion lets you start to be free from the things that distract you for a while you are a designer.

Keeping another choice you must make to be. A fashion designer or just a “fashion designer”. There are differences you should want to remember to believe it starts to become alone to be cool whatever, another day with your pencil and paper. When wold never would be certain such things could believe its all better. You could not so much it all to be a fashion designer. Wan to know this is known wan to be believed to explain drawings conclusion as a whole. It’s much to be surprised to become s much at all neither would be so unafraid need to believe in another time resembles character and responsibility needed to be portrayed to become another way could you know. There is another chance that this is so much to do about those reasons to be sure of yourself. Wet. To believe the truth word days are far gone this is certainly okay when a lot of people could be so much better fashion designers. Could be so sure so true, ever known to come from another reason to be used to the fact it’s all that way, you can see the changes that way. Fashion forecasts your dreams into a million pieces it’s for you to pick up all the pieces. Ever need a real idea to understand another chance tone fashionable. Take c chance to draw your conclusions, scared to want to release your concerns. You want to be a famous fashion designer is the other that’s much harder, hurts your Brian, trying t put it all together. To be put forward. And see someone needs to be in the design movement. Yes, effort and time knowing it would become there is another choice to become unaware of a way you can be what you want. Fashion design is so much at all wanted to become to be at the reasons to believe too much to become acquainted with the business.

Chapter 12 fashion Society Fashion is a better way of beginning to believe it is all about the reasons, to believe to be forward another idea. Would believe another day like this becomes a day in another idea. Could become this way toward another idea, would be another day another way to be okay. Need another fashion choice, could want to believe this is could want to come back you could believe this is getting some time to become only another reason to get to love fashion. This is good enough don’t want to get away from fashion to get better, to another idea, really could want to be on a new day. What among with society Fashion is kicking with the excitement. Won’t believe this is coming back, toward, ever make it to know it all could be. Believe this could not be a fashion designer. And it could not come to form another way, another idea won’t matter won’t get long enough to belie this cold want to get away from the reason. Getting warm t to become so much of a society’s choice. Want to belie t could a choice to get way what fashion means. This could want to be true. Another idea cold wants the reasons, believed there is no idea to get away from not believing in another with a new idea for good society stuff. Cool want to believe ideas get to be that way this is going to become so little hard to resist there is usually begin to be able to draw conclusions again next to knows another version that it’s all okay to like fashion anyway. The way that it’s all okay to be fashion designers, on the grand scale. The thin is too much not the right idea there is another idea to be. Not like all should be fashions at all annoyed. To know t much at all could wait to beehive you can be beyond the day you could a good mission is to be good. want to believe this could not want t a sexy attire. Caused your day to believe this is the skin I love

my stain, this is to believe to much fashion gone wrong, But you can tell this is too much to believe this is too strange to begin to use too many clothes, on a person but you can be a disaster the fashion designer whatever. And that’s a conclusion to what I think that I know that I think of, the time, I really appreciated fashion in the mall. I always loved fashion, which is probably true. Oh well, that’s okay, I’m okay with that.

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