Wellness program module 1 fluids

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The Ultimate Health & Wellness Program Module #1 - Fluids With Sarah Phipp Health Guru. Nutritional Therapist. Transformational Coach.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


About Me…. !  10 years ago I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome !  I started to look at health holistically !  Trained at the College of Natural Nutrition !  Last 3 years have also trained in state of mind (the Inside-Out paradigm) - now I also teach clients the psychology behind health & wellness

!  I have a worldwide client base !  I’m now in the best health of my life J.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids We are made up of 75% water (depending on our fat content), and the brain close to 80%:

!  Common sense that depletion in our stock of water is going to affect our ability to function.

!  It affects our very being and how we show up in the world. Dry contracted state – open and expansive.

!  To reach our full potential and be true to ourselves we need to be properly hydrated.

!  We know that without water in a dessert we would perish very quickly.

!  We are like the roots of a plant that can only survive with water, and

like the plant the water holds our deepest energy as a human being.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  The majority of people drink little or no water preferring tea, coffee and soft drinks. They are likely to suffer poorer health and will project this in their demeanor.

!  People lose their natural instinctive need for water. !  On top of this our body’s first messages of dehydration through symptoms of ill health are dealt with by ‘medical practitioners (who) have been taught to silence these signals with chemical products.’

!  As demonstrated by Dr Batmanghelidi, water was the most basic medicine available to the prisoners he treated, and was shown to have an enormous positive effect on their ill health.

!  The body’s water content is often (incorrectly) assumed to act only as a solvent, a space filler, a chemically insignificant ‘packing material’.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  An excellent portrayal of water’s ability to hold messages can be shown in the ‘3 samples’ rice experiment;

Ø  the rice that had degenerated and was unfit for consumption, was the sample that had very poor treatment. It had the worst hydration of the 3 samples.

Ø  conversely the rice sample that had lots of love and care, with the same amount of water, was very edible by the end of the experiment.

!  Water is very susceptible to its environment and is affected by all sorts of stress factors often found in our busy daily lives such as; pollution, electromagnetic waves (e.g. Wifi, smart phones, iPads, computers, telephone masts) to stresses in relationships or at work.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  Our bodies lose on average between 3 to 4 pints of water a day

through sweat, breathing and urination, so if we don’t drink the recommended four pints of water a day, where is all this fluid coming from?

!  We need fluids to function; every organ needs fluid to achieve its job effectively in the form of blood, bile, gastric juices, saliva etc.

!  Our very clever ‘water management’ system transports nutrients to the more vital organs to confront and deal with any new ‘stress.’

!  When we do not replace lost fluids, our bodies do what they can to remain functioning as well as they can and try to keep us as well.

!  The body will start to utilize some of the water normally used for its functioning, which in turn slowly depletes its water supply.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Good hydration allows the body to perform its necessary functions:

!  Clearing waste > impairs cellular cleansing and increases toxicity !  Urination and comfortable bowel movements !  Digestion (saliva and enzymes) !  Movement of hormones (electrical messages) & delivery of nutrients !  Clear thinking and good memory (in extreme cases the brain can lose up to 40% of its normal hydration)

!  Good quality sleep.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Examples of poor hydration in a person: !  Acute or chronic illness

!  Fever

!  Constipation and other more severe !  Dry skin that has lost its elasticity digestive disorders: IBS, colitis, Crohn’s

!  Dry eyeballs and sunken eyes with shadows underneath

!  For men - inability to produce fluid on ejaculation, for women - dry genitals

!  Acne due to poor elimination of toxins/dry skin/eczema

!  Few or no tears when crying

try the pinch test.

!  High and low blood pressure !  Headaches !  Low energy levels and tiredness !  Minimal, dark urine !  Muscle cramps !  Cystitis !  Anxiety and panic attacks

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids More severe problems of dehydration long term: !  Kidney stones

!  Liver problems

!  High cholesterol

!  Joint damage

!  Chronic digestive issues

!  Muscle damage

!  Allergies

WARNING: diarrhea &/or vomiting, fever for 24 hours, bloody stools, or you can't drink any liquids, you must seek a doctor’s advice. Infants are far more vulnerable to dehydration and would need attention much quicker than an adult. Warning signs include, fewer wet nappies, drowsiness, dry mouth.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids The importance of hydration cannot be emphasized enough if good health is to be achieved and maintained. When the body becomes dehydrated the day and night cellular cleansing becomes impaired. Movement of essential electrolytes calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium - become impaired and toxicity builds up. The body becomes very acidic, contracted and stagnant. This in turn impairs the body’s ability to take in light, which is vital for good health. www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids When we are properly hydrated the day night exchange is achieved with ease and the electrolytes move freely. The cells hold the correct charge, which allows the negative charge of the electrons to accept the photons of light outside of the cell membrane. The flow of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium is achieved with ease and the macrocosm is brought into the body through light.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Importance of Cell Hydration

1. Toxicity is released at cellular level into the lymphatic system (some leaves via skin/lungs).

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Importance of Cell Hydration

2. The toxic lymph then drains into the blood (some leaves via skin/lungs).

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Importance of Cell Hydration

3. The blood passes through the liver (where toxins are filtered out).

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Importance of Cell Hydration

4. The liver excretes the toxic bile into the bowel.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Importance of Cell Hydration

5. From the bowel, the toxins are excreted from the body.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Choice of fluids

!  Challenging: coffee (including decaffeinated), black tea, fruit teas, fruit juice, squash, fizzy drinks, sports or energy drinks, alcohol, fluoridated & chlorinated water & other poor quality water (including bottled, leached BPA & other chemicals) > stimulates adrenals, disrupts absorption of nutrients, diuretic, metabolic burden.

!  Unchallenging or less challenging: herbal teas, lemon water, green juices, high quality coconut water, stock or broth, linseed tea, nut milks, good quality water. Sadly our water supply is being continually polluted, but unlike air and earth pollution there is a lot you can do about it.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Water filtration

!  Options: fit under sink reverse osmosis (RO) unit, buy gravity fed water jug system e.g. Brita.

!  The ideal: built in RO water filtration system that filters out chlorides, fluoride, heavy metals and is left at a balanced pH. (Distilled water is very acidic and alkaline water is too alkaline). This also avoids plastic contaminants. RO systems are good but ideally should add minerals back in, or add them yourself with ionic trace mineral drops.

!  Adding fresh lemon/lime to water awakens it again - as processing can deaden the water - enabling your body to better flush out toxins.

!  Fluoride is a by-product of aluminium and a neuro-toxin (see documentary The Age of Aluminium in Facebook Group).

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  Traditional Chinese Medicine: water element = fear & anxiety. !  Importance of the cell: person mimics behaviour of cell – open & fluid or closed & inflexible?

!  Adrenals – fight or flight mode. Stress = dehydration and dehydration = stress.

!  Dr Batmanghelidj’s book Your Body’s Many Cries For Water - surmises ‘chronic dehydration is the root cause of most major degenerative diseases of the human body.’

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  A dehydrated person mimics the position of the cell, becoming very closed off and withdrawn from the functioning around it. The microcosm is no longer in sync with the macrocosm.

!  In extreme cases the brain can lose up to 40% of its normal hydration, a

shocking fact when the brain is uppermost in the preference of allocation of water supply.

!  This can be clearly seen in cases of severe illness, when a person may no longer identify with the world around them, becomes very insular and isolated in their response, seemingly almost cut off - very clearly seen in cases of autism.

!  Conversely, when hydration occurs and the dehydration alert is switched off,

the newly hydrated, well and ‘open’ person has a radically different experience of the world around them and a better connection is made with their surroundings and can better interpret messages both inside and outside of their body.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Stress = dehydration, dehydration = stress > dehydration alert

Types of stress:

1.  Emotional stress, (we’ll look at this in more detail in the psychology behind health and wellness 3 part series).

2.  Lifestyle & environmental stress. 3.  Stress from a challenging diet.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids 1. Emotional stress It’s common for people to find emotional stress in all areas of their lives:

!  Intimate relationships !  Parenting !  Money !  Work !  Health. (We’ll look at this in more detail in the psychology behind health and wellness 3 part series)

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids 2. Lifestyle & environmental stress

!  Use natural cleaning products, detergents and fragrances in your home.

!  Avoid chlorine bleach, strong solvents, ammonia and products that use antibacterial triclosan.

!  Avoid VOC’s in wallpaper, paint, floor coverings. !  Choose mattresses made from natural materials or alternatively a mattress topper made of wool or organic cotton. Choose organic cotton towels and sheets.

!  Toxins in vaccinations and medications.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids 2. Lifestyle & environmental stress (cont.)

!  Limit exposure to EMF radiation from smart phones, tablets, computers, TVs, gas & electric smart meters.

!  Be choosy about what you put on your hair and skin. Choose the

safest ingredients you can as you still absorbs 80% of what you put on your body.

!  Avoid highly toxic ingredients like parabens, phthalates & sodium

lauryl sulphate. Check out the safety of your toiletries and make up here:

www.ewg.org/skindeep/ www.safecosmetics.org

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids 3. Stress from challenging diet

!  Eat organic whenever possible and buy local or grow your own. !  Dangers of microwaves, non-stick cookware and plastic storage. !  Read food labels and avoid food chemicals and additives like

MSG, trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils), artificial flavours, colours and sweeteners.

!  Buy fresh foods and cook meals from scratch for maximum nutrient quality and low salt and sugar content.

!  Drink and cook with good quality drinking water.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids What does a challenging diet look like? !  Black Tea and coffee !  Artificial flavours, colours and sweeteners !  Sugar !  Alcohol !  Wheat and other gluten containing grains !  Damaged fats and oils !  Drugs.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids !  A healthy person urinates seven to eight times per day. !  Your urine should be pale yellow (lighter than that and you’re drinking too much, darker than that too little).

!  Listen to your body. !  Nothing is more hydrating than fresh water to replace liquids that you've lost.

!  If you experiment by cutting drinks other than water for 1 week you’ll notice your natural thirst come back.

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids Module #1 Resources

!  Linseed tea benefits and recipe !  Almond milk recipe !  How to make stock !  Strategies to stay hydrated everyday !  Gravity fed water systems – test results

www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


Module #1 - Fluids

Q&A www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk - sarah@nutsabouthealth.co.uk - Contact: 07786 687444


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