The Ultimate Health & Wellness Program Module #2 - Detoxing With Sarah Phipp Health Guru. Nutritional Therapist. Transformational Coach. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Detoxing has been a major part of my life because: It played a huge role in recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I wanted to understand my body better and be in control of my own health.
I want a high quality of life and am here to make a difference as are you. Today you are going to learn why you would ever want to detox. The techniques you’re going to learn are going to change the way you look at illness forever. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Why Detox? A great diet won’t make much difference to your health if you’re carrying a heavy toxic load.
Your body is a collection of all that you have lived, (and inherited) until the present moment.
Toxic build up from heavy metals and chemicals - which your body is exposed to on a daily basis - have become one of the most pressing health hazards of our modern times.
Babies are born toxic due to their mother’s toxic loads. A shocking Environmental Working Group study of blood samples from newborns, found an AVERAGE of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, chemicals from non-stick cookware and pesticides. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Why Detox? Chemical exposure: toiletries, make up, household cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, highly processed and non-organic food and soft furnishings. Heavy metal exposure: mercury, aluminium, nickel, lead, arsenic, cadmium; e.g. industrial exposure, air pollution (smoking), dental amalgams, vaccines (some of which inject mercury or aluminum directly into your bloodstream), diet; e.g. high fish consumption, water pollution, food storage, food packaging, use of kitchen foil, canned food, non-stick cookware. Not only does reducing your toxic load ease inflammatory conditions, e.g. high cholesterol, but it promotes long term health. It is also a major part of holistic cancer support programmes. (Do not embark on a new detox program whilst trying to conceive, whilst pregnant or breast feeding) - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Why Detox?
If you are deficient in essential metals, (regarded as essential for human health) e.g. iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and selenium, your body will use toxic metals as “stand-ins” instead.
Calcium is replaced by lead - which deposits primarily in bone, and disrupts the formation of red blood cells and contributes to poor bone health such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Zinc is replaced by cadmium - which tends to accumulate heavily in your kidneys. Cadmium overload is associated with nerve damage and often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in hands and feet.
Magnesium is replaced by aluminium - which, among other things, induces neurochemical changes and has been identified as a contributing factor to developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Manganese is replaced by nickel - which is carcinogenic. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Symptoms of Toxic Metal Exposure Build-up Although subtle you’ll probably notice how common these symptoms are:
Fatigue Digestive distress and reduced ability to properly assimilate and utilise fats
Aching joints Depression Impaired blood sugar regulation Menstrual difficulties, infertility, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, premature birth. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Naturopathic Approach to Detoxing Focus on the living cell – pH, electrolytes and mitochondrial ATP production (energy).
Support detox systems – liver, gut, skin, lymph (always support a sluggish bowel first).
Ensure uncompromised flow of toxins from cell to exterior: when detoxing, and changes are taking place, there is a sequence through which the toxins will move.
Reduce continued toxic exposure or what we are doing is counter- productive.
No ‘quick fix’, the approach is suited to a medium to long term focus. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Living Cell It all starts with the cell….
The key to detoxing effectively is to support the cell, as they are the powerhouses of the body’s many complex functions and the key to optimal health.
The bowel, liver and skin are the main organs of detoxification and main route of toxin elimination.
Strengthening the digestive system and improving liver and skin function aids toxin elimination greatly. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Living Cell & pH Balance Alkalising diet & lifestyle
Plenty of good quality drinking water. Avoid/restrict processed sugars, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine. Look at challenging grains. Choose good fats: organic grass-fed butter, butter ghee, coconut oil, unheated olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado.
Make 50 to 80% of 2 meals a day vegetables, always some dark green leafy.
Not helpful to start a detox program from a nutritionally deplete state.
Look at emotions and healthy state of mind balance. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Living Cell & pH Balance - cont. Lifestyle Helpers:
Good fluid intake. Juicing: energy can be devoted to detoxing and less on digesting whilst still giving good anti-oxidant levels.
Infra red saunas. Reduce body fat: you may see weight loss but this is not the main aim.
Exercise and sweating. Fasting: energy can be devoted to detoxing instead of assimilating food. The body must first have excellent nutrient levels or detox pathways won’t be supported. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Living Cell & pH Balance - cont. Detox extras to consider:
Aids to detoxing & soothing digestive system - aloe vera juice, (aloe enema is very anti inflammatory).
Smoothie or juice detox & possibly digestive enzymes. Introduce liver-loving, chlorophyll-rich green superfood powders like spirulina, chlorella, barley grass powder, wheatgrass = heavy metal chelator, colon fibre cleansing, nutrient balancer.
Aids to detoxing the liver - choline bitartrate > choline & inositol > lecithin (strongest to weakest to detox liver).
Linseeds/ flaxseeds - ground & added to diet, linseed tea. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Electrolytes & ATP Production Importance of electrolytes: Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry electrical charges - they are literally the electricity in our bodies.
Affected in extreme cases by vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive sweating, exercise > expelling a lot of fluid.
Plays an important role in our health and maintaining good energy levels all the time.
A high toxic load will make a body’s systems function under par and make the person weary and impair electrolyte movement.
We’ll look at electrolyte movement in more detail in module 4: Healthy Cells. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Liver – The most important organ of elimination As the liver is the main internal organ of elimination (the skin offers the largest external surface area for elimination), it should be the main focus during detoxification. As the liver plays such a key role and has a heavy workload, it is normally the first place to show up congestion, and therefore the area needing most support. More functions than any other organ - each cell has more programmed instructions than the most sophisticated computer program. Detoxification (of everything that comes into the body)
Absorption & distribution of nourishment Immune function Digestion metabolism - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Liver – The most important organ of elimination If you haven’t already watched the ‘Keeping Your Liver Healthy’ Web-class here is the link to sign up: And the supporting documents: - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Liver – The most important organ of elimination Needed for detoxification (through diet or supplementing):
B vitamins (especially B3:niacin and B6:pyridoxine) Vitamins A, C, & E (antioxidants) Minerals: magnesium, zinc, calcium*, selenium Protein building blocks - amino acids: L-cysteine, taurine & methionine (contain sulphur which binds to heavy metals). Vitamins and minerals will be covered in more detail in module 5. *I recommend always getting calcium from the diet and not supplementing - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Liver – The most important organ of elimination Helpful detoxing & cleansing foods & herbs:
Chlorophyll rich green powders
Beetroot and carrot juice
Black cherry concentrate
Psyllium seed husks
Milk Thistle
Cayenne pepper
Liquorice root
Parsley - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Naturopathic Techniques The Naturopathic Techniques that you’re going to learn about today have been used throughout history for thousands of years, and across various cultures, to aid the body as it performs its daily health maintenance. The techniques vary greatly as they are all suited to a particular area of the body or a particular process but they all have a common goal – to help the body to achieve balance in any areas in which it is struggling. These wide-ranging techniques will provide you with invaluable tools: they enable you to access any part of the body and offer it some assistance. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Why are these techniques so important? ď‚— If we are asking the body to become well it must utilise a fair amount of its energy to get things moving. Often due to ill health, sadly this body energy is often missing.
ď‚— Using careful selection and a holistic understanding one can employ these techniques to provide that much needed energy to start creating movement.
ď‚— Even more importantly, these techniques provide us with the tools to make sure that any stagnation / toxicity which starts to shift can be eliminated completely without further complications. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Be sympathetic when using techniques‌ When using techniques, we need to be sympathetic to what we ask the body to do because we may ask it to do too much too soon. With over-enthusiasm we can be prone to making too many changes without considering the consequent strains on the body. A body with already under-functioning systems will struggle to cope with an extra workload of shifting excessive amounts of stagnation/toxicity. To restore health, we need to create a manageable amount of toxicity-release throughout our treatment, then we must make sure that we manage that toxicity (with techniques) through all of the levels of detoxification and out of the body. Once we have taken the initial toxicity out of the body and is in a slightly better state of health we can then evaluate the situation and start to employ further treatment to manage elimination, approaching treatment layer by layer so we gradually return balance to the body, rather than overloading it with toxicity, which has been mobilised. The true process of detoxifying begins within the living cell‌ - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing How should the body detoxify? The body has a set system for detoxifying and all of the stages of the system need to be functioning well for health to be returned and maintained. In a healthy body, toxins should be removed automatically from the body using the following route:
A healthy detoxification system - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #1 - Fluids Route of Elimination
1. Toxicity is released at cellular level into the lymphatic system (some leaves via skin/lungs). We must encourage the cells of the liver, kidneys and other organs to both detoxify and then externalise their contents. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #1 - Fluids Route of Elimination
2. The toxic lymph then drains into the blood (some leaves via skin/lungs). - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #1 - Fluids Route of Elimination
3. The blood passes through the liver where toxins are filtered out. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #1 - Fluids Route of Elimination
4. The liver excretes the toxic bile into the bowel. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #1 - Fluids Route of Elimination
5. From the bowel, the toxins are excreted from the body. The bowel is often a prime source of body toxicity with long-standing food residues that generate toxins under the influence of poor bowel flora. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing What happens if detoxification is impaired? In a body where the detoxification is impaired, the toxicity can get blocked at any of the stages e.g. the toxicity released from the cell can stagnate within the lymph. If this toxicity is allowed to stagnate for a long time, the body will show signs of illness such as swollen glands, sore throats and even throw up a fever to create movement of the lymph. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The system working after application of techniques In the previous example, you can see how important it is to offer the lymphatic system some assistance using techniques. If you can help shift this stagnation within the lymph, the body can then attempt to finish the process and excrete the toxins from the body. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The reality of the lymph example In reality, it would never be possible to have significant stagnation in the lymphatic system alone - there would also have to be significant stagnation within the liver and the blood to cause this picture in the lymph. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Always support the liver Whichever stage is struggling you should begin by supporting the liver (with techniques) to improve its efficiency during the detoxification process.
Once the liver is coping, you can then go back to the original area of congestion and apply techniques to create movement to address congestion. Further support to the liver may then be required to ensure that it can deal with extra toxicity released.
The skill of using the techniques is to keep the speed of elimination at an even rate throughout all of the systems, from the cell to the outside of the body. If this is achieved, detoxification will be comfortable and will ensure that no areas are left unsupported.
Success will help to avoid the creation of a ‘healing crisis’. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Liver & Back Pressure If the liver begins to struggle with its role of detoxifying the blood, the blood toxicity begins to rise.
ď‚— Left unsupported, the blood then becomes extremely toxic and will struggle to receive and cleanse the lymph effectively.
ď‚— Left unattended, the cell will begin to have trouble releasing into the lymph, causing cellular congestion. So you can now see that to achieve the lymphatic problem shown in the diagram on slide 12, the body must have gone through this process of back pressure. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing The Liver & Bowel So far we have discussed the movement from the liver back towards the cell, so now we need to take a look at the bowel stage.
In order for the liver to be able to release its toxic bile freely into the bowel, the bowel must be evacuating effectively.
If this is not occurring, there are some relevant techniques to rectify that process. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Summary
Techniques can provide the much-needed energy to help the body start moving any congestion.
It is vitally important to ensure that any stagnation which is released is carefully managed and that the toxins are taken out of the body to complete the cycle.
Treatment needs to be approached in layers rather than throwing everything at the body and asking it to cope with the changes.
We have looked at how a healthy system should detoxify.
We have outlined the consequences when any segment of the system becomes overloaded.
We have shown how techniques can release stagnation to create flow throughout the routes of elimination.
We have discussed why the liver is the most important organ of elimination during detoxification and why it may need constant support.
We have shown the order in which toxicity ‘backs up’ from liver to cell (which we refer to as back pressure). - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Having discussed the benefits of techniques in general, let’s go through each technique and see how it is employed and the benefits each of them can bring. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Skin Brushing - Area of Detoxification Being Targeted - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Skin Brushing As the skin is the largest organ of elimination, it makes total sense to utilise it as fully as possible during any detoxification programme. Removing toxins through the skin avoids them having to pass through vital inner organs e.g. the kidneys. What does it do? Skin brushing removes the scurf layer (the upper-most layer of skin) which holds a certain amount of acidity and toxicity. Brushing this layer away gently makes available a whole new surface area through which toxins can be excreted. Brushing the skin also promotes movement within the lymphatic system to prevent stagnation and thickening of the lymph. Thickening of the lymph often happens during cleansing as the lymphatic system has to work hard to remove toxicity without the benefit of a pump (unlike the circulatory system which has the heart). - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Skin Brushing When should I apply skin brushing?
Skin brushing can benefit everyone on a daily basis because it helps to move the toxins and mucous which can stagnate easily within the lymph.
Avoid prescribing skin brushing to someone who is constipated as this will create more material needing to be excreted via the bowel. Wait instead until support has been given to the bowel.
Do not apply skin brushing to varicose veins, painful rashes or open wounds. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Hot & Cold Showering - Area of Detoxification Being Targeted - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Hot & Cold Showering This technique aims to create movement within the circulatory system which in turn creates a knock-on movement within the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system travels around the body in very close proximity to the blood circulatory system, so anything which speeds up circulation will help create movement within the lymph. What does it do? When the body is subjected to heat (i.e. hot shower) more blood moves to the surface of the body (i.e. the skin), enabling the body to lose heat more readily to ensure an even temperature is maintained within the body’s vital organs. When the body is subjected to cold (i.e. cold shower) more blood moves to the inner body, enabling the body to keep the inner vital organs warm and ensure that a balanced temperature is maintained at all times. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing When should I apply hot and cold showers? Hot and cold showers can be taken at any time during the day but they are especially useful first thing in the morning, helping the body to start shifting stagnation which has been caused overnight during sleep. They are also extremely beneficial after skin brushing as this starts to create movement within the lymph and a hot and cold shower afterwards can capitalise on this and contribute to accelerated movement. Take care if prescribing this technique to a person who is suffering from a heart condition or high blood pressure as this may shock their system. In addition, you may need to consider the shock aspect with pregnant women. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing What are the effects? Hot and cold showers have the same effect upon lymph as skin brushing but normally to a greater degree. They can make you feel refreshed and alert, having kick-started your system into action . - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Epsom Salt Bath - Area of Detoxification Being Targeted
From the diagram, you can see that when Epsom salt & a hot bath are combined they can produce a great deal of movement within the body to help remove toxicity. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Epsom Salt Bath This technique focuses on the skin - as the largest organ of elimination - as a route of elimination and therefore can be an invaluable route for eliminating toxicity if the other organs are struggling. What does it do? Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate) has the effect of drawing toxicity / acidity (especially uric acid) towards itself so when you bathe in a high solution of Epsom salts it draws out toxicity from within the body through the skin into the solution. Note that Epsom salts are often used to bring boils to a head, clearly showing this attraction between itself and toxicity. The bath itself heats up the body, opening up the cell membranes to release toxicity. It also thins the lymph to help with the extra workload and encourages the blood to come to the surface (the skin). - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing When should I apply an Epsom salt bath? This technique is beneficial for anyone who is undertaking a detoxification programme or has problems completing their daily elimination processes. It is especially useful to soothe aching muscles or joints and can be employed after heavy exertion or with conditions such as arthritis. Please note that this technique should not be applied when there is a risk of haemorrhaging, high blood pressure or during pregnancy or menstruation as the body is busy carrying out processes relating to these conditions. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing When should I apply an Epsom salt bath? For anyone undertaking a detoxification programme or has problems completing their daily elimination processes.
Especially useful to soothe aching muscles or joints and can be employed after heavy exertion or with conditions such as arthritis. Please note that this technique should not be applied when there is a risk of haemorrhaging, high blood pressure or during pregnancy or menstruation as the body is busy carrying out processes relating to these conditions. What are the effects? On completion, people often feel a little weak and tired, so need to rest. After a good night’s sleep, when the body has completed the induced elimination, people often feel very clear and refreshed . - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Castor Oil Packing - Area of Detoxification Being Targeted
Castor oil (known as the Palma Christi oil) packing is probably the ultimate technique for bringing energy to any area of the body which is struggling to shift stagnation. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Castor Oil Packing It is hard to find a complete explanation why castor oil has such healing properties but its results are comprehensively documented. We also know it has been used for thousands of years by ancient civilisations. What does it do? Castor oil is known to emit white light (“apparently colourless light containing all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum at equal intensity, such as ordinary daylight�). One explanation for its effectiveness is that the white light may penetrate the cell giving it the energy to promote movement thereby lessening the stagnation. It is also known that the cell produces its own measurable light in the form of biophotons, from within its DNA so it is possible that the action of castor oil packing may promote this creation of cellular light which is used as energy for healing. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing When should I apply a castor oil packing? Any situation where the body needs help to create movement, but most commonly used on the liver and abdominal area. It is a versatile technique benefiting all situations with the exception of hypertension and haemorrhaging, but avoid using it during pregnancy and menstruation. When packing there is a constant rule to be applied: wherever the problem area is, you should always pack the liver first (or in some cases at the same time), to ensure this main route of elimination is open and ready to receive toxicity from the problem area. Once the liver has been opened, you can return to the problem area to apply a castor oil pack. What are the effects? On completion of, or even during packing, there is usually a feeling of deep relaxation and soothing, pain and spasms normally subside and often instigates a bowel movement. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Enemas - Area of Detoxification Being Targeted
Enemas are a very ancient technique in the world of healing. The action of an enema will depend upon the therapeutic effect of the substance added to the enema. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Enemas – Water Enema What does it do? A water enema introduces approximately one litre of water into the colon. This can have the following effects:
1. It creates movement in the colon, encouraging the release of stored faeces.
2. It stimulates the reflex points within the colon. These reflex points are connected to the entire body and stimulating these points release stagnation in their respective areas.
3. Movement within the colon stimulates movement and release of mucous from within the lymphatic system.
4. Water held in the colon is quickly absorbed helping hydration. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing When should I apply a water enema?
1. The bowel is showing signs of constipation. 2. Help is required to keep movement and release during a detoxification programme.
3. The lymphatic system is showing signs of stagnation (e.g. in a cold or flu).
4. You wish to improve body hydration quickly (e.g. after a long haul flight). Do not use enemas if there is a prolapsed organ in the pelvic area or if haemorrhoids are a problem. There are around 10 other enemas that can be used from coffee, to magnesium. They all serve different purposes. Some are for detoxing whilst others can be soothing. You will be given instructions to all the varying types. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Conclusion When we understand healing requires extra energy, and that detoxification needs to take place before re-nurturing can happen, we can fully appreciate the role and importance of these techniques. Promoting the healing energies within a body to resolve a situation rather than suppressing a symptom is the key to long term great health. If healing is about creating freedom and movement on all levels, we need to address letting go of old patterns and accumulated toxins. The raising of energies to create acute illnesses is extremely important on the journey of reducing our chronic load. With techniques, we can produce artificial fevers to give the body back what it has lost over time due to suppressive treatments and loss of energy.
I hope that you enjoy using the techniques as a method of - - Contact: 07786 687444 accelerating your healing journey, they certainly worked miracle for
Module #2 - Detoxing To Summarise Each technique highlights a particular route for elimination (refer back to the diagrams accompanying each technique). When you or a member of your family experiences a problem you will be able to see how they can relieve that using a particular technique. We can see how the extra pressure put upon the body during the healing process can easily be helped by employing techniques. Refer to the diagrams to see how elimination should flow from the cell to the outside and how it can be backed up if the liver is overloaded. Please respect the techniques as they can be very powerful and very healing when employed at the correct time. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Module #2 Resources
Instructions for skin brushing Instructions for hot & cold showering Instructions for castor oil packing Instructions for epsom salt baths Instructions for carrying out various enemas - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing Disclaimer: The medical information and all procedures mentioned and contained in this web-class are not intended to be used or construed as a substitute for professional medical care and advice provided by a physician. People who listen to this web-class and read the supporting instructions and make decisions regarding their health or medical care, which they believe are based on ideas contained in this web-class, do so at their own risk. Sarah Phipp Limited is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions or information contained in the web-class and supporting documents but offer this material as information which the public has the right to hear and utilise at their own discretion. - - Contact: 07786 687444
Module #2 - Detoxing
Q&A - - Contact: 07786 687444