Sadržaj / Contents
Reinout Vos: Uvod / Introduction
Rada Šešić: Uvod / Introduction
Žiri / Jury
Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film / Competition Programme – Documentary Film
Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day - Programme
Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day
27 DocuCorner
NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA / HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Nagradu za ljudska prava Sarajevo Film Festivala podržava Ambasada Holandije. Sadržaj ove publikacije ne odražava nužno stavove Ambasade Holandije. / The Sarajevo Film Festival Human Rights Award is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views of the Embassy of the Netherlands. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2020 I 3
Dan ljudskih prava
Ambasada Kraljevine Nizozemske u Bosni i Hercegovini i Sarajevo Film Festival, uz njegovo 26. izdanje, ulaze u drugu godinu saradnje na programu posvećenom ljudskim pravima. Iako je pandemija COVID-19 ove godine drastično uticala na naše živote, to ne znači da su ljudska prava prestala biti ugrožena ili da možemo odustati od našeg cilja da osiguramo njihovo veće poštivanje. Zahvalan sam na odlučnosti i hrabrosti koju su organizatori Sarajevo Film Festivala pokazali kada su odlučili realizirati ovogodišnje izdanje uprkos globalnoj krizi, nesigurnosti i brojnim ograničenjima. Pandemija COVID-19 ozbiljno je zaprijetila zdravlju, pa čak i samoj egzistenciji filmske industrije, utičući na filmske festivale, filmsku produkciju, pripremna putovanja i brojne druge aspekte proizvodnje i distribucije filma. Sada je – više nego ikada – značajno da u našem radu budemo inovativni, izdržljivi i prilagodljivi. Raduje me što su naši partneri na zadatku unapređenja stanja ljudskih prava postigli upravo to, kao i da ćemo ponovo biti u prilici pogledati film posvećen ljudskim pravima i održati panel-diskusiju s mladim aktivist-kinjama i aktivistima. Više nego bilo kada ranije naši životi se odvijaju u internetskom prostoru – od rada i sastanaka, do školovanja djece, proslava rođendana i godišnjica. Zbog toga, mladi ljudi i naša djeca na Internetu
provode i više vremena nego prije. Iako virtuelni svijet otvara bezbroj mogućnosti i omogućava neograničen pristup znanju i informacijama, on ima i svoju mračnu stranu. On može biti mjesto gdje su najmlađi korisnici izloženi brojnim opasnostima, negativnim uticajima i izrazito lošim ljudima. Moramo biti svjesni ogromne odgovornosti koju imamo u zaštiti sigurnosti naše omladine i djece i sprečavanju zlonamjernih ljudi u pronalasku puta do njih. U saradnji s uglednim nizozemskim festivalom posvećenom ljudskim pravima Movies That Matter, na Dan ljudskih prava 2020. bavit ćemo se pitanjem sigurnosti djece i mladih u online prostoru. Zbog prethodno navedenih razloga, ovogodišnji festivalski program posvećen ljudskim pravima, u saradnji s ekspertima iz relevantnih oblasti života i institucija, bavit će se temom internetske sigurnosti, s ciljem da ona bude pokrenuta i u Bosni i Hercegovini i da se preduzmu koraci koji će virtuelni svijet učiniti sigurnijim za najmlađe. Moja zemlja je uložila mnogo i još uvijek ulaže dosta toga u postizanju tog cilja. Siguran sam da će, zahvaljujući našim zajedničkim naporima, nizozemska ekspertiza i iskustva biti iskorišteni da Internet učine sigurnijim i za mlade iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Želim vam da organizujete izvrstan SFF, kao i dobro zdravlje i sigurno surfanje.
Human Rights Day Programme
E With the 2020 edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the festival enter the second year of our partnership in the Human Rights programme. Although COVID-19 has drastically impacted all of our lives this year, this does not mean that human rights violations have disappeared, nor that our commitment to improve human rights conditions can or may be halted.
I am grateful to the organisers of the Sarajevo Film Festival for their determination and courage, to present this year’s edition in a time of crisis, uncertainty and all kinds of limitations. The COVID pandemic has created a very serious threat to the health and existence of the film industry, impacting festivals, film productions, research trips and many other aspects of the creation and distribution of films. Showing innovation, resilience and adaptability in our work is now more important than ever. I am very happy to see that our human rights partner has done exactly that, and that we will have the opportunity to watch a film about human rights and have a panel discussion with young activists. More than ever before, our lives take place online – from our work and meetings, to our children’s schooling, to celebrations of birthdays and anni-
versaries. Part of this means that our youth and children spend even more time online. The online world, while it provides endless possibilities and access to knowledge and information, also has a dark side. It can be a place where the youngest of users can be exposed to many dangers, bad influences and very bad people. We must be aware that we carry a huge responsibility to protect them and to prevent those with evil intentions from finding a way to reach our youth and our children. In cooperation with the prominent Dutch human rights film festival Movies That Matter, on Human Rights Day 2020 we will deal with the subject of Internet safety for youth and children. For the reasons noted above, this year’s human rights programme will focus on this theme, involving experts from relevant fields and institutions and with the aim to raise this topic in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to make steps towards improving the protection of the youngest while they explore the online world. My country has invested a lot in this issue, and continues to do so, and I am certain that through this joint effort, Dutch expertise and experience will be shared and used to make the Internet a safer place for Bosnian youngsters. I wish you an excellent SFF, good health and safe surfing!
Reinout Vos Ambasador Kraljevine Nizozemske u Bosni i Hercegovini / Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bosnia and Herzegovina
16 filmskih dragulja za ljubitelje dokumentaraca IZOLACIJA I INTIMA
Kriza izazvana pandemijom COVID-19 nas je naučila da posvetimo više pažnje vrijednosti svakodnevnice, ljudske komunikacije i ophođenja. Ovo novo iskustvo otvara i drugačiji način razmišljanja o izgradnji našeg novog doživljaja vremena. Iz ove perspektive, lako je vidjeti da potreba za izolacijom sebe, odnosno sakrivanjem ili bijegom od nečega što je bolno i uznemirujuće, jasno prožima većinu filmova u našem takmičarskom programu. Prvi film, SVETI OTAC (HOLY FATHER) talentovanog rumunskog autora Andreia Dascalescua, je intimna priča o samoizolaciji rediteljevog oca koji je porodični život zamijenio manastirskim i time ostavio ogroman ožiljak na duši svoga sina, koji će i sam uskoro postati otac. Izolacija je osnovni motiv grčkog poetičnog, meditativnog filma ČETVRTI LIK (THE FOURTH CHARACTER) autorice Katerine Patroni, koja provodi mnoge noći sa tri lika osuđena na procesiranje bola, gubitka i krivice. Dok smo prethodnih godina sa publikom podijelili brojne političke priče, ove godine reditelji iz naše regije okreću neumoljivo oko svoje kamere ka intimi, društvenim tabu temama, porodičnim tajnama i ličnim ispovijestima. Na neki način, suočavanje sa zlostavljanjem predstavlja ključni element ovogodišnje selekcije. Jedan od dva snažna filma koja nam dolaze iz Mađarske, POVRATAK U EPIPO (RETURN TO EPIPO) je opčinjavajuća lična priča rediteljice Judit Olah koja se prisjeća vlastite traume uzrokovane zlostavljanjem od voditelja u dječijem kampu, koji je pored nje zlostavljao još desetak njenih vršnjaka. U uvjerljivom hrvatskom filmu Đure Gavrana JEDNA OD NAS, užasavajuća priča o silovanju školske kolegice polako izranja na površinu. Obuzimaju nas hladni žmarci dok gledamo ovaj pedantni, prilično tihi film koji nas tjera da razmišljamo o tome koliko često okrećemo glavu i tjeramo žrtve u izolaciju. U filmu HOLD ME RIGHT, mlada srpska glumica Danijela Štajnfeld
otkriva svoje razloge za bijeg iz Beograda u Sjedinjene Američke Države. Nakon što je silovao slavni muškarac iz njenih profesionalnih krugova, u ovom debitantskom ostvarenju ona okreće kameru ka sebi i drugim žrtvama silovanja koje su zlostavljale kolege, obično kolege koje su bile u jačoj poziciji od svojih žrtava. Drugi ključni atribut ove godine je velika zastupljenost žena. Više od polovine filmova su režirale i producirale žene. U austrijsko-rumunskoj produkciji pod nazivom DRVO (WOOD), tri hrabre žene odvažno pokazuju kako međunarodna mafija vodi ilegalnu trgovinu drvetom. Monica LăzureanGorgan (dobitnica Srca Sarajeva 2016. godine), Michaela Kirst i Ebba Sinzinger prate istražitelja koji razotkriva ovaj megazločin kroz film koji teče poput trilera. Druga odvažno obrađena tema je homofobija, još uvijek vrlo prisutna u regiji. U sve više desničarskoj političkoj klimi Mađarske, gay par se susreće sa brojnim preprekama u pokušaju da usvoji romsku djevojčicu. U debitantskom filmu PRIČA NJENE MAJKE (HER MOTHERS’ STORY), dvije mlade žene, Asia Dér i Sári Haragonics, prate svoje šarmantne protagonistice kroz njihovu dugotrajnu borbu na delikatan i intiman način. Bosanski reditelj Ado Hasanović u NEKA BUDU BOJE (LET THERE BE COLOUR) istražuje homofobiju u svojoj zemlji, uz to prikazujući i prvu Paradu ponosa u Sarajevu. Drugi bosanski reditelj, Mladen Bundalo, se bavi temom migracije u svom kratkometražnom filmu NENAD. Srpska rediteljica Tamara Drakulić u svom poetskom filmu U SLAVU LJUBAVI odlazi daleko od kuće da bi posmatrala zajednicu autohtonih žitelja Meksika, čiju će mirnu svakodnevnicu i rituale sporog življenja uskoro poremetiti industrijski radovi velike korporacije. Zanimljiva ženska tema – šta sa ostarjelim tijelom kada je duh i dalje mlad – artikulisana je u šarmantnom i zabavnom rumunskom filmu KUĆA ZA LUTKE (HOUSE OF DOLLS) Tudora Platona, koji je snimao svoju baku i nekoliko njenih
16 film gems for documentary lovers ISOLATION AND INTIMACY
bliskih prijateljica tokom boravka u odmaralištu za uljepšavanje. Totalno šokantan i zapanjujući, IZBOR LJEPOTE (THE PAGEANT) turskog reditelja Eytana İpekera donosi priču o jedinstvenom natjecanju ljepote koje se održava u Haifi od 2011. godine. Stare žene koje su preživjele holokaust, u svojim osamdesetim i čak devedesetim godinama učestvuju u takmičenju pod nazivom Mis Holokausta kako bi prikupile novac da spase svoj starački dom. Rumunski ACASA, MOJ DOM (ACASĂ, MY HOME) debitanta Radua Ciorniciuca predstavlja jedinstvenu sagu o slobodi i izgnanstvu, u kojoj porodica sa devetoro djece koja je dvadeset godina živjela u divljini Delte Bukurešta biva izmještena od strane vlasti i prisiljena da se prilagodi životu u velikom gradu. SREĆAN BOŽIĆ, YIWU renomiranog srpskog reditelja Mladena Kovačevića bavi se vrlo specifičnom kineskom zajednicom, koja radi u jednoj od 600 fabrika koje proizvode božićne i novogodišnje ukrase za cijeli svijet. MIR NAŠE GOSPE veterana filmske poetike Vladimira Perovića posmatra duhovno mjesto u okviru prelijepog Crnogorskog pejzaža. Drugi Crnogorac, Šeki Radončić, koji je iz novinarstva prešao u reditelje, u svom filmu ZAVJERA odvažno istražuje pokušaj političkog puča koji je, uz pomoć Rusije i Srbije, trebao s vlasti svrgnuti premijera Crne Gore. Šesnaest filmova, šesnaest relevantnih priča i kinematografskih dragulja. Od šesnaest filmova koji su ušli u našu selekciju, osam će imati svjetsku premijeru u Sarajevu, a tu je i još nekoliko međunarodnih, evropskih, regionalnih i nacionalnih premijera. Molimo vas, čuvajte se u našim kinima, uživajte u razgovorima sa rediteljima i dijelite priče koje vam donose naši regionalni talenti. Svi ste dobrodošli!
E The COVID-19 crisis has taught us to look deeper into the values of everyday life, of human communication and behaviour. This new experience opens a different kind of reflection on the development of our new temporality. From this perspective, one can clearly see that the need to isolate oneself, either to hide or to run away from something painful and disturbing, is very visible in most of the films we have in our official competition. Our opening film, the Romanian HOLY FATHER by the talented Andrei Dascalescu, is an intimate story that tackles the self-isolation of the director’s father who exchanged family life for a monastery and left an immense scar on the soul of his son, who is soon to become father himself. Isolation is also the key notion of the Greek poetic, meditative THE FOURTH CHARACTER by Katerina Patroni, who spends many nights with three characters bound to process pain, loss and guilt.
While in previous years we shared with our audience many political stories, this year our regional directors are turning their sharp camera eye towards intimacy, social taboo topics, family secrets and personal confessions. In a way, dealing with abuse is a key element of this year’s selection. One of two strong films from Hungary, RETURN TO EPIPO is the captivating personal account from director Judit Olah, who recalls trauma of abuse by a leader at a children’s camp, who victimised a dozen of Olah’s peers. In the Croatian compelling ONE OF US by Djuro Gavran, the awful story of the rape of a school colleague slowly comes to the surface. One gets cold chills while watching this meticulously made, rather quiet film that makes us think how often we turn a blind eye and force victims into isolation. In HOLD ME RIGHT, young Serbian actor Danijela Štajnfeld discloses her reasons for running away from Belgrade to the United States. Having been raped by a famous man in her professional circle,
she turns the camera in her debut towards herself and other rape victims abused by colleagues, who are usually in positions in which they hold greater power than those they violate.
has been taking place in Haifa since 2011; old women, Holocaust survivors in their eighties and even nineties, participate in an event called Miss Holocaust to raise money to save their care home.
Another key attribute of this year is a strong female presence. More than half of films are directed and produced by women. In the AustrianRomanian production WOOD, three brave women courageously disclose how the international mafia deals in illegal wood trafficking. Monica LăzureanGorgan, (winner of the Heart of Sarajevo in 2016), Michaela Kirst and Ebba Sinzinger follow an investigator as he exposes this mega-crime in a film that flows like a thriller. Another topic courageously tackled is the homophobia which still very present in the region. In Hungary’s increasingly right-wing political climate a gay couple faces numerous hurdles attempting to adopt a Roma girl. In their debut HER MOTHERS’ STORY, two young women, Asia Dér and Sári Haragonics, follow their charming protagonists through their long struggle with a sensitive lens and close access. The Bosnian director Ado Hasanovic in LET THERE BE COLOUR digs into homophobia in his own country and also depicts the First Gay Pride in Sarajevo. Another Bosnian director, Mladen Bundalo, deals with migration in his short film NENAD. Serbian director Tamara Drakulic in her poetic IN PRAISE OF LOVE went far from home to observe a Mexican indigenous community whose everyday peace and slowlife rituals will be soon disturbed by the industrial works of a big corporation. An engaging female topic – how to deal with an aged body when the spirit is still young – is expressed in the charming and funny Romanian HOUSE OF DOLLS by Tudor Platon, who filmed his own granny at her beauty retreat with several close friends.
Romanian film ACASĂ, MY HOME by debutant Radu Ciorniciuc, is a unique story of freedom and exile, in which a family with nine children, who have been living in the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta for twenty years, are driven away by state authorities and forced to adapt to life in the big city.
Totally shocking and mind-boggling is THE PAGEANT by Turkish director Eytan İpeker, who unfolds the story of a unique beauty contest that
MERRY CHRISTMAS, YIWU by Serbian renowned director Mladen Kovacevic deals with a very particular Chinese community that works in one of the 600 factories producing Christmas and New Year’s decorations for the whole world. OUR LADIES PEACE by veteran film poet Vladimir Perovic observes a spiritual place within the beautiful Montenegrin landscape. Another Montenegrin, Seki Radoncic, journalist turned director, daringly investigates in his film CONSPIRACY the attempt of a political coup that was supposed to bring down the Prime Minister of Montenegro with the help of Russia and Serbia. Sixteen films, sixteen relevant stories and cinematic gems. Among the sixteen films in our selection, eight will have their world premiere in Sarajevo, several international and European and others regional and national. Please, keep safe in our cinemas, enjoy the talks with the directors and share the stories brought to you by our regional talents. We welcome you all!!! Rada Šešić Selektorica Takmičarskog Programa – Dokumentarni Film / Competition Programme – Documentary Film Selector
Žiri Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film / Jury of Competition Programme – Documentary Film
U Takmičarskom Programu-Dokumentarni Film tročlani žiri u sastavu: Lejla Dedić (Bosna i Hercegovina), Goran Dević (Hrvatska), Tue Steen Müller (Danska) i ove godine će dodijeliti Nagradu za ljudska prava (3.000 €) koju osigurava Ambasada Holandije, Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film (3.000 €) koju osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske, te Specijalnu nagradu žirija (2.500 €).
E In the Competition Programme-Documentary Film international jury of three-namely Lejla Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Goran Dević (Croatia), Tue Steen Müller (Denmark). The jury will select the recipients of the Human Right Award (3.000 €) provided by the Embassy of the Netherlands, Heart of Sarajevo for Best Documentary Film (3.000 €) provided by Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Grant and Special Jury Prize (2.500 €).
LEJLA DEDIĆ Producentica, Programski odjel, Al Jazeera Balkans, Bosna i Hercegovina / Producer, Programme Department, Al Jazeera Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lejla Dedić rođena je 1972. u Konjicu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Diplomirala je 1997. na Univerzitetu South Bank u Londonu na temu o odnosu medija i društva. Dedić je 2011. počela raditi kao producentica u Odjelu za akvizicije i koprodukcije tada tek pokrenute regionalne televizijske mreže Al Jazeera Balkans. U proteklih devet godina uspješno je obavljala producentski posao u malom, ali snažnom timu sa Seadom Kreševljakovićem i Đanijem Hasečićem. Koproducirala je više od dvadeset filmova, od kojih je većina nagrađena na regionalnim i evropskim festivalima. Tokom dosadašnje karijere učestvovala je na više od 50 renomiranih filmskih festivala kao članica žirija, panelistica i producentica. Već treću godinu zaredom ponosna je selektorica na Festivalu dokumentarnog filma Al Jazeere Balkans (AJB DOC), a posljednje dvije i na Rab Film Festivalu (RAFF). E Lejla Dedić was born in 1972 in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated from London South Bank University in 1997 with a thesis on the topic of media and society. In 2011, after the launch of the regional television station Al Jazeera Balkans, she started working in the Programme Department as Producer for Acquisitions and CoProduction. For the past nine years, Dedić has had success as a producer on a small but strong team with Sead Kreševljaković and Đani Hasečić. She has co-produced more than twenty films, most of which have received awards at regional and European festivals. She has proudly selected films for the Al Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival for the past three years, and for the Rab Film Festival for the last two.
GORAN DEVIĆ Reditelj, Hrvatska / Director, Croatia
Goran Dević rođen je 1971. u Sisku, Hrvatska. Nakon studija arheologije i prava, diplomirao je filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu, gdje trenutno završava magisterij dokumentarnog filma. Njegovi dokumentarni i igrani filmovi osvajali su nagrade na festivalima u Cottbusu, Leipzigu, Motovunu, Oberhausenu, Pragu, Prizrenu, Puli, Sarajevu i Zagrebu. Devićev prvi igrani film (koji je režirao i napisao sa Zvonimirom Jurićem), psihološka ratna drama CRNCI, naišao je na odličan prijem kritičara. Retrospektive njegovih filmova organizovane su na Institutu za film i videoumjetnost Arsenal u Berlinu, na Filmskom festivalu Crossing Europe u Linzu, Međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma Beldocs i u Zagrebu. Osnivač je produkcijske kompanije Petnaesta umjetnost. E Goran Dević was born in 1971 in Sisak, Croatia. After studying archaeology and law, he obtained a degree in film and television directing from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he is currently working on graduate studies in documentary film. His documentary and fiction films have won awards in Cottbus, Leipzig, Motovun, Oberhausen, Prague, Prizren, Pula, Sarajevo and Zagreb. His feature film directorial debut (co-directed and co-written with Zvonimir Jurić) was the critically acclaimed 2009 psychological war drama THE BLACKS. Retrospectives of his documentaries have been screened at Arsenal Berlin, the Crossing Europe Film festival Linz, Beldocs and Zagreb. He is the founder of the production company Petnaesta Umjetnost.
TUE STEEN MÜLLER Konsultant i kritičar za dokumentarne filmove, Danska / Documentary Consultant and Critic, Denmark
Tue Steen Müller rođen je 1947. u Danskoj. Više od dvije decenije radio je na kratkim i dokumentarnim filmovima u Danskom filmskom odboru kao sekretar za medije, šef Odjela za distribucije i informisanje, te kao urednik za nabavke. Suosnivač je Festivala za film i televiziju Balticum, organizacije za međunarodnu promociju nordijskog kratkog i dokumentarnog filma, Filmkontakt Nord, te Evropske dokumentarističke mreže (EDN). Bio je čest član žirija na brojnim evropskim festivalima kratkog i dokumentarnog filma. U više od trideset zemalja držao je obuke i seminare na temu dokumentarnog filma. Müller je 2004. osvojio nagradu Danish Roos za doprinos danskoj i evropskoj kulturi dokumentarnog filma, a dvije godine kasnije dobio je i nagradu za promociju portugalskog dokumentarnog filma. Nagrada EDN za “izuzetan doprinos razvoju evropske kulture dokumentarnog filma” uručena mu je 2014. E Tue Steen Müller was born in 1947 in Denmark. He worked with short and documentary films for more than twenty years at the Danish Film Board – as Press Secretary, Head of Distribution and Information and as a commissioning editor. He is a co-founder of the Balticum Film and TV Festival, Filmkontakt Nord, Documentary of the EU and the European Documentary Network (EDN). Müller has been a jury member at many European short and documentary festivals and has given documentary courses and seminars in more than thirty countries. In 2004, he was awarded the Danish Roos Prize for his contribution to Danish and European documentary culture, and two years later an award for promoting Portuguese documentaries. In 2014, he received the EDN Award “for outstanding contribution to the development of the European documentary culture.”
Holy Father / Tatal nostru Romania, 2020, Colour, 85 min, Romanian Režija / Director: Andrei Dăscălescu Scenarij / Screenplay: Andrei Dăscălescu
Filmski autor i njegova djevojka saznaju da će postati roditelji. Dok buduća majka s mukom pokušava izaći na kraj s pogrešnim uzorima koje pronalazi u okrilju vlastite razorene porodice, budući otac se mora pomiriti s davno izgubljenim ocem koji se zamonašio na planini Atos. I dok devet mjeseci trudnoće prolazi, potraga za odgovorima i pomirenjem – ponekad iznimno napeta i puna gorčine – kao da otvara put za nešto puno značajnije.
E The filmmaker and his girlfriend are faced with the news of becoming parents. While the future mother is struggling with no worthy role models in her broken home, the soon-to-be-father must come to terms with his long-lost father, now a monk on Mount Athos. But as the nine months go by, the quest for answers and reconciliation – sometimes full of anxiety and resentment – seem to be making way for something much more meaningful.
Wood Romania, China, Russia, Austria, United States, Peru, Germany, 2020, Colour, 97 min, English, Romanian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish Režija / Director: Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, Michaela Kirst, Ebba Sinzinger Scenarij / Screenplay: Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, Michaela Kirst, Ebba Sinzinger
Od sibirskih tajgi preko nedirnutih šuma u Rumuniji i prašuma u Peruu: širom svijeta ilegalna sječa šume pojedincima donosi ogroman profit. Potrošači u razvijenim zapadnim zemljama sretni su zbog niskih cijena u prodavnicama drvnih proizvoda i namještaja, ali bez sumnje bi bili šokirani kada bi znali odakle to što kupuju vuče porijeklo. Alexander von Bismarck, pra-pra-pranećak Željeznog kancelara, godinama progoni pripadnike drvne mafije. Kao predsjednik Agencije za istraživanje zločina protiv prirode sa sjedištem u Washingtonu, stalno je na terenu. Ne ustručava se prerušavati i pretvarati da je neko drugi, kao ni koristiti skrivena tehnička pomagala kako bi rasvijetlio ilegalne aktivnosti.
E From the taiga in Siberia to the primary forests of Romania to the primeval Peruvian jungle: around the world, billions of dollars are made from illegal logging. First-world consumers are happy about low prices at the hardware and furniture stores, but would doubtless be shocked if they knew the origins of these goods. Alexander von Bismarck, great-great-great-nephew of the Iron Chancellor, has been on the timber mafia’s trail for years. As the head of the Environmental Investigation Agency in Washington, DC, he takes to the road tirelessly. He doesn’t shy away from changing his persona and appearance and employing concealed technical means to bring illegal activities to light.
Acasă, moj dom / Acasă, My Home Romania, Germany, Finland, 2020, Colour, 86 min, Romanian Režija / Director: Radu Ciorniciuc Scenarij / Screenplay: Lina Vdovii, Radu Ciorniciuc
Porodica Enache – devetero djece i njihovi roditelji – dvije decenije živjeli su u kolibi u divljini bukureštanske delte, jednog od najvećih urbanih prirodnih rezervata na svijetu s jezerima i stotinama životinjskih i rijetkih biljnih vrsta. Kada vlasti odluče preuzeti taj jedinstveni urbani ekosistem, porodicu Enache deložiraju i sele u grad koji za njih predstavlja nepoznat svijet. Djeca koja su život provela u divljini moraju se navići na gradski život. Umjesto da plivaju u jezeru, moraju ići u školu, a svoje ribarske štapove mijenjaju za mobilne telefone. Njihov identitet je doveden u pitanje i preobražen ujedno s njihovim osjećajem slobode i porodičnim vezama.
E For two decades, the Enache family – nine children and their parents – lived in a shack in the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta: an abandoned water reservoir, one of the biggest urban natural reservations in the world, containing lakes and hundreds of species of animals and rare plants. When the authorities decide to reclaim this rare urban ecosystem, the Enaches are evicted and told to resettle in the city – a reality they know nothing about. Kids who used to spend their days in nature have to learn about city life, go to school instead of swimming in the lake, and swap their fishing rods for mobile phones. Their identity has been questioned and transformed, along with their sense of freedom and family ties.
Nek je što šarenije / Let There Be Colour Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, 2020, Colour, 16 min, Bosnian, English Režija / Director: Ado Hasanović Scenarij / Screenplay: Ado Hasanović, Chiara Cruciatti, Prisca van der Mullen
U Sarajevu je 8. septembra 2019. prvi put organizovana Povorka ponosa. Povorke ponosa danas su nezaobilazan događaj u svim evropskim glavnim gradovima iako su pripadnici LGBTQI+ zajednica u mnogim od njih daleko od toga da se u potpunosti izbore za svoja prava. U Bosni i Hercegovini, kompleksnoj zemlji koja i dalje traži inkluzivan pristup pripadnicima te zajednice, a istovremeno se nosi s ratnim traumama, Povorka ponosa bila je preloman događaj u smislu javne percepcije LGBTQI+ osoba i njihovog prava na vidljivost.
E On 8 September 2019, Sarajevo hosted its first Pride March. Today, Pride marches are an unmissable event in all the major European cities, even though in many countries official recognition of equal rights for the LGBTQI+ community is still far from being secure. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a complex country still torn by the aftermath of war and that is striving for an inclusive approach towards this community, this march marked a turning point in the general perception of the LGBTQI+ community in the country and of its right to exist.
Priča mojih majki / Her Mothers Hungary, 2020, Colour, 75 min, Hungarian Režija / Director: Asia Dér, Sári Haragonics Scenarij / Screenplay: Asia Dér, Sári Haragonics
Zahvaljujući sve većoj radikalizaciji na mađarskoj političkoj sceni, Virág – nekadašnja članica Stranke zelenih – gubi vjeru u demokratičnost mađarskog parlamenta i povlači se iz politike. Ona i njena partnerica Nóra, inače muzičarka, odlučuju usvojiti dijete i posvetiti se osnivanju porodice. Asia Dér i Sári Haragonics prate te dvije žene tokom njihove duge i u konačnici uspješne borbe da usvoje djevojčicu romskog porijekla i dovedu je kući. Međutim, nakon ostvarenog cilja, napetost između protagonistica raste jer dok Virág uživa u ulozi majke, Nora se muči da pronađe svoje mjesto u njihovoj porodici.
E As Hungary’s political climate becomes increasingly radicalized, Virág, a former green politician, loses faith in the pretending-to-be democratic parliament of Hungary and retires from politics. She and her musician partner Nóra decide to adopt a child and focus on building a family together. Asia Dér and Sári Haragonics follow the two women through their lengthy and ultimately successful adoption process to bring home their young daughter of Roma origin. But tensions begin to rise between the two as Virág thrives in her role as a mother and Nóra struggles to find her place within the family.
Merry Christmas, Yiwu Sweden, Serbia, Germany, France, Belgium, Qatar, 2020, Colour, 94 min, Mandarin Chinese Režija / Director: Mladen Kovačević Scenarij / Screenplay: Mladen Kovačević
Komunistički ideali odavno su izgubili vrijednost u Yiwuu, gradu sa preko 600 božićnih fabrika u kojima se proizvodi sve što je potrebno za Božić širom svijeta. Zahvaljujući porastu plata, radnici u fabrikama mogu priuštiti da kupe najnovije telefone iPhone, ali još uvijek žive nagurani u radničkim barakama. Svi redom su migranti u vlastitoj zemlji, čeznu za dalekim destinacijama, nekima nedostaje porodica koju su ostavili u rodnom mjestu, a drugima, pak, kada se za praznike vrate kući, nedostaju prijatelji i ljubavnici iz fabrika u kojima rade. Mladim radnicima već su dosadili dugi radni sati, hemijska isparenja i šljokice, i ne zanima ih što njihovi roditelji žele da se oni obrazuju.
E Communist ideals have long lost their value in Yiwu, China, a city that features 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. With rising wages, workers in these factories can now afford the newest iPhones, but they still live in crowded dormitories. All of them are migrants in their own country, nostalgic for some faraway place; some miss their families left in hometowns, other miss their friends and lovers from the factories when they go home for holidays. The younger generation is already tired of long factory hours, chemical fumes and glitter particles, and they do not care for their parents’ wishes that they become educated.
Mir naše Gospe / Our Lady’s Peace Montenegro, 2020, Colour, 18 min, No Dialogue Režija / Director: Vladimir Perović Scenarij / Screenplay: Vladimir Perović
Junak, protagonista ili trpilac ove priče jeste mjesto mira, čistoće i spokoja: skoro pet stoljeća staro svetilište na usamljenom ostrvcetu – Gospa od Škripjela, ispred Perasta u Boki Kotorskoj. Danas na njega nasrće čudan antagonista, s više lica: brzina, buka, površnost i taština modernog doba. Nebesko naspram zemaljskog, prolazno naspram vječnog, materijalno naspram duhovnog…
E The hero, main protagonist, or sufferer of this story is a place of peace, purity and comfort: Our Lady of the Rocks, a five-century-old church on a lonely islet off the coast of Perast in the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. Today, it is under assault by an unusual, multi-faced antagonist: the speed, noise, shallowness and vanity of modern times. Divine against worldly, transient against timeless, the material against the spiritual…
Zacijeli me / Hold Me Right Serbia, United States, 2020, Colour, 75 min, English, Serbian Režija / Director: Danijela Štajnfeld Scenarij / Screenplay: Danijela Štajnfeld
ZACIJELI ME je dokumentarni film o posljedicama koje trpe žrtve i počinioci seksualnog nasilja, zasnovan na intimnim svjedočenjima osoba koje su preživjele seksualni napad. Film kombinuje svjedočanstva osoba koje su preživjele seksualni napad i sekvence iz njihovog kasnijeg života, postavljajući pitanje šta se može smatrati oporavkom. Autorica filma Danijela Štajnfeld snagu crpi iz empatije jer je i sama, kao mlada glumica u Srbiji, bila žrtva seksualnog nasilja. Nakon što je izgubila mogućnost da sigurno priča o napadu koji je doživjela, skupila je hrabrost da kroz proces susreta i intervjua svoju priču podijeli s drugima koji su prošli kroz slična iskustva.
E HOLD ME RIGHT is a documentary that explores the aftermath of sexual assault through intimate first-hand testimonies that unveil the culture of sexual violence as it affects both survivors and perpetrators alike. The film interweaves individual portraits and vérité sequences that take us into the arc of a survivor’s journey, interrogating what it means to heal. Filmmaker Danijela Stajnfeld finds power in empathy as she wrestles with her own experience of surviving an assault as a young actress in Serbia. After losing the ability to speak up about her assault safely, she finds the courage to share her own story through the process of meeting and interviewing survivors like herself.
Nenad Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020, Colour, 22 min, French, Bosnian Režija / Director: Mladen Bundalo Scenarij / Screenplay: Mladen Bundalo
Nenad radi u fabrici za opravku vozova u Prijedoru, u Bosni i Hercegovini, i kao i mnogi drugi mladi ljudi planira otići da živi i radi u Sloveniju. U rascjepu između nostalgije za domovinom i snova o boljem životu, NENAD propituje dileme s kojima se osoba suočava kada odluči napustiti vlastitu zemlju.
E Nenad is a worker at a train repair factory in Prijedor in Bosnia and Herzegovina and, like many young people around him, he plans to go to work and possibly to live in Slovenia. Between nostalgia for the homeland and dreams of a better life, NENAD explores the dilemmas that arise when you decide to leave your country.
Povratak u Epipo / Return to Epipo Hungary, 2020, Colour, 84 min, Hungarian Režija / Director: Judit Oláh Scenarij / Screenplay: Judit Oláh, Eva Zabezsinszkij
Osamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka mnogi mladi ljudi u Mađarskoj sanjali su o odmoru u jedinstvenom ljetnom kampu, magičnom mjestu gdje su se mogli pretvarati da su neko drugi. Harizmatični vođa Epipoa očaravao je djecu, ali nad njihovim nevinim igrama nadvijale su se sjene poniženja i prikrivenog zlostavljanja.
E Back in the late 1980s, many Hungarian youngsters dreamed of a holiday at a unique summer camp, of visiting a realm of role-playing and magic. The charismatic leader of Epipo cast a spell over these children, yet behind their innocent games lurked the shadow of humiliation and concealed abuse.
Jedna od nas / One of Us Croatia, 2020, Colour, 51 min, Croatian Režija / Director: Đuro Gavran Scenarij / Screenplay: Đuro Gavran
Na proslavi petnaestogodišnjice mature kolege iz razreda prisjećaju se srednjoškolskih dogodovština. Kako večer odmiče, sljedovi hrane i pića se nižu, razgovori su sve otvoreniji, ali jednu temu s nelagodom izbjegavaju, sve dok ih alkohol ne ohrabri da započnu razgovor o šokantnom pismu koje su svi primili. Pismu u kojem njihova kolegica iznosi svoju mučnu ispovijest o brutalnom zlostavljanju koje je proživljavala kao dijete i srednjoškolka.
E How do we speak about the horror with which we are faced but cannot come to terms with? The classmates have gathered for their fifteenth highschool reunion, reminiscing about their adolescent adventures. As the evening progresses, different dinner courses and drinks are brought out and the conversations become more open, yet there is one topic that everyone avoids, until alcohol encourages them to mention the shocking letter they have all received. The letter is a torturous confession from one of their former classmates, in which she reveals the brutal abuse she endured as a child and during high school.
Kuća lutaka / House of Dolls Romania, 2020, Colour, 68 min, Romanian Režija / Director: Tudor Platon Scenarij / Screenplay: Tudor Platon
Istraživanje posebnog svemira: godišnjeg odmora grupe sedamdesetogodišnjakinja. Cica, Nana, Pupi i Elena dobrovoljno se izoluju u seoskoj vili, daleko od muškaraca i zahtjevne svakodnevnice. Dijele uspomene i nostalgiju, melanholiju i sreću, tračeve i zamjerke. Sve kako bi zadržale iluziju da vrijeme nije prošlo, da je sve što im se dogodilo bio jedan dug i iscrpljujući san i da su još uvijek jednako lijepe i mlade kao što su bile prije pedeset godina.
E An exploration of a special universe: the annual vacation of a group of 70-year-old women. Far from men and the madness of daily life, Cica, Nana, Pupi and Elena isolate themselves voluntarily in a villa in the countryside. Together, they blend memories and nostalgia, melancholia and joy, gossip and reproaches. All this to keep up the illusion that time has not passed, that everything has been a long and exhausting dream. That they are still the same beautiful and attractive girls they were 50 years ago. Now, Cica, Nana, Pupi and Elena are captive in bodies they do not recognise and do not know how to deal with.
Izbor za Miss / The Pageant Turkey, France, Israel, Germany, 2020, Colour, 85 min, Hebrew, English, Russian Režija / Director: Eytan İpeker Scenarij / Screenplay: Eytan İpeker
Od 2011. u Haifi se svake godine održava jedinstven izbor ljepote. Sve učesnice preživjele su holokaust. Usred tog raskošnog spektakla, koji sponzorira evangelistička crkvena organizacija, učesnice se i dalje bore sa svojim dubokim traumama. Ovaj dokumentarni film istražuje veze između sjećanja, politike i spektakla.
E Every year since 2011, a unique beauty contest takes place in Haifa. The contestants are female survivors of the Holocaust. In the midst of this flashy spectacle sponsored by an Evangelical Christian organization, the personal traumas of the survivors remain as deep as ever. A documentary about how memory, politics and spectacle are interconnected.
U slavu ljubavi / In Praise of Love Serbia, 2020, Colour, 80 min, Spanish Režija / Director: Tamara Drakulić Scenarij / Screenplay: Tamara Drakulić
Otvarajući nam vrata svog polako odumirućeg svijeta punog mitova, odvažnih susreta, poduhvata i dubokih sagledavanja manje očiglednih tokova društvene stvarnosti, Beto nas također vodi i tamo gdje najviše i sam voli da ide – u nepoznato. Sintetički svijet, nastao radi ovog filma, spaja maleno pustinjsko selo sa Shakespeareom, lokalne legende s romantičnom tragedijom dalekog kontinenta, aktuelnu svakodnevicu s tragovima minulih vremena. Vodeći nas u “središte ove zemlje”, Beto nas dovodi do ostvarenja namjere iskazane u naslovu filma i tačke iz koje se briga o sebi razotkriva kao neraskidivo povezana s brigom o bićima oko sebe.
E By opening the door into his slowly dying world, which is rich in myths, brave encounters, adventures and deep insights into social processes, Beto takes us where he likes going the most: into the unknown. The synthetic world created for this film brings together a small desert village and Shakespeare, local legends and a distant continent’s romantic tragedy, present reality and traces of the old world. By taking us into the “centre of this world,” Beto helps us do what the title of the film calls for: bringing us to a point where caring for oneself is inseparable from caring for others.
The Fourth Character Greece, 2019, Colour, 85 min, Greek Režija / Director: Katerina Patroni Scenarij / Screenplay: Katerina Patroni
Film o gubitku, vjeri, krivici i iskupljenju koji prati tri osobe unutar gradskog pejzaža i razotkriva vezu između vremena, ljudskog iskustva i grada. Film dokumentuje svakodnevne rituale tri osobe koje prati, preplićući njihove životne priče sa zvucima Atine.
E A documentary about loss, faith, guilt and redemption, that follows three characters within a cityscape and reveals the connections between time, the human experience and the city. The movie observes the everyday rituals of these three people while their stories are intertwined with the sounds of Athens.
Zavjera / Conspiracy Montenegro, 2020, Colour, 90 min, Montenegrin, English Režija / Director: Šemsudin Radončić Scenarij / Screenplay: Šemsudin Radončić
Na putu ulaska male Crne Gore u NATO ispriječila se velika Rusija. Moskovski agenti planiraju da organizuju državni udar u toj državi na dan parlamentarnih izbora. Cilj je ukloniti prozapadnog premijera i instalirati prorusku vlast. A onda jedan od zavjerenika, uplašen da će zavjera odnijeti mnoge živote, odlučuje promijeniti tok historije.
E On its way to joining NATO, the small nation of Montenegro got in the way of the great state of Russia. Moscow agents plan to stage a coup in Mediterranean country on the day of the parliamentary elections. The goal is to remove the pro-Western prime minister and install pro-Russian rule. But an insider, a “small man” with an awakened conscience, afraid the conspiracy will cost many lives, decides to change the course of history.
Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day Programme
Pod pokroviteljstvom Kraljevine Nizozemske, ove godine će se održati 12. izdanje Dana ljudskih prava u sklopu 26. Sarajevo Film Festivala. U okviru programa, publika će moći pogledati film ULOVLJENI U MREŽU u režiji Víta Klusáka i Barbore Chalupove koji će poslužiti kao osnova za panel-diskusiju. Fokus diskusije će biti na pitanju slobode i sigurnosti na internetu, a moderator panela će biti Robert Zuber, novinar i reditelj. Film će, na ondemand.sff. ba platformi Sarajevo Film Festivala, biti dostupan i u verziji prilagođenoj slijepoj i slabovidnoj publici uz audio deskripciju na B/H/S jeziku koju je festival obezbijedio u saradnji sa udruženjem “Novis”. U sklopu saradnje Sarajevo Film Festivala i festivala Movies that Matter, učesnici Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava u Bosni i Hercegovini (YIHR) moći će pogledati kratke filmove pod zajedničkim nazivom Short Matters.
E Under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the 2020 Sarajevo Film Festival presents its twelfth consecutive Human Rights Day programme including Vít Klusák’s and Barbora Chalupová’s documentary film CAUGHT IN THE NET and a panel discussion questioning internet freedom and safety that will be moderated by journalist and director Robert Zuber. The film will be available for the audience at the festival’s platform along with a film version with audio description in B/H/S provided in collaboration with Association “Novis”. As a part of Sarajevo Film Festival and Movies that Matter Festival collaboration, the young activists of Youth Initative for Human Rights (YIHR) will be able to see 4 short films under the title Short Matters.
Utorak / Tuesday, 18. august Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day
Uz podršku Ambasade Holandije / Supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands
12:00 // Panel diskusija / Panel discussion
SLOBODA I SIGURNOST NA INTERNETU / INTERNET FREEDOM AND SAFETY Dostupnost: direktno putem Zoom aplikacije i naknadno na platformi Sarajevo Film Festivala / Availability: live via Zoom or afterwards at Sarajevo Film Festival’s platform
Short Matters – Movies that Matter predstavlja / presents ŠUMA OBLAKA / CLOUD FOREST, Eliane Esther Bots OSRAMOĆENA / DISGRACED, Raymon Hilkman CVRKUTAVI VRABAC / SONG SPARROW, Farzaneh Omidvarnia ZA ONE KOJI SU ŽIVI / TO THE LIVING, Pauline Fonsny Filmovi dostupni učesnicima Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava u Bosni i Hercegovini / Films available for the young activists of Youth Initative for Human Rights (YIHR) HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2020 I 21
12. Dan ljudskih prava
Postoje horori koje ne želite vidjeti na filmu, bilo da je riječ o fikciji, a pogotovo ako se radi o dokumentarnom filmu. Caught in the Net jedan je od takvih dokumentarnih filmova za koji dok ga gledate, duboko u sebi poželite da nikada nije snimljen. Ne da bi se prešutjelo ono što svojom pričom donosi, već zbog želje da takva ljudska grozota ne postoji. Kao roditelju dvoje djece užasno je stresno bilo uopće prihvatiti zadatak pogledati ovaj film rediteljskog češkog dvojca Víta Klusáka i Barbore Chalupove, a onda smirene glave napisati tekst o njemu, pa ga još i predstaviti na Sarajevo Film Festivalu u sklopu programa Human Right Days. Jer dokumentirana priča tri punoljetne glumice, koje glumeći 12-ogodišnje djevojčice u samo deset dana kontaktira gotovo 2500 hiljada punoljetnih muškaraca, koji bi im mogli biti i očevi i djedovi, govori o jednom od najgnusnijih zločina moderne globalne civilizacije koji postoji, i svakodnevno na svom nišanu ima one najranjivije ‒ našu djecu. Ovaj sjajan, ali i iznimno težak češki film donosi ovu strašnu priču na zastrašujuće univerzalan način, u kojem nije bitno da su ove zamišljene djevojčice Čehinje, a njihovi pedo-
filski progonitelji Česi. Jer kako vas film iz minute u minutu uvlači u strahotu koja postoji oko nas, one postaju naše kćeri, naše susjede, sva nezaštićena djeca oko nas. A oni ‒ progonitelji ‒ postaju čudovišta koja mogu biti svugdje oko nas, o kojima je, koliko god teško i mučno bilo, važno govoriti kako bi se na ove predatore jasno upozorilo. Prikazivanje, dakle, ovog filma onemogućuje relativizaciju postojanja ovog gnusnog čina, ili, ne daj, Bože, bilo koju mogućnost njegovog opravdanja ili razumijevanja. Ljudsko pravo na normalan život djeteta jedno je od osnovnih prava koje kao društvo moramo braniti. Svim sredstvima. Pa tako i ovakvim hrabrim filmom, za koji mi je danas važno da sam ga imao prilike vidjeti, za koji je važno da ga vidi što veći broj gledatelja, za koji je stoga iznimno važno da je snimljen. I zato, koliko god mi je bilo mučno kao gledatelju, autoru teksta o njemu, iznimno sam ponosan da upravo ovaj film možemo predstaviti u sklopu Human Right Day na ovogodišnjem Sarajevo Film Festivalu. Jer možemo odbraniti svoju djecu, ne okrećući glave od onoga što im se događa. Bivajući uz njih, kad god to trebaju.
12th Human Rights Day
E There are horrors you don’t want to see, especially not in a film. Not in a fiction movie, and especially not in a documentary. Caught in the Net is one such documentary that, when you watch it, you deep down wish it had never been made. Not to conceal what is presented in the story, but because of the desire that such human horror doesn’t exist. As a parent of two children, it was terribly stressful to accept the task of watching this film by the Czech directing duo Vít Klusák and Barbora Chalupova, and then, with a cool head, write a text about it and even present it at the Sarajevo Film Festival as part of the Human Right Days programme. Because, the documented story of three adult actresses, who, playing 12-year-old girls, are contacted by almost 2,500 adult men in just 10 days, who could be their fathers and grandfathers, speaks of one of the most heinous crimes of modern global civilization, which exists, and targets the most vulnerable every day - our children. This brilliant but also extremely difficult Czech film presents this scary story in a frighteningly universal way in which it does not matter that these imaginary girls are Czechs, and their paedophile persecutors are Czechs. Because, as the film
draws you into the horror that exists around us minute by minute, they are becoming our daughters, our neighbours, all the unprotected children around us. And they - the persecutors - are becoming possible monsters all around us. Which, no matter how difficult and painful, it is important to talk about in order to clearly warn about these predators. Showing this film thus precludes any possibility of relativizing the existence of this heinous act, or, God forbid, any possibility of justifying or understanding it. A child’s human right to a normal life is one of the basic rights that we as a society must defend. By all available means. And thus also with a courageous film like this. It is important to me to have had the opportunity to watch it today. It is important for as many viewers as possible to watch it. Therefore, it is extremely important to have been made. And that is why, no matter how painful it is for me as a viewer, the author of this text, I am extremely proud that we can present this film as part of the Human Right Day at this year’s Sarajevo Film Festival. Because. we can defend our children without turning our heads away from what is happening to them. By being with them, whenever they need it. Robert Zuber
Ulovljeni u mrežu / Caught in the Net Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2020, Colour, 100 min, Czech Režija / Director: Barbora Chalupová, Vít Klusák Scenarij / Screenplay: Barbora Chalupová, Vít Klusák
Tri glumice, tri dječije sobe, 10 dana i 2458 seksualnih predatora. Eksperiment koji baca nužno svjetlo na tabu-temu zlostavljanja djece na internetu. Tri glumice starije od 18 godina, ali dječijeg izgleda, dobijaju zadatak da se na društvenim mrežama pretvaraju da su dvanaestogodišnjakinje. U filmskom studiju, u okruženju namještenom da izgleda poput dječijih soba, dopisuju se i putem Skypea razgovaraju s muškarcima različitih godina koji su ih pronašli i kontaktirali putem intereneta. Većina muškaraca od njih traži videoseks, šalju im fotografije svojih penisa ili linkove za pornografske sadržaje. Neki ih čak pokušavaju i ucjenjivati. Dokumentarni film prati reakcije glumica koje se pretvaraju da su dvanaestogodišnje djevojčice, od trenutka kada dođu na audiciju za film do trenutka kada se s predatorima susretnu licem u licem (pod budnim okom zaštitara i pred objektivima šest skrivenih kamera). Predatorske taktike postepeno se okreću protiv predatora, a lovci postaju lovina.
E Three female actors, three children’s rooms, ten days and 2,458 sexual predators. An experiment that shines an urgent light on the taboo subject of the abuse of children on the Internet. Three over-eighteen actors with very young appearances are tasked with pretending they are twelve-year-old girls on fake social media profiles. In faithful copies of children’s rooms created in a film studio they chat and Skype with men of all ages who have searched for and contacted them online. The vast majority of these men demand video sex and send photos of their penises or links to pornography. Some even attempt blackmail. This documentary delivers the gripping drama of the protagonists playing young girls, from casting to face-to-face meetings with predators (watched by security and six hidden cameras). Predatory tactics are gradually turned against perpetrators and hunters become hunted.
Film je prilagođen slijepoj i slabovidnoj publici. Audio deskripciju na B/H/S jeziku Sarajevo Film Festival je obezbijedio u saradnji sa udruženjem “Novis”. / The film is accessible to visually impaired audience. Audio description in B/H/S is provided in collaboration with Association “Novis”.
Šuma oblaka / Cloud Forest Netherlands, 2019, Colour, 18 min, Dutch Režija / Director: Eliane Esther Bots Scenarij / Screenplay: Eliane Esther Bots
U ovom bajkovitom filmu pet mladih Holanđanki vode nas na maštovito putovanje kroz uspomene svojih roditelja na rat u bivšoj Jugoslaviji.
E In this fairy-tale-like film, five Dutch girls take us on an imaginative journey through the memories of their parents’ experiences of the war in the former Yugoslavia.
Osramoćena / Disgraced Netherlands, 2019, Colour and B&W, 17 min, Dutch Režija / Director: Raymon Hilkman Scenarij / Screenplay: Milou Rohde, Raymon Hilkman
Drugi svjetski rat tek je završio. Majka se suočava s neprijateljstvom ljudi iz svoga okruženja jer njena najmlađa kćerka nosi dijete njemačkog vojnika.
E World War II has just ended. A mother has to deal with the aggression of the outside world, when her youngest daughter is expecting a child fathered by a German soldier.
Cvrkutavi vrabac / Song Sparrow Denmark, Iran, 2019, Colour, 12 min, No Dialogue Režija / Director: Farzaneh Omidvarnia Scenarij / Screenplay: Farzaneh Omidvarnia, Mehdi Rostampour
U potrazi za sigurnom zemljom i boljim životom, grupa izbjeglica plaća krijumčaru da ih u hladnjači ilegalno prebaci preko granice. Međutim, unutar ledene hladnjače, njihovi snovi o boljoj budućnosti pretvaraju se u očajničku borbu za preživljavanje. Zasnovano na stvarnim događajima u Austriji 2015. i Irskoj 2019.
E A group of refugees tries to reach a safe country in search of a better life. They pay a smuggler to convey them across the border in a refrigerated truck. However, the freezing temperature of the truck turns their hopes for a better future into a fierce struggle for survival. Based on real-life events that took place in Austria in 2015 and in Ireland in 2019.
Za one koji su živi / To the Living Belgium, 2019, Colour, 27 min, French, English Režija / Director: Pauline Fonsny Scenarij / Screenplay: Pauline Fonsny, Maïa Chauvier, Martin Lamand
Semiru Adamu, dvadesetogodišnju “ilegalnu” imigranticu iz Nigerije, policajci su 1998. ugušili jastukom u pokušaju da je protjeraju iz Belgije. Dvadeset godina kasnije – u zajedničkom ženskom ratnom pokliču – dvije žene pričaju njenu priču. Kroz svoje priče one opisuju stvarnost pritvornih centara za migrante, uslove njihovog zatočenja, patnje koje trpe i zlostav-ljanje kojem ih podvrgavaju čuvari i policajci.
E In 1998, Semira Adamu, a twenty-year-old, “illegal” Nigerian immigrant on Belgian soil, was smothered to death by police with a cushion as they attempted to expel her. Twenty years later, in a combined female war cry, two women tell her story. Through their tales, they highlight the reality of detention centres intended for migrant people, the conditions of imprisonment, the suffering of detainees and abuse by guards and policemen.
Dokumentarni filmovi bave se relevantnim, često osjetljivim pitanjima i donose na dnevni red vrlo važne teme o kojima će se raspravljati u svakom društvu. Pored Q&A sesija, koje se odvijaju u kinima nakon projekcija, SFF već deset godina vodi posebnu platformu za debatu DOCU CORNER, koja se provodi u saradnji s Inicijativom mladih za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine. Ova platforma pruža priliku za detaljne rasprave o svakom dokumentarnom filmu u našem takmičarskom segmentu. Oko 50 mladih iz regije i nekih drugih evropskih zemalja, zajedno sa znatiželjnim novinarima i drugim akreditiranim gostima festivala, imat će priliku sudjelovati u detaljnim sesijama sa svakom filmskom ekipom. Rasprave moderira SFF stručnjak. Svake godine naš DOCU CORNER posjećuje gotovo 100 mladih iz desetak različitih zemalja, ne samo iz regije, već i iz Zapadne Evrope, a ovaj put smo, zbog životnih okolnosti prouzrokovanim COVID-om, odlučili snimiti sve rasprave kako bismo ih prikazali na našoj festivalskoj platformi i učinili ih dostupnim onima koji ove godine nisu mogli doputovati u Sarajevo. Ove će se godine Docu Corner održati od 16. do 21. augusta 2020. godine.
E Documentaries tackle relevant, often sensitive issues, and bring to the table very important topics to be discussed in each society. Next to the Q&A sessions, done in cinema after the screenings, SFF runs for already ten years a very special debating platform DOCU CORNER, which is done in collaboration with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This platform gives an opportunity for in-depth debates about each documentary film in our Competition. Around 50 youngsters from the region as well as from several other European countries, to-gether with the curious journalists and other festival accredited guests, will have a chance to par-ticipate in the elaborate sessions with each film team. The discussions are moderated by the SFF professional. Every year, our DOCU CORNER is visited by almost 100 youngsters from around 10 different countries, not only from the Region but from Western Europe as well, and this time, due to the life circumstances caused by COVID, we have decided to record all debates in order to screen them at our Festival platform and make them available for those who couldn’t travel to Sarajevo this year. This year Docu Corner will take a place from 16th until 21st August 2020.
YIHR BH / DocuCorner
Učešće incijative mladih za ljudska prava u Bosni i Hercegovini (YIHR BH) na Sarajevo Film Festivalu (SFF) je aktivnost koja je postala tradicionalna i traje već devet godina. Mladi aktivisti imaju priliku učestovati na projekcijama filmova Takmičakskog programa – Dokumentarni film na SFF-u i nakon projekcije filmova, na Docu Corneru, diskutovati o glavnim porukama prikazanog filma sa svojim kolegama/cama i autorima filma. Također, prikazani filmovi često pokrenu diskusiju o osnovnim znanjima o standardima ljudskih prava, postojećim i institucionalnim mehanizmima za zaštitu građanskih prava, kao i teme vezane za suočavanje sa prošlošću i tranzicionu pravdu. Ove produktivne diskusije inspirišu mlade aktiviste/ce o novim načinima i metodama kako doprinijeti ovim važnim i relevantnim temama kroz konkretne akcije. Ciljevi okupljanja mladih na Docu Corneru su: (1) poticati izgradnju povjerenja među mladim ljudima iz različitih etničkih zajednica, koja u konačnici integrira održivu i umreženu grupu aktivista/ca u Bosni i Hercegovini u strukturu incijative mladih za ljudksa prava u BiH (YIHR BH); i (2) povezuje mlade ljude cijele iz Bosne i Hercegovine s njihovim vršnjacima u Srbiji, Crnoj
Gori i Hrvatskoj, uspostavljajući na regionalnom nivou direktni dijalog između etnički podjeljenih mladih ljudi. Od prije dvije godine, mladi ljudi iz Bosne i Hercegovine i regije, također, imaju priliku razmjenjivati svoja iskustva i znanja s mladim ljudima iz cijele Evrope koji, također, učestvuju u ovom programu. Ovakva okupljanja mladih ljudi, naručito iz rauličitih djelova Bosne i Hercegovine, svakako predstavljaju jedan od početnih koraka ka razbijanju predsrasuda među mladim ljudima različitih nacionalnosti, ali, također, doprinose i izgradnji solidarnosti i povjerenja među njima, što je od preduslova za zajedničke aktivnosti koje YIHR BH kontinuirano provodi prije i poslije SFF-a. Regionalna dimenzija SFF-a se očituje i kroz razbijanje predrasuda među mladim ljudima iz različitih zemalja. Učešće na SFF-u im daje mogućnost da razmjene svoja iskustva, definišu sličnosti i da razgovaraju o „tabu“ temama (LGBTQ, identiteti, manjine) i da, u stvari, uvide da između njih posji mnogo više zajedničkih stvari koje ih povezuju, nego onih koje ih razdvajaju. YIHR BH je ponosan što je dio velike SFF porodice i raduje se nastavku saradnje kroz rad s mladim ljudima iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Balkana i Evrope.
E Participation at Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) is an activity that had become a traditional and it is ongoing for nine years. Young activists have the chance to participate at Human Rights Program at SFF and afer the screening, at Docu-Corner, to discuss the main issues of the shown film with their colleagues and authors. In addition, the movies are triggering discussion about basic knowlage of human rights standards, existing institutional mechanisms for citizens’ rights protection and topics related to the facing the past and transitional justice. Those productive discussions are inspiring young activists to search and apply the new ways of contributing to those important and relevant topics through tangible actions. Goals: The project’s purpose is to (1) foster the trust between youung people from different ethnic communities, ultimately leading to a sustainable and networked group of activists in BiH integrated into the YIHR BH structure; and (2) connect youung people from throughout BiH with their peers in Serbia, Montenegro, and Croatia, brokering direct dialog between ethnically divided young people on reginal scale. Since two years ago, young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the region also have an opportunity to share their experiences and knowlage with youung people from entire Europe who are also taking part in this program. It is important to emphasize importance of such gathering of youung people, particulary from the different parts of BiH – this certainly represents a first step towards breaking the prejudice among young people of different national backgrounds, but also building solldarity and trust among them, which is pre-condition for continuous joint activities that YIHR BH conducts before and after SFF. On the other side, a regional dimension of SFF is also reflected throught breaking prejudices among youung people from different countries. Participation at SFF provides them an opportunity to exchange their experiences, define their similirities, to discuss „taboo“ topics among themselves (e.g. minorities, LGTBQ, population, identities) and to realize that there are more common things that connect them ,rather to separate them). YIHR BH is proud to be part of the SFF family and is looking forward to continuing its work with youung people from aroung Bosnia and Herzegovina, Balkan region and Europe.