7 Stem Cell Storage Myths Debunked Stem cell banking is one of the latest and the most promising advances in the field of medicine. Even today, research is being carried out in finding the use of stem cells for the most common life threatening diseases. But with every advancement arise certain myths and misconceptions in that field. Here are some of the myths and the realities of stem cell banking. 1. It is a Costly Procedure This may seem like a costly procedure but that’s not true. It is made cost effective by part payment scheme or even interest free plans are available. 2. They Can Only Be Used For One Person Stem cells can be used not only for one person but their close relationships as well such as siblings and parents. The best part is that you don’t require perfect match unlike bone marrow transplants. 3. Important Only For Those With Medical History It is not necessary that if you have inherited health issues such as cancer, then only you need those stem cells. They are a preventive measure for future health problems. 4. Viability Is Too Less This is the most common myth in people regarding stem cells. According to current studies these cells are viable for 24 yrs till now which is a pretty good time. 5. It Is Not Meant For Mixed Race People Stem cell banking is for everyone in the world. Infect it is essential for mixed race couples to get their stem cells preserved so that if in future any member of their family suffers from a problem that can be treated with stem cells, they won’t have to run anywhere in search of stem cells for their family. 6. Stem Cells Donated In Public Banks Stay Forever Most of the stem cells donated in public stem cell banks are sent for the research projects. It is advised to go for private stem cell banking if you want assured return of stem cells. 7. Risky Procedure Stem cell banking is completely ethical, painless and non invasive procedure. Whether it is cord blood banking or any other means of collection of stem cells, there is no risk for the person who donates these cells and also for the person who uses these cells. Although there are so many myths and misconceptions regarding the stem cell banking procedure, it is still a boon for medicine in India and abroad. The best part of stem cell banking is that it can be done anywhere with no risks involved. Research is still being done on using these cells for the treatment of as much disease as possible and giving people a better quality of life.