Brand Brief - The Bridge

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Sara Tinnick
 3.3.1 Week 3 Discussion
 August 19, 2015

National Music Centre

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“The best brands stand for something.”
 (Wheeler, 29)

Commitment NMC exists due to fundraising campaigns by dedicated groups who believe in the preservation of Canadian music & history.

NMC’s “big idea” is to celebrate the long, rich history of Canadian music to ensure future generations can appreciate their nation’s artists.

National Music Centre

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NMC’s commitment to music, music education, & Canadian musical history is seen in every activity it undertakes, from the new Studio Bell to the education programs offered to all individuals.

NMC will achieve longevity because it is the only museum in Canada specializing in all genres of music. With it’s far-reaching mission to spread knowledge in all genres, the future will be bright for aspiring Canadian musicians.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


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Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

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EMP Museum



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EMP is the on museum celebrating , technology, innovation y and education fueled b the creativity found in popular culture.

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EMP Museum

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EMP Museum

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EMP Museum

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Pittsburgh Mus ic History is the only online spa ce dedicated to documenting P ittsburgh’s rich musical history while supportin g current historymarking artists .

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PMH will have longevity in the Pittsburgh mar ket because it is the only one of it’s kind in the c ity. Pittsburgh’s mu sical future is bright and PMH will document it .

Competitive Review

Onliness PMH:

Pittsburgh Music History is the only online space dedicated to documenting Pittsburgh’s rich musical history while supporting current history-marking artists.

Pittsburgh Music History Similarities: 1. Music-based museum 2. Fosters an appreciation for music
 3. Historical documentation Differences Differences: 1. No physical location 2. Pittsburgh area musicians only 3. No educational component Onlieness: Pittsburgh Music History is the only online space dedicated to documenting Pittsburgh’s rich musical history while supporting current history-marking artists.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Similarities: 1. Music-based museum 2. Fosters an appreciation for music
 3. Historical documentation Differences Differences: 1. Focuses on Rock & Roll only 2. Worldwide scope 3. Members MUST be inducted Onlieness: The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is the only museum celebrating the iconic figures who forge the rock genre worldwide.

National Music Centre Similarities: 1. Music-based museum 2. Fosters an appreciation for music
 3. Historical documentation Differences Differences: 1. Canadian location and focus 2. Covers ALL genres 3. Educational component across genres Onlieness: NMC is the only comprehensive location for Canadians of all ages to share their love, deepen their understanding, & preserve their music history.

EMP Similarities: 1. Music-based museum 2. Fosters an appreciation for music
 3. Historical documentation Differences Differences: 1. Starts in Rock, expands to pop culture 2. Extensive use of multimedia 3. Educational component in Hip Hop Onlieness: EMP is the only nonprofit museum celebrating technology, innovation, and education fueled by the creativity found in popular culture.

SWOT Analysis

strengths 1. Only website with a comprehensive collection of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

reliable information about the Pittsburgh music scene Relationship with Hard Rock Cafe Information is already gathered and ell cited Rich history of Pittsburgh Strong sense of “Pittsburgh Pride” Starting from the ground up

opportunities 1. Advertising and merchandising can be handled by Hometowne Sports in multiple locations 2. Large Pittsburgh fanbase all over the United States because of the Steelers 3. Can sell or advertise in Station Square, Heniz Field, the WaterFront, PNC Park, the Cultural District, South Side Works, Consol Energy Center, Market Square

Weaknesses Lacks credibility Hard to find with no dedicated URL Vague and cluttered website Assessing if there is currently enough content
 for a physical location and on going curation 5. Station Square can have a low population, especially January-April 6. No current branding

1. 2. 3. 4.

threats 1. Larger Museums with more funding 2. Museums with current collections with more
 content that is inaccessible 3. Unknown and unfunded 4. No affiliations with other main Pittsburgh 
 icons and pop culture

Brand Strategy

Brand Positioning Currently, PMH is positioned at the bottom of the market in regards to music, the arts, and museum curation. 
 It is relatively unknown, especially without a dedicated URL. Pittsburgh’s rich musical legacy and potential impact on the future of music is currently stored digitally only. While it is an excellent, quick tool, it does not bring people together immersing them in the sounds, sights, and heritage unique to Pittsburgh. Due to the lack of branding, PMH is in an excellent position to build a legacy for musician and music lovers alike.

Value Propositioning “Pittsburgh Music History website is an online virtual museum that tells the story of the development of Pittsburgh's musical culture and honors musicians, music industry professionals, and radio personalities from the three state region surrounding Pittsburgh who have achieved national or international recognition for their contributions to the world of music” (PMH, 2015)

Sustainable Competitive Advantage Pittsburgh based museums and historical associations have no current locations that offer music only. PMH

already has affiliations with a national brand (Hard Rock Cafe) and very compelling real estate options are available. PMH can utilize multiple established businesses to form a strong partnership benefiting all.

Brand Strategy

Strategies & Goals • •

New logo and a more prominent website with a clear, easy to understand URL Develop and launch websites and logo in conjunction with a promotional event anticipant the opening of a physical location in Station Square Curate and outfit the existing spaces at Station Square
 across from Hard Rock Cafe PMH will be able to utilize Station Square’s current Summer Jams series, using the weekly concerts to induct their members and create awareness Station Square does not have any art pieces nearby, and the inclusion of art from a variety of Pittsburgh artists could also increase awareness. Example: Art by Warhol

Brand Strategy

Strategies & Goals •

PMH could partner with local colleges and high schools, continuing the Summer Jam series into the new school year and feature high school bands, perhaps in a talent show or battle of the band formats Partnerships with: PromoWest Live, WXDX, WYEP, WDVE, FROGGY radio stations, PNC Park, Heinz Field, Highmark Stadium, Consol Energy Center, the Steelers, the Penguins, the Pirates, the Power, the Riverhounds, various local church groups, festivals, charity events, and cultural events like Three Rivers Arts Festival and Three Rivers Regatta Usage of the Station Square building will be a tremendous asset and the development of a live music venue in the former dueling piano bar holds unique possibilities

Brand Strategy

Target Audience & Demographics • • • • • • • •

Individuals from Pittsburgh or formerly from Pittsburgh All music genres will be covered, from Doo Wop to Wiz Khalifa to Country • Children Families • Couples Singles • Tourists, especially those from the Sheraton School Groups Students and employees of Station Square Local musicians All Age Groups:

Music is universal - even if you don’t particularly like a genre, people will still include themselves if the atmosphere is fun. The Station Square Summer Jams bring in people of all ages, education levels, ethnic groups, and income ranges. Station Square is an easy to get to location along major transportation routes. It also has ample, simple parking, a major issue in Downtown Pittsburgh. Many commuters park at Station Square and walk.

Brand Strategy

Other Information Pittsburgh’s popularity has been growing. Among it’s accolades: •

• • • • • • • • • • •

Movoto’s Most Exciting Place in Pennsylvania: “With a population of 305,000, Pittsburgh is filled with artists, musicians, foodies and young people, with 35 percent of the population between the ages of 18 and 34.” One of the 10 Best Places to Pursue the American Dream by The Atlantic #1 Most Romantic City for Baby Boomers Sperling’s Best Places #1 Best City to Relocate To Sperling’s Best Places One of the Safest Metropolitan Areas of Walking Dangerous Design 2014 2014 Best All-American Vacation Travel Channel USA Today’s list of Most Stunning Views Most Livable Location The Economist #1 Most Secure Place to live 2011 Bankers Life and Casualty Company Center for a Secure Retirement #3 Best US City for Seniors Sperling’s Best Places The Simple Dollar’s Affordable Big Cities in the US Most Livable Location in the Continental US The Economist

Brand Strategy

Other Information • • •

Station Square is part of a 52 acre historical property It currently houses 471,839 sq. ft. of office and retail space There are multiple areas: • The Shops at Station Square containing the Freight House, “originally the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Freight House. It was like a parking garage for trains” (, 2015) • The Freight House is the oldest of the remaining building at Station Square, built in 1897 • There are still five remaining freight cars inside of Station Square, integrated into the architecture • The original railroad tracks are under the flooring inside Station Square • The proposed location for PMH Museum is located in the Freight House • Another location, Commerce Court was originally the P&LE Central Warehouse, built in 1917 • The proposed live venue location is in Commerce Court, in the former dueling piano bar, Jellyrolls • Bessemer Court “was named after the large steel structure that sits in the middle known as the Bessemer Converter” (, 2015) • Hard Rock Cafe is located in Bessemer Court

Station Square

Brand Strategy

Other Information • • •

Station Square is one of the earliest and largest reuse projects in Pittsburgh Transportation Hub: Sector 16 of the Pittsburgh transit system which services most major routes Accessibility from a variety of transport methods: • Duquesne Incline: 482,000 riders in 2014 • Monongahela Incline: is the oldest continuously running incline in the United States • The T - Light rail transit, located at the intersection of East Carson Street and the Smithfield Street Bridge is directly across the street from Station Square • The Port Authority of Allegheny County provides continues bus service to and from Station Square • Parking - three outside parking facilities, and one covered garage: Over 4000 spaces with security • Marina - A 47-slip marina allows for simple boat and river access • The Gateway Clipper Fleet has it’s home at Station Square as well! • The Pittsburgh Water Limo can also fulfill your aquatic travel needs • Green Gears is an environmentally friendly bicycle taxi operating in Downtown Pittsburgh

Station Square

Brand Strategy

Conclusion Pittsburgh has a rich musical heritage and bright, talented future being documented by Pittsburgh Music History. They have created such a comprehensive collection of accurate information, but the brand needs to help to accomplish it’s goals. As the website states, “the blazing blast furnaces of the steel industry are extinct, but the fire of music still burns brightly in region of the city of steel” (PMH, 2015) 
 By extending their brand, creating a logo, relaunching their website with a dedicated URL, strengthening their partnership with the Hard Rock Cafe, and developing a bricks and mortar location will help to keep that blaze alive. Station Square offers a very unique and strong position for PMH.

There is nothing like listening to a rockstar croon as the inclines shuffle passengers to Mount Washington, under a rising moon reflecting off of the Three Rivers and the silent Pittsburgh skyline while a train barrels past, rattling the ground under your feet.

It’s an experience.

And right now, Pittsburgh

Music History needs that experience.

References About Pgh Music History - Pittsburgh Music History. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2015. About The Incline. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2015. Baker, B. (2015). Five-Minute Music Marketer. St. Louis, Missouri: Spotlight Publications. Beltrone, G. (2015, March 20). Behind the Music. Retrieved August 14, 2015, from news/advertising-branding/behind-music-138995 Capacity Interactive: Case Study - EMP Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from http:// Capone, J. (2015, July 21). Rita Chiarelli: The Queen of Canadian Blues. Retrieved August 10, 2015, from Best Places to Live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (2015). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from http:// Borg, B. (2014). Music marketing for the DIY musician: Creating and executing a plan of attack on a low budget. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Hal Leonard. Events at Station Square : Pittsburgh, PA. (2015). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from http:// Gaille, B. (2014, October 24). 49 Great Music Genre Demographics. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from http:// Green Gears Pedicabs: Green Transportation and Outdoor Advertising for Pittsburgh and the surrounding area. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Hard Rock Cafe Pittsburgh. (2015). Retrieved August 24, 2015

References Levy, M. (2014). Building your brand: A practical guide for nonprofit organizations. New York, New York: Morgan James Publishing. Lyons, K. (2006, December 9). Dueling dueling piano bars. Tribune Review. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Dueling dueling piano bars Most Romantic Cities for Boomers - Full Ranking. (2014). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from http:// Neumeier, M. (2006). Zag: The Number-one Strategy of High-performance Brands. Berkeley, California: New Riders. Nirvana: Taking Punk To The Masses. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from http:// Peduto, B. (2010). PGHSNAP. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from PGHSNAP_v0.91_Beta_(Oct_2010)_For_Web.pdf Pittsburgh Water Limo. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Rankings. (2015). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from rankings/city/pennsylvania/pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Tourism. (2015). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from media/press-kit/pittsburgh-rankings/

References The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from hFp:// Secure Places to Live 2011. (2011). Retrieved August 1, 2015. Star Wars™ and the Power of Costume. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from hFp://™-and-the-power-of-costume.aspx Station Square (2014). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Station Square Demographics. (2015). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from mimages/StationSquareDemographics.pdf The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Pittsburgh. (2015, August 12). Retrieved August 20, 2015, from https:// The Duquesne Incline: A Ride Back in Time - Popular Pittsburgh. (2015, March 5). Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Tinnick, S. EMP background, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Background, Pittsburgh Music History Background, and NMC Background: Imagery for PowerPoint presentation. Taken August 9-24 2015. Ukulele Resurgence: An Interview with Jason Valleau of the Polyjesters. (2015, July 1). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from hFp:// Vennare, J. (2015). 26 Rankings That Prove Pittsburgh is Better Than Every Other City. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 10/22/12. VitalBook file. WHO IS THE ELECTRONIC MUSIC LISTENER? (2014, July 10). Retrieved August 1, 2015.

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