Saratoga BRIDE 2021

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Bach 2.0

parties that are all about beauty WRITTEN BY MEGIN POTTER

inside & out

After the year we’ve had, you might think the only way to relieve the stress of making difficult wedding decisions (while enduring long periods of isolation) is by getting out and partying hard. In Saratoga however, you can have a raging bachelorette party that is both happy and healing. REFRESH, RENEW, REVITALIZE Getting married is one of life’s biggest times of transition and transformation. Heightened anxiety is a common response to the stress, especially in the continuously tumultuous world we find ourselves living in today.

and care for yourself and others, you will be honoring individuality, creativity, and love. This is an intentional rite of passage that defines your sisterhood, your gratitude for each other, for yourself, and for the beauty of life. Real queens banish what isn’t working, lift each other up, and take their rightful (and royal) place out in the world. DECADENT ABUNDANCE Guiding personal development and growth through fun selfdiscovery workshops and services is something Diane Palma was introduced to through the Saratoga Integrative Practitioners Network.

Give yourself a break. Savor every moment of magic, wonder, and joy during this special time instead, advises energy, beauty and mental health care expert Diane Palma.

Through this and her abundant connections with beauty, wellness, and energy professionals in the region, she creates your ideal menu of one to three offerings to fill a few hours, or plans out an entire festival of events complete with food and lodging for your group.

Palma has been a licensed cosmetologist and stylist for more than 20 years. She has a decade of clinical mental health experience, is a certified workplace wellness counselor, and a Reiki II Practitioner.

Refresh Saratoga workshops focus on creative, physical, spiritual, financial, and social wellness. Possible options include: how to style hair, makeup, and nails; make jewelry; painting and movement classes.

The goal of her new venture, Refresh Saratoga, is to provide opportunities to those looking to rejuvenate their mind, body, and soul within the area’s naturally healing energies.

As a Yaddo docent who has also explored and researched the healing energies and waters at the Saratoga Spa State Park, Palma is excited to share the magical metaphysical potential found onsite with her clients.

BE THE QUEEN The ultimate gift one can give to the world is believing in beauty, your own and others. “Real queens fix each other’s crowns,” believed Mira Foshee, Diane Palma’s cousin. This is the mantra that guides Palma on her own quest to turn your bach party into a sacred gathering of women empowering one another. Let your unique coronation as a queen include a customized Refresh ritual. By taking a sacred vow to trust 38  |  SARATOGA BRIDE | 2021

“This is a safe place to gather, be productive, and feel good,” she said. Refresh parties are available to be included in all kinds of events. Prices start at $100/person and include a gratitude gift bag. “Creating Your Future Self” a one-on-one therapy course is also available. To start creating your own custom healing party, explore your beliefs, interests, and goals by filling out their questionnaire online at

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