The 25 Annual Saratoga th
Dear Friends, The world as we know it has changed dramatically since last March. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the future has never felt so unpredictable. For the past eight months, we have been challenged by isolation from families and friends and limitations on freedoms we’ve always known. We have witnessed people losing their jobs or trying to balance working remotely while their children are often doing their schoolwork remotely as well. Requests for help with basic needs are increasing dramatically, and in the midst of it all, Catholic Charities staff have not missed a beat in rendering services to those in need. This year, we were hoping to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Festival of Trees in grand style – the agency’s primary fundraiser and the community’s premier holiday event. Due to the pandemic, we have had to make necessary modifications to ensure the safety of our community, our volunteers and ourselves. Thus there will be no Preview Reception on opening night, and Family Day with Breakfast with Santa, the holiday store and the raffle have all been canceled. We will have the usual display of beautifully decorated trees which will be featured virtually for purchase as well as in person. The smaller items – wreaths, centerpieces, etc. will be cash and carry. In lieu of breakfast with Santa we will offer face time visits with Santa, personalized letters and Christmas Cookie kits. The needs of our neighbors are growing dramatically and will continue to do so in the near future. In times like this, we’re reminded of how interconnected we all are. Thank you in advance for supporting the mission of Catholic Charities and the Festival of Trees. Now more than ever our communities need us and we need you.
Sister Charla Commins, Executive Director
Earline Johnson and Bruce O’Connell, Event Chairs
Festival Schedule Saratoga Springs City Center Wednesday, December 2nd 5:00 – 7:00 pm Thursday, December 3rd
4:00 – 9:00 pm
Friday, December 4th
2:00 – 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 5th
12:00 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, December 6th
11:00 - 2:00 pm
This year patrons can also view and purchase trees online at COVID-19 related protocols will be in place to ensure the safety of all.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Bruce O’Connell VICE PRESIDENT Jim Norton TREASURER Paul von Schenk SECRETARY Pam Stiansen BOARD MEMBERS Fran Dingeman Earline Johnson Christin Mason Kimberly Pacheco Carol Raike
HONORARY COMMITTEE Wally & Sue Allerdice Mary N. Bonner Diana M. Burke Ellen & Hal Card Catholic Charities Diocese of Albany Rev. Thomas H. Chevalier Rebecca Christner & Carter White Linda & Vince Colonno Fran Dingeman Sharon & Stan Drosky Anita Dunn Claudette M. Farchione Thomas Frost Bishop Emeritus Howard J. Hubbard Kathleen James Matt & Earline Johnson Annie & John Krasnicki Drs. John Leary & Nancy Wade Leary Chris & Christin Mason Mike & Kate Naughton Anne Marthy Noonan Jim & Alison Norton Madge & Bruce O’Connell Kim & Keith Pacheco Chrissy & Cliff Passen Kathy Phelps Michele & Mark Phillips Helen Porter Ann Seton Quinn David & Deborah Quinn Norma M. Quinn Carol & Larry Raike Colleen & Ed Roohan Kristie & Tom Roohan Lynn & Bill Roohan Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger Dave And Chris Stack Pam & Steve Stiansen