Brand Guidelines 2018
If you have any questions about The Salvation Army Kroc Center brand usage please contact: Sara Wyant - Kroc Center Graphic Design Specialist (402) 905-3527 Chrisna Clark - Kroc Center Marketing Assistant Manager (402) 905-3526
Table of Content 4-7
Logo Usage
Logo Violations
Brand Colors
Department Brands
The Kroc Brand
The purpose of this manual is to establish guidelines for how The Salvation Army Kroc Center Omaha communicates and expresses itself as an organization. The guidelines are an important component to maintaining consistency as we communicate with all of our various audiences. A consistent message is critical because it presents The Salvation Army Kroc Center as a focused organization with a clear vision of its purpose. With your commitment to the standards, which are outlined in this manual, the Kroc Center will present the strong and unified message that is so important to our communication efforts. A thorough understanding of the elements within this manual is critical. Deviation from these guidelines may create confusion and dilute the brand identity of the Kroc Center. Please take the time to review all the sections of this manual and share it with anyone responsible for producing materials for the Kroc Center -- this includes any Kroc Center Departments developing their own communication materials. Thank you for your help and commitment to building and maintaining The Salvation Army Kroc Center brand identity that reflects the vision and excellence we all represent.
Logo Usage With Omaha The full Kroc Center logo that includes the text “Omaha” is to be used when marketing or communicating with people outside of the Omaha Metro Area. This logo is not to be used for marketing to members. The full Omaha Kroc Center logo that includes the text “Omaha” should always be used when communicating with an online audience (i.e. Social Media, Emails, Website, Online Advertisements). To maintain the logo’s integrity, always use the original artwork supplied and adhere to the style guidelines outlined in this manual. * Exception: You may use the full logo with the text “Omaha” locally if there is a specific reason you want to communicate to your audience that The Omaha Kroc Center is part of a nation-wide organization. Please be intentional. Contact the Omaha Kroc Center’s marketing department if you have any questions.
Without Omaha The full Kroc Center logo without the text “Omaha” is to be used when marketing or communicating with to an audience within the Kroc Center and/or Omaha area (Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, Council Bluffs, La Vista, Gretna, etc. To maintain the logo’s integrity, always use the original artwork supplied and adhere to the style guidelines outlined in this manual. 4
Logo Usage Reversed Logo When printing in one color on a red background the reversed version of the logo must be used. The shield must not be printed in grey, black or white. If you do not have this version of the Kroc Center Logo please contact the Kroc Center Marketing department.
Logo with White Text The Salvation Army brand rarely allows for dark backgrounds. Backgrounds are usually left white and layouts usually include large areas of negative space. In some situations (usually on T-shirts, hats or other printed merchandise) the logo will need to be placed on a dark background. In this situation you must use the logo with the white text.
Logo Usage OMAHA
Local Ads: Magazines, Flyers, booklets, Direct Mail, Posters, etc.
Advertising outside of the NE and IA area: Digital publications: Social Media, Website, etc.
Television/Radio Ads
Outdoor Ads: Billboards
Indoor Signage in Center
Only allowed when Document is printed in Black and White.
Stationary, Envelopes
Apparel, Promotional Products
Only allowed when Document is printed in Black and White.
Retired Logos DO NOT USE
Only allowed when Document is printed in Black and White.
MUST be used on red background
MUST be used on red background
MUST be used on red background
MUST be used on red background
Logo Violations 1.
Do NOT change the color of The Salvation Army Shield. (The shield is allowed to be printed in black ONLY if the logo is on a black and white printed document. All digital publications of The Salvation Army Shield must be in the color listed below).The Shield must be in this shade of red: Pantone color: 185 C CMYK: C:0 M:91 Y:76 K:0 RGB: R:239 G:62 B:66 #EE3D42 Do NOT change any of the fonts or adjust any of the letters in the Kroc Center or The Salvation Army logos.
Do NOT distort the Kroc Center or The Salvation Army logo in anyway.
Do NOT move or rearrange or alter the Kroc Center logo. Do NOT move the shield closer, further away, above or under the text. Do NOT alter the letters within the shield in anyway.
Do NOT recreate the logo on your own. If you need the full Kroc Center logo with Omaha on it and you only have the Kroc Center logo without Omaha on it please contact the Kroc Center’s marketing department and the correct logo will be emailed to you. To maintain the logo’s integrity, always use the original artwork supplied and adhere to the style guidelines outlined in this manual.
Do NOT try to fix the logo. If you see an error
Do NOT tilt the Kroc Center logo.
Do not screen the logo colors. If you are going to use the logo in a one color print or in a black and white print please use the black and white logo provided. If you did not receive a one color - black and white version of our logo please contact the Omaha Kroc Center’s marketing Department and we will supply you one. The Salvation Army shield must never be displayed in grey or white.
Logo Violations
Do NOT overlap the Kroc Center logo or The Salvation Army shield with other graphics.
Do NOT apply a drop shadow to The Salvation Army or Kroc Center logo. If you are having trouble making the logo legible please contact the Kroc Center’s Marketing Department and we will assist you.
Do NOT make the letters within the shield a color other than white. Do not make the letters with the shield transparent.
Do NOT outline the text in the Kroc Center or The Salvation Army logos. If you are having trouble making the logo legible please contact the Kroc Center’s Marketing Department and we will assist you.
Please contact the Omaha Kroc Center’s marketing department with your concerns and questions. See the cover of this book for contact information.
The logo usage rules listed in this brand
Salvation Army (merchandise, ads, banners,
guideline applies to The Salvation Army’s
social media, website publications, other
Shield, the Kroc Center’s full logo with the
printed or digital material used as an image or
text “Omaha” and the Kroc Centers simplified
voice of The Salvation Army). If you have any
logo without Omaha. The Salvation Army has
questions about how The Salvation Army’s
it’s own brand guidelines book that should
brand corresponds with the Omaha Kroc
also be read before using The Salvation Army
Center’s brand please contact the Omaha
logo or anything that is representing The
Kroc Center’s marketing department.
Typography If you are missing any of these fonts please contact the Omaha Kroc Center Marketing Department.
Basic Rules of Typography Do NOT add an outline to text. If you need help making text legible please contact the Omaha Kroc Center Marketing Department. (Exception: Outlining text is allowed if the fill is transparent and the point size at least 30 depending on the font). Do NOT kern text less than -35. (Avoid going under -25) Do NOT adjust the width or hight of a font. Do NOT distort fonts. All text Must have enough leading so that the ascenders and desceders do NOT overlap.
(Leading = The spacing between lines of text.)
Univers LT Std
Univers LT Std Light MUST be used for ALL bodies of text. It may also be used for headlines, logos, signs, pull out quotes. You may use the Univers LT Std bold, Univers LT Std black and Univers LT Std oblique. When you are not sure what font to use, use Univers. • Do NOT use: Univers LT Std Light Condensed, Univers LT Std Bold Condensed, Univers LT Std Oblique Condensed, or Univers LT Std Condense. You may use the rest of the Univers LT Std font family. • Do NOT use: Univers LT Std Bold, Univers LT Std Black or Univers LT Std Oblique for paragraphs of text.
Hensa Hensa may be used for headlines, logos, in quotes, etc. • Do NOT use: In paragraphs of text. • This font should only be used in text that is 3 words of less.
ChunkFive ChunkFive may be used for headlines, logos, in quotes, etc. • Do NOT use: In paragraphs of text. • This font should only be used in text that is 5 words of less.
Bebas Neue ChunkFive may be used for headlines, logos, in quotes, etc. • Do NOT use: In paragraphs of text. • This font should only be used in text that is 5 words of less. • Pay attention to the spacing between words with this font. This font run words together making text challenging to read. Adjust kerning and add spaces between words as necessary.
Web Fonts Descender
For the website you may use the PROXIMA NOVA Family of Font; Semibold, Thin, Alt, Condensed, Soft, etc. For Email and other electronic copy the VERANDA font or ARIAL font are recommended.
Verbiage & Text
Brand Voice Creating a strong, consistent Brand Voice is the key to building a real relationship with our audience. Whether we are communicating Business to Consumer or Business to Business, people ultimately buy from people they like and relate to. Social media gives our brand a chance to develop personality, style and characteristics of our own. All the things that attract you to people can also endear you to a brand or company. Having a consistent social media voice lets our community know what to expect when they interact with us. Our brand voice is based on our Culture, Community and the Conversations within our community. The core of our brand voice comes from the unique founding story given to us by Mrs. Joan Kroc and an amazing history of philanthropy. We’re building on that history of philanthropy, giving families another venue to find God’s love and get help, discovering their potential. Our messages are for families of all ages and all configurations: staying healthy, active and discovering possibilities and developing their God-given gifts. We stand for healthy, God-inspired families. We talk about ways to stay active, no matter what age. We talk about healthy eating, healthy exercise and exploring new experiences and discovering our God-given talents. We talk about our walk with God and his influence in our lives. We talk about ways families can get engaged with the activities offered by the Kroc Center to discover and explore new opportunities and experiences. We talk about building families up and making them stronger. We stand out in the community because we are on a mission from God to help everyone in our community. We use our Brand Voice to share our organization’s personality. We use these elements as the inspiration for our online voice and to share our brand’s experience. The Kroc Center’s Brand Voice is: an all-American casual voice, Family Focused, Warm, Inviting, Healthy, Communal, Playful, Smart, Educational and Informational, Fun, Inspirational, Godly,Helpful, Personable, Authentic. And we strive to share relatable updates with our followers. Conversations: Family Health & Wellness Education/Information (All Ages), Fun Family Events, Classes and Activities, Customer Support, Industry Education, General Fun Event and Membership Promotions) and then No strong-arming or hard selling, just talking in a way that’s comfortable, conversational and relatable. communicate it with personality and authenticity.
The Brand Voice is not only what you say in terms of content and message, but also the tone in which you say it. The language utilized in communication materials for the Kroc Center does not need to be forced or manufactured. The Kroc Center has all the components necessary to tell an authentic, caring story. All of our materials should reflect this brand promise.
Space Savers The Kroc Center is always looking to save room. Therefore, certain Style Guides are used to help minimize the number of characters used on a page. A comma or space may be just one character; but, when talking about space on a flyer, newsletter or program guide page characters can add up fast! Which can lead to additional costs, like increased page counts. The following guidelines fall in line with publishing industry norms and are supported by recent versions of the Chicago Manual of Style and AP Stylebook. Commas in a List: The serial (or Oxford) comma before the word “and” is optional when used with simple lists. ie -- This class uses a variety of equipment to build strength including barbells, dumbbells and elastic bands However, a serial comma is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED when used in a series of items that are difficult to identify ie -- The Kroc Center focuses on “4 pillars” of excellence: Education, The Arts, Sports and Wellness, and Spiritual Enrichment. Spaces between Sentences: Use only a single space between sentences.
Official Room Names Whenever possible, the first or most prominent usage of a room name should be the official FULL name, subsequent usage can be shortened. Listing the full room name ensures our sponsors are receiving deserved credit for their support of and contribution to the Kroc Center. Correct: The Joyce Mammel Assembly Hall is an ideal location for your next event. Incorrect: The Assembly Hall is an ideal location for your next event.
Official Room/Location Names • The Joyce Mammel Assembly Hall • Ricketts Family Chapel • Suzanne and Walter Scott Education Center: (Classrooms) • Dr. Stanley and Dorothy Truhlsen Learning Center • The Loft • Fellowship Hall • Kitchen • Community Services Center • Aquatics Center: (Recreation Pool, Lap Pool)
Rooms & Departments Aquatics Center – the word “Aquatics” should have an “s” on the end. Correct: Enjoy two hours splashing and sliding in our Aquatics Center. Incorrect: Enjoy two hours splashing and sliding in our Aquatic Center. Fine Arts – the word “Arts” should have an “s” on the end. Correct: Fine Arts activities are designed for all ages. Incorrect: Fine Art activities are designed for all ages.
Common Terms Child Care: Two words, no hyphen Drop-In: Hyphenate when used as a noun or compound adjective. ie - Pick up a Drop-In Schedule at the Welcome Desk: To words capitalize“W” and “D” Drop In: No hyphen when used as a verb. ie - Drop in for Zumba® and get a great, Latin-inspired workout! Email: No hyphen. Fundraising: One word, no hyphen. Non-Member: Hyphenate. Nonprofit: One word, no hyphen. Online: One word, no hyphen. On-site/Off-site: Hyphenate. Pick-Up: Hyphenate when used as a noun or compound adjective. ie - Join us for a game of Pick-Up Basketball in the gym. Pick up: No hyphen when used as a verb. ie - Pick up a Registration Form at the Welcome Desk. Sign-Up: Hyphenate when used as a noun or compound adjective. ie - Team Sign-up is open until 10/11 Sign Up: No hyphen when used as a verb. ie - Sign up for Soccer at the Kroc Center! URLS: Remove letters http://www. Double check that the web address still works when removed.
Dates, Time, Numbers
• Gymnasium Complex: (2 Full-Sized Courts, Indoor Turf Arena) • Fitness Center: (Fitness Studio, Group X Studio, Upper Deck, Fitness Desk) • Reading Lounge • Party Rooms 1 & 2 • Administrative Offices • Board Room: (Conference Room) • KidZone • RJ’s Adventure Zone • The Welcome Desk • Locker Rooms • Festival Plaza
30-minute: Hyphenate when used as a compound adjective. ie - This class provides an intense 30-minute workout. 30 minute: No hyphen when used as an noun or single adjective. ie - The class was 30 minutes long. am, pm: lowercase, no periods, spaces: 9 am, 6:30 pm Times of Day: Use only necessary digits with spaces: 8 pm (NOT 8:00 pm) or 10 - 11:30 am * The exception to this rule is the class schedule activity charts. Phone Numbers: Use parenthesis and a hyphen in the number: (402) 905-3500 Abbreviated Date: Use only necessary digits with slashes. Do not include unnecessary “0”. Include spaces in between hyphens. Do not include the year unless the date takes place more than a year in advance. ie - 6/3 - 6/9 (NOT 06/03/2018-06/09/2018, 6.3.18-6.9.18, 6-3 - 6-9, 6/3/18 - 6/9/18, etc.) Date Written Out: Do NOT repeat months. Include spaces around hyphen ie - June 6 - 9 NOT June 6- June 9 Numbers: Use numerals for dates, times, page numbers and percentages. Typically, numerals are used in lists and other display type.
• Outdoor Sports Field Complex
Name Usage In Marketing materials the first or most prominent usage of our name should be our FULL name, subsequent usage can be shortened to an approved abbreviation, such as “Kroc Center” Correct Full Name: The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center Correct Short Names: The Salvation Army Omaha Kroc Center Omaha Kroc Center Kroc Center Incorrect Short Names: Ray & Joan Kroc Center, The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Center The Kroc The word “The” is an official part of “The Salvation Army’s” name. “The” should be capitalized when used with “Salvation Army” Do not use “Kroc” without the word “Center” Correct: Become a Kroc Center Partner! Incorrect: Become a Kroc Partner!
Location When “Omaha” is used in a sentence to identify which Kroc Center we are, the word “Omaha” can come first (following “The”, when applicable): • The Omaha Salvation Army Kroc Center is an amazing facility! • Join us for Inflatable Fridays at Omaha’s Salvation Army Kroc Center Swimming Pool... • Community events at the Omaha Kroc Center are open to the public. “Omaha” can also be used inside the phrase when used outside a sentence, as part of the title:. (ie - in a business listing) • The Salvation Army Omaha Kroc Center
Primary Brand Colors PMS 185 C=3, M=100, Y=85, K=0 R=231, G=0, B=5 #CCOO33
Color is a critical element in creating a memorable and lasting identity. By using approved brand colors on all communication materials, they will become established and recognized as our own.
PMS 320 C=100, M=13, Y=36, K=1 R=0, G=152, B=170 #0098AA
All Kroc Center promotional material must consist of mainly the 4 colors shown here on page 14.
PMS 382 C=31, M=1, Y=100, K=0 R=190, G=214, B=0 #79B83E PMS 129 C=4, M=16, Y=84, K=0 R=245, G=207, B=71 #F5CF47
PMS 384
PMS 466
PMS 317
PMS 184
PMS 319
PMS 193
PMS 322
PMS 127
PMS 130
& shades of black
PMS 432 Used primarily for Special Events
Summer Orange C=0, M=80, Y=95, K=0 15
Secondary Band Colors (Seldomly Used) To introduce visual variety to our communications, we look to a secondary color palette. With this palette, we are suggesting a way to add accent to communications which already carry the primary color(s).
* Designs should NOT consist of more than 20% secondary colors. Please contact the Omaha Kroc Center Marketing Department if you have any questions.
Department Brands
Aquatics Brand Color: PMS 319
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Sports and Recreation
Brand Color: C=0, M=80, Y=95, K=0
Health and Fitness Education Youth Engagement
Sports and Recreation
Kroc Church Special Events
Brand Color: PMS 382
Health and Fitness Brand Color: PMS 320
Education Brand Color: PMS 130
Secondary Brands
Day Camp
(Programs, Events and Activities) If you need any of the logos shown on this page please contact the Omaha Kroc Center’s Marketing Department. If you are working on a project that involves a reoccurring event, class, program or camp please contact the Kroc Center’s Marketing department to check and see if we have an already created brand for said activity.
Day Camp
Brand Importance “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another." - Seth Godin “Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.” – Sir Richard Branson “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. “ – Jeff Bezos
Omaha Kroc Center
2825 Y St. Omaha, NE 68107
(402) 905-3500