SARDA Ag Research News
Krishanthi (Kris) Vithanage, MSc. P.Ag.
’m Krishanthi Vithanage, the Research Coordinator at SARDA AG Research. I moved to Falher in the first week of April with my husband, Sam and my three and half-year-old son Devin, from Fort Vermilion, AB. I served for Mackenzie Applied Research Association (MARA) in Fort Vermilion, AB, for four years as the Office Manager and Extension Coordinator before moving to SARDA Ag Research. Previously, I lived in Nova Scotia for five years and in Prince Edward Island for two years, holding positions in Agriculture Research. I was born and raised in Sri Lanka, where I obtained my first degree, BSc in Agriculture, from the University of Peradeniya in 2004. Afterward, I served as a temporary academic staff member at the Faculty of Agriculture, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, for two yrs. In 2007, I completed my 1st Master’s degree in Crop Science/Horticulture and moved to Canada in 2011 with a scholarship to start my second Master’s degree at Dalhousie University. I graduated in 2013 with a MSc. in Plant Agriculture and was trained on the best agronomic practices to produce processing carrots. The areas I trained in include management practices, variety, seeding depth and rate evaluation, and developing models for seedling emergence at
different soil moisture and temperatures. I worked for the Nova Scotia Crop Development Institute for three seasons while gaining experience in small plot trials on cereals, legumes and oilseed crop research. From 2016 to 2018, I worked for Cavendish Farms in Prince Edward Island as a Research Associate. I conducted research trials on potato seed production, variety evaluation, and testing crop protectants and fertilizers. I moved to Alberta in 2018 to work at MARA, leading the extension program to serve producers in Mackenzie County. I transferred knowledge and technology on crop and livestock production, provided agronomic solutions to farming questions, and assisted with soil, water, and feed testing, helping increase their farming IQ level. I enjoy doing yoga, Zumba, travelling during my leisure time, and spending time with my family.
I am looking forward to working closely with the producers in the region to help address current issues and improve crop production within sustainable systems with the research findings from SARDA Ag Research trials and my personal experience. I’m looking forward to the 2022 field season to conduct field trials and to meet you all at our field tours. Happy farming season to everyone.