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April, 2019
eeds are one of the least expensive but most important factors influencing yield potential.
remove unwanted weed seed, include in your decision-making the increased herbicide cost to control newly introduced noxious or common weeds. Seed germination tests assess the ability of the seed to produce a healthy plant when placed under favorable environmental conditions. Germination tests are conducted for a prescribed time period under laboratory conditions that assure optimum moisture, temperature and light. Unfortunately, these conditions are seldom encountered in the field, and field emergence may be overestimated by standard germination tests.
Importance of Seed Quality
Seed Quality
Seed quality is determined by many factors, principally seed purity and germination. However, many other factors, such as the variety, presence of seed-borne disease, vigor of the seed, and seed size are important when considering seed purchase. Seed purity is determined by the amount of unwanted material present in the pure seed. Contaminants such as noxious weed seed, unwanted crop seed or inert matter not only increase production costs, but also substantially reduce the quality and quantity of the harvest. If you purchase seed that has not been properly conditioned to
Quick Facts…
1. Seeds are one of the least expensive but most important factors influencing yield potential. 2. Seed quality is determined by germination and purity analysis. 3. All crop seeds must betested for purity and germination,and labeled for crop type, weight, and lot number. 4. Purchase seed stock from a reputable seed dealer who has proper cleaning, handling and storage facilities. Seeds are one of the least expensive
Seed lots that have low germination also are less vigorous due to seed deterioration. As seeds deteriorate, loss of vigor precedes loss of viability, so seeds with low germination usually will be less vigorous. Hence, in seed lots with poor germination, those seeds that do germinate often produce weaker seedlings with reduced yield potential. However, some species (such as many native grasses) have inherently low germination potential and cannot be
but most important factors influencing yield potential. Crop seeds contain all the genetic information to determine yield potential, adaptation to environmental conditions, and resistance to insect pests and disease. One of a farmer’s most critical management decisions is the selection of seed source and variety. The cost of seed stocks usually is less than 5 to 10 percent of total production costs. Yet seed stocks can affect the yield potential of a crop more than any other input factor.