The Back Forty

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Back Forty

August, 2020 ISSUE No. 94

What is in the Water?

SARDA Plot Walk – July 30, 2020

Agriculture’s Environmental Footprint on the landscape Page 3

Contact Us

40 producers and industry representatives came out to view the plots.

Seeding Canola, The effects of seeding depth and seed size New seed size new seed depth?

The trial sites will be open for viewing at your convenience.

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European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola)


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Table of Contents

What is in the Water? SARDA Ag Research’s Water Testing Program

Page 3

SARDA Plot Walk – July 30, 2020

Page 6

Seeding Canola, The effects of seeding depth and seed size

Page 9

Agriculture has long come under the scrutiny of the public for its environmental footprint on the landscape. During the afternoon of July 30th, 40 producers and industry representatives came out to view the plots. With the development of many new varieties and genetics, seed varies in size and has become a significant expense.

European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola)

Page 12

The Importance of Cleaning and Maintaining Your Grain Bins

Page 14

Mighty Peace WatershedAlliance Annual General Meeting

Page 17

Help Keep Glyphosate in the Growers’ Toolkit

Page 18

Valuable Resources, Natural Land & Shelterbelts

Page 20

Notices Contact information for Board and Staff

Page 22

Introduced from Europe into Ontario, Canada approximately 1910, the European skipper can be found where Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) is grown for seed, hay, or pasture Cleaning and maintaining your grain bins early, gives you time to handle unexpected issues long before you are into the frenzy of harvesting and storing your crop bounty. You are invited to attend

You can protect your investments and help maintain market access for all by carefully planning and managing your pre-harvest glyphosate applications. What do shelterbelts, pivot corners, wetlands, tree bluffs, and field margins have in common?

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One of the advantages of pulling the water samples is the chance to see beautiful scenery and wildlife. Not far from where the samples were taken in spring, this cow elk was taking a dip in the river. Baby looked on from the shore.

August, 2020

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SARDA Ag Research News

What is in the Water? SARDA Ag Research’s Water Testing Program Agriculture has long been under the scrutiny of the public for its environmental footprint on the landscape. The use of pesticides and herbicides is often vilified, synoymous with damage. Likewise, the production of livestock, mainly beef inthe Peace Region is viewed as cruel and damaging to the environment. In addition, it is recognized that all water on the landscape is linked to our creeks and rivers so that any contaminants on the land will end up in the water. What people fail to recognize is that the increased production and efficiency of both cropping and livestock production, has increased substantially. Thanks to this, the country is able to maintain a “cheap food” policy and provide excess products to export. If the country was unable to export produce, it would be unable to import those products we are unable to produce in our climate, like bananas. Farmers go unrecognized as the greatest environmentalists; their livelihood, their families’ livelihood and community relies on the sustainability and protection of the land. While profitability margins grow tighter and farmers are forced to be price takers in the current economic reality, some producers try to increase profitability by turning native vegetation areas into cropable acres or livestock production acres. Some environmentalists view this negatively. Many farmers are very conservative on the use of cropping inputs as tight economic margins discourage over application and encourage the maintenance of effective buffers next

Water Testing Locations to wetlands. Today’s livestock producers recognize the importance of using rotational grazing and exclusion of livestock from sensitive areas in protecting the ability of the land to produce forage. These practices emulate the natural grazing systems of wildlife in the past as large herds of bison denuded an area before moving on to “greener pastures”. In addition, people often forget, that farmers feed their families from the production of

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Site C the land, the same as everyone else, so they are not going to knowingly produce unsafe or harmful food that will ultimately harm their family, community or country. SARDA Ag Research began a water quality monitoring program in 2011, with the help of Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd (Aquality) in order to measure the success of our producers in protecting the environment and water sources. Surface water samples were taken from three sites in SARDA’s research area: Peavine Creek, New Fish Creek, and the Little Smoky River. Sample locations, chosen by SARDA, were based on their proximity to agricultural lands, use as drinking water intakes, and their likelihood of exposure to terrestrial inputs. The Peavine Creek drains primarily crop land which would have a higher exposure to chemical fertilizers and crop protection products. The New Fish Creek drains an area considered primarily a livestock production area and includes large tracts of native pastures, tame pastures and hay land. This area may be subject to the effects of manure and soil erosion. The Little

Smoky River location is considered “pristine” with no agricultural land use up stream although other industries such as oil and gas and forestry are operating up stream. Although it was suggested that we sample several times per year to establish a baseline for water quality, it was determined that we could still determine that baseline over a longer period of time. This is due to other areas doing the same water samples in their areas, we could compare our results with them to determine if we were different. If large differences were detected, water sampling protocols could be modified. SARDA has been pulling samples at these three locations, spring and fall, since the spring of 2011. These samples are tested for nutrients, bacteria, metals and pesticides. We have tested in wet years and dry years. During these 9 years of testing, we have experienced producer adoption of new equipment, products, and practices. My observations indicate there is an increased use of pre-seed burnoffs, fungicide applications and preharvest applications of desiccants and weed control. Although minimum till and no till have been

Page 5 August, 2020 SARDA Ag Research News strongly adopted in the areas for many years, new management practices have further reduced tillage, soil and water erosion. The generally accepted parameters of Alberta Environment and Parks Guidelines for river water quality are used to score each batch of samples. So, what are we seeing in the results? Generally the water quality in the spring is worse than in the fall. We can theorize that this happens because snow melt washes the land of its contaminants and these end up in the water courses. The metal score exceedances may be a result of the parent materials of the soils through which the water drains and soil erosion may strongly influence those results. The sample site at Little Smoky River (hamlet)

generally has the best water quality followed by New Fish Creek area and then followed by the Peavine however this did not happen in 2019. No pesticides or breakdown products have been detected at any of the sites since 2015. The water quality index for all three sites ranges from good to excellent. We have identified a trend that the water quality is generally improving, however we do not have enough data to support significance yet. Water testing is important to the area and to the agriculture industry as it supports the statement that farmers are great stewarts of the land and the environment. This is a project that needs to continue. Look for the complete report for 2020 in SARDA Ag Research’s December Newsletter. By Shelleen Gerbig, BSA, P.Ag., Extension Coordinator

August, 2020

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SARDA Ag Research News

SARDA Plot Walk – July 30, 2020 With COVID-19 managing everyone’s lives, it seemed doubtful that SARDA would be able to host an event this summer. Fortunately, gathering restrictions were reduced. SARDA staff were able to showcase some of the interesting research trials they are doing, some of which are being duplicated elsewhere in the province. Plot walks, field schools, and other types of events allow Research Associations to show off their hard work. It also allows producers and industry to view the trials in the fields before the yearly results are given.

Producers registering and picking up the information provided. The orange clad summer staff were incharge of finding parking for all the participants.

During the afternoon of July 30th, 40 producers and industry representatives came out to view the plots. Shelley Barkley, the provincial insect technician, and Dr. Micheal Harding, the provincial plant pathologists joined us. Dr. Micheal Harding brought some examples of crop diseases to show what are present in our crops locally and informed us about the conditions that favour development, their treatments, and their effect on yield and quality. Participants were invited to bring samples from their crops as well. Shelley brought a display case of several of the many insects present in the area, pointing out beneficial insects and pests. She also talked about what she found in the local fields while surveying. SARDA highlighted 3 specific

trials; the intercropping trial, the biostimulant trial, and the canola seed size and seeding depth trial. Intercropping is the new buzz word in Agriculture. It is the practice of growing more than one crop on the same piece of land at the same time. Although this is not a new practice, current research is showing improved total combined yields, improved harvestability and quality of the crops, more efficient use of fertilizer or reduced requirements for the amount of fertilizer needed, and increased soil microbe activity which is touted to improve soil health. Much of the research done has been done in other agricultural zones and often includes the use of forages and/or livestock grazing. In the SARDA Ag Research trial, we are focusing on local crop types and are excluding the use of livestock or forage in the

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SARDA Ag Research News

crop mixtures. The crops we are looking at include wheat, barley, lentils, peas, canola, and flax. We have the cereal combined with pulses and oilseeds combined with pulses. Because this is a relatively new way of looking at intercropping, we are exploring two different seeding rate combinations to maximize production. This is the first year of a two year trial. In the second year of the trial, a common crop will be seeded across each of the intercropping plots, to evaluate soil health conditions.

trial work using their recommended procedures. This trial is being replicated near Lethbridge and Forestburg and will continue for two more years.

Canola crop research has created many new varieties in recent years. These hybrid varieties or cultivars have different seed sizes. The cost to purchase these new cultivars has risen substantially and is a significant cost in the production of this crop. Even with high germination and vigour, the establishment of this crop throughout the The second trial we highlighted was the biostimulant province is often around 60%. Low plant counts trial. As agricultural practices progress, several could lead to more weeds, uneven maturity, higher companies have designed growth systems that are green seed counts, poorer quality, and a much stated to improve production. These systems include more difficult crop to manage. Also impacted are variations seed treatments, fertilizer products, timed operations such as spraying and swathing. growth regulators, fungicides, and top-dress Anything that can be done to encourage the products. We are comparing these systems against healthy establishment of this crop could reduce each other and traditional advanced management. costs and improve production. We know from The companies involved are partners in this trial and previous research, that deeper seeding of canola have provided the products needed to complete the can affect the germination and establishment of the crop. We ask ourselves with the new larger seeded cultivars, can a producer seed the crop deeper without jeopardizing crop establishment? This question becomes very important when weather and soil conditions are very dry at seeding time. This is the first year of a three year trial that is being replicated by LARA in Northeastern Alberta and BRRG in central Alberta. Year one was wet in all locations but with the trial being continued for another 2 years, we hope to have a variety Biostimulant Trial – Traditional management vs. Treated of moisture conditions throughout the trial. (company practice)

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SARDA Ag Research News

For those that missed the plot walk, the site is open to be viewed until near harvest. At the entrance of the plot, please put on the disposable booties located in the mailbox. Biosecurity is very important to protect the site from accidental infection of clubroot and other soil-borne diseases. If you would like an explanation from SARDA Ag

Dr. Micheal Harding, Provincial Plant Pathologist, examining and pointing out the diseases present on wheat, barley and peas.

Research staff, please grab a few of your friends and neighbours, call the office and make arrangements for someone to meet you at the site. Wishing luck to all this harvest season.

Photos by Nouy Gauthier, SARDA Ag Research Summer Staff By Shelleen Gerbig, P.Ag, Extension Coordinator, SARDA Ag Research

Beneficial insects and pests presented by Shelley Barkley, Insect Technician for Alberta

August, 2020

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SARDA Ag Research News

Seeding Canola The effects of seeding depth and seed size

Few would argue that canola is the cash crop of the Prairies. With the development of many new varieties and genetics, seeds vary in size. Regardless of the variables, growing canola comes with a significant expense. Along with the purchase of the seed and the cost of seeding, many of the seeds do not grow for various reasons. As a producer, if you are achieving 70% establishment, you are doing exceptionally well. Producers want to ensure they are getting the most value for their money and want to know optimum seeding depth based on seed size. Seeding depth is one of the easiest objects to change during the spring and although, most research shows that canola does better if seeded shallow, it is easy to set the seed drill to follow the soil moisture level. So, how deep is too deep, and does the size of the seed affect how deep you can seed without jeopardizing the establishment of the crop?

To answer these questions, SARDA Ag Research, the Battle River Research Group (BRRG), and the Lakeland Agricultural Research Association (LARA) have put together a trial to explore seeding depth and seed size over three years in three locations. By running the trials over three years and in three locations in the province, wwe hope to see a variety of climatic conditions and be able to establish some guidelines for seeding canola with regards to the interaction between seed size and seeding depth. All treatments at all locations will be grown following optimum agronomic practices. The questions to be answered are: 1. Does the seed size affect the establishment and maturity level of the crop and ultimately yield and quality? 2. Does the seeding depth affect the establishment and maturity level of the crop and ultimately yield and quality?

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SARDA Ag Research News

3. Is there an interaction between seed size and seeding depth? In other words, is a producer able to seed a larger seed deeper and not jeopardize the establishment, yield, and quality of the crop? The better the establishment of the crop, the more production is on the main stem, the more even the maturity is, and the more chance you have of either swathing or desiccating the crop at the optimum time and protecting the quality of the grain. Also, the earlier the crop finishes in the season, the less chance there is of frost damage, the longer the days are to harvest, and

usually the higher the quality of the grain. It is known that deep seeding of canola will hamper germination and delay emergence. It is also touted by seed companies that the larger seeded varieties of canola have higher germination, hardiness, and emergence. What is not known is whether there is an interaction between seed size and seeding depth? Are you able to seed a larger seed deeper and not have it jeopardize the success of the crop? Should you seed smaller seeded canola shallower? The data collected on this trial at all three locations include weather stats (precipitation and

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temperatures), soil moisture at seeding, emergence (plant counts at 7, 14 and 21 days after seeding and at complete emergence), days to flower (50% flower), days to maturity (60% seed colour change) plant height, yield (adjusted to 8.5% moisture) 1000 seed weight, percent green seed, oil content, and protein content (composite samples). All the data will be analyzed using standard analysis of variance.

at Forestburg, central Alberta, as shown in Figure 1. The early plant count results are showing some differences; however, it is too early to conclude. Spring of 2020 in the Lakeland area has been very wet as the county is in a state of agricultural disaster with all the moisture we have received. Looking at the trial the numbers varied in plant establishment and there was a major difference in maturity between different treatments. As the canola came into flower it was difficult to pick out the treatments visibly as they all looked very similar. We are looking forward to collecting the data off this trial and seeing the results.

Although 2020 was a wet spring in the Peace Region, initial examination of the SARDA Ag Research plots showed a wide variance in establishment success and maturity level of the crop. On July 10, I examined the plots for this trial and although there were some startling differences between the plots, I was unable to pick out the different treatments based on the visual appearance of the plots. It is hoped that following the by Shelleen Gerbig, P.Ag,, SARDA Ag Research Dr. Khalil Ahmed, BRRG analysis of the results, we will be able to determine Amanda Mathiot, LARA some significant trends. The Battle River Group (BRRG) recorded similar observations from the initial data of plant emergence

Photo Credit - Nouy Gauthier, SARDA Ag Research Summer Studemt

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European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola) Introduced from Europe into Ontario, Canada in approximately 1910, the European skipper can be abundantly found where Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) is grown for seed, hay, or pasture. This pest can also be seen in ditches and open areas, flying somewhat clumsily between host plants. Besides Timothy, other host plants can include Couch Grass (agropryon repens) and Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata). Belonging to the Superfamily Hesperidae, Skippers are small butterflies that often exhibit a bright, brassy orange color with black borders on both wings and move from place to place with rapid, 'skipping' flight. A general lifecycle of this insect consists of larvae hatching in the spring and feeding on a plant’s flag leaves and sometimes on the seed head. Larvae bodies are green and exhibit a dark dorsal stripe with white subdorsal stripes, the head is whiteish green with 5 coloured bars, alternating brown and white. After feeding, the caterpillar will pupate on the stem for about 14 days and then emerge as the adult butterfly. Adults do not cause any damage to plants as they feed on nectar

from plants in the area. The female, after mating, lays a string of egg pods on the stem of the host plant. Generally, around thirty eggs are laid by a single female per string of pods, which will overwinter, and the larvae will emerge the next spring. Adult European Skippers range from 2.5-2.9 cm in length with a wingspan of 1.9 to 2.6 cm. Male Skippers can be characterized by bright brassy orange with narrow black borders on both wings, and the ends of the veins outlined in black, while the female Skipper tends to often be lighter in coloration and may have little to no black border. You can commonly see this butterfly in fields around early June - July. Skippers start eating at the top of the plant and work down the stem with usual signs of Skipper larvae presence in Timothy being bare or damaged seed heads and defoliated flag leaves. Its recommended that scouting for larvae should begin by late April and accomplished by removing five random, one-square-foot (30 cm2) samples of Timothy, down to ground level, and placing them along with old crop residue into a bag. Tie the bag and leave overnight at room temperature. The caterpillars will crawl out of the residue and should be counted easily. Threshold has been determined to be six to eight caterpillars counted in a 30cm quadrat.

1 European Skipper on Orchard Grass - Photo Keith Uloth

Some forms of control have proven to be ineffective when trying to do away with this pest; modern seed cleaning techniques are not able to remove the eggs from plants and native parasites tend to leave the species alone as well. One naturally occurring, soilby borne bacteria has been found to have favourable results. Bacillus thurengiensis

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3 Timothy Head Feeding Damage Photograph courtesy Field Crop News June 28, 2012 2 European Skipper Larvae on Timothy References: - Photograph by Gerald Finster, Valleyview Alta. has been proven effective in combating outbreaks of European Skippers in timothy being grown for seed production and is a biological pesticide that is commonly used in control of caterpillars and other insect families. It is naturally found on many surfaces such as leaves and plants, but in higher concentrations has been proven lethal to larvae once ingested. As an active ingredient, it can be found in the product Dipel (BT) available through Fosters Seed. Product cost is $496.00 for a 5 kg package which covers a range of 45-90 acres. Early scouting is essential as the younger the larvae the more effective the biopesticide can be once ingested by the larvae. by Keith Uloth, Peace Region Forage Seed Association

1. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. [July 21, 2020] 2. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility. [July 21, 2020] species-bank/butterflies-of-canada/europeanskipper/?id=1370403265612 3. National Pesticide Information Center. [July 28,2020] html 4. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility. [July 30, 2020] species-bank/butterflies-of-canada/europeanskipper/?id=1370403265612

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August, 2020

The Importance of Cleaning and Maintaining Your Grain Bins

Cleaning and maintaining your grain bins early in the season gives you time to handle unexpected issues long before you are into the frenzy of harvesting and storing your crop bounty. Once bins are empty; then a visual inspection of the entire structure is warranted. Start by walking the perimeter of the bin and assessing the condition of the grain bin base.

Safety First

• Never enter a grain bin until it is empty. • Never enter a grain bin without appropriate breathing protection. • Use a tag out system on all electrical and powered equipment associated with the bin before entering an empty bin for cleaning so no-one can accidentally turn on equipment while you are inside the bin.

Things to look for include:

• Soil erosion around or under the edge of the grain bin pad can compromise the structural integrity of your grain bins. A 10,000 bushel bin is supporting nearly 230,000 kgs of grain plus the weight of the bin and the concrete pad. • Erosion from water run-off indicates that you need to grade the bin site to redirect water away from the grain bin pad. • Rodent damage caused by them digging tunnels near or under the bin pad needs to be filled in and prevented from re-occurrence with additional soil and gravel base • Frost heaves may be creating frost boils and sink holes around the bins and these areas will require management.

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August, 2020 Weeds and trash around the grain bins:

• Removing weeds and grass from around the base of the grain bins will discourage rodents and insects by reducing forage and cover. • Weeds, grass and trash close to grain bins can also hold moisture, trap snow and can decrease the lifespan of your concrete pads. • Remove any old grain bags, rags and other debris from around the bins as these can harbour rodents, insects, moulds and grain diseases that can infest newly stored grain. • Tip: Don’t shovel old grain out of a grain bin and directly onto the ground during bin cleaning as the residual grain you can’t pick up will attract pests. • If you detect evidence of rodents and insects around the bin then preventative measures such as traps, bait stations, chemical spraying and site cleanup of spilled grain are indicated. • Check the concrete foundation pad for cracks and structural damage and also examine the seal between the steel and concrete pad for integrity. • Activities such as snow clearing or collisions with heavy machinery during bin filling or emptying can crack or chip concrete pads and even break the grain bin seal. They can also damage the unload tube or fan, so have a look at those as well. Fixing these damaged zones early can increase the longevity of the structure and decrease the areas where moisture and pests can gain ingress into the grain bin.

Rusty bin wall

Grain Bin Cleaning

• Any residual grain debris left inside a grain bin can be the source of insect or mould contamination in your new crop. The bins should be swept and vacuumed to remove all traces of dust, mould and old grain. Ensure that all fines, broken pieces of grain and dust are removed from any seams, ledges and flooring. Scrape, brush and thoroughly clean any areas that have caked on grain or mould and let dry thoroughly. • Inspect the integrity of the grain bin walls for signs of rust and buckling. Rust caused by wet grain sitting against the grain bin sides can create rapid metal corrosion. Bins showing rust may have structural damage and should be inspected by an expert before the bin is put back in service. Repairs and repainting may be required. • As the interior cleaning is being done, a visual inspection of all grain bin seams should be undertaken to make sure the bin is sealed and impervious to moisture, insects and rodents. The seal around the bottom of the bin where it is in contact with the concrete pad should be closely inspected as there is tremendous force applied to this area when the grain bin is full. Broken seals will result in moisture ingress and potential grain spoilage and can also decrease the lifespan of the bin by encouraging rust and metal corrosion. • Associated grain bin equipment should also be inspected and thoroughly cleaned at this time including combines, augers, dryers, fans, truck beds, grain carts, bin lids, shovels and all other tools used around the grain.

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August, 2020

Exterior Grain Bin Inspection and Maintenance

On the exterior of the grain bins you should clean bin lids, vents and drying equipment that is attached to the bins. Any sensor equipment, temperature cables, bin monitoring equipment, ladders and staircases should also be inspected, cleaned and maintained at this time. Inspect the anchor bolts securing the bin to the concrete pad, if loose snug them back up.

Site Management

Spring site management around the bins can also ensure that traffic moves easily and quickly around the bin during harvest saving you time and money. Road entrances to the grain bin site may need grading and maintenance after winter stresses. Some areas may benefit from adding gravel to the site pad to prevent vehicles getting stuck or having to avoid ruts during loading and unloading. Ensure that the bin yard roadways can handle heavy farm equipment even in wet conditions. Lastly, inspect each bin visually to ensure that they are sitting square and flat. Stresses from uneven loading and unloading can warp or damage the exterior walls of some bins. These structurally damaged bins are very hazardous and can collapse unexpectedly. Clean, well maintained bins reduce contamination; admixtures and pest damage are all factors that affect your profits. Take the time early in the season to maximize your profits for the coming crop season. Excerpts from Wall Grain Experts swept,mould%20and%20let%20dry%20thoroughly.

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Help Keep Glyphosate in the Growers’ Toolkit (excerpts from

You can protect your investments and help maintain market access for all by carefully planning and managing your pre-harvest glyphosate applications. Glyphosate is an effective and valuable tool, but it is under scrutiny in the global marketplace. By using glyphosate correctly and adhering to the Keep it Clean pre-harvest glyphosate guidelines, you can help to ensure the quality and marketability of Canadian canola, cereal and pulse crops, and keep this product available for years to come. Correct product use is just one of the ways you can avoid market risk and protect your investment.

Recommended Practices for Pre-Harvest applications of Glyphosate

• Glyphosate is registered for pre-harvest weed control and is not to be used as a desiccant. • Pre-harvest glyphosate should only be applied for weed control once grain moisture is less than 30% in the least mature part of the field.

• To avoid unacceptable residue levels, always follow the product’s label for application rate, timing and pre-harvest interval (PHI) of 7 days. Use our Spray to Swath Calculator (https:// find PHIs for other products • Never harvest earlier than recommended – this can increase the risk of excess glyphosate residues in harvested grain. • When using glyphosate for pre-harvest weed control in a tank mix with other products, such as Saflufenacil (e.g. Kixor®, Heat™), the products must still be applied when grain moisture content is less than 30% in the least mature part of the field; always follow the PHI of the most restrictive product label. The Keeping It Clean (https://keepingitclean. ca/ ) website is chalk full of videos, guides and calculators. Below are a few of my favorite videos.

Pre-Harvest Glyphosate application in Canola (3 minutes)

Angela Brackenreed, Harvest and Storage Lead for the Crop Production and Innovation Team with the Canola Council of Canada discusses proper pre-harvest Glyphosate application. CLICK HERE (

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August, 2020

Pre-Harvest Glyphosate application in Cereals (3 minutes)

Fred Greig of Avondale Seed Farm discusses proper pre-harvest Glyphosate application on cereals. CLICK HERE (

Pre-Harvest Glyphosate application in Peas (3 minutes)

Greg Bartley, Director of Crop Protection and Crop Quality discusses proper pre-harvest Glyphosate application on pulse crops. CLICK HERE (

Products of Concern 2020

Every year, Canada exports over 20 million tonnes of wheat, oats and barley, 90% of the canola we produce, and close to $4 billion of pulse crops to markets around the world, either directly or as processed products. These exports must meet the standards set by importing countries, including their tolerances for pesticide residues.

A few things to consider:

1. Tolerances for pesticide residues and traces of disease can differ from market to market. Not all countries set import maximum residue limits (MRLs) at the same time or at all. This may pose a trade risk. When a country does not have an established MRL (or has a default MRL close to zero), it may reject imports if low residue levels are found.

2. Importing countries use highly sensitive equipment to test for residues. New technology can detect levels close to one part per billion, and in some cases parts per trillion. Currently, there are no market concerns with products registered for use on canola. For pulse crop production in Canada, active ingredients that may pose market risks include glyphosate (e.g. Roundup®), diquat (e.g. Reglone®) and glufosinate (e.g. MPower® Good Harvest® in Western Canada and Ignite® in Eastern Canada.) For Cereals, Glyphosate should only be used if the end product is not to be used for seed, or malting. You will need to talk to your oats buyer prior to using a PreHarvest glyphosate weed control. Either way it is imperative to follow label instructions and adhere to perharvest intervals.

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August, 2020

Valuable Resources Natural Land & Shelterbelts What do shelterbelts, pivot corners, wetlands, tree bluffs, and field margins have in common? No, they’re not unprofitable or “wasted” areas. As natural habitats for beneficial insects, including pollinators and predators of crop pests, those non-cropped areas may be worth their square footage in gold. And 50-years of data collection demonstrates a net positive effect on yield when managing wind and water through shelterbelts, bluffs, bogs and wetlands. The desire to remove these areas is well understood: many times, they’re in the way. Especially isolated tree bluffs and wetlands. As equipment gets larger and wider, it becomes more difficult and less efficient to farm around these areas. In addition, old shelterbelts and fencerows prevent consolidation of neighbouring properties and can be difficult to manage as they mature. Lastly, as farmland becomes more valuable, it is often thought to be economically beneficial to remove trees and water and farm through them.

Recent research has begun to show that this yield relationship exists for not just shelterbelts, but of all the natural and uncultivated spaced –fencerows, ditches, tree bluffs, shelterbelts, and wetlands. Work in northern Alberta shows that the presence of these uncultivated spaces within 750 meters of crop had a strong positive effect on Canola yield. In fact, more than enough to compensate for the opportunity cost of growing trees and shrubs, rather than crops. Currently in Western Canada, several producer and government-funded projects are underway to put a dollar value on these uncultivated areas. Once again, the preliminary analysis shows this same yield relationship to all crops in rotation. Rather than viewing these areas as unproductive, we hope that producers and landowners will recognize the value that these spaces provide to their own bottom line in generating more profit (from fewer acres) through the reduction of costly pesticide applications. And

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“ Conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves the public interest. Aldo Leopold 1934 perhaps most interesting, is that we also see canola oil content increase in the 15-200 meter range from these spaces. There did not seem to be any effect on weed abundance or diversity, indicating that these spaces are not offering sanctuary to weedy plants. There is also a dramatically increased abundance and diversity of beneficial insect and natural enemies of crop pests. The presence of these insects, such as native bumblebees and other solitary bees, hoverflies, and many other nectar-feeding insects, increase pollination efficiency of crops. We also see increased predation of pest species by predators like ground beetles, spiders, and lady beetles. This can be very effective; for example: carabid beetles have a strong affinity for feeding on many pest species such as cutworms and diamondback moths, while larger species can consume several worms per day. Once again, the establishment of shelterbelts, bluffs, and wetlands are not meant to remove productive cropland from production, but rather to re-assign marginal agricultural land to sustainable ecosystem services like cleaner water, cleaner air, and more biodiversity. We recognize our agricultural producers are the true stewards of the land. As Aldo Leopold stated back

in 1934 “conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves the public interest.” He was 100% correct and the time has arrived... we are here to assist you! The ALUS Northern Sunrise program can provide support in creating and restoring these natural areas, while rewarding you with a per acre incentive to maintain the project! We currently have 9 local producers enrolled in the program who are producing some 136 acres of ecosystem services. “It’s a beautiful synergy!” boasts ALUS Northern Sunrise Program Coordinator, Becky Devaleriola. If you don’t qualify for our ALUS NSC program, please access our annual Shelterbelt Program. Through partnerships, Northern Sunrise County is able to purchase bulk seedlings and pass the savings along to you! Over the past 3 seasons, the program has distributed over 21,ooo seedlings – thank you NSC residents!

Together we can make a difference one acre, one seedling, one insect at a time

Let’s Chat! 780-322-3831 or ALUS@

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August, 2020

2021 Agricultural Trade Show March 18, 19 & 20 Regional Recreation Complex Falher Alberta

Calvin Yoder, P.Ag., Forage Seed Specialist

Available to answer your forage seed questions 780 864 7663

August, 2020

Shelleen Gerbig, P.Ag. Environmental Plan Technician Available to assist with Environmental Farm Plans 780-837-2900 ext. 3

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Thank you to our program sponsors

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August, 2020

2020 Board of Directors

Simon Lavoie -Chair

St. Isidore

Leonard Desharnais - Vice Chair


Audrey Gall - Secretary

Northern Sunrise County

Mathieu Bergeron

St. Isidore

Kenny Stewart

High Prairie

Lionel Gauthier


Alain Anctil


Jesse Meyer

Grande Prairie

Whitney Boisvert


Dale Smith

MD of Greenview

Neil Maisonneuve


Donald Bissell

Big Lakes County

Peter Harris

County of Grande Prairie

Luc Levesque

MD of Smoky River


Vance Yaremko

Executive Director

Shelleen Gerbig, P.Ag.

Extension Coordinator

Calvin Yoder, P.Ag.

Forage Seed Specialist 780-864-7663

Megan Snell

Research Coordinator

Victor Gauthier

Field Technician

Amber Fennell-Drouin

Administrative Assistant

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