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Safe Card Usage – Do’s & Don’t


13 BANCON 20

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œ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸š¡¸Ÿ¸ ¬¸½ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄÇÅŸ¸¸Ê ˆ½Å ¤¸¸£½ Ÿ¸Ê ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ¢Ÿ¸¥¸ú— ¡¸í ¸¸›¸ˆÅ£ ˆÅ¸ûÅú œÏ¬¸››¸÷¸¸ íºƒÄ ¢ˆÅ ÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸μ¸ œ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¨¸«¸Ä 2011-12 ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£ ¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¬¸½ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ÷¸˜¸¸ ™º¤¸ƒÄ Ÿ¸Ê ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ÷¸ú¬¸£½ ‡¢©¸¡¸›¸ ¥¸ú”£¢©¸œ¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ 2013 Ÿ¸Ê ¤Ï¸¿” ‡Æ¬¸½¥¸Ê¬¸ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ œÏ¸œ÷¸ íº‚¸— Ž¸¡¸¸¢ ¸°¸¸Ê ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸š¡¸Ÿ¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸¿œ¸»μ¸Ä ž¸¸£÷¸¨¸«¸Ä ˆ½Å ¬¸ž¸ú £¸ ¡¸¸Ê ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸»™»£ œÏ™½©¸¸Ê ˆÅú ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ™ú Š¸ƒÄ í¾— ¡¸í ‡ˆÅ ¬¸£¸í›¸ú¡¸ œÏ¡¸¸¬¸ í¾ªú ‡›¸. ¢›¸ä¸¥¸, ›¡¸»¦Æ¥¸¡¸£ œ¸¸Á¨¸£ ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½©¸›¸ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¢”¡¸¸ ¢¥¸¢Ÿ¸’½” Our beloved magazine TAARANGAN is taking the shape of Mega magazine in terms of designing and contents. Congratulations for the awards and accolades received during 2013. Wishing all the best for 2014- Shri U.K. Jain, Ex-Counselor ABHAY, Kolkata. I received Taarangan on 17.12.2013 through courier. As this day happens to be my birthday as per vernacular/religious calendar, I deem it as a special gift from Bank of India. The poem “Bank of India- A Mother to me. “Conveys the feeling of gratitude of each employee of Bank of India- whether in service or retired-Shri N. Krishnamurthy (Retd. Staff)

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Do’s At the time of receiving your Card, make sure that the welcome kit is sealed. If tampered, kindly contact branch immediately. Destroy the PIN mailer after memorizing the PIN. Never write down your PIN or disclose it to anyone. Cover the keypad when you enter your PIN. Select a unique PIN, never obvious numbers like date of birth, telephone, etc. Ensure the card is swiped in your presence, including at restaurants and petrol pumps. Check your chargeslip before signing. Ensure that you get your own card back after every purchase. Review your account / card statement on a timely basis; Report disputed transactions with the Call Centre immediately. At the time of renewal, upgradation or cancellation, cut the card diagonally into pieces before disposal. For enhanced security against counterfeiting and skimming, we recommend you to upgrade your magnetic stripe card to EMV chip card. Make a list of card numbers, card expiry dates and help line numbers of your card companies. Keep this record in a safe place, separate from your cards. Use this information if you ever have to report your card lost or stolen. Dont’s Do not handover your card to anyone at ATMs. Do not accept help from unknown people at ATMs. Do not courier your card(s) to bank in case of cancellation. Do not lend your card to anyone even known persons or company representatives. Do not give a photocopy of your card or statement to anybody. Do not respond to any email request for personal / account information, even if it appears to be from trusted source. Alerts ▲ Ensure your contact address and email id(s) are updated in banks records. ▲ Ensure that your mobile number is updated and registered for instant transaction alert. ▲ Check transaction SMS alerts regularly and report disputed transactions immediately. Lost or Stolen card • Report lost or stolen card immediately lyy and block your card(s) instantly, Hotlisting Toll Free: 1800 425 1112 (Debit) 1800 220 088 (Credit)

(ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ „œ¸ÇÅŸ¸) ‚¿ˆÅ - ¢™¬¸¿¤¸£, 2013 ¤¸¾ˆÅ ‚¸Áœ¸ö€ ƒ¿¢”¡¸¸ ˆÅú ¢×ž¸¸«¸ú ¢÷¸Ÿ¸¸íú Š¸¼íœ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸

(A Government of India Undertaking) Volume - December, 2013 A Quarterly Bilingual House Journal of Bank of India

Activities .............................. 33 Business Ethics Abstracts ....... 34

25 Years of Journey with BOI & Taarangan ........... 47

ˆÅ¸½Ÿ¸¥¸ ¨¡¸˜¸¸ .......................... 36

›¸½÷¸¼÷¨¸ ±¸¸›¸ ............................ 48

ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ ............................ 37

Staff Achievement ................. 49

Bitcoin ................................ 38

ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ ............................ 59

On Being a Good Manager ..... 39

š¸Ÿ¸Ä-¬¸¿¬ˆÅ¸£ .......................... 60 Leadership Qualities .............. 60 ›¸‡ ‡’ú‡Ÿ¸ ........................... 61 Fears are nothing more than a state of mind ..................... 62 ›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸) ....... 50

±¸¸›¸¨¸ÖÄ›¸ ............................. 63

Place to Visit ........................ 52 ›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸¢© ¸Ÿ¸) .... 40

Ÿ¸›¸ ¬¸½ œ¸£½ ............................. 53

®¸Ÿ¸÷¸¸ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º³ œ¸ œÏ™©¸Ä›¸ ........... 42

Alaska Diaries ...................... 54

Time Thieves ....................... 43

ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ ............................ 55 Christmas in the Air ............... 64 ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ ............................ 65

Learning from Uttarakhand Disaster .............................. 44

Training ............................... 56

›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (™¢®¸μ¸) .... 46

Festival Plus ........................ 58

£¸ ¸ž¸¸«¸¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ................... 57 New Branches ...................... 66

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Dear Colleagues

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At the outset, let me wish you and your families a Very Happy & Successful New Year. I pray to the Almighty to make your dreams, as well as the dreams of our great Institution, come true.

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efomebyej 2013

Every New Year brings with it fresh challenges and renewed opportunities. The year 2013 continued where 2012 left off and posed many challenges to the economy and financial sector. We are, truly, living in turbulent times and only the best are able to weather it well. I am proud to tell you that we have been able to ride the waves and emerge stronger than before. That is certainly the result of the collective efforts that you, my dear Colleagues, have put in. As we close 2013, let me also share with you that we have passed yet another milestone. Our Bank’s Business Mix has crossed `8 lac cr. Congratulations to all ! Having said that, I must also tell you that we are not yet in placid waters. There are many a hurdles that we have yet to clear before we can say, with confidence that we are well and truly on our way. Amongst the top-most in our priorities is our battle against NPA. We must use every strategy, which will ensure that we recover bad loans, whilst concurrently monitoring all stressed assets to ensure that they do not slip. Reducing our NPAs is the single most important issue to boost our bottom line and efficiently preserve our precious capital. I have given a call to all to ‘PERFORM TO POTENTIAL‘ and this is one area where we MUST do so. No stepping back on that. We just cannot afford it. Improving our CASA is another area where the Bank

Chairperson & Managing Director's Message ‚œ¸›¸ú ‚Ÿ¸»¥¡¸ œ¸»¿ ¸ú ˆÅ¸½ ž¸ú ¤¸ ¸¸ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸½ íÿ— Ÿ¸ÿ›¸½ ‚¸œ¸ ¬¸ž¸ú ¬¸½ '®¸Ÿ¸÷¸¸ ‚›¸º¬¸¸£ continues to lag. The growth has been tardy, ¢›¸«œ¸¸™›¸' ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆÅú ‚œ¸ú¥¸ ˆÅú í¾ ÷¸˜¸¸ ¡¸í ¨¸í ®¸½°¸ í¾ ¸í¸¿ íŸ¸Ê ‡½¬¸¸ ˆÅ£›¸¸ íú and our CASA is practically flat at `96,000 crs. í¸½Š¸¸— ƒ¬¸ œ¸£ œ¸úŽ½ í’›¸½ ˆÅ¸ ¬¸¨¸¸¥¸ íú ›¸íú¿, ퟸ ¡¸í ¬¸í›¸ ›¸íú¿ ˆÅ£ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸½— We have, recently, introduced attractive Incentive ˆÅ¸¬¸¸ Ÿ¸Ê ¬¸ºš¸¸£ ‡ˆÅ ‚¸½£ ®¸½°¸ í¾ ¸í¸¿ ¤¸ÿˆÅ œ¸úŽ½ íÿ— ƒ¬¸Ÿ¸Ê ¨¸¼¢Ö ˆÅ¸ûÅú Ÿ¸¿™ í¾ ÷¸˜¸¸ ¨¡¸¸¨¸í¸¢£ˆÅ ³Åœ¸ ¬¸½ ퟸ¸£¸ ˆÅ¸¬¸¸ `96000 ˆÅ£¸½”õ œ¸£ ¦¬˜¸£ í¾— ퟸ›¸½, í¸¥¸ íú Ÿ¸Ê, ˆÅ¸¬¸¸ Ÿ¸Ê ¨¸¼¢Ö ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ¬’¸ûÅ ¬¸™¬¡¸¸Ê í½÷¸º ˆÅƒÄ ‚¸ˆÅ«¸ÄˆÅ œÏ¸½÷¬¸¸í›¸ ¡¸¸½ ¸›¸¸‡¿ œÏ¸£¿ž¸ ˆÅú íÿ œ¸£¿÷¸º ‚ž¸ú ÷¸ˆÅ ƒ¬¸ ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸Ê íŸ¸Ê ‚ž¸ú ÷¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ƒÄ ‰¸¸¬¸ ¤¸ ¸½î¸£ú ™½‰¸›¸½ ˆÅ¸½ ›¸íú¿ ¢Ÿ¸¥¸ú í¾— ퟸ ƒ¬¸ ¦¬˜¸¢÷¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸¸™¸ ¬¸í›¸ ›¸íú¿ ˆÅ£ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸½ ¸»¿¢ˆÅ ퟸ¸£ú œ¸»¿ ¸ú ˆÅú ¥¸¸Š¸÷¸ ˆÅ¸½ ˆÅŸ¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ Ÿ¸Ê ˆÅ¸¬¸¸ ¸ú¨¸›¸£½‰¸¸ í¾, ¸¸½ ¤¸¸™ Ÿ¸Ê, Ÿ¸ ¸¤¸»÷¸ ¥¸¸ž¸ ˆÅ¸ ‚¸š¸¸£ ¤¸›¸¸÷¸ú í¾ ÷¸˜¸¸ íŸ¸Ê ‚œ¸›¸½ ‚¢ŠÏŸ¸¸Ê ˆÅú ˆÅúŸ¸÷¸ ˆÅ¸½ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ ‚¸ÇÅŸ¸ˆÅ÷¸¸ ¬¸½ £‰¸›¸¸ ¬¸º¢›¸¢ä¸÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸ú í¾ ¢ ¸¬¸¬¸½ ퟸ¸£½ Ÿ¸¸¢ˆÄÅ’ ©¸½¡¸£ Ÿ¸Ê ¨¸¼¢Ö í¸½÷¸ú í¾—

Schemes for Staff for garnering “CASA” but I am yet to see any upsurge in this sector. We cannot afford this any longer, since CASA is our lifeline for reducing cost of funds, which in turn forms the base for strong profits and enables us to price our loans more aggressively and thereby increase our market share. CASA only calls for reaching out to customers and rendering good, efficient and endearing serviceService with Care and Service with a Smile. Multi levers will have to be used for customer acquisition through events, referrals, tie-ups, walk-ins, acquisition teams etc. I want each one of you to make a difference to the customer service, create goodwill and entice new customers.

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lest competition catches up. We, as Leaders, have taken a number of New Initiatives. One of these is Transaction Banking. This includes devising composite products for collection of cash/cheques, bulk payments and Channel Finance. The idea is to bring all possible business lines of our clients into our fold. And being a Bank with a heritage of over 108 years and with our proven strength in Corporate Banking, we have a rich base of such customers. We must make every effort to see that no other Bank weans away such business – which I feel is our right. In our recent Business Conferences, I have urged all corporate branches (Large and Medium) to refer such business to us. I find that response is still lukewarm and references, when made, are made more as a matter of compliance rather than as a matter of interest and burning desire. We need a change in attitude in order not to lose business, which must be ours. These are, also, avenues of enhancing our noninterest income. With raising of Capital being a continuous challenge in these days of inadequate economic growth, boosting noninterest income is of paramount interest in increasing our Return on Capital. ROA, in turn, is a key ratio that investors and analyst look at,


December 2013


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globally, when deciding, to invest in or not to invest in, our Bank. We cannot be complacent to the interests of our investors in an era where capital is scarce. I do find that, given our performance, our shares warrant better pricing and to do that we have taken a number of steps to improve the Bank’s perception before all stakeholders–customers, investors, analysts, Press and anyone who means something to us. Each one of you is a Brand Ambassador of Bank of India. It is necessary that you improve the perception of our Bank, in all your actions. For the customer, the Staff at the counter represents the Bank itself. Every salesperson must know his / her Company’s products well. Same is the case with you. I find that, by and large, product knowledge requires improvement across the board. The only way to do that is to keep abreast with the guidelines and Circulars being issued from time to time. To empower our Staff to learn, all have been provided with access to Star Desk and MMS. Knowledge is King and only knowledge can bring confidence in our actions. With severe competition there already and with more to come with entry of new Banks, technology will rule supreme and if we do not have complete familiarity with our products, we will lose business rapidly. I, therefore, appeal to all of you to not to miss any opportunity to further your understanding of our different products. We cannot allow market share to go down. Having spent over a year in Bank of India, I have discovered ours is an Organization of great character and depth. Its greatest assets are, undoubtedly, its employees, who have brought it a reputation as tall as its long history of over a century. I am confident that, when we stand shoulder to shoulder, we have the power to deliver and beat the odds- whatever the odds may be. I have extensively toured the country, visited Zones, visited Branches, met customers and each time I have come back with the conviction that the Bank has the potential to excel. I appeal to all my Colleagues to rise to occasion and make 2014 a grand success – and a stepping stone for still greater times to come. My best wishes to you in your personal and professional lifeand for Good health to you and your family.

(¨¸ú.‚¸£. ‚¡¡¸£) (V.R. Iyer)



efomebyej 2013

¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅú¡¸ Dear Readers,

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At the outset, let me wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2014. With your support and contributions, we received 5 Awards during the quarter i.e. four awards from Association of Business Communicators of India (ABCI), Mumbai and one National Award from Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) for our March 2013 edition- A salute to women power (3rd prize) at New Delhi. The total tally of awards for the year 2013 stands 8 Awards including one International Award. These awards speak the volume of our hard work and the efforts; we have put to make our house journal an effective communication tool in the bank. I sincerely believe that, we are reaping these fruits due to the strong support of our top management particularly our worthy Chairperson & Managing Director. We humbly dedicate all these awards to our BOI Parivar. We assure you that we will strive to get more laurels and accolades in future also. The bank’s business is growing at good pace and we are close to reach our target. The time is short but if we use our time efficiently, we can achieve the desired goal. We should always keep in mind the call of our CMD i.e. ‘Perform to Potential’ and to perform to our fullest potential, we need to have better time management. Let me share with you the following contentImagine there is a bank, which credits your account each morning with `86,400 carries over no balance from day to day, allow you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the day. What would you do? Of course, draw out every penny, ! Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the records of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow’’. Therefore, there is never, not enough time or too much time. We alone and nobody else decide time management. It is never the case of us not having enough time to do things, but the case of whether we want to do it. We know our targets and the time to achieve it. Therefore, the desired results can be achieved only by the optimum use of time. Our endeavour is always to give you better In-house journal each time. The new edition in your hands is full of information covering interesting & informative articles with coverage of some special activities and all other happenings in the bank. At the close, we sincerely thank the contributors of this edition and once again wish you a successful year ahead. Enjoy reading! Please feel free to write to us at HeadOffice.Taarangan@

(¬¸£·¸¸ ¸ Ÿ¸ø­­íŸŸ¸™ ©¸ˆ ú¥¸ Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)


December 2013


‰¸¸¬¸ - ‰¸¸¬¸  KHAS-KHAS

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer interacting with staff members and newly recruited DROs during her visit to Vadodara Zone. NBG (C) Shri A. K. Jain, ZM Shri S. R. Doddappagoudar seen along with CMD.

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CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer along with ZM, Navi Mumbai Zone Shri B.K. Mohanty and other staff members at the stall exhibited during the Namasankeerthana Festival arranged at Dombivli Distt.

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer listening to the conversation between BOI customer and Call centre agent at the newly opened Call Centre at Mahape, Navi Mumbai. Also seen, the then CGM Shri S. K. Datta,GM NBG (W) Shri V. G. Kamath and Mgr, QC HO Shri Mahesh Subramaniam.

CMD Smt. V.R.Iyer launched SUD LIFE's 'Elite Assure Plan' & SUD 'Group Term Insurance Plan' in the presence of ED Shri Arun Shrivastava, GM (Res.Mob.) Shri M.V. Venketeswaran and officials of SUD Life Insurance

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, EDs Shri B. P. Sharma, Shri Arun Shrivastava, Shri R. Koteeswaran, Director Shri K. K. Nair & Officer Employee Director Shri Harvinder Singh during Extra Ordinary General meeting held at Head Office.

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efomebyej 2013

‰¸¸¬¸ - ‰¸¸¬¸  KHAS-KHAS

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer interacting with the customers during the ‘customer meet’ held at Hotel Trident, Mumbai. Also seen, ZM MSZ Shri D. K. Garg.

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Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry Shri Anand Sharma, ED Shri Arun Shrivastava & other dignitaries during the release of Souvenir of ALPANA (Association for Learning of Performing Arts & Normative Action), a reputed NGO who organized SAMBHAV 2013 a cultural event at India International Centre, New Delhi for physically and mentally challenged persons where differently able persons and artists from neighboring countries presented their various cultural programmes. Our Bank sponsored this International Event.

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran during his visit to Kalawad Road Branch, Rajkot Zone. ZM Shri Bhupendra Singh, DZM Shri Pandit, CM Shri Mahesh Goel and other officers with the ED.


December 2013


‰¸¸¬¸ - ‰¸¸¬¸  KHAS-KHAS

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CMD, IOB Shri M. Narendra presenting a memento to GM (HR) Shri Pawan Kumar Bajaj in the presence of Chairman of Banker’s Quotient Academy Shri M. V. Nair and Chairman of RVS Group Shri V. Kuppuswamy during the function organized by BQA at Sulur in Coimbatore MSZ, ZM Shri D. K. Garg presented bouquet and greetings to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Prithviraj Chavan on Diwali on behalf of our CMD.

MSZ ZM Shri D.K. Garg speaking in the panel discussion during 6th Annual Banking Conference on ‘Sustaining Growth Amidst Adversity held at Hotel Lalit, Mumbai.



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Our Bank and LIC signed MOU for maintenance and operation of regular Current Account operated by Cheque & maintenance and operation of Non-Operating Premium Collection Accounts. GM, Transaction Banking Department Shri N. S. Surti and Chief Finance & Accounts (LIC) Shri P. K. Molri signing the agreement. Also seen, MSZ ZM Shri D. K. Garg.

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Imp. Activities

Seminar on Financial Literacy & Financial Inclusion Mumbai North Zone arranged a Seminar on “Financial Literacy & Financial Inclusion at Aarey Colony Municipal School, Road No 16. The programme was attended by students, their parents and people staying in nearby areas. The purpose of the programme was to educate the students and their parents about the financial literacy and inculcate the habit of savings among the school children. CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer was Chief Guest of the function. GM, NBG (West) Shri V. G. Kamath, ZM Shri T. Sudhakar were also present on the occasion. During the occasion Savings Bank Pass Books for accounts opened by the children were distributed by Chairperson Smt. V. R. Iyer. 07 Solar Street lights were also donated to the Aadivasi villages and donation letters to the effect were handed over to the village heads. Solar Street light near the school was inaugurated by the Chairperson. Collector, Mumbai Suburb Shri Sanjay Deshmukh also visited the place on the occasion.

Bank's First "e-gallery" Inaugurated by CMD at Sakinaka BOI ``e-gallery'' provides user friendly & hastle free Banking services without any manual intervention where facilities like Cash Deposits, Cash Withdrawals, Passbook Printing, Printing of Account statements, On-line account opening, making request for Cheque book, Debit Cards, Credit cards, Mobile Banking, address updation, assisted hot-line service through live interaction with Call Center executive etc. are available 24X7 through KIOSKs. Gesture Controlled Interactive Digital system installed in the BOI “e-gallery” is a unique initiative for customers, which is first of its kind installed by any bank in India. The Gesture Control system provides facility to the customers to interact with the screen to get information on the Banking facilities, Bank’s different schemes, Rate of Interest, Foreign ZM Shri T. Sudhakar, CM, Smt. Jyoti Venkatachalam, Shri Babu, Shri Nitin Currency Exchange rates etc. on real time basis. Salot, Shri Chaturvedi customers of Sakinaka Branch & Miss Sonia Bhanushali It also provides on-line feed-back facility to the from technology partner Intellvisions Software Ltd. during the inauguration of customers. BOI ``e-gallery''.


December 2013


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Banking Plus

GEARING UP THE HUMAN CAPITAL-BUILDING FOR THE SCARCE SKILLS All the value of any company is in its people. If you burnt down all our plants and we just kept our people and information files, we would soon be as strong as ever. Take away our people and we might never recover “(Ton Watson, former president of IBM)’’

K. R. Srimathi

DGM(HR), Head Office

PREFACE Human Resources Management is centrally concerned with people and relationships. It involves understanding of human behavior; moral or ethical dimension; employment relationship has ‘human and social implications’, raising issues of human dignity, fairness and corporate social responsibility. It embraces not only ‘soft’ values to do with the wellbeing of people at work, but also ‘hard’ values to do with the success of the organization. All Executives in an organization need to achieve results through the efforts of other people and must therefore manage the employment relationship. The real requirement is proactive and constructive, rather than defensive and reactive. Its prerequisite is the foresight of organization’s needs in the short and the long term. Presently, we need to plan for long-term demographic challenges, such as the falling birthrate, increased brain drain and skill shortages in the pool of available resources. We have to create an attractive ‘employer’ brands in the HR market. This has brought a conceptual shift away from regarding employees as a cost to be managed and controlled, and towards regarding them as an asset i.e., human capital to be nurtured and developed.

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment and selection is a core area of HRM and is crucial to the successful functioning of an organization. It is a critical mechanism to make sure that the organization has the right skills, expertise and qualification to deliver the key organizational objectives. When an organization decides to recruit for its manpower need, it needs to dwell in depth as to: Is the position for internal applicants,



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external applications or both? What is the timeframe available? What is the resources availability? What is the people situation? What is the experience of the staff involved? If these analyses are done systematically in the initial step, we may land in recruiting the people of choice to the organization. Once Recruitment process is evolved, an organization has to provide space for their ‘training and development’ in line with organizations’ need to achieve its objectives. When we focus this issue in particular reference to Banks, Interdependencies and interrelatedness of variables make the implementation both easy and difficult depending on the process we adopt. Banks’ goal is normally to have competent and motivated employees to ensure higher levels of productivity, profitability and growth. Whatever excellent technological and other resource the organizations possess, very little it can achieve, if the competent and committed employees are not in place. The achievement of sustained equitable developments remains the greatest challenge facing the human race. Competencies may include knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Human development is a much larger and an allencompassing concept while HRD is limited to the skill development and knowledge acquisition often demanded by organizations for employment purposes. However, presently this distinction is disappearing depending on the context in which it is used. The development process can take the PEST Model where in

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Banking Plus Political environment


The Political environment is generally very important which provides the power to make law and accordingly regulate the employment relationship – bargaining power of employees and employers by detailing strike procedures, statutory recognition procedures.

Economic Closely aligned to the political pressures economic influences, which include not only wages but also inflation, interest rates, currency and exchange rates, unemployment levels and social costs.

Social and Cultural Social and cultural factor relates mainly to shifts in values and lifestyle involving a consideration of employees’ attitudes to work and leisure. Cultural values towards age, gender, and mobility, which may have an impact on recruitment and transfers.

Technological Factors Technological factors relate to the application of available knowledge and skills to create and use technology in the processes, products and services. Every employee need to be trained not merely only on product knowledge and customer service in Bank’s focus point. But, the major factors which need to be in the training process is the Mission of the organization, consistency required in employees approach towards the work, involvement, commitment, adaptability to changing environment, creativity, competency to compete with market standards, control, collaboration, innovativeness and professional approach keeping in mind the values and ethics which the organization follows. As discussed earlier there need to be an investment for talent improvement. Buy –securing new talent into the organization; Build – allow in them to grow through training and experiences; Borrow- bringing knowledge through external advisors; Boost – Promoting right people to keep posts; Bounce – Removing poor performers from the position where they are; Bind – Retaining talent through opportunity, reward and nonfinancial recognition. Communication System, where an employee can voice his opinion, suggestions for the betterment of the organization, must be in place. It should not be always from top to bottom flow vice versa liberty with decorum must be allowed.

To what extent our HR Practices that focus on employees (staffing, training, development and value addition); to what extent our HR practices that focus on performance (setting standards, allocating rewards, providing feedback) also takes a long way the employees responsiveness to the organization. It is pertinent today to reward and to punish the non-performer. Even if a non-performer is not punished, at least we need to ensure that a nonperformer is not rewarded at the cost of a performer. This may appear as an unimportant issue in isolation but the new generation employees take this very seriously now, which ultimately paves the path for attrition level. HR person of any organization must be accessible and good listener. HR Professional Competency:

Strategic Contribution accounts HR’s total influence on business performance. It covers culture management, fast change, strategic decision-making and market driven connectivity. Personal Credibility

involves record of accomplishment – reputation for meeting commitments – doing what they say and saying what they will do and getting error free results. Effective Relationship focusing human side of business. HR professional must be able to develop “good chemistry” with all highlighting


December 2013


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Banking Plus whatever core values they show and building on elements of common interest that frequently go beyond work boundaries. Must be helpful and empathetic in addressing concerns whether or not directly work related and they can decompress tense interpersonal issues. Good communication SKILLS BOTH IN PAPER AND FACE TO FACE.

by promise of money, lots of fringe benefits and good working conditions-or the threat of punishment for failure to do the job. But this view is not correct, even though we do see evidence of laziness in people. This is due to Pygmalion effect: some people behave as if they are lazy because if managers considers employees to be so and what the managers look to see. The theory Y

believes that employees at work are

HR Delivery - traditional tools such as staffing, training basically self directed and highly motivated Y attitude

and development, performance management and legal compliance. Now it demands “Right person, right people, and right place doing right things”.

Business Knowledge may seem low but that entire result means is that HR professional invariably assume the need for such knowledge. HR professionals should understand the business – what happens at branch level of a Bank, what are the skill requirements at Branches, Zones, Circles and controlling offices vis a vis with the business potential of the area and the segment of customers banking in the area. Accordingly, he has to place the persons suiting to that specification to the larger extent. HR Technology – has to regularly find new

applications of technology to improve their efficiency and their effectiveness. - to track present position of an employee; placement; improve the skill through online training programmes, through interactive learning modules or online career planning. To allocate key capabilities accurately and quickly by tracking individual talent profiles, by communicating job opening and requirements and by matching talent needs with talent profiles. Performance measurement why and how to evaluate the performance levels of employees and acceptable way by utilizing the performance management systems and employees appraisals.

managers usually do not boss the employees in a highly structured controlled, or closely supervised situation. This makes the employees highly motivated and focus towards achieving the corporate goals. This approach gives a healthy mental health to the employees. The presence of union and associations are to protect the interest of the employees and to provide an congenial working condition . By adopting theory Y an organization can shake hands with unions, associations and well with their employees.

Retention We are carried away by an impression that ‘labour turnover’ equals ‘instability’ and that, it is caused by job dissatisfaction, it may create negative image for the organization. But, natural new wastage is better than costly redundancies; but it brings new blood with new ideas, skills and experience in different situations. Same time broken continuity of knowledge, relationships, culture and succession, where continuity could offer stability and predictability. Others may perceive this as a symptom of job dissatisfaction. Need to deal the situation very thoughtfully by making systematic investigation into the causes. a. Exit interviews offer the intention of the leaving employee;

Performance management system must be robust which has alignment with business strategy, information technology, reward and human resources strategy and integration with other systems operating in the organization. A key aim is to provide a clear recognition of levels of performance and ways of dealing with inconsistencies in performance that will ensure improved outputs and commitments.

b. Attitude surveys, to gauge the general climate of the organization, and the response of the workforce as a whole to working conditions, management style;

It again depends on what is an employee in boss’s eyes?

a. Performance improvement measures may be implemented;

There are two managerial beliefs. McGregor described are called “Theory X” and “Theory Y”. Theory X beliefs that the employees are lazy, indolent and preferred to be told what to do. Further, not interested in assuming responsibilities. These managers assumes that employees are motivated to work only



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c. Information gathered on the number of interrelated variables which be assumed to correlate the factual reasons. It needs to be addressed by H.R. Planning;

b. Coherent policies may be introduced with regard to training and development and promotion. c. Induction or orientation programmes for new recruits should address the issues that cause problems at the ‘first induction crisis’ stage;

d. Selection programmes should be reviewed to ensure that future recruits are made aware of culture of the organization; e. Problems, if any, with working conditions should be solved – especially if they also concern health and safety; f.


Welcome Newly Promoted GMs

Benefits\perquisites may be reviewed in the light of perceived fairness and market rates.

Succession Is an act, process or right by which one person succeeds to or takes over the office or post of another person. In banking scenario, there may be a policy whereby a ‘successor’ is developed to replace a more senior person who retires or leaves.

Shri Nagin Shankarlal Surti

Shri Shankardas Gupta

It demands a comprehensive promotion programme; coherent promotion policy to plan for grooming the right persons for the future vacancies in senior management level.

Conclusion Work place should provide an environment to feel free to talk with anyone about anything;

Shri Mandagere Ramchandra Murthy

Shri Jain Bhushan

The other two glues that hold any organization togethertrust and coffee. Trust is universal in its influence; the second is a culture specific. When the leader slows down, listens, shares some opinions, ask questions, and sips a little coffee or tea, he or she is setting a tone for the organization that sends a powerful message that what matters here is people, creativity and clarity of thought. It also sets the stage so that a full company of players can make the corporate vision and mission become reality. When we ignore human feelings, we inevitably ignore the human being who’s experiencing them. Personcentered leadership is essential; if remove posturing, pretension and false communication people are free to be themselves – to use their good ideas and energies to give themselves and their corporation a lift. Human touch in any organization will bring the desired results. Every Human being is unique so also their behavior, attitude, skill levels, family influence, hereditary traits and so on. All need to be treated with human touch. Especially the young blood is entering any organization from a comfort zone unlike the earlier generation who entered on necessity basis. The gap we need to understand. Avenues are also available to them; Handle them with care. Enhancing integration and coordination are essential strategies for ensuring the achievement of HRD Goals. Fabric of a Bank is its HUMAN CAPITAL.

Shri Kuldeep Kumar Arora

CGMs & GMs  Shri Pushpinder Singh  Shri Sugata Kumar Datta  Shri Rabindra Mohan Prasad  Shri Vinayak Anant Gondhalekar We wish them a very happy and healthy retired life.


December 2013


‚¿÷¸££¸«’ïú¡¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â International Activities

CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer, GM (Intl) Shri R.A. Sankara Narayanan and staff member of branch during her visit to SFO.

CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer along with Executives of the bank during her visit to SIBOS at Dubai.

Bank of India (Tanzania) Ltd MD Shri Sanjib Sarkar in a charitable function at Tanzania, organized for under privileged children, with the Member of Parliament Mr John Mnyika and Sister Teresha and other NGO members. BOI(T)L donated Tzs 500,000 in this noble cause as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Renowned Actor Shri Abhishek Bachan with DGM Shri Hemant Kumar and other staff officers of London Branch during his visit to our Branch. Shri Bachan is valuable client of our London Branch.

Kenya Centre of our Bank has been Awarded ‘’Best Bank in technology use (ICT)– First Position’ by Think Business for the year 2013. CE, Kenya Centre Shri Raj Kamal Verma along with staff members during the award function.

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National Financial Switch(NFS) is a nationwide ATM network with major public, private sector & cooperative banks as members, which is being managed and monitored by National Payments Corporation of India.

Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), New Delhi has conferred our In-House Journal ‘Taarangan’ with NATIONAL AWARD for its March 2013 edition-Salute to women power under English Magazine Category 3rd prize. The award was received by General Manager (HR) Shri Pawan Kumar Bajaj & Editor Shri S. M. Shakeel at the hands of Secretary, DPE, GOI Shri O. P. Rawat & Pro Chancellor, Dutta Megha Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Nagpur Dr. V. P. Mishra at a glittering function held at New Delhi. Chairman & Editor–in-Chief, India TV Shri Rajat Sharma presided over the function and delegates from various organization across country attended the function. BOI was the only bank chosen for this prestigious award.

This year “NFS operational excellence awards 2013-Runner Up” in Public sector category was awarded to our Bank. This award was given to the Bank in recognition of its excellent performance in key parameters in respect of ATMs and switch connected to NFS network. ED Shri R. Koteeswaran and the then GM-IT Shri. Pushpinder Singh received the award from Director, NPCI Shri M. Sambamurthy at the 9th NFS User Group Meet at Mumbai.



Our Bank was awarded “Best Business Facilitating Bank” award for the year 2012-13 by Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) sponsored by The Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India.The award was received by GM-Mid Corporate Credit Shri N. K. Sood, at the hands of Hon’ble Union Minister of State for MSME Shri K.H. Muniyappa during Council’s 40th Annual Award Function held at Jamshed BhabhaTheatre, NCPA Mumbai.

Our In-House Journal ‘Taarangan’ has been awarded four awards under various categories viz. Headlines-Gold, Features (Language)Silver, Special Column (Language)-Bronze & Photography (Bronze) during 53rd Annual awards 2013 by Association of Buziness communicators of India (ABCI) held at Hotel Taj, Mumbai. Narration: DGM (HR) Smt. K. R. Srimathi, Editor Shri S. M. Shakeel & Team member Smt. Varsha Abichandani with noted media personality Shri Dileep Padgoankar during Annual Awards Nite 2013 at Hotel Taj, Mumbai.


December 2013


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Organized since 1985, Jarkhar Sports Festivals, Ludhiana is one of the most popular sports events of Punjab. The participants in the event come from all the 22 districts of Punjab as well as from our neighboring countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. The event includes various sports such as Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Cycling and Kabaddi. Bank of India, Ludhiana Zone is one of the sponsors of this prominent event along with Coco-cola, Maruti Suzuki and Avon cycles. GRAND INAUGURATION Event, 2014 was inaugurated by renowned athlete, “Flying Sikh” Padamshri Milkha Singh and prominent Hockey player, Shri Ashok Kumar son of hockey maestro Padamshri Major Dhyan Chand. Our Zonal Manager, Shri Anant Upadhyay along with top bureaucrats and cabinet ministers of Punjab government were the guests of honour at inauguration ceremony. The opening ceremony commenced from unveiling of life size statues of the Olympian Milkha Singh, and hockey legend, Major

Dhyan Chand amidst thundering applause and cheering. BANK OF INDIA FLAVOR AT THE EVENT Basketball Trophy named as Bank of India Basketball Cup is sponsored by our Ludhiana zone. Our Bank displayed huge hoardings and banners at the stadium. BOI Box at the stadium was visited by Olympian Shri Milkha Singh, Shri Ashok Kumar, Shri Gulrerz Akhtar, member Pakistan Gold Medal Winning Hockey Team at Mexico Olympic,1968 and other dignitaries of the state. Our Zonal Manager, Shri Anant Upadhyay welcomed these guest and conveyed the greetings of BOI. Legendary Milkha Singh in return gave his best wishes and love to Bank of India by signing on the visiting Card of our Zonal Manager.

ZM, Ludhiana Zone Shri Anant Upadhyay welcoming Flying Sikh, Shri Milkha Singh on behalf of BOI. (Inset) Shri Milkha Singh in turn gave his best wishes and love to BOI by signing on the visiting card of our Zonal Manager

During his address to the vast gathering at the stadium, Sardar Milkha Singh applauded the efforts of Bank of India for promoting sports in Punjab where many youths are being sucked into drugs addiction. In their inspiring speeches, they motivated the young and budding players to win medals in various sports and to bring glory to India. Shri Gulrez Akhtar was very pleased with the warm welcome by our bank and invited our ZM to Pakistan for attending the Annual Hockey event at Lahore. BOI Basketball Cup: Girls Final: Chief Guest ZM, Shri Anant Upadhyay being introduced with finalist. Team in Yellow- India (Punjab), in Green – Pakistan (Punjab), also seen Shri Gulrez Akhtar, Pakistan (Gold Medal Mexico Olympic 1968).



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LIVE CONCERT AND MEDIA COVERAGE Lot of cultural activities also took place in the evening.

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Imp. Activities

The teams and spectators were swayed to the live performance of well-known Punjabi singers, Shri Harbhajan Mann, Kanvar Grewal, Sai Gulam Jugni and Happy Jassowal, who captivated all in the cold evening of January.

importantly appreciation of our beloved BOI by all the guests and the participants. Top Sport Officials of Pakistan and Afghanistan at BOI Box at Basketball Stadium

The event attracted extensive coverage in both print and electronic media, in all the leading newspaper such as Tribune, Times of India, Hindustan Times, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Daily Ajit. The event was telecast live on TV Channel Fastway and got tremendous coverage on TV channels like PTC Punjabi, Punjab Plus, Channel1 and Channel2. MEMORABLE EVENT OF PEACE AND LOVE The fine blend of sports and cultural activities fostered the relations of India with its neighbouring countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. It was indeed amazing, listening inspiring speeches of Indian sports celebrities, enjoying live performance of renowned Punjabi singers, seeing true team spirits of the players, excitement of the spectators, and most

Person (L to R ): M. Sadat – Captain National Hockey Afghanistan, I. Hussain Head Coach, Afgh, A.M. Nurastani - VP Afgh, Gulrez Akhtar - Coach Pakistan (Gold Medal Mexico Olympic,1968), Shri Anant Upadhyay - ZM Ludhiana, Sikander Singh - Pohir Branch BM, A. Saboor - Vice Capt., Afgh.

Sachin Kumar Team Ludhiana Zone

14th CONCLAVE OF INDIA SME FORUM HELD AT LUDHIANA The 14th conclave of India SME Forum “Secret of Success for small and medium business” in

Zonal Manager Ludhiana Zone, Shri. Anant Upadhyay elaborated about various customer friendly schemes for MSME units offered by Bank of India. Concept of specialized branches in Bank of India like SME City Centers was brought in the knowledge of MSME entrepreneurs. 15 top performing entrepreneurs of Ludhiana were also awarded by various dignitaries of the event. Bank’s stall was put to promote various MSME schemes and distributed brochures, kits of MSME schemes to entrepreneurs which received overwhelming response.

collaboration with our Bank was conducted at Hotel Park Plaza, Ludhiana. Apart from our Bank, the Program was attended by various Dignitaries like State Level Advisor of Industries, Regional Coordinator MSME, President Cycle and Textile Industry, representative from Reliance Commercial Finance and SMERA rating agency. Approximately 60 entrepreneurs from various industries like Textile, Cycle, Fastners, Hand Tools, Vehicle Operators, Doctors etc. were present in the event. The program had panel discussions where


December 2013



Hon'ble Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram, lighting the lamp. Also seen CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, Chairman IBA & CMD PNB Shri K. R. Kamath and ED Shri B. P. Sharma

Bancon 2013 was hosted by our Bank on 15-16 Nov

infrastructure financing to boost growth”, etc. At the end

2013 at Mumbai and it saw participation of the captains

of each address and discussion, Q&A session was kept

and delegates from banking, finance, and allied fields.

making it very interactive.

It was inaugurated by Hon’ble Finance Minister Shri P Chidambaram. Our Bank got the honour of hosting Bancon the third time since its inception in 1975. Bancon is the flagship annual bankers’ conference organized by the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA). At this conference, our Bank was conferred with “the most innovative mass retail lender for under-served segments award” CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, received the trophy at the hands of the Finance Minister. The conference was structured into special addresses by eminent speakers and panel discussions based on

The FM also released a report prepared by McKinsey & Co. titled “Re imagining Banking in India: Gearing up to meet the new environment”. Other highlights of the conference include special addresses by RBI Governor Dr. Raghuram Rajan, and RBI Dy. Governor Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty.

World renowned yogi and

mystic, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev charmed the audience in his special address. The conference was covered extensively by the national media and it enhanced our Bank’s visibility

conference themes and subthemes. The panelists

before, during and after the event. For a feel of the

from public sector and private sector together shared

conference, you must visit BANCON 2013 website

valuable insights on topics such as “Banking in a time of We have captured

uncertainty”, “Building a customer centric retail banking

BANCON 2013 in pictures and presented it in this section

model”, “Cracking the SME riddle”, “Accelerating

of our in house magazine.



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2 0 1 3


Welcome address by CMD Smt.V.R Iyer

RBI Governor Dr. Raghuram Rajan, addressing the meet

RBI Dy. Governor Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty giving presentation on Credit Management

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, welcoming Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, presenting a bouquet to RBI Deputy Governor Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty

Directors of BOI & other dignitaries

Delegates during the inaugural session


December 2013


Inaugural address by Hon'ble Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram, Seated are CMD Smt.V. R. Iyer, Chairman IBA & CMD PNB Shri K. R. Kamath and ED Shri B. P. Sharma


ED Shri Arun Shrivastava, addressing the delegates

Hon' ble Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram, CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer and Chairman (IBA) & CMD PNB Shri  K. R. Kamath at Digital Gallery

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran in panel discussion

Panel Discussions

2 0 1 3



ED Shri B. P. Sharma, proposing vote of thanks



efomebyej 2013


Knowledge Plus

The New dynamics in Recovery Management of NPAs The banking sector is based on strong foundation of intermediation process, mobilization resources and optimum use/deployment of the same, thereby earning a spread, which we call as profit. With the introduction of norms for IRAC - (income recognition and asset classification), banks are required to be more cautious in extending loans, Once an asset ceases to generate any income for a bank, it is termed as NPA. The interest on NPA can be booked only when it has been actually recovered. The high level of NPA affects on profits and net worth of the bank adversely. Banks can not afford to make more provision, nor can they stop lending. The banks should lend judiciously and approach for recovery should be professional and innovative. The following are the normal recovery measures.:A) Non legal measures :1) Sending reminders to the borrowers. 2) Visiting the borrowers premises/residence 3) Arranging frequent recovery camps with the help of government officials. 4) Rehabilitation of sick companies. 5) Debt restucturing 6) Loan compromise. 7) Replenishment/reschulement of Loan 8) Write-off 9) Appointing recovery agents B) Legal measures :1) Debt Recovery Tribunals 2) Civil Suits 3) Lok adalats 4) Asset Reconstruction companies 5) Serfesai Act There is a need to change the strategic management of NPAs covering innovative aspects/elements in the recovery of NPAs. It must take into account the various aspects from the bank’s angle, i.e. strength and weaknesses of staff, systems, procedures and work culture etc. It also requires to study the borrower and guarantors from various angles, such as their culture, habits, their strength and weaknesses values and goals etc. Banks need to consider formulating strategies for each group or even for individual accounts depending upon local factors as well as peculiarities of each case. Corporate defaulters can be dealth differently from rural defaulters. In short, area-wise, activity-wise, sectorwise and segment-wise policies of strategic management of NPAs are required. Preventive measures can be taken at two different stages presanction disbursement and post disbursement stages. A proper care at proper time will help the bank to strengthen their asset.

INNOVATIONS IN RECOVERY MANAGEMENT Almost all banks are having package for generating information of accounts due for review, due dates of renewal documents, list of potential NPAs. Banks need to concentrate and act prudently in respect of critical information. They can bring changes by following ways:a) Proactive approach:- If proactive action is taken in the initial stage of an account turning into NPA, losses can be minimized. b) Regular follow up in suit filed and decreed accounts can yield unexpected results. c) Sharing success:- A banker should share success stories in the field of NPA recoveries, the methods and modus operandi used through VCs, circulars, etc. d) Team work :- All staff members should be involved and the branch heac should inspire others in the team with his brilliance. And motivations. e) Human aspect of NPA management - Skills and competence of employees need to be developed through training in legal matters and recovery measures. A well PR and communication skill developed in staff will help the raise the decisive impact on borrowers. f) Accountability syndrome:- Banks needs to have a positive and flexible apporach in respect of genuine credit decision, even if they turn but to be NPA at a later date. This will help to remove fear of accountability and also boost morale of line functionaries. g) Departmental approach NPA management should be accepted and pursued as an organizational goal. Proactive culture should be developed in Legal Department of banks. Incentive scheme should be introduced for the staff members. Close co-ordination between credit processing and credit monitoring unit. h) Borrower banker relationship :- A healthy relationship should be ensured. Assisting the borrower in developing their entrepreneurial skill will not only establish a good relation between the borrowers and banks but also help the bankers to keep track of their funds. CONCLUSION :- It is important that if strategies for recovery of dues from NPAs are not strengthened, these assets would deteriorate in value over time and only scrap value would be realized at the end. Therefore effective NPA management as an organizational goal is must, to survive global competition.

N.S. Doijad DZM, Solapur


December 2013


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Banking Plus

Positive Organizational Changes through Appreciative Enquiry


ndividuals as well as organizations always focus on improvement. Improvement is a sign of progress and who on this earth doesn’t want to grow and progress. It is this phenomena that makes a million dollar organization to grow into a trillion dollar organization, improve productivity, reduce wastages and so on. Needless to say people in organizations are crucial in bringing these changes. In a similar way people also want to better their personal lives.

Seeking positive change is a positive thing. Even though most of us are aspiring for the same, our thinking and approach is not always positive. Highly relevant real life examples can be quoted here. In most of the cases when people discuss about society, polity or organizations, more often than not the conversation is centered on fault finding or what is wrong. Very rarely people come out with solid suggestions or ideas for improvement. We talk more of weaknesses than strengths. Such a thing can hardly be of any help. Here the idea of appreciative enquiry needs to be explored. The idea was first given by David Cooperrider of Case Western Reserve University in 1985. Cooperrider presented appreciative enquiry as a particular way of asking questions and envisioning the future fostering positive relationships and building on the fundamental goodness in a person, a situation, a community or an organization. In a broader perspective appreciative enquiry is an approach to organizational transformation based on a simple premise that organizations grow in the direction of what they repeatedly ask questions about and focus their attention on. Questions



efomebyej 2013

V.P Srivastava,

Faculty Member, MDI, CBD Belapur

are asked when we want to change something or come across problems. The traditional approach to change or transformation starts off from a negative perspective. We want something to be fixed, something to be corrected or something to be improved. So we engage in problem identification, analysis and then come out with possible solutions. One or the other solution is put to use and then we evaluate the results of change. From our experience we can see that change is not always for better. Resistance to change is also a well-established fact of life. Experts have written treatises on change management to help us diagnose and understand resistance to change and designing processes to overcome resistance. But we don’t get success in many of our efforts. Appreciative enquiry offers a different approach to change. Appreciative enquiry treats organizations as social systems and not like machines. It says that organizations are manifestations of human imagination. An organization exists because one or more individuals had envisioned it, even though this vision may not have been very much clear. An organization grows and evolves based on the questions its people raise and answers they explore. The more positive questions people ask, the more they incorporate the learnings they derive from those questions into their behaviours on which depends the organization’s success and progress.

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Banking Plus In order to find how such questions can be framed, let us assume that performance of a bank branch which used to do well has gone down in last couple of years and the branch manager is concerned about the low productivity and low motivation of many of the staff members. Which set of questions given below is likely to give us information that will generate forward movement in this case? a) What is wrong with the people at the branch? Why are the people not doing well? Who all should be held responsible for this low performance? b) Think of a time in the past when the branch was doing excellent, people at the branch felt engaged and valued.Talk about those times. How people were working differently then? Which organizational factors were present which helped and supported such good performance? How might these people function if it is possible to expand the conditions leading to previous successes? The above sets of questions will generate some information and provide few answers which may be used to change the dynamics of the present situation. While the first set of questions will bring criticism, blame and other negative comments, the second set of questions will uncover people’s passion, commitment, skills, attitude and other positive attributes which may substantially guide to work on strategies for making things better. So, appreciative enquiry looks at what has worked and creatively expands those activities to motivate and inspire people for bringing desired transformative solutions. It generates hope,

Following are the key stages of appreciative enquiry Defining to determine what to focus on Discovering to appreciate what you have got Dream to imagine what can be possible Design to create what will be Delivering by working to make it happen optimism, collaboration and enthusiasm which are powerful forces for bringing change for the better. The above cycle begins with affirmative questions which come out of the choice of affirmative topic. The choice of both topic and questions are highly relevant to the direction of the change process. One of the premises of appreciative enquiry is the belief that human systems grow in the direction of what they study, talk about and focus on. In other words people, organizations and societies construct and exist in worlds of their own making. Taking this into consideration appreciative enquiry works on five core principles viz.

The Constructionist Principle: Our organizations evolve in the direction of the images we create based on the questions asked by us as we try to understand the systems at work. As per this principle inquiry should lead to action. Inquiry explains the yesterday’s world but more than this it articulates tomorrow’s possibilities. The Principle of Simultaneity: Change starts at the moment we begin asking questions. Inquiry is a kind of intervention. When we consider that inquiry and change are simultaneous the focus shifts from ‘Is my question leading to right or wrong answers?’ to ‘How does my question impacts the system, the organization and people who make it. Is it evoking conversations about better possibilities? The Anticipatory Principle: Our behavior in the present is influenced by the future we aspire for. Our positive images of the future lead to positive actions. Human systems keep projecting expectations ahead of themselves. Simply saying you anticipate better, keep working on this and reach for something which is better and higher than what you had yesterday. The Poetic Principle: Just as poets have no constraints on what they can write about, we have no boundaries on what we can inquire, explore and learn from. An organization’s story is constantly being co-written by its various stakeholders. Be it past, present or future, all are endless sources of learning, inspiration and interpretations similar to interpretive possibilities in a nice poem. The Positive Principle: The more positive the questions asked to guide a change process, the longer lasting, stronger and more effective that process will be. Building and sustaining momentum for positive change needs optimism and positive social reinforcement through hope, excitement, inspiration caring and joy in creating something meaningful together. Certain conditions have been found to be helpful in implementing appreciative enquiry to achieve organizational learning and change. The organization should be honest in acknowledging any existing difficulties without blaming anyone and invite people to participate in finding solutions that do not yet exist. The organization willing to implement appreciative enquiry should consider its history as a source of new possibilities and explore it to find the positive core to drive learning and change. People in the organization should consider appreciative enquiry as a continuous process for creating a culture open to learning, discovering new possibilities for organization and producing results in the ways that raise the standards and create new benchmarks. The organization in order to make appreciative enquiry a success should make available the structures and resources for gathering and distributing stories of exceptional moments and support the creative action which follows. Implementing appreciative enquiry requires lot of exploration and efforts and the results may be worthwhile. In banks it can be implemented at the level of branches, regions/zones and also for the organization as a whole. A deep understanding of the process should precede the implementation.


December 2013


¬¨¸¸¬˜¡¸ œ¥¸¬¸

Health Plus

Mind, Body & Banking

straight, helps to develop good posture, to keep joints and ligaments flexible, restores energy levels.

Padmasana is not recommended for those who are e bankers are doing stressful job. If we follow suffering from chronic knee and ankle injury.They can sit few simple steps daily then we may balance our in normal seating posture or can sit upon a handled chair, mind, body and spirit which is very essential for good life. placing feet over a wooden stool. Actually, body depends upon the mind game. If our mind Caution : While doing Padmasana, the body parts should is alright then our body will also be alright. not be grounded.


Wake up early morning before sunrise and complete your daily morning call. Practice meditation with locked seating posture (Padmasana) for 20 – 30 minutes after that go for exercise or brisk walk for atleast 30 minutes a day and atleast 5 days in a week. Ensure that your body starts sweating. The person having any heart trouble should not walk briskly but they should walk in the morning to have ample oxygen. Have your meal in right time and at regular intervals.We should avoid empty stomach for long. Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. They help alkalize our body.The last meal should be at least 2 hours before sleeping and this should be small meal so that it may digest properly. It is advisable to have one spoon Trifala powder with warm powder before sleep. Avoid smoking and liquors. As per survey bankers are more affected with these type of addictions due to various reasons. Think positive and live life with smile. It provides happiness for others and you will feels great. In our busy lives we need to make time for the people who matter for us and for needy persons and poor.

As a banker our knees do not bend and our back posture is never straight.These meditation practices are too good for health point of view. While watching TV at home you can sit crossed leg posture and also while taking meal we should avoid dining table and chair. Please take it in crossed leg posture. It will help you a lot in future. There may be 100 reasons for not doing meditation and for not following above practices but it is your body and mind and you have to care for it. I am sure if you practice these things daily (can take weekly off one or two days) you will be mentally and physically strong. Think for yourself and your family members and with a little change of your mindset you will be benefitted health wise and also financially (as you will be away from DOCTOR). Make a part of your diet one apple, one pomegranate and two bananas daily. Fruits should not be eaten immediately after lunch or dinner but there should be some time gap. Wishing you a healthy mind and body.

Practice meditation with locked seating posture (Padmasana) for atleast 30 minutes (more if you can) also before going to bed (meditation time + sleeping time = total sleeping time). Padmasana will help you strengthens the hips and back muscles, stretches the ankles and knees, calms the brain, increases awareness and attentiveness, keeps the spine



efomebyej 2013

Chinmay Das Gour Road Branch, Siliguri Zone



S. R. Meena ZM, Siliguri Zone.

makes the teams the winning events group or winning teams. Because of this nature the professionals always motivate individuals make WE. i.e.; winning teams the teams makes the things possible in the given situation or changing environments.

I - Represents that each individual is independent and unique by nature. Individuals are habitual of living in groups or forming a society to meet their requirements and for the sake of company in their own interest. All successful enterprises, companies, groups, etc. are Common interest results in welfare of the group or combination of winning teams. As long as the individuals society as a virtue. actions are derived from self less interest the teams WE-Is made of combinations of I’s. If we break the letter remains winning teams and the teams interest comes WE from each joint of bend it makes or creates I’s only first in all the actions. for example:ME - Sometimes the control of actions of the winning WE - If we observe W and E alphabet W and E, it appears like 4`I’s are joining each other to make each alphabet. This makes us realise that all the individual I’s are habitual to bend, adjust, accommodate and join other individuals to make a team or group to meet their requirements and have a better living further when the groups are most suited individuals join in spite of their unique independent nature the act of joining makes WE. Each individual’s level of adjustment, accommodation and joining differs from other and this is the basic reason of creation of `WE’. If all `I’ have equal level of adjustment, feeling, caring, accommodation and ego than creating `WE’ is very difficult. WE further represent winning events for common interest and benefit of individuals as a group. In WE different I’s are not equal in the parlance of their strength, skill, capacity, capability and interest. In spite of all these differences and uniqueness of each individual the common interest, welfare and self interest less actions

team is centralised with one individual and as a result WE turns into ME. If we observe alphabet M and E. We realise that in team when some individuals tends to live or adjust others or allow others to dominate for all the acts and actions the WE becomes ME. This ME can be said as managed events. in the managed events the outsiders still feels that the team is winning team but in real terms, all the events are managed to show or give an impression as winning event. this is the first stage of declining the strength of winning team. Here, one individual dominates and manage the events at any point of time. the dominating individual fails to manage, the team fails because other individuals have already bend downwards to suit the interest or position of dominating individual. The mantra of success always lies in WE and not in I or ME. Let us join to make winning teams and or be part of the winning teams.


December 2013



›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í („)  National Banking Group (North)


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efomebyej 2013


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í („)  National Banking Group (North)

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Shri Vinod T Maheria Memnagar Road Branch Ahmedabad Zone

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December 2013



›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸»¨¸Ä)  National Banking Group (EAST)


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Patna Zone GM NBG (E) Shri Anil Kumar Bhalla, ZM Shri N.A. Ansari and DZM Shri R.N.Lal during the Branch Managers’ meet .

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efomebyej 2013

Howrah Zone ZM Shri Bireswar Chattopadhyay handing over the Cheque of `4,80,000/- to the Head of Dr. Ghosh Charitable Trust, Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh. The Trust is working for the upliftment of people who are less fortunate to avail medical treatment, especially brain tumor and other neurological disorder

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Ÿ¸º ¸ÉûÅ£œ¸º£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ Ÿ¸Ê ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ¬¸÷¸ˆÄÅ÷¸¸ ¸¸Š¸³ÅˆÅ÷¸¸ ¬¸œ÷¸¸í ˆ½Å ‚¨¸¬¸£ œ¸£ ‚¸¿. œÏ. ªú £Ÿ¸½©¸ “¸ˆºÅ£ ¬¸¿¤¸¸½¢š¸÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡— ¬¸¸˜¸ Ÿ¸Ê, „œ¸ ‚¸¿.œÏ. ªú ˆ½Å. ˆ½Å. ‚¡¡¸£ ‡¨¸¿ ‚›¡¸ ¬’¸ûÅ ¬¸™¬¡¸

‡›¸¤¸ú ¸ú ( ¸¸£‰¸¿” ‚¸¾£ Žî¸ú¬¸Š¸ õ) NBG (Jharkhand & Chhattisgarh)



Patna Zone ZM Shri N.A. Ansari felicitated by officials of Times of India on occasion of inauguration of Bus Shelter adopted by BOI in the presence of Hon’ble Governor of Bihar Shri D.Y. Patil

ž¸¸Š¸¥¸œ¸º£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸, ¢°¸¨¸½µ¸úŠ¸¿ ¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ˆÅú Š¸º¢”¡¸¸ œ¸¿ ¸¸¡¸÷¸ Ÿ¸Ê ŠÏ¸íˆÅ ¬¸½¨¸¸ ˆÊÅÍ ˆÅ¸ „™Ã‹¸¸’›¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ Ÿ¸¸›¸›¸ú¡¸ ¬¸¸¿¬¸™ ªú ¢¨¸æ¸Ÿ¸¸½í›¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£, ¬˜¸¸›¸ú¡¸ ‡¬¸”ú‚¸½ ªú Ÿ¸›¸¸½ ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ¸¸, ‚¸¿.œÏ. ªú ‚Ÿ¸£ˆÅ¸¿÷¸ ¢Ÿ¸ª¸— ¬¸¸˜¸ Ÿ¸Ê, œ¸¿ ¸¸¡¸÷¸ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸º¢‰¸¡¸¸ ªú „Ÿ¸½©¸ œÏ¬¸¸™ ¡¸¸™¨¸

Patna Zone, ZM Shri N.A. Ansari, RD RBI Bihar & Jharkhand Shri M. K. Verma, CM (FI) Shri A. K. Verma, CM Shri Vikash Krishna during workshop on financial inclusion. Patna Zone, Mktg. Exe. Shri Chandan Kumar welcoming the Executives.

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December 2013



Knowledge Plus


usiness Ethics


Hemant Kashinath Kolhapure CM, Kholapur Zone


round 5000 years ago, thinking about the meaning & purpose of the human life in relation to his environment by the Greek Philosophers resulted to make human life more meaningful, purposeful, and responsible with ultimate aim to be happy which resulted in evolution of culture & civilization. 23rd session of World Congress of Philosophy was held at Athens from 3-10th August, 2013 the capital of Greece which is auspicious place for the philosophers world over. The 5000 illumineries were present in the Congress consisting of Philosophers, Scientists, Social Workers- Thinkers, Environmentalists, Neurologists, Apex Cour t Judges, Space Scientists, Leaders, Bureaucrats, Humanists by representing various World level organizations like UNESCO, ISRO, ILO and eminent Universities and Research Organizations. The main theme of the Congress was “ Philosophy and Way of Life” to relink Philosophy with the day to day problems of the human life which human societies are facing now and to address them with inter disciplinar y approach by linking with various streams of knowledge. On various 75 subjects paper were invited and the paper on the subject of the “BUSINESS ETHICS” of our staff member Shri Hemant, Chief Manager was al so selected.



efomebyej 2013

Ethics of Business should not be confined to only Legal Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Transparency or Accountability to Stakeholders for Profits. Roots of Unethical & Corrupt Business Practices should be searched in deep-rooted Dogmatic Ethos, Irrational Estheticism & Emotions, Animal Instincts & Impulses. Since existence of human beings ethical norms of behavior have been evolved but till human civilization cannot be ethical. What may be the reasons Whether Human existence cannot be regularized by the ethical values what are the constraints? His animalistic impulses, instincts or ethos evolved through his socialization through institutions like family, religion, state, education, encircled by his region, color, caste, creed, sex, class and nationality. For gratification of his needs he has to be socialized through control mechanisms like institutionalized systems of the polity, bureaucracy, courts, churches etc. which itself becomes unethical. Due to science and technology pace and space of economic activities have been diversified by manifold engulfing ethnic entities like nation, religion etc. Globalization of culture should not result in loss of identity & freedom, simultaneously dualism between dogmatic ethnicity, hypocrisy & morality, rationality should be eradicated sustaining cultural identity based upon universal moral principles. Ethno-ethos tic structural & systemic dichotomies & dualism can be synthesized through RATIONALITY only. What is rationality? What are obstacles in human beings becoming rational, his animal instincts/ impulses or what else? Through the process of modernization of tradition, a society based on love, compassion, and empathy through rationality can prevail?Whether Dogmatism & Hypocrisy can be evicted by Deconstruction of Society (Derrida), Freedom from Sanskara (J. Krishnamurty), by Marxian or Gandhian way or what…? Ideal business organization which is based on the Rationalization of Planning, inward and outward Rational attitude with cohesive behavior, use of Scientific Knowledge for Maximisation of profits and Development of a corporate world in contradiction with ethnic values of the countries like China, Japan, India and African American European countries. The reason is Irrational, Unempathatic, Dogmatic Ethos and its Animal Instincts. European business world is evolved from Pragmatic Protestant ethics, conglomerated with Renaissance, industrial revolution, World Wars etc. which took around 600 to 700 years period when Feudalistic structure was ripped culminating to its emancipation to give space for capitalism and modernization. Imperialism,


Knowledge Plus colonization, slavery, exploitation, brutality, cultural aggressions were tools but their rule also opened these closed stagnant societies. Japan’s economic development and corporate world evolved through cultural nationalism, anxiety of cultural identity, assertive national pride, internalization of discipline, with the help of military force, blamed foreignness, adopted it as a national policy, regenerated and preservation of cultural ethos culminated in pseudo – feudalistic business houses. Their business ethics is affected by value added quality goods impetus for quality development through technological innovations and developments. With cheaper prices are responsible for revolution in technological development of electronic goods, vehicles. China’s awakened after cultural revolution of Mao i.e. after 1925. After 1990 with Dualism of Marxism and capitalism state controlled and directed policies gave rise to peculiar corporate world which has threatened and astonished so called free and established western and American corporate world. But it has thousands of year’s tradition of social ethos, as it is the world’s one of the oldest of Civilisations. China’s religious attitude is helpful for development of corporate world, cruel competition and aptitude for savings and worth became helpful, which also set aside defects of family kinships and illogical legal system. Rural-Urban dualism has been networked for production and marketing. Interaction between Political system and Economics gave rise to Hybrid forms of, ‘Hybrid Capitalism’, local knowledge is transformed in to resources. Resulted economic inequality, greed internally unethical business value of dumping cheap commodities weakening other nations financial set-up due to ambitious and aggressive policies of market capturing externally... African ethos are routed in their ethnicity which is based on ‘Ubantu’ understanding ourselves in relation with the outer world like nature, trees, animals, rivers, natural happenings like earthquake, floods, eruptions of volcanos, fires of jungles, tornadoes, lightening, deathbirth all happenings and un-happenings. They can’t emerge out of the clanships and the impacts of the exploitation of the European Governance. Unethical exploitation of these countries’ people and natural resources should be stopped immediately. Indian Corporate world was dominated by the few houses from specific communities like Marwari’s, Gujrathies having their ethos in Vaishya Sect. Modern entrepreneurs have rational/objective attitude having undercurrents of caste, creed, linguistic, rationalistic, dogmatic ethos bureaucrats and public sector corporates have also same ethos intrinsically inculcated. It got paradigm shift after a new class of entrepreneur like Narayan Murthy which shaded away region/varna orientation of corporations

and paved way for knowledge orientation. Presuming that it will become pure rational will be self-deceiving. Because through thousands of years this society has digested thousands of inner and outer attacks like Huns, Kushanas, Greeks, Mongols, Sumerians, inner sociocultural upheavals like Mahavir, Buddha, Basaveshwara, Guru Nanak, Tribal revolts, revolts of lower castes and agrarians against economic and social exploitation got amalgamated in this absorptive society and became part of Indian ethos. Science and Technology makes attitude rational but for Indian society it affected by the process of MODERNISATION OF INDIAN TRADITIONS in many ways it can be felt in day to day social life, like in Information technology and telecommunication field softwares of Kundalies, Jotishya, screensavers of various GODS like blinking Ganesha, Mobile Ringtones of Atharvashirsha or divine songs, instead of breaking castes, creeds, religiosity, Geographical space and speed have increased in many fold accumulating all human senses. Speed and dimension of under currented ethos have got diversified in many ways by making its roots more and more firm. That is why in this society classicism, religionism, regionalism, linguesticism, male-race-colour based chauvinism takes form of rage, hatred, competition in depressed forms in their deep roots of minds and outwardly it becomes biased but legally it is showed as rational, it can be called as PSUEODO RATIONALISM resulting exploitation through dogmatism. Conclusion - Human being or Human society can’t become Pure Rational animal/rationalistic institution. Author Cosler in his book ‘Evolution of Human Brain’ have stated that in the process /struggle survival and after words for betterment of quality of life his capacity of imagination, conception, innovation, experimentation, execution, learning, retention, recalling, got expanded resulting his intelligence level raised with un-imaginary capacity, that is why his upper and forefront side of brain became bigger in size but his lower end backside of brain remained comparatively underdeveloped; living reminisces of animalistic behavior that is why many times uncontrolled emotions like anger, cruelty, hate, competition, threat takes control of his mind and body which have basis in subconscious ethos like caste, creed, religion, language, region, colour, race, sex etc. Emotions are not bad, for positive rational behavior, Emotional Intelligence is necessary. Business World based on rationality can be established for which purification and rectification of our Ethos is necessary. unhealthy and irrational ethos should be discarded and ethos based on ethics of empathy, love humanity should be retained, nurtured, cultivated or implanted, which will make business world rational / ethical and human race happy.


December 2013


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Short Story

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efomebyej 2013

ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ Poetry

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December 2013


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Banking Plus

“The digital currency” bitcoins is the digital currency based on the

decentralized and distributed network architecture in which individual nodes in the network acts as both supplier and consumer of resources technically known as Peer to Peer (P2P) network. Bitcoins are introduced in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, identity of satoshi nakamoto is yet to be reviled, according to the various reports it is a pseudonymous entity. It is often being claimed to be a group of people. It is called as the crypto currency because it uses public key cryptography. when paying with bitcoins there is no exchange of physical coins/notes/tokens etc. between buyer and seller but it is just a digital transaction. Bitcoins are used to pay for products and services. Merchants have an incentive to accept the currency because transaction fees are lower than credit cards. Bitcoins are bought and sold at variable prices against the value of other currencies. According to Mt. Gox a Tokiyo based digital currency exchange there are over 11 million bitcoins globally worth nearly $9 billion or Rs. 55000cr. Bitcoins are gaining popularity worldwide. it is not issued by any central bank but by open source software through the process called “mining”. Presently there are various vendors accepting bitcoins i.e Okcupid, Reditt,Worldpress & Virgin Galactic. According to Virgin Galactic head R. Branson ‘you can pay in bitcoins for space travel’. Talking about India, according to the news reports, Tarun Thadani, the proprietor of vintage-themed pizza outlet in posh Worli area of Mumbai, on 21 Dec 2013 his restaurant ‘kolonial’ announced that its patrons can pay in bitcoins instead of rupees, thus laying claim to the title of being India’s first eatery to accept new age currency. Presently India has 50,000 strong bitcoins community with at least



efomebyej 2013

30000 of them owning the digital currency according to bitcoin enthusiast and observers in country. In India it is gaining fast popularity due to its young tech savvy audience. Bitcoins price shows high volatility. from the past record as in January 2013 it priced at $ 13 and in April 2013 $ 265, hardly three years in the existence bitcoins has already becomes the world’s most expensive currency with the per unit value of USD 1000. India’s central bank, RBI governor Raghuram Rajan is not impressed with the virtual currencies (VC) bitcoins included. RBI raised the red flag cautioning user’s holders and traders of such currencies against the potential financial, operational, legal customer protection and security related risks. RBI’s advisory has come within days of china barring financial institutions from handling bitcoins transactions a move to regulate the virtual currency after a 89 fold jump in its value sparked investor interest in the country. A huge volatility in the price of bitcoins is the RBI’s concern but on the other part, bitcoins supporters said it is safer alternative to online payment, through debit and credit cards one is exposed to the frauds like phishing wherever a transaction using bitcoin is more secure, they argue. as it involves the private keys bitcoins transactions are untraceable. At present, Indian banking regulator is examining the issues related with the usage, holding & trading of VC’s under the legal and regulatory framework. So, at this time we can say that this new age currency is posing the challenge to the traditional currency and opening various doors for improvement in online transactions using debit/credit cards, internet banking. Sachin Awari Ambabai Mandir Branch, Kohlapur Zone


Knowledge Plus


very organization follows a hierarchy, which is an essential part of its operation. One needs to climb up the ladder of that hierarchy to reach a managerial position. Reaching the top however is only half the battle won.Sustaining that coveted position, and to perform there, determines how successful one is. Manager is a position, a designation. One can simply be just a manager by just playing the basic formal role or one can chose to excel in the role. Those who excel here are known as good or great managers. Being a good or great manager is as much about leading from the front, as it is about allocating your resources optimally, while blending in with the employees. It is a tricky trade, as one has to manage both, egos and expectations. Only so much can be written, for the path to become a good manager, at the end of the day, is an individual’s approach which makes all the difference. Some tips to be a good manager are given below. Few of the points you may find in management books but here everything is written from a practitioner’s viewpoint and is based on experiences. 1. Motivating your employees: Ask yourself why do your employees stick with your organization? What makes a good day for them, what makes them stick even after a bad week? It isn’t always about the money. Manage them by respecting their values; give/provide them incentives within the organizational frame work, recognition for something they achieved after working hard. Most importantly, hold yourself to the highest standards.Your people should see you as their role model in the organizational life. Be harsher on yourself than you are on your employees. Don’t give yourself a pass, on a failed assignment and push the blame on the operational level. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi- ‘Be the change you want to see.’ Your being authentic will send a positive message to your team. 2. Setting goals: “Under promise and over deliver” is a great managerial mantra. Set realistic, yet ambitious goals. Having said that, don’t be the person who never shoots for the moon.

Staying measured in your goals does not imply never trying to aim the unprecedented. Ordinary results can be achieved by anyone. The challenge is to achieve something higher and then you’ve a satisfaction of different sort. Make sure your employees are aware of their roles in achieving the organizational goals. Offer goal oriented feedback, set up a schedule where the feedback is relayed to the employees, regularly. This can be to people in small teams or on one to one basis. 3. Delegate responsibility: You are a manager because you are good at what you do, this does not mean that you need to do everything yourself. Your job is to guide, teach, groom and get the best out of your employees. Begin small, give people tasks, wherein even if they made a mistake, it can be over written. Use every chance to teach and empower your employees and gradually, assign them tasks with greater responsibilities. It is very important to assume responsibility for your employees’ mistake. One must not lord over them, if something has gone wrong. By this you will create a culture where your employees would approach you freely if they make a mistake or are unsure about something. This will help avoid bigger mistakes in the future. 4. Keeping the Communication open and focussed: Keep your doors open. Make yourself available for clarifying doubts and queries and listen to their woes. Maintaining an open channel of communication will help you recognize problems easily and fix them quickly. Never overlook or patronize an employee, always make sure that you answer their queries satisfactorily. Don’t make every interaction with your employees strictly business. Take interest in their lives, while maintaining the socially acceptable distance between a manager and an employee. You should be a good listener. This will strengthen the trust and increase the confidence of your employees. 5. Embracing Egalitarianism: Treat everyone equally. Be self-aware of when your sub conscious is favoring an individual. Human tendency is to favor people who are more like us or who appreciate us. Do not let this come in the way of recognizing hard work or achievement of a worthy employee. Lastly, always remember to treat your employees well. If you are good to your workers and they feel content with their jobs, they will pass on this kindness to the customers and bolster the image of your organization. However, the most important deal is to learn from your mistakes and make sure these aren’t repeated. Munindra Pathak CM, Mulund (East) branch


December 2013



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CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer along with the lady staff members of MNZ during her visit to exhibition held at Goregaon (East)

Mumbai North Zone participated in “DNA–Shelter’s Property Expo–2013’’ with our Bank as “Platinum Partner” held at Mumbai Convention & Exhibition Centre Goregaon (East). CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer inaugurating the Exhibition along with GM (Publicity) Shri R. C. Baliarsingh, GM NBG (West) Shri V. G. Kamath, ZM MNZ Shri T. Sudhakar, ZM MSZ Shri D. K. Garg & 3 Vision Event Director Shri M. V. Mohsin were present on the occasion

Pune Zone ZM Shri V. H. Karandikar distributing Baliraja Calendar and Agri advances brouchers to visiting farmers in Sakal Agrowon Expo 2013 along with his wife Smt. Karandikar. Also seen, AGM Pune ZAO- Incharge Dr. V. D. Kakade, Pune CPC (Rural) Incharge Shri. B. V. Kakade and Agri. Officer Shri Gosavi M V.

CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer felicitated renowned actor Shri R. Madhvan along with his parents in the presence of GM NBG (W) Shri V. G. Kamath and ZM Shri V. H. Karandikar at Pune Zone

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GM NBG(W) Shri V. G. Kamath, ZM NMZ Shri B. K. Mohanty and other officials at the 14th Mega Property Exhibition at Sanpada, Navi Mumbai Zone.

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Raigad Zone ZM Shri Shirish Kulkarni felicitated by (Ex.Speaker & Ex. CM, Maharashtra) Dr. Manohar Joshi. Shri Kulkarni also inaugurated ``First river rafting project'' of Maharashta at Pali

Mumbai South Zone ZM Shri D. K. Garg along with members of Senior Citizen's Association of Marine Drive, Mumbai & BUBNA foundation during ``Free Eye Check-up Camp'' organized by the association with Vision Foundation of India founded by Dr. Kulin Kothari

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Goa Zone, Mandur Branch, Br.Mgr Shri Vivek Singh receiving token of appreciation for performance on business parameters from ZM Shri Sudhir S Jade


December 2013



Knowledge Plus

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efomebyej 2013


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Vohra Asema d/o M. Irfan Vohra, Satlasan Branch Bronze Medal (American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AMFI) Selected from State of Gujarat


Knowledge Plus

Viswanath Inguva AGM (Retd.) Hyderabad

• •

TIME THIEVES Organizations world over are full with people whining about lack of time. This trait essentially belongs to those who have so little to do and so much time. Time is a limited, inelastic non-replaceable nonstorable and highly expensive resource of the organization. Any one who misuses the resources of an organization is to be treated as a thief. Therefore mis-users of time are to be called TIME THIEVES. These people can be spotted by the following characteristics. • They believe in personal savings. They make all their personal telephone calls during the office timings. They use the telephone for receiving calls too. • They fill up all their personal papers prepare their resume and/or carry out their Share Transaction business during the office hours. • Enhance their computing skills by playing the latest games on the electronic office decorative appliance called computer. • They are very social. They give their personal visitors a better priority over that of the organization. They extend their lunch and tea sessions to even worry about the national and international issues. Our cricket heroes cannot imagine to remain heroes without them. • They have their own definition of punctuality. To them it means going on time NOT coming on time. • They are great tea guzzlers. After every 30 minutes they may take a tea break of 45 minutes!

• • •

They are highly creative. They can create a very long list of excuses that will work to justify why they cannot work. They prefer to take their personal outdoor work seriously. They show it as official duty. They are philosophical procrastinators. Every day they chant the spiritual mantra – Aaj kare so kal kar, kal kare so pursoan. Itni jaldi kya hai boss, noukari jab hai permanent. Incidentally every organization has the Big Brothers of Time Thieves too. They are the TIME ROBBERS. Examples of this category are given below. Our big time political leaders who make the general public wait for endless hours and then give them inspirational enlightenment about the hurry with which they intend to take this country to Super Power status. The bosses who believe in Darbar style of management. They call all and sundry from various departments to sit around them and make them wait for hours for a nod, which may take less than a minute. Our friends who keep piling on us at the wrong time when our work pressures are high. The people who fix appointments with us and forget to turn up. The pricey employers who will make the job seekers wait for long duration instead of investing them for interviews at staggered timings.

Time Thieves indulge in excessive intellectual dishonesty. They can justify their actions or refuse to accept the reality. They cheat their employers or anyone are responsible to, for giving results. Time Robbers, willfully or un-willingly give little value to other persons time. Ultimately it is our life and it is our time. Successful people are not time thieves or time robbers. They first decide what not to do and then have plenty of time to do what they want to do. HOW ABOUT YOU?


December 2013


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Disaster Management

Learning from


Was the calamity of Uttarakhand in June 2013 a man made, is the question every one is asking, but with no tangible answer. Suggesting the government to change its approach towards the development is something like passing on the buck to no one. One of the most scenic beauties on the earth, that is how Uttarakhand is described in modern times, was devastated by Himalayan tsunami, a new word coined for the uncontrolled flurry of rains and flooding that ravaged through the serene of Kedarnath and other places in Uttarakhand. The road and bridge network of four districts in Uttarakhand was extensively damaged. The mobile network was mostly non-functional and the power sector sustained un-repairable damage.


for the ecologically fragile region to review its development program immediately to prevent similar events occurring in future. While a complete ban on development activities in the region is improbable, we need to look at scientific ways of development without disturbing the natural eco system. Only scientific examination will reveal the true cause of Uttarakhand disaster. We must remember that the Himalayan range is quite young and unstable. It easily sets off landslide even to a minor tremor. Alteration in the river course has magnified the problem. Rampant construction of houses and hotels on the riverfronts, poor roads, unscientific construction and intensive development of hydro power projects has worsened the situation. The vehicular traffic in hills has gone many folds now. Afforestation and numerous hydel projects are the most likely causes for the present calamity in Uttarakhand. Extensive deforestation has contributed to the landslides. In the present deluge in Uttarakhand many people have lost homes and livelihood and the infrastructure was devastated also due to non- availability of an early warning system.

Causes of Disaster

Disaster handling capabilities

Uttarakhand depends for revenue mainly on tourism and the seasonal population multiplies during that time. In Uttarakhand, all famous temples are built along the riverside, thereby, increasing the vulnerability to landslides, as it leads to a shift in the course of rivers towards constructed areas. The heavily built up areas on the banks of rivers are fraught with risk of landslides during heavy rains. Situated at very high altitudes, the sites in the char dham are at risk of being ravaged by flash floods and landslides. Haphazardly, numbers of hotels and roads have been built to cater to needs of the seasonal tourists. Our failure to regulate such a large influx of seasonal tourists has contributed to the ecological imbalance in the region. Would it imply that the Uttarakhand tragedy is man-made?

Any disaster management scenario should be handled on war footing. The formation of National Disaster Management Authority in the year 2004-05 was conceptualized as a one stop nodal agency in coordinating and overseeing the disaster management. It was found lacking in its delivery mechanism while responding to Uttarakhand calamity. The national disaster response force lacked in resources and logistic support, which made it to tally ineffective in rescue operation of the stranded religious tourists. Lack of co-ordination between various agencies hampered the relief operation and rescue efforts. One command delivery system was completely missing in handling natural calamity of this nature.

Environmentalists feel that more than 70 hydroelectric projects in the state had led to the disaster. It also contributed to the ecological imbalance with restricted water flow of rivers resulting in a higher number of landslides and more flooding. All these signals are indicator



efomebyej 2013

The ultimate rescue efforts came from the trained Indian air force and Indo-Tibet border police force. Also, locals played important role in rescue operation, some of who even laid down their lives in trying to save others. The India meteorological department had issued warning about heavy rains, which went unnoticed and no importance was attached

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Disaster Management

to it by the civil administration at district level. Evacuating about 80,000 people trapped in the affected areas in a few days time was a miracle. It is, therefore, important to build capacities of local gram panchayats and integrate local bodies into the main stream disaster reduction initiatives to bring about professionalism in the rescue operations.

Preventing spread of epidemic is equally important by disposing corpses and restoring hygiene at the earliest. Effective warning system could have saved thousands of lives by timely providing precious moments to respond. The state machinery depended completely on mobile phones ignoring alternate like satellite communication, which should have been put to maximum use. The local police,who know the area and can help in streamlining aid, could have been better deployed. The police can avoid trouble for survivors by regulating price of edible items and preventing theft. The belonging of dead are often stolen orinhumanly detached from the mutilated bodies making the identification of deceased impossible. All this can be regulated by proper deployment of police force by the local district administration.

Lessons to learn


The river bed of the Ganga, Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers running across the valley are very sensitive to the ecology of the state of Uttarakhand needing special care. The Tehri dam has been built at the cost of natural resources of Uttarakhand. Scientific construction of mega hydel projects along with controlled influx of tourists and an advanced warning system in place may help in timely evacuation of people from the endangered areas during any natural calamity. As a learning process, we must exercise control on the number of pilgrims, batch wise, with better planning that would help in reducing the number of causalities as well as in quickly locating survivors. Cooperation from localities is

It may not be possible to completely eliminate natural disasters. By introducing the latest technology we may reduce suffering and hardship caused due to natural disaster. The need of the hour is to improve an early warning system for effective evacuation of human lives and fodder. A separate ministry for the Himalayan region to preserve its fragile ecology and set parameters for striking a balance between the region’s ecology and development has been demanded recently.

important in saving lives contrary to what was witnessed in Uttarakhand where even basic amenities like water and food items were sold exorbitantly. Coming together to help each other is co-operation rather than exploitation. The government must conduct mock drills to respond and save lives in the needy times.The locals can be trained in disaster relief operation and gainfully employed. Help yourself is better option as the Uttarakhand survivors put the blame on the government for not providing them assistance in time.

The catchment areas of Himalayan are eco sensitive. The presence of numerous dams, tunnels, roads and townships along with numerous tourism spots has gone beyond the capacity of these catchments. The catchment areas should measure as a sign of development. A long term strategy should be developed.The Uttarakhand flood calls for a better review of our disaster management policy. Any deliberate post disaster assessment is moot in finding a tangible solution. The habitual blame game will not work any more. With thousands dead, it is high time to introspect the natural disaster vulnerabilities in an already fragile eco-system of the state Rajesh Sharma of Uttarakhand. Vigilance Department, HO


December 2013



›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (™¢®¸µ¸)  National Banking Group (South)


Chennai Zone along with SSM Builders & Promoters organized program for handing over the Sanction letters to the 360 Housing Loan Beneficiaries. ED Shri R. Koteeswaran inaugurating the program in the presence of GM NBG (South) Shri Charan Singh, ZM Shri Kul Bhushan Jain & other dignitaries

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran inaugurating renovated third floor premises of Karnataka Zonal office in the presence of GM NBG(S) Shri Charan Singh, ZM Shri A.K. Azad & other officers

Chennai Zone won Winner Trophy under SUD Life Monthly Rolling Trophy Campaign. GM NBG (S) Shri Charan Singh, ZM Shri Kul Bhushan Jain, DZM Shri Raj Kishore Kularay & other officers with the trophy

Hyderabad Zone, Sainikpuri Branch organized a Pensioners meet and Health Checkup camp for pensioners. ZM Shri R. S. Chouhan, DZM Shri S. V. Rajendra Prasada Rao and CM, Sainikpuri Branch, Shri G. Krishnaswamy at the function

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Chennai Zone, RBC Chennai organized ``Builders Meet''. ZM Shri Kul Bhushan Jain, DZM Shri Raj Kishore Kularay and other officers during the meet



efomebyej 2013



Years of Journey with BOI & TAARANGAN


ith the BOI’s journey of 107 Years, I feel myself very lucky to spend beautiful 25 years - a Silver Jubilee of this organisation. It reminds me the line of Poet Lord Alfred Tennyson that “Men may come and Men may go, But I go on forever” I have completed 25 years of unblemished service in this venerated institution and am delighted to receive a milestone award. I had also a great honour to be a family member of our house journal “Taarangan” since I joined the Bank. and have been a regular reader and contributor for the past 25 years.I got an opportunity to contribute articles in our House Journal under the leadership of stalwart Shri Yatin editors Rele, Dr. Shashi Sharma, V. M. R. Nair, M. Sebastian, V. S. Kambli, U. N. Pandey, Rakesh Sinha, Dr. Sanjeev Pathak and presently S. M. Shakeel. A 49 year old Bank’s publication has proved itself a very strong and prestigious platform where our staff members can share their views and experiences openly. There are number of readers besides our bank who are so much attracted/inspired by our House Journal that they are even ready to pay yearly subscription and wait for every issue with great enthusiasm. The modular layout of Taarangan, the soothing colours and the changes

in the editorial and messages from Top Executives are nostalgic one. Taarangan looks really cool. It is continuing doing the best possible efforts to make it content wise richer and more readable. It has always been my teacher and I must admit

that I have been a sincere student and this is reason I have preserved all the issues of our HJ starting from 1988. I always pray that our Bank’s guiding star shine more brightly in the sky of banking. SUN NEVER SETS FOR BANK OF INDIA.

Vinod C. Dixit



December 2013


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Leadership Lesson



eginning of the new millennium has brought new developments, new thoughts, new threats and new opportunities. Technology is changing the way we work, we interact socially and the way we live. These new dimensions, developments, technology and opportunities bring new challenges for the present generation. As in the case of individuals, so also organizations face similar challenges. According to John c Maxwell (in his book The 17 Irrefutable Laws of Teamwork)

Definitions of leadership Even in the Bhagwat Gita, Krishna defines a leader as :

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“ there is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them”.

So, in the context of that age and the circumstances, a leader was to lead by example (by good conduct, pramanam and standards). Once the conduct was good, and the standards were set, people were to follow. Even during our lifetime, we had such a leader in Mahatma Gandhi.

We are all aware of Charles Darwin’s theory of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. But he also said (of the species that will survive)

Then, in the last century we saw different definitions and attributes of a leader. Some of these were based on leadership traits like ‘democratic’, ‘autocratic’ etc.

“it is not the strongest or the most intelligent that will survive, but the one that easily adapts to change”

Requirements of the present age

Why leadership is important to an organisation Today we all know that to change and adapt to change is all necessary. But in the present context, we may go further and state as follows : One who changes with change, survives One who implements change, succeeds, but One who brings in change (innovates change), leads. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, who is credited with some of the greatest innovations in the modern times said “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” Hence, for an organization, it is ultimately the leadership that is important. Leadership has been defined by several people several times in several different context.



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But as said in the beginning, we are in a new age, where we are trying to define the new normal. In addition to success measured in the form of top-lines and bottom-lines, organizations have various others responsibilities like governance, ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), inclusive development, sustainability and so on. They are all trying to follow the Mahatma’s dictum that “means should justify ends”. It is in this context that the role of a leader in an organization becomes very demanding and complex. He not only has to take care of business growth, development, maximizing profits etc, he also has to take care of the various stakeholders like the employees, customers, the shareholders/owners, the government or, for that matter, the entire eco-system.

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Mr. Melvin Jones, founder of the International Association of the Lions Clubs (the largest service oriented NGO in the world) said that “You cannot go far, unless you do something for someone else”. With this perspective, we can say that today a leader in an organization has also to: ´´ Have a larger view of things around him including the society, the governance, the changing equations in view of technology et al. ´´ Have the courage of conviction and confidence to back up his decisions. ´´ Have a zeal and spark to constantly innovate and implement changes as they go along. He has to constantly update himself. ´´ Have inclusiveness in whatever he does, especially the employees. Today employees are not only job–seekers, they are looking for careers. The leader has to facilitate that. ´´ Think of the world around him, the environment. Has he tried to make it a little better?

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´´ See whether the organization he is leading, does its part in CSR. In a nutshell, in this world of constant change and disruption, in order to stand out, the leader has to stand for some of the attributes listed above. In order to carry out any task in the right way, application of mind is a must. This enables one to carry out the work in the right way. But in addition to that a leader has to also have application of heart and application of soul. The former would make him passionate about whatever he is doing and make him excel in that. This would act as a motivating force for the team which he is leading. Also with the soul also put in the task, the leader would be doing only the right things. Only then he would be commanding the respect of his team. It is said that the leader is able to have a following in view of his integrity.

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¬’¸ûÅ ˆÅú „œ¸¥¸¢¤š¸¡¸¸Â/Staff Achievements Shri K. Sadagopan, RS Puram Branch, Coimbatore Zone has been honored by the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, for having stood first on an all-India basis, in the International Banking paper of CAIIB. Shri Sadagopan, was also instrumental in bringing to light an attempted fraud involving fake balance sheets, thereby preventing a potential loss of `3 Cr. to the Bank.

If I am asked to define one most important attribute in a leader, I would say that it is trust. One who puts his body, mind, heart and soul in his task is bound to excel and to lead. P. A. Kalyanasundar GM(Retd.)

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JAIIB (First attempt)


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December 2013



›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸)  National Banking Group (CENTRAL)


CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer during the key handing over ceremony of Food Carrying Vehicle to Akhshaya Patra Foundation Chairman Shri Prabhushri Jaganmohan organized by Gandhinagar Zone in the presence of GM-Retail HO Shri R. C. Baliarsingh, GM-NBG Shri A. K. Jain, DGM Shri Taneja, ZM Gandhinagar Zone Shri Rajiv Pathak, & the then ZM Ahmedabad Shri Subash Modi

Gandhinagar Zone organized NRI Meet at Bhuj Kutch. ED Shri B. P. Sharma, GM (NBG-C), Shri A. K. Jain, ZM Gandhinagar Zone Shri Rajiv Pathak and other dignitaries during the meet

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efomebyej 2013


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸)  National Banking Group (CENTRAL)


Ahmedabad Zone the then ZM Shri Subash Modi awarding sponsorship to one of the beneficiary differently-abled person (DAP) of Trust Promoted by Matushri Chandramati Pratishthan

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Vadodara Zone, Alkapuri Branch conducted ‘free medical checkup camp’ for pensioners. MD Dr. Pranay Vaghela checking the pensioners during camp in presence of AGM Shri K. K. Kumar & CM Shri Manjit Singh

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Shri Mahendran, Coonoor Branch, Coimbatore Zone `2.50 crores.


December 2013


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Place to Visit

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efomebyej 2013


Knowledge Plus

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December 2013




Mother Nature is beautiful and indeed mysterious. I have been to different states all around United Sates, but I was mesmerized by the awesome landscaping of Alaska. No blog or book can adequately describe the beauty and extravagance of Alaska. My trip began from Seattle, thinking this one would be my last trip in United States. We took a flight from Seattle to Anchorage. To start with, Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska, located in the Southcentral region. It is connected by air transport and it has the cheapest and most efficient form of transportation in and out of the state. Glacier and Northern lights also known as Aurora Borealis are the delicacies to enjoy while visiting Alaska. There are thousands of glaciers in Alaska and very few of them are approachable to see. Anchorage offers number of glaciers tours and they are open only from May until Sep mid. People prefer driving from Anchorage to different ports. They take cruises from these ports for a variety of very good reasons: to get away from it all, to be pampered, to party until dawn while someone else does the driving, to “see the world,” etc. But going on a cruise to see Alaskan wild life and glacier is unlike a typical cruise experience. To give a spectacular Glacier Bay and College Fjord, the Kenai Peninsula, and the opportunity to travel even further



efomebyej 2013

Ruchi D/o Rajiv Kumar Gupta ZM, Bhopal

into Alaska’s interior, there are few cruise lines that offer a single day expedition tours as well. There is also another way to reach these cruise terminals which is called Alaskan Railroads. This railway line runs along the huge glacier mountain ranges, which feels like live landscape viewing. Travelling along the scenic Seward Highway to the glacier studded Portage Valley gives a lifelong cherishing moment. Specially, when someone gets to travel through North America’s longest shared rail/vehicle tunnel. Near to Anchorage is a very beautiful place called Kenai Fjords National Park. It is a United States National Park established in 1980 by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. It is very close to a town called Seward. The park contains the Harding ice field, one of the largest ice fields in the US of A; the fjords are glacial valleys that have been submerged below sea level by a combination of rising sea levels and land subsidence. The park is named for the numerous fjords carved by glaciers moving down the mountains from the ice field. This park is primarily accessible by water transportation. My next destination was watching Blackstone Glacier. This journey took me through Chugach National Forest, North America’s most northern National Forest. From a town called Whittier, a cruise line took us to Prince William Sound, one of the few places left in the world where a concentration of glaciers can be found in such abundance. The cruise line departing from Seward shows land and marine wildlife, particularly Steller sea lions, puffins, Dall’s porpoises, American black bear, Mountain goats, humpback and orca whales, as well as natural sights such as the fjords and tidewater glaciers.

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My personal favorites are the carefree cute little guys called Sea Otters, giving a perfect picture pose every time.

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I have always read about Glaciers in my school text books. Watching them up close was spellbinding and fascinating. The glaciers flow from beyond the clouds, practically glowing in shades of blue from sapphire to cobalt to aqua. They tumble reflective glacial pools and the open sea, with a thundering sound, as if they are alarming of someone who just passed by. Glacier calving is the breaking off of chunks of ice at the edge of a glacier. Calving of large numbers of ice bergs turns blue/ emerald green water bodies into white and blue. Large waves are formed and continuous gargling sounds are heard, then suddenly the peaceful water starts flowing as if there was never a sound heard before. The first sighting of a glacier calving therefore is always a big moment on an Alaskan cruise.

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Mere words cannot describe Alaska and its magnificent beauty.The life that exists there and the magical behavior that sky has, the greenery, the snow, the carefree creatures and the roar of falling glacier ice are extravagant. I can’t even attempt to describe the surprises Alaskan waters are holding. Suffice it to say that one need to experience the dazzling aurora and grandeur to fully appreciate the allure and magic the state has to offer. As it is the end of my write-up I should probably say, this is why I have been sitting at this computer for more than an hour today trying to describe my vacation, which brought me back physically but my soul is still there wandering in the colorful glacial valley of Alaska.

 Taarangan

December 2013




¢©¸®¸µ¸-œÏ¢©¸®¸µ¸ TRAINING

CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer with the newly recruited DROs at STC Chennai during her visit to Chennai Zone

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran, ZM Bhopal Zone Shri Rajeev Gupta, AGM & Principal STC Bhopal Shri M.B. Rangari along with other officers unveiling a handbook on Retail Banking & SME named as "PRATIKALPA" at STC Bhopal

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran and GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty with the bankers & officials from Central Bank of Kenya at MDI, Belapur. The official & bankers came to MDI to understand the training system

ED Shri R. Koteeswaran along with participant GMs/DGMs of Bank during Training Programme on Change Management and Leadership Development organized by the Bank at IIM, Ahmedabad

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GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty delivering the inaugural speech on ``Vigilance Awareness Week''.Sitting on dais are the Senior Superintendent of Police, CBI Shri Ramnish M. & CVO Shri A. B. Rane, DGM Shri Marwah and other officials at MDI Belapur

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GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty administering the pledge to Staff Members during Vigilance Awareness Week at MDI Belapur



efomebyej 2013



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December 2013


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Festival Plus




N. C. Majumdar AGM (Retd.) Kolkata

estivals are observed all over the world by all communities of Kedarnath Temple then the other is after the Badrinath for various religious and social events. India remains to be Temple. The theme include the models of various famous a vast country even after partition of the country in 1947 temples, Mosques, Churches and other architectural feats of and its demographic composition comprises various religious the of India and abroad. Statue of Liberty, Eifel Tower, Notrecommunities having their respective language, dialect, accent, dam of Paris, Buckingham Palace of London, Golden Temple dresses and food habits depending on the local practice of the of Amritsar, Jama Masjid Delhi, Twin towers of Malayasia, places of their living. Despite all this diversities, the country huge architectures of Dubai are some of the examples of is bound by one common chord that we are all Indians and the outstanding workmanship of the Decorators of Kolkata. no evil force can divide us Landscapes replicated include any more. Though the major several spots starting from festivals viz. Dewali, Eid al-Fitr, Kargil to Antarctica and artificial Durga Puja, Ganesh Chaturthi, glaciers and oceans are created Janmastami, Shivaratri, Eid-ulby the artists brought from all Azha, Christmas, Guru Nanak’s over the country. This year two Birth celebration, Mahabir artisans namely, Mohammad Jayanti etc. are observed by Hyder Ali and Mohammad the respective communities, Mamtaz Ahmed were brought all people across the religious line the way from Karachi, Pakistan participate in these festivals for painting the interior décor and we can see this in Kolkata, of one pandal in North Kolkata. Delhi, Mumbai and other places The two artisans stayed in the when the Hindus join the city for about two months up Muslim brothers and sisters for to MahaAstami of Puja, they Shri Majumdar with Hon’ble President of India, Shri Pranab the Iftar at the end of the day were mesmerized seeing the Mukherjee at Durgapuja inauguration of long fasting in the Ramadan huge inspiration of the people month, and the Muslims joining hands for grand Hindu festivals of all communities for the festival, and before leaving the city, of Durgapuja and Diwali. During Christmas people of all they pledged to visit the city again during Durgapuja and that communities congregate at the grand old churches of Kolkata too along with their family. The illumination and lighting is par and enjoy the spirit. It goes without saying that the ultimate excellence and a real treat for eyes. objective of all religions is to defeat the evil forces and prevail We all know Durgapuja means worshipping ‘Shakti’ that was the Holy Spirit among the brothers and sisters across the created by the Trinity of Hindu Religion— communities all over the world. As soon as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar along with we realize this, the hatred will give way to the other powerful Devatas of heaven for defeating peace, love and harmony all over. the evil power of ‘Asuras’ or the devils. When Durgapuja is the biggest festival of the the underlying spirit is like this, it is quite Hindus, especially the Bengali community in natural that cutting across the religious line the the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent people plunge into the festival for four days. and observed with great pomp & grandeur in All State Government offices and commercial West Bengal and Bangladesh. Kolkata is the establishments including Banks, Insurance epicenter of this grand festival and people companies, and Merchant establishments from all over the world come hereto enjoy remain closed for all the days of Puja. Central the festival with lot of fun and frolic. Giant Govt. Offices, Post Offices and the retail shops Pakistani Artists in front of Pandals (make-shift structure) are erected all and establishments also remain closed for last a Durga Idol at an erstwhile over the city and each one of them is carrying a Zamindar Kothi of North two days of the festival. In fact, the entire Bengal particular theme. If one is made after the model eagerly await the annual Durgapuja, also known Kolkata



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ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿ ¸¢¥¸ Poetry

as the Autumn Festival. Because of the secular nature of the celebration, the celebrities from different walks of life from all over the country are invited to inaugurate the festivals at different localities of Kolkata. The organizing committees of Durgapuja at various parts of the state consists of not only the Hindus but also the people from different communities viz. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc. Several Pujas are organized by the Muslim politicians including Ministers and Legislators & Parliamentarians. VIPs invited for inauguration include the Chief Minister and other senior Central Ministers. Present President of the country Shri Pranab Mukherjee came to inaugurate the Puja of the locality of this author in the recent past, when the latter got an opportunity of interacting with Shri Mukherjee and he was happy to learn that I was an employee of Bank of India. The other celebrities in this regard are several Bollywood stars like Amitabh Bachhan, Hema Malini, Zeenat Aman, Mithun Chakraborty and others. Several Cricketers like, Sunil Gavaskar, Sourav Ganguly, Sachin Tendulkar, Vivian Richards, Michel Holding, Steve Wah and many others including the big name cricketers from Srilanka made it to different Puja Pandals in Kolkata for this purpose. Popular film stars from Bengali movies are also invited for the purpose. After the end of Puja on Dasami day the married women of the locality come to the Pandals to bid goodbye to the Goddess Durga and as per mythological stories, mother Durga goes back to Kailash, the abode of her husband Shiva. Then the women indulge in coloring each other with ‘Sindur’ (red Vermillion)which is followed by the Immersion ceremony and it is a very important part of the festival and the people from all communities participate in the grand processions with ‘Dhak ‘an essential musical instrument for Durga puja. This apart, different tune of popular songs (Hindi and Bengali) are played by the Band Parties and Synthesizers and move forward along with long ropes of mobile illumination as part of the immersion ceremony. Tourists from all over the world throng to the Banks on both sides of the river Ganga to witness the immersion of Goddess Durga and they all claim the sight to be a feast for their eyes. The Indo-Bangladesh Border in some part is demarcated by a river known as ‘Ichamati’ and is another place where the idols of Goddess Durga from both the countries are immersed after cruising in the river for some time on large boats, mostly manned by Muslims. This spectacular sight is witnessed by thousands of people from all over the globe. Immersion ceremony often coincides with ‘Dussera” observed all over the country to mark the defeat of evil force in the hands of Holy Spirit. In Bengal, Immersion of Goddess Durga is followed by ‘Bijoya- Dasami’ when everybody, irrespective of communities they belong, hugs each other and offers sweets to all and sundry. The festival ends with a prayer for peace, prosperity, good wishes for everybody and one year waiting for return of mother Durga next year.

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December 2013


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Leadership Lesson


-A leader must be a “invisible entity”, in the sense, that he gives least importance to himself and puts his Team above all. It is he who discovers innovative paths in place of (or by abandoning) the contemporary ones; who acts as a trainer and mentor, rather than as a Superior who orders; who becomes an architect of personalities rather than a mere Manager; who is a coworker and guides his TEAM to the Goal and does not act, only like a Director; and, who, by behaving in such a manner, commands respect rather than demanding it from the members of his TEAM. -A True Leader must possess a “Visionary farsightedness”. Unless he himself has the TEAM GOAL clear in his sight, he would not be able to guide his TEAM towards the Goal. While the Leader must have clear idea of the ultimate Goal of his Team, he must be capable of showing to his Team the various small-small targets it has to surpass that are part of, and are on the way to the ultimate Goal. The Team, in such eventuality, is inspired to achieve these small targets, and, in fact, can easily and enthusiastically strive to achieve such innumerable small targets, thus marching ahead inch-by-inch towards the ultimate Goal. Thus, with his approach, the Leader can, and has to be able to, transform the Vision of the members of his Team. -This will materialize, only when the Leader has developed the habit of nurturing, at times seemingly impossible, dreams and also has the ability and articulate skill to effectively transplant such of his dreams into the Visions of his Team members. This,of course requires, on part of the Leader, a great ability to LISTEN to the ideas of his members. After determining the GOAL clearly to himself, the Leader must share it with the members of his Team or, at least, with a select small group of such members. He must give full scope to the members to voice their views about the ways and means to be adopted to achieve the Goal. In fact, he must motivate the members to voice their views if



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they are shying away from doing so. A Leader strongly believes that the more the interaction of members, the more concrete and concentrated will be their resolve to work hard with a common intent of achieving the ultimate Goal. -The Leader must have the quality of respecting disagreement over any issue, if any member expresses one. Actually, he must, sort of, instigate the antagonist views to be freely expressed, for such argument and counter argument alone can guide the Leader and more importantly the Team to adopt the right path towards achievement of the ultimate Goal. The process, as explained above, helps the Leader to become a model Mentor. He, in this process, can correctly identify the strength and weakness of each of his members so that he can distribute the various tasks among the most appropriate members of the Team. -A good Leader always keeps the Confidence of his Team intact and never allows it to sink or to touch the rock bottom. For this, he always takes the discredit for anything untoward that takes place; always thinks positive, and passes on only positive vibes to the Team members. Whenever arises a need to do the analysis of failure, the Leader tells the pessimistic and negating things in appropriate words with a tinge of optimism so as to mitigate the intensity of failure and to motivate the members to adopt the alternative path. He has to honestly believe in the ancient proverb that ‘Failure is the First step to Success’. It is necessary for a good Leader, to concentrate on NATURE of mistakes and not on the PERSON RESPONSIBLE for the mistakes, when analysing Failure. He must completely avoid any individualistic remarks and personal Blame-Game. -He always prefers to keep himself in the background in times of success, but never hesitates to shoulder the responsibility of failure. He, within his Team, never pretends or attempts to impose that he alone possesses all the knowledge. He first determines the exact problem and puts it for discussion to the Team

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Leadership Lesson and seeks opinion of the experts in the respective field. The true skill of a Leader lies in identification of exact problem and choice of an appropriate person for its resolution. As such, he does not hesitate to seek help/assistance, even from people outside the Team when the situation so warrants. He does never shy away from giving due credit, nay, he necessarily acknowledges openly, importance of such outside help whenever it is actually taken. He always ignites the passion of members of his Team to perform. He does not complain for shortage of resources, instead he believes in making optimum use of available resources, and by identifying all the good qualities of the Team members, he believes in accomplishing the task entrusted to the Team. However, he is not averse to politely but vehemently bringing to the notice of the Authority, any such genuine shortage of resources. In fact, he, by his persuasive tactics, must strive to see that there is always adequacy, but not a wasteful abundance, of resources.

-A good Leader does believe in Principle of ‘Responsibility with Authority’ and does not hesitate to delegate. The most important attribute of a Good Leader is his ability to recognize the good work, to reward such good work and, thus, to always keep morale of the Team upbeat. Lastly, in addition to all the qualities, discussed above, a good Leader has to always make himself available to the members of his Team and must always keep motivating his members by words spoken. (This is based on a book, titled “Who is Kalam? (A Good Human Being)”,which is on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, and is written by Mr. R. Ramanathan)

Pradeep K. Joshi

CM & Faculty MDI, Belapur

›¸‡ ‡’ú‡Ÿ¸/New ATMs

‡Ÿ¬¸ £¸¡¸¤¸£½¥¸ú ©¸¸‰¸¸, ¥¸‰¸›¸… ‚¿ ¸¥¸, AIIMS Raibareily Branch, Lucknow Zone

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Talegam Branch, Goa Zone

Oragadam Branch, Chennai Zone.

Mahaparal Branch, Ratnagiri Zone

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Sangmeshwar Branch, Ratnagiri Zone

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Shirgaon Branch, Ratnagiri Zone

Roopnagar Branch, Ludhiana Zone

ˆÅ¸¢©¸Ÿ¸¤¸¸ ¸¸£ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ¢¬¸¥¸úŠ¸º”õú ‚¿ ¸¥¸ Kashimbazar Branch, Siliguri Zone


December 2013




H. N. Muduli (Retd. Staff) Bhubneshwar

I got frightened to see them enter into my chamber,

‘’What apprehension, Sir’’ my colleague told.

‘’Police! Oh God save me’’, I prayed to my self.

‘’You would be knowing, I had gone on a field visit, yesterday’’, I told.

‘’Who informed them!’’ I uttered silently. ‘’Good morning Sir,’’ both the persons in khaki saluted me, I reciprocated, ‘’Good morning, Sir’’ I added, ‘’Please be seated’’ ‘’Thank you’’ they told and occupied the seats in from of me. ‘’Pradip’’, I called my sub staff ‘’please bring three cup of coffee first.’’ ‘’Not necessary’’, they requested. ‘’Don’t worry’, I told, I added, ‘’Pradip will bring from the office canteen, No difficulties at all.’’

‘’Yes, what happened’’, he looked at me with surprise. ‘’I met a small accident in a village on my way back’’, I told. ‘’How sir?, he again asked me. ‘’While returning on my own bike inside a rural village, suddenly a lady came to the middle of the road. Though there was nothing severe still the people were shouting at me. However, I managed the things with the help of some of the known people and settled the matter’’, I explained. ‘’Oh! Then some body might have lodged FIR with the police later on’’, my friend enquired. ‘’May be, I apprehend so’’, I replied.

I became nervous to some extent. I felt even in a winter morning I got sweated. My heart was throbbing.

‘’Have they asked anything now’’, he asked.

But however, I was trying to hide my inner reaction and was trying to keep conversation with them.

Then I entered into my chamber and occupied my seat.

“How are you feeling here’’, one of the police asked me. He added, ‘‘where were you earlier posted, Sir’’ ‘’I was in Rourkela, here also I am feeling well’’, I replied. In the meantime, I was called inside to the Banking Hall to solve some problems of a customer. I called Pradip again and ordered him to serve the coffee to the police and got out of my chamber. In the Banking hall I discussed for a while with a customer and solved his problem. When I was returning to my chamber, one of my colleague called me to a side room and asked, ‘’Sir, why the police have come? Are they asking for any information?’’

‘’Not yet’’, I replied. ‘’Did Pradip serve the coffee?’’, I asked the police personnel. ‘’Oh yes, but please do not worry for us’’ one of them replied. ‘’It is a rural place, you would be facing trouble. Isn’t it? Asked the other police man. He again asked, ‘’Do you use motor cycle while going on official tour?’’ I felt my heart beating increased. Sweating enhanced. ‘’Yes Sir’’, hesitantly I replied. While we were discussing some matter or other, Pradip entered to my chamber to take some papers from my table.

‘’Not yet’’, I replied.

I called him and asked,‘‘See Pradip, please go to the Modern sweet shop immediately and bring very good sweets for our guests. Please go immediately.’’

Again I told, ‘’But I am apprehending something’’

One of the police told, ‘’not necessary at all sir, why are



efomebyej 2013

±¸¸›¸¨¸ÖÄ›¸ Knowledge Plus you so worried?’’

Alphabets/ Keys wards of Financial Inclusion

‘’I am not worried. But it is my duty also’’, I tried to explain them politely. I handed over a Rs. 500 rupee note to Pradip and he went outside to carry out the job.’’


Key Words


Affordable Cost


Banking Services


Connecting People


Disadvantaged group




Financial Services


General Purpose Credit Card

‘’Pradip, please bring cold drinks’’, I directed Pradip.


Hand Held Device

‘’No Sir, not at all’’, requested the policeman again.



‘’Please be seated, Sir, I have much pleasure to serve you something today’’, I again requested them politely.


Joint Liability group


KYC norms simplified


Low income group


Micro Insurance


No frill account


Outreach of banking services


Providing remittance facilities


Quit Financial Exclusion


Rural ATM


Smart Cards

I was mostly looking on the lips of both the policemen. Wherever any of them was pronouncing something I was apprehending that he would start talking about the accident. But I was observing that they were starting something else every time. Then Pradip came and served sweets to the police personnel. I found he had brought very good sweets for them and in sufficient quantity.

In the meantime one hour had passed. I still found them silent about the accident. One of the police man in a very happy mood told me, ‘’Thanks a lot for the very good sweets. Now please let us go today.’’ ‘’OK’’, I uttered hesitantly. However, to get something clarified, I just asked them, ‘’Sir, would you please tell the reasons of your coming to the Bank?’’ ‘’Not so serious’’, he replied. ‘’However, please tell’’, I requested. ‘’Actually I wanted to avail a loan for purchasing a motor bike. Hence myself and my friend had come to meet you. Today we are going, again we will come.’’


Technical service provider


Ultra Small Branch/unbanked villages

‘’OK’’ I told. But now smilingly.


Vast uncovered population

This time I found myself stronger in will.


Just the policemen went outside, my officer colleague came in to me side.

Win –win – situation to Poor people and Bank


x-ray of Rural saving


Yen of BANKS


Zero Balance

I told him, ‘’just four hundred rupees went in vain.’’ ‘’Matlab’’, my friend asked in surprise. ‘’They had come here to ask for a loan from the bank. But I apprehended they would be charging me about the accident’’, I replied.

Shri D.S.Rao Salt Lake Branch Kolkata Zone

‘’Oh’’ my friend laughed at a very high tone and told’’AISA BAAT HAI!’’


December 2013


÷¡¸¸½í¸£ ¢¨¸©¸½«¸

Festival Flavour

In the Air 20th December 2013, dawned like any other day in December and seemed like one more normal working day. But thanks to the Bank of India Catholic Staff Association it was made special – the spirit of Christmas pervaded through song and music. Christmas is a season of peace, love, goodwill, happiness and cheer and in our small way we endeavoured to spread this message to our colleagues in the different offices through our Choral Group alongwith our two musicians playing the guitar and the violin. Our first performance at Mumbai North Zonal Office, Malad was a great start to the day as the strains of Jingle Bells filled the air and they soon seemed engrossed in the carols. As Santa moved around wishing the staff, it was just that special touch needed to liven up their day. We performed to a receptive audience and could also see some of the staff participating. Next we moved on to Andheri Hub where we performed for the staff. The response was overwhelming and Santa cut a special cake ordered for the occasion. Our next destination was Star House at BKC. The highlight of the day was our performance in our CMD Smt. V. R Iyer’s office along with Executive Directors, Shri B.P. Sharma and Shri Arun Shrivastava. She was extremely warm and cordial in her welcome and deeply appreciated every lyric that was sung. This encouraged us all the more and rejuvenated us with a fresh dose of



efomebyej 2013

enthusiasm and vigour. Our first halt was the lobby on the ground floor where we performed to a very large audience comprising of staff from the ground floor to 9th floor. There was a resounding applause after each carol on each floor which encouraged us to give of our best. They cheered along with great enthusiasm as the group performed and Santa mingled with them distributing sweets. Post lunch saw us at Churchgate Branch. Along with the staff a large number of customers witness to our singing and performance which they deeply appreciated. Our final performance for the day was at Mumbai South Zone where the Zonal Manager along with the staff warmly welcomed the group and sincerely appreciated and thanked the troupe. As we wound up for the day we sincerely felt a deep satisfaction in bringing joy, happiness, cheer and the Christmas spirit to our colleagues and customers through music. We thank the management for supporting and encouraging us in our endeavour. It’s goodbye for now till we meet next year for an encore at Christmas time.

Rita D’Sa, Estate Dept., HO

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special wish

Just one and no more dear Santa has something special in store for me in the garb of Thee let me ponder over wade through difficult water to select the right one or, lest regret as i closed my eyes to concentrate and meditate the naked truth started to mediate a sublime realisation dawned upon.... You have granted me more than i could have ever asked for so, just endow me with enough power to sprinkle joy and laughter ..a slice of happiness a stroke of peace let me paint my world with these brilliant colours help me empathise bring smile put ease make some difference to the lives of as many sans ill feeling for any my special wish shall make your gift store quite empty ... i am sure.

own world of

I am living in the world of my dreams. I talk with the moon and the twinkling stars in the sky. I whisper madrigals into the ears of houris in heaven. I am unaware as to what happens in your heartless world. I blow with icy cool zephyr. I adorn every garden with spring. I make flowers bloom. I am unaware as to what happens in your heartless world. I flow with brooks, I buzz with bees, I warble with birds, I flit with butterflies I am unaware as to what happens in your heartless world. Leave aside flowers in full bloom, I philander with blooming buds. I shower torrents of love on the young girls inching towards adolescence and my amorous overtures are reciprocated by them. I am unaware as to what happens in your heartless world. I am unaware as to my dwelling place. I am happy in the world of my dreams fantasying about coquettish damsels and visualizing the wondrous manifestations of nature. I am unaware as to what happens in your heartless world.

Kumar Narayan Sarangdhar RBC, Mumbai South

Sujata Dass Bhubaneshwar Zone


December 2013


›¸ƒÄ ©¸¸‰¸¸‡¿/New Branches

œ¸£™½©¸úœ¸º£¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ƒ¿™¸¾£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

™½¨¸¸¬¸ ›¸¸ˆÅ¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ƒ¿™¸¾£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

Ÿ¸¸¥¸¨¸¸ ¢í¥¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ƒ¿™¸¾£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

Chevella Branch (New Premises) Hyderabad Zone

Guduru Branch, Hyderabad Zone

Habsuiguda Women Branch, Hyderabad Zone

Pulluru Branch, Hyderabad Zone

Srikalahasthi Branch, Hyderabad Zone

¬¸½Æ’£ 31 ©¸¸‰¸¸, ¸¿”úŠ¸ õ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

¢›¸Ÿ¸Ä¥¸ú ©¸¸‰¸¸, ž¸¸Š¸¥¸œ¸º£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

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™¸÷¸¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, Š¸¸¿š¸ú›¸Š¸£ ‚¿ ¸¥¸

Amtala Branch, Kolkata Zone

Maslandpur Branch, Kolkata Zone

¢í¿™ú ¢¨¸©¨¸¢¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸ (›¸¡¸¸ ž¸¨¸›¸), ›¸¸Š¸œ¸º£-1 ‚¿ ¸¥¸

“Everyone has inside him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t yet realize how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” - Anne Frank Bhambed Branch, Ratnagiri Zone



efomebyej 2013

Safe Card Usage – Do’s & Don’t


13 BANCON 20

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‡ˆÅ ›¸‡ £¿Š¸³Åœ¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸£¸¤¸¸½£ ÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸μ¸ ˆÅ¸ ¢¬¸÷¸Ÿ¤¸£ 2013 ‚¿ˆÅ ¢Ÿ¸¥¸¸— ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ œ¸£Ÿœ¸£¸ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º¬¸¸£ 108 ‚¿ˆÅ ¤¸”õ¸ íú ©¸ºž¸ Ÿ¸¸›¸¸ ¸¸÷¸¸ í¾ ‚¸¾£ „ŸŸ¸ú™ í¾ ¡¸í ‚¿ˆÅ ž¸¢¨¸«¡¸ Ÿ¸Ê ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä¢›¸«œ¸¸™›¸ Ÿ¸Ê ž¸ú ¬œ¸«’ ³Åœ¸ ¬¸½ ¸¥¸ˆ½ÅŠ¸¸— ÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸μ¸ ˆÅú ‰¸¸¢¬¸¡¸÷¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ ¡¸í í£ ‚¿ˆÅ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸ ¢›¸£¿÷¸£ ¢›¸‰¸£÷¸ú ¸¸ £íú í¾— ƒ¬¸ˆÅú ¬¸¸Ÿ¸ŠÏú ˆÅú Š¸ºμ¸¨¸î¸¸ Ÿ¸Ê ¢›¸£¿÷¸£ ¨¸¼¢Ö í¸½ £íú í¾ ¨¸íú¿ œÏ¬÷¸º¢÷¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸¸ ¸¬¸ ¸¸ ž¸ú ¢™›¸ œÏ¢÷¸¢™›¸ ¤¸½í÷¸£ú›¸ í¸½÷¸ú ¸¸ £íú í¾— ªú £¸ ¸ú¨¸ £¿ ¸›¸ œÏˆÅ¸©¸, ¬’½’ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ¤¸úˆÅ¸›¸½£ ‡μ” ¸¡¸œ¸º£ Congratulations for bagging International Award for Brand excellence In House Magazine at DUBAI. More so, because yours is the only bank from India chosen for this award. It is certainly an important milestone for the bank. The getup, page makeup, layout, printing contents, nice photographs do speak volumes about the quality and high standard of the magazine. Hats off to the Editorial Board for its commendable work. Please keep it up. Prof. N. Ramachandran, Retd.GM (Retd) KVB

œ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸š¡¸Ÿ¸ ¬¸½ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄÇÅŸ¸¸Ê ˆ½Å ¤¸¸£½ Ÿ¸Ê ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ¢Ÿ¸¥¸ú— ¡¸í ¸¸›¸ˆÅ£ ˆÅ¸ûÅú œÏ¬¸››¸÷¸¸ íºƒÄ ¢ˆÅ ÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸μ¸ œ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¨¸«¸Ä 2011-12 ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£ ¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¬¸½ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ÷¸˜¸¸ ™º¤¸ƒÄ Ÿ¸Ê ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ÷¸ú¬¸£½ ‡¢©¸¡¸›¸ ¥¸ú”£¢©¸œ¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ 2013 Ÿ¸Ê ¤Ï¸¿” ‡Æ¬¸½¥¸Ê¬¸ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ œÏ¸œ÷¸ íº‚¸— Ž¸¡¸¸¢ ¸°¸¸Ê ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸š¡¸Ÿ¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸¿œ¸»μ¸Ä ž¸¸£÷¸¨¸«¸Ä ˆ½Å ¬¸ž¸ú £¸ ¡¸¸Ê ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸»™»£ œÏ™½©¸¸Ê ˆÅú ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ™ú Š¸ƒÄ í¾— ¡¸í ‡ˆÅ ¬¸£¸í›¸ú¡¸ œÏ¡¸¸¬¸ í¾ªú ‡›¸. ¢›¸ä¸¥¸, ›¡¸»¦Æ¥¸¡¸£ œ¸¸Á¨¸£ ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½©¸›¸ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¢”¡¸¸ ¢¥¸¢Ÿ¸’½” Our beloved magazine TAARANGAN is taking the shape of Mega magazine in terms of designing and contents. Congratulations for the awards and accolades received during 2013. Wishing all the best for 2014- Shri U.K. Jain, Ex-Counselor ABHAY, Kolkata. I received Taarangan on 17.12.2013 through courier. As this day happens to be my birthday as per vernacular/religious calendar, I deem it as a special gift from Bank of India. The poem “Bank of India- A Mother to me. “Conveys the feeling of gratitude of each employee of Bank of India- whether in service or retired-Shri N. Krishnamurthy (Retd. Staff)

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Do’s At the time of receiving your Card, make sure that the welcome kit is sealed. If tampered, kindly contact branch immediately. Destroy the PIN mailer after memorizing the PIN. Never write down your PIN or disclose it to anyone. Cover the keypad when you enter your PIN. Select a unique PIN, never obvious numbers like date of birth, telephone, etc. Ensure the card is swiped in your presence, including at restaurants and petrol pumps. Check your chargeslip before signing. Ensure that you get your own card back after every purchase. Review your account / card statement on a timely basis; Report disputed transactions with the Call Centre immediately. At the time of renewal, upgradation or cancellation, cut the card diagonally into pieces before disposal. For enhanced security against counterfeiting and skimming, we recommend you to upgrade your magnetic stripe card to EMV chip card. Make a list of card numbers, card expiry dates and help line numbers of your card companies. Keep this record in a safe place, separate from your cards. Use this information if you ever have to report your card lost or stolen. Dont’s Do not handover your card to anyone at ATMs. Do not accept help from unknown people at ATMs. Do not courier your card(s) to bank in case of cancellation. Do not lend your card to anyone even known persons or company representatives. Do not give a photocopy of your card or statement to anybody. Do not respond to any email request for personal / account information, even if it appears to be from trusted source. Alerts ▲ Ensure your contact address and email id(s) are updated in banks records. ▲ Ensure that your mobile number is updated and registered for instant transaction alert. ▲ Check transaction SMS alerts regularly and report disputed transactions immediately. Lost or Stolen card • Report lost or stolen card immediately lyy and block your card(s) instantly, Hotlisting Toll Free: 1800 425 1112 (Debit) 1800 220 088 (Credit)

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