'Taarangan' March 2015

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yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ Fbef[³ee keÀer efleceener ie=nHeef$ekeÀe cee®e&,


Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal March, 2015


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(A Government of India Undertaking) Volume - March, 2015 A Quarterly Bilingual House Journal of Bank of India

International Activities Inauguration of Difc Branch in Dubai

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14 THE REAL HEROINES.. Tribute to Nari Shakti

28 ¬¨¸÷¸¿°¸÷¸¸ ¢™¨¸¬¸ 2015

yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ Fbef[³ee keÀer efleceener ie=nHeef$ekeÀe cee®e&,

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal March, 2015

¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅú¡¸ Ÿ¸¿”¥¸ /Editorial Board £¸ ¸ú¨¸ ¬¸Æ¬¸½›¸¸ Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ Rajiv Saxena

Chief General Manager

‚¸£ ¬¸ú ¤¸¢¥¸¡¸¸£¢¬¸¿í Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ R C Baliarsingh General Manager

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¤¸ú ¨¸ú „œ¸¸š¡¸½ Ÿ¸í¸œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ B V Upadhye

General Manager

‡¬¸ ‡Ÿ¸ ©¸ˆÅú¥¸ ¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅ S M Shakeel Editor



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‚š¡¸®¸ ‡¨¸¿ œÏ¤¸¿š¸ ¢›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Chairperson & Managing Director

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My dear colleagues,

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his is perhaps my last communication through our House Journal ‘Taarangan’ which is and will remain close to my heart. You all are aware that I will be demitting office on 31st May 2015. My pleasant experience of 31 months will come to an end. I am overwhelmed by the love and affection showered by you.


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With your relentless support, our business remained growth oriented during this period. The year 2013-14 gave a phenomenal growth of 26% much above the industry average. The year 2014-15 saw a moderate growth of 11%. However, during last 2 years our banks business mix grew by 84%, which is unique in the history of the Bank. We undertook many new initiatives, launched new products catering to the need of our customers to ensure increase in our overall business growth. Some of the initiatives in last 2 years, which I may mention are; Branches + 853, ATM + 5000, POS Machines + 4400, E Galleries + 300, Net. Banking, Mobile Banking, IMT,

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Social Media, Face Book, Perception Management Group, Transaction Banking, Cash Management Services, Channel Financing, BOI Merchant Banking, Payment Gateway etc. Apart, continued efforts were made to develop effective HR practices in the bank.

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For the current year i.e. FY 2015-16, the budgets are as under:

 ¨¸¾¢æ¸ˆÅ ¢Ÿ¸¢ª÷¸ ¨¡¸¨¸¬¸¸¡¸ `1065000/- ˆÅ£¸½”õ ÷¸ˆÅ œ¸íºÂ ¸¸›¸¸ (13% ˆÅú ¨¸¼¢Ö ™£)

Global Business Mix to reach `1065000/- Cr. (Growth Rate of 13%)

Total Deposits to reach `605000/- Cr. (Growth Rate of 14%)

Advances to reach `460000/-Cr. (Growth Rate of 12%)

CD Ratio to reach 76.03% by March, 2016

 ˆºÅ¥¸ ¸Ÿ¸¸ `605000/- ˆÅ£¸½”õ ÷¸ˆÅ œ¸íºÂ ¸¸›¸¸ (14% ˆÅú ¨¸¼¢Ö ™£)  ‚¢ŠÏŸ¸ `460000/- ˆÅ£¸½”õ ÷¸ˆÅ œ¸íºÂ ¸¸›¸¸ (12% ˆÅú ¨¸¼¢Ö ™£)  Ÿ¸¸ ¸Ä 2016 ÷¸ˆÅ ¸¸¥¸» ‰¸¸÷¸¸ ™£ 76.03% ÷¸ˆÅ œ¸íºÂ ¸¸›¸¸ ¡¸¢™ ¬¸¿œ¸»µ¸Ä ¤¸ú‚¸½‚¸ƒÄ ’úŸ¸ ׸£¸ ¬¸¸Ÿ¸»¢íˆÅ ³Åœ¸ ¬¸½ ´ õ ¢›¸ä¸¡¸ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸ š¡¸¸›¸ ˆÊÅ¢Í÷¸ ˆÅ£ ¤¸ ¸’ ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆÅ¸ ¬¸¢ÇÅ¡¸ œÏ¡¸¸¬¸ ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸‡ ÷¸¸½ ¡¸í ¤¸ ¸’ ˆÅ¸ûÅú ˆÅŸ¸ íÿ ‚¸¾£ ƒ›íÊ ‚¸¬¸¸›¸ú ¬¸½ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸¸ í¾— ¸¾¬¸¸ ¢ˆÅ ‚¸œ¸ ¸¸›¸÷¸½ íÿ ¢ˆÅ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ¸Ê ׸£¸ ¬¸¿ ¸¸¢¥¸÷¸ ¬¸½¨¸¸ „Ô¸¸½Š¸ í¾ ‚¸¾£ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ ˆÊÅ¢Í÷¸ ´¦«’ˆÅ¸½µ¸ ¬¸½ íú ƒ¬¸ „Ô¸¸½Š¸ Ÿ¸Ê ¬¸ûÅ¥¸÷¸¸ í¸¢¬¸¥¸ ˆÅú ¸¸ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸ú í¾— ƒ¬¸¢¥¸‡, Ÿ¸ÿ ‚¸œ¸¬¸½ ‚›¸º£¸½š¸ ˆÅ£÷¸ú í»¿ ¢ˆÅ ‚¸œ¸ ¢›¸¡¸¢Ÿ¸÷¸ ‚¸š¸¸£ œ¸£ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ¸Ê ˆÅú œÏ¢÷¸¢ÇÅ¡¸¸ ¥¸½÷¸½ £íÊ ‚¸¾£ ÷¸™›¸º¬¸¸£, ‚œ¸›¸ú £µ¸›¸ú¢÷¸ ÷¸¾¡¸¸£ ˆÅ£Ê— ‡½¬¸½ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ Ÿ¸÷¸ ž¸Š¸¸ƒ‡ ¸¸½¢ˆÅ ¢©¸ˆÅ¸¡¸÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ— ¢©¸ˆÅ¸¡¸÷¸¸Ê ˆÅ¸ ¢›¸¨¸¸£µ¸ ˆÅ£Ê ‚¸¾£ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄœÏµ¸¸¥¸ú Ÿ¸Ê ‚¸¨¸©¡¸ˆÅ ¬¸¿©¸¸½š¸›¸ ˆÅ£Ê— ퟸ ¨¸¸¬÷¸¢¨¸ˆÅ ¢©¸ˆÅ¸¡¸÷¸¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ ›¸ ¸£‚¿™¸ ¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ¬¸½ œÏ¢÷¸«“¸ ¬¸¿¤¸¿š¸ú ¸¸½¢‰¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¬¸¸¢£÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ— ¤¸ú‚¸½‚¸ƒÄ ‡ˆÅ ¤¸íº÷¸ ©¸¢Æ÷¸©¸¸¥¸ú ¤Ï¸¿” í¾ ‚¸¾£ ¡¸í ퟸ¸£ú Ÿ¸»¥¸ž¸»÷¸ ¢ ¸ŸŸ¸½™¸£ú í¾ ¢ˆÅ ퟸ í£ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ ‚œ¸›¸½ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú Ž¢¨¸ ˆÅú £®¸¸ ˆÅ£Ê ‚¸¾£ „¬¸½ … ¸¸ „“¸‡¿— ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ¨¸ú¡¸»¬¸ú‡ ©¸¤™ ˆ½Å ¤¸¸£½ Ÿ¸Ê ÷¸¸½ ‚¨¸©¡¸ ¬¸º›¸¸ í¸½Š¸¸? ¸¿ ¸¥¸÷¸¸, ‚¢›¸¢ä¸÷¸÷¸¸, ¸¢’¥¸÷¸¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¬œ¸«’÷¸¸— íŸ¸Ê ‚œ¸›¸½ ‚¸¬¸-œ¸¸¬¸ í¸½ £í½ ¤¸™¥¸¸¨¸¸Ê ˆ½Å œÏ¢÷¸ ¤¸íº÷¸ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ ¬¸¸¨¸š¸¸›¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸÷¸ˆÄÅ £í›¸¸ í¸½Š¸¸ ‚¸¾£ ¬¸™¾¨¸ œ¸¢£¨¸÷¸Ä›¸©¸ú¥¸ ¢¨¸æ¸ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º³Åœ¸ ¤¸™¥¸›¸¸ í¸½Š¸¸— œÏ÷¡¸½ˆÅ ¬’¸ûÅ ¬¸™¬¡¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¸¸½¢‰¸Ÿ¸ œÏ¤¸¿š¸ˆÅ ¤¸›¸›¸¸ í¸½Š¸¸ ‚¸¾£ ¸¸½¢‰¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅ¸½ œ¸í ¸¸›¸›¸½, „¬¸ˆÅ¸ Ÿ¸»¥¡¸¸¿ˆÅ›¸ ˆÅ£›¸½, „¬¸ˆÅú ¢›¸Š¸£¸›¸ú ˆÅ£›¸½ ‡¨¸¿ „¬¸½ ˆÅŸ¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ¬¸÷¸ˆÄÅ £í›¸¸ í¸½Š¸¸— ¢ˆ¿Å÷¸º ‡½¬¸¸ ˆÅ훸½ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸-¬¸¸˜¸, Ÿ¸½£ú ¡¸í ´ õ £¸¡¸ í¾ ‚¸¾£ Ÿ¸º ¸½ ˆÅí÷¸½ íº‡ Š¸¨¸Ä í¸½ £í¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ ¤¸ú‚¸½‚¸ƒÄ œ¸¢£¨¸¸£ ˆ½Å ¬¸™¬¡¸ ¬¸ ¸½ ‚˜¸¸½ô Ÿ¸Ê ˆÅ¢“›¸ œ¸¢£ªŸ¸ú ‡¨¸¿ ¢›¸«“¸¨¸¸›¸ íÿ ‚¸¾£ ¸¤¸ ˆÅž¸ú ‚œ¸½¢®¸÷¸ íº‚¸ ¡¸¸ ‚¸¨¸©¡¸ˆÅ÷¸¸ íºƒÄ í¾ ÷¸¸½ ¢Ÿ¸¥¸ˆÅ£ ‚œ¸›¸ú ¡¸¸½Š¡¸÷¸¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¬¸¸¢¤¸÷¸ ž¸ú ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ í¾— Ÿ¸ÿ ƒ¬¸ ‚¨¸¬¸£ œ¸£ ƒ¬¸ Ÿ¸í¸›¸ ¬¸¿¬˜¸¸ ˆÅú „››¸¢÷¸ í½÷¸º ¥¸¸‡ Š¸‡ ¢¨¸¢ž¸››¸ œÏ¡¸¸¬¸¸Ê ‡¨¸¿ ¢¨¸ ¸¸£¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ ¬¸Ÿ¸˜¸Ä›¸ ™½›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ¬¸ž¸ú ¬’¸ûÅ ¬¸™¬¡¸¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ ᙡ¸ ¬¸½ š¸›¡¸¨¸¸™ ™½÷¸ú í»¿— `÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸µ¸' ‚¸œ¸ ¬¸ž¸ú ˆ½Å ¢™¥¸¸Ê-¢™Ÿ¸¸Š¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸ûÅú ˆÅ£ú¤¸ í¾— Ÿ¸ÿ ž¸ú Š¸¼íœ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ `÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸µ¸' ˆ½Å ¢¨¸ˆÅ¸¬¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸ûÅ¥¸÷¸¸ œ¸£ ‚¸œ¸ ¬¸ž¸ú ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸ ‚œ¸›¸ú ‰¸º©¸ú ‡¨¸¿ œÏ¬¸››¸÷¸¸ ¬¸¸ ¸¸ ˆÅ£÷¸ú í»¿— ƒ¬¸ ‚¨¸¬¸£ œ¸£, Ÿ¸ÿ ˆÅ¸Ÿ¸›¸¸ ˆÅ£÷¸ú í»¿ ¢ˆÅ ÷¸¸£¸¿¿Š¸µ¸ ‡½¬¸½ íú ퟸ½©¸¸ ` ¸Ÿ¸ˆÅ÷¸ú' £í½— ‚¿÷¸ Ÿ¸Ê, ‚¸œ¸ ¬¸ž¸ú ˆÅ¸ ᙡ¸ ¬¸½ ‚¸ž¸¸£ œÏˆÅ’ ˆÅ£÷¸ú í»—Â ƒ¬¸ ¨¸«¸Ä ˆÅ¸ ¬¥¸¸½Š¸›¸ í¾ - `’︬¿ ¸ûŸŸ¸Ä ’» ‚¸…’ œ¸£ûŸŸ¸Ä', ¢ ¸¬¸ˆÅ¸ ‚˜¸Ä í¾ ‚œ¸›¸½ ´¦«’ˆÅ¸½µ¸, ¬¸¿¬ˆ¼Å¢÷¸ ‡¨¸¿ ›¸ ¸¢£‡ Ÿ¸Ê ¤¸™¥¸¸¨¸ ¥¸¸›¸¸ ÷¸¸¢ˆÅ ¤¸ú‚¸½‚¸ƒÄ ¬’¸£ ˆÅ¸½ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ … ¸¸ƒÄ¡¸¸Ê œ¸£ œ¸íº  ¸¸¡¸¸ ¸¸ ¬¸ˆ½Å— ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸½ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸œ¸ˆ½Å œ¸¢£¨¸¸£ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ œÏ¬¸››¸÷¸¸, ¬¸Ÿ¸¼¢Ö ‡¨¸¿ „Ÿ¸¿Š¸ ˆÅú ©¸ºž¸ˆÅ¸Ÿ¸›¸¸‡¿— ‚¥¸¢¨¸™¸ - ‚›¸½ˆÅ Ÿ¸¿Š¸¥¸ ˆÅ¸Ÿ¸›¸¸‚¸Ê ¬¸¢í÷¸ !

These are very low budgets and easily achievable, given the focus and determination collectively displayed by the entire BOI team. You all are aware that the banking is a service industry driven by the customers and with customer centric approach only, one can lead to success in this industry. Therefore, I urge upon you to obtain customer feedback on regular basis and strategize accordingly. Don’t drive away customers who complain. Redress the grievances and do the course correction. We run high reputational risks in ignoring the genuine complaints. BOI is a very powerful brand and it is our core responsibility to protectand enhance the image of the Bank at all the times. You may have heard about VUCA World ? Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity. We have to be extremely cautious and alert to the changes in the surroundings and adapt to the everchanging world. Let every staff member be a Risk Manager & be vigilant to identify, measure, monitor & mitigate risks. But having said that, I am also of the firm opinion and take pride in saying that BOIians are truly hardworking, loyal and always rise to the occasion whenever demanded or required. I may also take this opportunity to express my sincere THANKS to all staff members for supporting various endeavors and ideas, carried out for the progress of this great Institution. ‘Taarangan’ is close to the hearts and minds of each one of you. I also share my joy and happiness over the growth and success of our House Journal. At this moment, I wish it to be SHINING forever. At the end, heartfelt gratitude to all of you. This year’s slogan is ‘Transform to Outperform’ which means bringing ¸about a change in your approach, culture and attitude to take BOI Star to greater heights. Wishing you and your family members - Happiness, Prosperity & Joyous time ! Good Bye – May GOD Bless You !

(¨¸ú ‚¸£ ‚¡¡¸£)

(V R Iyer)


March 2015




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Dear Readers, t the outset, on behalf of you all readers I extend my whole hearted gratitude to our worthy Chairperson & Managing Director Smt. V R Iyer for her dynamic, inspirational, enthusiastic leadership and exemplary contributions made by her to this great institution i.e. Bank of India.


It is worth mentioning that throughout her tenure each new edition of ‘Taarangan’ was released at her hands that contributed in making of ‘Brand Taarangan’. With her continuous guidance, our house journal moved from National stage to International forum. ‘Taarangan’ has been conferred with 20 awards during her tenure including two international awards. ‘Team Taarangan’ will always remain indebted for the immense support and interest shown by her for the house journal. The parting away moments are emotional one and very tough to handle, but the show must go on…. We received your encouraging feedbacks for our last edition on Information Security that has given us the confidence to bring out more such theme-based editions in near future. The current edition at your hands is also full of information combined with interesting stories, poems and articles. We have covered important events and programmes organized in the bank. Our endeavor with each edition is to update you on banks performance and entertain you with some other interesting stuff.

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At the close, let us together pray for all the departed souls of Nepal disaster and extend our full support & help to those who are struggling for their lives afterwards.

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We hope you will enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it. Until next time, stay connected with us at HeadOffice.Taarangan@bankofindia.co.in

(¬¸£·¸¸ ¸ Ÿ¸ø­­íŸŸ¸™ ©¸ˆ ú¥¸ Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)



cee®e& 2015

International Activities



ank opened its Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) branch with its intend to extend its reach to Middle East and Africa customers through its DIFC branch. The Branch was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance, GOI Shri Jayant Sinha in presence of CMD Smt. V R Iyer, Consul General of India to UAE Shri Anurag Bhushan, Indian Ambassador-designate to UAE Shri T P Seetharam, & Chief General Manager Shri R A Sankara Narayanan. The bank expects to expand both assets and liabilities side of the balance sheet of its Dubai operations initially from the large Indian business community based in the UAE and Middle East and eventually expand to the international business community in the region. Speaking on the occasion Hon’ble Minister said that Dubai and the UAE serves as an international launch pad for these companies. “As the Indian companies expand internationally, Indian banks too have the opportunity to expand their global footprint. The UAE’s business friendly environment will encourage many Indian banks including public sector banks to expand their operations here.” CMD Smt. V R Iyer said that “We have large customer base from global Indian business community. Dubai being a global business hub, our existing business customers from both India and across the world are excited about our presence here. The regulatory environment and tax friendly business rules in the UAE are expected to attract a lot of our clients to do business through the UAE.”


March 2015


‰¸¸¬¸-‰¸¸¬¸ / Khas-Khas

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CMD Smt. V R Iyer during her visit to R Kudasan Branch, Gandhinagar Zone along with CGM Shri R A Shankar Narayan, GM NBG (C) Shri T Sudhakar, ZM Shri Rajeev Pathak DGM NBG (C), Shri S K Relan, Br. Mgr. Shri Kakashan Ansari and other branch staff.

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CMD Smt. V R Iyer, EDs Shri B P Sharma, Shri Arun Shrivastava & GM (ADC) Shri V Vishwanathan at the launch of ‘Booklet on all Customer Excellence Alternate Delivery Channels’.

Bank has entered into a MOU with HPCL for sourcing ATM sites at their Retail Outlets on Pan India basis. The MOU was signed at HO by the GM (ADC) Shri V Vishwanathan and DGM – Allied Retail Business, HPCL Shri Vikas Kumar Yadav in the presence of CMD Smt. V R Iyer & EDs Shri B P Sharma and Shri Arun Shrivastava.

CMD Smt. V R Iyer visited Thavalakuppam branch, Chennai Zone. GM NBG (S) Shri K B Jain and Sr. Mgr. (Mktg.) Dr. V Chidambara Kumar.

CMD Smt. V R Iyer as Chief Guest of Honor on the occasion of presenting ‘Bharat Asmita Rashtriya Puraskar’ to Shri Guljar sahab and four other eminent personalities of India, organized by MIT School of Government, Pune.

CMD Smt. V R Iyer during her visit to MIT College Branch, Pune Zone along with GM HO Shri G B Kakade, ZM Shri Prasad Joshi and branch staff members.



cee®e& 2015

ED Shri B P Sharma inaugurating e-gallery at Bowbazar Branch, Kolkata Zone. The then GM, NBG (East) Shri Anil Bhalla, the then ZM Shri P K Vartak, and CM Shri Manas Jha, Bowbazar Branch along with ED.

ED Shri Arun Shrivastava addressing a programme on Jan Dhan Yojana in presence of Union Surface Transport Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari, MLA Shri Sudhakar Deshmukh, Mayor Shri Anil Sole, Zila Parishad Chief Smt. Sandhya Gotmare & other dignitaries.

ED Shri B P Sharma, GM (HO) Shri S Palanivel, DGM (HO) Shri Shanker Prasad, Principal STC Kolkata Shri Amarendra Kumar & RSETI participant at Annual National Conclave of RSETI Directors held at STC Kolkata.

Bangalore LCB was the principal sponsor of “Make in India Campaign” held jointly by FKCCI and IFCCI. FKCCI President Shri S Sampathraman and Consul General of France Mr. Eric Lavertu handing over memento to DGM, BLCB Shri K R Nair in appreciation to bank’s support for the programme along with the then ZM Shri A K Azad.

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e-SBTR was inaugurated by ED Shri R P Marathe at Mumbai Main Branch, MSZ. GM NBG (West-1) Shri Tarlochan Singh, the then ZM Shri D K Garg, DZM Shri D S Shekhawat AGM Shri A K Panth & Govt. officials after the inauguration ceremony along with ED


March 2015


Know Your Product



A Payment Solution


OI EazyPay is a Person to Person Payments Platform that enables an individual to send money directly from any bank Visa Debit Card to another person's any bank Visa Debit, Credit or Prepaid card quickly and securely. Going forward bank will work towards expanding the services across networks (Mastercard & Rupay) and into even accounts. The current service will facilitate transactions upto Rs. 5,000/- per transaction and Rs. 25,000/- per month as per RBI guidelines for Money transfer by Business Correspondence. The service offers: • Send Money • Request Money • Pay Credit Card Bills Anyone with a web-enabled mobile phone or access to the internet, and a Visa card, can send/collect money using this service. Any type of Visa card can be used to collect payments including a Visa Debit, Credit or Prepaid card.

For using this service all that is needed to know is the mobile number or Email Id of the recipient. This enables the Visa cardholder to send or receive money without divulging the details of their card / account to the sender / receiver. Thus making it completely secure transactions with no sharing of sensitive data. How it works: • When someone needs to send money using this service, the sender should register for this service first. Once registered on the BOI EazyPay Payment Service, customers can chose who they want to send a payment to by simply specifying/selecting the intended recipient’s mobile phone number or email ID from within the BOI EazyPay application on the web or on the mobile. They also choose the amount they wish to send and enter a personal message. Every transaction is authenticated through a second factor / password known only to the sender.

We Wish all of them a very peaceful, happy and healthy retired life..



cee®e& 2015

• The receiver will receive a text/email message containing a unique link. This link will be valid for only 3 days from the time the sender sent the funds. If the recipient doesn't claim the funds then the same will be refunded to the sender to the source from where the fund was received. • The process of registration for both sender and receiver is completely online and verified using Visa's 2-factor 3D Secure authorization process thereby ensuring the card registration is done by the cardholders themselves. All card information is held in a secured and encrypted PCI-DSS compliant card data vault, meaning the cardholder can be confident that his/her details are safe. • The receiver has to click on the secure registration link (embedded in the SMS/email) which will allow the user to do a quick registration and receive funds into their Visa debit/ credit/prepaid card. When an already registered user clicks on the link it will take him to the BOI EazyPay authentication page where he/she has to authenticate using the BOI EazyPay credentials. This service will be offered both on the web and as a standalone application for mobile devices.

'Retired General Managers' Shri Surinder Mohan Ganju Shri Subhash Chandra Arora Shri Arihant Kumar Jain Shri Naresh Kumar Sood Shri Anil Balkrishna Patwardhan Shri M V Venketeswaran Shri Debashish Chakraborty Shri Vikas Pande Shri Naresh Kumar Sood Shri Sugali Venkateswarlu


'Welcome : New General Managers'

Shri Sushil Kumar Kasliwal 1-Nov-14

Shri V Vishwanathan 1-Nov-14

Shri Subhash Chandra Modi 1-Nov-14

Shri Nikhlesh Bhargava 1-Dec-14

Shri Sadanand Narva Salian Shri Rajkumar Singh Chouhan Shri Dineshkumar P Garg Shri Brajesh Kumar Mohanty 1-Apr-15 1-Apr-15 1-Apr-15 1-Apr-15

Shri Krishan Lal Sharma 1-Dec-14

Shri Inder Mani Malik 1-Apr-15

ions From

alt Congratu


iva r a P I O B

Shri P L Ramchandran Iyer 1-Apr-15

Shri Agyey Kumar Azad 1-Apr-15

Shri Chaitanya Gayatri Chinthapalli 1-Apr-15

Congratulations Bank’s Kabaddi Team won the ‘Thane Mayor State Level Kabaddi Tournament’ and also ‘State Level Kabaddi Tournament’ organized by Maharashtra State Labour Welfare Board in Mumbai. Champion Team with CMD Smt. V R Iyer and CGM Shri R A Sankaranarayanan.


March 2015


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March 2015


THE REAL HEROINES.. “¡¸°¸ ›¸¸¡¸Ä¬÷¸º œ¸» ¡¸›÷¸½ £Ÿ¸›÷¸½ ÷¸°¸ ™½¨¸÷¸¸:—`” (Where the women are revered, the gods dwell (bless) that place.)


his succinct Sanskrit quote from our ancient scriptures underscores the importance of women were accorded in our country since ancient times. It is however a tragic situation in the very same nation today, that the society has to hang its head in shame, at the abominable practice of gender discrimination and atrocities being perpetrated on hapless and innocent women. This year the International Women’s day celebrations in our country presented a paradoxical picture. On the day when Women’s rightful place in the society is duly recognized and reaffirmed, there was the raging controversy over contents of BBC documentary “India’s Daughter.” The documentary broadcast contained obnoxious and despicable comments by



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one of the villains who had committed the gruesome and brutal crime, which shook not only the nation but also even the world. Such grossly offensive and insensitive reaction of a monster masquerading as human, naturally sparked wide spread outrage. As an unfortunate coincidence, this controversy occurred around the period when International Women’s Day was being celebrated. What could be more ironical!. Cut back to Republic Day celebrations this year, when we hosted U.S. President Barack Obama as the Honored Dignitary. The bold, resounding and emphatic statement of the U.S. President during the visit that “Nations are more successful when their women are successful”, underscored the genuine concern world over for the welfare of women in our country. President Obama in his speech at Siri Fort auditorium, he stressed on equality for women and the need to treat them with respect and dignity, while

stating that gender discrimination is a major impediment in India’s march ahead. He further applauded Indian women who were contributing significantly in defense forces and mentioned name of Mary Kom (the woman’s boxing champion) to be emulated as a role models, for progress of women, in path breaking domains. . Again, let us take a flashback. Yes, it was Mary Kom’s superlative success and giving her company, many other sports women achieved distinguished position in the Asian games held few months earlier, in September/ October last year. The entire nation was celebrating Navrathri / Durga Puja, worshipping various forms of Divine Mother, the diverse manifestations of Shakti or woman power. Simultaneously Indian Women were displaying their prowess in various events at Incheon Asiad and bringing glory for themselves and the nation. The indomitable and incomparable Mary Kom who won boxing Gold was the

TRIBUTE TO NARI SHAKTI cynosure of all eyes for her spectacular achievement. Taking care of family and children, her stupendous effort in a sport, which even strong men would shudder to think of, leave alone participate, is indeed a matter of great pride for every Indian. Then the Golden Girls of 4 x 400 meters relay race -Priyanka, Tintu, Mandeep and Puvamma, all belong to different states and geographically different directions, of India. They have together, in a magnificent team effort, brought Gold for the nation. What better example can there be of a Nationalistic spirit and Unity in Diversity.

various forms like physical violence, attack on women’s modesty, female foeticide and infanticide etc. What a paradox for a nation that worships Divine Mother ! A myth, which was conceived centuries ago, is still being propagated and practiced, that the female gender is weak and dependent. Even though hundreds of years ago reformers like Raja Rammohan Roy, Iswarchandra Vidyasagar, Mahatma Phule etc. pioneered initiatives for women’s emancipation, still in 21st century, we have this lingering under current of gender bias.

More women brought glory to nt India - the list can go on and ge be se en a s s e m on. The trail of Golden Glory om rong Let a st e country that w ble was continued by Seema Punia era ntir across e helpless and vuln er they in discus throw, Sania Mirza in Tennis (Mixed doubles) and the are not xploitation; rath ne of kbo for e women’s Kabaddi team. Those targets trength and bac ion. s t who raked in Silver included Tintu are the society and na Luka, Khushbir Kaur and Manju home, Bala, Women's athletics events, and the Women's squash team. The number of bronze medalists is also quite Even significant, including Sarita Devi who if there are probably deserved a Silver or even Gold. exemplary What is most interesting is that women w o m e n have won medals for India in varied achievers, their and diverse sports activities including successes are underplayed. extremely manly sports like boxing, then Also unfortunately\ the exploits of all arduous events of athletics (including these women achievers in Asiad will shot put, discus and javelin throw), be forgotten within a short time ! On shooting, archery, squash, dinghy sailing, the contrary, the glamour girls of tinsel badminton, hockey and even wushu ! screen and ad world are glorified to the The medals won by women in the Asiad utmost, to exploit the commercial value. for India are more than half of the total The exploits and lurid details of personal medals tally of the country ! Who says life of these glamour girls are hyped by women are weak or underprivileged or all communication media and lapped up having lack of opportunity in our country? by the public. Even women’s magazines Then we also have a contrasting picture. seem to carry what appears like soft porn Across the length and breadth of country, material! The nation gets engrossed in many cowardly men, nursing a false discussions on curves, cleavages and perception of gender dominance, are “current affairs” (pun intended) of these perpetrating atrocities on some hapless scantily clad damsels. All these give a and unfortunate women. This takes wrong message to the society. Are these

the real heroines? In fact producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali deserves kudos for glorifying Mary Kom on silver screen. The grim and arduous struggle of Mary Kom and her triumphant success needs to be widely publicized to decisively project the strength of mind and body that women in our country possess. But a cynical twist is provided to the success of the movie as a joke circulated via SMS goes, “Priyanka Chopra has made more money by playing role of Mary Kom on screen, than what Mary Kom has earned in her entire career!” In fact success stories of all women participants in Asiad and such other events should be brought in prominent public notice through all forms of media. Women’s magazines could take a lead by covering serially achievements of all these players/ athletes, and also other women who have distinguished themselves in various spheres be it education, business / corporate world, social work, politics, entrepreneurship etc etc. . Let a strong message be sent across entire country that women are not helpless and vulnerable targets for exploitation; rather they are the strength and backbone of home society and nation. Anybody found guilty of harassing or tormenting women in any circumstances should be punished exemplarily, which could be scheduled, particularly during Navratri and Dassera. As we worship the Goddess who slayed demons, such monsters should be given befitting treatment which will create fear in minds of all who are harboring evil intentions. Let us glorify real heroines of the country!

Dr. Rajesh Iyer Ex staff-Nagpur


March 2015


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disha the beautiful state of the eastern part of the country has a host of tranquil beaches offering a lot for wildlife enthusiast and those seeking a quiet time away from the city's chaos, GOPALPUR - The beautiful sea side town, the British left to slide in to history, is great for a stroll. Gopalpur as a seaport with connections to South East Asia, the evidence of which is still scattered through the town in the form of deteriorating old buildings . Stillness and the beauty of the beach are accentueted by the long stretch of Cashew nut trees. For sight seeing, there is a light house offering a panoramic view of the entire town. PARADIP- The pleasent beach resort of Paradip is emerging as a major tourist attraction and a must visit for every wildlife enthusiast. It is famous for getting the largest gathering of sea turtles. The endangered species of Olive Ridley can also be spotted here. Standing on the confluence of the river Mahanadi, Paradip has Gahirmatha sanctuary, temple of Baladeva a n d

eastern part of the country has a host

Bhitarkanika National park, of tranquil beaches offering a lot for as attractions. Known for wildlife enthusiast and those seeking a sea turtles and water monitor quiet time away from the city's chaos, lizards, Gahirmatha is also known for rare white crocodiles. time, Chandipur in Baleswar is best bet, Another National Park covered by mangroves and criss crossed by rivers The laidback sea side village on the Bay and creeks is Bhitarkanika . Sprawling of Bengal is approximately 16 km from Baleswar Railway over 367 sq km, it's station. Here, home to a variety the draw, is the of flora and fauna. water recedes an PURI - The abode astonishing four of JAGANNATH, km at low tide Puri is considered - a sight to see. to be one of the It is safe to swim holiest pilgrimage here when there places in India, is enough water. attracting hordes of The musical sway not only pilgrims of the casuarinas but tourist, both trees and creepered white sand dunes add from India and overseas. Besides the to its beauty. Tourist considers lucky if temple, one should not miss its model one spots horseshoe crabs on the beach beach, a community - run sea beach, first towards Mirzapur, the nearby fishing of its kind in Odisha. An initiative by market and community at the confluence voluntary organisation, BAREFOOT, the of the Budhabalanga river. 400 meter stretch of sand is easily Puri's cleanest beach. The beaches over here, are also renowned for the sand sculptures created particularly by the internationally famed Sudarshan Patnaik .A visit to a Aurobindo Bhowmick fishing village along the coast gives Ex-Chairman, RRB Odisha you a taste of the local culture. Retd AGM

CHANDIPURThose looking for some quiet


March 2015


œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ /Awards Bank adjudged Runners up in the Best Home Loan Provider category at Outlook Money Award-2014

GM (Retail assets & Publicity) Shri R C Baliarsingh receiving award from Shri Yashwant Sinha in presence of Editor - Outlook Money Shri Narayan Krishnamurthy & Vice Chairman of Outlook group Shri Akshay Raheja at a glittering function held at Mumbai.

Bank conferred with ‘Best HR Technology Award 2014’ under inspiring work place awards 2014’ by Banking Frontiers at Mumbai

DGM (HR) Smt. K R Srimathi receiving Award from fervent technocrat, educationist & social activist Shri Vinit Goenka & Director (HR), SKF Ltd., Ms. Anjali Byce at Mumbai.

‡¤¸ú¬¸ú‚¸ƒÄ, Ÿ¸º¿¤¸ƒÄ ׸£¸ ÷¸¸£¸¿Š¸µ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¤¸ú‚¸½‚¸ƒÄ Š¸¸ƒ¢”¿Š¸ ¬’¸£ ˆÅ¸½ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£

`Taarangan' conferred with Best Housing Journal Award' by PRCI, Kerala Chapter

(LtoR) Chief General Manager (HR & CMO) Shri Rajiv Saxena, Deputy General Manager (HR), Smt. K R Srimathi Chairperson & Managing Director Smt. V R Iyer & Editor Shri Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel at Head Office

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Kerala Shri Ommen Chandy peresting award to Zonal Manager, Kerala Zone and Editor Shri S M Shakeel during the ceremony held at Hotel Taj Gateway, Kochi by Public Relations Society of India (PRCI) in the presence of Hon'ble Minister for Fishries, Ports & Excise Shri K Babu, MP Prof. K V Thomas & MLA Shri Hibu Eden

'Taarangan' BOI Guding Star Awarded by ABCI, Mumbai.

Our In-House Magazine ‘Taarangan’, Corporate House Magazine ‘BOI Guiding Star’, Desk Calendar & Wall Calendar has been awarded five awards under various categories by Association of Business communicator of India (ABCI) during 54th Award Nite held at Mumbai. (R to L) Editor Shri S M Shakeel, DGM (HR) Smt. K R Srimathi, Founder of IPCA Shri M R Chandurkar, Chairman TRL Krosaki Shri H Nerurkar, President ABCI Shri Yogesh Joshi, CM (Pub.) Shri Gopal Lal Bunkar, DGM (Pub.) Shri D K Meher & Shri Sridhar Ramamurthy (Pub.Dept.)



cee®e& 2015

special activities

Mr. V C Lingam, our 100-Year Old Valued Customer Mr. Vellayappa Chocka Lingam has been one of our valued customers for a long time and became 100 years old on 30th November, 2014. He was also a freedom fighter closely associated with Mr. Rashbehari Bose the founding father of the Indian National Army. Upon reaching 100 years old, residents of Tokyo receive Certificates from the Prime Minister of Japan and the Governor of Tokyo. As a long-time resident of Tokyo, Mr. V C Lingam received both on 15th September, 2014. He was also featured in the December issue of FCCJ (Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan) booklet. Chief Executive, Japan Branches Mr. S S Banik, and Chief Manager, Tokyo Branch

Shri P Navaneetha Krishnan visited Mr. & Mrs. V C Lingam to extend good wishes on behalf of our Bank.

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We Care...

One of our customer Shri Trikamdas Mathuradas Gokuldas has toasted his 100th Birthday on 7th February 2015. Staff members visited and met Shri Gokuldas and took his blessings.

"Each Surity, Teach Security" - Madhuri T. Joshi, Rajkot


March 2015


Knowledge plus

Wilful Defaulters How to Identify and Report

ingfisher Airlines (KFA), its promoter Vijay Mallya and three other directors have been declared as wilful defaulters by United Bank of India (UBI) citing that the company allegedly indulged in diversion of funds by opening multiple accounts. Debt-ridden KFA contested UBI’s decision to declare it as a ‘wilful defaulter’, saying the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines in this regard do not apply to the company. Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated 28/08/2014 passed by the High Court Of Calcutta, KFA filed Special Leave Petition (SLP) 14755/2014 in Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (SCI). Hon’ble SCI observed that the SLP had become infructuous because UBI had already declared, inter alias, the company as willful defaulter and that the company may seek legal recourse in the appropriate court having jurisdiction at the first instance if it wishes to challenge the order of UBI. UBI is one of the 17 lenders to now grounded KFA. The airline had borrowed around ` 6,500 crore from the consortium of lenders, led by the State Bank of India.




cee®e& 2015

Raison d'être guidelines


Increase in number of accounts, which are defaulting with banks and financial institutions have been a matter of great concern for Government of India and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In several instances, enterprise which default to one Bank / Financial Institution (FI) are successful in obtaining finances from the financial markets and capital markets either in their own name or in a different name. Pursuant to the instructions of the Central Vigilance Commission for collection of information on wilful defaults of ` 25 lakhs and above by RBI and dissemination to the reporting banks and FIs, RBI has initiated a process, whereby banks and financial institutions are required to (i) identify (ii) report, names of wilful

defaulters, on a quarterly basis, whose outstandings are ` 25 lakhs and above. Identification Wilful default broadly covers the following: •

Deliberate non-payment of the dues despite adequate cash flow and good net worth;

Siphoning off of funds to the detriment of the defaulting unit;

Assets financed either not been purchased or been sold and proceeds have been misutilised;

Misrepresentation / falsification of records;

Disposal / removal of securities without bank's knowledge;

Fraudulent transactions by the borrower.

Reporting Banks are required to report to RBI

on a Half-yearly basis names of accounts with aggregate outstandings of ` 1 crore and above which have been classified as either Doubtful or Loss or in which suits have been filed and Wilful Defaulters (non-suit filed accounts) of ` 25 Lakh & above on quarterly basis. RBI sends a copy of this defaulters list to Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the controller of capital markets. While dealing with wilful default of a single borrowing company in a Group, the banks /FIs have been advised to consider the track record of the individual company, with reference to its repayment performance to its lenders. However, in cases where guarantees furnished by the companies within the Group on behalf of the wilfully defaulting units are not honoured when invoked by the banks /FIs, such Group companies should also be reckoned as wilful defaulter. How to go about? The defaulter borrowers (non-suit filed accounts of `  25 Lakh & above) who are proposed to be identified as ‘wilful defaulter’ are required to be issued 15 days notice, as per prescribed format, indicating them that they are found to be violating the guidelines and as such liable to be declared as wilful defaulter. In the process, documentary evidence is required to be kept on record for identifying a borrower as a Willful Defaulter, as the same may be required to be produced before concerned authorities in future. In case their reply is not received or their reply is not found satisfactory, branch needs to report to HO through proper channel such cases in

the prescribed Format for Reporting a borrower as Willful Defaulter (as per Annexure to Chapter 5 – Wilful Defaulter – of NPA Management Policy 2014). In HO, a committee has been formed to examine each such case and decide on merits. On receipt of HO approval, once again branch is required to put the defaulter borrower on 15 days notice. If still the borrower fails to respond or does not respond to the satisfaction of the bank, the name of such defaulter borrower will be reported to RBI through HO. Can Guarantors be labelled as Wilful Defaulters? RBI clarified that individuals or corporate entities acting as guarantors to loans could also be identified as wilful defaulters for refusing to clear the dues despite having the means to do so. If an individual serving on the board of a firm is declared a wilful defaulter, any company on whose board he serves as a member cannot avail of bank loans. This rule is also applicable in the cases where guarantors are not directors of the borrowing company or are non-group entities or individuals. This issue is presently being widely debated for the reason that a guarantor’s liability crystalises only when the guarantee is invoked by the lender. Typically, if a borrower can’t pay and is declared a defaulter, the guarantors are called upon to pay. If the guarantor can’t repay, only then is he labelled a defaulter. Hence, many feel the RBI’s recent clarification that individuals or corporate entities acting as guarantors to loans could also be identified as ‘wilful defaulters’ for

refusing to clear dues is a tough one. Of course, there could be circumstances in which the guarantor cannot pay and still argue their case strongly. For example, those who run a business and have their funds/assets tied for this purpose can say they have no assets to offer. Similarly, those with mortgaged or under-construction properties have assets but since it is still not fully paid for, they can fight their case because they really don’t still own the asset. These are all legal options for guarantors. The lender, however, can very much do anything and at any time. For example, the guarantee document has clauses which allow the lender to invoke it at any point. Usually, guarantees say a lender can invoke it anytime during the process of recovery of dues from the borrower. That is, a lender need not necessarily exhaust all options to recover the dues from the borrower before knocking at the guarantor’s door. Also, as per law, a lender can sue a guarantor if the borrower defaults. The debate on identifying the guarantor as wilful defaulter continues.

Dr. Om Prakash Lal Asst. General Manager Ludhiana MCB Acknowledgement : The contents sourced from various literatures of RBI and our Bank, as also published in several newspapers viz. Business Standard, The Economic Times etc. are gratefully acknowledged.


March 2015


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cee®e& 2015

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View Point

the worlds who make money


here is a saying that ‘money makes the world go round’. In Hindi also there are several sayings and songs about the “duniya paise walon ki”. According to Hindu philosophy this world is maya. Hindu used in past as unreal. The western civilisation does not believe this philosophy, but they believed in what Einstein said about relativity about 100 years ago. So, if we view this world from outside, related to this universe, and compare everything from relative point of view, then we may tend to believe the world as maya. Strangely enough in Sanskrit and Hindi, Maya also means money and wealth. It is not a co-incidence that money and wealth are also called Maya in India. From time immemorial, the progress of a society, a nation or people has been linked to economic prosperity, creation of wealth etc, also called Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Income. The progress in this regard has been the driving force in human progress during the last six -seven thousand years. During earlier times, there was no money. There was barter systems, certain other artefacts, cattle, land etc to measure the wealth. In past, in the Inca tribe in Mexico, there was also no money. Labour was the unit of value, which is the modern day communist ideology also. Money is only worth what someone is willing to give us in return for the same. Indian philosophy also advises to hold only that much money which is required for our “needs”. As Mahatma Gandhi put it there was sufficient resources in this world for everyone’s need, but all the resources of this earth cannot satisfy even one man’s greed. People in the west world, envisaged over about centuries. In India brought early nineteenth century, developed for banking sector started more in the areas. The challenge for the banking sector was to convince the people that a bank as safe and as reliable as they perceived. But the progress has not been a continuous or a smooth one. It has been always a roller-coaster ride, ups and downs. Also all the instruments we see today have evolved over a period of time. In the western part of world, during the 13th century, government bonds introduced securitisation of interest payments and bonds markets developed. Benefits of regulated public life. 16th century equity in corporation could be bought and sold in similar ways. 18th century Insurance funds pension funds exploited and economies of scale, laws of averages to provide financial protection against calculable risk. 19th century futures and options offered more specialised. Man has never learnt from history and hence there is also this saying that “history repeats itself”. So it can very well be said that man has not learnt from the

financial history also. There are ever so many Ponzi schemes in our country, which succeed year after year. Around the 1980 -90s so many varieties of such scheme mushroomed. The promoters offered investment options in various tree saplings like Teak, Eucalyptus, Casuarina, Mangoes and so on, for small sum of money. After a long gestation period the investors were promised fully grown trees having value 20-25 times the investment. But, all the scheme, as all the various trees and forests also vaporised with the money ! ! We still see so many chit funds (they are called blade companies in some time) thriving even now, and poor investors losing all their hard earned money by investing in these. All the promoters of such companies are able to thrive on the human psychology, which is risk averse to low yielding positive prospect (say bank deposits) and risk taking to high promising negative prospects. The worst ever financial crisis of 2007 has only further emphasized this point. The best brains in the financial world created a system where different kinds of debt, mortgage debt, credit cards debts etc., were all securitised. Many banks and financial institutions (especially in the western world) were highly leveraged, much beyond their underlying capital base permitted. The financial wizards created these instruments sold them to the investing institutions, creating huge profits, which entailed huge incentives and bonuses to them. However, when the bubble burst, the world tried years to recover from its effect. Reserve Bank of India and Government of India are making so much effort in the area of financial literacy among the underbanked and un-banked population. Even the educated and wellplaced sections of the society also need lot of awareness in this regard. All the adult are being included in the recent accounts. More than 10 crore bank accounts for the people new added, with deposits of about `8000 crores. Envisages wave of integrity ensures while money safe with the bank and earns also. In conclusion, we as bankers have to remember that the general public who are our customers, need lot of financial education and awareness. We have to use this opportunity to do out bit in this regard. This will also result in creation of goodwill and thereby more customers and business.

P A Kalyanasundar GM (Retd.)


March 2015


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Your Job Your Joy


alking on the path of Bank's service wait for a moment; Think and feel How long you've rendered the job How much you have gathered the skill Look once at yourself See your face in the time - mirror remember the path you passed, Your moments in the light of joy Not in horror. Time is passing away You are now the veteran soldier Though not you have power of eighteen You are the cause, you are the answer. Now at about to reach the finishing point Seek your own waiting for you Other than heart - beat, conscience and hunger Over the duties you are to do. Get energy from the rising sun Keep the six adversaries in your grip Sketch in the light of the setting sun Coming days in brief. Anil Chakraborty Burdwan Branch Bardhaman Zone


March 2015



NON Performing assets

NPA Management- Some Cardinal Principles

Our Bank is passing through the worst phase of NPA menace adversely impacting the market perception about our Bank, therefore the best way to resolve this issue is the negotiated settlement involving minimum time and cost. Let each one of us join the campaign for the glory of our beloved “Bank of India”.


on-Performing Assets have become a buzz word in the present day banking scenario impacting all the stakeholders- internal and external. There are umpteen numbers of reasons for non- performing assets both internal and external influenced and impacted by the personal reasons to prevailing socio-economic fabric of the society and international scenario at large. The NPAs, which are not recovered through the normal process of follow up, require the policy framework for their resolution including various types of legal actions. The most basic and important form of management of NPA is negotiation and directly involves two significant stake holders -the bank employees dealing with NPA management and the customers who owe these NPAs therefore the resolution has to be a joint venture of both these participants involving finer aspects of human behavior, which can make or mar the process of



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management and resolution of NPA. There are different styles of negotiation, depending on the circumstances, amount involved, securities available and stage of legal process etc. I have, therefore, tried to figure out some of the cardinal principle of negotiation for NPA management, which are as under: Pre-planned approach: Effective preplanning is highly crucial for successful negotiations, which involve knowledge about the borrowers and guarantors, their present activities and income, securities charged to the bank and unencumbered securities, so that it can provide the foundation for negotiation and will determine the extent of compromise and sacrifice justifying the adage, “well begun is half done”. The most beautiful aspect of the pre-planned approach lies in conveying the fact that we are interested in solving the issue for mutual benefit due to first hand availability of information,

which serves as the starting point for negotiation. Humane Approach: Negotiation is the process encompassing every action, behaviour and gesture. Since all individuals have their own value system, which we must respect, therefore negotiative process must be eminently sensible in the human repertoire for managing issues and differences. The acid test of humane approach lies in learning the art of “disagreeing without being disagreeable”. Separate people from problems: Every negotiation starts with the people and focuses on issues. Separating the people from the problems means separating the relationship issues (e.g. emotion, commitment, perception, observation etc) from the substantive issues (e.g. facts and figures) and dealing with each set of issues on its own merits, don’t make substantive concessions in the hope of improving relations at the cost of the Bank. This

will pave way for objective analysis of the issue and offer the scope of being hard on problems and soft on people, which has been justified in the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, “hate the sin not the sinner”. Positive and open approach: Every interaction and negotiation offers fresh opportunity which is unique in itself and unfolds new avenues for settlement and compromise as the circumstances would have changed from the last negotiation, therefore positive and open approach is of utmost importance. The previous experiences should serve as the background information and pave the way for future negotiations rather than overshadowing the current negotiation, which is possible only through the positive and open approach, therefore look for opportunities not guarantees. Soothing ambience: The importance of right ambience lies in providing level playing field for both the parties, wherein no party is unduly benefited or pressurized by the choice of the venue. The soothing ambience offers freedom of expression with creativity offering the opportunity for the out of box thinking, which can help in reaching mutually acceptable solutions. Soothing ambience provides trustworthy atmosphere for negotiation. Focus on interest and issues: All the negotiating parties have their own interests and issues, therefore common interests and issues should remain the core of the negotiation. The focus on issues and interests will lead to proper appreciation of problem, which would avoid personality conflicts leading to smooth negotiation. The NPA customers come for negotiation and create the hype that they are very resourceful and have political backing having influence on local administration. The branch officials should candidly accept their resourcefulness and advise them to concentrate on core issues. Explore the possibilities of mutual gain: Every negotiation is based on the principle of give and take by the negotiating parties paving way for mutual gains. Effective negotiation helps to

resolve situations where “what you want conflicts with what someone else wants”. The purpose of mutual gain is to create win -win situation by arriving at acceptable solution to both the parties and leaves both parties feeling that they have gained in one way or the other. No compromise has ever been achieved without the self sacrifice and mutual gain. Responsive rather than reactive: The negotiating parties should be responsive to the problem and offer their own suggestions to the issue instead of reacting on the proposal of the counter party, which makes the solution offering party susceptible towards the other party, therefore both the parties should offer their responses on the issue and deliberate to find an acceptable solution. Invent options: No two individuals are the same in all the parameters so no two problems are exactly the same; therefore every problem has unique solution and can be achieved by weighing the available

pace of negotiation leads to loss of interest therefore timing and pace of negotiation are of prime importance and must be in consonance with the intricacies involved. Clear Agreements: All negotiations must be followed by documented agreements, which should be clear to both the parties as there have been number of disputes after negotiation regarding time and interest on settlement amounts.. Both the parties should go through the formal agreement before committing on it. All the terms, conditions and exceptions must be clearly brought out in the agreement to avoid any future dispute. The clear agreements pave the way for smooth implementation. Post Negotiation: Good negotiators review the process and outcome of every negotiation in light of the process, technique, sacrifice and outcome so that they prepare themselves for better future negotiators in the light of the experience gained. The post negotiation monitoring also ensures the post negotiation

The golden rule of NPA management is “Recover the maximum amount with minimum time lag”. options. Discuss each other’s perceptive, which may reveal shared perception and facilitate productive negotiation by inventing options, which should be the starting point of successful negotiation, and may pave the way for acceptable solution. Negotiations are always based on available options. If there are no options, there are no negotiations, therefore invent options before negotiation. Timing and pace: The very basic requirement of NPA management is to recover the dues at the earliest with minimum sacrifice, therefore timing of negotiation is of critical importance. Similarly the pace of negotiation should be such that it offers the breathing space for both the parties, as it has been normally seen than that the faster pace normally frustrates the negotiating process and efforts whereas the slower

implementation and success. In fine, there are no uniform sacrosanct rules for managing a successful negotiation especially in case of NPA where each borrower is unique in himself having peculiar set of circumstances, therefore our endeavor should be to use our judgment with circumspection within the overall policy guidelines to achieve the objective by giving due consideration to objectivity, transparency and overall profitability. The golden rule of NPA management is “Recover the maximum amount with minimum time lag”.

S B Singh Deputy Zonal Manager Raigad Zone


March 2015


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March 2015


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GM (ADC), HO Shri V Vishwanathan inaugurated two e-galleries at Santoshpur and Park Circus at Kolkata Zone. The then GM NBG (East) Shri Anil Bhalla, the then ZM Shri P K Vartak, AGM (HO) Shri Ramesh Mirakhur and branch staff during the occasion at Park Circus Branch.

Kolkata Zone participated in the ‘27th Industrial India Trade Fair at Kolkata’ and placed BOI stall. The then GM, NBG (E) Shri Anil Bhalla, the then ZM Shri Prakash K Vartak & other officials at the stall.

Kolkata Zone donated a ‘Bus for the staff of Kalyani University’. The then GM NBG (East) Shri Anil Bhalla, the then ZM Shri P K Vartak, Vice Chancellor, University of Kalyani Professor Rattan Lal Hangloo and other officials on the occasion.

Bhubaneshwar Zone ZM Shri S C Sarangi addressing the gathering during the pre-paid service launch of bank in association with Commissionerate of Police at Railway Station.

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Bardhaman Zonal Office (new premises) was inaugurated by the then GM NBG (East) Shri Anil Bhalla, along with BDM Bardhaman Shri S K Kanungo, ZM Howrah Zone Shri S K Mishra & other officials.



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›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸¾¿¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸¢© ¸Ÿ¸-1) / National Banking Group (West-1)

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Mumbai South Zone organized ‘Training on Selling Skill’. GM NBG (West-1) Shri Tarlochan Singh, the then ZM Shri D K Garg DZM Capt. K P Singh, Trainer Shri Ravi Hooja & Shri Dhananjay Pandit along with participants.

Goa Zone ZM Shri Sudhir Jade, DZM Shri B K Arsekar and Sr. Br. Mgr. Shri Emanuel Furtado at the inauguration of New Margao - NRI Branch

MNZ, ZM Shri S K Mukherjee, DZM Shri A K Jain, AGM Chakala Br. Shri S G Balanaik and AGM Malad Br. Shri S C Chauhan during cultural programme celebration at Malad West Br.

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Raigad Zone, Mendhadi Branch, Br. Mgr., Ms. Mehrunnisa Mandlik during the delivery of Rupay card and pass book to PMJDY beneficiaries.

“Star Sakhi” Bank of India Ladies Club Kolkata

“Star Sakhi” Bank of India Ladies Club Kolkata distributed Books and Stationeries to Orphans (Girls) staying at ‘Lavinia House’ .‘Lavinia House’ is one of the oldest Orphanage of Eastern India. There are about 220 Girl Students Staying at ‘Lovinia House’. Picture seen President of Ladies Club. The Club is also involved in other social activities, like distribution of blankets amongst street beggars at Dhakuria during winter 2014. The Club has also donated Rs.31000.00 to Seva Sadan for some artificial limbs and wheel chairs in the month of August, 2014 and gifted some new clothes and some eatables to underprivileged children before Diwali 2014.


March 2015


Banking Plus


hysically, yes. But is he (or she) creating impact? This is the question the article tries to give answer to. The idea of Executive Presence was introduced by Sylvia Ann Hewlett in her book ‘Executive Presence: The Missing Link between Merit and Success’. Sylvia, a noted expert in workplace power and influence, wrote this wonderful book on the basis of results of a survey, which was conducted, on nearly 4000 well educated professionals. Even though a whole book and a number of articles have been written on executive presence, the concept remains an enigma to certain extent. Fundamentally, executive presence means being visible and making, your presence felt. Executive presence has also been explained as charisma



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and gravitas. Charisma is a familiar term for us and we know its meaning. In few cases, charisma can be superficial, hence more important is gravitas. Wikipedia says- ‘gravitas is a quality of substance or depth of personality’. The term has been talked about in Roman history also where it meant dignity, seriousness and duty. Taking cues from such explanations and expanding it further we can describe someone having gravitas whose words we listen to, someone we trust and respect and who exudes excellence. All this can be related to executive presence.

notice of it. If he doesn’t do it, how people will come to know of these. Making use of our expressive tools is known as impression management .It determines how we come across others and engage with them. Impression management is not creating false impressions. It’s telling people who is the real me and giving them a detailed context for evaluating who we are. Can we be trusted and relied upon? Are we ready with our homework and keep ourselves prepared? Our audiences i. e. people whom we come across seek answers to these questions and look to signs outside the contents of our messages to find such answers.

Executive presence will happen when those delegated with organizational power and authority carve a niche for self.

Executive presence will happen when those delegated with organizational power and authority carve a niche for self. In organizations we come across many people who have big designations and official powers but they lack executive presence. If somebody feels that he has the traits and potential to enter the big league he has to make people take

Executive presence defines leadership. When we see someone with presence, generally we assume that he is a leader. Thus presence is a powerful intangible and as said earlier, has to be backed by real substance. It is a support for good

leadership rather than a proxy for it. True leaders understand their impact on others and apply their presence to inspire others and generate followership. Some of us may have been in a meeting or discussion where one of the participants just seemed to stand out ; where there was what you could see as a personal level of engagement, clarity of thought and confident expression that made you to infer “this person is exceptional”. In such a situation, in all probabilities, we’ve been witnessing executive presence in action. The thing to explore is why did that person stand out? What did he say or do that made us to take note? The points which we get will help us to understand how executive presence can be made a reality. From various researches the following characteristics have been gathered which contribute to build executive presenceConfidence: Being certain about yourself and the self-assurance that convinces others you’ve the capability, strength and resolve to initiate and lead. Clarity: Ability to develop uncluttered ideas and convey these clearly, intuitively and in a compelling manner. Openness: Willingness to listen and consider other’s point of view without prejudging them. Passion: The energetic expression of motivation, drive and engagement which makes people believe that you are committed to what you say and do. Passion brings credibility. Self-awareness: Before we try to understand others we should understand ourselves. Self-awareness is the deep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, and drives etc. Poise: Poise reflects composure and gives a look of sophistication. It creates the impression that one is used to the surroundings, possesses patience and

can handle difficult situations. Integrity: Integrity goes a long way in creating the identity of a person. It is the straightforwardness of conduct without hypocrisy, ulterior motives, pretense and exaggeration. Decisiveness: Ability to take well thought out decisions with factoring all related information and implications. Candour: Expressing one’s thoughts with openness tempered with mutual understanding and respect. Also appearing to be interested in truth and honesty with willingness to accept the world as it is, not as one would like it to be. Authenticity: Being true to one’s personality, values and beliefs without double standards. Substance: Ability to convey meaningful knowledge, expertise and relevant insights. Once we know the elements of executive presence, the logical question is where one can start in creating a powerful executive persona. The key here is to ingrain these elements in self and use the expressive tools that can project this. A person has only six tools available to project the above –eyes, face, body, voice, conversation pace and message architecture. These tools carry richest of expressive possibilities. Your body language should make effective use of these important tools. Take the example of eyes. The range of emotions they can show is limitless. Surprise, anger, concern and fear can be easily read through the eyes of a person. Similar is the case with facial expressions. These expressions make people surrounding us to evaluate us and what we’re saying.

Executive presence is not a one time event. It should be considered a repetitive behavior brought out with our habitual practice. People are not born with presence. It is something to be learnt, cultivated and developed. One or two traits will not suffice here. Presence is communicating your entire being. It’s about being positive, decisive, confident and deliberate in your strategies and actions. It considers acknowledging the opinion of others even if you don’t agree with them. It includes creating long lasting consistent impressions over time. And over all it is being true to yourself and others. Eye contact, posture, facial expressions are signifying features of the physical aspect of executive presence. When we communicate our message with enthusiasm and passion, it gets reflected in our body language and our tone. Communicating in such a way makes people attentive and listen. This again is an important hallmark of presence. Executive presence has direct relations with identity and reputation. People with presence are a lot more quickly noticed and a lot less easily forgotten. If we make a conscious effort to understand the nature of our presence and its effect on others, we can maximize our position and capability to achieve great things in.

Vijay Prakash Srivastava Faculty Member MDI, CBD Belapur


March 2015


›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸¾¿¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸¢© ¸Ÿ¸-2) / National Banking Group (West-2)

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Pune Zone ZM Shri Prasad Joshi along with Dr. Ajit Golvilkar an eminent personality in Medicine, GS BOIOA, Pune Unit Shri Sanjeev Tamhane, CM Shri Sushil Savant & others at the inauguration of ‘e-gallery’ at Swargate Branch.

Pune Zone ZM Shri Prasad Joshi felicitating Padmavibhushan Dr. Prabha Atre an eminent personality in Indian Classical Music (Vocal) at 62nd Sawai Gandharv Bhimsen Mahotsav, Pune.

Nagpur Zone-II DZM Shri Arvind K Sharma with Sr. Br. Mgr. Shri D M Raut and staff members at Euphoria 15 of JDEIT College, Yavatmal.

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Vidarbha Zone, Akola Branch organized an Eye Donation awareness camp in association with Rotary Club at Akola. Dr. Jugal Chiraniya, BDM Shri G D Deaulkar, Br. Mgr. Shri Prakash Shah at the camp.



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›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸¾¿¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (™¢®¸µ¸) / National Banking Group (South)

ED Shri B P Sharma, GM NBG (South) Shri K B Jain, ZM Shri S K Agrawal & Staff members during the inauguration of New premises of Suryabagh Branch under Branch of Future.

Karnataka Zone, Ramanagara Branch, Br. Mgr. Shri Manu R issuing sanction letter to self help groups financed under, “National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) scheme-2014-15” for bamboo workers.

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Karnataka Zone, Chikka Ballapur Branch, Br. Mgr. distributing the school notebooks to the students of the Govt High school located at Reddygollavarahalli-Chikkaballapur Taluk on Republic Day.

Visakhapatnam Zone organized an Intra Zone Sports Meet (Badminton & Cricket) at Eluru. DZM Shri C C C Patnaik, CM Shri Gopalakrishna & President Officers’ Association Shri J Manohar along with the participants.

PEACE It may seem almost useless to talk about peace when all around us we see a continued state of 'peacelessness;, It is this state that forces on us the necessity of finding our own source of peace to draw upon and live from. Consider the flowers. They too live in this peaceless environment. They too have to endure the pollution and decay of the world of nature. Yet, wherever they are found -

by the congested roadside, near the swamps, in the desert, amid the thorns and sometimes even on the dung hill - they are eternally beautiful, gay and fragrant. It is not by chance that flowers are given for every occasion, even the most sorrowful. Flowers call forth images of peace and tranquillity. It is their nature. We are also like flowers,. We are the flowers of the garden of God. In this worldwide garden of every day hustle and bustle, we too are threatened with pollution and degraded circumstances. Being flowers, we are expected

to live in our natural state of peace and spread our fragrance all around us. When we realise that the original nature of our soul is that of peace, we can combine with God who is the Ocean of Peace and so become the embodiment of peace... a living, thinking flower. Gajanan Gadgil HRD, HO Mumbai


March 2015


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March 2015


Personality Traits



lance transmitted towards a stranger accompanied with a `Hi’ and sweet smile can spark off a great future relationship. Shift your focused attention from “I” to “YOU” and you will feel yourself surrounded by an aura of goodness. If you can sense and understand this intricate nuance of feeling solace in the comfort of “ANOTHER YOU”, you can effortlessly create a wonderful world around you wherein each one coming into your orbit, living or

“AVTA JATA JARA NAJAR TO NAKHTA JAJO. BIJU TO KAI NAHI PARANTU KEM CHHO KAHETA JAJO”. TRANSLATION: “JUST THROW A GLANCE WHILE PASSING BY… IF NOTHING ELSE, AT LEAST SAY HI, HOW ARE YOU…” inanimate (non-living) would say or rather lovingly whisper, “It was NICE meeting YOU.” Remember you do not have to indulge into a marathon conversation or an incessant interaction. But you need



cee®e& 2015

only a tiny talk wearing a sweet smile on your face with that another “YOU”. An apt remembrance of the first two lines of a Gujarati Garbo (folk song and dance world-wide popular and played in Gujarat during Navratri, for the worship of Goddess Shakti) that have highlighted the nuance of this SMALL TALK, would properly capture the heart of the subject. These kind of gestures are positively effective in human relations. And mind it folks, you should, at every move of your daily activities try to practice this SMALL TALK. And if this practice of SMALL TALK is continued with heart-involved dedication, it will become an effortless and easy because you do not have to spare any extra hour of your life as it is to be observed through your day to day life. And you may or may not know that “Another You” to start the SMALL TALK. It may start from an urge to say just “Hi-Hallo” or may be prompted out of a small concern towards each other which may result into a great comfort for you temporarily but the impact will be such as it will be imprinted in your heart permanently. The impact of this SMALL TALK will be aptly understood with this experience of my own life as described here…

Once I was heading home after my hectic work schedule at the bank (as usual) via public transport bus and it started raining. The route of my bus was such that I was required to drop mid-way for catching another bus or some other means of conveyance to reach my home. I alighted from the bus at a pick-up point from where my home was still 3 KM away. I was waiting for a shuttle rickshaw which is very famous among office-goers and regular commuters due to its cheap fares as it moves with pool of people getting in and out as per their destination and they pay accordingly. There were no other commuters obviously when all have reached home, finished their dinner and having good time with their families, only the bank officers are found struggling their way home (laughter punch!!!). Suddenly I sighted a shutaliyu (locally accented popular name of shuttle-rickshaw among commuters) with two middle-aged women already sitting therein. I was much relieved to get this shutaliyu like a bank manager feels after achieving any business target. The two women were rural folk, conversing in their local dialect and obviously not much literate. Generally, in a shutaliyu kind of conveyance people keep a stranger look on their faces. Both these women were engrossed in their own conversation not even noticing

my presence. These rural folk kinds of women never shy to talk their domestic conversation in public on high-pitch notes and are never pseudo-sophisticated. They are so simple they reminded me of a famous quote of the greatest painter Leonardo Da Vincy, “Simplicity is the greatest sophistication.” My home was located bit interior from where generally these shuttle rickshaws do not go further as they have to return for their next round onward. That time as it was raining and getting dark, the shuttle-wala told me he would not stretch ahead as he has to go home and also he won’t get any passenger while returning from my final destination. Therefore, he requested me to get off the rickshaw where those two women were ending their journey. I tried to persuade him in the humblest of my voice (exactly like a bank officer speaking with top executive in a business-review meeting that too if given freedom to speak!!!). I even offered him double of the normal fare but in vain. It seemed he did not have any effect of my request. When we reached that final destination, he told me to get down along with those two women and pay the fare. It was still raining and I prepared myself for the trouble of waiting for any means of conveyance, the chances of which were very remote. And exactly when I flexed my body to come out of the shuttle, of course with signs of displeasure on my face, the elderly lady from the duo told the shuttle-wala the lines which will be echoed in my heart for a life time. She said in literally ordering tone that “Arey bhaiya tum kyun nahi le ja rahe ho is aadmi ko thoda aage? Tum thoda der se ghar nahi ja sakte? Abhi is bhari baris me ye bhai kahan jayega?” (A man, why don’t you take this man a bit further and can’t you go home a little later? Where this man will go in this heavy shower?) These lines were spoken totally in her local dialect and she was in complete command over her tone like as if he was her husband, having no option but to get into action as per words spoken by the wife. But I could feel those words carried a dedicated concern to help

somebody and it had a mesmerizingly positive effect on the shuttle-wala that he was immediately ready to take me further. He started off with just three words “Okay Keep seated” and dropped me at my destination and that too without the slightest displeasure on his face. I even could not say a single word of thanks to that woman and I even do not remember her face. This entire episode is an example of how your small help could provide big relief for others. Here the nuance part is that the other one even if you do not help, is not going to have any grudge on you for not helping because you are not supposed to help him as you are not his acquaintances. But if you help him with your SMALL TALK like that woman did for me, you are going to leave a lasting impression in his mind. So now you will agree that SMALL TALK is not small but a big thing. It is actually an unwritten protocol for humans to behave and interact with the strangers or people not so closely acquainted. SMALL TALK is a wonderful means to connect ourselves with the folks at a public place, any social functions or party. Hence mastering the art of SMALL TALK can make you comfortable in any situations. The American way of SMALL TALK is the most ideal one to follow. The Americans never keep silent at any gathering. They tend to start a SMALL TALK to keep the atmosphere happening no matter the topics may be superficial or not so relevant. And yes, despite talking about not so important topics, they never ask any personal questions like your marital status or age or salary or anything that would probably make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. So we have to keep in mind that when we leave the place after SMALL TALK, we must leave a respectable impression in the minds of the receivers. In the work environment this SMALL TALK skill works wonderfully well as in the office it is unwelcome to talk lengthy. Therefore, use this skill sparingly and carefully with every colleague now

and then. This can help you connect yourself with one and all and build a positive relationship among your peers. The nuance part is that this SMALL TALK skill has to be used naturally and comfortably and it must not seem to be an extra effort to speak. It is critical tool to create personal bond with the people that can make you stand apart in creating an excellent interpersonal impressions in your life. Remove fears like “What If I am laughed at?” “What if I don’t get response?” What if I am not welcomed?” Just go get (talking) it. So the next time someone asks you, “How’s it going?” or “What do you think of the weather?” don’t think of it as imposition. See it as an opportunity! Use SMALL TALK as a way to build and establish connections and to set the stage for potentially vibrant or at least a feel-good relationship. A bank officer badly needs relaxation and comfort while working under tremendous stress and if he imbibes the spirit of small-talk, he need not go to any divine preachers or resort to any meditative means to achieve feelgood state of mind. If he practices this, he would feel rejoicing and reviving. So start SMALL TALK right now and start CULTURE TALK. Americans have a reputation for being good small talkers, although the content may be superficial. The British are programmed to go slow by starting with eye contact and then commenting on the weather. The French talk about their health. Chinese and Russians discuss finances while Germans come straight to the point. Indians are by and large, introverts. They do not approach a stranger because they do not know how to proceed after `HELLO’. Language often acts as barrier.

Jayesh B Parmar FOREX Department Ahmedabad LCB


March 2015


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Search of suitable match for marriage - Preparation of proposal in CAPS, Automatically saved in the system, but to be approved by parents. Meeting and Dating - First login into the real life. Marriage - Linking of two subsidy accounts. Gifts and Dowry - Interest Subvention. Birth of Children - Creation of standard Assets Husband - A multipurpose vehicle consists of all type of Hardware and software along with self-repairing capacity, internet facility with a WAI-FAI facility. He is pledged to wife and family if living together, If not, Hypothecation on assets, Always works. Wife - Plant and machinery of life: Always requires inspections, care, oiling, otherwise heavy Depreciations will be charged to the husband’s salary account. Tension with Wife - D.C. (direct - connectivity) not working having connectivity problems. Use D.R. (distance relationship). Open I-link (Eye-link) and wait for a positive response. As the age grows the problems of No connectivity, Linkfailure and Work class not sufficient. Will challenge your positive attitudes. Here Right - click, Refresh buttons; Restart- options are very helpful. If beyond control, shut down the system for sometimes and restart again.

Retirement is the CSOLOP from the Banking - Connectivity and PENSION is....

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cee®e& 2015

Nandkishore Prajapati Hingoli Branch Solapur Zone

›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸¾¿¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸) / National Banking Group (Central)

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March 2015


food for thought

Energizing the Brain


f you don’t keep your mind active, studies show that your brain loses some of its functionality as you age, which causes memory loss, brain fog, and even Alzheimers. A well-stimulated brain also elevates your mood, which helps you feel better on the inside.

Here are 15 brain-boosting activities: 1. Play games that challenge and stimulate your mind. These include:

* Picture Puzzles

* Strategy Games

* Crossword Puzzles

* Card Games

* Deduction Games (such as Clue)

* Visualization Puzzles

* Optical Illusions

2. Reading stimulates the brain as it activates your imagination. Reading also helps with memory retention and problem solving, especially if you’re reading a mystery. Also, selfhelp books stimulate your brain by helping you to think for yourself, as well as find solutions in your mind.. 3. Exercising helps circulate blood that carries oxygen to your brain. Over the long-term, exercise is proven to



cee®e& 2015

increase brainpower and even create new neurons. 4. Stimulate your brain with meditation. Meditation has been shown to increase your IQ, relieve stress, and promote a higher level of brain functioning. Meditation also stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the area of the brain responsible for advanced thinking, ability and performance. 5. Deep breathing helps deliver oxygen to your brain. Oxygen helps you be more alert and awake. As little as 10 to 15 minutes of deep breathing daily can increase brain functionality. 6. Taking fish oil supplements is literally like membrane material for the brain.. The two primary components in fish oil, DHA and EPA, strengthen the emotional center of the brain and boost focus. 7. Studies have proven that listening to music strengthens the right hemisphere of the brain and actually changes the structure of it. Also, people who listen to music are shown to be more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t. 8. Writing improves memory and thought expression. Writing articles, blogs, or journal entries stimulates thought processes, which also enhances brain function. 9. Sleep clears out brain clutter and reduces brain fog. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, your memory and normal brain function suffers. 10. Painting is shown to be an effective brain booster in that it sparks the creativity within you. Even if you’ve

never tried painting before, give it a shot. You’ll find that you feel more creative and may actually enjoy it. 11. Starting the day out with a good breakfast has been proven to supply energy to the brain and body for the whole day. When you skip breakfast, you’re missing out on a powerful edge, both physically and mentally. 12. Walking allows you to clear your mind and thoughts. Not only is it good exercise for your body, walking gives your brain a chance to wander freely, clearing it of any troublesome thoughts. 13. Drink a serving of pure fruit juice. Fruit juice contains nutrients that revitalize and refresh the brain. Juices to drink are pomegranate, blueberry, and cranberry as they deliver more focus and energy. 14. Students who drink some caffeine before an exam typically have higher scores than those who don’t. This is because caffeine stimulates activity in the brain, which produces better focus and thinking ability. Don’t overdo it though! 15. Draw a picture. Like painting, drawing stimulates the creative side of your brain. So get out some colored pencils and start boosting your brainpower. To get the most out of these brain boosting activities, mix them up and do a variety of them at different times. Just choosing one won’t boost your brainpower, however, combining and alternating them will give your brain the added boost you need now and in the long run. Biswajit Mishra AGM (HR) Head Office


INRETROSPECTION IN RETROSPECTION An introduction only with name has little relevance. After all it is only a name. Yes! I am only a name till such time I get re-incarnation in some new avatar. Thank you Bank of India.

I realised what my great organisation was providing me for years together. I realised what my organisation was giving to me over and above salary and perks. It gave me an address which I can proudly refer to anybody, without which I am nothing.


have retired from bank, of my own choice on 22nd November 2014. Unlike many others, I had no tension or sentimental feelings before or after leaving the institution, which I have served for more than 35 years. My friends and well-wishers enquired about my feelings immediately after the retirement. I felt myself proud that the pace of retirement have passed through without any tension or hurt feelings. A few days later, I was travelling in a train

to Cochin. As is my habit, I engaged in conversation with fellow passengers. My one co-passenger introduced him giving his visiting card proudly telling the organisation he belongs. For a moment, I was embarrassed and confused as to how to react back. I introduced myself with a feeling of guilt that I am an AGM of Bank of India, even though I retired as a Chief Manager. A few days thereafter, the incident repeated. This time I was amongst a few young guys including a few from the fair sex. They introduced themselves as executives of Techno Park Cochin. This time I introduced myself as a person retired from Bank. The remaining period of my journey was so horrible. They started referring me among themselves as old man, and the young boys and girls started calling me ‘uncle”. Despite my coloured hair, creamed facial face was useless for a few moments. I was chilled rather freezed, when the young girls while alighting from the train wished me by calling “See you veliappa”(which means bye grand old uncle). I realised what my great organisation was providing me for years together. I realised what my organisation was giving to me over and above salary and perks. It gave me an address which I can proudly refer to anybody, without which I am nothing. “Who am I? An introduction only with name has little relevance. After all it is only a name. Yes! I am only a name till such time I get re-incarnation in some

new avatar. Thank you Bank of India. There is a silver line in the cloud. I got back my name. I joined the organisation with a name K.V. Narayanan Namboodiri. During the course of time, when I put my name at various places, with surname first, middle name, first name, second name, etc. etc, I am reduced to Namboodiri K. Narayan at the time of my retirement. A Few letters were lost. Still horrible was that my executives while writing me DO letters used to address me as Lambodiri, Dhambodiri, Kunamboodiri. If the DO letter was in Hindi, it was so horrible and sometime unparlimentary too. Now I am back as K V Narayanan Namboodiri. I got my name back. The importance of spelling others name was made known to me, when recently, in Hindu newspaper (corrections and clarifications) gave a correction of a name printed in previous day’s news. They apologised for printing a name as Deepak Mishra instead of Dipak Mishra. In that case, my executives owe a lot of apologies to me. Once again, thank you Bank of India.

K V Narayanan Namboodri

Retd. CM


March 2015


Knowledge Plus

Viswanath Inguva Asst.Gen.Mgr (Retd) Ex-Principal,STC, Chennai

All of us wear masks in our life and desire to make that mask permanent. With effort, we can certainly eliminate maladaptive personality traits and inculcate new ones. However, you cannot buy yourself a new personality, even on e-Bay.



he word 'personality' comes from the Latin ' persona' which means mask. Children enjoy playing with masks. And the more grotesque the mask, the greater is the thrill. Their amusement springs from knowing that the masks are different from them. They are immune to aberrations of masks. A person is an amalgam of matter and spirit. Body, mind and intellect are matter. That which breathes life into the inert matter is the spirit, the real YOU. Layers of matter make up the mask. A large numbers of people (mostly urban) are unhappy with their personalities and are more than willing to shell out good amount of money to trade their existing personality with a latest model by undertaking a “personality development programme”.



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To cater to this desire, a lot of “centres” have mushroomed in recent times offering to transform the personalities of young men and women in the country. These range from dinky one room affairs to lavish five-star facilities -“personality development centres”. What is the modus operandi of these centres for accomplishing what they promised? Many of these programmes had to do with polishing an individual’s presentation to the world, they wear, improving the mask by enhancing grooming, styling, etiquette, conversational skills, socialization skills, decision-making skills, public speaking, body language, voice modulation, and so on. It is a debatable point whether they actually work or not. Let us understand the term personality. This term is used (and frequently misused) in many different ways. We have people with “pleasing personalities”. Flamboyant people have “colourful personalities” (flamboyant), “retiring personalities” (shy), “good personalities” (attractive), “colourless personalities” (bland) etc.. Thousands of people like to believe that they or others around them are “split personalities”. And many more speak of “clash of personalities” when they cannot get along with some others. Official definition of the American Psychiatric Association describes personality as “the unique psychological qualities of an individual that influence a variety of characteristic behaviour patterns (both overt and covert) across different situations and over time”. These psychological qualities are manifested as “personality traits” that are defined as “enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wide range of social and personal contexts”.

A more home-grown definition of personality would be something like, “It’s who I think I am, and who others think I am”. As may be evident, the term personality really refers to a set of consistently extant thoughts, beliefs and perceptions in our minds, that together result in a relatively stable pattern of behaviour that distinguishes us from the next person. What is implicit in this definition is that one’s personality traits don’t change from one day to the next.

and combinations of these five.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we are unlikely to change over time. We most certainly are, and most certainly do, based on the life experiences we accumulate. But, many personality theorists believe that only “surface traits” are amenable to change and our “core traits” remain unaffected by our life experiences - which probably explains why the personality development programmes referred to earlier, seem to focus on providing their trainees the skills and tools with which to re-sculpt their surface traits.

4. some people have severely maladaptive personality traits (personality disorders) which are notoriously difficult to change;

Personality theorists existed right from the days of Charaka (3rd century BC) and Hippocrates (4th century BC). Recent theorists are Sir Francis Galton (1884) Gordon Allport (1936) Raymond Cattell (1940) Ernest Tupes & Raymond Crystal (1961) Walter Norman (1963) and Goldberg (1993). These theorists have been obsessed with classifying people into personality types, and put in place countless classificatory systems. The common elements of all of these systems are that certain sets of consistently coexisting traits manifest into certain distinctive and inexorable personality types that all human beings in this world could be fitted into. Current thinking seems to favour the idea of personality dimensions (often referred to as Goldberg’s Five Factor Model: OCEAN - Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism) and an individual’s personality is said to be derived from the possible permutations

If we consolidate all the research on the subject, we can draw six conclusions: 1. some personality traits are related to genes and hard-wiring and others to life experiences and learning; 2. core traits are more resistant to change than surface traits; 3. apparently contradictory personality traits can exist in the same individual;

5. some specific personality traits are associated with certain illnesses of both mind and body; and 6. One’s personality is fully formed only around 30 years of age. Now, coming back to the issue we started

“surface traits” are amenable to change and our “core traits” remain unaffected off with, can we makeover our personality or are we pretty much stuck with what we were born with? Clinical experience does confirm that even what were considered fundamental personality traits do change over time, and one commonly hears of former introverts becoming extroverted, risk-takers becoming risk-averse and emotionally inexpressive people becoming emotionally intimate in later life. Even if the overall personality remains relatively constant, we can certainly eliminate maladaptive personality traits and inculcate new ones, but only over time and with much mindful introspection, self-awareness and sustained conscious endeavor. Therefore, basically you simply cannot buy yourself a new personality, even on e-Bay.


March 2015


£¸ ¸ž¸¸«¸¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸¿ / Rajbhasha Activities

›¸£¸ˆÅ¸¬¸ (¤¸ÿˆÅ), ›¸¸Š¸œ¸º£ ˆÅ¸½ ¨¸«¸Ä 2013-14 Ÿ¸Ê £¸ ¸ž¸¸«¸¸ „÷ˆ¼Å«’ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ `¢×÷¸ú¡¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£' œÏ¸œ÷¸ íº‚¸— ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£, Š¸¼í Ÿ¸¿°¸¸¥¸¡¸, £¸ ¸ž¸¸«¸¸ ¢¨¸ž¸¸Š¸ ˆÅú ¬¸¢ ¸¨¸ ªúŸ¸÷¸ú ¬›¸½í ¥¸÷¸¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£, ¬¸¿¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¬¸¢ ¸¨¸ ªúŸ¸÷¸ú œ¸»›¸Ÿ¸ ¸º›¸½ ¸¸ ¬¸½ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ŠÏíµ¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ‚¸.œÏ. ªú œ¸ú ¸ú ž¸Š¸¨¸÷¸¨¸¸£ ‡¨¸¿ œÏŸ¸¸µ¸ œ¸°¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ¨¸¢£.œÏ. ªú £Ÿ¸½©¸ ¬¸¸‰¸£½ Š¸ Žú—

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March 2015


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ife is all about relationships But, can one fall back upon Someone Forever For all the caring and sharing?

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It is never static Roles are reversed, New relationships made, Old ones broken, (mental) stances retaken! Mutuality and reciprocality always being redefined Going along the drama That is called life! For, intensify of relationships is never the same!!

Vijay Verma Ranchi Zone


March 2015


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View Point

“People are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used, but today people are being used and things are being loved ". Think about it and bring the change within you.

Necessities of life have changed


eople in this world are engaged in some or the other work. Some work because they are willing to work and some work because they are being forced to work and they are not given any second option. Today everyone wants to become rich, everyone wants to make lots and lots of money in order to have what they desire, in this situation they forget they will only get what they deserve and not what they desire. In today's world the necessities of our lives have changed. Earlier elders used to say that the main necessity of life is only Food, Clothing and Shelter and they were enjoying working or rather they loved what they did to earn those necessities, but today this all has changed . Today the list of necessities is never ending. It starts from the earlier ones like food, clothing and shelter but some more additions have been done like Mobile phones, television, computer or laptops, car or bike. These all have become our necessities today and to fulfil them all these people are forced to work. Take for instance the poor people. They don't have food, proper clothing and shelter. So in order to help them they should be provided with these basic things but look at our government instead of providing the basics they are giving them free mobile phones with 200 mins free talking. What is wrong with the government? The poor guy doesn’t have anything to eat or wear but he should have a phone to talk to people. This is what has changed in our society today.

Why can't we live a simple and peaceful life? Why have we made our lives so complicated? The answer to all these things are embedded in the thinking of our so called modern society where even if you don't have a proper place to live but you should have an expensive mobile phone in your hand, even if you don't have any knowledge about different bank accounts but you should have an active Facebook account, twitter account, an email account. These all things have made our lives so complicated and stressful. Earlier people used to have only landline phones and they were happy with it and they used to communicate well with relatives and friends. But now days even if your have an expensive phone in your hand you don't have time to talk to your family and friends. We know that with the advancement in technology, we should also change but just keep one thing in mind that change should be such that it is for our betterment and for societty's betterment and not for the whole and sole betterment of the maker of the technology. Use new gadgets, no one will stop you but don't get addicted to it because in future it will cause damage to you and your family.

Rijul Mahajan

Planning Department Zonal Office, Ludhiana


March 2015


¢©¸®¸µ¸ - œÏ¢©¸®¸µ¸ / Training

The Sun is a star


he Sun is a star When I was first told, I thought my teacher Had gotten really old

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And that he should retire. I was about to say, To my science teacher To call it a day The Earth is a ball When I began to find This so obvious fact Really intrigued my mind There’s no one in my closet Babies are not brought by storks The idea that Santa is real Is actually a hoax.

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All of this knowledge That comes with old age Is vitally nothing But merely a cage A cage that bars us from wonder And constraints our very world-view We need to become a child completely To look at this world, askew The child who sees the world As a room with a thousand doors Somewhere in a forgotten corner Is there in you too, I’m sure.

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cee®e& 2015

Samuel A Davidson S/o Mrs. K P Kumar Chandigarh Main Branch


¨¸¸í ! ¤¸ ¸¸½ / Wah! Bachho

¤¸š¸¸ƒÄ / Congratulations

ªú ¸Š¸œÏú÷¸ ¬¸ºœ¸º°¸ ªú ¢Š¸£ú©¸ ¸ŠŠ¸ú ‚£½£¸ ¢í¥¬¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ’ú œ¸¨¸ƒÄ (Ÿ¸º¿¤¸ƒÄ) Ÿ¸Ê ‚¸¡¸¸½¢ ¸÷¸ ‚¢‰¸¥¸ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ’ú í¸¬¡¸ ¨¡¸¿Š¸ œÏ¢÷¸¡¸¸½¢Š¸÷¸¸ `œÏ˜¸Ÿ¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£' ¬¸ºªú ¨¸½¢™ˆÅ¸ ¬¸ºœ¸º°¸ú ªú ¢¨¸›¸¡¸ ¨¸Ÿ¸¸Ä ‚¸.ˆÅ¸. ž¸¸½œ¸¸¥¸ 60¨¸ú¿ ‡¬¸ ¸ú‡ûÅ‚¸ƒÄ £¸ ¡¸ ¬÷¸£ú¡¸ ‡¨¸¿ £¸«’ïú¡¸ £¬¬¸úˆ»Å™ œÏ¢÷¸¡¸¸½¢Š¸÷¸¸ 3 ¬¨¸µ¸Ä œ¸™ˆÅ ¨¸ 2 £ ¸÷¸ œ¸™ˆÅ—

Hon’ble Union Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar felicitating Shri J A M Barreto, Senior Manager, Patto Plaza Branch for his outstanding social service in State of Goa at Azad Bhawan Porvorim Goa.

Shri Kailash Chouhan HRD, HO MBA (Finance)

¢ ¸¢Š¸©¸¸ ¬¸ºœ¸º°¸ú ªú ‡›¸ ¤¸ú ¸¡¸¬¸¨¸¸¥¸ ©¸¸íú¤¸¸Š¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ‚ퟸ™¸¤¸¸™ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ ¤¸úƒÄ (¢¬¸¢¨¸¥¸) -Š¸¸½¥” Ÿ¸½¢”¥¸¬’

Akshara D/o. Shri D M Thakur AGM SME-RBC, Ranchi BE (Bio Medical ) Mumbai University

¸Ÿ¸¸£¸¢©¸ ¬¸¿ŠÏíµ¸

ªú ¬¸º£½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ £¸ƒÄ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ¸¿”úŠ¸ õ ‚¿ ¸¥¸ (25.21 ˆÅ£¸½”)

Shri Vikas Kumar Finance Executive SME Ranchi, CA

Ms. Sweta Kerala Zone CAIIB


ªú ”¸½Ÿ¸›¸ ¸¸¾š¸£ú ‚£¨¸¥¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, œ¸’›¸¸ ‚ ¸¿¥¸

Shri Somashekhar Gurumurthy Kerala Zone Shri Mukund Mirashi Dip in Home Loan Advising, Comp. Dept., HO Certificate in Trade Finance, Dip. in Home Loan NISM VI & V Advising

„œ¸¡¸ÄºÆ÷¸ ¬’¸ûÅ-¬¸™¬¡¸ ›¸½ ¬¸¸½›¸½- ¸¸¿™ú ˆ½Å ‚¸ž¸»«¸µ¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ ›¸ˆÅ™ú/‚›¡¸ Ÿ¸»¥¡¸¨¸¸›¸ ¬¸¸Ÿ¸ŠÏú ©¸¸‰¸¸ œ¸¢£¬¸£ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸”õ½ íº‡/‚¢÷¸¢£Æ÷¸ œ¸¸‡ ‚¸¾£ ƒ›¸ Ÿ¸»¥¡¸¨¸¸›¸ ¨¸¬÷¸º‚¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ¥¸¸¾’¸ˆÅ£ ‚œ¸›¸ú ƒÄŸ¸¸›¸™¸£ú ˆÅ¸ œ¸¢£ ¸¡¸ ¢™¡¸¸ - ¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅ


March 2015


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You said it...

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With your latest issue Dec, 2014 devoted to information security, you have done a wonderful job of creating awareness on this very important subject as many have been victims of ‘phishing’ and lost their hard earned money. The important factor of keeping secret of password and other such steps to be taken to safeguard own interests, like not singing a blank Cheque. With advancement of technology, efforts taken by banks to provide better, quicker and economical customers service should not affect due to negligence of user by not taking proper care. Therefore, all the related articles are quite topical, timely and useful. S N Surkund Ex.AGM, Union Bank of India.

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Cover page photo: CMD Smt. V R Iyer inaugurating ‘Annual Business Meet’ of General Managers’ and Zonal Managers’ held at Mumbai along with EDs Shri B P Sharma, Shri Arun Shrivastava, Shri R P Marathe & GM (CFO) Shri Anant Upadhyay.

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