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by Myles

Table of contents 1. Different Types of snakes 2. Diagram of a snake 3. Body parts of a snake 4. What do snakes eat? 5. Snakes skin 6. Glossary

Difrent Types of Snakes There are many types of snakes. There are snakes that are big. There are snakes that have difrent colur. There are snakes that have difrent skin. There are snakes that live in difrent places. There are snakes that swim in water. There are snakes that have poison. There are snakes that don’t have poison. There are snakes that have fangs. And also there are snakes that have rattles. Snakes are reptiles. When snakes are hungry. They look for prey. When the snake is close to the prey the snake strikes the prey. Or if it’s a big snakes. The snake rapes the prey. Cobras spit venom and if a human stands close to a cobra. The cobras fangs come out. Did you know that when snakes open there mouth. You don’t see the teeth. But then the snakes teeth comes down fast! Because snakes teeth hide when they open there mouth, then the teeth comes down. But when snakes shut there mouth there teeth comes back down. Snakes are born from eggs some snakes give birth. Snakes are cold blooded all reptiles are cold blooded exept for birds. Snakes could smell where the prey has bin. There are

female and male snakes. Sometimes when there are two male snakes that meat each other. And theres one female snake the male snakes fight for the female snake And if one of the males lose the other male wins.

Diagram of a Snake

Body Parts of a Snake There are many parts of a snake. There are fangs, eyes,nostrils,teeth,rattles,tale and the togue. Did you know there is poison inside a snakes teeth. The poison is from a sac that’s full of poison its cold a poison sac. Did you know that snakes could play dead that means to pretend to be dead. And there are snakes that eat eggs there cold mouth eating snakes. Snakes cant make there own body heat. They could control there temperature by moving to sun to shade.

What do snakes eat? Snakes could eat big things like a fish and many kinds of animals exept very big tall animals. A big snake could eat a baby and little kids.There are snakes that eat eggs. Snakes eat rats, frogs, boars,fish and rabbits. But poisonos snakes don’t eat. They bite. They bite to get the poison inside humans or animmals it could happen to babys,little kids,teenagers and humans. You could die by a poisonos snake it takes time for you to die by the poison like one hour.

Snakes Skin Snakes shed there skin as they grow. Adult snakes shed there skin ones a year. That’s why baby snakes grow fast. Snakes skin is camaflog. Its like you cant even see them.Thats how snakes could kill prey. When snakes did not shed there skin yet and there skin is old snakes cant see well they just stop then they shed there skin now the snake has new skin. Snakes skin could have patterns and colurs. Snakes are almost every ware on earth. Snakes have trouble isite when things. When there are baby snakes and one mother snake. Each baby snake gets protected by a sac or a bag. A snake could warm its self by going to caves and under ground. Snakes do not live in Ireland,iceland and Newzeland.

Glossary Fangs- Its a body part of a type of snake. two teeth that are in front of the snakes mouth. Rattles- Its on a type of snakes tale. Prey- A prey is an animals that gets eaten. Venom-Venom is poison from a snakes teeth. Cold blooded-Cold blooded means that a reptile could control its temperature by moving places. Shed-Another word for mold.

About the Author Hey my name is Myles Angelo Greenwood. I am 8 years old. I chosed this topic because my brother is really intrested in snakes. So I chosed this topic because I want to supries my brother and my dad. I live in west wood green. My favorite color is red.I am in 3rd grade. my favorite sports are soccer and dodge ball. My favorite animmal is sharks.

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