Trees clement

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Trees by Clement Tsao


Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents...2 2. What do Trees do...3 3. How to Plant a Tree and How a Tree Grows...4 4. All kinds of trees...5,6 5. Ways trees are dieing...7,8 6. How do we save trees...9 7.Why should we save trees...10 8. About the Aother...11 9. Glossary...12


What do Trees do Trees have been on earth for a long time they make a good habitat and good food for animals and let them live. With trees animals can eat the

This is a pictcher of a forest

fruits on the trees or eat the leave on a tree but some animals don’t eat leaves, fruits or grass but with trees they can find other animals to eat. But if a another animal eats a animal it is okay for them because some animals are born to eat other animals they need them to live. Animals also need trees to breath they give of oxsagan for all of the living things to breath. They give oxsagan by taking water and cabrandieoxsad from the air and use the sun light to make it into oxsagan to let us breath. 3

How to Plant a Tree and How a Tree Grows Its easy to plant a tree. Like all other plants they all need a seed to grow but you need to choose carefully which tree you chose because some trees are too big or it mit take Seeds are what

a long time to grow. You plant a tree by putting a seed in the dirt and water it. But be shore to plant it in soft dirt if you don’t do that the seed can’t come out and it will die

plants come from

but don’t forget you can’t give the seed too mach water or the seed will droed and the seed can’t have too mach sunlight if that happens the plant will die. A tree grows like this, when the seed opens it will slowly pop out and stretch out the roots. Then it will very very slowly grow bigger and bigger until it grows leaves and get its wood and start growing bigger agin until it is a folly groan tree.


All Kinds of Trees There are many kinds of trees but these are some of them oaks, pines, maple, birch and red

this is a oak tree

wood. There are a lot more but it will take a very long time to know them all. Oaks is a tree that have rough bark that protects the tree from attacks. All oak trees produce hard nuts called acorn. In a acorn there is a seed that will grow into a oak tree. But some seeds don’t survive they mit get eaten by other animals and they will never

This is a pine tree

tarn in to a tree. The next kind of tree is a pine tree. Pine trees are evergreen conifers that can grow to 10 feet to more then 100 feet. Pine trees have thin needles for leaves 5

that can hart a lot if you get pock by it. This is a pine needle

And the other tree I talk about is the maple tree. They are type of tree that grows to 15 to 50 feet in the air. Smell fourls grow on the tree in the in the early spring time.

This is a maple

The last tree type is the red wood this tree can grow to a hight of 360 feet and their trunk is 35 feet or more in diameter. They are the tallest tree

This is a red wood tree

type in the world .


How Trees are Dieing There are a few way trees are dieing and I will tell you how they are dieing and who is doing this. The first thing that is causing trees to die is that people are cutting down trees for wood and paper. They are doing this to get money because people like money. They are also doing this because they think that there are a lot of tree and it dose not mater if a few trees die. But every day there is a lot of trees dieing and no one cares. Only about haft of the people on earth sill care about trees and only some of them are trying to stop the people that are cutting down the trees. Another way trees are dieing is that forest fires are happening all around the world. Some

This is deforestion

forest fire are cause by lightning and that is not our fot. But some forest fires are cause by people throghing 7

used socking srats in the forests to cause forest fires. The other forest fires are cause by people setting fire to forests on perpus to clear land for house and farms and killing over 900 trees at ones and it even kills all the animals living in that forest and ursly killing is agens the law but that law only a ply to humans not other living things and I think that is super unfire and mean and some one needs to stop them.


How do we Save Trees There are a few ways to

This is a person cutting down a tree

save tree and to day I am going to tell you what they are. The first one is to stop using a lot of paper and to make other people do the same things. The next thing is to convents as many people as possaple to not cut down trees. The third thing you should do to save trees is to be careful that not any fires get in forest unless it is for camping but even if it is for camping still be careful. And that is about all the things you should do.


Why Should we Save Trees There are a lot of ronsons to save trees because trees are so inporten to the world so all of us should save them. The first reson is that trees make oxsagen and with no oxsagan there will be too mach cabrendieoxside and the air will be to bad for us to breath and

This is what a forest fire looks like

all of us will die. The next reson is if there is no more tree there will be no tree roots and with out tree roots and the rain come and the soil will be washed all way and there will be no soil for trees, grass,flores and plants for the animals

dirt wash away place.

to eat and the animal that eat the animal that eat plants will die too.


About the Author I am Clement Tsao. I am 8 years old I live in Shanghai. I wrote this book because I like trees and the air is relly bad and people are cutting down trees very fast and tree make air. So I wish you can make pollution better here by liking trees.


Glossary Habitat: A place things live. Oxsagan: Good air. Cabrandieoxsad: bad air. Produce: make. survive:live convents:tell and make them belevie pollution: bad air in a place


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