Annual General Meeting 2015 An Associated University Hospital of Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Welcome and overview Alan McCarthy Chair
Agenda 6pm
Alan McCarthy Chair
Our year
Michael Wilson Chief executive
Annual accounts
Paul Simpson Chief finance officer
Clinically led: Children’s team – inpatient and day case survey
Joanne Farrell Matron Dr Catherine Greenaway Consultant paediatrician and clinical lead for paediatrics
Chaired by Alan McCarthy
Alan McCarthy
Refreshments The Atrium
Overview Recognition of improvement: • Care Quality Commission • Foundation Trust application • Virginia Mason
Delivered on plans eg: • St Luke's Radiotherapy Centre • Lane Fox REMEO Respiratory Centre • Earlswood Diabetes and Endocrine Centre
Maintaining sustainability:
• Clinical • Financial
Welcome – governors and members
Members – target of 9,000, currently 10,200
28 Governors, including: Public Patient Staff Nominated governors from our partner organisations
Our year Michael Wilson Chief executive
Developing our Trust Our people Clinically led – positive impact on the people we care for Succeeded in meeting clinical standards and delivering high quality care
Learning and education opportunities – enables our staff to grow their knowledge and skills
Positive patient experience National staff survey – rated us in the top 20% of Trusts for motivation and as a place to work
Support of over 200 volunteers and the Friends of East Surrey Hospital
Developing our Trust CQC Building on our plans Our priority – focus on excellence Rated as one of the safest hospitals in the country Engaged staff – we know we have a really engaged workforce
Direct impact on patient experience Friends and Family Test – consistently the best in the region
Patient Opinion and Your Care Matters – giving patients a range of feedback options
Developing our hospital Built four new theatres and refurbished six theatres – part of £14million theatre development project. We have ten theatres at East Surrey Hospital along with four theatres at our day surgery unit at Crawley Hospital Built two new wards – Capel Annexe and Tilgate Annexe providing more beds and flexibility to care for patients Developed our patient car park – providing more parking spaces for patients and visitors Opened The Earlswood Centre – hub for diabetes and endocrine care
SASH Charity – re-launched to focus on proactive fundraising to invest in enhancing patient care In 2014-15 funds have been spent on additional resourcing to care for our elderly patients – including both a dementia nurse and falls nurse
Developing our health campus 2014-15
East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre
Developing our health campus 2015-16: continuing to develop range of care for local people
Our quality Patient safety
Clinical effectiveness
0 MRSA and 24 C Diff Serious incident closure backlog addressed Falls - number of patients who suffered major harms has decreased by 21%
Standardised Hospital Mortality Index of 93.07 Re-admissions – negative outlier but data issues JAG Accreditation (endoscopy)
Well led Clinical leadership programmes Nurse recruitment Patient safety committee
Emergency Department– consistent delivery Referral to treatment (RTT) – Achieved although some specialty challenges Diagnostics – Achieved Cancer – Achieved
No mixed sex breaches Children’s inpatient survey Your Care Matters expanding and driving change
Our culture
• Dignity and respect • One team • Compassion • Safety and quality
ďƒźVoted one of the Top 120 Best Places to Work
Slide 15
Virginia Mason Institute Development Programme Ambitious development programme – part of new initiative launched by Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health SASH selected as one of just five NHS Trusts in the country Led by clinicians and leaders from the Virginia Mason Institute Virginia Mason Hospital: USA’s ‘Hospital of the Decade’ Virginia Mason clinicians and leaders will mentor and work with SASH leaders and teams to teach and share principles and systems to help us to continue to improve patient safety and experience Virginia Mason Production System(VPMS) is a leader in setting patient care quality standards in the US Competitive application process – including site Action for leaders: visit and presentation following shortlisting Update team
Annual accounts Paul Simpson Chief finance officer
Financial performance
Trust costs Reference costs
index value
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
116 95 86 94 97 89 92 92
• Reference costs (average unit cost per patient treated compared to all other trusts) are translated into an index where 100 is the ‘average’
• SaSH is treating more patients and investing in services while keeping its reference cost better than average.
• Each year the Trust must deliver a minimum 4% efficiency gain to stand still
Financial plan • Aligning money and quality • In fourth year of plan • NHS financial climate has changed significantly
Clinically led Children’s team – inpatient and day case survey Joanne Farrell Matron Dr Catherine Greenaway Consultant paediatrician and clinical lead for paediatrics
Clinically led In 2014-15 the children’s team provided 37,109 outpatient appointments for children and young people
There were 9,734 inpatient admissions On average 4,500 babies are delivered each year Child assessment unit saw 5,648 patients in 2014-15 Team includes paediatricians with specialist interests and specialist nurses and therapists
We have a 30 bed children’s ward – Outwood with 23 acute beds, including three oncology cubicles and five beds for adolescents
Neonatal service - 20 cots. Caring for pre-term babies from 27 weeks and sick full-term babies
National children and young people’s inpatient and day case survey
Survey focused on young patients who were admitted to hospital as inpatients or for treatment as day case patients
137 acute and specialist NHS Trusts across England participated
Received feedback about the care of nearly 19,000 young patients
Survey – the details •
A total of 300 children - who were inpatients or day cases during July, August and September 2014
Split between the following categories: • All parents and carers (0-15yrs) • Children and young people (8-15yrs) • Parents and carers (0-7yrs)
Children and young people’s views
Parent and carer views Areas where we were rated better than other trusts
Parents and carers of 0 to 7 year olds said: • Their child was well looked after by hospital staff • Staff treated them with respect and dignity All parents and carers said: • Staff asked if they had any questions about their child's • •
care They were given written information about their child's condition or treatment to take home 94% of parents and carers agreed that their child’s experience had been positive “Absolutely outstanding care from the moment we walked through the door – could not have asked for more.”
Overall experience
Survey - feedback Overall experience was overwhelmingly positive when compared to the national data and shows us to be the best performing acute Trust in our region We will continue to develop and improve the high quality care we provide
“Staff on the children’s ward are a credit to the NHS – friendly, knowledgeable and dedicated.”
“I really liked how friendly the nurses were. The doctors were very clear about what is going to happen and what I should do.”
“My daughter was really well looked after from the minute we got to A&E everything was explained throughout her stay in A&E and on the ward.”
Thank you – any questions?
Alan McCarthy Chair