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Plinth Facade


Principles of plinth facade: • T h e f a c a d e s s h o u l d e n f o r c e th e q u a l i ty o f th e public domain in the center of the ZIL peninsula; the facades should contribute to lively character of the boulevard; • T h e a r c h i te c tu r a l e x p r e s s i o n o f th e f a c a d e s should relate to the expressive architectural heritage of the Vesnin brothers present on site; • T h e a r c h i te c tu r a l e x p r e s s i o n o f th e f a c a d e s should contribute to the public character of the functions that are accommodated in the stylobate. • T h e f a ç a d e s c r e a te a n a ttr a c ti v e p u b l i c d o m a i n along the boulevard by means of majestic colonnades, nicely recessed entrances and pleasant proportions; • The composition of the facades should contain different functions in a self-evident manner; • The materiality of the stylobate facades should be of high-quality and should age in a dignified manner.




The Green River is a common strategic masterplan for all the industrial areas, connecting Losiny Ostrov to the Bitsa Park with a cascade of small parks and gardens. The ecological path will create a unique oppor tunity for alternative modes of transpor tation and for pedestrian traf fic; improve the city’s connectedness; and will become a key element of environmental and transpor t infrastructure.




MARCHI YEAR 2008 STATUS diploma project PROGRAM research, strategical masterplan TUTORS Y. G rigoryan, A. Pavlova STUDENTS E. Uglovskaya, A. Koptelova, S. Nebotov, D. Nikishin, T. Kornienko. A. Navasardyan, A. Sandu, K. Vasilyeva


Diploma project within the group research of "G reen River"


A large-scale project with simple realization: linking the masterplans of all the reconstructed industrial areas with a single pedestrian boulevard (a linear park) stretching from nor th to south, raising the percentage of green landscaped area and reducing the density of development.

The study is carried out in the framework of my diploma in MARCHI, became a star ting point for fur ther studies of the city - "Inventor y of Moscow", "Archaeology of the peripher y" - and for par ticipation in two contests ZIL and development of areas adjacent to the Moscow River.

Green river - the system of parks, connecting two major green spaces

' The focus on peripher y is crucial for Moscow and Russian audience and stands out in the international context. Moscow is one of the best examples of concentric development. During the twentieth centur y its border gradually moved away from its historic core, adding new territories and creating an encircling hierarchy of spaces from city neighborhoods and suburbs to the district centres of adjacent areas. Super centralization of the radial structure of Moscow, the explosive grow th in the twentieth centur y, the small size of the historic centre with its great significance for the city and the countr y – this is what makes it relevant and necessar y to explore the potential of this development beyond the centre. It is impor tant to mention, that for us development of a territor y in no case equals new construction.' Yur y Grigor yan

The substitution of industrial areas to green ones

All the cultural centers in Moscow are concentrated within the limits of the Garden ring. On the basis of the general concept “The green river� - park on a place of liquidation of large industrial zones which penetrates all Moscow from the Nor th from Losinii ostrov park to the south, up to Bitcevskiy woods, the new center in Nagatino flood-land was generated. For its development and dispersal of the existing cultural and public center of Moscow I developed the project of a museum which will be some kind of a magnet. The scale of a building is caused it Sign place. Owing to the scale the building will be a dominant visible from opposite and adjoining coast of Moscow-river. Green river view from above

The center of the modern ar t on Southpor t quay

Roof view of the center of the modern art

THE CENTER OF THE MODERN ART ON SOUTH-P ORT QUAY. This project is located in territor y of Southern por t. The site of 18 hectares settles down directly on South-por t quay, along a coastal line. All territor y of projected quay is an open public space. The building settles down on a place of crossing “The green river” and one of the widest places of Moscow-river. The museum consists of a underground and elevated par t. The elevated par t represents a building in the form of trefoil, towering above the ground. The central par t of a museum leans on the ground, its wings are the consoles rising above the ground on height up to 15m and length of about 80m. They lean on monolithic suppor t. One of wings leaves directly to Moscow-river, another reaches along park , and the third specifies on “The Green river”. The underground par t is original a suppor t for a museum in which there are all additional technical and administrative premises, of fices, funds, master ful, and as a parking, a media librar y, Librar y and lecture hall. Practically all elevated par ts are allocated under exhibitions, with huge open spaces for installations. with atrium in the middle with the main ladder leading from foyer on the maintained roof. The roof of a building represents original Park of sculptures, with a canopy on which lanterns settle down, for par tial illumination of exhibition facilities. The facade of a building consists from joints of the trapezoid form, on which solar batteries are installed that allows a building to save the electric power and to develop it's own one. Par tially these joints have small piersings of insignificant diameter for the llumination of internal space.

Plans, sections and structural elements of the building

Photos of the model




LOCATION Moscow region, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2011-2013 PROGRAM masterplan, urban development AREA 440 ha CLIENT "Skolkovo" foundation STATUS under construction STAGES CD, SD, DD

RESPONCIBILIT Y Project management of all districts and design coordination between OMA, Herzog and de Meuron, SANAA, AREP Ville, Michel Desvigne, Stefano Boeri Architetti, David Chipperfield Architects, Mohsen Mostafavi, Valode and Pistre architects and the client.


Skolkovo overall masterplan was developed by AREP. The Urban Concept is a necklace of distinct districts, arranged along a Boulevard, spanning throughout the whole length of the city. This scheme is a base for the fur ther urban planning of the separate districts by the District Curators. - D1 Residential zone - David Chipperfield Architects, SPEECH - D2 Technopark - Valode and Pistre architects, Mohsen Mostafavi - D3 University - Herzog de Meuron - D4 Residential zone - Stefano Boeri Architetti, MEGANOM - Z1 Central zone - OMA , SANA A - Z2 Landscape zone - Michel Desvigne The Districts are mixed use developments with a primar y program element defining their character. Each planning District within the Skolkovo Innovation Center should have the capacity and ability to operate as an independent community, while at the same time form an integral and inseparable element within the overall master plan. The landscape concept for the city, developed by Michel Desvigne (MDP), is for preser ving maximum of the existing topography, water and green and enhancing these fundamental natural features with new landscape elements. The existing and added par ts will blend into a new whole, specific and adapted to the urban development yet continuing the existing natural scape.

One of the main goals of the development is a new urban environment of high comfor t which will stimulate creativity and direct exchange between education, science and business. This aim would be met through four main objectives, summarised in the 4E City Concept: Ecology, Energy, Ergonomics and Economic Ef ficiency. Ecology objective: the city should have zero impact on the climate. - Water and air should remain clean; - Waste should be recycled and conver ted into resources; - The green should be cared for and planting increased; Energy objective: renunciation of use of energy derived from non-renewable external sources. - Buildings, utilities and urban systems should be energy ef ficient; - Alternative sources of energy should be continually introduced; Ergonomics objective: the city should be friendly to its inhabitants and guests. - The city should exist as a strong community and encourage stable social connections; - Ser vices system and traf fic infrastructure should ensure maximum comfor t; - The urban environment should foster atmosphere of creativity; Economic ef ficiency objective: the city economy should have sustainable grow th without increase in resources consumption. - Environment favourable to investments should be created; - Ef ficient use of all the city’s resources, including buildings, ser vices and their capacities.

The Skolkovo Innovation Center, also known as the Russian Silicon Valley, is a key Russian development project: a 440 hectare technology business area planned at Skolkovo, near Moscow, Russia. The strategic goal of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre is to concentrate international intellectual capital, thereby stimulating the development of break-through projects and technologies. The masterplan is designed to at once reflect and encourage innovation, providing places to refresh and inspire the minds of the people living and working within Skolkovo.



Masterplan development schemes

Boulevard connecting all the districts

Boulevard scheme

Greenery and density scheme

The plan for the Innovation Centre is a development and rethink of the traditional town planning concepts of a linear city and the new urbanism. Skolkovo is being designed as a chain of compact districts integrated with the landscape, each of which has ever y thing needed for life and work , which are interlinked and at the same time possess their own individuality. The linking transparent and conceptual axis is the Central Boulevard, which passes through all the districts. The city has been planned with a network of parks and other public spaces, which create its cohesiveness and unique look. The internal structure of each district has been designed in such a way as to ensure the optimal distribution of housing and work zones and to of fer captivating views of nature and signature architectural features from any point in the city. A central zone is being created around the main square and connected with the main transpor t terminal, and this will be the site of a congress centre, hotels, cultural establishments and other public facilities that will attract visitors. The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology campus and the Technopark adjoin it from opposite sides. Each of these districts includes of fice and residential buildings.

D4 Residential zone district scheme

Fur ther down the boulevard are mixed-purpose quar ters where apar t from of fices for large and small technological companies there is also housing, ser vice businesses and places for leisure and meeting, ever y thing necessar y for life and work. The lowrise compact development creates a comfor table, well-appointed and attractive urban environment. The approaches to creating civil engineering and transpor t infrastructure that are embedded in the Skolkovo general plan stem from the requirement to ensure the long-term sustainable development of the site without an increase in resource consumption.

Located in a natural area 15km South West of central Moscow, the Skolkovo Innovation Center is an original concept at both Russian and International levels – a scientific and ecological cluster and a centre of excellence driving synergies between the teaching and research communities, their applications and their economic deployment. Skolkovo will feature a university campus, a star t-up enterprise zone, and a cluster of research laboratories and businesses. It will also have accommodation and a wealth of social and cultural amenities, providing all the facilities needed for faculty, researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs t o work and live on-site. The concept of the Skolkovo urban centre stands out for its overall organization into a cluster of “urban villages� with strong links to each other, and built on a series of natural balconies overlooking the valley of the Setun River. The town will enshrine the qualities of downtown neighborhoods that are dense, lively, and conducive to meeting and exchange. At the same time as it features all the attractions of a countr yside setting. All public spaces and built areas will be on a human scale in regards to both work and residential areas; as well as retail, cultural and leisure amenities. It will also benefit from good transpor tation links with Moscow. A sophisticated transpor t network , including a tramway and bus-only lanes will be built for getting around Skolkovo itself, while the emergence of more innovative transpor t modes will be encouraged. As a sustainable urban centre, Skolkovo will also focus on the use of renewable energy sources, co-generation and the conversion of waste into heat in systems designed for extreme climatic conditions.

Z1 Central zone - OMA, SANAA

D1 Residential zone - David Chipperfield Architects, SPEECH

D4 Residential zone - Stefano Boeri Architetti, MEGANOM

D2 Technopark - Valode Valode and Pistre architects, Mohsen & Pistre + Mohsen Mostafavi DISTRICT D2 Mostafavi



D3 University - Herzog de Meuron

If in the middle of the 20th centur y the AMO ZIL plant produced around 200 thousand cars per year, in 2011 less than a thousand cars rolled of f the assembly line. By the beginning of 2012 most of the workshops were empty and the plant’s debts were growing. During these years, the trend in Moscow for moving production outside the city boundaries was increasingly gaining momentum.




LOCATION Moscow, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2015-present PROGRAM masterplan, urban development AREA 231 ha CLIENT LSR G roup STATUS under construction STAGES CD, SD, DD, Author's Supervision

RESPONCIBILIT Y D e v elo p m e n t o f t h e m a s t e r pl a n o f t h e t e r r it o r y o f t h e fo r m e r i n d u s t r i al z o n e o f t h e Z IL pl a n t fr o m c o n c e p t o n al l s t a g e s a s g e n e r al d e sig n e r. D e v elo p i n g t h e d e sig n c o d e fo r a r c h it e c t s - B u r e a u A lex a n d e r B r o d s k y, S e r g ey S k u r a t o v, A sy m p t o t e, Tsi m a i lo Lya s h e n k o & P a r t n e r s, S p e e c h, N e u t el i n g s R i e d ijk, D N A a g, A lexey K o z yr, A n t o n B a r k lya n s k y, S e r g ey K i s ele v, D R O M, S v e s m i, W o w h a u s, B u r o m o s c o w, M L A+, N o w a d ay s, K le i n e w elt A r c h it e k t e n, W al l, Fa s(t), K o n t o r a a n d o t h e r s.


In the spring of 2012 an international architectural competition was held for the concept of the development of the territor y of AMO ZIL. It was proposed to design a new urban district in place of the industrial zone. The task determined the priority of functions: social infrastructure, housing, culture, education. Industrial production was par tly preser ved. Seventeen projects were submitted to the competition. Four of them passed the first selection stage: made by the Uberbau GBR (Germany), Valode&Pistre (France), Mecanoo Architecten (Netherlands) and Meganom (Russia). The Moscow based Meganom of fice for architecture’s winning project proposed creating in Moscow a district with priority given to public interests, new housing and a green zone. The program included the preser vation of fragments of historical buildings and the territor y’s general plan.

The ZIL reconstruction project suppor ted the idea of creating a “Green River” on the city map – a chain of natural spaces stretching continuously from the nor theast to the southwest of Moscow. The Green River and the main water way of Moscow – Moscow River – intersect in the center of the city, and the territor y of the ZIL plant is located at the intersection. The site has a triangular shape, with boundaries formed by the bend of the Moscow River and the South Por t harbor, so on the map of the city it looks like a peninsula. A framework of public spaces became the city planning foundation for the ZIL territor y. The framework ’s elements include parks, boulevards, streets and squares, new bridges, junctions, city roads, railway and river transpor t, pedestrian and cycle paths, cultural, health and education institutions. Constructions were proposed to be primarily of average height, with dominants in the form of several high-rise buildings. The main boulevard, a green street connecting various community centers and parks, became the axis of the general plan’s composition. The street follows the route of the boulevard designed by the Vesnins and their functional zoning concept in the 1930s: the creation of a green “city within a city” on the ZIL territor y. The proposed development of master plan covered the entire territor y of the former industrial zone of the ZIL plant. The developer of the ZIL territor y is the Russian company LSR Group, and at the end of 2014 design commenced for the first stage: the residential district in the nor thern section. Today the first buildings and a park have been constructed. The concept for the development of the southern par t of ZIL currently remains a work in progress.

The Moscow Automotive Society (AMO) plant was founded in 1916. The site for its construction was chosen in the Danilovsky district of Moscow, on a 300-hectare plot.

Masterplan of territory in 1934

Materplan in 1940's

In 1934, the well-known constructivist architects, the Vesnin brothers, were invited to par ticipate in the reconstruction of the plant. They became the authors of the general plan for the territor y and got several patents: in par ticular, in relation to the construction of the huge spans of the workshop roofs. In accordance with the Vesnins’ project, the territor y of the plant became a “city within a city”. The layout was subordinated to the plant’s main ar terial road, the boulevard, and the green streets perpendicular to it. A special architectural studio, “Promstroyproekt”, was subsequently created to expand the territor y, which included well-known Russian architects such as Konstantin Melnikov and Ivan Zholtovsky, as well as international exper ts and invited architects and engineers from the Alber t Kahn company. In 1956, the plant received the historical name “AMO ZIL” in honor of its director, Ivan Likhachev, who implemented the manufacture of cars on an assembly line for the first time in the USSR.

Historical drawings of the buildings on Zil from 1934

Images of main boulevard in 1954

Photo of the main logo of the Zil plant

Photos of the Zil plant from 1978 till 1986

The residential zone, consisting of blocks with a height of no more than 14 floors, features the maximum possible diversity in terms of types of building and apar tment. The streets in the residential development connect the main ZIL park with the embankment via the green boulevard. The concept for the landscaping of the ZIL territor y was developed with emphasis on conser ving existing trees and planting new ones. Lighted pedestrian and bicycle routes link all of the green areas, both large and small, into a single eco system. Landscaping of the entire area was also designed to the smallest detail, and a project was prepared for the planting of greener y on the territor y, including selection of plant species. Functional scheme

Design code for the territory as guidelines for other architects

The residential districts are oriented towards a green public space along the Moscow River – a park on the embankment. All of the streets leading from the boulevard to the park on the embankment feature small squares with panoramic views of the river. The developer’s immediate plans include landscaping of all of the embankments and the main Boulevard.

Masterplan development scheme with pedestrian connections

Scheme of preservation of fragments of historical buildings from 1930's on the boulevard

Within the development of the masterplan of the territor y of the former industrial zone of the ZIL plant a design code was developed for future investors and architects, which includes rules regarding the height of buildings, road profiles, noise control, and the location of entrances to buildings. The regulations for building facades and insolation gaps were also determined. The design code fixed the system of small squares and the functional street-level zoning scheme for the development on the plan of the district. The “open quar ter rule� introduced by the design code entails the opening of all residential quar ters to the river and planting of greener y, as well as the visual unification of the green spaces of pedestrian streets and cour tyards. The function and type of building were determined individually for each site for which design was per formed.

Schemes of block development

The architects of the buildings and blocks on the territor y of the former industrial zone of the ZIL plant are: Bureau Alexander Brodsky, Sergey Skuratov Architects, Tsimailo Lyashenko & Par tners, Speech, Neutelings Riedijk , Utkin Studio, DNA Architectural Group, Alexey Koz yr architectural studio, Anton Barklyansky, Sergey Kiselev and Par tners, Breath Architects, DROM, Svesmi, Mossine Par tners, Wowhaus, buromoscow, ML A+, Nowadays, Kleinewelt Architekten, Wall, Fas(t), Kontora and others. So far eight residential buildings have been built in the nor thern par t of the former ZIL industrial zone. They are planned to be occupied by the end of 2019. Full commissioning of the entire territor y of the ZIL-Nor th residential area is planned for 2026.

Scheme of division of blocks between architects

Elevation through the territory

Plinth Facade Principles of plinth facade: • T h e f a c a d e s s h o u l d e n f o r c e th e q u a l i ty o f th e public domain in the center of the ZIL peninsula; the facades should contribute to lively character of the boulevard; • T h e a r c h i te c tu r a l e x p r e s s i o n o f th e f a c a d e s should relate to the expressive architectural heritage of the Vesnin brothers present on site; • T h e a r c h i te c tu r a l e x p r e s s i o n o f th e f a c a d e s should contribute to the public character of the functions that are accommodated in the stylobate. • T h e f a ç a d e s c r e a te a n a ttr a c ti v e p u b l i c d o m a i n along the boulevard by means of majestic colonnades, nicely recessed entrances and pleasant proportions; • The composition of the facades should contain different functions in a self-evident manner; • The materiality of the stylobate facades should be of high-quality and should age in a dignified manner.

This project is located on the Zil peninsula and is the result of the collaboration with Neutelings Riedijk Architecten as design architect.


LOT 10



LOCATION Moscow, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2015-present PROGRAM Mixed-use AREA 85 342 sq.m CLIENT LSR G roup STATUS under construction STAGES CD, SD, DD, Author's Supervision

RESPONCIBILIT Y D e v elo p m e n t o f m i xe d-u s e r e si d e n t i al c o m plex o n Z i l t e r r it o r y i n c ol l a b o r a t io n w it h N e u t el i n g s R i e d ijk A r c h it e c t e n (R o t t e r d a m) a s a r c h it e c t o f r e c o r d. A d a p t i n g c o n c e p t t o r u s si a n r e g u l a t io n s, c o o r d i n a t i n g w it h a r c h it e c t s, d e v elo p e r s, c o n s u lt a n t s a n d c l i e n t, i m ple m e n t i n g t e n d e r p r o c e d u r e s, o v e r s e e i n g c o n t r a c t o r s.


The building is divided into two par ts: commercial plinth on the ground plan, provided by a big atrium, and 5 residential towers. The aim of the project is to develop a high quality mixed-use project between the main boulevard of the ZIL Peninsula urban development and the already built Zil park. The apar tments are organized as five interconnected housing towers. The staggered rounded of shape improves the panoramic views and the sunlight conditions for each individual unit. It also gives a highly exeptional image to the project. The multifunctional atrium has a 21.50 metres high vaulted roof that permits the regulation of light inside the commercial area.

Facade drawing

Floor plans of stilobat and towers

Подпись к картинке / Image caption

Section of the building and view from Boulevard

This project is located on the Zil territor y and is the result of the collaboration with the theater director Konstantin Bogomolov and MORE creative agengy.

LOT 19



LOCATION Moscow, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2017-present PROGRAM theatre, mixed-use AREA 59 910 sq.m CLIENT LSR G roup STATUS ongoing STAGES CD, SD

RESPONCIBILIT Y Developing the concept and schematic design, c o o r d i n a t i n g w it h a r c h it e c t s, d e v elo p e r s, c o n s u lt a n t s a n d c l i e n t.


The project is divided in to two main par ts: the theater on the ground floor and apar tments on the upper floors. In this specific project our of fice wanted to create a dif ferent space, a dif ferent conception of theater and decided to collaborate with Konstantin Bogomolov to rethink the common theater structure. In the general approach and building design, MORE creative agency helped determining the general identity definition of the project. A big hole in the center of the building has the function of big belvedere window above the entire city.

Floor plans of the theatre in the stilobat and resindential tower

Interior models and space exploration

Sections of the building

Interior view of the theatre and exploded-view model

Boulevard is the green street connecting various community centers and parks and is the main axis of the general plan’s composition of the whole Zil territor y. The street follows the route of the boulevard designed by the Vesnins. The functional zoning concept revives the 1930s concept: the creation of a green “city within a city” on the ZIL territor y.




LOCATION Moscow, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2017-present PROGRAM theatre, mixed-use AREA 48 526 sq.m CLIENT LSR G roup STATUS ongoing STAGES CD, SD, DD

RESPONCIBILIT Y Developing the concept, schematic and detailed design, c o o r d i n a t i n g w it h d e sig n t e a m, c o n s u lt a n t s a n d c l i e n t.


The Boulevard is a linear center consisting of a number of public spaces. All of the district’s iconic objects are located on the boulevard: a branch of the St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum, as well as a concer t hall, theaters, depar tment stores and a hotel. The branch of the Hermitage is the main feature of the linear center. The location of the concer t hall balances the boulevard’s composition, and the academic and children's theaters strengthen the function of the boulevard as the center of the district’s cultural life.

Boulevard view











Вершина ЗИЛа

Фестивальная площадь

Сад трав

Водная сцена

Театральная роща

Площадь искусств

Выставочная площадь

Площадь фонтанов

Boulevard plans and connections








Вершина ЗИЛа

Фестивальная площадь

Сад трав

Водная сцена

Театральная роща

Площадь искусств

11. Вершина ЗИЛа:

-Ландшафтный буфер -Плотная лесопосадка -Площадь с регулярной высадкой деревьев -Зеленая стена -Временные сооружения пунктов питания -Пункт проката велосипедов - Скамьи -Переносные стулья/ столы

- Смотровая площадка -Концертная площадка -Зона отдыха - Амфитеатр - Сцена - Переносные стулья - Скамьи - Озеленение. 17 саженцев

10. Фестивальная площадь: -Временные сооружения пунктов питания -Переносные стулья/ столы - Скамьи - Озеленение. 60 саженцев -Пункт проката велосипедов


8. Водная сцена:

7. Театральная роща:

6. Площадь искусств:

5. Выставочная площадь:

-Различные травы - Скамьи - Озеленение. 7 саженцев

-Водная линза -Возможность осушения -Озеленение. 3 дерева

-Уличное кафе -Площадь для театральных мероприятий -Переносные стулья - Скамьи - Озеленение. 12 сохраняемых дерева, 67 саженцев

-Интерактивные игровые площадки для детей -Рекреационная площадь музея -Открытый амфитеатр -Пункт проката велосипедов -Открытая площадка для детских мероприятий -Озеленение. 17 сохраняемых деревьев, 8 саженцев

- Площадь объекта -Сухой фонтан искусства -Скамья -Озеленение. 26 сохраня- -Озеленение. 5 сохраняеемых дерева мых дерева, 6 саженцев -Переносные стулья/ столы



Выставочная Площадь площадь фонтанов

9. Сад трав:


Берсеневский переулок 5а Москва 119072 007/499/951 00 73/74 mail@project-meganom.ru meganom.moscow

4. Площадь фонтанов:

3 Площадь универмага




Площадь ЗИЛа

3. Площадь универмага:

2. Сцена:

1. Площадь ЗИЛа:

-Временные сооружения розничной торговли -Временные сооружения пунктов питания -Озеленение. 17 сохраняемых дерева, 35 саженцев -Транзитная площадь -Переносные стулья/ столы

-Открытый амфитеатр -Ландшафтные острова -Озеленение. 10 сохраняемых дерева, 14 саженцев -Объект искусства -Переносные стулья/ столы

-Информация -Интерактивная навигация -8 сохраняемых деревьев -Пункт проката велосипедов -Группа скамеек - Арт-фонари - Зона высадки, Такси - Скамья


1 очередь

Предусмотрено проектирование Бульвара в три очереди

Бульвар состоит из цепи общественных пространств, связанных между собой ландшафтным маршрутом - маршрут путешествие, позволяющий воспринять бульвар как коллекцию различных ландшафтных пространств.


лист 6









Вершина ЗИЛа

Фестивальная площадь

Сад трав

Водная сцена

Театральная роща

Площадь искусств

















Выставочная Площадь площадь фонтанов



Площадь универмага







Площадь ЗИЛа
































3 1500
















1 мощение клинкерным кирпичем 1500

















Берсеневский переулок 5а Москва 119072 007/499/951 00 73/74 mail@project-meganom.ru 30 meganom.moscow °






Boulevard schemes 2500




Площадь октагон

Площадь ЗИЛа



12. Лес:

3 Площадь универмага

деревянный настил (лиственница)

4 мелкозернистый асфальт

КАРТА МОЩЕНИЯ Общая площадь минерального покрытия на Бульваре лист 9

The Boulevard’s composition is emphasized by a system of dominants: five towers, with the main one standing at the entrance to the territor y of the new district.







LOCATION Moscow, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2017-2018 PROGRAM landscape, urban design AREA 9,8 ha CLIENT LSR G roup STATUS built STAGES CD, SD, DD

RESPONCIBILIT Y D e v elo p m e n t public park on Zil t e r r it o r y d e sig n e d b y Je r r y va n Ey c k fr o m !M el k. A d a p t i n g c o n c e p t t o r u s si a n r e g u l a t io n s, c o o r d i n a t i n g w it h a r c h it e c t s, d e v elo p e r s, c o n s u lt a n t s a n d c l i e n t, i m ple m e n t i n g t e n d e r p r o c e d u r e s, o v e r s e e i n g c o n t r a c t o r s.


Zil Park is the result of the collaboration with Jerr y van Eyck from !Melk landscape architecture and urban design. The main park of Zil, named “Tyufelev Grove” in memor y of the historic grove that existed here before the appearance of the automobile plant, mitigates the influence of the railway on the residential environment. A pedestrian path passes through Tyufelev Grove from the Technopark transpor t hub to the residential buildings, parallel to the main boulevard. The project for the Zil main park - Tyufelev Grove opened to visitors in the summer of 2018.

The Zil park is organized by a framework that connects to the adjacent urban fabric of the Zil territor y development. Integral to this framework is a gradient which is immediately noticeable when looking at a plan map of the park. The purpose of the gradient is twofold; One it reinforces the directionality of the connection to the surrounding urban fabric; and Two the balance of pavement to planted area shif ts depending on which side of the park you are on, and this shif t in balance significantly changes the experience of the park from one side to the other. In addition to this, and of fering a completely separate layer of park experience, !melk designed a new archetype of park architecture, named the “Assembly Line” which echoes the vibrant industrial histor y of the Zil Automotive brand, which for decades stood as the heroic symbol of the Soviet era. Depending on how one interacts with it, whether by using it as a journey at ground level, climbing up to its overlooks and elevated walkways, “Assembly Line” is a carefully freeformed counterpoint to the mathematical composition of the overall park ground-plane.


The 1-mile long “Assembly Line” element combines a and consolidates most of what is traditionally included as typical park program. The “Assembly Line” therefore consists of pergolas, that transform into elevated walkways, that then transform into pavilions and kiosks, etc. Also par t of the “Assembly Line” is custom !melk-designed furniture, play equipment, as well as the park lighting. When following the 1-mile loop of the “Assembly Line” one encounters a variety of scener y including a new pond. УЛОГРЕП В ЙЫННАВОРИРГЕТНИ ,НОЬЛИВАП ЙОВОПИТ КРАП | ТРАЛИЗ

Assembly Line sections 43

Assembly Line plan

Assembly Line sections an fragments

*МОНАГЕМ* а5 колуереп йиксвенесреБ 270911 авксоМ 47/37 00 159/994/700 ur.monagem-tcejorp@liam wocsom.monagem

Photos of the built Park by Ilya Ivanov

Фотографии: Чистопрудов

The branch building of the Bolshoi Theater in Kaliningrad is to be commissioned in December 2023.




LOCATION Kaliningrad, Russia YEARS OF WORK 2019-present PROGRAM opera AREA 26 985 sq.m CLIENT Cultural heritage Fund STATUS ongoing STAGES CD, SD

RESPONCIBILIT Y Developing the concept and schematic design, c o o r d i n a t i n g w it h d e sig n t e a m, c o n s u lt a n t s a n d c l i e n t.


Opera project will have two halls for 950 and 300 seats. Small hall will be a simple per formance space, that varies in size - black box. The simplicity of the space will be used to create a flexible stage and audience interaction. Main hall will be a classic, conser vative one for proper acoustic and classical per formances. The project provides not just the construction of a theater building, but also the construction of housing for those who will work in the theater. First this Opera house will have a cer tain number of productions and reper toire of the Bolshoi Theater itself, but when the troupe will be formed, Kaliningrad will gradually have independent productions.

Opera plans and section

Opera model view

Masterplan model view


All materials in this Por tfolio except 'The center of the modern ar t on Southpor t quay' project, were made in collaboration with various teams of architects.

People involved in producing materials (drawings, visualisations) for different projects are: Y. G rigoryan, A. Pavlova E. Uglovskaya, A. Belinskaya, I. Shmeleva, D. Nikishin, A. Staborovsky, Y. Kuznetsov, A. Budaeva, S. Gelain, A. Kamyshan, A. Salko, M. Sherbakova, V. Karovskiy, D. Apalkova.

In Skolkovo project visualisations are used from David Chipperfield Architects, SPEECH, Valode and Pistre architects, Herzog de Meuron, Stefano Boeri Architetti, OMA. In Lot 10 image is made by Neutelings Riedijk Architecten.


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