Sashin Shah, President (JAY-HO) Sashin Deepak Shah from is a native of Kutch, Gujarat currently residing at Matunga, Mumbai. Sashin is a post graduate in Event Management and is an Event Management professional since 2004. Married to Prerana Shah also a native of Kutch, Gujarat, and has a 4 years old daughter. Currently Sashin owns a wedding Planning Company called Vivaah Planners and an Event Management Company named The E-Factory. The idea behind JAY-HO is to unite Jain Youth and create a platform for their talents and present to it to the world. UTH-N-YNG was generated as an idea for all the Jain Youth to be aware about not only about Jainism & Jain Current Happenings but also to get an overview of what is happening around the world. With sections like Technology, Food & Lifestyle, Travel, Finance & Tutorials UTH-NYNG will be a one-stop-shop for all the info required for the youth. A.T.M (Artistic Talent Management) was specially designed by Sashin as he is from the field of Event Management and gets many chances to present new talent to the world may it be for Singing, Dancing, Acting, Art & Crafts or Speech. “My idea is to get the Jain community to such a level where every ones knows a Shah, Gala, Mehta or Jain as much as they know any Kapoor, Khan, Chopra or Kumar” says Sashin Shah. “Hope we are able to fulfill our dreams for a better future”
Bhavik Veera, President (JAY-HO) Bhavik Vinod Veera, a choreographer by passion has done MBA in Marketing and owns a dance company named Spunk Dance Company. Bhavik is a native of Kutch, Gujarat and is currently residing in Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Being passionate about dance, Bhavik likes to bring creativity and emotions through his dances. His idea behind JAY-HO is to unite Jain Youth and give platform to the hidden talents of Jain Youth and take them to the higher level. As he always says, “STAY TUNED.STAY UNITED” UTH-N-YNG magazine is created especially for all Jain Youth not only giving information of what’s happening around but also giving them opportunity to express their views and ideas and helping them to create better future. A.T.M – Bhavik says, it is an initiative taken by his friend and colleague Sashin Shah and he liked the idea behind it. As a choreographer, he too likes to present new talent from dance field. He says, “Anyone can become Michael Jackson or Shah Rukh Khan or Ranbir Kapoor or Katrina Kaif, but end of the day it’s only you who carries your own personality”.
TIME CYCLE IN JAINISM Jains believe that time is infinite, without any beginning or end. Time is divided into infinite equal time cycles (Kalchakras). Every time cycle is further sub-divided in two equal halves. The first half is the progressive cycle or ascending order, called Utsarpini. The other half is the regressive cycle or the descending order, called Avasarpini. Every Utsarpini and Avasarpini is divided into six unequal periods called Äräs. During the Utsarpini half cycle, progress, development, happiness, strength, age, body, religious trends, etc., go from the worst conditions to the best. During the Avasarpini half cycle, progress, development, happiness, strength, age, body, religious trends, etc. go from the best conditions to the worst. Presently, we are in the fifth Ara of the Avasarpini phase. When the Avasarpini phase ends the Utsarpini phase begins. This kälchakra repeats again and continues forever. The six aras are: (1) Sukham Sukham Kal (happiness all the time). (2) Sukham Kal (happiness). (3) Sukham Dukham Kal (happiness with some unhappiness). (4) Dukham Sukham Kal (unhappiness with some happiness). (5) Dukham Kal (unhappiness). (6) Dukham Dukham Kal (unhappiness all the time).
Sukham Dukham Kal - This is a phase consisting of more happiness than misery. During this period the kalpavrikshas do not consistently provide what is desired. Towards the end of this period in the current time cycle Rushabhdev became the first Tirthankar. He realized that things were going to get worse. So, he taught the people useful arts including, sewing, farming, and cooking which will enable them to depend upon themselves. He introduced a political system and became the first king. This era came to an end three years and eight months after the nirvana of Rushabhdev. The first Chakravarti Bharat, Bahubali well known for his strength, and Brahmi who devised eighteen different alphabets were Rushabhdeva’s children. Dukham Sukham Kal - This is a phase of more misery, sorrow, and suffering than happiness. The other twenty-three Tirthankaras and eleven Chakravarties were born during this era which came to an end three years and eight months after Lord Mahävir's nirvän. Dukham Kal - This ara is currently prevailing. It is an ara of unhappiness which began a little over 2,500 years ago and will last for a total of 21,000 years. No one born during this period will gain salvation in their present life, because no one will follow true religion. It is said that by the end of this ara, the Jain religion will be lost (only temporarily, to be revied in next half cycle by future Tirthankars again).
Sukham Sukham Kal - This is a time of absolute happiness. During this phase the people are very tall and live for a very long period of time. Children are born as the twins, a boy and a girl. All the needs and desires of the people are fulfilled by ten different kinds of Kalpavriksha (wish-giving trees). These trees provide places to live, clothes, pots and pans, good food, fruits, sweets, harmonious music, jewelry, beautiful flowers, radiant lamps, and a bright light at night. There is no killing, crime, or vice.
Dukham Dukham Kal - This is a time of absolute misery and unhappiness. During this time, people will experience nothing but suffering. There will be no trace of religious activities. The life spans of people will be very short, exceeding no more than twenty years. Most people will be non-vegetarian and the social structure will be destroyed. The weather will become extreme, the days will be very hot, and the nights will be very cold.
Sukham Kal - This is the phase of happiness, but it is not absolute. The wish-giving trees still continue to provide for the people’s needs, but the people are not as tall and do not live as long.
At the end of this ara, a period of Utsarpini will start and the time wheel will take an upward swing. Miseries will gradually diminish and happiness will increase to absolute happiness. This cycles will go on forever.
NAVPAD It is absolutely essential to keep the mind concentrated in an auspicious meditation in order to attain the purity and perfection of the soul. There is the need for a prop of something if the mind should acquire concentration and should intensify it. In all the theories and directions in the Jain Dharma relating to meditation, there is a very interesting and beautiful description of the Navpad. Surely, one can attain the highway of mental firmness and concentration if one meditates on the Navpad in the various prescribed ways realizing their qualities which are among the best and the most sublime in the world. Navpad The nine positions. Arihant : (One who has destroyed the inner enemies & still with bodv). Arihant has 12 attributes. The color of the meditation is White. Arihant is devoid of attachments and hatred; one who has conquered the inner enemies; one who is worthy of being worshipped by all, Siddha : (The souls that are perfect through the destruction of Karmas.) Siddha has 8 attributes. The color of the meditation is red. The souls that have attained freedom or Mukti by destroying all Karmas; the souls that have become perfect. Acharya : (Preceptors) Acharya has 36 attributes. The color of the meditation is Yellow. The most exalted, noble and leading section of the four-fold Jain Sangh. They shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the Dharmik commands. Upadhyay: (Teachers). Upadhyay has 25 attributes. The color of the meditation is Green. They teach the Sadhus and sadhvis and guide them to study the scriptures. They the carry the responsibility of the internal organisatlon of the four-fold society according to the prescriptions of the dharma. Sadhu: (Those who progressing on the path of salvation.) They have 27 attributes. They keep pursuing and progressing on the path shown by the Vitrag according to their abilities. Darshan :(faith). Darshan has 67 atributes. The color for meditation is White. Faith in the nine doctrines and devotion for them. Having absolute
falth in and devotion for the commandments of the Paramatma. Jnan: (Knowledge). Knowledge has 51 attributes. The color for meditation is White. This dispels the darkness of ignorance and kindless the light of self-realisation. Charitra: (Character). The character has 70 atributes. The color for meditation is White. Uniting propensities and the actions for the realisation of the soul, always with the greatest care and circumspection. Tapa: (Austerity). Austerity has fifty attributes. The color for meditation is White. Making spiritual endeavours after restraining and disciplining the habits of eating, thinking and movement. Of these, Darshan - right faith, Jnan - right knowledge, Charitra - right observance and action are also called the three gems of Jain conduct. The unification of these three and adoring and practising them constitute the path of salvation That is the aim of life. 'Samyagdarshan - Jnan - CharitraniMoksha marg" To adore and pursue the path of salvation. To attain an all -round spiritual development of life. Right knowledge, right realisation and right observance are absolutely essential. It is only when these three are integrated that we can place steps on the path of attainment, In the absence of any one of them, the others cannot give the same result. If man should attain anything in life; and if he should achieve anythinq in life, he must possess the intellectual incisiveness and farsightedness to examine and to realise the nature of any object. If one vows to live by truth; and if one does not have the firmness and strength to be true to that vow; and if one has less of such firmness and strength; and if by adopting that principle of truth, one has not achieved any external or internal development in his life, he tastes the fruit of disappointment and the absence of fulfilment on the path of Samsar or life but those principles are absolutely essential to pursue the path of Moksha or Parampad - Salvation.
CHASE A SALARY OR CHASE YOUR DREAMS Work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, in a job that pays you 50,000 rupees a month, although you feel miserable about it. OR Choose an unconventional profession that you are passionate about, willing to work the whole day if need be arise, but doesn’t provide a fixed source of income; yet you know that even if you make 20,000 rupees a month out of it, you will be ‘satisfied’ and ‘contend’. Most of us would think twice before making a choice. And chances are that majority of us would favour the former to the latter. In times when the stress is more on quality than quantity, don’t you think that such a mind-set is a bit out of place? For example, say someone is passionate about poetry. That person maybe very good at it and might even would have been successful and famous had he made a career out of it. But just the thought of what other people will think; how will he or his parents respond to the society- which has been subjected to a diet of doctors and engineers and other white collar professionals- when it downplays his profession, makes him apprehensive about it. So much so that he succumbs to popular opinion & joins the rat race. You see, it is thoughts like these that limit the horizon of our ability and narrows our mind-set. That’s why you never hear stories like that of Mark Zuckerberg emerging from India. Can you imagine a fellow Indian, in his early twenties, dropping out of college, that too one of the repute of Stanford, to chase something he is crazily passionate about and ends up being world’s youngest billionaire? All of us have heard of Bill Gates, what do you think? When for the first time he came up with the concept of WINDOWS, the world applauded him and told him that his was a
revolutionary idea that would change the face of computing on this planet? No, the world ridiculed him. They rejected him and his idea outright. As if the concept wasn’t weird enough, to name it as WINDOWS was like mocking the intelligence of man. But look where he and WINDOWS are today. It is only in the last few years that MICROSOFT has been overtaken by APPLE, and that in itself is because of another great innovator of our times, the late Steve Jobs. I am not saying that if you choose to turn your passion into reality, then it is going to be a cakewalk. No, you need to persevere. There is no substitute to hard work. You will hit roadblocks and dead ends from time to time. But tell me one thing, would you rather fight against the forces that are trying to stop you from chasing your dream, or fight against your own self from doing something you are not passionate about. Since childhood, our mind-set has been framed in such a way that we are always on the lookout for ‘safe’ things – ‘safe’ job, ‘safe’ education, ‘safe’ investment. I have stumbled upon this word numerous times, yet I fail to conceive the true context of the word ‘safe’. How was that, or for that matter of fact, any job ‘safe’? Whenever thoughts of doing something unconventional have crossed my mind, and I have advocated them out loud, my elders have always told me to get settled first, then pay heed to the ‘wildness’ of my mind. Now it may appear to be very discouraging on their part but we need to realise something very important. The thing is our elders grew in an age when India was bogged by numerous problems. Right from communal riots to financial crisis, political instability to lack of resources, their visions have always been restricted by some constraint or the other. But, as part of the 21st first century generation, we need to be aware that the realms of limit in today’s times go even beyond the heights of the sky. The only person that can stop us from achieving what we want is ourselves. So back your instincts, trust yourself, and keep alive the passion – the world will be your playground and you will be the game-changers.
WILL OUR FLAWED EDUCATION SYSTEM EVER CHANGE AND BENEFIT THE YOUTH? I recently came across an account of a lecture in a Chemistry class. The topic was isotopes, which are atoms of the same element but having slightly different atomic weights. Some are heavier, some are lighter, but they are essentially one element in the periodic table. This lecture however, was different. The teacher began by citing a criminal case about counterfeit money in the United States. There was lack of proof and it could not be determined whether the money had been printed in Texas or in California. What does this have to do with isotopes, one might wonder? The answer is, isotopes were the key to discovering the origin of the money.
The teacher explained that cotton is used in printing currency and the states of Texas and California have vast cotton cultivations. Naturally, cotton needs proper irrigation. Now, the water in Texas is different from the water in California, because it contains isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in differing proportions. When it rains in California, the clouds blowing in from the Pacific Ocean are stopped by the mountain ranges there. The heavier water molecules fall onto the earth and the lighter ones fall when the clouds travel further inland. As a result, the water in California contains heavier molecules than the water in Texas. By testing the cotton in the counterfeit notes for the types of isotopes, the place of origin of the money could be uncovered and the mystery could be solved. How interesting would our classes be if our teachers told us about the practical application of the things we learn. We learn about chemistry: about isotopes, acids, and bases without knowing all the wonderful things we can do with them in
real life. Ancient India was a temple of knowledge, with travellers arriving from different parts of the world to learn about Ayurveda, Astronomy, Mathematics and so much more. Universities like Nalanda flourished and gave our country riches which were more valuable than material wealth. They gave us knowledge and technical prowess. It is a pity to see that the education system today has become a cruel, exhausting mechanism that every child must go through, only to be typecast into one of the few careers considered respectable by society. The overwhelming pressure and stress of entrance exams, the cut-throat competition for better percentages and the fear of failure is sapping the teenagers’ ability to come up with fresh thoughts. Coaching classes have taken over, and the black hole has grown to absorb younger children too: the IIT JEE coaching today begins from the sixth standard itself! This is a classic case of a system gone rogue and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way out of it. Recently, the announcement for a single All-India Medical exam triggered rows and conflicts and it has done nothing to alleviate the anxiety of the students. In reality, it has only aggravated it. Each Indian state makes its own demands and no consensus is reached, leaving the students and their parents in deeper doubt as to how they ought to prepare for an exam. This isn’t how a country’s education system should function. Right from the school level, we must try to get children interested in learning rather than in how much they score on tests. More than children, this is an appeal to parents: let your child develop into a complete human being, someone who can think, play, laugh and learn and not someone whose happiness depends upon grades and grades alone. Education is the most important part of life, and we’ve got to make sure that it is done the right way. There are plenty of resources like Discovery Channel, History Channel, websites like and several books and CDs that you could use to find out interesting things along with school work. My sincere appeal to all teachers out there would be to inspire their students, like the chemistry teacher did and they will be grateful to you all their lives.
The holidays are over, but the winter is here to stay for a while, and I am tempted to bring back the warmth of the luminaries and twinkle lights I just packed away. These paper lanterns by Claire offellowfellow are exactly what a winter interior needs. I can’t get over the cleverness of this idea: the candle’s glow brings a bit of life to the photographs, and the shapes are so unexpected and charming. I imagine this project could adapt to all different types of images, but I love the silhouette of these various rooftop buildings. If you’re looking for a fun, cozy project for wintertime, look no further! You can find the full tutorial here, and be sure to check out a few of Claire’s other DIYs—they’re equally brilliant!
On the 14th of January, sun enters the Capricorn sign. From this day, sun starts entering the Uttarayan. This day is celebrated as a festival in India. Hence, it is known with different names in different parts of nation. At some places it is celebrated as Makar Sankranti, and in some areas as Lohri. In few places of nation, this festival is celebrated for three days. It is also celebrated as Pongal. Although, the names may differ but the purpose is the same. The festival of 14th January is celebrated as kites festival in many parts of the country. There is a tradition of flying kites specially in Gujarat. Hence, the festival of Makar Sankranti is also known by the name of Kites festival. History of flying kites in India is very old. From the time of Lord Ram, flying of kites has been mention in our scriptures. Ramcharitmanas, written by Tulsi Das, contains a couplet (Doha) which narrates the flying of kite by Lord Ram. Couplet states that, Lord Ram flew kites with his friends, which reached the Indralok. This way we can say, the tradition of flying kites is followed from the ancient time. From the day of Makar Sankranti, sun moves from tropic of Capricorn towards the North. Flying of kites is a gesture of welcoming Lord Sun. Apart from India, many other countries like Vietnam, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan etc. have the tradition of flying kites.
Importance of Flying Kites in Gujarat Flying kites on the day of Makar Sankranti is considered significant in Gujarat. This festival is very popular in Gujarat as the sun enters the Uttarayan. People have the fervor of flying kites. From children to old age people, everyone is found flying kites on roofs, in parks and playgrounds. Everyone is involved in preparation of flying kites. People start collecting different colored kites and Manjha (thread), many days
before Makar Sankranti. On the morning of 14th January, people eat Gajak made of peanut, jaggery and Til. Also, do donations. And then from morning to night, they fly kites. Many people, are so very indulged in the act of flying kites that they don’t remember to have their meal. A competition begins of cutting each others kite. Everyone tries to cut the maximum number of kite. On this day, the sky is filled with colorful kites. As someone cuts a kite, all start many noise joyfully. Everybody enjoy and have fun. Many people play drums or Thali (plate) to express there joy on cutting a kite. Many people sit on terrace only with all there preparation of food etc. to enjoy this day. They prepare their food on roof only and sideways keep flying kites. Kites when flown at night looks more fascinating. Lamps are lit in kites and then flown at night. Many people fly white kites with different colored lights and of different shapes. Whole of the sky appears to be filled with lights. This view is really adorable.
Importance of food on Makar Sankranthi The festival of Makar Sankranto is celebrated magnificently in Gujarat. This day, kites are flow from morning itself. Khichdi is prepared and eaten on this day. Many things are mixed in Khichdi and it is cooked at a slow flame. This day, all vegetables are mixed to make a dish called “Undhiyo”. This vegetable is taken with chapati made of millet. Also, buttermilk made of curd is drunk. The food is enjoyed on terrace with flying of kites. This day, roasted green grams are also taken in food. Sugar cane is also eaten. Having sweet berry and Jamafal is considered beneficial, this day.
Gilli Danda and Makar Sankranti On the day of Makar Sankranti, playing Gilli Danda is considered important in some regions of the country. Both of the things are made from wood. There is a big wooden stick called Danda and Gili(small stick tapered at both ends in conical shape). After eating and donating jaggery, Til and Khichdi, people come out in open ground to play this game. Then, small groups are made and game is started. All age group people enjoy this game. The game of Gilli Danda is not less then an international game for the villagers. Hence in villages, this game is played with more excitement on the day of Makar Sankranti.
WHERE TO STAY Radhika Palace Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 400 onwards
6.88 Distance: 2 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station Royal Castle Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 900 onwards
Mumbai (Maharashtra) to Ahmedabad (Gujarat) is 559 km. Time by road is 8 hrs, 10 mins. Train Number 12267
6.25 Distance: 4 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station Elite Hotel, Ahmedabad
9001 Rs. 400 onwards
6.21 Distance: 3 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station
12901 Fortune Land Mark, Ahmedabad
Rs. 5,500 onwards
19109 12933
Distance: 2 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station Safar Inn Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 800 onwards
6.19 Distance: 1 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station
12009 Avtaar Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 400 onwards
Distance: 1 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station Mukam Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 500 onwards
6.13 Distance: 1 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station St Laurn Towers, Ahmedabad
Rs. 5,800 onwards
6 Distance: 2 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station Alka Hotel, Ahmedabad
Rs. 300 onwards
5.92 Distance: 1 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station President Hotel , Ahmedabad 5.9 Distance: 15 Km from Ahmedabad Railway Station
Rs. 4,000 onwards
Train Name
If you don't feel strong or stable enough to do a traditional push-up, feel free to bend at the knees and do a modified push-up. Lay your baby underneath you on a soft, clean surface. Start in a plank position with baby placed underneath your chest.
Leg Lifts (Part One) Start by laying on your back on a soft rug or yoga mat. With your knees bent, carefully balance your baby on your legs so that he is supported and stabilized. (This one is not recommended when baby has a full belly watch out!)
Push-ups (Part Two) Slowly lower down into a push-up, making sure to stop and give your baby a kiss! (Notice that mine went for the gooey open mouth - nice!). Do as many as you are comfortable doing, and make sure you feel strong enough to hold your weight over the baby.
Leg Lifts (Part Two) With your hands on baby's shoulders, slowly raise your legs up so that baby is facing down. Then slowly return legs to a 90 degree angle. Repeat ten times!
Side Swing (Part One) Standing up, hold your baby in front of you with outstretched arms. You can choose if he faces toward you or away, depending on what he likes best! Hold your baby directly in front of you, and then twist your torso 90 degrees to the left side.
Push-ups (Part One)
Arm Curls (Part Two) Slowly curl your arms toward you body, bringing your baby up against your body (this should make him giggle!). Then slowly return back down to the original position. Repeat ten times.
Side Swing (Part Two) Still holding the baby out in front of you, return to the middle position and then twist your torso all the way to the right side. Repeat this twisting motion ten times, taking breaks if needed. This is a great core and arm workout!
Single Leg Squats (Part One) Stand and hold your baby in front of you with your feet together. Starting with the left foot, step out and bend your right knee until your left thigh is parallel to the ground.
Arm Curls (Part One) Cradle your baby in your arms with your hands facing upward. Make sure he is securely balanced in the crook of your arms.
Single Leg Squats (Part Two) Return to standing position, and then alternate by stepping with the right leg. Repeat ten times on each leg.
ePHOTOzine has reviewed every "serious compact" camera available and can now let you know the Top 10 best cameras, based on our in-depth reviews. Here we highlight some of the best features of each model so you should be able to find a camera capable of delivering high image quality and speedy performance.
=1. Olympus Stylus XZ-2 FEATURES The Olympus XZ-2 has a number of HANDLING features and expansion options beyond what is available on other PERFORMANCE serious compacts and delivers very VALUE FOR MONEY good to excellent image quality making the XZ-2 worth some very serious consideration. OVERALL
=1. Canon Powershot G15 FEATURES The Canon Powershot G15 has bags HANDLING of features, in a very sturdy, well-built body and image quality to match. We PERFORMANCE love the 10 fps continuous shooting VALUE FOR MONEY and fast f/1.8-2.8 lens. The G15 is a pleasure to use and we are happy to highly recommend it.
=1. Nikon Coolpix P310 FEATURES The Nikon Coolpix P310 is an HANDLING extremely versatile camera which packs a lot of features in to a body PERFORMANCE small enough to fit in your pocket. VALUE FOR MONEY There is an f/1.8 maximum aperture lens and full 1080p HD video recording as well as fantastic image quality. OVERALL
4. Canon Powershot S100 FEATURES The Canon Powershot S100 provides HANDLING great image quality and with a slim body it should fit even more easily PERFORMANCE into pockets. The S100 will be very VALUE FOR MONEY popular with anyone who wants to travel light, yet still take good quality photos. OVERALL
=4. Nikon Coolpix P7700 FEATURES The Nikon Coolpix P7700 offers the HANDLING most optical zoom in a serious compact camera. The optical IS and a PERFORMANCE 12 megapixel backlit CMOS sensor VALUE FOR MONEY gives good image quality in low light. There is also continuous shooting, automatic panoramic stitching and full HD video recording. OVERALL
=6. Panasonic Lumix LX7 FEATURES The Pansonic Lumix LX7 has many HANDLING DSLR features packed into a compact body, which produces excellent PERFORMANCE images. You can shoot at full VALUE FOR MONEY resolution at 11 fps, battery life is excellent, there is low noise up to ISO 3200 and full manual controls with RAW shooting. OVERALL
=6. Fujfilm X10 FEATURES The Fujifilm FinePix X10 feels great HANDLING in the hand, but more importantly it feels great as a camera to use, with PERFORMANCE extremely quick focusing and shutter VALUE FOR MONEY response it's very easy to get candid street shots.
8. Samsung EX2F FEATURES The Samsung EX2F is capable of HANDLING taking high quality photos, with a bright f/1.4 lens and image PERFORMANCE stabilisation. The Wi-Fi sharing is one VALUE FOR MONEY of the best we've seen and it will let you share directly to social media sites, backup your photos, upload to the cloud and more. OVERALL
=8. Fujifilm XF1 The Fujifilm XF1 is an appealing serious camera, particularly as it is available for less than ÂŁ400. It has a wide range of features, highlights being the f/1.8 maximum aperture lens, panorama modes, advanced filters which all lead to the camera taking impressive, unique pictures.
=8. Sony Cybershot RX100 FEATURES Image quality on the Sony Cybershot HANDLING RX100 is excellent, with good detail, low noise and excellent exposure. The PERFORMANCE camera has a wide range of features to VALUE FOR MONEY improve results with a number of dynamic range enhancing modes as well as a built in multi-shot HDR mode. OVERALL
=8. Canon PowerShot S110 The Canon PowerShot S110 is an ideal serious compact camera if you're a big fan of small gadgets. It's pocket-sized, yet packs many features including full manual controls, Wi-Fi and a fast f/2.0 lens. Image quality is excellent and you can shoot at 10 fps.
FINANCIAL PLANNING IN YOUR 20S: WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT! Einstein calls it the 8th wonder of the world. It has power to create enormous wealth for people who persevere and hold on to it. This is compounding rate of return. Compounding return is nothing but earning returns over returns as well as principal. The wealth created by compounding rate works in favour of those who have larger earning period remaining in their life. This article will focus on such people. I will worry about it later, I am young and I will have fun for now. While this is certainly something that all of us do in our young age, we have to also build the discipline to save a part of our income and invest to reap benefits in future. The discipline that we build now will keep us in good stead years later. Moreover, compounding works in the favour of people who start investing early than those starting later in life. Here is a sample of the power of compounding. It assumes a person starts investing Rs. 1 per month at various stages of his life till he or she is 65. It means if you are 25 years old, your investment horizon is 40 years while the horizon is 30 years for a 35 year old. The table also shows how your future wealth varies with the rate of return. Investment = Rs. 1 PM, Investment Horizon = Till 65 Your Age 25 30 35 Inv Period (in 40 35 30 Years) Rate of returns 8% 3,491.01 2,293.88 1,490.36 10% 6,324.08 3,796.64 2,260.49 12% 11,764.77 6,430.96 3,494.96 A 25 year old person who starts investing Rs. 1 per month at 10% return till he reaches 65 years of age will have Rs. 6324.08 while a 30 years old person will have only Rs. 3796.64. At 14%, you
will have twice as much wealth than someone who started investing just 5 years later. If you can start investing Rs. 5000 per month at the interest of 12% from 25th year, you will accumulate 5,88,23,850.00 (5 crore, 28 lakhs, 8 hundred and 50) by the time you turn 65. Does it really look like the 8th wonder? You bet. Where to find money for investment? Saving 5000 is not a big deal if you are serious about it. Even if you are able to save 2500, you will have close to 3 Crore at the end of 65 years of age, assuming you are 25 years old. The important point is that you save something. Some of the things you can use to save money and invest in appropriate funds are as follows: 1. Pay your credit card bills on time. No exception. 2. Make a budget for your expenses. This may sound like a tough job but do it for 2-3 months and you will have a fair idea of where the money is going. You may not need to do it after the initial few months. Now curtail useless expenses. For example, going to an expensive restaurant 3-4 times in a week. Cut it down to once or twice a month. 3. Pay yourself first: Resolve to save a specific amount every month. Put it in an investment account. Take this money out of the salary in the beginning of the month so that you don’t touch it. 4. Buy a car or bike having resale value. If possible, buy a second hand car if you are too keen. 5. Stop splurging on sale and discount. You often end up buying things you never need. Where to invest your money Since you are in your 20s, you can invest major part of your savings in equity or equity funds which will not only protect your principal but will provide a healthy return. You also need to put 3-6 times your monthly salary in bank to face any emergency.
Most importantly, you should have a long term view of your investment. Remember that the 8th wonder works in the long term. Let’s see what options you have in the investment space. 1. Equity & Equity Mutual Funds: Equity investment is known to give the highest returns. This includes individual stocks, diversified equity fund, sector equity fund, index funds etc. Over a 20 year period between 1990 and 2010, Nifty has given an annualised return of more than 20%. However, the volatility of the returns is high which makes it riskiest of them all. The best idea is to find a few blue chip firms or a well-diversified mutual fund and invest for a long term. A mutual fund is a fund that invests in a set of companies to diversify the risks (means if few companies go down, few others may go up to save your capital). 2. Bonds & Debt Funds: There are good quality bonds available from Government and Companies. These are fairly safe and returns can be between 8-12%. 3. Safest Instruments: There are others which are very safe, such as PPF, PF, Bank Deposit but they have lesser returns. Your company anyway does the PF for you. 4. Others: Other options could be ULIP, Gold ETF, and Index funds. As a general rule, young people should invest a big part of their savings in equity or equity mutual fund. A generic rule states that you should subtract your age from 100 and you should invest that much percentage of your saving in equity & equity mutual fund. If you are 25 years old, you should invest 100-25 = 75% of your saving in equity & equity mutual fund and rest 25% in high grade bonds or bond funds. It has been shown that equity & equity oriented diversified mutual funds give the best returns over long term and you have time in your favour. The typical returns from different financial instruments are as follows:
Investment Options Equity & Equity Funds High Grade Corporate Bonds Government Bonds Money market (FD, bank deposits)
Average Returns 12%-20% 8%-14% 6%-12% 3%-10%
However, before you start investing in the market, you must have 3-6 months gross salary in your savings account for any emergency. Here is a typical asset allocation for a 25 year old person (assuming you already have sufficient money in your savings account for emergency purposes)
Building a strong foundation for your future: It is extremely important to plan for your financial future. Often, in the case of finance, failing to plan is planning to fail. Firstly, resolve to save a part of your salary every month and invest. If you cannot maintain the discipline, start a systematic investment plan (SIP) with a brokerage firm, such as ICICI direct, Kotak Securities, Angel Broking. Secondly, have a long term view of your investment. If you look at any stock price or NAV of mutual fund, the prices go up and down in short term but generally go up in long term for good stocks and mutual funds. And lastly, learn about investment, planning, and don’t hesitate in taking professional help. You work hard in your youth; it is natural but to lead a comfortable life when you retire. You deserve it.
apart from the change in Sensex value. Only Indian Hotels did better, returning a compounded annual total shareholder returns (CATSR) of 15.50%, which includes dividends and rights. The reason Mr Tata’s other companies failed to outperform was because he made several missteps and acquired huge debts as it spent more than $20 billion in mergers & acquisitions. You would have been better off just investing the BSE Sensex index and sleeping it off. The table below highlights the total compounded shareholder returns between 1991 and 2012 of various Tata companies and the BSE Sensex.
Ratan Tata has handed over the baton to his successor, Cyrus Mistry, after 21 years. How have the five top stocks at that time -- Tata Steel, Tata Motors,Indian Hotels, Tata Tea and Indian Hotels -- done over two decades under Mr Tata? Well, despite his bold moves across the group just one stock, Indian Hotels, has created more value than Sensex in all these years! Ratan Naval Tata, who recently turned 75, retired from Tata Sons, after 21 years at the helm of one of India’s largest conglomerates. Mr Tata who was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2008, has been hailed as one of the most powerful Indian businessmen by various sections of the media and public. His innovation with the Tata Nano and bold overseas acquisitions are indeed commendable. With the benefit of hindsight, if you knew he was making these extraordinary moves, would you have been tempted to buy the top Tata stocks in order to get extraordinary returns? It would have been a wrong move. The shareholder returns of the five Tata Group companies have been good but nothing compared to the headline making business moves. Moneylife calculated the shareholder returns of Tata Group’s key businesses namely: Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Power Company and Indian Hotels. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was floated in the public market only after 2000. We found out that the BSE Sensex outperformed all these companies except Indian Hotels, from the time Mr Tata took over the conglomerate (1991), till the time he retired (2012). The BSE Sensex returned 13.85% compounded annual returns during this period. We have included 3% dividend in Sensex returns
Tata Steel: Among the worst performers of these five companies was Tata Steel. The company has returned just 9.57% compounded annual total in 21 years. While the company used to be well-run company and was often termed ‘boring’, it made a fatal mistake of acquiring Corus, a UK-based steel company for over $7 billion at the height of the business cycle. This is a commodity business with low margins. To break even would take years, assuming the steel industry does exceedingly well and consistently for a long time. Tata Motors: Investors would remember Mr Tata for his passion for cars, especially luxurious and fast cars. Mr Tata created history by creating an Indian car, Tata Indica, from the scratch without foreign collaboration with a foreign car company. This was followed by the Tata Nano which investors and car enthusiasts alike thought would revolutionise the car industry by making car ownership closer to reality for the aam aadmi. But
an Indonesian coal mine, PT Baramulti Sukses Sarana Tbk, has not fully worked out either. Tata Power has done very well as a capital-intensive business returning 13.82%, barely below Sensex returns.
the passenger car business of Tata Motors has not been commercially very successful. While Indica and Indigo have sold well because of competitive prices, they don’t make good money. Ever since its launch, Tata Nano sales have been mediocre and beset with engineering failures. His acquisition of Land Rover and Jaguar were hailed as a masterstroke. But like Corus, he paid top dollars for these brands, at the height of the previous business cycle. While these luxury car divisions are doing well, debt only piled up more. Tata Motors returned 13.67% CATSR, which is still below Sensex performance.
Tata Global Beverages: Tata Global Beverages owns some of the leading brands such as Tetley. These brands are well regarded in the marketplace that is otherwise characterised by stiff competition and price wars. Margins are hard to come by as is market share. Tata Global Beverage did well to shed the tea plantations but has not been able to escape the price cycles. It reported a 12.18% CATSR since 1991. Tata Power: The power industry in India is a mess—from top to bottom. Though largely insulated from the woes of state electricity boards (SEBs), Tata Power still has receivables pending from BEST in Mumbai. Its plant load factor has reduced due to inability to procure raw materials. Its marquee project in Gujarat—the 4000 MW Mundra Ultra MegaPower Plant—has been commissioned but the costs are high, with coal prices even higher. Its acquisition of 26% stake in
Indian Hotels: The only company in the Tata stable that has outperformed BSE Sensex for the 21-year period is the Indian Hotels, which owns the famous Taj Mahal hotel. It too went in for global acquisitions but the results have been mixed. It returned 15.50%, which is above BSE Sensex 13.85%. However, the gains came from a low stock price in 1991 and it will be very difficult for Indian Hotels to create Sensexbeating value. The business is capital-intensive and cyclical—the worst possible combination unless you have special skills to play the cycle. This is a landmark moment for the Tata Sons and Tata Group as the conglomerate will be headed, for the first time ever, in its 144 year history, by a person who falls outside the Tata family—Cyrus Mistry. He was unexpectedly picked by a committee which screened from various candidates to replace Mr Tata. He comes from a wealthy Parsi family which owns a slice of Tata Sons. Since Tata Sons is a private holding company of various companies of Tata Group, its financials and ownership pattern is largely unknown, but it is reported that Mistry’s family owns 18% of Tata Sons. Having a stake in Tata Sons means Mistry will mean serious business to unlock the full value of the conglomerate, especially with regard to getting rid of the massive pile of debt
2012 spawned some unconventional surprises at the box-office. 2013 promises the same, maybe some more. With maestros like Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra and Prakash Jha returning to the marquee. Here’s looking at the movies that are worth their wait in gold. Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola: In Vishal Bharadwaj’s latest quirky drama Imran Khan plays Matru. Anushka Sharma plays Bijli and the fabulous rarely-seen actor Pankaj Kapoor plays Mandola. And yes, Shabana Azmi plays a politician who has the hots for Pankaj Kapoor. This one looks like something that Anurag Kashyap would love to do if only Vishal wasn’t doing it before him. Krissh 3: Ideally sequels and sequels to sequels are a complete put-off, what with them relying more on nostalgia value than intrinsic merit. And many of them are completely unrelated. But Rakesh Roshan’s next installment of the Krissh saga, scheduled for a Diwali release, promises to get only bigger brighter bouncier than the earlier installments. While Hrithik Roshan reprises the super-hero role Vivek Oberoi plays the supervillain. Producer-director Rakesh Roshan promises the stunts would take Indian cinema to the Hollywood level. Fingers crossed! Ram Leela: Two years after the under-valued Guzaarish master-creator Sanjay Leela Bhansali returns to his Gujarati roots for a Gujju rendering of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet with oodles of colours, vivacity and flamboyance. Bhansali admits for now he’s done with films about physically and emotionally disabled characters. Ram Leela is a happy, feisty and, ummmm, tasty take on a love tale that refuses to get wrinkled. Deepika Padukone as ‘Leela’ Juliet and Ranveer Singh as ‘Ram’ Romeo would take their promising careers to the next level with this eyecatching feast of music, dances and songs (composed by director Bhansali himself). The film also stars that supremely talented spunky siren Richa Chadha from Gangs Of Wasseypur and has been shot in Kutch. Expected to be released in July-August.
Kai Po Che: Abhishek Kapoor who gave us that eminently watchable rock-steady-stadia drama Rock On, returns with an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel 3 Mistakes Of My Life about the dreams aspirations and hopes of three youngsters in Gujarat. The film features three super-talented actors Sushant Singh Rajput, Amit Sadh and Rajkumar Yadav in career-making performances. Rajput has already been signed by Yashraj Films as the lead for their next film. He is being perceived as the star of 2013. Ghanchakkar: After the hard-hitting No One Killed Jessica Rajkumar Gupta gets together with Vidya Balan again, this time for a comedy about a lock-breaking thief and his flamboyant Punjabi wife, played by Emraan Hashmi and Vidya. As is his won’t, Gupta is shooting the film on different locations of Mumbai including, in the monsoonal rains. Get set for a wet romp-com. Zanjeer: Telugu star Ramcharan Teja makes his Hindi debut in Amitabh Bachchan’s career-defining role from the 1973 blockbuster of the same title. Director Apoorva Lakhia has completely revamped the original, changed the characterizations drastically. Sanjay Dutt’s Sher Khan (played by Pran in the original), Priyanka Chopra’s Mala (Jaya Bhaduri in the original) and Mahie Gill’s Mona Darling (the overblown Bindu) are completely unrecognizable. That’s the beauty of a remake, no? Bhaag Milkha Bhaag: Bhaag Farhan, Bhaag! Not one to run away from challenges ever since he took to acting in Rock Ondirector-actor Farhan Akhtar went into the kind of intense preparation for his role of the Olympian runner that Shabana Azmi would approve of. If director Rakeysh Om Prakash Mehra gets across the drama passion resilience and devotion of Paan Singh Tomarto the screen we’d have India’s first definitive biopic on a sportsperson. Bullet Raja: Tigmanshu Dhulia who last year ripped the box-office open with his brilliant Paan Singh Tomar is back with a tale of crime, commitment, compulsions and
convictions in Uttar Pradesh. Saif Ali Khan plays the rustic outlaw and the underrated Jimmy Shergil is his partner in crime. The film promises to give us a humorous insight into the anatomy of small town outlawry without trivializing crime. That’s Dhulia’s forte. Dhoom 3: The Dhoom franchise strikes again, this time bringing together the never-before jodi of Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif. Need we say any more? The third installment of the Dhoom series is directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya whose only other film Tashan’s only claim to fame is that it brought together Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Hopefully, this one will have a lot more to offer than just a platform for real-life liaisons. Katrina’s action scenes and Aamir’s full-on villainy should make this one a winner. Race 2: Abbas-Mustan’s 2008 thriller Race returns racier than before. As is the norm in sequels the male cast Saif Ali Khan and Anil Kapoor is repeated while the female actors from Race are replaced by Deepika Padukone Jacqueline Fernandez and Amisha Patel in Race 2, no Katrina or Bipasha this time. But there’s John Abraham as a beefy bonus, if that’s any consolation. Chennai Express: Shah Rukh Khan teams up with Ajay Devgn’s favourite director Rohit Shetty for the first time in a romantic drama set in a train. The film promises a change of image for both SRK and his leading lady Deepika Padukone and for the director who for too long, has become associated with slapstick comedy.
Satyagrah: Prakash Jha’s take on politics in corruption and corruption in politics brings together Amitabh Bachchan and Ajay Devgn as two ideologues united and then separated in their war against corruption. Kareena Kapoor in her first post-marriage film(not counting the item song in Dabangg 2) promises to play a serious investigative journalist. Let’s hope her promise
has more relevance than the ones made by out netas. Himmatwala: Remember Sridevi and Jeetendra cavorting amidst the pots and pans to the tune of Bappi Lahiri’s Nainon mein sapna? Sajid Khan recreates the 1983 potboiler. Hopefully the pot would be boiling this time in a different brew, what with Ajay Devgn and Southern glam-doll Tamannaah all set to give the tale a different spin.
Besharam: Post-Dabangg director Abhinav Kashyap refused to direct the sequel to Dabangg. Instead he chose this crime drama about a conperson from Delhi (Ranbir Kapoor) trying to escape the law with two Haryanvi cops(played by Ranbir’s parents Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh) hot on his heels. Donlt know about real life. But crime certainly pays on celluloid. Shootout At Wadala: We’ve seen innumerable dramas on gangsterism in Mumbai. This one promises to be the real thing with real gangsters without fictional names. Shot on actual locations, featuring stars who abandon their vanity to get into character and written with the ink of sweat blood tears and semen, Sanjay Gupta’s crime thriller recreates the events and episodes from Manya Surve’s ‘encounter’ killing on 1 November 1982. This one should do to the genre of gangsterism what Ram Gopal Varma’s Satya did a decade ago. Lootera: Vikram Aditya Motwane who gave us the striking Udaan two years ago returns with a love story based on an O’Henry short story about a leafy love-bond that refuses to fade with the seasons. One doesn’t know how much passion Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha can whip up in the saga.
ANNUAL HOROSCOPES FOR 2013 Aries: Mars, your ruling planet, is preparing to go through a retrograde cycle as the year begins. This happens roughly every 28 months, so you have experienced it many times. On this visit the slowdown is in your house of work and health. You may find it a challenge to move forward with your goals in either of these areas until the end of April. Do not give up or you will lose ground. This is a necessary plateau period. During March when Mercury turns retrograde in your sign you will likely change your mind and back out of a previously made plan. Overall important commitments to new activities are unlikely until the end of April. Use these months to think seriously about your next direction. You are probably already aware that you are becoming more and more charged with the zeitgeist of our times, independence versus oppression. It is probable that you will be embroiled in this battle in a major way by June, continuing on through October. The effects could be both personal and collective. Stay on the side of social justice and you will be doing the right thing. Aspects suggest a thoroughly challenging August. Personal relationship issues could explode. You may also be feeling angry and therefore subject to accident. Resources are subject to tighten in the fall. Overall this will be a challenging year, but when it is over you will know you are doing the right things for yourself and perhaps for others as well. Taurus: You will have over five more months of Jupiter in your sign before it moves on in mid-June. This placement represents expansion of your life through philosophy, travel or education. It oftentimes promotes the “flow” in your life so that things are easier than they have been in the past. This Jupiter transit began in June of 2011 and occurs for one full year out of every twelve. It represents a time of new beginnings that continue on forward, well after it has left your sign. Times that are particularly auspicious for you are in mid-Jan, mid-March and late Nov. Venus, your ruling planet turns retrograde in mid-May through June. Very probably you will be reviewing financial conditions during that
time. Income may be less during those months or expenses greater than norm. You may withdraw from social activities and people during this period. This is probably not your best year for romance. I see challenges in relationships in Feb., Apr, June, Aug, Sep, and early Nov. Someone new enters your life in early Dec. who may become a teacher or point you in the next “right” direction. During the last quarter your attitude about partnership overall becomes clearly more serious. You will want to be in a relationship that is moving forward or you are prepared to let it go. Gemini: Whatever illusions you might have about your usual work in the world are beginning to crack. At the same time you have a growing need to give that which you consider valuable back to society. You seek a mission which will re-enchant your everyday life and give you a sense of meaning. You will find it, but you may need to endure a transition time in which you don’t know what that special contribution is or how to make it happen. Jan.Feb. opens the year with your attention on shared resources. "Resources" include time, things of material value, energy and sexuality. The territory is wide, ranging from the mundane study of the budget and finances all the way to important discussions with partners over the need for greater intimacy. You may be organizing business issues related to an inheritance or your own legacy. Think very carefully in April about any relationship decisions, including contracts. The probability is strong you will feel the need to back out of commitments during May, June, to midJuly. During this period you will prefer to spend time in solitude. Fair warning to those in committed relationships: you will be prone to regress into old patterns of relating that you know are not productive. Avoid this if you possibly can or you will have apologies to make later. On June 11 the planet Jupiter moves into your sign and will remain there for a full year. Jupiter in your sign will lighten any load, renew your sense of optimism and reinforce your self esteem. Help and cooperation of others will be more available to you, especially if you make your requests in person. The spiritual dimension of your life will improve and travel or education becomes more prominent. The only difficulty with this transit is the tendency for weight gain
Cancer: Let’s look at the big picture since 2009. Pluto opposes your sign, challenging you to recognize your worth in some way and stand up for yourself. It is difficult, but you are making inroads. This press will continue for a decade. Uranus moved into your territory of career and social contributions. It is pressuring you to find ways to express your unique identity in the outer world, preferably while promoting social justice. It continues for 7 years. The Saturn voice is sending you words of caution and asking you to maintain your safety, security and the status quo. Sometimes the cosmos seems to have a sense of humor. How can you manage all these projects at once? No doubt you are, even though there might be a foul-up now and then. In Jan. it might all seem to be too much, but you will climb out of your shell in Feb to greet the world anew. Health issues may need attending during March. The eclipse season between midMay and mid-June draws attention to your health once again. You will probably be choosing to begin healthful regimens anew. During June, Aug.-Sep, and Nov-Dec. there will be episodes related to the projects identified at the beginning of this paragraph. You are getting stronger all the time. Leo: Maintaining your health has become a priority in the last three years. You do not have much wiggle room there, so exercise and diet are a major part of your daily activities now. You realize more than most that this is the bottom line and nothing else in your life works without these basics. Special emphasis on this factor is present in Jan., Mar-Apr, late June, late Sep., and Dec. Travel and expansion of your territory is significant through June. This is related to career, education and social life. Aspects for this are favorably emphasized during late Jan, late Feb and May. Make note of the weeks surrounding the Mar. 21 st equinox as this is a propitious time for you to begin new things, especially if they involve travel or communications. You may overdo during late June, early July. Ease up on the energy output and take rest breaks. Give special attention to investments and other shared resources. There are signs of loss there, slow and gradual, as though leaking. For the past two years you have had concerns about aging family members or
property. The time is approaching for a change in both areas and will be apparent in late Oct through the end of the year. You may shift your attention almost entirely to one or both of these matters as this year ends and the next begins. Virgo: The first four months of this year could feel like you are trudging through molasses. In the outer world many accomplishments will be slow and tedious. Even your physical body may feel sluggish. Your primary focus is internal healing at this time. Anger which has been buried in the past may be surfacing now and you need to work toward letting it go. Resentment is bad for your health. If you have had illusions about your primary relationship(s), these are beginning to fade. On the other side you will find a far more realistic perspective. It may be painful, but you can then have a more solid basis on which to make good decisions about your relationship life. You will find the garlic you need to repel vampire types. Issues concerning financial resources will demand attention, particularly in the time frame of March and April. You will be concentrating upon paying off debt and reorganizing accounts. In July and August the inner critic may be hard at work. Most of what it says is a lie, so don’t accept its chattering as truth. This may also be a time in which you are once again pondering the past. During mid-Sept. global affairs will be particularly a focus of attention, along with another round of evaluating your resources. In Nov. you may feel compelled to rearrange your home or to buy or sell property. Mercury is retrograde at that time and it would be best to make no permanent decisions until mid-Dec. By that time the impulse may have evaporated. From June ‘12 for the following year your career is a bright spot. During the last quarter you will be moving toward work that requires learning and practicing sharpened communication skills. Libra: Saturn has been in your sign since Nov. of ’09. Since that time you have felt the need to grow yourself up, to mature, and to solidify your identity, probably in a new or additional field of work. Saturn will continue to be in your sign until Nov. of ’12. You have a few more months to bring a sense of completion to these tasks. No doubt you have
matured significantly over these years and through multiple circumstances have come to know yourself from a deeper, more conscious core. Starting last spring changes have come into your life through relationships with others. This will continue for another six years. Many of these relationships will be with those who have minds of their own and they will teach you to set boundaries, claim your independence in a relationship and learn more about taking care of yourself. They may come and go suddenly. Times of potential upheaval occur in Feb., Aug., Sep., and early Nov. Times of restoration are Jan., Oct., and latter Nov. through Dec. During the months of May and June you may back off from relationships altogether for R&R. Beginning in Nov. you will have fewer discretionary resources. This may be due to a decision to decrease debt, or increase savings and investments. Scorpio: The flow of 2012 will begin in slow motion for the first four months. It may feel to you as though you are repeatedly treading old ground. You are looking for somewhere to connect and put down roots. In May you might encounter a physical or emotional blockage that demands healing before you move forward. In June through Sep. you will be heavily involved in the drama of our time: justice versus oppression. This will certainly develop in your personal life and you may also become involved in the collective struggle. Note your frame of mind in July and take responsibility for it. If you do not realize you are angry, a situation may drop in from the sky that will remind you of circumstances of the past. You will be prone to overreact if you aren’t clearly in touch with yourself. Drive and handle tools very carefully at that time. In the big picture you are nearly at the end of a 28 year cycle concerning your work in the world. As the fall begins you are likely to leave behind an old and worn out way of life. You may be choosing to be alone for a while rather than continue in a dead situation. Even those in committed relationships may choose to withdraw while you concentrate upon reinventing yourself during the next few years.
Sagittarius: Beginning last July your opportunities related to work have begun to open. You are able to make more income than before. In addition your physical and emotional health have improved. This good fortune continues through the month of March, 2012. The window does not close, but after March it will be your responsibility to maintain the opportunities you’ve been given. In mid-June your ruling planet, Jupiter, moves into the sign of Gemini for the following year. This brings improvements in partnerships of any kind. In particular, note the time frame during the second half of July to bring positive changes in this area. Perhaps you will find someone new or will be adding new spirit to an ongoing relationship. In the last quarter your leverage and assistance from behind closed doors will somehow vaporize. Maybe a supportive supervising person will retire or leave the scene or perhaps it will be your choice to depart. Throughout the year you will feel restless concerning your sense of home and security base. You may be searching for the truth of your history. At any time during the next few years you may discover that some facts about your past were never true at all. Previously unknown factors may alter the picture entirely. Many of you will be yearning to seek a dream that takes you to distant places. The theme of water is prominent, suggesting that you need to create a home literally nearby a body of water or maybe add the soothing of water sounds to your environment. Capricorn: This is the first year of four which bring major transition and change to your life. For 2012 the summer and fall are particularly notable. On the mundane level you likely will see significant changes among those in your family. As this happens, your own attitudes about how families should be will open to the unusual, even eccentric. You will struggle inside yourself on the subject of control versus freedom. You may become bored, tired of being in charge and ready to pass on the baton. One part of you is looking for escape from the crucible of your own rules. If this does not come from the inside, you will be challenged from the outside to crack a firm belief and allow the rush of a great gulp of fresh air to open your mind. The freedom will be exhilarating, once you let go of the struggle. Since last summer you have been given fresh inspiration through a creative work, the birth
of a child, or another new love in your life. This energy is prominent through April. Between May and August an issue requiring healing of the body or spirit will come to the surface and require attention. It is possible that it is someone near to you who requires your assistance, rather than yourself. During the last quarter of the year you will feel a need to take responsibility for your niche in life and clarify the role you want to play in the world. Aquarius: As Neptune departs your sign in Feb., it may carry away the last vestiges of an illusion you have had about yourself or your direction in life. It has been with you for 14 years, so the change may be startling. Perhaps a long held spiritual belief is dissolving or becoming much less a priority. It was good for many years but if we are to grow, we must allow some things to be left behind, lest they turn to concrete. A new vision for your life will take its place as the year moves forward, but be patient. There is likely to be a period of vagueness between the beginning and the end of the year. During the summer you could be attending to the health of yourself or that of someone who depends upon you. Your career or work in the world is moving toward an important turning point. The short version is that you will be promoted or you will depart. You can predict this now by understanding yourself and your attitude toward your occupation. If you are participating in work that fulfills you, then in late 2012 and through 2013 you will be given a boost, along with more recognition and responsibility. If instead, you are bored and ready to depart then the transition away from this situation will be at your front door by the end of this year. You may choose it yourself or it may occur as happenstance. The point is that it is time to find purpose in the world that makes sense for you. If it is not already there, then it will be time to seek out another adventure. Pisces: During 2011 you began to wake up to your mission in life. Your entire history has prepared you for what is beginning to happen now. The Piscean, who often feels like a bystander in the world, is coming into a true calling. For quite a long time you have been prepared for bringing your voice of
inspiration and healing to the world. Warnings! Do not allow your ego to take control of this mission or it will go dark. You are not the only one, but your natural gifts are called forth by the collective now. It is important that you recognize you are becoming a messenger. You are not the message. You must take care of your body. Whatever might be amiss in your physical system will show its symptoms now. Addictions of whatever type are already taking their toll. Carefully consider your lifestyle and recognize that not all addictions are chemical. Between July of last summer and the end of April 2012, a perfect path has opened up which will show your first few steps on this journey. Teaching, short distance travels, or communication of your ideas is prominent and must happen now. During late Feb. and Mar. it will be time to back up and review, to insure you are a clear vehicle for the message. Overcome your natural tendency to shyness and speak up while you have the opportunity. Other possibilities for reaching people develop in the fall. Do not give into fear. The world is ready for you at last.
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