Sashin Shah, President (JAY-HO) Sashin Deepak Shah from is a native of Kutch, Gujarat currently residing at Matunga, Mumbai. Sashin is a post graduate in Event Management and is an Event Management professional since 2004. Married to Prerana Shah also a native of Kutch, Gujarat, and has a 4 years old daughter. Currently Sashin owns a wedding Planning Company called Vivaah Planners and an Event Management Company named The E-Factory. The idea behind JAY-HO is to unite Jain Youth and create a platform for their talents and present to it to the world. UTH-N-YNG was generated as an idea for all the Jain Youth to be aware about not only about Jainism & Jain Current Happenings but also to get an overview of what is happening around the world. With sections like Technology, Food & Lifestyle, Travel, Finance & Tutorials UTH-NYNG will be a one-stop-shop for all the info required for the youth. A.T.M (Artistic Talent Management) was specially designed by Sashin as he is from the field of Event Management and gets many chances to present new talent to the world may it be for Singing, Dancing, Acting, Art & Crafts or Speech. “My idea is to get the Jain community to such a level where every ones knows a Shah, Gala, Mehta or Jain as much as they know any Kapoor, Khan, Chopra or Kumar” says Sashin Shah. “Hope we are able to fulfill our dreams for a better future”
Bhavik Veera, President (JAY-HO) Bhavik Vinod Veera, a choreographer by passion has done MBA in Marketing and owns a dance company named Spunk Dance Company. Bhavik is a native of Kutch, Gujarat and is currently residing in Panvel, Navi Mumbai. Being passionate about dance, Bhavik likes to bring creativity and emotions through his dances. His idea behind JAY-HO is to unite Jain Youth and give platform to the hidden talents of Jain Youth and take them to the higher level. As he always says, “STAY TUNED.STAY UNITED” UTH-N-YNG magazine is created especially for all Jain Youth not only giving information of what’s happening around but also giving them opportunity to express their views and ideas and helping them to create better future. A.T.M – Bhavik says, it is an initiative taken by his friend and colleague Sashin Shah and he liked the idea behind it. As a choreographer, he too likes to present new talent from dance field. He says, “Anyone can become Michael Jackson or Shah Rukh Khan or Ranbir Kapoor or Katrina Kaif, but end of the day it’s only you who carries your own personality”.
JAINISM - 18 WAYS HOW WE DO “PAAP” We are always busy doing something good that may be helping others or being bad and causing trouble to others. When we help someone, not only does it bring comfort to that someone, but it also brings us comfort by punya. But when we cause trouble for others, it causes us to suffer too due to paap (sins). The kinds of activities that cause others to suffer are called sinful activities and they can range in various levels from a simple tale-telling to the killing. In Jainism such activities are divided into 18 categories and they are considered the sources of the sins that lead to bad karmas or paap. These paap cause trouble in our current lives as well as future lives, too. Therefore, we should be careful not to carry out any of the following 18 sinful activities, which are interconnected with one another. Let us discuss about them one by one. Pranatipata : This word is formed by two words. 1) pran means vitalities of living being, and 2) atipata means to kill or to hurt. Therefore, Pranatipata means to cause suffering or kill any of the vitalities of living beings. Mrushavada : It is formed of two words. 1) Mrusha means lie, and 2) Vada means to tell or speak. So mrushavada means to tell a lie. Most common causes to speak a lie are anger, greed, fear, and deception. Adattadan : It is formed of two words. 1) Adatta means without permission, and 2) adan means to take. To take a thing without the permission of the owner or to steal is known as adattadan. To acquire something which does not belong to us by adopting wrong means is also considered stealing. Maithun : Maithun means being unchaste or engaging in sensuous enjoyment. This occurs when we enter in improper sexual activities. In Jainism, there is no place for any pre or extra marital sexual relationship because excessive sensual desires brings bad karmas. Parigraha : Attachment to the worldly possessions is known as ‘parigraha’. Unlimited possessions and hoarding things beyond a person’s basic needs is considered a sin.
Krodh: It means anger. When we do not get what we want, we get upset and mad, and depending upon the situation either we throw the things, use harsh words or have negative thoughts. When a person is angry, he can’t distinguish between right & wrong or good & bad. It means the ego. Mana : Egoism, pride, arrogance, selfadmiration, and conceit are all synonymous. The ego means thinking too much of the self. Due to the ego, we tend to look down upon others. Ego can be overcome by cultivating the sense of the humbleness. Maya : It means to deceive, cheat, or mislead. Deceit, cunning, and maya are synonymous. When we cheat and succeed in doing so, then that leads to ego because we feel proud of what we have done even though it was wrong. Lobha : It means greed. When we have enough to meet our needs but we want more for the sake of having it, then this act is called greed. Raga : Raga means attachment. Attachment can be towards any thing including the relationship with spouse, parents, children, relatives, money, toys, clothes, house, etc.
Dvesha : Dvesha means hatred. Every now and then, we may come across a situation where we do not like something. Most of the time we can ignore that, but sometimes it develops into the hatred towards someone. Kalah : It means to fight.. Frustration or anger are the cause for fighting. We should not forget that fighting breaks up even a good friendship. Therefore, we should learn to let go and believe in forgiveness. : Abhyakhyan Making false accusations on somebody is called abhyakhyan. Some persons cannot accept their losses and blame others for it even when the others are not at fault. Therefore, accept the truth and live by that even though sometime it may not be in our favour. Paishunya : Talking behind someone’s back or spreading rumors are all known as paishunya. Many people try to look smart by spreading rumors about others. This is a wrong habit which leads to the unnecessary friction and the quarrels. Parparivada : It is formed of two words. 1) Par means the other person and 2) parivada means to criticize. Many people do nothing but criticize others. Instead of admiring others, they always find faults instead. . It creates unnecessary friction, cultivates anger in the people, and can lead to unfortunate events.
Rati-Arati : Rati means liking, while arati means disliking. When a friend comes to our house, we like him, but on the other side if a funny looking stranger comes to our door we dislike him. Maya-Mrushavada : Telling a malicious lie is called maya mrushavad a. As such any lie is bad, but when it is done with the malice it is even worst. Malicious behavior causes nothing, but quarrel and friction. Mithya-darshan-shalya : This word is combination of three words. 1) Mithya means false, 2) Darshan means the faith, and 3) Shalya means a thorn. This means to believe in a false faith is a thorn. The internal austerities are 1. Atonement of sinful acts 2. Practice politeness and humility - in spite of having comparatively more wealth, wisdom, social status, power, etc. 3. Service to others, especially monks, nuns, elders and the weaker souls without any expectations in return 4. Scriptural study, questioning and expanding the spiritual knowledge 5. Abandonment of passions – especially anger, ego, deceit and greed 6. Meditation The external austerities are meant to discipline the sensual cravings. They are 1. Fasting 2. Eating less than one's normal diet 3. Abstention from tasty and stimulating food 4. Practising humility and thankfulness – by seeking help and offering assistance without egoistic tendencies 5. Practising solitude and introspection 6. Mastering demands of the body
5 SIMPLE WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR MEMORY ! Now let us discuss five simple techniques to improve memory: Four of these techniques are used to improve assimilation and thus to have longer retention. The last one is a simple strategy for recollection.
Chunking Perhaps Chunking is the oldest method used in memorization. In this method, the items to be memorized are divided into small and easily memorizable chunks or groups. This method works best when the order of the items is not important. This method is found to be particularly well suited for memorizing multi-digit numbers (eg., ID nos., telephone nos., etc.) and for committing complicated spellings to memory. Example: The number 472627607 may be memorized easily if it is grouped as 472, 627,607 or as 47, 26, 27,607. These chunks may then be learned by rote. Learning and retention are much facilitated if you further explore the nos. by finding some relationship among these different chunks. Finding the digital root will also be helpful. The more explorations or relations you do, the better. Words like mathematics may be divided into mat +he +mat +ics, Together may be divided into to + get + her; Important may be divided into im + port + ant. This technique will make us learn much faster. The list Apple, cucumber, paper, ink, cabbage, banana, grapes, beans, stapler, orange can be better learned by rearranging and applying chunking as :-
Apple, banana, grapes, orange, cucumber, cabbage, beans, paper, ink, stapler -- 4 fruits, 3 vegitables and 3 stationary items. If possible, organize the material as meaningfully as you can and think out relationships among each group. This not only improves learnability and retention but also aids in faster and effortless recollection. Psychologists doing research on Human Memory have found that the capacity of Short Term Memory (STM) for humans is 7Âą 2 that is from the range 5 to 9 items. So you should take care to keep the chunks you create within this limit. Rhyming This is also one of the popular and oldest methods in memorization. This technique makes use of the fact that we have a natural tendency to remember rhymes and rhythms. The following is a very popular example of application of this technique which almost all school students are familiar with. "Thirty days haveth September April, June and November All the rest have thirty-one February has twenty-eight alone Except in leap year, then the time When Febs days are twenty-nine." If possible create rhymes like this and it will not only aid in improving your memory but in improving your creativity as well.
Mediation/Bridging In this method, a bridge is built in between the items given to be memorized. This technique is best suited for learning material involving word pairs or material that can be reduced to word pairs. An example often cited by memory experts is the learning of the capital of Poland. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. World War II started with Germany's attack on Poland. Thus it may be arranged as Poland SAW War first. Here, the word pair to be connected together is Poland and Warsaw. The additional information of the World War II is used as a bridge or mediator in bringing these two words together. Again, like other techniques, the mediation technique calls for the learner's active participation in the learning process. This is because one is to bring in the mediator or the bridge from relevant items one has learned. Bed-time Recital In this technique, you do your recital or rote learning just before going to bed. The mind in the process of sleeping would then arrange the information in a systematic and effective way when you are sleeping. Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is a better chance that you arrive at a solution the next day. Steps for Memory Improvement
Be in a relaxed mood Write down the things that you are supposed to remember in a piece of paper. Read it aloud (if possible) once or twice and recite it two to three times.
Now go to sleep without worrying or thinking about anything. You will surely retain the item longer and find it more easy to recall it when in need. Trying by Not Trying All of us apply this method knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes when you try to recall you may not be able to recall it at that time even if you are sure that you know it very well. You experience a blocking that prevents you from recalling it. Normally you tend to try again and again but in vain. To handle this situation you just keep away from trying to recollect it and do something else; to your pleasant surprise that information automatically pops up into your mind after some time. This is because even if you stopped trying, the mind is searching for that information and brings it to awareness when it is found. Sometimes the information was blocked when you wanted, and mind brings it forward when the blocking is removed. This is where stress plays its role in hindering recall. If you are very anxious by nature or very stressful in nature, you may encounter this type of blockage very often. In such case, it is highly recommended that you practise some kind of relaxation technique and thus keep your anxiety and stress away. This is very important because this behavior can bring many undesirable psychological and physiological conditions. You may even consult a Clinical Psychologist in extreme cases.
PROTECT YOUR PHONE FROM RAIN/WATER DAMAGE Rains could spell doom for your mobile phone or any electronic appliance if it comes in contact with the device's circuits. At times, this occurs in spite of all precautions. Well, in case you are in such a situation, where you think water may have entered your cellphone, here are a few steps you could follow to save your phone from permanent damage. Some of the points mentioned below can be followed in case of other gadgets as well.
1. Get the phone out of water as soon as possible This is the first thing you should do. Get your phone to a dry place. Get it out of your rain soaked pants or jeans and place it out in a dry place. If this is not possible, shield your phone and follow the next step.
2. Remove Battery Open the phone and take out the battery. Do not bother about switching off the phone if you are out in the rain but do remember to shield the phone with your hand so that water doesn't get into the battery compartment. If you are in a dry place then switch off the phone and take out the battery. Now you can be sure that the phone won't short circuit and damage internal components.
3. Remove the SIM Once home, take out the SIM as well. I didn't ask you to do so earlier because chances of you misplacing the SIM are high. Removing the SIM may seem unnecessary to some, but it sure is important. The SIM is also part of a circuit. Breaking it is very much needed to save the connectors from damage.
4. Drying your phone Well this is the next part wherein you dry the phone so that all the moisture is out and you could possibly continue using your phone like nothing ever happened to it. To get rid of the water, tap the phone dry with a piece of cloth. The simplest way to dry the phone is to place it in the open for a couple of days. This way it will dry out but the process is very slow and there is a possibility of corrosion. Many people either have the phone placed under a table lamp or dry it with a hair dryer. Both these options will only do more damage than what the water could have done. If you got a vacuum use that on a slow mode. This pulls the water out of the phone rather than push the water further in with the use of a hair dryer. After using the vacuum for about 15-20min leave the phone open on a napkin. The napkin will soak whatever water comes out. Put away the phone for about 2-3 hours.
5. Getting rid of Moisture Next you need to get rid of the moisture in the phone. To do so we need a desiccant; which basically is a substance that absorbs moisture. Do not worry no one is asking you to head to a hardware shop or chemical shop and buy something. The easily available desiccant is rice - uncooked rice. Take a bowl full of rice and drop your phone in the bowl and close it. Leave the phone there for about 2-3hours. 6. Last leg of Drying After all of the above steps it's ideal to leave the phone to dry for a day but another 2-3hours on a napkin should do the trick. 7. Starting Up & Problems Now you can go head and turn on your mobile. If you're in luck your phone starts and doesn't act up. Problems Screen showing lines Some buttons not clicking Phone not starting at all For all such problems it's now best to hand it over to the experts. You can try to open up your handset and dry each of its components, but that's at your own risk. If your earpiece or mouthpiece is acting up then you can try cleaning it with a brush. But not a toothbrush, as you'll damage the speaker. Use a soft compound water paint brush or shoe polish brush.
Final Words If you follow these steps, there is a chance of saving your phone. Hope this information has been helpful. Take care of your gadgets while you enjoy the rains.
AKSHI BEACH OVERVIEW Akshi Beach is a mere 5 km from Alibaug on the Alibaug - Revdanda road and will take you about 15 minutes to get there by bus. A quiet fishing village with quaint houses built right in the calming shade of the coconut grove, it is a great throw back to a quiet and peaceful time and you automatically breathe easier and just leave your worries behind. This is a quiet beach frequented only by the locals. For those who are inclined towards local literature, it might interest you to check out an old epigraph that dates back to 1012 AD.
through Lonavala Market.The road gets connected to the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and take the Khopoli exit.Take the road to Pen and then move straight to Wadkhal Naka.The road straight from Wadkhal Naka goes to Alibag. Pune To Alibag By Bus then via Pen Alibag To Akshi By Local Transport Travel Duration : 4.33 Hours State Transport buses are available From Pune to Alibag directy.Another option is you can reach panvel by train/bus and from Panvel there is a frequent bus services that take you to Alibag City. Once you reach Alibag local transport is available for travel.
HOW TO REACH Mumbai To Akshi By Car via Alibag Travel Duration : 3 Hours Road Distance : 125 Kms Take the Sion-Panvel Highway.Take a right at Kalamboli Circle.Head straight towards on that Highway.You reach Shree Datta Snacks Center.Take a right from there and go straight. You will pass through Karnala and reach Wadkhal Naka.Dont Turn left ,go straight .Now you are on the Alibag road.The road leads you too the Alibag City. Mumbai To Alibag By Bus then Alibag To Akshi By Local Transport Travel Duration : 4.33 Hours Frequent State Transport buses are available from Mumbai Central/Parel/Panvel ST Depot.You can board these buses from Dadar/Chembur/Vashi/Belapur/Panvel.Once you reach Alibag local transport is available for travel. The Route is Dadar-Sion-Chembur-Vashi-PanvelPen-Wadkhal-Alibag. Mumbai To Mandwa By Boat then via Gateway of India Mandwa To Alibag By Local Transport then Alibag To Akshi By Local Transport Travel Duration: 2.33 Hours Take a ferry from Gateway of India.The ferry will drop you at Mandwa Jetty.From Mandwa Jetty board the buses arranged by the ferry.The Bus will drop you in Alibag City.From the city six-seater rickshaws commonly known as "Tum-Tum" are available which take you till Akshi. Pune To Akshi By Car via Alibag Travel Duration : 3.5 Hours Road Distance : 145 Kms From Pune get on the National Highway which goes
Shree Sateri Cottage in Akshi – AC -1800 Non AC 1200
Omkardeep Holiday Home in Akshi
Sanman Holiday Home in Akshi – Bungalow Rs. 8000
Alibaug - Nearby Destinations • • • • • • • •
Kihim Korlai Kashid Beach Durshet Nagothane Karnala Mumbai Elephanta Caves
6. Take out the brownie of the mould when it cools down.
1. Dark Chocolate Brownie
2. Guava Sorbet
A rich, dark chocolate brownie which is ideal for a dessert or even you can serve it with a vanilla ice-cream. It is all time favorite for kids and chocolate lovers. It’s a multi-purpose dish that can be served as desert and as bakery item.
Guavas are one of the natural treasures from tropical climates. This exotic sorbet is light and refreshing. The guavas impart an unusual sweetness to this soothing sorbet. It's important to cook the sugar syrup to the right consistency as that determines the texture of this sorbet. Preparation Time: 10 mins.
Preparation Time: 45 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 mins. Serves 2
Ingredients :1 cup plain flour (maida), 1 cup milkmaid, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 2 cups melted dark chocolate , 1/2 cup softened unsalted butter, 1/4 cup castor sugar, 1 tsp chocolate essence, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, butter for greasing.
Ingredients: 2 cups ripe guavas (chopped), 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, a few drops of raspberry red food color.
Method 1. Melt the dark chocolate by Double boil then add milk. 2. Mix above mixture with milkmaid, Butter, maida, castor sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, chocolate essence really well for approx 10 mins. 3. This mixture consistency.
4. Grease the mould and spread the mixture in to the bowl (microwave) 5. After 15 mins open the microwave to add walnuts then cook it for another 30 mins on 180 degrees in microwave. You can check if it is baked properly by inserting clean knife. If it comes out clean, it means it is done.
Method 1. Combine the guavas, sugar and 1 cup of water in a pan and bring to a boil. 2. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes till the guavas soften and the sugar syrup is of one string consistency. 3. Cool slightly and blend in a liquidizer. 4. Strain through a sieve and add the lemon juice and red food color so that the mixture is pink in color. Mix well and cool completely. 5. Pour into a shallow container. Cover and freeze till it is firm. 6. Serve small scoops in long stemmed icecream glasses.
3. Strawberry Margarita The strawberry margarita is the red cousin to its south of the boarder traditional margarita. It's got the Latin sensibilities of a margarita with cool strawberry flavor. They're easy to make, easy to enjoy, and will have you coming back for more.
4. Eggless Chocolate Mousse Preparation Time: 30 mins Cooking Time: 15 mins Makes 6 servings
Ingredients 2 cups milk 10 tsp sugar 3 tsp cocoa powder 100 gms dark chocolate
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
10 tsp (5 gms) agar-agar , chopped
Ingredients: 1kg fresh strawberries, 1/4 cup (60 ml) lime juice, 1/2 cup (120 ml) orange juice, 2 tbsp sugar, to taste
2 tsp custard powder
12 ice cubes, Strawberry (for garnish) Lime wedge (for garnish).
2 tbsp powdered sugar
200 gms fresh cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
Method Method: 1. Rub a lemon wedge along the edge of your margarita glass wetting the rim all the way around. 2. Dip the wetted rim of the margarita glass into a container of margarita salt or margarita sugar depending on your preference. 3. Shake strawberry grenadine, lime soda and lemon juice with ice in a cocktail shaker. 4. Strain the contents into the salt-rimmed glass. 5. Serve in margarita glass.
Soak the china grass in 3/4 cup of cold water for 1 hour. Put to cook on a slow flame until it dissolves. Put 2 cups of milk to boil with the sugar, cocoa powder and dark chocolate. To the balance 1/2 cup milk, add the custard powder and boil. When the milk starts boiling, add to the cocoa mixture and go on stirring and cooking for 1 minute. When the china grass is dissolved completely, add to the boiling custard and cook again for 2 minutes. Strain the mixture and go on stirring it until it is slightly cold. Beat the cream with the powdered sugar, add the vanilla essence and mix well. Add to the cocoa mixture and put it to set. Once it sets, chill thoroughly, decorate with cream and chocolate curls and serve cold.
mark my words, they’re going to end the war as one of the world’s superpowers.
Every manufacturer of a mobile device seems to have declared war on all the others. They try constantly to make phones smaller, smarter, sleeker and sexier. And, if this Cold War were not enough, some of them have declared legal war as well; notably Apple and Samsung. Make no mistake about it, we are in the middle of a battlefield without even knowing it - we are an audience which does not realize that a programme is on. But they say that all wars are the same, and they are right. Even though there’s no blood spilt in the cellphone wars (at least, not yet), I can already see many similarities to countries and people who have engaged in dealing death and destruction over the years. Here are just a few of them. 1. Apple is like the US today: The reasons are many. Their arsenal is hugely powerful; a legacy of dominance over the years will do that to you. They both have a fondness for ‘I’ - one because they have to start their product names a particular way, and the other because it’s individualistic. And, if anyone crosses either of them, they will come down on the offender like a ton of bricks - whether it is with a billion dollar lawsuit or a billion kilograms of explosive. 2. Samsung is like Russia in WW2: Russia was unnoticed for the first part of the war, but went crazy when stung (by the German betrayal) and then started systematically dismantling Germany on the Eastern Front. We haven’t seen the whole Samsung story yet, though $1 billion must sting quite a bit. But,
3. Nokia is like Britain in WW2: Britain started World War 2 as an established global superpower; everyone thought they would be around forever. Their colonization of the world resembled Nokia’s market share in its dominance. And then the big boys (US and Russia) realized that they were big, and blew Britain away with their sheer economic power. Leaving Britain to cling to its glory days, kind of like Nokia clings to the fact that the 1100 is still unbreakable. The only difference is that Nokia has made a serious claim to a comeback with the new Lumia, while Britain hasn’t, unless you count an awesome Olympic Games. 4. RIM is like the US in Iraq: When the US first entered Iraq, they had some big initial successes (mostly because everyone was unprepared). But, as they stayed, the local residents became more savvy, and started fighting back and using their knowledge of the terrain to hurt the US bad. Kind of like what happened to the Blackberry - it was (and still is, to a large extent) the corporate device of choice, but the iPhone and Android devices are snapping at its heels. Of course, it hasn’t exited yet (unlike the US and Iraq), but my analogy shows that it could happen, one day. 5. LG is like Pakistan in every Indo-Pak war ever: They got into wars they shouldn’t have, and somehow ended them with more territory than they started with (kind of like how LG maintains or improves its market share, defying all the odds).
THE NEW iPhone 5 POST-MORTEM ! The Apple iPhone 5 has finally been launched. There have been mixed reactions, but people are still mostly excited about getting one. Of course, the 2 million pre-bookings only prove the fact that people are eager (or sheeplike) and can’t wait to test out every new feature. There are a lot of people out there who want to know more about the new iPhone (though it looks an awful lot like the old one). But, till it’s made available, all we can work with is the launch speech and the info on the Apple site. After some pondering, I have managed to come up with my own analysis of the iPhone 5’s features. I hope they don’t sue me for forbidden knowledge. 1. iZero: The thinnest phone ever. The iPhone 5 is so thin, it puts all the size zero models out there to great shame. You really wouldn’t want to leave your iPhone lying next to a bunch of newspapers, else mommy dearest might actually mistake it for one (unless she noticed that the newspapers seemed to be fatter) and give it away as ‘raddi’. 2. iSight (the new mood detector in town): The iPhone 5 site tells us that ‘The world’s most popular camera now captures more of the world’. Most people seem to be puzzled about this; after all, all you can capture is pictures of the same people or things, right? Wrong! To retain its reputation as the pre-eminent phone camera, the iPhone 5 cam will probably go to the next level, and have indicators of people’s emotions. So, if you see a group picture soon where smoke is pouring out of the single guy’s head as he is surrounded by his committed friends, don’t be alarmed. The picture was taken with an iPhone 5, and it detected jealousy.
3. Advanced Siri: The all-helpful Siri will help you with anything, be it movie timings or weather forecasts. But with a little help from the iSight camera’s emotion detecting capabilities, you might soon be asking about your wife as well. When you ask something like “How is my wife going to behave today”, you can expect Siri to analyze moods and respond with anything from “the coast is clear” to “Red Alert. Is there a nuclear bunker nearby?”. Of course, even if Siri gets this answer completely wrong, it’s OK - the greatest minds of all time have tried to predict women’s moods perfectly, and have always failed. 4. Wireless connections...everywhere: Since the LHC failed in discovering something that moved faster than light (India TV seemed convinced it would), Apple tried to do that with the iPhone 5’s LTE feature. This feature promises ultra fast connectivity to data networks within a matter of seconds. The way I see the hype, LTE’s so fast, efficient and far-fetched, it could connect straight to heaven. An app based on talking to the dead would be an instant hit, except possibly for murderers. And Steve could come back and make Apple product launches legendary again. 5. Tall, taller, tallest : So the iPhone 5 is taller than any that came before it. By the time there’s an iPhone 10, it might just increase a little too much in length for humans to use, unless our pockets extend all the way to our feet. We might even see, a few years down the line, Apple taking over the Galaxy S3’s tagline, like so: ‘ iPhone 10. Designed for dinosaurs.’
The market is a roller coaster and let no one tell you otherwise. In the short term the market outlook may seem uncertain due to concerns on oil prices and slowdown on foreign institutional investor inflows.
understand the stance the manager has taken while building his scheme portfolio. The portfolio will not only determine the future outcome of your investment but will also tell you how risky the product is and hence if it is appropriate for your appetite. For example, an equity scheme, which invests in large cap companies, could be safer than one that invests in mid or small cap companies. The portfolio for debt instruments is determined on duration of securities. A high duration, high return investment is potentially volatile and risky; while a short duration investment Portfolio is less risky. This is where we come to the next parameter of comparison Risk.
But on the longer horizon Indian markets look very good. The government has been making conscious business friendly policies; the fiscal deficit too is getting under control. India continues to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world. These factors coupled with many others are ensuring India's position as a global investment destination. To grow personal capital from India's growth one has to choose the correct investment avenue. And choosing an investment avenue is like getting into a marriage, so do it wisely. Choosing between the plentiful available mutual funds and schemes is not easy. A well thought out and well-planned decision is one that will bear fruits in the long run. Thus a structured approach to fund selection with a systematic checklist to achieve it is of utmost importance. Even though there are many available methods of product comparisons, one doesn't want to be weighed down by all of them. Dwelling into too many numbers, will only lead to further confusion. Therefore only a few areas of comparison are of true importance and will be comprehensive enough to produce a thorough comparison.
Portfolio Portfolio is very important while comparing schemes. Even though some of the underlying stocks in portfolios could be similar, most portfolios have differing mandates and investment philosophies. As a result it is rather important to
In today's scenario, investments that generate meaningful post tax; post inflation returns have risks attached to them. These are market risk, credit risk, government policy risk etc. At this point one has to understand how much risk he is willing to take in order to generate higher return. The rule of thumb is that the more risk one is willing to take the better the returns potential. The measurement for risk to return is known as Sharpe Ratio. The higher the value, the better the risk attached to the scheme is managed. A volatile investment can also be very risky. Thus this aspect must also be quantified. Standard deviation will help us understand the volatility of a scheme visĂ -vis its benchmark. Be aware a riskier investment is not always better and a sure fire way to generate superior returns. Performance comparisons These are the most favored methods of investors and amongst the easiest. Performance numbers are available in plentiful. But performance is only measured in hindsight, and can never be guaranteed in the future. Also performance can only be compared across similar categories of funds. For example, performance or return comparison between an equity scheme and a debt scheme
should never be done. It must be kept in mind that comparison happens only between similar funds. A large cap fund should be compared with another large cap fund and not a mid cap fund. Thus compare apples to apples only. Performance and return comparison should be conducted usually when one has decided on the above-mentioned factors like risk and product category.
At this point I would like to stress, that any of these parameters could only be a guiding star and not a guarantee for the future. Choosing an investment avenue is like getting into a marriage, so do it wisely. Happy Investing!
Commodity Prices (MCX) as on 10-10-12 Commodity
% Chng
Gold - 5 Dec
Silver - 5 Dec
Naturalgas - 26 Oct
Aluminium - 31 Oct
Copper - 30 Nov
Nickel - 31 Oct
Lead - 31 Oct
Zinc - 31 Oct
Crudeoil - 19 Oct
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MOVIE PREVIEW : AIYYAA Rani Mukerji’s next film Aiyyaa appears a fun flick. It has the actress playing a Marathi woman who gets turned on by a man’s smell. Aiyyaa is directed by Sachin Kundalkar and produced byAnurag Kashyap and Viacom 18. It features the Malayalam superstar Prithviraj opposite Rani Mukerji. Rani plays the girl named Aiyyaa who lives with her eccentric family next to a smelly garbage dump. She’s perpetually lost in her dream-like Bollywood fantasy world. She gets a job at an art college where she meets a buck-toothed Lady GaGa lookalike, and together they go manhunting. That’s until Aiyyaa catches the smell of her dream man, follows the scent and finds a hunky Tamil student (Prithviraj). She stalks him, much to his annoyance. At the same time Aiyyaa’s barely sane parents are busy arranging her marriage to a good, sensible boy, who loves Marathi art cinema and rose-planting. As her dream hunk mysteriously disappears, Aiyyaa is torn: should she settle for the rose garden? Aiyyaa is being touted as a delightful Amelie-style comedy, but it apparently also has Rani Mukerji in some bold scenes. A Bengali brought up in Mumbai, Rani Mukerji says essaying a Maharashtrian girl in Aiyyaa made it all the more special. The role of a Maharashtrian girl named Meenakshi Deshpande in the movie was like a dream come true for her, says Rani. "I have always said that I am actually a Maharashtrian girl because I have been born and brought up in Maharashtra. Being a Mumbaikar, Marathi language is not alien to me. It was my dream or wish that some day I should play a Marathi girl's role and with 'Aiyyaa', this dream has come true," the 34-year-old said at a promotional event here. An Anurag Kashyap production, "Aiyyaa", releasing Oct 12, also stars southern actor Prithviraj. In the movie, Rani Mukerji has imitated screen divas Madhuri Dixit, Sridevi and Juhi Chawla and says being a fan of them all, helped her in emulating their dance moves. Rani says she and director Sachin Kundalkar are equally big fans of the three actresses. "He (Sachin) has been a huge fan of Juhi, Madhuri and Sri-ji, so when he discussed the idea with me, I told him that it's unbelievable that even I am similarly a fan of theirs. I have grown up loving them," Rani said at a promotional event for the film here. "So it was a great fit, and I think because the fit was so good, selecting those songs that we loved of theirs and paying a tribute, came naturally," she added. Aiyyaa is slated to release on October 12.
MOVIE PREVIEW : BHOOT 2 Tarun, an out-of-towner architect moves in with his family to a luxurious bungalow that he has acquired on a rather cheap rent. His wife Namrata's curiosity over the seemingly low rent is quashed by their kids who readily approve of the new house. Soon 10 yr. old Taman and 6yr old Nimmi who are often at loggerheads find their own activities to do in the new house. Taman spends his time on videogames and TV whereas the curious kitten Nimmi spends her time exploring the various spaces of the house. During one such exploration Nimmi finds a cute looking doll. Soon after the discovery of the doll Nimmi starts including 'Shabbu' in all her activities. The family mistakes Nimmi's new doll to be Shabbu. But they are left gob smacked as Nimmi introduces the doll as 'Dolly' and points at an empty space and introduces her invisible friend as Shabbu. The parents suspect Nimmi's playfulness and wild imagination as the reason for her new 'friends'. Soon Tarun's younger sister Pooja surprises the familyby visiting them straight after a wildlife photography assignment. The prankster in Pooja decides to scare Nimmi but instead gets jolted by a Shabbu remark. As Tarun, Namrata and Pooja discuss Nimmi's fixation over her imaginary friend Shabbu; the domestic help Laxman is sure of the presence of a spirit in Nimmi's life. Laxman's worries receive severe backlash from Tarun, an ardent rationalist. Soon, each night at the bungalow seem to turn for the worse, all with knocks at unearthly hours, demonic sounds and eerie movements throughout the house. Tarun suspects Laxman to be the mischief-maker trying to prove his points. As Nimmi's fixation with Shabbu increases, the family decides to consult a psychiatrist.The psychiatrist explainsNimmi's imaginary friend as a result of her loneliness and terms it as a common technique used by children to grab attention. Laxman's sudden disappearance and the increasing curiosity in Pooja to find answers for the ongoing activities make her install cameras at various places in the house. The footage from these cameras is proof enough for the already disturbed Namrata to take a decision to vacate the house. The otherwise cool-headed Tarun's mind starts reeling as he sees the captured footage. The family finally decides to vacate the house. But the house has other plans of its own as Nimmi is found missing. A sequel to 2004 hit Bhoot, The film explores the dramatic and horrifying changes in the life of a family when they come to stay in a new house. Strange things happen and the little girl in the family feels the presence of someone called Shabbo. The film takes viewers through the misery of the family and their eventual escape from the house. The entire journey is filled with spine chilling and scary incidents. Who is shabbo? Why she is visible to only little girl? What she wants? Will the family be successful to escape from the horror and how? Will they have to sacrifice? And what? The film deals with all these questions in a way that makes this film may the most scary film ever shot in a house. The film has been shot in 3D making it even more scary. Release Date : Oct 12, 2012
ENGLISH VINGLISH is special. Sridevi, who ruled the marquee in the 1980s and 1990s, belting out hit after hit, returns to the silver screen after a hiatus. The film won rave reviews at a recently concluded film festival, with the critics referring to the actress as Meryl Streep of India. That, in my opinion, is the ultimate honor for any actress. Lets set the prevalent doubts to rest. ENGLISH VINGLISH is not a rehash of the immensely popular TV show ZABAAN SAMBHAALKE or its British version MIND YOUR LANGUAGE. It's as dissimilar as oranges and apples are. First-time director Gauri Shinde [she has enough ad films to her credit] chooses a subject -- a woman incapable to converse in English and hence looked upon as an embarrassment by her own people -- to send across a message. The larger message is that any individual can triumph over any uncertainty, surmount all apprehensions and redeem the self-esteem, if he/she makes an earnest endeavor to overcome it. Also, the woman [a neglected housewife/a mother of two in the movie] yearns for respect. But respect can only be earned and the woman does so in the most uncomplicated, yet remarkable way. She makes a quiet resolve to learn the language and does so without relying upon anyone else. What really makes the movie stand out, besides a lot of factors contributing to its strengths, is the manner with which the director picks up an issue [which many would consider ordinary] and makes a movie that chokes you with sentiments. ENGLISH VINGLISH is the story of a woman who struggles with English and is made to feel insecure by her family and society at large. The film depicts the touching and transformational journey of a housewife, Shashi [Sridevi]. Circumstances make her resolute to prevail over this lack of confidence, master the language, teach the world a lesson or two on the way to becoming a selfassured and confident woman.
Gauri smartly integrates the songs in the narrative, although, I genuinely feel, the film would've excelled even without songs. The songs [Amit Trivedi], though situational, are soft and soothing. Cinematography [Laxman Utekar] captures the vibrant colors with dexterity. ENGLISH VINGLISH is unimaginable without Sridevi. Correspondingly, I don't think Sridevi could've got a more cohesive script to return to movies. This is unlike what the actress has done in the past. Think of Sridevi and you recall films like HIMMATWALA, CHAALBAAZ, NAGINA, MR. INDIA, CHANDNI, LAMHE, KHUDA GAWAH, LAADLA and JUDAAI. But the supremely talented actress also has non-glam roles like the one in SADMA to her credit. She returns to the big screen in a role that's sans the frills, spectacle and theatrics and yet wins hearts. She's stellar, in terrific form, immersing herself in this character, playing her age‌ so much so that after a point you forget you're watching someone who has immortalized so many characters. What you carry home, and in your heart, is Shashi, a woman who is snubbed by her children and husband on various occasions for her lack of English-language skills, but overpowers her apprehensions and insecurities and emerges triumphant eventually. French actor Mehdi Nebbou is just right. Even when he's speaking in French, the expression that he conveys says it all and that is the hallmark of a fine actor. However, when he speaks in French, subtitles in English were essential for the viewer to decipher or decode and would have adjoined considerable value to those extremely significant sequences. Amitabh Bachchan is simply fantastic in a cameo. Wish there was more of this legendary actor! Navika Kotia, enacting the role of the daughter, is firstrate, but it is the child actor, Shivansh Kotia, Sridevi's son, who is endearing and steals your heart with his adorable antics. Sulbha Deshpande is admirable. Sridevi's classmates, each of them, pitch in neat performances. Right from the taxi driver from Pakistan to a South Indian guy to a Mexican nanny and of course, the English teacher, everyone stands out in their respective parts. ON THE WHOLE – STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
Aries (Mar. 20--Apr. 19) : Saturn in Scorpio requires you to focus on the consequences, responsibilities and liabilities of sharing resources with others. There may be work to do related to managing your own finances or those of someone else. This is a good period to tackle internal roadblocks that interfere with your ability to achieve genuine intimacy. Resources may be reduced for a time. Taurus (Apr. 20--May 19):The new Saturn cycle rivets attention on the quality of your important relationships. It is time to begin realistically considering your responsibilities in this area and clarify your commitment. Existing relationships will be evaluated and new purposes carved. On the other hand, it may be time to release those persons who are wasting your precious time and energy. Gemini (May 20 -- June 20) : This will be a period of apprenticeship. Now is the time to perfect your broad index of experience and knowledge, to practice until the accumulated bits of wisdom become second nature and highly efficient. The subsequent cycle will yield the improvement in status resulting from focus now. Give thorough attention to the needs of your physical body. Don’t Neglect Cancer (June 21--July 21) : This is the time for intentional application of your creative energy and to take steps toward manifesting your dreams of fulfillment. Something deep inside you, no more than 3 years in your consciousness, wants to be expressed. Don't anticipate grandiose results on this cycle, but there should be reasonably positive responses from the world if you are on the right track. Leo (July 22 --Aug. 21): In terms of worldly influence, you are at the lowest point in the Saturn cycle. It is time now to lay the foundations for the next 28 years and this begins with inner work. We can produce little in the outer world until we develop a sense of a stable internal sanctuary. Define what you must have to feel solidly secure and initiate the steps that will produce it. Family and property concerns may dominate for a time. Virgo (Aug 22--Sep. 22) : This is the beginning of a period for you to define and clarify your level of knowledge. You may be called upon to adopt a project requiring close concentration and sharpened communication skills. Learning to speak or write volumes in a few chosen words will become important as this cycle progresses. Work toward efficiency and streamlining all communication methods over these two years.
Libra (Sep. 23--Oct. 22)This Saturn cycle asks you to more clearly define your values. You may have fewer resources available now, whether that refers to money, energy or time. Discrimination will be necessary to maximize efficiency. You are likely to voluntarily forego expenditures on immediate pleasures for longer range objectives. People commonly purchase a home or make imp. investments on this cycle. Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) : It is time to redefine yourself. The old way was good for a long time but it has outlived its purpose and you must now look at yourself more deeply. What are the potentials not yet developed What is the best way to contribute your gifts to a greater whole? Focus your attention on personal identity and tighten up all life agendas to match who you wish to become. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 --Dec. 20) : This Saturn cycle asks that you be directed inward and you may choose to withdraw from the world (if not physically, then mentally). Attempts to capitalize on the social and political power of the last few years will fail to make you happy. You may be drawn to work with those who are deprived or mistreated. Now is a time for spiritual refurbishing and R&R before the next 28 yr cycle begins. Capricorn ( Dec 21 -- Jan 19) : Saturn's current cycle calls you to take responsibility for your niche in life and clarify the role you wish to play in society. You have much knowledge coupled with many social and communications skills and talents. It is time to consider extending these gifts beyond the personal and offer them in service to a larger group. You will experience the outcome of many years' work during the next 3yrs Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 17) : This is a highly productive period. For those who have been happy with life contributions, the next three years brings greater responsibility. Long term goals and desire for achievement in your outer life may press you to temporarily sacrifice personal life and leisure. It is likely you are either adding responsibilities or departing an outworn lifestyle to begin a fresh adventure. Pisces (Feb. 18--Mar. 19) : This Saturn cycle calls upon you to study your beliefs for flaws. If they are sound, then commit yourself to establish practical ways in which to manifest them. The arena may be legal, religious, philosophical or educational. You must apply what you have learned in the secular world. You must “walk your talk”. The world requires that you expand your usual territory to include a larger social structure.
Mr.Amitabh Bachchan India's legendary actor and iconic personality turns 70 on 11th and the veteran continues to awe, awe and awe! The Big B(as he's fondly called), needs no introduction but this is a fan's humble attempt to talk about the man's greatness. The countdown for his 70th Birthday has begun and we list the first 25 out of 70 reasons as to why we love Amitabh Bachchan.
1. Baritone voice- Amitabh Bachchan is known for his baritone voice and although he was rejected by All India Radio as an RJ (Radio Jockey), this turned out to be a blessing for Bollywood. He's been a narrator (for Satyajit Ray's Shatranj Ke Khilari and the Oscar-winning French documentary March of the Penguins) and a playback singer (Sharaabi, Khuda Gawah, Paa. Kahaani, Bol Bachchan and Silsila to name a few). 2. Angry Young Man of Hindi Cinema-The term that was famously coined by English playwright John Osborne, went on to become a catchphrase for Amitabh Bachchan. He portrayed the rebellious and disillusioned man in films like Deewaar, Zanjeer, Trishul, Agneepath and Shakti). 3. Legendary actor- With a career spanning four decades, Amitabh Bachchan has worked with the best directors and co actors in the Indian film fraternity. He has award winning performances to his credit and his films like Amar Akbar Anthony, Namak Haraam, Deewar, Anand, Abhimaan, Sharaabi and Sholay watched till date. His hits like Agneepath and Donhave been remade but none match the originals! He was the 'Superstar' of Indian cinema for a quarter century before his down fall. 4. Iconic public figure- Wherever Amitabh Bachchan goes, "Line wahi se shuru hoti hain". 5. Family man- He is a doting father to both Shweta Nanda and Abhishek (AB Junior). His camaraderie and rapport with his children is evident at public events and in movies, where Big B and AB Junior have worked together. He recently made it to the success bash of Bol Bachchan to support Abhishek in spite of a hectic schedule. 6. Fighter- During the shooting of Coolie in 1982, he had a near fatal accident while shooting a fight sequence with co-star Puneet Issar. He condition was termed critical and he spent many months in hospital. He was even close to death but chose to fight and with the well wishes of family and close friends, he bounced back to life. This was christened as his re-birth. 7. Professional- Come hail or storm, Amitabh Bachchan lives up to his commitments. Out of the many incidents, the particular one that comes to mind is during the shooting of the filmSharaabi where Amitabh Bachchan burnt his hands. But being the professional he is, he continued to shoot by putting his hand in his coat pocket which went on to become a fashion statement in itself! 8. Good diction- No one has a better command over English and Hindi the way Big B has. He's articulate, well read and pronounces words to the tee. His fluency in both languages is impressive! 9. Dance- Amitabh Bachchan has his own unique style when it comes to dancing. He re interpreted Bhagwan dada's dance style to give it the Amitabh stamp. This is evident in songs like (Jahan Teri Yeh Nazar Hai, Khaike Paan Banaras Wala, Shava Shava and the list is endless).
10. Dialogue delivery- Amitabh's dialogue delivery renders audiences speechless. From"Rishtey mein to hum tumhare Baap lagte hain, Naam hai Shahenshah" to "Don ka intezaar to 11 mulko ki police kar rahi hai, par don ko pakadna muskil hi nahi namumkin hai" dialogues form the USPs of his films. 11. Versatility- He has experimented with all genres of cinema from playing comic roles (Namak Halal) to the intensely romantic hero (Silsila) to the Angry Young Man (Deewar) to playing a child suffering from progeria (Paa) and a villain (Aankhen). Amitabh truly embodies the spirit of cinema! 12. Lineage- He is the son of the famous poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan. Harivansh Rai Bachchan, whose original surname was Shrivastava, adopted the pen name Bachchan that signified a childlike spirit and it was this surname that Amitabh chose to use to make his debut in Hindi Cinema. 13. Superstar- After Rajesh Khanna, Amitabh Bachchan was the second superstar of the country. But with the sad demise of Kaka (Rajesh Khanna), Big B recently Tweeted, "The word 'superstar' was invented for him, and for me it shall ever remain his and no others". We appreciate the humility. 14. Connect with people- Amitabh Bachchan is a people's person without having to make an effort. His connect with audiences, fans, celebrities, politicians and world leaders is effortless and come to him naturally and spontaneously. 15. Active blogger & Twitterati- He has his own official blog and is extremely active on the social networking site Twitter where he has 3, 646, 523 followers. Big B is conscientious and writes on many topical issues. 16. Moves with the Times- Whether it's his dressing style or the roles he chooses (Cheeni Kum, Boom, Buddha Hoga Terra Baap) or it's his approach to new age directors and actors, Big B knows how to keep up with gen next. 17. Real & reel life persona- Amitabh Bachchan has great poise, excellent diction, is a great orator, well read and spoken personality, an altruist and an actor unparalleled by any in the history of Indian cinema. 18. For giving trademark characters- From Vijay Dinanath Chauhan in Agneepath(which was his character name for 20 films) to Jay in Sholay and Subhash 'Sarkar' Nagare inSarkar, no one can beat Amitabh when it comes to acting! 19. His chemistry with Rekha-His onscreen chemistry with co-actor Rekha sparked of many rumours that went on to link the two together. Big B was married to Jaya Bachchanthen and the iconic film 'Silsila' is said to be inspired by this love triangle. Rekha and Amitabh were seen together in films like Do Anjaane, Silsila, Suhaag, Muqaddar ka Sikandar and Mr. Natwarlal. Till date, the camera pans on Amitabh and Rekha at all award functions. 20. Doting Grandfather- He's known to be crazy about his grand children Navya Naveli Nanda, Agastya Nanda (Shweta Nanda's kids) and baby Aaradhya Bachchan. The entire family is often seen at functions with Shweta Nanda's children. And with the recent birth of Aishwarya and Abhishek's daughter, baby Aaradhya, Big B can't seem to get enough of her. At a recent press conference, Big B said he was eager to rush back home to play with Aaradhya. These kids are truly lucky to have him as their grandpa! 21. Doting father in law- Big B does not differentiate between his children Abhishek & Shweta and his daughter in law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Big B is very fond of his bahu and recently even went to the airport to receive her. The two are often seen at events together, to represent the Bachchan parivar. Ash said in an interview a while back that Amitabh Bachchan is the bestest. 22. Face of Supremo- Amitabh Bachchan is the facial caricature of the Indian comic book character 'Supremo' which is based on him. 23. For being vegetarian- At a time when celebrities across the world are now being conscious of their food choices and are even turning vegan, Amitabh Bachchan has always been a vegetarian by choice and has stuck to a healthy and balanced vegetarian diet. 24. Teetotaler-He abstains from alcohol and does not believe in social drinking. Though he's given the best drunken performances in his movies, Big B's a teetotaler! He's not one to be embroiled in any drinking controversies and has always stayed clean from them! 25. Religious- Amitabh Bachchan is religious by nature (sometimes superstitious also) and follows Indian traditions, whether it involves Abhishek and Aishwarya's wedding or it's the naming ceremony of Aaradhya to wearing different rings for religious purposes, he sure follows what the ancient Indian sutras say! 26. Social responsibility- Amitabh Bachchan has always been a conscientious citizen and his support for UNICEF`s Pulse Polio campaign had a huge impact on the country, eradicating polio to a large extent in India. He was also the face of 'Save Our Tigers' campaign that promoted the importance of tiger conservation in India. As the host of Kaun
Banega Crorepati, he's promoted different themes through the seasons including the latest, "Sirf gyan hi aapko aapka haq dilata hai". All his efforts are truly lauded. 27. For making holi special- He makes bhang appealing and getting drunk on holi a ritual. And truly, no one brings on the colours of Holi the way Amitabh Bachchan does on the silver screen. Whether it's his famous songs 'Rang Barse' or 'Holi Khele Raghuvira', Big B makes every Indian want to play Holi! 28. For being Big B-This one needs little guessing. He stands tall at 6' 2". He's the biggest star of the Indian film industry. But here's an interesting fact that not many know. Amitabh Bachchan launched a music label called Big B which released the music of the film Bandit Queen. 29. The best host on TV- His debut with Kaun Banega Crorepati as TV host brought him back to prominence. Now in its 6th season, no host has been as popular or loved by audiences as much as AB senior. 30. Completing four decades in Bollywood-He made his acting debut with Saat Hindustani in 1969 and there has been no looking back for Big B. He rose to stardom between 1973-1983 and it was during this period that he earned the catchphrase, 'Angry young Man' with Prakash Mehra's Zanjeer. 31. Recipient of the Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan-He received the Padma Shri in 1984 and the Padma Bhushan in 2001 for his outstanding contribution to cinema. 32. A successful politician- Although his political ambitions were shortlived after he decided to take a break from Bollywood, he still had a magical stint in politics in the year 1984. He succeeded in defeating Hemvanti Nandan Bahuguna. It was hinted that he joined politics to help his friend Rajiv Gandhi. But Big B got dragged into the Bofors scandal and other controversies which prompted him to quit this line. 33. Big come back- Kaun Banega Crorepati is said to be the saving grace in Amitabh Bachchan's career. At a time when he was in huge debt and forgotten by the industry, KBC'soffering in 2000 came as a blessing! As KBC's host, he was an instant hit with masses! It reinstated his position and career and went on to recreate the phenomena called Amitabh Bachchan. 34. International superstar-France's highest civilian honour, the Knight of the Legion of Honour was conferred on him in 2007. He was also voted as the "greatest star of stage or screen" in a BBC Your Millennium online poll in 1999. It was in the same year that Big B was voted for the Actor of the Century award at the Alexandria International Film Festival inEgypt in recognition of his contribution to the world of cinema. He also won the Lifetime Achievement Award at Asian Film Awards in 2010. 35. Accessible to fans- It's a ritual for AB senior to greet his fans whenever he's in the country, who throng his house every Sunday to get a glimpse of the superstar! 36. A global citizen- He was conferred with the Honorary Citizenship of the French town of Deauville in 2003. He was also honoured with an Honorary Doctorate from the Leeds Metropolitan University in Yorkshire, UK, the De Montfort University in Leicester, UK and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. 37. Making India proud- He is the first Asian to have his wax statue at London's Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. On 27th July 2012, he carried the Olympic torch in London's Southwark. 38. Giving Mumbai its famous landmark-Big B's houses-Prathiksha and Jalsa, have become famous landmarks of the city and tourists include it in their Mumbai itinerary while visiting the city. 39. For his personal quotes- "Rajesh Khanna for me will remain the only superstar in true sense". "The amount of things I have been through and the remarkable ways in which the body has reacted is just phenomenal. No wonder I became religious, because you don't know why something's happening to you and you don't know how you bounced back". "I have never really been confident about my career at any stage". "Everyone must accept "that we will age and age is not always flattering". 40. Punctuality- Big B is a stickler for time and is known for being extremely punctual on sets. He does not believe in wasting the producer's time or money! 41. Good orator- Big B's command over English and Hindi is phenomenal and the superstar can enthrall audiences with his sheer wit and intelligence and his gift of the gab! 42. Adapting to young directors- Big B is known to work well with the new age directors without meddling in their affairs. He's known to respect their art and craft and has worked wonderfully well with directors like Karan Johar, Shaad Ali, Apoorva Lakhia, Samir Karnik,Farhan Akhtar and Kaizad Gustad. 43. Charismatic- Wherever Big B goes, there are shutterbugs ready to capture this charismatic personality. He has a way with words and people that makes him very likeable. He's suave, classy and has a great persona. 44. Trendsetter- Fashion doesn't make him, he makes fashion! From his sunglasses, to wristwatches (he has a fetish for them) to the floral print shirts, his formal suits and neck kerchiefs, Big B does it in style and makes fans follow suit!
45. Drunken scenes- It's ironic that Big B who is a teetotaler has performed some of the best drunken scenes in films like Sharaabi, Namak Halal, Satte Pe Satta, Amar Akbar Anthony andDo Anjaaane. 46. Highest Awards and honours- Filmfare awards, National awards, Wax Statue at London's Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, Honorary doctorates, the Knight of the Legion of Honour. Phew! This list can go on and on. 47. Made comedy a trend- At a time when mains stream actors did not foray into full fledged comic roles, Amitabh broke that barrier with films like Namak Halal, Amar Akbar Anthony, Chupke Chupke and Mr. Natwarlal. 48. Shahenshah of Bollywood- Most superstars are known by a name in Bollywood and Big B is aptly called the Shahenshah because he rules the roost. 49. Light Suit in Yaarana- He came up with the idea of wearing the light suit in the hit song Saara Zamaana. Big B would constantly monitor the lights through a switch that he firmly held in his hands during the shooting of this song. And the end result was superb! From the steps, to the lights and his co-actor Neetu Singh, this song remains iconic! 50. Sincere actor- Big B gives his 100% to all films, irrespective of the banner, budget and co-actor. Whether it was standing on stage and just emoting (in the song O Saathi Re) or the emotional scenes in Baghban or a child suffering from progeria in Paa, Amitabh Bachchan has played every character to the tee! 51. Awe inspiring energy- It's amazing the amount of work that Mr. Bachchan can do with multiple shoots, endorsements and various other commitments. Actor Ajay Devgn claims that it was Big B's energy that motivated him to shoot even when he was unwell. "I was unwell and we started shooting for Bol Bachchan song with Mr. Bachchan. When I reached the sets, I had no energy to shoot but I saw Mr. Bachchan being energetic on the sets even though he was not in the pink of health. In fact, people told him not to strain too much as he was not keeping well, but Amitji continued to shoot. It motivated me so much that even I completed the shoot without any complain," says Ajay. Adding, "At this age if he can be so hard working, why can't we? He is surely a source of inspiration". 52. A thorough gentleman- For giving respect to humanity irrespective of caste, creed, gender, age, religion and nationality. 53. Bows before his wife- Never mind the height difference, Big B is a doting and respectful husband to wife Jaya and has always given her due credit for his success. The two married in 1973 and Jaya was his co-star of many films. Jaya Badhuri (maiden name) was a big star when she met Amitabh who was struggling to find a foot hold in the film industry. They say it was her presence in his life that brought him all the luck! Rightly said, behind every successful man there is a woman! 54. Humility-As the Shahenshah of Bollywood who has been in the film industry for four decades, Big B is as humble as one can be. Whether it's with his co-stars, junior actors, newcomers, audiences and fans, he greets all of them equally! He has also taken the ups and downs of life with grace and challenged them, and never let success or failure change him as a person. 55. Patriotic spirit- When Amitabh Bachchan was conferred an Honorary Doctorate by the Queensland University of Technology in Australia in 2009, the actor turned it down. This was his way of decrying the racial attacks on Indian students in Australia. 56. Beyond regionalism- Amitabh Bachchan is promoting tourism for three states in India including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Kerala. This goes on to prove that the lad from Allahabad does not differentiate between different states and cultures. This is a sign of a genuine leader. 57. Giving respect to Indian cinema- Big B dislikes the term Bollywood. In an interview given to a known media house, he went on to say that the word Bollywood sounded like an abuse and was demeaning to the Hindi film industry. 58. Generous- It is a known fact that Big B worked for free for friend Shashi Kapoor's directorial debut, Ajooba. Rohit Shetty had also said in an interview that Big B had really helped him when his father had passed away. It was his friendship with Rajiv Gandhi that prompted him to run for a seat in the Congress from his hometown. Even in KBC, as a host, he is always worried about contestants choosing the wrong answer and always asks them to re think before locking their answer. This has changed the decisions of many contestants who have gone on to become crorepatis. 59. Exudes warmth-As a host, celebrity and global citizen, he's an absolute natural! People swarm to Big B like bees to a honeycomb. 60. Mark in Hollywood- He's making his mark internationally with his Hollywood debut, The Great Gatsby. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire and senior Bachchan will play a character called Meyer Wolfsheim. It takes a talented director like Baz Luhrmann to recognize a legend!
61. Influential-Just his sheer presence in enough to make people smile, cry, go numb and render them speechless. He's the face of the Polio campaign that has had a huge impact on the country. Since he's been the brand ambassador, there has been a sharp decline in the number of polio cases being registered. As an endorser for various brands, he makes the product believable. 62. Iconic- This is self explanatory! 63. Double roles- From playing the villain in Satte pe Satta to playing the villain once again in Don, seeing Big B in doubles roles has always been a delight! Through films like Don, The Great Gambler, Aakhree Raasta, Kasme Vaade, Adalat, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, he did justice to the dual characters with ease! 64. Hit machine- He is the only actor who achieved at least one hit every year for 15 consecutive years from Bombay to Goa (1972) to Aakhree Raasta (1986). 65. Stuntman of Bollywood-Amitabh Bachchan was known for performing his own stunts. And one such stunt critically injured the actor while filming a fight sequence for the film Coolie with fellow actor Puneet Issar in 1982. At the age of 58, Big B jumped from a height of 30 feet, along with co-star Manoj Bajpai, for the waterfall scene in the movie Aks. 66. Emotional- During the sad demise of India's first superstar Rajesh Khanna, Big B cried and it was an emotional moment for all. It was son Abhishek who consoled his father. 67. Sharp memory-It is said Mr. Bachchan never forgets birthdays! He makes it a point to remember the special dates and occasions of family members, neighbours and loved ones, making it a point to wish them. 68. A poet- He writes occasionally and often cites his father's poems as seen in the film Agneepath. 69. Family man-Big B makes it a point to have at least one meal with his family in spite of his hectic schedule and prefers wife Jaya to serve him his meals. 70. Fighting fit at 70- Big B is lean, fit and young even at the ripe old age of 70! He can give anybody a complex! This also has a lot to do with his attitude because he's always young at heart!
Happy Birthday An Ever Young Shahenshah, legend and An Icon!
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