Firehall Inspired
Couple Embraces an Unusual Renovation After 14 years and countless discussions about a possible renovation to accommodate their growing family, Paul and Amanda Titman decided to do something about their Richmond Heights two-storey. What they
24 | Fall 2021 Saskatoon HOME
did was a little out of the ordinary. It involved cranes. For Something a Little Different “My sister and brotherin-law worked with the Go2Guys on a renovation,” says Amanda. “We’ve lived
in this house for 14 years and had no plans to move anywhere else, but there were some issues. We had talked for years about converting the attached garage to living space. But the structure just wasn’t adequate so it sat
there and became badly used storage space. Because of my sister’s experience, we decided now was a good time to take it on.” In Richmond Heights, the majority of the homes built during the 1960s to the 1980