DanFish | DanAqua Katalog

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20 13 路 C ATALOGUE




danfish.com 路 danaqua.net


Indhold / Contents

Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Forord Karen Hækkerup, Minister for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri / Foreword Karen Hækkerup, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Forord direktør Ernst Trillingsgaard, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center / Foreword Managing Director Ernst Trillingsgaard, Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre . . . . . 8 Generel information / General information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt / Exhibitor Listing by floorplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Udstillerfortegnelse - efter nationalitet / Exhibitor Listing - Geographical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Udstillernes virksomhedsprofiler / Exhibitor Listing with company profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Exhibition Centre in overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101



Protektor: Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim Præsidium: Danish Fish Tech Group / Eksportforeningen Danmarks Fiskeriforening Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Messespeditør:


Arrangør: Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4 · 9000 Aalborg Tlf.: +45 9935 5555 info@akkc.dk danfish.com / danaqua.net



Patron: His Royal Highness Prince Joachim of Denmark Presidium: Danish Fish Tech Group / Danish Export Association Danish Fishermen’s Association Danish Fishermen’s Producers’ Organisation Aalborg Congress & Culture Center Handling Agent

Media Partner:

Organiser: Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre Europa Plads 4 DK-9000 Aalborg Tel: +45 9935 5555 info@akkc.dk danfish.com / danaqua.net



Velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua Det er mig en stor fornøjelse at byde velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua 2013. Interessen for de to messer vidner om engagement og interesse for den fortsatte udvikling i fiskerisektoren. Det er jeg glad for, og det er der god brug for. Samtidig er 2013 et helt særligt år for fiskerierhvervet. Med vedtagelsen af EU’s ny fiskerireform er målene for bæredygtighed styrket for både fisk og havmiljø. Der er sat bindende mål for, hvor stor en del af en bestand man må fiske, så vi undgår overfiskeri, og der bliver nu endelig sat en stopper for udsmid af fisk, der i mange år har betydet et helt unødvendigt ressourcespild. Udsmidsforbuddet er meget afgørende for, at vi kan opretholde fiskebestandene og levebrødet for EU’s mange fiskere og følgeerhvervene. Med reformen skal der grundlæggende etableres et nyt forvaltningsregime. Det forudsætter ny viden og nye metoder for at finde gode praktiske løsninger, der fungerer i hverdagen - løsninger som forudsætter et konstruktivt samarbejde mellem erhverv, teknologi- og metodeudvikling samt myndigheder. Vi er allerede godt i gang. Samtidig gør et bæredygtig fiskeri på havet det ikke alene. Et umætteligt verdensmarked kræver flere fisk, og en af løsningerne er akvakultur, hvor vi gennem fortsat udvikling og anvendelse af ny smart teknologi kan fremme en bæredygtig produktion og stille sunde fisk og skaldyr af høj kvalitet til rådighed for forbrugerne. Med reformen af den fælles fiskeripolitik er der et krav om, at medlemsstaterne inden udgangen af 2013 udarbejder en national flerårig strategi for bæredygtig udvikling af akvakultursektoren.

Jeg kan fortælle, at vi i Danmark er godt i gang. Jeg forventer at kunne præsentere den danske strategi i løbet af efteråret 2013. Danmark har en lang tradition for nytænkning og innovation. Det har ikke blot ført til, at den danske akvakultursektor i dag er en af verdens mest effektive og miljøvenlige, men også at de danske producenter af fiskefoder og recirkuleringsteknologi til fiskeopdræt er blandt verdens bedste. Kun gennem nytænkning og samarbejde kan vi bevare og styrke vores førende position. En del af løsningen er midler fra den kommende Europæiske Hav- og Fiskerifond, der bl.a. vil kunne anvendes til at beskytte og genoprette havmiljøet og give tilskud til, at forskere kan udvikle og fiskere investere i selektive fiskeriredskaber, så vi kan beskytte fisk og natur bedst muligt. Endvidere forventes den Europæiske Hav- og Fiskerifond at støtte udvikling og innovative investeringer i hele fiskeri- og akvakultursektoren. Samlet ser jeg store muligheder for at øge væksten i fiskeri- og akvakulturerhvervet. Det er derfor med glæde, at jeg byder udstillere og besøgende velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua 2013. Jeg ønsker alle en god og udbytterig oplevelse.

Karen Hækkerup Minister for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri



Welcome to DanFish International and DanAqua It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to DanFish International and DanAqua 2013. The interest shown in the two fairs demonstrates commitment and interest in the continued development of the fisheries sector. I am very pleased because it is definitely needed. At the same time 2013 is a very special year for the fishing industry. With the adoption of the new Common Fisheries Policy reform the goals for sustainability have been strengthened for fish as well as for the marine environment. Binding targets have been set for the maximum share of a given stock that may be fished in order to avoid overfishing and finally discards are banned which for many years have has resulted in a completely unnecessary waste of resources. The discard ban is essential in order to maintain fish stocks as well as the livelihood of the many fishermen and the associated industries within the EU. Basically the reform means that a new management regime will be established. New knowledge and new methods are required in order to find practical solutions that function on a daily basis – solutions that require cooperation between industries, developers of new technology and authorities. We are already well away. However, sustainable fisheries at sea are not enough. An insatiable world demands more fish and one solution is aquaculture where we can promote sustainable production through continued development and by the application of new smart technology and in this way provide healthy fish and high quality seafood to the consumers. The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy requires each member state to develop a national

multi-annual strategy for the sustainable development of the aquaculture sector. In Denmark we are well underway. I expect to present the Danish strategy this autumn. Denmark has a long tradition for innovation. It has not only led to the fact that the Danish aquaculture sector is one of the world´s most efficient and eco-friendly, but also to the fact that the Danish producers of fish feed and recirculation technology for aquaculture are among the best in the world. We can only keep and strengthen our leading position through innovation and cooperation. Funds from the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund will be an important part of the solution. They may, inter alia, be used to finance the protection and restoring of the marine environment as well as for grants for researchers to develop and for fishermen to invest in more selective fishing gear in order to protect the fish and the eco-system in the best possible way. Furthermore, we expect the new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to support devel-opment and innovation within the fisheries and aquaculture sector. All in all I see a great potential to increase growth within the fisheries- and aquaculture sector. It is with great pleasure that I welcome exhibitors as well as visitors to the DanFish International and DanAqua 2013. I wish you all a good and rewarding experience.

Karen HĂŚkkerup Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark



Velkommen til Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Det er i år 23. gang, vi står som arrangører af en af Europas største messer for fiskerierhvervet, DanFish International, og det glæder os meget at kunne byde velkommen til dette faglige mødested. Velkommen til vore gæster fra Danmark og til vore gæster fra den store verden. Og ikke mindst: Velkommen til alle vore 300 udstillere, der kommer fra 20 forskellige lande. Vi venter over 12.000 gæster fra omkring 40 lande, så DanFish International bliver de tre messedage et forum, hvor alle der beskæftiger sig med og i fiskerierhvervet kan møde hinanden, udveksle erfaringer og viden og gensidigt inspirere hinanden og vigtigst: møde de mange udstillere i de 6 haller! Udstillerne præsenterer det nyeste inden for udstyr til fiskeriet - blandt andet: fangstredskaber, motorer, pumper, elektronik, navigations- og kommunikationsudstyr samt knowhow og services. Dertil byder værfter på nybygninger og service - og flere udstillere præsenterer småbåde til kystfiskeri m.v. For anden gang byder vi velkommen til fremtidens internationale akvakulturmesse, DanAqua, som gennemføres sideløbende med DanFish. Bl.a. med en stor specialsektor i hal D. Her kan opdrættere møde udbydere af produkter inden for den nyeste teknologi samt udbydere af services og knowhow. Sektoren har i år specielt fokus på recirkulering, hvor danske udbydere er blandt de fremmeste i verden. DanAqua er afgjort den største mulighed for - på dansk grund - at se et samlet udbud af produkter m.v. til opdrætserhvervet.

På de to messer - DanFish International og DanAqua - er der i workshops, seminarer og ved foredrag mulighed for at hente unik ny viden og inspiration. Således med henblik på at blive opdateret, hvad angår bl.a. den nyeste forskning på de to områder. En stor tak skal lyde til de udstillere, der bruger vore to messer til eksponering af produkter, knowhow og services. Dertil en stor tak til vore samarbejdspartnere i styregruppen for DanFish: Eksportforeningen, Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation og Danmarks Fiskeriforening for deres store engagement i forbindelse med planlægningen af arrangementerne. Også en tak til Region Nordjylland og Aalborg Kommune for værdifuld opbakning og støtte. Det er mit håb, at udstillerne får det forventede udbytte af messedeltagelsen og - ikke mindst: at vore mange gæster vil erhverve sig ny viden og inspiration, der kan gøre det daglige arbejde mere effektivt og lettere og dertil sikre virksomheden et højere udbytte. God fornøjelse på DanFish International 2013 og DanAqua 2013 i Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center.

Ernst Trillingsgaard Direktør Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center



Welcome to Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre This is the 23rd time that we are organising one of Europe’s largest exhibitions for the fishing industry, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone to this professional event. Welcome to visitors travelling here from all over the world and to our visitors from Denmark. In particular, welcome to all our 300 exhibitors, who are coming here from 20 different countries. We are expecting more than 12.000 visitors from 40 countries, making DanFish International a three-day exhibition forum where everyone in the fishing industry can meet and network, exchange experience and knowledge, mutually inspire each other and, most importantly, meet all the exhibitors in the six halls! Exhibitors at DanFish International are presenting the latest fishing equipment, including fishing gear, motors, pumps, electronics, navigation and communications equipment as well as know-how and services. In addition, shipyards are exhibiting new vessels and offering their services, with several presenting small boats for coastal fishing etc. For the second time, we are welcoming tomorrow’s international aquaculture exhibition, DanAqua, which will be held concurrently with DanFish. DanAqua will occupy a large special section in hall D where aquafarmers can meet businesses supplying the latest technology as well as service and know-how providers. This year, the aquaculture section is focusing in particular on recirculation, a field where Danish suppliers are among the market leaders worldwide. DanAqua is without question the best opportunity – on Da-

nish soil – for visitors to see a complete display of products etc. for the aquaculture industry. At the two exhibitions – DanFish International and DanAqua - visitors will find unique knowledge and inspiration on offer at workshops, seminars and talks, so they can bring themselves up to date on the latest research within the two industries. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank the exhibitors who are using our two exhibitions to market their products, know-how and services. Also, a big thank-you to our partners in the steering group for DanFish: the Danish Export Association, the Danish Fishermen’s Producers’ Organisation and the Danish Fishermen’s Association for their considerable commitment to planning the exhibitions. In addition, many thanks to North Denmark Region and the Municipality of Aalborg for their invaluable support and assistance. It is my hope that the exhibitions live up to the exhibitors’ expectations and, in particular, that all our visitors take home knowledge and inspiration that will facilitate and streamline their daily work and thus ensure their businesses greater rewards. I hope you enjoy DanFish International 2013 and DanAqua 2013 in Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre.

Ernst Trillingsgaard Managing Director Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre



Generel information

General information

Messens åbningstider Onsdag og torsdag kl. 10.00 - 17.00. Fredag kl. 10.00 - 16.00.

Exhibition opening hours Wednesday and Thursday 10 am - 5 pm. Friday 10 am - 4 pm.

Kontantautomat Terminal i forhallen. Dankort, VISA, EUROCARD, MasterCard, PLUS, Cirrus, ec samt Maestro card kan benyttes.

Cash Point A cash card terminal for VISA/Dankort, VISA, EUROCARD, MasterCard, PLUS, Cirrus, ec and Maestro card is available.

Garderobe Der er garderobe i underetagen.

Cloakroom The cloakroom is located downstairs.

Kolportering forbudt Det er strengt forbudt og medfører øjeblikkelig bortvisning, hvis man driver ikke-godkendt kolportering på messen. Uddeling af brochurer, ophængning af plakater m.v. er ligeledes forbudt og kun tilladt for udstillere på deres stande.

Canvassing Canvassing for orders by unauthorised persons is strictly prohibited and in such cases the right of expulsion will at once be exercised. The distribution or display of printed or other placards, handbills or circulars, or other articles, except by echibitors on their own stands is prohibited.

Arrangøren påtager sig intet ansvar for de i kataloget meddelte oplysninger eller for eventuelle trykfejl.

The organiser claims no responsibility for the given information or any misprint in the catalogue.


Matchmaking I forbindelse med dette års DanFish arrangerer Enterprise Europe Network et matchmaking arrangement, der får besøg af de største aktører på det kinesiske marked indenfor fiskeriudstyr. Matchmakingen giver et større antal danske SMV’er mulighed for at få direkte adgang til indkøbere i de kinesiske virksomheder. Matchmakingen lukkede for deltagere 30. september, men hvis du er interesseret i at mødes med de kinesiske deltagere, kan du finde os på stand nr. C238. Hvis du er interesseret i at deltage i Enterprise Europe Networks matchmaking arrangementer i fremtiden, kan du altid holde dig opdateret om vores aktiviteter på


Matchmaking afholdes i Musiksalen, 1. sal Lok: 18 på grundplanen. Kontaktperson: Julie Ringgaard Jensen @ : jr@aalborg.dk T : +45 99311538 Eller find os på vores stand - C238


Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt

Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt Exhibitor Listing by floorplan

(Exhibitors only)

Hall H Front Area F

Hall A West-Marine A/S Regione Emilia-Romagna ESL Danmark Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S ZF Danmark FURUNO DANMARK A/S West Diesel Engineering A/S Hvalpsund Net A/S Jydsk Værktøj A/S Heto-dan Lauf Service ApS Simrad / Kongsberg Subsea Volvo Penta Elettromeccanica ABC Frigoemme srl Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari snc ISCAR Funi Metalliche SRL Mori Carlo SRL Piceno Promozione Centa Transmissioner A/S Ubro SystemPac A/S Navteam A/S RG Rom Gummi A/S Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS HOLM TECHNOSCAN as Fred. Rasmussen Ansell Polaris Electronics A/S

A100 A101 A102 A105 A106 A107 A109 A110 A111a A111b A111b A112 A114 A115 A115 A115 A115 A115 A115 A116 A117 A118 A119 A119 A121 A122 A124 A125

Fiskernes Samlecentral Hans Østergaard A/S Hanstholm Olieforsyning Malerfirmaet Frede Møller og Søn ApS P.C. Yacht Service ApS Strandby Fiskeauktion Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS Strandby Fiskeriforening Strandby Fiskerihavn Strandby Havneforum Strandby Net A/S Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS SeaTech Granly Diesel A/S Seasat A/S Janson Shipbrokers AS Intech International a/s Rich Fishing / Richan Netting Gertsen & Olufsen A/S Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS NOTUS Electronics Ltd PTS Ltd. Marel Danmark Scanmar AS Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS KNS SeaMaster ApS IF

A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A128 A130 A131 A132 A134 A135 A136 A137 A137 A138 A140 A142 A143 A144 A144 A145

Exhibitor Listing - floorplan PPG Coatings Danmark A/S Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn G/F Unisystem AB Beitir ehf Havservice Ålesund AS UltiSat Europe NORDHAVN A/S NORDHAVN MARINE SERVICE APS Vetus ApS West Diesel Engineering A/S

13 A146 A147 A147 A149 A149 A151 A153 A154 A156

Hall B Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS Marine Servicen Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik A/S Hanstholm Fiskeauktion Hanstholm Ny Samlecentral Thisted Kommune Revision Limfjord Thy Erhvervsforum Hanstholm Havn Hanstholm Havn Olieforsyning ApS BoaTech ApS Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral TMP Hydraulik A/S Hanstholm Elektronik A/S ES Trawl ApS Nordkøl ApS Hanstholm Skibssmedie ApS Hanstholm Flydedok A/S

B302 B303 B304 B305 B306 B307 B308 B309 B310 B311 B312 B314 B316 B317 B318 B319 B320 B321

Hall C FiskeriTidende Caverion Marine A/S Luminell AS Statoil Petroleum AS FiskeriTidende Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation Forbo Siegling Danmark A/S Oilwind p/f Univice Optimar Island Codan Marine Skydda Danmark A/S SPC Marine ApS Pack and Sea A/S Cemre Shipyard KAESER Kompressorer A/S KNAPK Qeqqata Erhvervsråd Qeqqata Kommunia

C203 C200 C200 C202 C203 C229, C231, C203 C204 C205 C205 C207 C208 C209 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C216

Arctic Import A/S C217 MMC Kulde AS C218 Lidan Marine AB C219 Elthermo Searchlight a/s C220 NaturErhvervstyrelsen C222 Aalborg Havn Logistik A/S C223 Royal Arctic Logistics A/S C223 CLEEMANN Chair-Systems GmbH C224 Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C226 Fiskeriskolen Thyborøn C226 Danske Fiskeres C228 Producent Organisation C203, C231, C229 Fiskeriskolen Thyborøn C231 Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation C203, C229, C231 Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen C233 Dansk Metal C234 Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen C235 3F C237 Enterprise Europe Network C238 Alu Design & Services AS C239 MariTeam A/S C239 E. Vejvad Hansen ApS C240

Hall D Nordjysk Beslag A/S Rock Trawl Doors Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. Carsoe A/S Belitronic Sweden AB Kystmagasinet / Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen Toptuxedo, lda Kingfisher / Seafish Rolls-Royce RTH Group TechnoFlex ApS Berglon BS Longline Grene Danmark A/S Industri Peter Bruce Ship Painters Ltd. Carapax AB Riga Shipyard Eos Shipbroker Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS Guy Cotten SA Oliveira SA Wireco

D700 D702 D703 D704 D705 D706 D707 D708 D709 D709 D710 D711 D711 D712 D714 D715 D717 D718 D720 D721 D722 D722

14 HBG Service ehf Lyngaa Marine Aps Garmin Danmark A/S Den-Jet Nordic A/S Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing Seigla Ehf North Sea Shipbrokers FiskerForum.com Maskinfabrikken Net-op DOFITA Shiprepair Brødrene Dahl E-Catch BV Efice BV EHL BV Visveiling Urk BV CIV Lauwerszee UA Hollandske Pavilion International Seafood Auctions BV Merema Transport BV Jackson Trawls Limited AS Fiskevegn Bridon International Ltd. Van Beelen Group Akvaservis Ltd. Ptech ApS We-Tech Aps Vestergaard Marine Service A/S Hydroscand A/S Roxtec Denmark ApS BM International Co., Ltd. Baltic Marine Contractors (BMC) Pon Power A/S Mustad Longline AS Tor-Net ehf. Injector Door Ltd. Fischernet M. Wilhelmsen A/S Euronete Scandinavia A/S Dansk Transport Emballage A/S Mercator Media Ltd. Egersund Trål JS Proputec A/S Greenline Fishing Gear A/S Palby Marine A/S Vónin Ltd. AAG Johnson Controls Anderson Marine

Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt D723 D725 D727 D728 D728 D729 D730 D731 D732 D733 D734 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D741 D742 D743 D744 D745 D746 D747 D749 D752 D753 D754 D755 D755 D756 D757 D758 D759 D760 D761 D762 D763 D764 D765 D766 D767 D768 D770 D771 D773

A/S Oilpower Hydraulics D774 Krüger A/S D777 Nordsøen Forskerpark D780 Region Nordjylland D780 SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk AS D780 AKVA group Denmark A/S D781 Hvalpsund Net A/S D784 Billund Aquakultur Service A/S D785 S. Sørensen - Thisted D786 ProFlex ApS D788 Dansk Akvakultur D789 Cowex A/S D790 DHI D791 OxyGuard International A/S D792 CMAQUA Technologies D793 Murre Techniek b.v. D794 STEINCO Fish Farming Technology D795 RK BioElements A/S D796 Daniit A/S D798 Inter Aqua Advance A/S D799 Oxymat A/S D799 Korsør Propeller A/S D800 Johs. Hejlesen - Skibsbevaringsprojekt D808 IRAS A/S D809 DESMI Danmark A/S D810 BDO i Frederikshavn D811 BDO i Hirtshals D811 BDO i Skagen D811 Duusgaard Coating ApS D811 Fiskernes Fiskesortering (Hirtshals) D811 Hirtshals El-Motorservice ApS D811 Hirtshals Fiskeauktion D811 Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Hirtshals Havn D811 Hirtshals Sejlmageri D811 Hirtshals Service Group D811 Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice D811 Hirtshals Yard a/s D811 Hjørring Erhvervscenter D811 Hjørring Kommune D811 Jyske Bank D811 KEMILUX D811 Marine-El A/S D811 MarineShaft Hirtshals A/S D811 Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811 Spar Nord - Hirtshals D811 Sparekassen Vendsyssel - Hirtshals afdeling D811 Tor-Mo Trawl Aps D811

Exhibitor Listing - floorplan Vendelbo Spedition A/S D811 Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S D811 Danish Fish Tech Group D815 Eksportforeningen D815 FMM - Food Machinery Market D815 Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D819 Blue Water Shipping D820 Thyborøn Havn D821 Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S F504, D822 Triple Nine A/S D823 Nordsøtrawl D824 Kynde & Toft Smedie og Maskinværksted D825 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S F508, D830 DAN-FENDER (Dan Hill Plast A/S) D832 TM Marine Aps D833 Cotesi, S.A. D834 Ocean Marine & Fishing Gear AS D834 Dansk Puljefiskeri D839 Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Konsumfisk D839 Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839 Thorsminde Havn D839 Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening D839 AS Scan D840 Advodan Midt/Vest A/S D841 BESRAD Aps D841 Fiskernes Fremtid - Hvide Sande D841 Hvide Sande Havn D841 Landbobanken D841 VestjyskBANK D841 Vestværftet ApS D842 Daconet D844 Dan Fishing Equipment D844 Frydendahl Fiskenet D844 Hau Nylon D844 Iron Strand D844 Ørbech en Gros D844 Danish Ice & Hydraulics / Hvide Sande Skibssmedie D845 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D849 ScanBelt A/S D850 FF Skagen A/S D851 Skagerak Pelagic A/S D851 Dansk Fartøjsforsikring A/S D852 Skagen Havn D854 Isfell ehf D857 Selstad AS D857 Selstad Nordtrawl A/S D857

15 Serviceteam Skagen Havn D858 Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 SeaMech A/S D859 Skagen Skipperskole D859 Scanfi ApS F503, D860 NTF-Aalborg A/S D861 Brdr. Markussens A/S D862 C.C.JENSEN A/S D864 C.C.JENSEN A/S, Window Department D864 A/S Dybvad Stål Industri D865 Atlantic Shipping A/S D866 Columbus Trading A/S D868 FR. DICK c/o HENRIK FOGH D868 VICTORINOX D868 Hundested Propeller A/S F505, D870 Cosmos Trawl A/S D871 Randers Reb International A/S D872 ELKA Rainwear A/S D874 K.M. Fish Machinery A/S D879

Front Area F Kølemadsen A/S LSM Pumper Aps Timars Svets & Smide AB Landsforeningen Levende Hav Scanfi ApS Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S Hundested Propeller A/S Hvalpsund Net A/S Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S Limbo Både I/S

F501 F501 F501 F502 D860, F503 D822, F504 D870, F505 F506 D830, F508 F509

Hall H Fiskeriflåden Illustreret FiskerBladet / Maritime Danmark Marine Control Services AS The Skipper Tuco Marine ApS Pesch Marinescheinwerfer - SEEMATZ Intrafish Media AS VCU - The Maritime Specialist Care & Relax

H990 H991 H992 H994 H995 H996 H997 H998 H999


Udstillerfortegnelse - landeinddelt

Udstillerfortegnelse - efter nationalitet Exhibitor Listing - Geographical index Canada NOTUS Electronics Ltd


China Rich Fishing / Richan Netting


Denmark 3F A/S Dybvad Stål Industri A/S Oilpower Hydraulics AAG Aalborg Havn Logistik A/S Advodan Midt/Vest A/S AKVA group Denmark A/S Ansell Arctic Import A/S AS Scan Atlantic Shipping A/S BDO i Frederikshavn BDO i Hirtshals BDO i Skagen BESRAD Aps Billund Aquakultur Service A/S Blue Water Shipping BoaTech ApS Brdr. Markussens A/S Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS Brødrene Dahl C.C.JENSEN A/S C.C.JENSEN A/S, Window Department Care & Relax Carsoe A/S Caverion Marine A/S Centa Transmissioner A/S Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen CMAQUA Technologies Codan Marine Columbus Trading A/S Cosmos Trawl A/S Cowex A/S Daconet Dan Fishing Equipment DAN-FENDER (Dan Hill Plast A/S) Daniit A/S

C237 D865 D774 D770 C223 D841 D781 A124 C217 D840 D866 D811 D811 D811 D841 D785 D820 B312 D862 A143 D734 D864 D864 H999 D704 C200 A116 C233 D793 C208 D868 D871 D790 D844 D844 D832 D798

Danish Fish Tech Group D815 Danish Ice & Hydraulics / Hvide Sande Skibssmedie D845 Dansk Akvakultur D789 Dansk Fartøjsforsikring A/S D852 Dansk Metal C234 Dansk Puljefiskeri D839 Dansk Transport Emballage A/S D762 Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Danske Fiskeres C203, C228, Producent Organisation C229, C231 Den-Jet Nordic A/S D728 DESMI Danmark A/S D810 DHI D791 Duusgaard Coating ApS D811 E. Vejvad Hansen ApS C240 Eksportforeningen D815 ELKA Rainwear A/S D874 Elthermo Searchlight a/s C220 Enterprise Europe Network C238 ES Trawl ApS B318 ESL Danmark A102 Euronete Scandinavia A/S D761 FF Skagen A/S D851 Fischernet D759 FiskerBladet / Maritime Danmark H991 FiskerForum.com D731 Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C226 Fiskeriflåden Illustreret H990 Fiskeriskolen Thyborøn C226 Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen C235 FiskeriTidende C203 Fiskernes Fiskesortering (Hirtshals) D811 Fiskernes Fremtid - Hvide Sande D841 Fiskernes Samlecentral A127 FMM - Food Machinery Market D815 Forbo Siegling Danmark A/S C204 FR. DICK c/o HENRIK FOGH D868 Fred. Rasmussen A122 Frydendahl Fiskenet D844 FURUNO DANMARK A/S A107 Garmin Danmark A/S D727 Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing D728 Gertsen & Olufsen A/S A136

Exhibitor Listing - Geographical Granly Diesel A/S A130 Greenline Fishing Gear A/S D766 Grene Danmark A/S Industri D712 Hans Østergaard A/S A127 Hanstholm Elektronik A/S B317 Hanstholm Fiskeauktion B305 Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik A/S B304 Hanstholm Flydedok A/S B321 Hanstholm Havn B310 Hanstholm Havn Olieforsyning ApS B311 Hanstholm Ny Samlecentral B306 Hanstholm Olieforsyning A127 Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS B302 Hanstholm Skibssmedie ApS B320 Hau Nylon D844 Heto-dan A111b Hirtshals El-Motorservice ApS D811 Hirtshals Fiskeauktion D811 Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Hirtshals Havn D811 Hirtshals Sejlmageri D811 Hirtshals Service Group D811 Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice D811 Hirtshals Yard a/s D811 Hjørring Erhvervscenter D811 Hjørring Kommune D811 HOLM TECHNOSCAN as A121 Hundested Propeller A/S D870, F505 Hvalpsund Net A/S A110, D784, F506 Hvide Sande Havn D841 Hydroscand A/S D752 IF A145 Intech International a/s A134 Inter Aqua Advance A/S D799 IRAS A/S D809 Iron Strand D844 Johnson Controls D771 Johs. Hejlesen - Skibsbevaringsprojekt D808 JS Proputec A/S D765 Jydsk Værktøj A/S A111a Jyske Bank D811 K.M. Fish Machinery A/S D879 KAESER Kompressorer A/S C214 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D849 KEMILUX D811 KNS A144 Konsumfisk D839 Korsør Propeller A/S D800

17 Krüger A/S D777 Kynde & Toft Smedie og Maskinværksted D825 Kølemadsen A/S F501 Landbobanken D841 Landsforeningen Levende Hav F502 Lauf Service ApS A111b Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS A137 Limbo Både I/S F509 LSM Pumper Aps F501 Lyngaa Marine Aps D725 M. Wilhelmsen A/S D760 Malerfirmaet Frede Møller og Søn ApS A127 Marel Danmark A140 Marine Servicen B303 Marine-El A/S D811 MarineShaft Hirtshals A/S D811 MariTeam A/S C239 Maskinfabrikken Net-op D732 NaturErhvervstyrelsen C222 Navteam A/S A118 NORDHAVN A/S NORDHAVN MARINE SERVICE APS A153 Nordjysk Beslag A/S D700 Nordkøl ApS B319 Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S A105 Nordsøen Forskerpark D780 Nordsøtrawl D824 North Sea Shipbrokers D730 NTF-Aalborg A/S D861 Ocean Marine & Fishing Gear AS D834 OxyGuard International A/S D792 Oxymat A/S D799 P.C. Yacht Service ApS A127 Pack and Sea A/S C212 Palby Marine A/S D767 Polaris Electronics A/S A125 Pon Power A/S D755 PPG Coatings Danmark A/S A146 ProFlex ApS D788 Ptech ApS D746 Randers Reb International A/S D872 Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811 Region Nordjylland D780 Revision Limfjord B308 RG Rom Gummi A/S A119 RK BioElements A/S D796 Roxtec Denmark ApS D753 Royal Arctic Logistics A/S C223

18 S. Sørensen - Thisted D786 ScanBelt A/S D850 Scanfi ApS F503, D860 SeaMaster ApS A144 SeaMech A/S D859 Seasat A/S A131 SeaTech A128 Selstad Nordtrawl A/S D857 Serviceteam Skagen Havn D858 SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk AS D780 Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 Skagen Havn D854 Skagen Skipperskole D859 Skagerak Pelagic A/S D851 Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn G/F A147 Skydda Danmark A/S C209 Spar Nord - Hirtshals D811 Sparekassen Vendsyssel - Hirtshals afdeling D811 SPC Marine ApS C211 Strandby Fiskeauktion A127 Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS A127 Strandby Fiskeriforening A127 Strandby Fiskerihavn A127 Strandby Havneforum A127 Strandby Net A/S A127 Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS A127 Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839 TechnoFlex ApS D710 Thisted Kommune B307 Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral B314 Thorsminde Havn D839 Thy Erhvervsforum B309 Thyborøn Havn D821 Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening D839 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S F508, D830 Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S F504, D822 TM Marine Aps D833 TMP Hydraulik A/S B316 Tor-Mo Trawl Aps D811 Triple Nine A/S D823 Tuco Marine ApS H995 Ubro SystemPac A/S A117 UltiSat Europe A151 Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Vendelbo Spedition A/S D811 Vestergaard Marine Service A/S D749 VestjyskBANK D841

Udstillerfortegnelse - landeinddelt Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S Vestværftet ApS Vetus ApS VICTORINOX Volvo Penta West Diesel Engineering A/S West-Marine A/S We-Tech Aps Wärtsilä Danmark A/S ZF Danmark Ørbech en Gros Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS

D811 D842 A154 D868 A114 A109, A156 A100 D747 D819 A106 D844 A119

Estonia Baltic Marine Contractors (BMC)


Faroe Islands Berglon BS Longline Injector Door Ltd. Oilwind p/f Rock Trawl Doors Univice Vónin Ltd.

D711 D711 D758 C205 D702 C205 D768

France Guy Cotten SA


Germany CLEEMANN Chair-Systems GmbH Pesch Marinescheinwerfer - SEEMATZ

C224 H996

Greenland KNAPK Qeqqata Erhvervsråd Qeqqata Kommunia

C215 C216 C216

Iceland Beitir ehf HBG Service ehf Isfell ehf Optimar Island Seigla Ehf STEINCO Fish Farming Technology Tor-Net ehf.

A149 D723 D857 C207 D729 D795 D757

Ireland The Skipper



Exhibitor Listing - Geographical

Italy Elettromeccanica ABC Frigoemme srl Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari snc ISCAR Funi Metalliche SRL Mori Carlo SRL Piceno Promozione Regione Emilia-Romagna

A115 A115 A115 A115 A115 A115 A101

Korea BM International Co., Ltd.


Latvia Riga Shipyard


Lithuania Akvaservis Ltd. DOFITA Shiprepair

D745 D733

Netherlands CIV Lauwerszee UA E-Catch BV Efice BV EHL BV Hollandske Pavilion International Seafood Auctions BV Merema Transport BV Murre Techniek b.v. Van Beelen Group VCU - The Maritime Specialist Visveiling Urk BV

D735, D738 D735, 738 D735, 738 D735, 738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D735, D738 D794 D744 H998 D735, 738

Norway Alu Design & Services AS AS Fiskevegn Egersund Trål Havservice Ålesund AS Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS Intrafish Media AS Janson Shipbrokers AS Kystmagasinet / Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen Luminell AS Marine Control Services AS MMC Kulde AS Mustad Longline AS Scanmar AS

C239 D742 D764 A149 D720 H997 A132 D706 C200 H992 C218 D756 A142

Selstad AS Simrad / Kongsberg Subsea Statoil Petroleum AS

D857 A112 C202

Poland PTS Ltd.


Portugal Cotesi, S.A. Oliveira SA Toptuxedo, lda Wireco

D834 D722 D707 D722

Scotland Peter Bruce Ship Painters Ltd.


Sweden Belitronic Sweden AB Carapax AB Eos Shipbroker Lidan Marine AB Timars Svets & Smide AB Unisystem AB

D705 D715 D718 C219 F501 A147

Turkey Cemre Shipyard


United Kingdom Anderson Marine Bridon International Ltd. Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. Jackson Trawls Limited Kingfisher / Seafish Mercator Media Ltd. Rolls-Royce RTH Group

D773 D743 D703 D741 D708 D763 D709 D709



Udstillernes virksomhedsprofiler / Exhibitor Listing with company profiles 3F


Storegade 23, 7620 Lemvig Denmark Tel: +45 88 92 44 02 3f@3f.dk www.3f.dk

A/S Oilpower Hydraulics has specialised in: construction of hydraulic systems, reconstruction or trouble-shooting of existing systems, hydraulics service, compulsory check of hydraulic equipment check of cranes onboard ships. A/S Oilpower Hydraulics sells motors, winches and cranes for marine vessels.

Fagligt Fælles Forbund.


Trade Union.

Sundsholmen 3, 9400 Nørresundby Denmark Tel: +45 98 15 80 22 info@aag-gummi.dk www.aag-gummi.dk

A/S Dybvad Stål Industri


Parkvej 5, 9352 Dybvad Denmark Tel: +45 98 86 42 99 dsi@dsi-as.com www.dsi-as.com

A/S Oilpower Hydraulics D774 Boven 2, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 55 55 oilpower@oilpower.dk www.oilpower.dk A/S Oilpower Hydraulics producerer og leverer hydraulisk udstyr til det maritime erhverv og industrien. Oilpower, som vi hedder i daglig tale, er en af Danmarks førende virksomheder på området. A/S Oilpower Hydraulics er specialiseret i: opbygning af hydrauliske anlæg, ombygning eller fejlfinding på eksisterende anlæg, hydraulikservice, lovpligtigt eftersyn af hydraulisk udstyr, kraneftersyn ombord på skibe, produktion af hydraulikspil, produktion af el-spil. A/S Oilpower Hydraulics designs, manufactures and supplies hydraulic equipment and systems for the maritime trade and industry, which perform in all situations with a minimum of maintenance.


AAG er én af Danmarks førende leverandører af gummiprodukter til skibsindustrien og marinen. Med 80 års erfaring og et sortiment indeholdende mere end 12.000 varenumre, dækker vi desuden behovet for kvalitetsprodukter inden for brancherne transport, landbrug, byggeri, industri og detail. Til marinen er AAG kendt for vores kundespecifikke pakninger til fx luger, bovporte, FCD døre, agter ramper, dok. AAG manufactures imports and processes rubber products and is one of Denmark´s leading suppliers. With more than 80 years of experience and a product range consisting of more than 12,000 items, AAG also delivers high quality products to the transport, construction, agricultural, industrial and retail trades. In our product range for the marina you’ll find e.g. gaskets used for hatches, FCD doors, bow ports etc., fenders, profiles, insulation mats, glue and rubber sheeting.

Aalborg Havn Logistik A/S C223 Langerak 19, 9220 Aalborg Øst Denmark Tel: +45 99 30 15 00 info@aalborghavn.dk www.aalborghavn.dk

Company profiles Aalborg Havn har status som basishavn for transport af gods til og fra Grønland. Samtidig har Aalborg Havn en central placering i forhold til godstransport fra Norge og Sverige til europæiske og oversøiske destinationer. Fra Aalborg er der desuden direkte via feeder adgang til det internationale containerrutenet. I centralhavnen håndteres blandt andet flydende bulk (olie og olieprodukter), bulk, stykgods, krydstogt etc. Udviklingen af havnen i Aalborg er primært koncentreret omkring Aalborg Østhavn, hvor Grønlandshavnen, containerterminalen og bulkterminalen markerer sig kraftigt i billedet. De fremtidige mål for Aalborg Østhavn omfatter, som et af de vigtige punkter, udviklingen og etableringen af tættere transportforbindelser for enhedsgods (lastbiler, trailere og containere) til Norge og Sverige. Samtidig satses der på at udbygge forbindelsen til europæiske, baltiske og oversøiske destinationer direkte fra Aalborg Havn. Aalborg Havn er en moderne og fremtidsorienteret virksomhed, der indgår i et tæt netværkssamarbejde med en lang række transportoperatører - nationalt og internationalt. Vi arbejder aktivt med integrerede løsninger indenfor transport- og logistik, der sikrer vores kunder effektive og økonomiske løsninger. Danmarks Intelligente Havn. Port of Aalborg is the Danish baseport for the transportation of all goods to and from Greenland. At the same time Port of Aalborg A/S plays a central role in transport from Norway and Sweden to European and overseas destinations. From Aalborg there is a direct feederconnection to the international containernetwork via Rotterdam. In the centralharbour liquid bulk (oil and oil products), dry bulk, break bulk and cruise etc. is handled. The development of the Port of Aalborg is primarily taking place in the Eastport, where the Greenlandterminal, the container terminal and the bulk terminal are main activities. The future main goals for the Eastport are establishing and development of close transport connections for unit goods (trucks, trailers and containers) to and from destination in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. At the same time also development of connections to European, Baltic and overseas destination directly from Port of

21 Aalborg. Being a modern company, the Port of Aalborg is driven by development, entering close coorporations with a number of transporters and other transportrelated busineses – nationally and internationally. We actively work with integrated solutions within transport and logistic, to ensure our customers effective and economical solutions. Denmark’s Intelligent Port.

Advodan Midt/Vest A/S


Havnepladsen 11, 6950 Ringkøbing Denmark Tel: +45 46 14 65 00 jetr@advodan.dk www.advodan.dk ADVODAN Ringkøbing er en af regionens største advokatvirksomheder, og vi rådgiver virksomheder og private i hele Midt- og Vestjylland. Som en del af ADVODAN trækker vores advokater på erfaringer fra hele kæden, som tæller mere end 180 jurister. Vi kender dine lokale udfordringer og vores rådgivning tager afsæt i din hverdag og dit lokalområde. Derfor har vi kompetencerne til at skræddersy løsninger, som passer optimalt til dig. Advodan Ringkøbing is one of the region’s largest law firms, and we advise businesses and individuals throughout central and western Jutland. As a part of Advodan our lawyers draw on the experiences of the entire chain, which includes more than 180 lawyers. We know your local challenges and our advice is based on your life and your community. Therefore, we have the expertise to tailor solutions that perfectly suits you.

AKVA group Denmark A/S D781 Navervej 10, 7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel: +45 75 51 32 11 jbregnballe@akvagroup.com www.akvagroup.com AKVA group Denmark A/S leverer landbaserede anlæg til opdræt af fisk inkl. recirkuleringsanlæg (RAS) og andet udstyr til fiskeopdræt. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



AKVA group Denmark A/S deliver land based fish farming systems and recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) together with other equipment for aquaculture.

Akvaservis Ltd.


Minijos Street 169/7, 94287 Klaipeda Lithuania Tel: +370 46 36 53 63 office@akvaservis.lt www.akvaservis-trawl.lt AKVASERVIS is a specialist trawls manufacturer for medium and large vessel capacity. With over 20 years of experience, AKVASERVIS is a specialist in production of pelagic and semi pelagic trawls for all types of waters and fisheries. Our mission is to produce good quality trawls at competitive prices; aiming to increase our customers’ catches and overall profitability.

Alu Design & Services AS C239 Skibåsen 20b, 4636 Kristiansand Norway +47 46 82 60 00 frank@alu-design.no www.alu-design.no Alu-Tech stole til broen. At Alu-Design & Services, we offer pilot/operator chairs to marine, navy, offshore, fishing and commercial vessels. All of our products are manufactured according to the most stringent quality requirements with focus on innovation and customization to suit customer needs. We can confidently say that our products deliver the best seating experience available. We cover all segments of the shipping industry worldwide, and we are very pleased that so many companies have recognized the usability, quality and value of our products. No matter whether you call it a pilot chair, helm chair, navigator chair or operator seat, we have the chair for your vessel.

Anderson Marine


Kirk Square, AB42 1RQ Peterhead United Kingdom Tel: +44 177 947 7888 info@andersonmarine.co.uk www.andersonmarine.co.uk Anderson Marine manufacture GRP fishing boats and catamaran workboats. Based in Peterhead, Scotland we supply Cygnus vessels from 33ft to 40 ft in size and Kingfisher vessels from 20ft to 33ft. The Gemini catamarans are provided as fastcats or heavy displacement ranging in size from 25ft to 50ft. Vessels are supplied in kit form or as fully-fitted commissions to customer specifications.



Internationalelaan 55, 1700 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 25 28 74 00 info@ansell.eu www.ansell.eu Ansell is a world leader in providing superior health and safety protection solutions that enhance human well-being Ansell employs more than 11,000 people worldwide and holds leading positions in the personal protective equipment and medical gloves markets, as well as in the sexual health and well-being category worldwide. Ansell operates in four main business segments: Medical, Industrial, Specialty Markets, and Sexual Wellness.

Arctic Import A/S


Langerak 17, 9220 Aalborg Ø Denmark Tel: +45 96 32 19 00 info@arcticimport.dk www.arcticgroup.dk Arctic Import A/S er en del af Arctic Group A/S. Koncernen er specialiseret samhandelspartner for offentlige og private virksomheder, institutioner samt supply til skibs-, mine og offshore industrien.

Company profiles


Arctic Import A/S is a part of Arctic Group A/S. The group is a specialized partner for public and private companies, institutions and supply to the ship, mining and offshore industry.

AS Fiskevegn


Fiskevegn, 6717 Flatraket Norway Tel: +47 57 85 84 00 jakob@fiskevegn.no www.fiskevegn.no Fiskevegn leverer tau, redskaper, utstyr og know-how til bransjene fiskeri, akvakultur og offshore. Vi er totalleverandør til garn- og lineflåten, inkludert mekanisk utstyr og automatiske linesystemer. Rådgivning for fiskerioperasjoner og fartøysanskaffelser. Synke- og flytetau »Cobraline« til garn. Garnstrenger & garnmontering. Synketau og sertifiserte tau til akvakultur. Fortøyninger for fartøy og installasjoner. Fiskevegn representerer kvalitet og leveringsevne. NYHET: »Green Heavy Line« – miljøvennlig synkeline. Fiskevegn provides rope, equipment and knowhow for the sectors of fisheries, aquaculture and offshore. Total provider/one-stop-shop for the gillnet- and longline fisheries, including mechanical equipment and automatic longline systems. Advice and support for fishing operations and vessel acquisitions. Sinking and floating ropes («Cobraline») for gillnets. Supply and assembly of gillnets. Sinking ropes and certified ropes for aquaculture farms. Moorings for vessels and installations. Fiskevegn builds on quality and delivery capacity. NEWS: »Green Heavy Line« environment friendly sinking line.

AS Scan Fabriksvej 14, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 10 45 info@as-scan.com www.as-scan.com


AS SCAN sætter kunden i fokus inden for fiskeri, den kommercielle marine samt industrien. Kvalitet og sikkerhed er en naturlig del af vores ISO9001, som dækker alle virksomhedens forretningsområder. Vi producerer, leverer, installerer og servicerer alle former for hydraulisk dæksudstyr til fiskeribranchen. Som Autoriseret Volvo forhandler, installerer og servicerer vi selvfølgelig også dine motorer. Vi har døgnservice 24/7 og rejsemontørerne har altid værktøjskufferten pakket og klar til at yde assistance verden rundt. Vores montør har alle de nødvendige kvalifikationer marinebranchen forespørger. The customers are in focus at AS SCAN on fisheries, commercial marine and industry. Quality and safety are a natural part of our ISO9001, which covers all our business areas. We produce, deliver, install and service all types of hydraulic deck equipment for the fishing industry. As Authorized Volvo dealer, we install and service all your engines. We have 24/7 service and our technicians have their travel tool suitcase packed and ready to provide assistance around the world. Our technicians have all the necessary qualifications required by the marine industry.

Atlantic Shipping A/S


Rysensteensgade 14, 1564 København V Denmark Tel: +45 33 32 39 97 info@atlanticship.dk www.atlanticship.dk

Atlantic Shipping er et internationalt skibsmæglerfirma, der har specialiseret sig i køb og salg af fiskeskibe over 25 meter, samt forskellige typer af fragtskibe. Vores ekspertise dækker såvel brugte fartøjer som nybygninger. Vores . team på 8 ansatte arbejder professionelt for at sikre en tilfredsstillende handel, både for vores mange langvarige kontakter og for nye kunder verden over. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Atlantic Shipping is a firm of international shipbrokers, specialized in the sale and purchase of fishing vessels above 25 meters and different types of cargo vessels. Our expertise covers both second hand vessels and new building projects. Our staff of 8 experienced men and women is dedicated to ensure a satisfactory purchase or sales process for our many well known business contacts as well as for new customers worldwide.

Baltic Marine Contractors (BMC) D755 Peterburi tee 90F, 11415 Tallinn Estonia Tel: +37 26 06 93 81 info@balticmarine.net www.balticmarine.net Baltic Marine Contractors (BMC) tilbyder service af navigations- og kommunikationsudstyr og er autoriseret agent for pment, and authorized agent for Raytheon Anschütz i Estland og Litauen. Vi er en del af Pon Power Scandinavia og vi er repræsenteret i alle større havne i Beltikum. BMC leverer kvalitet og er certificeret i henhold til ISO 9001:2008. Baltic Marine Contractors (BMC) is a service provider for Marine navigation & communication equipment, and authorized agent for Raytheon Anschütz in Estonia and Lithuania. Our Company is part of Pon Power Scandinavia and we are represented in all major ports in Baltic Sea area. BMC has been issued the Quality Management System certificate ISO 9001:2008.

BDO i Frederikshavn


Rimmens Alle 89, Box 712 9900 Frederikshavn Denmark Tel: +45 96 20 76 00 frederikshavn@bdo.dk www.bdo.dk

BDO i Hirtshals


Havnegade 18, Box 78, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 17 00 hirtshals@bdo.dk www.bdo.dk

BDO i Skagen


Spliidsvej 25 A, Box 170, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 96 79 19 00 skagen@bdo.dk www.bdo.dk BDO giver dig det bedste af to verdner BDO kender de lokale erhvervsforhold og arbejdsbetingelserne for de små og mellemstore virksomheder bedre end de fleste. Samtidig er vi en del af et stort fagligt fællesskab og kan trække på specialister på kryds og tværs i BDO’s store organisation. Det sikrer, at den rådgivning, du får hos din lokale BDO revisor, både er relevant og stedkendt samt opdateret med den nyeste specialviden i branchen. BDO gives you the best of two worlds BDO knows the local trade and working conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises better than most. And we are a member of a large professional network and can draw on experts throughout BDO’s huge organisation. This guarantees that the advice you receive from your local auditor is both relevant and tailored to local conditions as well as updated with the most recent expert knowledge within the industry.

Beitir ehf


Jónsvör 3, 190 Vogar Iceland Tel: +354 424 6650 beitir@beitir.is www.beitir.is Beitir ehf er best kendt for producing varer fra rustfritt stål, f.ex. Line halers, agninge maskine,

Company profiles


agne kutter, blöggekar med lift, vaske og kölekar til fiskfillets, rogneseparator, garnhaler, teinehaler og fl. Beitir ehf is best known for its production made of stainless steel f.ex. Long line haulers, Baiting machines, Baite cutters, Rising fish bins, Long line chute, Fillet chilling tub, Fish washers, Roe separators, Buoy line haulers, Salter, Gilnet haulers.

Belitronic Sweden AB


Rättarevägen 7, 87263 Lunde Sweden Tel: +46 61 23 20 00 mailbox@belitronic.se www.belitronic.se Belitronic has since 1973 sold tenth of thousands jig fishing machines into more than 75 countries. BJ5000 is the very most sold machine with programs for regular fishing, bottom-, macherel-, squid and all kind of fish that bait hooks.



Heidavegur 9 - 11, 620 Runavik Faroe Islands Tel: +298 703 000 eydvor@teymavirkid.fo www.berglon.fo BS Longline and Berglon Producing longline and snoods for line fishing all over the world. Berglon, before Teymavirkid, stands behind some of the world’s best lines for fishing in waters where higher demands are placed on the equipment. Teymavirkid was founded in 1961 and changed name to Berglon in 2007. In 2012 we started a new company BS Longline, producing longline, snoods etc to the longline fleat all ower the world. When we are optimising and devoloping new products at BS Longline and Berglon we include the users in our consultations so the results are as optimal as possible. Look at our website for more information - www.bslongline.com



Troldbjergvej 14, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 20 28 besrad@gmail.dk www.besrad.dk Besrad er et selskab der har repareret skibselektronik i mange år. Vores beliggenhed er Hvide Sande, Danmark. Virksomheden har fire ansatte i produktionen, og en i administrationen. Det daglige arbejde består af reparation og servicering af alle typer trawlsensorer som bruges på fiskerfartøjer. Alle medarbejdere er uddannet elektronikteknikere eller elektronikingeniører som sikrer os de færdigheder, der kræves for at reparere sensorerne. Besrad er en eneste virksomhed, der er specialiseret i reparation af sensorerne. Besrads mange års erfaring garanterer dig en fremragende service. Alle vores produkter er 100 % testet, dette omfatter desuden test i tryktank. Besrad is a company repairing ships electronic . for many years. Our location is Hvide Sande, Danmark. The company has four employees in the production, and one in the administration. The daily work is the repair and servicing of all types of trawl sensors used on fishing vessels. All employees are educated electronic technicians and electronic engineers giving us the skills required for the repair of the sensors. Besrad is a one and only company, specialized in the repair of the sensors. Besrads many years of experience guaranties you an excellent service. All our products are 100% tested, this includes testing in high pressure tank.

Billund Aquakultur Service A/S


Kløvermarken 27, 7190 Billund Denmark Tel: +45 75 33 87 20 office@billund-aqua.dk www.billund-aqua.dk (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Billund Akvakulturservice A/S er leverandør af landbaserede fiskeopdrætsanlæg baseret på intensiv recirkulationsteknik (RAS). Vi tilbyder mere end 27 års erfaring i design, installation, service og drift af fiskeopdrætsanlæg. På verdensplan har vi bygget mere end 113 anlæg fordelt på 24 forskellige lande. Vi har tek-nisk og biologisk erfaring med mere end 25 forskellige fiskearter.

Blue Water Shipping


Trafikhavnskaj 11, 6701 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 79 13 41 44 mba@bws.dk www.bws.dk Blue Water Shipping er et internationalt transport-, shipping- og speditionsfirma, der med mere end 1.000 medarbejdere på 60 kontorer verden over skaber skræddersyede lokale og globale transportløsninger - altid med kunden i fokus. Blue Water Shipping is an all-round transport, logistics and freight forwarding company. We combine local expertise with global knowledge to create the best solutions in cooperation with our clients. Worldwide, we are represented with over 60 offices and more than 1,000 professional employees.

BM International Co., Ltd. D754 1662-7, Songjeong-Dong, Gangseo-Gu, 618-819 Busan Korea Tel: +82 51 266 80 35 badafs@hotmail.com www.bminternational.co.kr The newly launched BMI (Bada Trawl, Mobydick Trawldoors, International) is Northeast Asia’s leading maker and have manufactured and supplied the Fishing gear, Trawl net, Trawl doors, Codend, Ground rope, Experimental nets and spare parts for the fishing vessels. We promise to supply competitive products with the best quality and price by the state of art technology. BMI will do with your success.

BoaTech ApS


Industrihøjen 2, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 20 55 boatech@boatech.dk www.boatech.dk

Brdr. Markussens A/S


Sverigesvej 5-11, 7480 Vildbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 99 92 00 00 sales@blueline.dk www.blueline.dk ”The Blue Line” er i dag den skandinaviske producent, som har det største udvalg af metalvarer til erhvervsfiskeriet. Af ”The Blue Lines” produktion eksporteres i øjeblikket ca. 90 % til de fleste betydende fiskerinationer globalt. ”The Blue Line” råder over 13.000 m2 produktionsareal under tag. Vi har moderne, flexibel maskinpark, som lever op til internationale krav vedrørende kvalitet og tolerance. ”The Blue Line” of today is the Scandinavian manufacturer with the most comprehensive selection of hardware for commercial fishing. About 90% of ”The Blue Line”´s total production is now being exported to the most important fishing nations throughout the world. ”The Blue Line” has at it’s disposal more than 13.000 m2 of production and storage facilities. We are equipped with modern, flexible machinery which enables us to comply with international standards of quality and precision.

Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS A143 Emil Aarestrupsgade 5, 4990 Sakskøbing Denmark Tel: +45 54 70 60 88 info@bredgaardboats.com www.bredgaardboats.com Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS er et af Danmarks førende bådeværfter med mere end 45 års

Company profiles


erfaring indenfor fremstilling og vedligeholdelse af glasfiberfartøjer. Besøg os på stand A143 og bliv præsenteret for vores mange typer erhvervsfiskefartøjer - heriblandt også vores seneste model 7,99 x 3,50 meter. Vores erfarne skibskonstruktør vil ligeledes være tilstede på standen for en spændende snak. Bredgaard Boats Ltd is one of the leading boatbuilder´s yards in Denmark with more than 45 years of experience in production and maintenance of fibre glass boats. Visit our stand A143 and be presented to some of our many fishing vessels - eg. our latest model 7.99 x 3.50 metres. Our staff including our naval architects look forward to seeing you for a talk about your needs and wishes.

Bridon International Ltd. D743 Ground Floor - Icon Building DN4 5JQ Doncaster United Kingdom Tel: +44 130 256 5111 dixons@bridon.com www.bridon.com Bridon – Global technology leaders in the manufacture of wire and rope solutions for the world’s most demanding applications. Drawing from a background of long standing experience and technology Bridon is an acknowledged world leader in the design, manufacture, development and supply of rope to meet the needs of the fishing industry, our premium products Dyform Starfish®, Dyform® eg Marblue® will be featured on our stand D743.

Brødrene Dahl


Hvidelvej 4, 7400 Herning Denmark Tel: +45 97 12 10 00 ejnjos@bd.dk www.bd.dk Salg af ventiler og aktuatorer til skibe og industri. Forhandling af Eltorque aktuatorer og Danfoss industriautomatik til skibsindustrien.

Sales of valves and actuators for ships and industrial purpose. Sale of Eltorque actuators and Danfoss industrial program for ships in Denmark.

BS Longline


Heiðavegur 9-11, 620 Runavík Faroe Islands Tel: +298 773 050 info@bslongline.com www.bslongline.com BS Longline and Berglon Producing longline and snoods for line fishing all over the world. Berglon, before Teymavirkid, stands behind some of the world’s best lines for fishing in waters where higher demands are placed on the equipment. Teymavirkid was founded in 1961 and changed name to Berglon in 2007. In 2012 we started a new company BS Longline, producing longline, snoods etc to the longline fleat all ower the world. When we are optimising and devoloping new products at BS Longline and Berglon we include the users in our consultations so the results are as optimal as possible. Look at our website for more information - www.bslongline.com


Save time and costs

One-Stop-Shopping We deliver anywhere, anytime – personally and with care. You name it, we provide it.





Løvholmen 13, 5700 Svendborg Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 20 14 sales@cjc.dk www.cjc.dk Reducer dine omkostninger på olievedligehold! Slam opstår ved traditionel rensning af olie. Anvend det originale CJC™ Oliefilter og du kan spare mange penge. Dette gælder for både smøreolie, diesel og gasolier. Olien kræver ikke meget opvarmning forud for rensningen, og det er her du finder de store besparelser. Vi har serviceret kunder med CJC™ Oliefiltre nu i mere end 60 år, og vi bliver ved! Cut Costs on Oil Maintenance! Sludge is produced when cleaning oil the traditional way. Cleaning oil the Original way using CJC™ Oil Filters can save you a lot of money. This goes for Lube, Diesel & Gas oil. And you don’t need to heat the oil much prior to cleaning and that’s where the real savings are. We have serviced our customers with CJC™ Oil Filters for 60 years and we continue to do so!

C.C. JENSEN A/S, Window Department

samarbejdspartnere og kan således rådgive med de bedste løsninger. We are a producer and supplier of ship windows, glass, and spare parts for all windows, wipers and other related products for windows. Our focus is customer support with high knowledge of the products and to give the best support to our customers. Our products can be supplied with all types of glass and for all types of ships – from small work boats to ferries, supply & commercial vessels and for offshore. Due to our many years in the market, we have knowledge and access to the best cooperation partners to give the optimum solution for our customers.

Carapax AB


Kontorsvägen 6, 453 41 Lysekil Sweden Tel: +46 523 64 22 00 info@carapax.se www.carapax.se Totalleverantör för burfiske. NorthLift Lindragare och Garndragare, både hydrauliska samt 12V. Total supplier for creel and cage fishing. NorthLift Line and Net haulers, both hydraulic and 12V.


Løvholmen 13, 5700 Svendborg Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 20 14 bo@cjc.dk www.cjc-windows.dk Vi producerer samt er leverandør af skibsvinduer, glas og reservedele til alle vinduer, vinduesviskere og andre produkter, der relaterer til skibsvinduer. Vi fokuserer på kundesupport med med et stort kendskab til produkterne samt at give den bedste hjælp til kunderne. Produkterne kan leveres med alle typer glas og til alle typer skibe - fra små arbejdsbåde til færger, supply- & kommercielle skibe samt off-shore. På baggrund af mange år i branchen har vi kendskab og adgang til de bedste

Care & Relax


Bordinglund 1, 7441 Bording Denmark Tel: +45 60 84 89 00 info@carerelax.dk www.carerelax.dk Er du træt i ryggen, stiv i nakken eller øm i skuldrene? – eller har du blot behov for at sidde ned i 10 minutter og blive forkælet? Care & Relax byder såvel udstillere som besøgende indenfor på stand H999 ved indgangen til Europahallen. Does your back feel tired? Do you suffer from a stiff neck or sore shoulder? Or do you just need to sit down and be pampered for 10 minutes? Care

Company profiles


and Relax welcomes exhibitors and guests to visit stand H999 at the entrance to Europahallen.

Carsoe A/S


Hjulmagervej 19, 9490 Pandrup Denmark Tel: +45 98 24 26 24 owi@carsoe.dk www.carsoe.com

lation and worldwide service: Installation works. Docking assistance. FAT, HAT, SAT & UMS test. Circuit breaker test. Spare Parts: Light fixtures. Cables. Installation materials. Motor & generators. Switchboard delivery: Consoles. Main & control boards.

Cemre Shipyard

Carsoe A/S er en rustfri stål virksomhed. Carsoe A/S leverer tanke til mejerier. Rustfrit udstyr til fiske industrien. Carsoe er specialister i bakke dispensering og leverer til kunder i hele verden. Carsoe producerer løfte/tømme udstyr, samt leverer maskiner og inventar til den danske slagter.


Altınova Tersaneler Bolgesi B11-12 , Altınova Yalova, 77003 Yalova, Yalova Turkey Tel: +902 264 613 005 marketing@cemreshipyard.com www.cemreshipyard.com

CARSOE A/S is a stainless steel company. CARSOE A/S supplies tanks for the dairy industry. Stainless steel equipment for the fish industry. CARSOE are specialists in tray dispensing and supply to customers worldwide. CARSOE produce lifts, as well as supplying machinery and equipment to the Danish butcher.

Cemre was founded as a painting and blasting company in 1995 and has established its own area in Altınova, Yalova which is the new heart of Turkish ship building industry. The Shipyard has located on 70.000 m2 area and another area approximately 10.000 m2 nearby shipyard for workshop and initial cutting & bending facilities. Up to now (Q3 of 2013) Cemre Shipyard has been delivered 27 ships in correct time and absolute quality.

Caverion Marine

Centa Transmissioner A/S A116


Vejlevej 123, 7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel: +45 76 23 26 50 marine@caverion.dk www.caverion.dk

A.C. Illums Vej 5, 8600 Silkeborg Denmark Tel: +45 86 80 40 33 centa@centa.dk www.centa.dk

Caverion Marine tidligere YIT Marine. Design af elinstallationer: Nybygninger. Ombygninger. Tegnings & klasse dokumentation. Installation & service world wide: El-installationer. Dokningsassistance. FAT, HAT, SAT & UMS test. Maksimalafbryder test. Instrumentering. Reservedelssalg: Belysning. Kabler. Installationsmateriel. Motor & generatorer. Tavleleverancer: Pulte. Hoved & styretavler.

Velkommen til CENTA Transmissioner A/S - stand A116. CENTA marinekoblinger for fremdrivningsanlæg og hjælpeagregater. Afbalancering, laseropretning og vibrationsmåling. NYT! Kom og se vores nye CENTAFLEX kobling!

Caverion Marine former YIT Marine. Design of electrical installations: New buildings. Reconstruction. Drawings and class documentation. Instal-

Welcome to CENTA Transmissioner A/S - stand A116. CENTA couplings for marine propulsion systems and auxiliary drives. Balancing, laser alignment and vibration analysis. News! Come and see our new CENTAFLEX coupling!


Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen



Vestervejen 1, 6720 Fanø Denmark Tel: +45 76 66 04 24 cms@dma.dk www.dma.dk Søfartsstyrelsen er blandt andet ansvarlig for sygdomsbehandler uddannelsen, indholdet i medicinkisterne og opdateret viden indenfor medicin og behandling til søs DMA is among other things responsible for the medical examiner training, contents of medicine chests and updated knowledge in medicine and treatment at sea.

CIV Lauwerszee UA F735, D738 Haven 16, 9976 VN Lauwersoog Netherlands Tel: +31 519 349 291 martijn@civ-lauwerszee.nl www.civ-lauwerszee.nl

Total supplier of fishery products, like (gas)oil, complete steel fishery lines, fish net, etc. and with an expert Technical Department for all round ship repair and renewal.

CLEEMANN Chair-Systems GmbH C224 Auf den Trohnen 6, 59469 Ense-Höingen Germany Tel: +49 293 898 769 18 s.weinhardt@chair-systems.com www.chair-systems.com Since 1978, Cleemann Chair-Systems have been providing highly sophisticated, functional and extremely comfortable pilot chair systems to

shipbuilders and ship owners all over the world. Being well-known for the high level of flexibility when designing an individual seat application, we have become established a leading company in the market. Cleemann specializes in purpose built, ergonomic chair solution for a wide range of vessels including navy ships, rescue boats, work boats, luxury yachts and commercial ships. Cleemann chairs are manufactured in accordance with strict ISO quality standards as well as the rules of major international classification societies and defense regulations. Nowadays Cleemann makes use of the latest Solid Works 3D software in order to present a fast and professional solution when the standard does not fit. Being situated in Ense/ Western Germany, we are performing global presence being supported by trading partners and agents all over the world.

CMAQUA Technologies


Bjørnsknudevej 43, 7130 Juelsminde Denmark Tel: +45 40 59 48 22 hm@cmaqua.dk www.cmaqua.dk CMAQUA Technologies leverer og producerer Mikrosigter. HEX tromle filtrene, har et unikt design og produceres i mange størrelser tilpasset fiskeopdrætternes behov. Desuden leveres vandbehandlingsløsninger, ex slambehandling på AL-2 båndfiltre. CMAQUA Technologies are based on the knowledge from experienced people in the aquaculture business. Producing the most efficient microscreen in the market, the HEX drumfilters, which is supplied in a variety of versions suited to costumer needs. Besides the drumfilters end of pipe solutions are supplied eg the wellknow AL-2 beltfilter for sludgeconcentration.

Company profiles


Codan Marine


Gammel Kongevej 60, 1790 København V Denmark Tel: +45 33 55 31 87 denmarkuw@codanmarine.com www.codanmarine.com Codan er en de største leverandører af marineforsikringer og skadeforebyggende løsninger i Skandinavien. Vores kunder findes i alle segmenter i det maritime erhverv – fra den selvstændige fisker, værfter til de største rederier i verden. Vores meget erfarne og proaktive medarbejdere i Danmark, Sverige og Norge arbejder kontinuerligt med at finde netop den lokale løsning der passer dig bedst. Codan is one of the leading providers of marine insurance and risk management solutions in Scandinavia. Our clients are in all sectors of the

marine industry – from the small fishing vessel, yards to the world’s largest shipping companies. Our highly experienced and proactive staff in Denmark, Sweden and Norway is dedicated to work in partnership with you to meet your local needs.

Columbus Trading A/S


Industrivej 22 E, 3550 Slangerup Denmark Tel: +45 47 33 98 98 tuf@columbus-trading.dk www.victorinox.ch Columbus trading a/s er distributør til Danmark, Færøerne, Island og Grønland af lommeknive og professionelle knive fra VICTORINOX og knive, slibmaskiner, strygestål fra Fr. DICK Professional knives.

Cut Costs on Oil Maintenance Sludge is produced when cleaning oil - in the traditional way! Cleaning oil the Original way using CJC™ Oil Filters can save you a lot of money. This goes for Lube, Diesel & Gas Oil. And you don’t need to heat the oil much prior to cleaning and that’s where the real savings are.

“ISAFOLD HG333” with CJC™ Oil Filters installed

Meet us at Danfish 2013 Stand D864 and learn how you save money by installing a CJC™ Oil Filter

Clean Oil - Bright Ideas C.C.JENSEN A/S | Tlf.: 6321 2014 www.cjc.dk | sales@cjc.dk



Cosmos Trawl A/S



Notkajen 2, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 19 77 info@cosmostrawl.dk www.cosmostrawl.dk COSMOS TRAWL medlem af den internationale Hampidjan gruppe er specialvirksomhed for trawl, not og udstyr til fiskefarme. Leverandør af net, twine, trawlskovle, Dynex Warps, reb, liner flod og jernvarer. Totalleverandør af fangstredskaber til fartøjer i alle størrelser - op til de største fabriks- og supertrawlere. Intensiv produktudvikling og anvendelsen af moderne teknologi kombineret med 1. klasses håndværk, erfaring og service gør Cosmos Trawl A/S til en af Europas førende producenter på markedet. COSMOS TRAWL A/S member of the international Hampidjan group is specialist in trawl, purse line, and fish farm equipment. Supplier of netting, twine,trawldoors, ropes, lines, floats and ironware. General contractor of fishing gear for all kinds of vessels, right up to the biggest super trawlers. Intensive product development using modern technology combined with firstclass craftmanship, great experience and service makes Cosmos Trawl A/S the leader on the field.

Cotesi, S.A.


Avanida do Mosteiro, 486, 4415-493 Grijó Portugal Tel: +351 227 476 500 marine@cotesi.com www.cotesi.com Cotesi S.A. er en af Europas største inden for Produktion og distribution af Tovværk, net til Fiskeriet. Med over 50 års erfaring. Cotesi har fokus på fremtiden og er i front når det gælder udvikling af kvalitets produkter. Cotesi is one of the Worldwide leading Companies in the production and distribution of ropes and

nets for fishing and mooring. With a vast experience of over 50 years, cotesi keeps its focus in the future, being in the front line of innovation and Development of pioneer products, continuously providing new solutions for this industry. Cotesi your preferred partner making your business stronger.

Cowex A/S


Poppelhøj 5, 2900 Hellerup Tel: +45 39 40 04 65 Denmark hdp@cowex.com www.cowex.dk



Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 52 06 33 daconet@daconet.com www.daconet.dk Daconet er ét af Danmarks største firmaer indenfor udstyr til garn- og rusefiskere. Firmaet har med sine mange års brancheerfaring fundet de helt rigtige produkter til konkurrencedygtige priser. Daconet, som leverer til kunder rundt i hele verden, har stor succes med sine egne mærker indenfor garn - nemlig: FITEX, BLUE STAR og TOREX. Med eget fletteri kan Daconet levere et bredt udvalg indenfor flyde- og synkeliner samt fletvarer i PP, Nylon, Polyester og Dyneema. Ligeledes indenfor yacht liner. Udover ovennævnte har Daconet et stort udvalg indenfor ruser, tejne, kroge (Mustad), reb og tovværk, flåd, beklædning (bl.a. DAMEX fiskeribeklædning og Mascot arbejdstøj), skibsmaling (Hempel), rengøringsartikler (bl.a. Vikan og Besma) samt et bredt sortiment af div. tilbehør. Altid et stort lager til omgående levering! Daconet is one of the leading companies in Denmark within equipment for gill netters and fishermen using fykes. The company has operated for many years in the fishing sector and uses this

Company profiles


vast experience to find the correct qualities at competitive prices. Daconet, who is a world-wide supplier, is successful with its own brands within gill nets called FITEX, BLUE STAR, and TOREX. With its own braiding factory Daconet is able to supply a wide assortment within float- and leadlines as well as braided lines in PP, Nylon, Polyester, and Dyneema. Furthermore also yacht lines. Besides the above Daconet carries a wide assortment within fykes, creels/pots, hooks (Mustad), ropes and twines, floats, clothing (incl. DAMEX fishing clothing and Mascot workwear), paints (Hempel), cleaning aids (incl. Vikan and Besma), as well as a wide range of various accessories. Always a big stock for quick delivery!

Dan Fishing Equipment


Numitvej 27 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 danfishing@danfishing.dk www.frydendahl.com

DAN-FENDER...the quality that makes a difference! For almost 30 years DAN-FENDER has produced the highest available quality of inflatable Fenders, Buoys, Bar-Buoys, Mooring-Buoys and other related products for Fishing, Aqua-culture, Yachting & Off-shore industry. DAN-FENDER is among the largest producer of these products in the world and we export world-wide. We exist from producing the highest and most reliable quality on the market. Contact Thomas Lund (tl@ dhp.dk) for further details.

Daniit A/S

DAN FISHING EQUIPMENT Ltd fait partie de la maison FRYDENDAHL et son département d’exportation IRON STRAND. Son but est de prendre soins de leurs clientèles francophones et hispano-hablanters. Depuis 1933 Iron Strand a fourni à la flotte de pêche danoise de filets et du matériel de pêche. Hors le marché doméstique, elle sert une grande clientèle dans la C.E., dans les pays Scandinaves et Groenlande et dans beaucoup de pays d’OutreMer.

DAN-FENDER (Dan hill plast A/S)

DAN-FENDER...the quality that makes a difference! DAN-FENDER har i snart 30 år produceret den højeste kvalitet af oppustelige fendere, bøjer, stang-bøjer, fortøjningsbøjer og andet maritimt udstyr til Fiskeri, Aqua-culture, Sejlads, Offshore...etc. DAN-FENDER er i dag blandt verdens største producenter og eksportere produkterne til det meste af Verden. Vores mål er at producere de mest pålidelige produkter til konkurrencedygtige priser. Kontakt Thomas Lund (tl@dhp.dk)for nærmere information.


Hornsyld Industrivej 37, 8783 Hornsyld Denmark Tel: +45 76 68 72 00 info@danfender.com www.danfender.com


Jyllandsgade 30, 6400 Sønderborg Denmark Tel: +45 73 42 36 36 cap@daniit.com www.daniit.com Daniit er totalleverandør inden for styringsløsninger - fra indledende specifikation til implementering og oplæring af driftspersonale. Vi håndterer hele projektforløbet fra projektering over konstruktion og produktion til installation, indkøring og servicering af styringsløsningen. Produktløsningerne spænder lige fra enkle små styringer til komplekse styringskoncepter med avancerede softwareløsninger. Daniit is a full-service provider of control solutions - from the initial specification stage through implementation and staff training. We handle the entire project from planning over design and production to mounting, commissioning and service of the finished control solution. Product solutions (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



range from simple, small controls to complex control concepts.

om fx faglige forhold og relevant lovgivning og tilvejebringelse af faglig og kommerciel viden.

Danish Fish Tech Group

The Organisation Danish Aquaculture represents the Danish aquaculture industry. Our members are farmers – freshwater, marine water, eels and mussels - as well as processing factories and exporters. Thus we cover the value chain from “water to table”. Our main task is to ensure optimum business conditions for our members. In order to do that we communicate with key stakeholders, we advise members on professional issues and legislation and we provide technical and commercial knowledge.


Glarmestervej 20 A, 8600 Silkeborg Denmark Tel: +45 26 34 06 10 michael.hansen@dk-export.dk www.dk-export.dk

Danish Ice & Hydraulics / Hvide Sande Skibssmedie D845 Nordhavnsvej 9-11, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 18 22 mail@hvidesandeskibssmedie.dk www.hvss.biz Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S udfører motor og hydraulik installationer på fiske- og service fartøjer. Endvidere er vi total entreprenør på isværksløsninger inden- og udenlands. Danish Ice & Hydraulic produces hydraulic equipment and installations to fishing- and industry sector, and total ice projects for fishing, chemical and concrete industry.

Dansk Akvakultur


Vejlsøvej 51, Byg. J, 8600 Silkeborg Denmark Tel: +45 89 21 22 60 danskakvakultur@danskakvakultur.dk www.danskakvakultur.dk Dansk Akvakultur er brancheforening for det danske opdrætserhverv. Vore medlemmer er foderfirmaer, opdrættere - dambrug, havbrug, ål og muslinger - samt fiskeeksportører og forædlingsfabrikker. Dermed dækker vi værdikæden fra “bord til vand”. Vor fornemste opgave er at sikre medlemmerne optimale rammevilkår. Vi løser opgaven ved bl.a. at repræsentere erhvervet overfor væsentlige interessenter, rådgive medlemmerne

Dansk Fartøjsforsikring A/S D852 Havnegade 15, 9400 Nørresundby Denmark Tel: +45 96 31 85 85 dfff@dfff.dk www.dfff.dk TRYGHED TIL SØS – Læs mere om os på www. dfff.dk

Dansk Metal


Nyropsgade 38, 1780 København V Denmark Tel: +45 33 63 20 00 organisation@danskmetal.dk www.danskmetal.dk

Dansk Puljefiskeri


Havnegade 7, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 31 04 ab@puljefisk.dk www.puljefisk.dk Dansk Puljefiskeri er Danmarks største fiskepulje og er ikke organiseret under en fiskeriforening. Dansk Puljefiskeri, der består af ca. 350 fartøjer, varetager ved hjælp af et professionelt websystem udleje, leje og bytte af fangstrettigheder på samtlige fiskearter samt diverse administrative

Company profiles


opgaver i forbindelse med bl.a. kvotehandler. Dansk Puljefiskeri – det bedste for fiskeren. Mød os på stand D839. Dansk Puljefiskeri is Denmark’s largest fishing pool and are not organized in any fishing association. Dansk Puljefiskeri consists of about 350 vessels that – by using a professional web system – rent, lease and exchange fishing rights on all fish species in all waters. For further information please contact us. Dansk Puljefiskeri – we work for the fishermen. Meet us at stand D839.

Dansk Transport Emballage A/S


Industriparken 6, 6500 Vojens Denmark Tel: +45 74 59 16 80 info@dtemballage.dk www.dtemballage.dk Dansk Transport Emballage A/S er et handelsselskab inden for transportemballager i plast. Foruden salgs- og udlejningsvirksomhed driver vi grossistvirksomhed for ledende danske- og udenlandske producenter af kvalitetsprodukter inden for forskellige typer plastemballage. Vort produktprogram er et af branchens mest omfattende og består af produkter til både Food og Nonfood industrien og dækker de fleste brancher fra fødevarer til maskiner. Dansk Transport Emballage A/S is a trading company supplying a variety of plastic packaging, for both the Food and Non-food industry. In addition to our sales and rental business, we maintain agencies as whole sellers for leading Danish and European manufactures of high quality plastic packaging. We have an extensive product range which is covering products for all industries, and our local stock ensures fast responses and quick delivery times. Our products cover all areas in the food and non-food industry, for both internal and external usage.

Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 88 00 ml@dfa.as www.danskefiskeauktioner.dk Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S er med afdelinger i alle tre vestkysthavne Thyborøn, Thorsminde og Hvide Sande en af Europas mest moderne fiskeauktioner. Salget af fisken kører over et internetbaseret system (PEFA systemet)og tiltrækker derved et meget stort antal opkøbere hver eneste dag. Mød os på stand D839. With roots in all three harbours - Thyborøn, Thorsminde and Hvide Sande, Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S is one of Europe’s most modern fish auctions. The fish are sold via an internet-based system (the PEFA system) thereby attracting a very large number of buyers every day. Meet us at stand D839.

Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation C203, C228, C229, C231 Nordensvej 3, Taulov, 7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 61 00 dfpo@dfpo.dk www.dfpo.dk – www.dkfisk.dk Danmarks Fiskeriforening og Danske Fiskeres Producent organisation er medlemsorganisationer for danske fiskere. Danmarks Fiskeriforening udgiver en ugentlig avis, Fiskeri Tidende. Danish Fishermen’s Association and Danish Fishermen’s Producers Organization are both member organisations for Danish fishers. Danish Fishermen’s Association publishes a weekly newspaper, Fiskeri Tidende.


Den-Jet Nordic A/S





Terndrupvej 7, Astrup, 9510 Arden Denmark Tel: +45 98 55 88 68 denjet@denjet.com www.denjet.com

Agern Allé 5, 2970 Hørsholm Denmark Tel: +45 45 16 92 00 dhi@dhigroup.com www.dhigroup.com

DEN-JET produces a wide range of Water Jetting Equipment. With research & development facilities, heavy in-house CNC machining capability and a full manufacturing facility in Denmark we handle the business from idea to end user support. We control logistics, support our own assembly plants in Europe and Asia as well as a network of distributors worldwide.

Står du overfor en stor udfordring inden for akvakultur, så er DHI de første, du bør kontakte. Vand er vores verden – og vores viden om vand og miljø er uovertruffen. DHI repræsenterer 50 års målrettet forskning samt praktisk erfaring fra projekter i mere end ca. 140 lande. For at fremme udviklingen af akvakultur leverer vi holistiske og bæredygtige løsninger inden for blandt andet foder, tilsætningsstoffer, produktion, fødevaresikkerhed, vandkvalitet og miljø.

DESMI Danmark A/S


Tagholm 1, 9400 Nørresundby Denmark Tel: +45 96 32 81 11 kpo@desmi.com www.desmi.com DESMI – Proven Technology DESMI udvikler, fremstiller, sælger og servicerer pumper og pumpeudstyr, miljøudstyr og løsninger som er relateret til disse områder. Inden for marine & offshore tilbyder vi: Maskinrumspumper. Systemer til rensning af ballastvand - DESMI Ocean Guard. OptiSaveTM – Energioptimering af pumper. Cargo pumper. Brandbekæmpelsesudstyr. Miljøbekæmpelses-udstyr ifm. oliespild. DESMI – Proven Technology DESMI designs, produces, markets, and services pumps and pumping systems, environmental equipment and solutions related to these. Within marine & offshore we offer: Engine room pumps. DESMI Ocean Guard Ballast water treatment systems. OptiSaveTM – Improved Operational Efficiency. Cargo pumps. Fire-Fighting. Oil spill response equipment.

DHI are the first people you should call when you have a tough challenge to solve in a water . environment. Our world is water, and our know- . ledge of water environments is second-to-none. It represents 50 years of dedicated research, . and real-life experience from more than 140 countries. To sustain the development of aquaculture, we execute holistic and sustainable solutions and provide support in the fields of fish feed, additives, production, ecology and environment.

DOFITA Shiprepair


Box 213, 91108 Klaipéda Lithuania Tel: +370 46 496 863 info@dofita.com www.dofita.com

Duusgaard Coating ApS Skibsbyggerkaj 4, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 58 11 info@duusgaard.dk www.duusgaard.dk


Company profiles


Duusgaard Coating er specialist i overfladebehandling af skibe: Højtryksrensning, vandblæsning med 1000 bars tryk, sandblæsning og metallisering samt opmaling med konventionelle og avancerede malingssystemer. Vi har desuden sandblæsningsværksted, hvor vi blæserenser små, såvel som større emner af enhver type. Et andet hovedområde er glasfiberarbejde og skumisolering, herunder garnering og isolering af fiskelaster og arbejdsdæk i glasfiber og polyurethanskum.

in length after demand. See Topmodel BX 502/Lift on our stand C240.

Duusgaard Coating specializes in the coating of ships: High pressure cleaning, water blasting with 1000 bar pressure, sand blasting and metallization, as well as painting with conventional and advanced coating systems. In our sandblasting facilities, we are able to blast small, as well as larger items of any kind. Another one of our competencies is fiberglass and foam insulation work, including linings and insulation of cargo holds and working deck in fiberglass and polyurethane foam.

E-Catch, produceret af fiskerne, for fiskerne! E-fangst er en elektronisk logbog softwareudvikler til brug på fiskerfartøjer. Vores mission er at udvikle software, der er bruger (fiskere)venlig og så omkostningseffektivt som muligt. E-Logbog udviklet af E-FANGST er fuldt kompatibel med EU-specifikation. E-FANGST er udviklet og skabt i flere sprog og giver 24hr7 dag støtte.

E. Vejvad Hansen ApS


Darumvej 145B, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 13 19 44 mail@hansenchairs.com www.hansenchairs.com Hansen Skipper og Operatør Stole fremstilles i en stærk/funktionel konstruktion, som opfylder alle krav for komfort/robusthed.Stolene anvendes på skibe i hele verden. (Forsyningsskibe, fiskehandelsskibe/flådefartøjer og lodsbåde. Stolene polstres i stof/ægtelæder og farver op til kundens krav. Køreskinnen R 205/1 leveres i længder - efer behov. Se vor Topmodel BX 502/Lift på stand C240. Hansen Skipper and Operator Chairs are made in a strong/functional construction, which fulfils all demands for comfort/ sturdiness. The chairs are used on ships in the whole world. (Supply- fishing- merchant - Navalships and Pilotboats). The chairs are upholstered in fabric/real Leather-colours up to customer demand. Deck Track R 205/1

E-Catch BV

D735, D738

Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk Netherlands Tel: +31 527 689730 g.korf@e-catch.nl www.e-catch.nl

E-Catch, produced by fishermen, for fishermen! E-Catch is a Electronic logbook software deve- . loper for use on fishing vessels. Our mission is to develop software that is user (fishermen)friendly and as cost-effective as possible. The E-Logbook developed by E-CATCH is fully compliant with the EU specification. E-CATCH has been developed and created in multiple languages and gives 24hr7 day support.

Efice BV

D735, D738

Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk Netherlands Tel: +31 527 689710 info@efice.com www.efice.com EFICE bv på www.efice.com er det største online markedsplads for fladfisk i Europa. Købere er i stand til at købe direkte via internettet. Rødspætte, Tunge, Pighvar, Slethvar og Ising er de mest almindelige arter og sælges i store mængder til de bedste priser. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Forbundet er fiskeauktioner i Breskens, Harlingen, Lauwersoog Urk og Vlissingen. EFICE bv at www.efice.com is the largest online marketplace for flatfish in Europe. Buyers are able to purchase directly via internet. Plaice, Sole, Turbot, Brill and Dab are are the most common species and are sold in big quantities for the best prices. Connected are the fish auctions of Breskens, Harlingen, Lauwersoog Urk and Vlissingen.

Egersund Trål


Svanavågen, 4370 Egersund Norway Tel: +47 51 46 29 00 post@egersundgroup.no www.egersundgroup.no Egersund Trål har utviklet og produsert fiskeredskaper siden 1952. Vi har bygget vår fremgang på solide håndverks tradisjoner, en helhjertet satsing på kvalitet i alle ledd og nærhet til kundene. Vår daglige kontakt med fiskere gir oss et solid grunnlag for produktutvikling, og nye produktmodeller blir testet i prøvetank før endelig produksjon. Vi er i dag et ledende firma på verdensbasis innenfor trålredskaper til fiskeflåten. Egersund Trål as har egen dypvannskai ved sitt produksjonsanlegg i Egersund, en av de mest sentrale havnene på den norske kysten. A total supplier of trawling equipment for nearly 60 years. First class products and an experienced and professional staff gives you assurance of top service and high level of co-operation. Our close contact with professional fishermen worldwide forms the basis for continuous product development.


D735, D738

Haven 4, 9976 VN Lauwersoog Netherlands Tel: +31 519 349023 info@havenlauwersoog.nl www.havenlauwersoog.nl

Welcome to Lauwersoog, the habour with the shortest way to the fishing grounds in the north of the Netherlands. To offer a better performance the quay will be enlarged with 200 meters by the end of 2014. Lauwesoog is a lively, attractive and multi functional fishing harbor with an auction. Our goal is to facilitate your business. We offer break-even tariffs for necessary services. We facilitate landing and transferring possibilities.



Glarmestervej 20 A, 8600 Silkeborg Denmark Tel: +45 2634 0610 michael.hansen@dk-export.dk www.dk-export.dk Din one-stop-shop til danske leverandører. Danish Fish Tech Group er din direkte adgang til ca. 50 erfarne og højt kvalificerede producenter, konsulenter og underleverandører som efterspørges over hele verden. Vore medlemmer tilbyder et bredt udvalg af produkter og løsninger indenfor fiskeriudstyr, akvakultur og forarbejdning af fisk. Your one-stop-shop to Danish suppliers. Danish Fish Tech Group is your direct access to approx. 50 experienced, highly skilled Danish manufacturers, consultants and sub-contractors who are in demand worldwide. Our members offer a wide range of products and solutions within fishing equipment, aquaculture and seafood processing.

Company profiles

Elettromeccanica ABC



Elthermo Searchlight a/s C220

Via delle Logge 4, 63013 Grottammare (AP) Italy Tel. +39 861 749 582 info@abcelettromeccanica.it www.abcelettromeccanica.it

Højnæsvej 44, 2610 Rødovre Denmark Tel: +45 36 36 04 65 kd@elthermo.dk www.elthermo.dk

Our company was established in 1976 and our main activity is the design construction and installation of reverse osmosis desalination pmachines. These machines are designed to fishing boats, pleasure boats, fish processing factories and in all those cases where it is necessary to transform salty or brackish water into fresh water. We also manufacture and install every type of filter to make the water produced also drinking. All components of our machines are certified and the product obtained is always made ​​in Italy.

Skibsprojektører, lanterner, dækslys og el-varme.

ELKA Rainwear A/S


Navervej 22-24, 7451 Sunds Denmark Tel: +45 97 14 24 22 elka@elkarainwear.dk www.elkarainwear.dk ELKA har siden 1979 arbejdet med udfordringen at beskytte mod naturens ekstremer. Denne know-how gør, at vi kan sælge produkter af høj kvalitet og funktionsevne. Fishing Xtreme er resultatet af mange års samarbejde med fiskeindustrien og serien af arbejdstøj, der har gjort ELKA til et udbredt navn indenfor professionelt fiskeri over alt i verden. ELKA has taken on the challenge of providing protection against the extremes of nature since 1979. This know-how means that we can sell high-quality products with excellent functionality. Fishing Xtreme is the result of many years of collaboration with the fishing industry and is the product range that made ELKA a familiar name among professional fishermen around the world.

Searchlights, Navigation, Floodlights and electrical heating.

Enterprise Europe Network C238 NordDanmarks EU-kontor Boulevarden 13, 2. sal, 9000 Aalborg Denmark Tel.: +45 99 31 15 38 jr@aalborg.dk www.enterprise-europe.dk www.eu-norddanmark.dk Enterprise Europe Network er et globalt netværk af erhvervsfremmeaktører, der har fokus på at hjælpe små og mellemstore virksomheder og viden institutioner med at finde nye samarbejdspartnere i udlandet – både i forhold til eksport, projektsamarbejde og teknologisk samarbejde. Flere end 50 lande er medlem af netværket, der er etableret af Europa-Kommissionen i 2008, med knap 600 partnerorganisationer Enterprise Europe Network is a global network of business operators who focus on helping small and medium-sized enterprises and knowledge institutions to find new partners abroad - both in terms of export, project collaboration and technological cooperation. More than 50 countries are members of the network established by the European Commission in 2008, with almost 600 partner organization.


Eos Shipbroker



ESL Danmark


Svartviken 50, 907 88 Täfteå Sweden Tel: +46 90 13 57 54 gunnar@eos.se www.eos.se

Valhøjs Allé 177, 2610 Rødovre Denmark Tel: +45 36 70 36 03 sales@eurosatlink.com www.eurosatlink.com

Eos Shipbroker is dedicated to purchase an sale of vessels and related equipment and specialises in fishing. Over the years we have supplied fishing boats of all sizes, from small gillnetter to large trawlers/purse seiners, both “our own” and via other ship brokers all over the world. We also deal with fishing licences in the form of BT, kW, effort, days at sea and other permits. We also supply work boats and other tonnage, former fishing boats that have been adapted to suit new purposes as well as equipment for fishing boats. Fishing today is to a large degree associated with licenses, authorisation and long-term economic planning. Our superior knowledge of this area enables us to deal with these issues and we have assisted a number of ship owners in such matters. Eos Shipbroker also has a large network of contacts including other shipbrokers both in Sweden and abroad, which means that our market is very wide. We provide valuations of fishing boats as well as advice in the area of purchase and sale. Over the years we have developed and can therefore facilitate contacts with banks, various authorities and shipyards for building or reconstruction and preparation of the necessary contracts.

ESL er en ledende leverandører af maritime kommunikationsløsninger. Vi er autoriseret INMARSAT, SAILOR, SEATEL, JOTRON og GLOBALSTAR Partner, og tilbyder alle kunder særdeles konkurrencedygtige airtime abonnementer til INMARSAT, IRIDIUM og GLOBALSTAR, samt til enhver form for VSAT løsninger. Du kan også finde mere information om ESL på www.eurosatlink.com

ES Trawl ApS


Kai Lindbergs Gade 67, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 11 26 info@es-trawl.dk www.es-trawl.dk Vores speciale er hummer- og fisketrawle til Nordsøen.

ESL is a leading provider of maritime communication solutions. We are certified INMARSAT, SAILOR, SEATEL, JOTRON and GLOBALSTAR Partner and offer all customers highly competitive airtime packages for INMARSAT, IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTAR as well as any VSAT solution. You can find more information on www.eurosatlink.com.

Euronete Scandinavia A/S D761 Karetmagervej 9, 7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel: +45 75 95 45 77 info@euronete.dk www.euronete.com Euronete er verdensførende leverandør af trawlnet, stålwire & syntetisk tov og relaterende fiskeriudstyr. Mission: At tilbyde vore kunder produkter og services, som opfylder og møder deres behov. Vi arbejder til stadighed med at produktudvikle og opgradere vore produkter. Euronete is the world’s leading supplier of fishing nets, wire and fibre ropes and related fishing gear. A WireCo® WorldGroup Brand . Mission: To provide our customers with products and services that adapts and meets their needs and continue with the policy of innovation and up-grade of products in our product range.

Company profiles

FF Skagen A/S



Havnevagtvej 5, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 11 00 ff@ffskagen.dk www.ffskagen.dk FF Skagen A/S er en af verdens førende producenter af fiskemel og fiskeolie. Vi udvikler, fremstiller og markedsfører produkter, der anvendes som proteintilskud til opdræt af dyr og fisk. FF Skagen A/S er et fondsejet aktieselskab, primært ejet af fiskerne og fiskeindustrien. Vi fremstiller årligt ca. 150.000 tons fiskemel og fiskeolie, der eksporteres til mere end 60 lande. FF Skagen A/S is one of the world’s leading producers of fish meal and fish oil. We develop, produce and market products used as protein supplements for rearing animals and fish. FF Skagen A/S is owned by the ”FF Skagen Foundation”, mainly owned by fishermen and the fishing industry. We produce annually about 150,000 tonnes of fishmeal and fish oil and export to more than 60 countries.



Gammel Køge Landevej 115, 2, 2500 Valby Denmark Tel: +45 36 45 02 00 lf@fischernet.dk www.fischernet.dk Dansk grossist med speciale i levering af fiskeriudstyr især til garnfiskeri. Leverandør af bl.a. Björkö flyde- & synkeliner.

FiskerBladet / Maritime Danmark


Esplanaden 30.4, 1263 København K Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 41 55 rw@maritimedanmark.dk www.maritimeDanmark.dk

FiskerBladet - 57. årgang – fra Vand til Tand - er et upolitisk tidsskrift for hele fiskesektoren. Det redaktionelle indhold er varieret med en blanding af artikler om aktuelle emner af særlig interesse for fiskesektoren og oplysende artikler om nyheder vedrørende de værktøjer og produkter, virksomhederne anvender i dagligdagen. FiskerBladet er således et sikkert annoncemedie for annoncører, der ønsker en direkte kontakt til hele fiskesektoren ’Fra Vand Til Tand’ Magasinet, med et oplag på 4.800 på print + mere end 200.000 besøgende på E-magasin, modtages af alle registrerede både over 5 tons, og foruden erhvervsfiskere når bladet frem til fiskeopdrættere, fiskeforarbejdende virksomheder, grossister og eksportører, fiskehandlere, sektorens skoler og forskningsinstitutioner, service og udstyrsproducenter der betjener sektoren, offentlige myndigheder, organisationer og politikere. Udkommer hver måned undtagen januar og juli.



Apollovej 103, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 19 46 info@fiskerforum.dk www.fiskerforum.com FiskerForum.com er fiskeribranchens nyhedsportal, der med redaktionelt nyhedsstof bringer artikler og korte nyheder fra Danmark og EU samt fra det Nordatlantiske område. Fiskerne har på hjemmesiden deres egen gratis køb- og salgsside og kan ligeledes benytte hyrebørsen i deres jobsøgning og erhvervet kan benytte kutterdatabasen og skibsalgslister samt meget mere. FiskerForum.com er derfor et kvalificeret første valg, når man søger informationer om aktiviteter indenfor fiskeribranchen. FiskerForum. com har mere end 100.000 læsere om måneden og giver derfor annoncørerne en høj eksponering for annoncekronerne. FiskerForum.com is the Nordic news portal for the fishing industry. We publish editorial news and short articles from Denmark, the EU and from the North Atlantic region. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Our website offers free classifieds and a free job database for fishermen, as well as a database over fishing vessels, sales lists and much more. FiskerForum.com is the first choice when looking for information on activities in the Nordic fishing industry. FiskerForum.com has more than 100,000 monthly readers and is the perfect choice for your advertisements.

surveys. Advice in connection with new building and conversions as well as the flagging-in of vessels. Help/advice in connection with work injuries /attrition. Crisis counseling. Development of products /equipment the aim of which is to eliminate accidents and attrition.

Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C226

Bygmarken 66, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 13 38 info@fiskeriflaaden.dk www.fiskeriflaaden.dk

Auktionsgade 1B, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 18 05 66 post@f-a.dk www.f-a.dk Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd rådgiver om arbejdsmiljø og sikkerhed om bord. Vi fremmer fiskernes sikkerhed, forebygger arbejdsskader og har som formål at opretholde et sundt og sikkert arbejdsmiljø. Vores opgaver er typisk: Rådgivning ved nybygning, ombygning og indflagning. Hjælp ved udarbejdelse af arbejdspladsvurderinger. Rådgivning inden arbejdsmiljøsyn. Støjmåling og rådgivning ved støjproblemer. Rådgivning ved arbejdsskader eller nedslidning. Formidling af krisehjælp. Udvikling af udstyr, der gavner arbejdsmiljø og sikkerhed. Høring ved udarbejdelse af nye regler. Koordinering for havnesikkerhedsudvalgenes arbejde. Danish Fishermen’s Occupational Health Services advice on occupational health and safety board Our purpose is to improve fishermen’s physical as well as mental health and safety And to prevent occupational injuries, including occupational accidents, occupational diseases, and attrition among the employees on Danish fishing vessels Our tasks are typically: Advise/help with everything on board related to safety/security. Noise measurement and noise measurement reports. Proposals to reduce noise problems. Interpretation of new regulations/rules. Help preparing risk assessments. Pre-inspection before the Danish Maritime Authority’s ordinary surveys. Suggestions/help with repairs in connection with

Fiskeriflåden Illustreret

Fiskeriskolen Thyborøn



Ærøvej 9, 7680 Thyborøn Tel: +45 96 91 92 30 Denmark fiskeri@eucnordvest.dk www.fiskeriskolen.dk



Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 99 40 76 68 mail@fiskeriteknolog.dk www.fiskeriteknolog.dk Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen er fiskerisektorens videregående uddannelse for folk med baggrund i fiskebranchen. Uddannelsen kan tages over 1-2 år, og giver fiskeriteknologerne en grundig viden omkring fiskens kvalitet, hygiejne og produktionsprocesser. Fiskeriteknologer har typisk fundet beskæftigelse som leder og mellemleder indenfor forarbejdningsindustrien, akvakultur, fiskeribiologi og miljøovervågning, undervisning på fiskeriskolerne samt indenfor konsulent- og rådgivningsbranchen. Undervisningen er en inspirerende blanding af teoretisk klasseundervisning, projektarbejde og ekskursioner.

Company profiles


The Fishery technology education is an advanced education for people within the fish sector. The education lasts 1-2 years and gives the fishery technologists a thorough knowledge about fish quality, hygiene and production processes. Fish technologists find employment as manager and mid-level manager in the processing industry, in aquaculture, in fishery biology and environmental monitoring, as teachers and consultants in the private sector. The teaching is a mixture of theoretical classes, project work and excursions.



Nordensvej 3, 7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel: +45 70 10 40 40 mail@dkfisk.dk www.fiskeritidende.dk

Fiskernes Fiskesortering (Hirtshals)


Norgeskajen 12 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 14 37 rolloking@stofanet.dk

Fiskernes Fremtid Hvide Sande


Metheasvej 1, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 30 24 64 14 vmoeller@tdcadsl.dk www.fiskernes-fremtid.dk Fiskernes Fremtid kom til verden ved en stiftende generalforsamling i december 1999. Årsagen var, at et hurtigt blik henover skaren af fiskeskippere afslørede lidt flere grå hår, end godt er. Med an(fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)

samt kutterinfo om fiskefartøjer, hyrebørs, auktionspriser, køb- og salgsannoncer for fiskerne og meget mere. Mere end 100.000 besøgende hver måned.

HENT DIN GRATIS 2014 KALENDER Find os på stand D731 (telthallen)


Altid først med de sidste nyheder om erhvervsfiskeriet i norden,

N 1 73



www.fiskerforum .com





dre ord – skippernes gennemsnitsalder lå på den forkerte side af de 50, og med den svage tilgang af nye, var det nødvendigt at gøre noget effektivt for at forhindre, at Hvide Sande Havn skulle blive andet end et støvet museum. Tidligere gik det hele nemmere, for da var det helt naturligt, at sønnerne fulgte i fars fodspor og tog på havet efter fisk. I dag vælger de unge deres fremtid efter helt andre kriterier, og fiskerierhvervet har måttet sande, at skal det overleve, skal morgendagens fiskere ikke nødvendigvis være født til jobbet, men rekrutteres fra andre egne og fra brancher, som normalt ikke har noget med fisk at gøre. God hjælp at hente Det store spørgsmål var selvfølgelig, hvad man skulle gøre. Efter grundige overvejelser blev resultatet Fiskernes Fremtid, som er delt i to underafdelinger. Den ene afdeling har styr på finanserne og har advokat Mogens Jepsen som formand. Den anden afdeling er den fiskerifaglige og har fiskeskipper Gunner Høj i spidsen. Fiskernes Fremtid was formed to maintain the survival of fishing in Hvide Sande Harbour. A group of local fishermen and businessmen would like to help young people into a life as a fisherman, so fishing survive the challenges of generational change. For more info please contact Mogens Jepsen.

Fiskernes Samlecentral


Auktionkajen 7, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 20 22

Forbo Siegling Danmark A/S C204 Hjulmagervej 7C, 7100 Vejle Danmark Tel: +45 43 43 10 33 siegling.dk@forbo.com www.forbo-siegling.com Velkommen hos Forbo Siegling Danmark! Når det gælder bånd og remme af kunststof, er Forbo Siegling verdens førende udbyder – og har været det lige siden 1919. Forbo Sieglings produkter omfatter løsninger til meget

forskelligartede anvendelser inden for en lang række industrier. Transport- og procesbånd, Modulbånd. Tandremme, Drivremme, Foldeog transportremme, Maskinbånd, Værktøj og tilbehør.

FMM - Food Machinery Market


Stenoddenvej 7, 5700 Svendborg Denmark Tel:+45 24 29 05 80 fmm@cabinplant.com www.fmm.dk

Fr. Dick c/o Henrik Fogh D868 Industrivej 22 E, 3550 Slangerup Denmark Tel: +45 40 51 60 60 tuf@columbus-trading.dk www.dick.de Dick fremstiller knive til professionelt brug samt strygestål og slibemaskiner. Dick is producing knives for professionels steels and graining maschines.

Fred. Rasmussen


Ove Gjeddes Vej 23, 5220 Odense SØ Denmark Tel: +45 65 56 05 60 info@fred-rasmussen.dk www.fred-rasmussen.dk Fred. Rasmussen er eneforhandler af FPT/Iveco, Lombardini og Perkins Sabre marinemotorer og Selva påhængsmotorer og kan således tilfredsstille de fleste krav til Lyst- og kommercielle fartøjer. Vi er derudover specialister i marinegear og dæmperplader mm. Fred. Rasmussen is the exclusive distributor of FPT / Iveco, Lombardini and Perkins Sabre marine engines, Selva Marine Outboards and can satisfy most requirements for pleasure and commercial

Company profiles


craft. We are also Specialists in marine gear and damper plates etc.

Frigoemme srl


Via A. Vespucci 2 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italy Tel: +39 735 587 699 info@frigoemme.com www.frigoemme.com The Frigoemme from 1956 deals with the constructions of plate ice flakes , machine daily production rates ranging from 200 to 20,000 kg with a modular system. Our products are suitable for both the boating sector and the agri-food sector.

Frydendahl Fiskenet


Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 tl@frydendahl.com www.frydendahl.com Frydendahl har leveret fiskenet til det danske fiskeri siden 1933. Frydendahl har således på nærmeste hold fulgt den store udvikling der er sket indenfor garnfiskeriet i alle disse år. Mere end 75 års erfaring gør at vi er i stand til at indgå i vejledning omkring valg af både fiskenet og montering af disse. I 1994 begyndte vi montering af fiskenet i Estland. Her har vi en stab på ca. 100 dygtige medarbejdere, som udover selve maskinmonteringen på symaskinerne også udfører specialjobs såsom: Opredning, fraskæring af brugte fiskenet og håndmontering af toggegarn. Herudover kan du, hvis du lander i Hvide Sande, benytte dig af Frydendahl´s kaj til kaj service: Vi leverer trækasser ved skibssiden sammen med “Hugo” - vor netophaler - som haler garnene direkte op i trækasser fra kutterens pounder og vi afhenter og leverer efterfølgende garnene på kajen. Formålsparagraffen hos Frydendahl har altid været service og kvalitet. For yderligere at forbedre kvaliteten på monterede garn har vi udviklet et gennemgående kontrolsystem, som sikrer

en god og ensartet kvalitet. Vore mangeårige kunder ved, at Frydendahl altid står bag produkterne - dvs. er der trods alle sikkerhedsforanstaltninger alligevel sket en fejl - så reparerer, bytter eller kompenserer vi.



Hammerholmen 44-48, 2650 Hvidovre Denmark Tel: +45 36 77 45 00 furuno@furuno.dk www.furuno.dk FURUNO DANMARK A/S er landets førende leverandør af elektronisk udstyr til navigation, kommunikation og fiskesøgning. Produkter: Radar, Ekkolod, Sonar, ECDIS, Elektroniske søkort, Radio- og Satellitkommunikation, Integrerede navigationssystemer, Mobil kommunikation. Af særlige interessante produkter der præsenteres på DanFish kan nævnes bl.a. Navnet TZ Touch, den nye 3D sonar WASSP, infrarøde kameraer, et bredt sortiment af LiteCom Mobil kommunikation samt de seneste versioner af MaxSea elektroniske søkort samt et par nye FURUNO plottere. Globalt er FURUNO er mest kendt for sine karakteristiske blå radarer, og i Danmark har også ekkolod og fiskesøgningsudstyr været meget populært i mange år. Foruden andre klassiske produkter, såsom VHF radioer, elektroniske søkort osv., er også satellitkommunikation blevet et stort forretningsområde eftersom disse produkter er blevet prisattraktive, både hvad angår anskaffelse og drift. Intern kommunikation har vist sig som et udtalt behov om bord på mange fartøjer og derfor har FURUNOs sortiment af mobile kommunikations enheder, som eksempelvis LiteCom, blevet meget interessant for de professionelle maritime erhverv. FURUNO DANMARK har kontorer i København, Esbjerg og Skagen og har fokus på at kunne yde kompetent og personlig vejledning til både forbruger og et landsdækkende forhandlernet som sikrer at service og anden assistance aldrig er langt væk. FURUNO DANMARK A / S is a supplier of electronic equipment for navigation, communication (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



and fish finding. Products: Radar, Sonar, Sonar, ECDIS, Electronic sea charts, radio and satellite communications, integrated navigation systems, mobile communications. Particular interesting products presented at DanFish includes the new 3D sonar WASSP, infrared cameras, a wide range of LiteCom Mobile communication and the latest versions of MaxSea electronic charts. FURUNO is known worldwide for its distinctive blue radar, but also sonar and fish finding equipment has been very popular for many years. In addition to other classic products, such as VHF radios, electronic charts, etc., satellite communication has also become a big business as these products have been attractively priced, both in terms of acquisition and operation. Internal communication board has emerged as a distinct need aboard many vessels and therefore FURUNOs range of mobile communications devices, such as LiteCom has been very interesting for the professional maritime industries. FURUNO has offices in Copenhagen, Esbjerg and Skagen. In addition to being able to provide competent and personalized service to both consumers and retailers, it also ensures that support and other assistance is never far away.

Garmin Danmark A/S


Hejrevang 27, 3450 Allerød Denmark Tel: +45 48 10 50 00 cpe@garmin.dk www.garmin.dk Garmin begyndte i 1989 som en god ide hos to ingeniører, Gary Burrell and Dr. Min Kao, og har i dag udviklet sig til global markedsleder indenfor satellit-navigation. Vores mål har hele tiden været det samme: At skabe navigationsog kommunikationsprodukter, som beriger livet for vores kunder. Garmins portefølje spænder i dag over bil-, fly-, outdoor- og marinenavigation, sports- og fitnessudstyr, radio- og telekommunikation samt GPS-tracking. Bredden i vores virkeområder giver os fordele, dels ved at nyudviklede teknologier kan implementeres på flere felter, dels ved at vi har den økonomiske formåen til at satse massivt på udvikling af

helt nye produkter. Garmin gør sig konstant gældende indenfor nye områder. Medens de fleste virksomheder har søgt at uddelegere opgaver, har Garmin haft succes med hvad vi kalder ”vertikal integration”: Vi designer, fremstiller, markedsfører og sælger selv vores produkter. Når som helst, vi diskuterer et nyt produkt, vil man se ingeniører, designere, kunstnere og salgsfolk dele tanker. Vi er selv en del af det miljø, hvor vores produkter anvendes. Til lands, til vands og i luften ser man Garmin-medarbejdere teste vores egne produkter til det yderste – altid på jagt efter forbedringer. Hos Garmin ved man aldrig, hvornår den næste store ide vil blive født. Men man ved, den kommer snart. Our Mission To be an enduring company by creating superior products for automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor, and sports that are an essential part of our customers’ lives. Our Vision We will be the global leader in every market we serve, and our products will be sought after for their compelling design, superior quality, and best value. Our Values The foundation of our culture is honesty, integrity, and respect for associates, customers, and business partners. Each associate is fully committed to serving customers and fellow associates through outstanding performance and accomplishing what we say we will do.

Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. D703 Plot no: 11, Block D 1, Chinchwad 411019 Pune India Tel: +912 030 780 000 kmalik@garwareropes.com www.garwareropes.com En af ​​de førende producenter af reb til fiskeri og akvakultur, sport, tekniske tekstiler og landbrug. Garware Wall Ropes, India is One of the leading manufacturers of Nettting ropes and twines for fishing and aquaculture industry, sports. We are also in technical textiles and Agriculture netting business. Our brands: Sapphire, Olivene, Sapphire next Generation fishing nets are known for

Company profiles


their excellent quality. We also fabricate trawls, cages, bird nets as per designs of our customer worldwide.

Gedhus Consult


v/Jens Gjesing Gedhusvej 28, Munklinde, 7441 Bording Denmark Tel: +45 24 64 55 91 jg@gedhusconsult.dk www.gedhusconsult.dk Maritimt konsulentfirma. Mahle Industri Filter. Den-Jet Nordic A/S Water Jetting Equipment.

Gertsen & Olufsen A/S


Savsvinget 4, 2970 Hørsholm Denmark Tel: +45 45 76 36 00 cer@g-o.dk www.g-o.dk Førende leverandør for skibsredere og værfter i den globale marineindustri. Leading supplier to ship owners and shipyards in the global marine industry.

Granly Diesel A/S


Hovedvejen 233 B, Osted, 4320 Lejre Denmark Tel: +45 46 42 35 50 pv@granlydiesel.dk www.granlydiesel.com Importør af Cummins diesel motorer og Cummins generatoranlæg marine og offshore branchen. Importør og leverandør af Fleetgaard produkter. Distributor of Cummins engines and Cummins marine gensets. Distributor of Fleetgaard products.

Greenline Fishing Gear A/S D766 Agerledet 2, 9300 Sæby Denmark Tel: +45 29 27 40 21 mf@greenlinefishinggear.com www.greenlinefishinggear.com Greenline Fishing Gear A/S er en ny og innovativ virksomhed som lagerfører stort set alt til fiskeriet. Vi har lager i Sæby, samt i Seattle, U.S.A.

Grene Danmark A/S Industri D712 Kobbervej 6, 6900 Skjern Denmark Tel: +45 96 80 84 90 jeja@grene.dk www.grene.com/industri Grene Industri arbejder som specialister. Det betyder bl.a. over 40 interne produktspecialister, som er klar ved telefonen og et varesortiment på over 100.000 artikler. Vores produktprogram bygger på kvalitets produkter fra førende producenter som bl.a. SKF, Optibelt, IPL, Rexnord, Donghua, Camozzi, Donaldson, Mann Filter og Mato. På logistik siden findes muligheder inden for [san2order] den mest enkle måde at håndtere forbrugsartikler på og nat levering inden 06:59 næste morgen med deadline 16:30 dagen før.

Guy Cotten SA


B.P. 538, 29185 Concarneau Cedex France Tel: +33 298 976 679 info@guycotten.com www.guycotten.com Guy Cotten is exhibiting a complete range of protective clothing of the highest quality for commercial fishermen. Including in the exhibits are lifejackets and survival suits, warm wear.


Hans Østergaard A/S



Hanstholm Flydedok A/S B321

Rødspættevej 8, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 00 11 info@hansostergaard.dk www.hansostergaard.dk

Proff. Lundgrensgade 22, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 27 47 post@hanstholm-dock.dk www.hanstholm-doch.dk


Maritime Electric and Electronics.

Hanstholm Flydedok A/S klarer alle former for installationer, service og reparationer om bord på alle fartøjer. Vi har 24-7-365 service. Vi har et omfattende reservedelslager på alt udstyr fra stålarbejde / motor reparationer til al elektronik og apteringsarbejde om bord. Hanstholm Flydedok A/S handles all types of equipment, services and repair on board all vessels and have 24-7-365 service. We have a very extensive stock of spare parts for promt service and repair on all equipment from steel work / engine repairs to all electronics and accommodation on board.

Hanstholm Fiskeauktion B305

Hanstholm Havn

Auktionsgade 11, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +97 96 11 66 info@hanstholmfiskeauktion.dk www.hanstholmfiskeauktion.dk

Auktionsgade 39, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 96 55 07 10 info@portofhanstholm.dk www.portofhanstholm.dk

Fish auction.

Hanstholm Havn Olieforsyning ApS

Hanstholm Elektronik A/S B317 Kai Lindbergs Gade 47, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 18 88 fs@he-as.dk www.he-as.dk Maritimt El og Elektronik.

Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik A/S


Nordre Strandvej 54, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 10 22 info@hafimeal.dk www.hafimeal.dk Industrifisk losses døgnet rundet, året rundt. Vi afregner dig til nogle af markedets bedste priser. Ingen laster er for små, og ingen er for store. Vi svarer døgnets 24 timer.


A127, B311

Havremarken 11, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 20 11 43 06 hh.olie@mvb.net Levering af brændstof, smøreolie m.m. til skibe, worldwide! Delivery of fuel, luboil etc. for vessels, worldwide!

Company profiles

Hanstholm Ny Samlecentral



Auktionsgade 30, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 21 41 57 92 info@samlecentral.dk www.samlecentral.dk Hanstholm Ny Samlecentral A/S fremstår i dag som Danmarks mest moderne samlecentral. Virksomhedens grader-systemer tilkoblet state of the art software, vil også med de fornyede krav om sporbarhed kunne garantere vore kunder fair og reel afregning af deres landinger. Hanstholm Ny Samlecentral A/S appears today as Denmark’s most modern collection center for fish. Our grading systems, connected to state of the art software, are ready to meet the renewed demands for traceability, and we will also in the future guarantee our customers fair and true settlement of their landings.

Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS


for Danmarks grænser. I Hanstholm Skibssmedie udfører vi alle former for ombygning af fartøjer. Vi fremstiller styrehuse, hvalbakker, master, spil m.m. og tilbyder tillige levering og montering af bl.a. hoved- og hjælpemotorer, hydrauliske anlæg, propeller samt propelaksler. The ship´s forge Hanstholm Skibssmedie is one of Hanstholm Harbour´s oldest service businesses. Personal service combined with experienced and competent employees have made the company what it is today; a versatile and recognized company, both nationally and internationally. Hanstholm Skibssmedie carries out all types of vessel conversions. We manufacture wheelhouses, forecastles, masts, winches etc. We also supply and mount main and auxiliary engines, hydraulic installations and propellers.

Hau Nylon


Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 fiskenet@frydendahl.com www.frydendahl.com

Kuttergade 9, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 16 11 post@skibssmedie.dk www.skibssmedie.dk

Hau Nylon har produceret flettede liner siden 1967, hvor firmaet blev grundlagt i Løgstør af Sigfred Hau. I 1985 flyttede virksomheden til Hvide Sande i forbindelse med Frede Lindholm og Frydendahl´s overtagelse af fabrikken og for ca. 10 år siden flyttede hele maskinparken til fabrikken i Estland, hvor produktionen nu foregår. Maskinparken er blevet moderniseret og produktsortimentet blevet udviklet således Hau Nylon i dag fremstiller markedets bredeste sortiment af fletliner og blyliner. Fiskeriet er en vigtig del af Hau Nylons virksomhed, men Hau Nylon fremstiller herudover et væld af speciel produkter til bl.a. flag, presenning og teltindustrien og redningsudstyrsindustrien.

Hanstholm Skibssmedie er en af de ældste servicevirksomheder på Hanstholm Havn. Personlig service kombineret med erfarne og kompetente medarbejdere har gjort firmaet til et alsidigt og anerkendt firma både inden og uden

Since 1967, Hau Nylon has produced braided lines, when the company was founded by Sigfred Hau in Løgstør. In 1985 the company moved to Hvide Sande when Frede Lindholm and Frydendahl bought the company and about 10 years ago,

Fibigersgade 2, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 96 20 13 86 ab@puljefiskeri.dk www.puljefiskeri.dk

Hanstholm Skibssmedie ApS


(fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



the entire production was moved to the factory in Estonia, where the production takes place today. The machines are modernised and developed, making Hau Nylon the manufacturer of the widest selection of leadlines and braided lines on the market today.

Havservice Ålesund AS


Kalsteinveien 90, 6057 Ellingsøy Norway Tel: +47 70 12 98 40 roy.gustav@havservice.no www.havsund.no Kvalitetsleverandør til fiskeflåten. Quality fishing equipments.

HBG Service ehf


Nordurtun 29, 225 Alftanes Iceland Tel: +35 48 63 32 24 hbg@hbg.is www.hbg.is HBG Service products are length and tension meters for trawlers and seiners. HBG Service products are length and tension meters for trawlers and seiners.

Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS


P.O.Box 2091, 6402 Molde Norway Tel: +47 71 25 21 55 svein.tore@heimdalprop.com www.heimdal.com Vridbare propellanlegg Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS har produsert gir og vridbare propellanlegg i nesten 100 år. Med tiden har vi lært oss hvordan man skal konstruere anlegg som tåler en støyt. Alle våre produkter har

derfor et robust design som resulterer i lite støy og vibrasjoner med minst mulig vedlikehold. Vi leverer gir og propellanlegg for små og middels store fartøy med motoreffekt opp til 3000 kW og propelldiameter opp til 3,8 meter. Controllable Pitch Propulsion Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS has produced marine reduction gears and controllable pitch propellers for almost 100 years. Through the years, we have learned how to design longlasting heavyduty propulsion plants. All our products have a robust design ensuring low noise, lowest vibrations, and the lowest possible maintenance needs. We produce propulsion plants for small and medium sized vessels with engine power up to 3000 kW, and propeller diameter up to 3,8 meters.



Hvilshøjvej 323, 9700 Brønderslev Denmark Tel: +45 98 81 11 77 pt@hetodan.dk www.hetodan.dk Modultransportbånd. Modular plastic conveyor belt.

Hirtshals El-Motorservice ApS


Cort Adelersvej 2-4, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 15 95 hems@mail.dk www.elmotorservice.dk

Vil I gerne have kvalitet til en god pris??? Vi laver alt indenfor skibsinstallationer. Vi reparerer og sælger fx generatorer, startere, elmotorer, pumper og navigationsudstyr, radar,

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pilot mm. Vi er også specialister i omvikling af generatorer og elmotorer. Vi sætter altid en ære i, at alle aftaler bliver overholdt – til den aftalte tid. Do you prefer quality at a good price? We repair and sell everything in electrics and electro-mechanics - all types of generators and pumps, starters, electrical motors, navigation and radars. We are also specialists i winding of generators and eletrical motors. It is very important to us that our customers can always trust that we honour all agreements and make deliveries on time.

Hirtshals Fiskeauktion


Norgeskajen 7, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 12 33 karsten@hirfiskauk.dk www.hirfiskauk.dk God og reel service samt gode priser og hurtig afregning er blandt de fordele, der opnås, når fisken sælges på Hirtshals Fiskeauktion. Vi er en moderne fiskeauktion, der hele tiden har opmærksomheden rettet mod fremtiden, samtidig med at vi har over 80 års erfaring i afsætning af fisk. I Hirtshals kan du få losset og sorteret din fangst døgnet rundt, og vores nye fisketerminal er Danmarks mest moderne på alle punkter. Service of excellent quality, good prices, and a quick settling of accounts, are among the advantages achieved when the fish are sold at the Fish Auction in Hirtshals. We are a modern fish auction, constantly directing our attention to the future - at the same time having more than 80 years of experience in the sale of fish. In Hirtshals your catch can be unloaded and sorted at all hours of the day, and our auction hall is all the most modern in Denmark.

Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Norgeskajen 14, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 25 88 nkn@hififo.dk www.fiskeriforening.dk Hirtshals Fiskeriforening er grundlagt i 1904 og er en aktiv Forening, der har medlemmer fra hele Danmark. Promilleafgiften for medlemskab er en af de mest attraktive i Danmark. Fiskeriforening yder service til medlemmer i forbindelse med; kontakter til erhvervets myndigheder, rådgivning vedr. fiskeriet. Foreningen har en konsulent, der yder service til fiskeriet, ved kontakter til myndigheder, teknik, nybygninger, ombygninger, køb og salg af fartøjer, indflagning samt registrering af fartøjer.

Hirtshals Havn


Norgeskajen 11, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 50 00 hirtshalshavn@hirtshalshavn.dk www.hirtshalshavn.dk Hirtshals Havn er en af Danmarks største og førende fiskerihavne, og havnen har i de seneste år gennemført betydelige investeringer i de fiskerirelaterede aktiviteter. FiskeTerminal Hirtshals er med sin ubrudte kølekæde, hygiejne og optimale logistik i dag kernen i konsumfiskeriet i Hirtshals. Ligeledes udgør Center for Pelagisk fisk kernen i det pelagiske fiskeri. Hirtshals Havn har et stærkt felt af servicevirksomheder, der døgnet og året rundt er klar til at yde en god service. The Port of Hirtshals is one of Denmark’s largest fishing ports, and has in recent years made substantial investments in activities related to the fishery. FishTerminal Hirtshals is with its unbroken cold chain, hygiene and optimal logistics the core of the demersal fishery in Hirtshals. Likewise, the Centre for Pelagic Fish is the core of the pelagic fishery. The Port of Hirtshals has a strong field of service companies that are ready to provide quality service 24/7 all year round.


Hirtshals Sejlmageri



Havnegade 22, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 12 27 ole@hirtshalssejl.dk Wire, riggerarbejde, opmåling og ligning af wire. Isolering af udstødning og kølerør. Presenninger og overtræk. Hynder og tæpper. Flåder og redningsudstyr. Brandslukningsudstyr. Blokke, sjækler, kæder og løftegrej. Firmaet blev grundlagt i 1951.

Hirtshals Service Group


Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 35 91 kontakt@hirtshalsservicegroup.dk www.hirtshalsservicegroup.dk Hirtshals Service Group er en erhvervsmæssig interessegruppe, som består af 43 havne-, marineog fiskerirelaterede virksomheder og institutioner. Gruppen er ansvarlig for fælles marketing både nationalt og internationalt – primært i forbindelse med fiskerimesser. Vores målsætning er at styrke og udvikle samarbejdet mellem gruppens medlemmer, at udbrede kendskabet om vores virksomheders omfattende færdigheder både nationalt og internationalt, at repræsentere havnens lejere og at repræsentere byen. Hirtshals Service Group is a commercial interest group that consists of 43 ports, marine and fishing related companies and institutions. The group is responsible for joined marketing, nationally and internationally – primarily in connection with fishing exhibitions Our goal is to strengthen and develop the relationship to our customers, to provide knowledge about our companies comprehensive capability, both nationally and internationally, and to represent the port’s leaseholders and Hirtshals.

Hirtshals Skibsog Industriservice


Nordvestkajen 31, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 99 43 98 askjohann@gmail.com www.hsi-service.dk Vi udfører smedearbejde i stål, rustfrit stål og aluminium. Herunder fremstilling af konstruktioner i profiler, plader og rør. Opretning og reparation af større emner, så som havari eller andre skader. Ombygning af fiskefartøjer. Reparation af hydraulikanlæg, spil og pumper mm. Fremstilling og montering af industrianlæg. Installation af RSW-anlæg. We offer constructions in steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Manufacturing of constructions in profiles, plates and pipes. Straightening and repair of larger items such as a damaged hull or other damages. Rebuilding of fishing vessels. Repair of hydraulic systems, winches and pumps etc. Manufacturing and installation of industrial systems and RSW systems.

Hirtshals Yard a/s


Jens Munks Vej, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 23 37 47 58 rbr@hirtshalsyard.dk www.hirtshalsyard.dk På Hirtshals Yard har vi specialiseret os i dokninger, reparationer, vedligehold og ombygninger på fiskeskibe, små og mellemstore hjælpefartøjer og slæbefartøjer. I vores overdækkede flydedok kan vi reparere og overfladebehandle skibene under optimale forhold året rundt. At Hirtshals Yard we have specialized in dockings, repair, maintenance and conversions of fishing vessels, small and medium-sized supply vessels and tug boats. In our covered floating dock we are able to repair and carry out surface treatment

Company profiles under optimal conditions throughout the year.

Hjørring ErhvervsCenter D811 Åstrupvej 10, 9800 Hjørring Denmark Tel: +45 96 23 26 00 mail@hjec.dk www.hjec.dk

Hjørring ErhvervsCenter er indgangen til erhvervsservice i Hjørring Kommune. Erhvervscentret; assisterer ved etablering af virksomhed i Hjørring Kommune, bistår med udvikling og vækst i eksisterende virksomheder, knytter kontakter mellem virksomheder samt til myndigheder, inviterer til netværksskabende og kompetenceudviklende arrangementer. Hjørring ErhvervsCenter er altid opdateret på de sidste nye erhvervsfremmetilbud. Kig forbi og hør om: Globaliseringstilbud, innovationstilbud, kompetenceudviklingstilbud, brobygning mellem . virksomhed og videns institutioner og meget mere. Hjørring Business Centre is the entrance to business in Hjørring. The Business Centre; assists in starting up a business in Hjørring, assists with the development and growth of existing businesses, establishes contact between companies and the authorities, invites to network building and competence building events. Hjørring business Centre is continuously updated on the latest business evolving schemes. Visit us to hear about schemes in relation to: Globalization, innovation, competency, bridging the gap between business and academic institutions, and much more.


Hjørring Kommune


Teknik og Miljøområdet, 9800 Hjørring Denmark Tel: +45 72 33 67 73 hjoerring@hjoerring.dk www.hjoerring.dk Hjørring Kommune sælger nu en række attraktive erhvervsgrunde ved Hirtshals Transport Center. Det betyder, at du får mulighed for at etablere din virksomhed i et område, der fremover bliver et centralt omdrejningspunkt for transport af varer mellem Norge og EU-landene. Kom og hør nærmere om, hvordan din virksomhed kan få adresse i området og blive en del af den positive erhvervsudvikling i Hirtshals. Hjørring Municipality is putting attractive commercial areas at Hirtshals Transport Center up for sale. This means that you get to establish your company in a focal point for transport of goods between Norway and The EU. Come and hear more, about how your company can get its address in the area and be a part of the positive commercial development in Hirtshals.

Hollandske Pavilion D735, D738 Haven 1, 9976 VN Lauwersoog Netherlands Tel: +31 519 349 125 h.smit@visafslaglauwersoog.com www.visafslaglauwersoog.com Holland Paviljoen

Hollandske Pavilion

Fælles gruppe på cirka 7 selskaber, der repræsenterer sig selv som “Hollandske Pavilion”. 1: E-Catch BV (E-logbog) 2: Efice BV (Auktion software) 3: EHL BV (Lauwersoog Havn) 4: International Seafood Auctions BV (Fiskeauktion) 5: Merema Transport BV (Fish logistik) 6: Visveiling Urk BV (Fiskeauktion) 7: CIV Lauwerszee UA (Fishing udstyr)

Printdatum: 22-8-2013 ; 16:25 uur

13_ISA_Danfish_Uitwerking beursplan / Holland paviljoen

Pagina 1 van 1

(fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Joint group of about 7 companies which represent themselves as “Hollandske Pavilion”. 1: E-Catch BV (E-Logbook) 2: Efice BV (Auction software) 3: EHL BV (Port of Lauwersoog) 4: International Seafood Auctions BV (Auction) 5: Merema Transport BV (Fish logistics) 6: Visveiling Urk BV (Auction) 7: CIV Lauwerszee UA (Fishing equipment)



Sydvestvej 142 - 146, 2600 Glostrup Denmark Tel: +45 43 29 31 00 info@holmtechnoscan.dk www.holmtechnoscan.dk HOLM TECHNOSCAN as, sælger og servicerer MTU, Mercedes, Detroit Diesel og VM Motorer i Danmark, Førøerne og på Grønland. HOLM TECHNOSCAN as, sales and services MTU, Mercedes, Detroit Diesel and VM Engines in Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Hundested Propeller A/S D870, F505 Stadionvej 4, 3390 Hundested Denmark Tel: +45 47 93 71 17 hundested@hundestedpropeller.dk www.hundestedpropeller.dk Vi leverer CPP fremdrivningssystemer samt thrustere til næsten alle skibstyper, herunder specielt fiskeskibe, fragtskibe, slæbebåde, færger og større lystfartøjer. Siden 1929 har vi leveret 9000 propelleranlæg, 550 thrustere samt 250 marine gear. We supply complete CPP propulsion systems and thrusters for nearly all types of vessels, especially fishing vessels, cargo ships, tugs, ferries and larger pleasure boats. Since 1929 we have

delivered 9000 propeller units, 550 thrusters and 250 marine gears.

Hvalpsund Net A/S A110, D784, F506 Havnepladsen 16, 9640 Farsø Denmark Tel: +45 98 63 81 88 sales@hvalpsund-net.dk www.hvalpsund-net.com Hvalpsund Net - The Safest Solution in Fish Farming Hvalpsund Net A/S is an international company employing more than 80 persons. We have factories in Denmark and Poland and sales departments in Denmark. Our head quarter is situated in Hvalpsund and from there our many activities are controlled. We have three main divisions: Fishing, Fish Farming and Onshore. The three divisions export to countries . all over the world. Today we have working agents in Island, Faro islands, UK, Spain, Chile, Brazil, Italy and New Zealand. We export to distant countries on our own, but in many cases we also work close together with humanitarian organizations such as UNOPS and the Danish Danida. These activities have helped to make the name of Hvalpsund Net A/S known as a quality focussing and conscientious company. The keywords for all three divisions are: Quality - Know-how - Value for money Since the establishment of Hvalpsund Net A/S these keywords have helped to create the company and develop it to what it is today – a company constantly increasing its activities through dynamic growth and where the employees always seek new challenges. The entire organization operates with one joint desire: Delivering the best product with the highest level of service at the best price. At Hvalpsund Net we know what You as an owner or project initiator demands. For more than 65 years we have worked closely with the fishing industry and the fish farming sector, providing advice and developing long-term solutions with the detailed professional insight that You can expect from a leading outfitter and partner. Hvalpsund Net project references include documented sustainability and profitability.

Company profiles


We encourage You to consider how Hvalpsund Net can help You to achieve better results - either with an existing farm or a new farm, making it sustainable and profitable.

dk. Så hjælper han dig gratis videre til alt hvad du har brug for under et ophold i Hvide Sande.

Hvide Sande Havn

Brunbjergvej 4,8240 Risskov Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 28 52 aarhus@hydroscand.dk www.hydroscand.dk


Fossanæsvej 22,6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 20 20 79 77 etk@hssg.dk www.hvidesandehavn.dk Hvide Sande Havn er en af Danmarks mest moderne fiskerihavne med gode servicefaciliteter og en lang række af servicevirksomheder, der leverer høj service til alle behov, som en moderne fiskeriflåde måtte have. Hvide Sande kan fra juli 2013 tilbyde 6 meter vand i Vesthavnen. Havnen er meget serviceminded og fleksibel. Hvide Sande Havn ligger tæt på Nordsøens attraktive fiskepladser for såvel konsum- og rejefiskeri som industrifiskeri. Havnen har en hjemmehørende fiskeriflåde på 50 fartøjer med en samlet bruttotonnage på ca. 4.000 BT. Havnen anløbes af fartøjer fra hele Danmark, herunder industrifiskere og fartøjer fra lande omkring Nordsøen, der alle tiltrækkes af havnens gode beliggenhed og gode lossefaciliteter. Fiskemelsfabrikken 999 er største modtager af industrifisk. Fiskerihavnen består af to havneafsnit vest for sluserne: Sydhavnen med to bassiner og Nordhavnen. Øst for sluserne findes to havneafsnit i Ringkøbing Fjord: Østhavnen og Tyskerhavnen. Derudover råder over den nybyggede Vesthavn. Havnevagten servicerer havnens brugere døgnet rundt. Kontaktes på tlf. 97 31 16 33. På havnen findes to værfter med ophalerbedding, begge kendte for høj standard hvad angår nybygninger og reparation af fiskefartøjer. Desuden findes skibsproviantering, 3 vodbindere, leverandører af alt indenfor fiskeredskaber, brændstof (tank og båd), en topmoderne fiskeauktion, maskin- og smedje værksteder, radio- og elektronikfirmaer, skibsforsikringer osv. Alle er specialiserede i servicering af fiskefartøjer. Dykkerassistance og mobilkran kan rekvireres. Kontakt kundeansvarlig hos Hvide Sande Service Group (HSSG) på tlf. 20 20 79 77 eller etk@hssg.

Hydroscand A/S


Vi er leverandør af hydraulikslanger og fittings samt udstyr til egen presning. Industri og tekniske slanger samt tilbehør. We supply hydraulic hoses and couplings, equipment to make the hoses assembly. Indsutrial and technical hoses.

Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari snc


Via Quintino Sella n.8 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) Italy Tel: +39 733 829 587 info@foraniepecorrari.it www.foraniepecorari.it Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari Snc works since over 40 years in shipping yards sector, designing and constructionig bronze pumps and complementary components. The company offers a large variety of products interesting to the most exigent customers, specialized in construction of small and medium pleasure crafts, fishing boats and service boats. In 2009 obteined ISO 9001:2008 certification.



Sofiendalsvej 9, 9200 Aalborg SV Denmark Tel: +45 70 12 12 22 soren.t.petersen@if.dk www.if.dk If Forsikring, er nordens største forsikringssel(fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



skab, og tegner generelt forsikringer indenfor alle erhverv og privat. If har blandt andet valgt at have fokus på, og særlig ekspertise indenfor Marineforsikringer: - vi har i dag mere end 900 fartøjer forsikret i Danmark og Grønland, inden for især fiskeri, færgedrift og entreprenørarbejde – og vi tilbyder alle de forsikringsdækninger, der er behov for i disse brancher. På nordisk plan har vi mere end 4.500 fartøjer forsikret.

Injector Door Ltd.


Office A1, 12 Floor, Ritz Plaza, 122 Austin Road, TST, Kowloon 122 Kowloon, Hong Kong Hong Kong Tel: +298 28 06 06 ee@injectordoor.eu www.injectordoor.eu

Det var et stort fremskridt for trawlfiskeriet, da Helge Larsen brød igennem med opfindelsen af optimerede trawlskovle, også kendt som Injector . skovle. I dag er Injector skovle vidt anerkendt som verdens mest udviklede trawlskovle. Disse miljøvenlige skovle har i høj grad forbedret ydeevnen for trawlere, når det drejer sig om . operationel effektivitet i forhold til brændstofforbrug. TRAWLING HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME since Helgi Larsen’s breakthrough invention brought us optimized trawl doors also known as the Injector doors. Today, Injector doors are widely recognized as the world’s most highly developed trawl doors. This has greatly enhanced the performance of trawlers both in terms of fishing efficiency, fuel economy, environmental care, and operational effectiveness.

Intech International A/S


Erhvervsparken 16, 9700 Brønderslev Denmark Tel: +45 96 46 76 00 intech@intechint.dk www.intechint.dk Intech International a/s fremstiller rustfrit kvalitetsudstyr, til reje- og fisketrawlere samt lakse- og torskefabrikker på land, over det meste af verden, Intech har igennem mange år udviklet forskellige typer maskiner til produktion og forarbejdning af fisk og skaldyr; bl.a. bifangstseparatorer, Connie kogere til rejer, krabber og andre produkter, kassefoldemaskiner, sorteringsmaskiner, filet- og fiskevaskere, trimmelinjer til laks og ørredfabrikker. Intech International a/s har det sidste års tid udviklet et helt nyt program inden for løfte- og tømmeudstyr til beholdere og vogne samt til blokfrysere. Sidste skud på stammen er et patenteret program af bakkedispenser, til dispensering af alle former af bakker. Intech International a/s har altid fokus på kundens behov, og vort udstyr fremstilles altid efter kundetilpassede løsninger med fokus på driftsikkerhed, rengøringsvenlighed og servicevenlighed. Intech International a/s manufactures stainless production machinery for shrimp and fish trawlers as well as salmon and cod factory plants ashore – for most countries all over the world. For many years Intech has developed different types of plants for production and processing of fish as well as shellfish, i.e. by-catch separators, Connie cookers for shrimps, crabs and other products, box folding equipment, grading equipment, fillet and fish washers, trimming lines for salmon and trout factories. Recently, Intech International a/s has developed a completely new range of products within lifting and discharge equipment for containers and trolleys as well as block freezers. The latest product is our patented tray dispensers, designed for all types of trays. Intech designers will always focus on the customers’ demands, and our equipment is therefore designed as taylor-made solutions and our focus

Company profiles is on reliable, easy to clean and service-friendly equipment.

Inter Aqua Advance A/S D799 Muslingevej 36B, 8250 Egå Denmark Tel: +45 38 41 48 00 joo@interaqua.dk www.interaqua.dk INTER AQUA Advance A/S (IAA) was founded in 1978 and was the first company in the world supplying commercial recirculation plants for the aquaculture industry in Europe, USA, Asia and Oceania. About 150 plants ranging from production capacities of 10 tons/year to 2,000 tons/year per module have been successfully delivered. IAA has since its start always been in the forefront of research and development and over the years, other suppliers of recirculation technology have followed in IAA’s footsteps. IAA has gone through three major technological lead periods resulting in a 3rd generation concept, i.e. the CLEARWATER Moving Bed Technology. The self-cleaning Moving Bed biofiltration technology is considered the optimal concept within the aquaculture industry and IAA has an unequalled 18 years of experience with this technology. IAA has supplied the plants for the largest recirculation project undertaken to date worldwide; the 5000 tons/annum Tilapia/ Claresse project in Holland, which is at present developing further into other species.

International Seafood Auctions BV D735, D738 Haven 1, 9976 VN Lauwersoog Netherlands Tel +31 519 349 125 h.smit@isauctions.eu www.isauctions.eu


Danmarks mest sydlige fiskeauktioner med placeringer i Lauwersoog og Harlingen. I Lauwersoog vi auktionering både fisk og rejer. I Harlingen vi auktionering rejer, men masser af fisk landes hver uge for videre transport ad landevej til Lauwersoog eller Urk. Auktionerne er beliggende i nærheden fiskepladserne med som mindre sejle tid som muligt. International Seafood Auktioner er certificeret til MSC og HACCP. Vi bruger en digital auktionssystem, leveret af Efice. Denmark’s most southern fish auctions with locations in Lauwersoog and Harlingen. In Lauwersoog we are auctioning both fish and shrimps. In Harlingen we are auctioning shrimps, but lots of fish is landed every week for further transport by road to Lauwersoog or Urk. The auctions are situated near the fishing grounds with as less sailing time as possible. International Seafood Auctions is certified for MSC and HACCP. We use a digital auction system, provided by Efice.

Intrafish Media AS


Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 info@intrafish.com www.intrafish.no IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. The IntraFish Media titles includes www.intrafish.no - ww.intrafish.com - Seafood International- Fish Farming International - Fishing News International - Fishing News Weekly – FiskeribladetFiskaren.





Gammelby Møllevej 3, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 76 11 49 49 iras@iras.dk www.iras.dk IRAS forsyner den moderne fiske- og aquakultur industri med innovative løsninger indenfor: Losning, Sortering, Vejning, Isning, Opbevaring og Interne Distributionssystemer i procesanlæg. IRAS tilbyder enkeltmaskiner eller komplette systemer for råvare-håndtering. Baseret på årtiers erfaring har IRAS KNOW HOW indenfor håndtering af fisk. IRAS is supplying the modern fishing and aquaculture industry with innovative solutions within: Discharging, Classification, Weighing, Ice handling, Storage and Internal Distribution Systems in processing plants. IRAS offers single products or complete systems for raw material handling. Based on decades of experience, IRAS KNOW HOW to handle fish.

Iron Strand


Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 13 11 fiskenet@frydendahl.com www.frydendahl.com Iron Strand has through Frydendahl the parent company of Iron Strand supplied fishing nets and all kinds of fishing equipment to the industry since 1933, and we shall be glad to share our experience with our customers. During these years the industry has developed a lot. Fishermen have built new and top modern fishing vessels, and our company has invested a lot of resources in order to support the industry with up to date fishing nets and other equipment. In 1994 another daughter company was established in Estonia. This factory has a staff of app. 100 skilled net riggers and besides net rigging, we specialize in sub supplying of special sewing operations to the industry. With regard to net rigging, we are in a position to

manufacture all kinds of fully rigged gill nets. One of our services is cleaning and stripping of used gill nets. More than 50% of the app. 40.000 nets, we are rigging in Estonia annually, are rigged on second hand lines. The keywords of Iron Strand are service and quality. In order to constantly keep the correct level of quality, Iron Strand has created a marking system in order to control the net production from the stripping process till the hand or machine mounting has taken place. This means that Iron Strand at all times guarantees for the products supplied. Should delivery of nets of insufficient quality take place, in spite of the established control system, Iron Strand is of course prepared to discuss a reasonable compensation. In this catalogue you will find specifications of the different types of nets we carry in stock. Besides sale of nets from stock, we also arrange special import of net exactly after the requirement of our customers. The Time of delivery for such orders is app. 4 month.

ISCAR Funi Metalliche SRL A115 Strada Bonifica Tronto km 2+800 64010 Colonnella Italy Tel: +39 861 748 981 info@iscar.it www.iscar.it Since 1950 production of galvanized steel wire rope for fishing use.

Isfell ehf


Oseyrarbraut 28, 220 Hafnarfjordur Iceland Tel: + 354 5 200 500 isfell@isfell.is isfell.is Ísfell ehf er et ledende firma i Island i salg og produktion af fangstredskaber til alle former for fiskeri. Desuden tilbyder Ísfell ehf. et stort udvalg af forskellige andre produkter til fiskere: redningsudstyr, arbejdstøj, rengøringsprodukter og forskellige driftsprodukter. Ísfell ehf. er også et

Company profiles


ledende firma i salg af ophalings- og fæstningsudstyr til en lang række industrier. Isfell ehf. is a leading distributor of fishing gear in Iceland, for all types of fishing. It also offers a wide range of various articles for the fishermen, such as safety equipments, working clothes, cleaning chemicals and various practical items. Isfell is also the main supplier of various lifting and lashing gear for all kind of industries.

Jackson Trawls Limited


Blackhouse Circle AB42 1BN Peterhead United Kingdom Tel: +44 177 947 8383 contacts@jacksontrawls.co.uk www.jacksontrawls.co.uk Jackson Trawls is a market leader and long established family business supplying all types of fishing gear. It has a purpose built factory and a very experienced workforce, providing a high quality product and an excellent after sales service. We sell pelagic, whitefish and prawn trawls and have

Fiskeri – Alt udstyr fra én partner Hvalpsund Net A/S har idag mere end 5000 forskellige fiskeriprodukter på lager, som alle kan leveres fra dag til dag. Det gør os til en meget stærk og stabil leverandører af fiskeriudstyr.

a large stock of bridle wires and dyneema ropes. We are agents for NETS trawl doors, Brunton Shaws trawl wire and Itsakorda combi – seine, single bridle and leaded seine net ropes.

Janson Shipbrokers AS


Rosenkrantzgaten 3, Postboks 393 Sentrum, 5805 Bergen Norway Tel: +47 55 55 00 90 shipsale@janson.no www.janson.no Køb og salg af fiskefartøyer. Sale and purchase of fishing vessels.

Johnson Controls


Christian X’s Vej 201, 8270 Højbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 87 36 70 00 marineservice.dk@jci.com www.jcgms.com (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)

Besøg os!

- for de bedste

tilbud på

DanFish l Internationa stand #A110

9 – 11 Oktober


Kom, se og få de bedste messetilbud!

w w w . h va l p s u n d . c o m Tel.: +45 98 63 81 88 Hvalpsund Net A/S Fax: +45 98 63 82 03 Havnepladsen 16 sales@hvalpsund-net.dk Hvalpsund 9640 Farsø, Denmark



Johnson Controls Marine, (tidligere York Marine), dit første valg som global partner for design og levering af klimaanlæg, køleanlæg (HVAC & R) og levering af køleanlæg til alle slags fartøjer. Johnson Controls Marine har mere end 100 års erfaring i det marine marked / business, der dækker mærker som Sabroe, YORK og ABB Stal, og med tusindvis af referencer for konstruktion og levering af udstyr, er det blandt verdens mest erfarne og førende leverandører til det marine marked. Johnson Controls Marine former York & Sabroe Marine is a leading supplier of complete refrigeration, control systems and service for all types of fishing vessels.

Johs. Hejlesen Skibsbevaringsprojekt


Jyllandsgade 12, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 10 64 hg159@johs-hejlesen.dk www.johs-hejlesen.dk

Jydsk Værktøj A/S

Anchor Seiner – museum vessel.


Hvidevold 1, 9800 Hjørring Denmark Tel: +45 20 51 53 19 emv@jsproputec.com www.jsproputec.com Siden begyndelsen i 1982, har JS Proputec A/S udviklet sig til en succesfuld virksomhed, der fremstiller og tilbyder en bred vifte af specialiserede produkter af høj kvalitet, såsom lamelpumper, sneglepumper, stempelpumper, rotordræn, hakkere, fødekar og pressere. Pumperne, som er produceret af JS Proputec A/S, har dokumenteret succes i industrier som fiskeri, pet food, fjerkræ og slagteri.


Gugvej 127, 9210 Aalborg SØ Denmark Tel. +45 98 14 78 11 jydsk@jydsk.as - stk@jydsk.as www.jydsk.as Vi er et værktøjshus med vægt lagt på håndværktøj, maskiner, svejsemaskiner og udstyr, arbejdsbeklædning, personlige værnemidler, elog trykluftværktøj, løftegrej samt reparationer på eget værksted.

Jyske Bank

Snurrevodskutter – museumsskib.

JS Proputec A/S

Since the beginning in 1982 JS Proputec A/S has developed into a successful company producing and offering a wide range of patented, specialized and high quality products. Such as lamella pumps, twin screw pumps and grinders. The pumps manufactured by JS Proputec A/S have documented success in the fishing, pet food, poultry and yeast industries as well as slaughterhouses all over the world.


Nørregade 13, 9840 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 89 89 33 20 jk@jyskebank.dk www.jyskebank.dk I Jyske Bank gemmer vi os ikke i egne lokaler og ser på regnskaber hele dagen. Vi interesserer os for hvad der rører sig i din hverdag og møder dig på din hjemmebane. I Hirtshals har vi et meget stort kendskab til fiskeriet og bruger meget tid på at følge med i udviklingen, så vi altid kan give dig god sparring. Vi har en tro på at fiskeriet i Danmark har en fremtid.

K.M. Fish Machinery A/S D879 Falkevej 15-17, 9352 Dybvad Denmark Tel: +45 98 86 46 33 km-fish@km-fish.dk www.km-fish.dk

Company profiles


K.M. Fish Machinery A/S producerer og markedsfører enkeltmaskiner og komplette anlæg til reje-og fiskeindustrien, om bord og landbaseret. Produktprogrammet omfatter bl.a.: TIL FISK: fiskerensemaskiner, sorteringsmaskiner, vaskesystemer, komplette anlæg. TIL REJER: sorteringsmaskiner, tankmodningsanlæg, rejepilleanlæg, separationsanlæg, brineanlæg, glaseringsmaskiner, kogere, frysere, komplette fabrikker.

repair work.

K.M. Fish Machinery A/S produces and markets single machines and complete systems for the shrimp-and fishing industry, on-board and onshore. The product program includes: FOR FISH: Gutting machines, grading machines, washing vats, complete factories. FOR SHRIMP: Grading machines, tank maturing systems, shrimp peeling systems, separation systems, brine systems, cookers, freezers, complete factories.

Miljøvenlige rengøringsartikler specielt udviklede til fiskefartøjer, levnedsmiddelindustri samt industri i øvrigt med behov for effektiv rengøring.

KAESER Kompressorer A/S C214 Skruegangen 7, 2690 Karlslunde Denmark Tel: +45 46 15 43 34 Denmark lars-heine.pedersen@kaeser.com www.kaeser.com

Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D849 Vestre Strandvej 15-19, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 13 11 kaship@kaship.dk www.karstensens.dk Karstensens Skibsværft A/S er et topmoderne værft, som tilbyder nybygning og reparation af de fleste skibstyper op til en længde på ca. 135 / 7500 ton. Karstensen Shipyard is a modern and efficient shipyard located in Skagen, Denmark. We offer new building, rebuilding and services for all types of vessels up to 135 m / 7500 t. Our long shipbuilding experience is reflected in the high standard and quality of our new building and



Cort Adelersvej 6, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 27 66 kemilux@kemilux.dk www.kemilux.dk

Environmentally friendly cleaning products for the fishing fleet, fish industry and carriage sector.

Kingfisher / Seafish


HIS, Europarc, Origin Way DN37 9TZ Grimsby United Kingdom Tel: +44 147 225 2307 m_frow@seafish.co.uk www.kingfisher.org For over 40 years ‘Kingfisher’ has supplied fishermen with seabed information. Kingfisher now produces charts and fishing plotter files, containing positions of manmade offshore obstructions. This includes locations of Oil & Gas Structures and Subsea Telecoms/Power Cables in waters surrounding the UK and Denmark – provided FREE OF CHARGE. Please visit us at stand D708, or go to: www.kingfisher.org



Postboks 386, 3900 Nuuk Greenland Tel: +299 32 24 22 knapk@knapk.gl www.knapk.gl





Vesterhavsgade 133, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 04 44 info@sea-master.dk www.sea-master.dk

CP-Propellers for larger ships: www.cp-propeller. com. FP-Propellers for smaller ships: www.propeller.dk

Krüger A/S

Satellitkommunikation. Satcom.



Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 24 41 65 30 heidi@konsumfisk.dk www.konsumfisk.dk De tre vestkysthavne Thyborøn, Thorsminde og Hvidesande er gået sammen i et enestående samarbejde omkring profilering af frisk fisk og udvikling af hele konsumfisk området. Aktiviteterne i Konsumfisk består bl.a. af forretningsudvikling & afsætning, markedsføring & profilering samt kvalitet i alle led, så vi får den bedst mulige vare ind på auktionen og i sidste instans ud til forbrugeren. Mød os på stand D839. To gain the greatest benefit in all harbours and exploit the opportunities which joint initiatives make possible, the three westcoast harbours Thyborøn, Thorsminde and Hvide Sande have formed a unique partnership on the profiling of fresh fish and the development of all edible fish in the area. We call the partnership Konsumfisk. Meet us at stand D839.

Korsør Propeller A/S

Design og optimering af nye propelblade for gl. CP-Propeller.


Norvangen 12, 4220 Korsør Denmark Tel: +45 58 37 09 34 info@propeller.dk www.cp-propeller.dk Fremstilling af vendbare- og faste propelanlæg.


Gladsaxevej 363, 2860 Søborg Denmark Tel: +45 39 69 02 22 kruger@kruger.dk www.kruger.dk Rådgivning, entrepriser, leverancer, service, drift, recirkuleringsanlæg, kondisionering af vand i gennemstrømningsanlæg, slambehandling. Technologies, Processes, Package plants, Equipment and components, Turnkey systems, Service, Operation, RAS plant, Sludge treatment.

Kynde & Toft Smedie og Maskinværksted


Sydhalevej 6, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 12 05 kt@kyndeogtoft.dk www.kyndeogtoft.dk Vi er eneforhandler af ABC Diesel i Danmark. Installation og vedligeholdelse af motorer og fremdrivningsanlæg. Skibsreparationer, stål-, rustfri- og aluminiumkonstruktioner. Produktion af forskellige typer hydrauliske spil efter kundens ønske. Nyinstallation og vedligeholdelse af hydrauliske anlæg. ISO 9001 godkendt, CNC dreje- og fræse underleverandør, leverandør af rustfri hydraulik komponenter. Parthaver i 500 tons bedding. We are the exclusive distributor of ABC Diesel in Denmark. Installation and maintenance of engines and propulsion systems. Ship Repairs, steel, stainless steel and aluminum structures. Production of various types of hydraulic winches by the

Company profiles


customer. New installation and maintenance of hydraulic systems. ISO 9001 certified, CNC turning and milling subcontractor, supplier of stainless hydraulic components. Partner in 500t shipyard.

Kystmagasinet / Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen


Valkendorfsgaten 1A, 5012 Bergen Norway Tel: +47 48 06 78 50 hilde@atlanticforlag.no www.kystmagasinet.no Kystmagasinet har fiskeflåten som sin hovedmålgruppe. Vi fokuserer på tvers av nyheter relatert til teknologi og utstyr for både flåten og industrien. Vår tilnærming og valg av redaksjonelt innhold har gitt oss positive tilbakemeldinger fra både redere og leverandører. Kystmagasinet er det ledende magasinet for fiskeflåten. “Dere har nyhetene - vi har leserne” Kystmagasinet has the fishing fleet as its main target group, and we focus towards news related to technology and equipment for fishing vessels, including other editorial material of interest for the fishing industry sector. Our approach and choice of magazine content has created a very positive feedback and response from both vessel owners and the suppliers. Kystmagasinet is the leading magazine for the fishing fleet. You provide the news – we provide the right readership.

Kølemadsen A/S


Læssevej 18, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 19 16 koelemadsen.dk@mail.dk www.koelemadsen.dk Kølemadsen A/S tilbyder: salg, montering, reparation og servicering af: anlæg til aircondition, fryserum og fryselager, ismaskiner – alle størrelser og produktionskapaciteter, RSW-

anlæg, pladefrysere, tunnelfrysere og køleanlæg, varmepumper. Desuden levering af kølemidler indland og udland. Vi arbejder både herhjemme og i udlandet. Vi er primært aktive i Danmark, Grønland og på Færøerne, Rusland og Baltikum og på så forskellige destinationer som Bahamas, Egypten, Kasakhstan, Bangladesh og Australien. Kølemadsen A/S offers: Sale, installation, repair and servicing of: plant for air conditioning, cold rooms and stores, ice machines – all sizes and production capacities, RSW plant, plate freezers, tunnel freezers and refrigeration plant, heating pumps. Delivery of refrigerants Denmark and abroad. We work both in Denmark and abroad. We are primarily active in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Russia and the Baltic States. And in so different places as Greenland, the Bahamas, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh and Australia.



Stormgade 10, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 15 00 hvidesande@landbobanken.dk www.alm.landbobanken.dk

Landsforeningen Levende Hav


Hemmedvej 59, 8585 Glesborg Denmark Tel: +45 20 48 74 21 www.levendehav.dk Udstilling om et lokalt baseret, naturskånsomt, klimavenligt kystfiskeri.


Lauf Service ApS



Lidan Marine AB

Nørregade 40, 9700 Brønderslev Denmark Tel +45 30 11 50 19 lau@lauf-service.dk www.lauf-service.dk

Fiskaregatan 3, 531 18 Lidköping Sweden Tel: +46 510 54 52 58 info@lidanmarine.com www.lidanmarine.com

Producerer udstyr til forarbejdning af rejer og skaldyr. Producerer udstyr til produktion af filet på landfabrikker. Producerer udstyr til forarbejdning af fangst om bord på trawlere. Producerer og renoverer maskiner til produktion af filet og saltfisk.

Vinschar och Hanteringssystem.

Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS


Åboulevarden 58, 8500 Grenaa Denmark Tel: +45 86 32 53 92 leif@ljg.dk www.ljg.dk


Winches and Handling systems.

Limbo Både I/S


Havnevej 2, 7770 Vestervig Denmark Tel: +45 97 94 15 43 limbo@krikmarine.dk www.krikmarine.dk Produktion og salg af Limbo Både. Production of Limbo Boats.

Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS Skandinavisk Importør og distributør af: NOTUS Electronics Ltd. net overvågningsudstyr. Notus Trawlmaster, trawlkontrol så har du styr på grejet. Dansk Importør og distributør af: Unisystem AB marine vægte. eSeaSystem udviklet til sporbart fiskeri. Dansk Importør for den maritime sektor: Sanol olie/væske absorbenter for oprydning efter oliespild. Se mere på www.ljg.dk Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS is Scandinavian Importer and distributor of: NOTUS Electronics Ltd. net monitoring equipment. Notus Trawl Master, trawl control then you master the gear. Danish Importer and distributor of: Unisystem AB marine scales. eSeaSystem developed for traceability in fishing. Danish Importer for the maritime sector: Sanol oil/ liquid absorbents for cleaning up oil spills. www.ljg.dk

LSM Pumper Aps


Sigenvej 7, 9760 Vrå Denmark Tel: +45 98 98 19 00 info@lsm.dk www.lsm.dk LSM Pumper er et rent danskejet firma. Vi har udviklet og produceret slangepumper siden 1993, og leverer såvel til dansk industri som eksporterer til en række lande. LSM Pumper is a 100 % Danish-owned firm. We have been developing and manufacturing hose pumps since 1993, and we supply pumps to Danish industry and export to a number of foreign countries.

Company profiles

Luminell AS



Myrabakken Næringssenter Bygg 2 6010 Ålesund Norway Tel: +47 70 10 10 70 info@luminell.com www.luminell.com Luminell leverer LED projektører med lyskvalitet tæt på dagslys. Projektørerne har en høj Lumen effekt pr. watt og er velegnet til placering i barske omgivelser. Luminell delivers premium visibility solutions for demanding applications. The RLX-series LED floodlights has powerful illumination with a light quality close to daylight. Luminell’s goal is to increase safety, efficiency and profitability for our customers by providing premium visibility and state of the art solutions in critical operations and demanding environments.

Lyngaa Marine Aps


Oldenvej 17, 3490 Kvistgård Denmark Tel: +45 39 90 40 90 pc@lyngaa-marine.dk www.lyngaa-marine.dk

Wilhelmsen A / S is a trading company more than 125 years experience in technical articles. Bearings Linear Technology rails and hardened shafts Open Transmissions, chains and toothed belts and spur gears. Seals O-rings, V-rings, oil seals and hyd cuffs. Rencol grip Bolts, hoses, gas springs.

Malerfirmaet Frede Møller Nielsen ApS A127 Hegnsvej 17, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 99

Marel Danmark


P.O. Pedersens Vej 18, 8200 Aarhus N Denmark Tel: +45 89 30 43 59 info.dk@marel.com www.marel.dk

Marine Control Services AS H992

Vi sælger elektronik til skibe og har alarmanlæg, fjernbetjening, motorstyring til CPP anlæg, watermakere mm.

M. Wilhelmsen A/S

stænger. Tætninger, O-ringe, V-ringe, olietætninger og hyd manchetter. Rencol greb bolte, slanger og gasfjedre.


Åbyvej 69, 8230 Åbyhøj Denmark Tel: +45 86 15 01 11 christian@mw.dk www.mw.dk M.Wilhelmsen A/S er en handelvirksomhed med mere end 125 års erfaring inden for tekniske artikler. Kuglelejer Linear-Teknik, skinneførringer og hærdede aksler. Åbne transmissioner, kæder, tand- og kileremme samt modulhjul og modul-

Øvre Eikervei 83, 3048 Drammen Norway Tel: +47 32 89 61 10 post@mcs.no www.mcs.no MCS leverer Evolution V5 integrated Automation System, Power Management, BNWAS og Dødmannsystem. Spesialister på retrofit av automasjonssystemer. MCS tilbyr også engineering og konsulenttjenester innenfor maritim automasjon. MCS supplies Evolution V5 integrated Automation System, Power Management, BNWAS and Dead Man Alarm System. Specialists in retrofit of Automation Systems. MCS also offers engineering and consultancy services within marine automation.


Marine Servicen



Kai Lindbergs Gade 55, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 96 64 20 12 mail@marineservicen.dk www.marineservicen.dk Salg, service og installation af alle former for skibselektronik. Distributør af Olex 3D/2D navigationssystem, antenner fra AC Marine, sensorer fra Airmar og Comar AIS systemer. Forhandler af produkter fra: Polaris Electronics A/S (Sailor m.m.), Navteam A/S (JRC), Simrad A/S m.fl.

Marine-El A/S


Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 35 91 info@marine-el.dk www.marine-el.dk Firmaets hovedaktiv er el-installationer i skibe og industri. Specialer: Styresystemer til køle- og fryseanlæg, styresystemer til generatoranlæg, tavleanlæg. Main activities: Marine- and industrial, electric installations. Specialities: Control systems for refrigeration plants, control systems for electrical power plants, electrical switch boards.

MarineShaft Hirtshals A/S D811 Pier 2, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 02 02 info@marineshaft.dk www.marineshaft.com Med en veluddannet stab af skibsmontører, maskinarbejdere, propellerspecialister, offshore certificerede og certifikatsvejsere står MarineShaft klar til at løse din næste opgave. Det være sig opretning af aksler, fremstilling af nye aksler, renovering af rorarrangementer og propellerud-

styr, reparation af propellerblade, mobil maskinering, udsyring af vakuumsystemer, ventilation, RSW og køle- fryseanlæg mv. With a skilled team of service engineers, machinists, propeller specialists, offshore certified and certified welders MarineShaft is ready to carry out your next job. MarineShaft is specialized in straightening of shafts, manufacturing of new shafts, renovation of rudder arrangements and propeller equipment, mobile machining, acid cleaning of vacuum systems, HVAC and refrigeration services, etc.

MariTeam a/s


Marielundvej 17, 2730 Herlev Denmark Tel: +45 39 18 66 44 permich@mariteam.dk www.mariteam.dk Alu-Tech stole til broen - samt redningsudstyr / skibsinventar. Alu-Tech chairs for the bridge and lifesaving appliances / ships equipment.

Maskinfabrikken Net-op D732 Elmevej 4, 9982 Aalbæk Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 88 11 jensen@net-op.dk www.net-op.dk

Mercator Media Ltd.


The Old Mill Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0RA United Kingdom Tel: +44 132 982 5335 thills@worldfishing.net www.worldfishing.net World Fishing & Aquaculture is dedicated to all aspects of commercial fishing and provides the latest news and product launches, alongside

Company profiles


country profile features, interviews and regular columns from fishery experts. Coverage includes content on all the major fishing hotspots and the issues facing the industry in these regions. World Fishing also investigate the latest developments in all sectors of the industry, including gear technology, electronic equipment, fish processing and machinery.

Merema Transport BV

D735, D738

Steenweg 5, 9936 BP Farmsum Netherlands Tel: +31 596 612 626 planning@merema.nl www.merema.nl

Merema Transport BV, som er hjemmehørende i Holland, er et internationalt transportfirma, der er grundlagt i 1926. Vi er blandt andet specialister i transport af frisk havfisk, dybfrosne produkter og luksusforbrugsprodukter af høj kvalitet. Kort sagt, alle produkter, som ordregiveren synes har behov for særlig omhyggelig behandling. Vi arrangerer disse transporter over hele Europa, men har speciale i landene Holland, Belgien, Nordtyskland og Danmark. På grund af vores medarbejderes store engagement, den omfattende service vi yder og vores store omhu er firmaet i stand til at levere optimal kvalitet til kunderne og på denne måde arbejde på en holdbar forbindelse. Founded in 1926, Merema Transport BV is an international haulage company. Our specialist fields include the transport of fresh sea fish, deep-frozen products and premium quality and luxury consumer products. In short: all products that our clients designate as needing special care and attention. We transport these products throughout the whole of Europe, but concentrate mainly on the Netherlands, Belgium, northern Germany and Denmark. The deep com-

mitment of our personnel, our comprehensive service and our attention to detail ideally positions the company to deliver optimum quality to its clients with a view to bringing about an ongoing relationship.

MMC Kulde AS


Mjølstadneset, 6092 Fosnavåg Norway Tel: +47 81 57 00 02 office@mmc.no www.mmc.no MMC er total leverandør til fiskeri og oppdretts næringen ,inkludert kjøl, RSW og fryse systemer for landbasert og maritim industri. MMC er en World Wide leverandør. MMC er leverandør av fiskehåndterings utstyr med integrerte kjøle / fryse systemer. MMC is a total supplier to the fishery and fish farming industry, including Chilling & Freezing to fish processing industry, onshore and ships. MMC is a World Wide supplier. MMC is a supplier of both handling and chilling concepts.

Mori Carlo SRL


Via del Lavoro 14, 63900 Fermo Italy Tel. +39 734 532 08 sales@moricarlo.com www.moricarlo.com The Mori Carlo S.r.l.(ISO 9001-2000 Certification) is the Italian most qualified manufacturer and reseller of equipment for Mediterranean and Oceanic fishing. Our production is working in the most important fishing ports of the world. The Mori Carlo S.r.l. offers a large catalogue of items dedicated to different kind of fishing, all with the same common unique features. An efficiency bigger than any other gear, superior quality and unsurpassed reliability, everything with costs not comparable with similar products. In particularly, our trawl doors have been designed and tested, (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



with tank testing and wind tunnel in order to achieve a high efficiency of fishing and a reduced environmental impact; the quality and the durability are at the top of the category and the lowest selling price. The main aim for our company the last years has been to reduce the consumption of fuel with the same efficiency of our trawl doors. Our facilities are developed in an area that covers more than 14000 m2 and features equipment that guarantee an incredible and constants quality standard. Furthermore we are available to satisfy any customer request for modification and/or creation of new products to offer something that completely matches their needs.

Murre Techniek b.v.


Zuidweg 18-20, 4413 NM Krabbendijke Netherlands Tel: +31 113 503 080 bastiaanh@murre.nl www.murre.nl - www.easyfarm.eu We are a modern factory specialised in the supply of total solutions for the food-processing industry. Our processing lines are renowned for their innovative systems, low maintenance costs, many years of failure-free operation and labour cost savings.

Mustad Longline AS


Postboks 41 2801 Gjøvik Norway Tel: +47 70 10 75 80 autoline@mustadlongline.com www.mustadlongline.com Mustad Autoline utvikler og leverer automatisert linefiskeutstyr til verdens linefiske flåte. Autolinefiske er en fremtidsrettet miljøvennlig fangstmetode som også bevarer kvaliteten på fisken. Vi i Mustad Autoline jobber kontinuerlig med nye og innovative løsninger, slik at mer fisk kan bli fanget med krok og line.

Mustad Autoline develops and supplies automated longline fishing equipment to the world’s line Fishing fleet. Autolining is a forward-looking environmentally friendly catching method which also preserves the quality of the fish. We in Mustad Autoline are continuously working on new and innovative solutions, so that more fish can be caught by hook and line.



Nyropsgade 30, 1780 København V Denmark Tel: +45 33 95 81 39 mail@naturerhverv.dk www.naturerhverv.dk

NaturErhvervstyrelsen er en styrelse under Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. Styrelsen har ansvaret for udviklingen af ministeriets erhvervs- og miljøpolitik, er med til at fastlægge EU’s regler for landbrug og fiskeri, og udmønter dem i dansk lovgivning. Styrelsen . administrerer tilskud og kontrol på landbrugs og fiskeriområdet, og herunder også tilskud til forskning og udvikling, der fremmer vækst og grøn omstilling i fødevareerhvervet. Der forventes i 2013 at blive givet tilsagn om tilskud for ca. 180 mio. kr. til projekter inden for fiskeri- og akvakultur. På standen vil du kunne høre nærmere om ordningen for modernisering af fiskerfartøjer og om planerne for 2014. The Danish AgriFish Agency is an agency under the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The staff of the Danish AgriFish Agency strives countrywide to create the optimal conditions for sustainable growth and green transformation in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture. Our aim is to secure an efficient and professional administration and reap the most benefits from working across our respective areas.

Company profiles

Navteam A/S



Norgesvej 7, 5700 Svendborg Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 80 80 sales@navteam.dk www.navteam.com Navigations- og kommunikationsudstyr. Salg, service & rådgivning i professionel maritim elektronik. NAVTEAM er dit videncenter strategisk placeret i Danmarks maritime hovedstad Svendborg - med afdelinger i Polen og Malaysia. Vi er dedikerede og kan imødekomme enhver opgave fra udstyrsrådgivning og projektering til levering og installation samt service og drift.

NORDHAVN A/S - NORDHAVN MARINE SERVICE APS A153 Nikkelvej 17, 8940 Randers Denmark Tel: +45 70 21 34 00 nordhavn@nordhavn.dk www.nordhavn.dk NORDHAVN A/S er en 100% danskejet virksomhed med mere end 50 års erfaring i projektering, salg og service af dieselmotorer, generatorer, fremdrivningsanlæg og andre motorapplikationer til maritime og industrielle formål. I Danmark er NORDHAVNs produkter installeret mange steder lige fra kongeskibet, Molslinien til mange færger herhjemme. Virksomheden beskæftiger ca. 40 medarbejdere og har eneforhandling af SCANIA and AGCO (tidl. SISU/VALMET) motorer og Twin Disc gear i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Mere info på www.nordhavn.dk NORDHAVN A/S is a 100% Danish owned company with more than 50 years of experience in projecting, sales and service of diesel engines, gensets, propulsion units and all kinds of engine applications for marine and industrial purposes. In Denmark you find NORDHAVN’s products everywhere - e.g. in inland ferries, the Royal Yacht and Molslinien. The company has approx. 40 employees and is authorized agent for SCANIA

and AGCO (former SISU/VALMET) engines and Twin Disc gear boxes in Denmark, the Faroe Isl. and Greenland. More info on www.nordhavn.dk

Nordjysk Beslag A/S


Gugvej 134, 9210 Aalborg SØ Denmark Tel: +45 98 14 68 88 info@nordjyskbeslag.dk www.nordjyskbeslag.dk I mere end 33 år har Nordjysk Beslag A/S været leverandør af bla. skibsbeslag, håndværktøj, el-værktøj, maskiner, måle- og nivelleringsudstyr, stillads, stiger, el-artikler, sikkerhedsudstyr, befæstigelse, værktøjsvogne, arbejdsbeklædning samt en lang række specialprodukter. Vi leverer til træ-, metal- og skibsindustrien i hele Danmark og er kendt for prisbillige kvalitetsprodukter. For more than 33 years, Nordjysk Beslag A/S has been a supplier of ship fittings, hand tools, power tools, machines, measuring and leveling device, scaffolding, ladders, electrical, safety equipment, fasteners, tool carts, work clothes and a variety of specialty products. We supply for wood, metal and shipbuilding industry in Denmark and is known for affordable quality products.

Nordkøl ApS


Kai Lindbergsgade 65, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 22 22 info@nordkoel.dk www.nordkoel.dk Nordkøl sælger og servicerer, kølelaster, fryselaster, ismaskiner, RSW anlæg, plade frysere, industri anlæg, med freon, NH3 og Co2 som kølemiddel. Nordkøl sell and service, cooling systems, blast freezers, ice machines, RSW plants, plate freezers, industrial plants with freon, NH3 and Co2 as refrigerant.


Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S





Runetoften 8, 8210 Århus V Denmark Tel: +45 86 24 36 00 kk@nordsabb.dk www.nordsabb.dk

Nordsøkaj 1, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 20 83 19 89 thy@nordsotrawl.dk www.nordsotrawl.dk

Firmaet blev etableret i 1933 af Kaj Klyn, og har siden været familieejet. I 2008 overtog Nordsabb agenturet for Nanni-diesel i Danmark og Grønland. Vi har et bredt udvalg af kvalitetsprodukter indenfor maritimt udstyr. Kendt for god SERVICE.

The total solution in high quality fishing gear.

The firm was established in 1933 by Kaj Klyn, and is still family owned. In 2008 Nordsabb took over the Agency for Nanni-diesel in Denmark and Greenland. We have a wide selection of quality marine equipment. Known for good SERVICE worldwide.

Nordsøen Forskerpark


Willemoesvej 2, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 41 88 info@nordsoemail.dk www.nordsoenforskerpark.dk Nordsøen Forskerpark er en erhvervsdrivende fond, der har til formål at skabe de fysiske rammer for forskning, udvikling, rådgivning og formidling indenfor emner med relation til hav og fisk, herunder akvakultur. Nordsøen Forskerpark startede i 1982-83 under navnet Nordsøcentret. Nordsøen Forskerpark er arbejdsplads for ca. 150 medarbejdere plus 40 sæsonmedarbejdere på Nordsøen Oceanarium. Situated in one of Denmark’s largest fishing ports the North Sea Science Park offers facilities to a number of institutes and companies within fisheries and aquaculture. The large North Sea Oceanarium is the nearest neighbor to the Science Park. The leaseholders comprise research institutions, development and educational institutions, companies and organizations related to the fish sector.

North Sea Shipbrokers


Nyhavnsgade 37, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 70 77 sales@north-sea-ship.dk www.north-sea-ship.dk North Sea Shipbrokers er et internationalt skibsmæglerfirma med speciale i køb og salg af fiskeskibe. North Sea Shipbrokers har per 1. juli indgået en aftale med indehaver af North Sea Ship Agency, om et Generationsskifte så alle fremtidig handler vil blive udført under navnet North Sea Shipbrokers som bedst muligt sikrer, det betydelige potentiale for fortsat vækst og udvikling af firmaet. North Sea Shipbrokers is an international shipbroker company as is specialized in the fishing industry with sale and purchase. North Sea Shipbrokers are pleased to announce that as of July 1, 2013 have acquired all activities from North Sea Ship Agency. This acquisition is a significant step in achieving growth in North Sea Shipbrokers and to secure that we offer the best-innovated services.

NOTUS Electronics Ltd.

A 137

West Empire Plaza, Unit 11, 391-395 Empire Ave A1E 1W6 St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada Tel: +1 709 753 0652 francis@notus.ca www.notus.ca

Company profiles


Velkommen til NOTUS Electronics Ltd. Er du interesseret i at øge effektiviteten af din trawl eller not. Notus er en af verdens førende i net overvågningssystemer og tilbyder produkter som er uovertruffen i branchen. Til dato er over 600 systemer leveret til trawl og not fiskeri. Vi fremviser vores produkter hos importør Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS, stand A137. Her kan du møde os under messen. Welcome to NOTUS Electronics Ltd. Are you interested in increasing the effectiveness of your trawl or purse. Notus is a world leader in network monitoring systems and offers products that are unmatched in the industry. To date, over 600 systems delivered to trawls and purse seines fishing. We exhibit our products importer Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS, stand A137. Here you can meet us during the fair.

NTF-Aalborg A/S


Hagensvej 17, 9530 Støvring Denmark Tel: +45 98 37 37 66 mail@ntf.dk www.ntf.dk NTF-Aalborg A/S etableret i 1995 er en dynamisk, sund og velkonsolideret nichevirksomhed med 25 medarbejdere og en meget moderne maskinpark. Virksomhedens kernekompetence er innovativ udvikling, produktion og markedsføring af et bredt program af kundetilpassede løsninger, i rustfri tråd og rundstål med fokus på hygiejne, produktionsudstyr, maskinafskærmning og underleverandørarbejde Established in 1995, NTF Aalborg A/S is a dynamic, healthy and well-consolidated niche company with 25 employees and a very modern fleet of machinery. Value proposition: NTF-Aalborg is a custom stainless steel designer for food and pharmaceutical producers. We design and develop optimized solutions for our customers, which leads to high hygienic standard, better endproduct quality and minimized production cost for the end-customer. Within the following segments:

Hygiene products, Process Equipment, Machine Guarding and Subcontracting services.

Ocean Marine & Fishing Gear AS


Høgevej 2-4, 6705 Esbjerg Ø Denmark Tel: +45 75 14 00 44 hf@omf-as.dk www.omf-as.dk Fiskenet, Sorteringsriste, Jernvarer, Tovværk, Fletliner, CARLSEN NET, COTESI S.A. All kinds of Net, Sorting Grids, Hardware, Fiber Rope, CARLSEN NET, COTESI S.A.

Oilwind p/f


P.O.Box 9, 370 Midvágur Faroe Islands Tel: +298 332 422 jakup@oilwind.fo www.oilwind.fo

Oliveira SA


Rua do Outeiro, 906, 4475 - 150 Gemunde (Maia) Portugal Tel: +351 22 943 49 00 sofia.santos@oliveirasa.pt www.oliveirasa.pt Ropes and wires.

Optimar Island


Stangarhyl 6, 110 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: +354 587 1300 gjm@optimar.is www.optimar.is Sales and service of liquid/slurry ice machines type OPTIM-ICE, pre-coolers and tanks. Manual (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



or automatic horizontal and vertical plate freezers, RSW systems, vacuum pumps and processing equipment for both onshore and onboard installations. Refrigeration systems and services.

OxyGuard International A/S D792 Blokken 59, 3460 Birkerød Denmark Tel: +45 45 82 20 94 oxyguard@oxyguard.dk www.oxyguard.dk

Oxymat is a Danish based company specialized in designing and manufacturing on-site nitrogen and oxygen generators. Especially our oxygen generators are being used for: aquaculture, well boats and ozone.

P.C. Yacht Service ApS

OxyGuard er en dansk virksomhed dedikeret til at levere innovativt, pålideligt, holdbart og letanvendeligt udstyr til fiskeopdrættere. Vores produktsortiment spænder fra de håndholdte OxyGuard Handy instrumenter til Pacific og Commander, som er komplette proceskontrolsystemer, og ved løbende at lancere nyt udstyr udviklet på baggrund af egne erfaringer, kundefeedback og den nyeste teknologi fastholder vi den ledende position på markedet. OxyGuard is a Danish company dedicated to providing fish farmers with innovative, reliable and easy to use equipment that can be used for many years. With a focus on water quality, OxyGuard equipment ranges from OxyGuard Handy handheld meters to Pacific and Commander, which are complete process control systems. OxyGuard maintains its leading position by developing new equipment that combines state-of-the-art technology with experience and feedback from users all over the world.

Oxymat A/S

Vores oxygen generatorer er særdeles velkendt i brugen af iltningssystemer til bl.a. fiskeopdræt, brøndbåde, ozon fremstilling.


Fasanvej 18-20, 3200 Helsinge Denmark Tel: +45 48 76 26 32 sales@oxymat.com www.oxymat.com Oxymat er et dansk firma med speciale i design og produktion af nitrogen og oxygen generatorer.


Rødspættevej 5, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 29 46 80 20 www.pcyacht.dk

Pack and Sea A/S


Fibigersgade 2, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 96 18 60 70 susan@packandsea.dk www.packandsea.dk

Palby Marine A/S


Korsvej 3, 6000 Kolding Denmark Tel: +45 75 88 13 11 ph@palby.dk www.palby.dk Palby Marine er i dag DK´s største Marine grossist som forhandler Jotun - vi sender og toner fra dag til dag . Palby Marine is today DK’s largest Marine wholesaler to retailer Jotun we ship same day.

Pesch Marinescheinwerfer SEEMATZ G610, H996 Ortsring 2, 21423 Winsen Germany Tel: +49 41 71 56 84 sales@seematz.de www.seematz.de

Company profiles


For 40 years now we have been developing and producing searchlights and wipers with the name SEEMATZ. SEEMATZ is used everywhere where functionality is obligatorily necessary under all conditions. Our scope of delivery includes searchlights from 150 to 7000 Watt, wipers from 375 to 4025mm wiper length – from the fish trawler to the Russian icebreaker.

Peter Bruce Ship Painters Ltd.


Slip-Way, Harbour Road Aberdeenshire AB43 9TB Scotland Tel: +44 134 651 4056 info@pbpservices.co.uk www.pbpservices.co.uk PBP Services Scotland. Established 1968. Blast Cleaning, metallisation, specialist coatings, Class works, repairs/refits. 45 metre internal Shiphall, 165m dry dock. ISO9001 quality reg. Professional personnel. References from customers in Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, UK and Ireland. Factory decks, resin compounds and polyurea plastic encasement. Fish room refits. Insulation & spray on fibre glass coatings. We welcome all fishing vessels. Contact Peter on +44 783 126 0109.

Piceno Promozione


Via Luigi Mercantini 25 63100 Ascoli Piceno Italy Tel: +39 736 279 267 laura.melloni@ap.camcom.it www.picenopromozione.it

Polaris Electronics A/S


Kærholt 1, 9210 Aalborg SØ Denmark Tel: +45 96 31 79 00 info@polaris-as.dk www.polaris-as.dk

Polaris Electronics A/S leverer kommunikationsog navigationssystemer til hele det maritime marked. Polaris Electronics er autoriseret distributør af markedets førende producenter, herunder også landets eneste Sailor Certified Service Center og On Board Service Center. Polaris Electronics tilbyder world wide rådgivning, salg, installation samt service. Vi har airtimepakker til VSAT, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya o.s.v. Vi er endvidere godkendt af DNV, BV, LR, RINA, ABS og DMA til radiosyn og APT på VDR. Polaris Electronics A/S delivers Communication and Navigation Systems to the Maritime Market. Polaris Elecronics A/S is authorised Distributor of the Markets leading Producers, including Sailor Certified Service Centre and On Board Service Centre in Denmark. Polaris Electronics offers world wide consultancy, sales, installation and service. We supply airtime to VSAT, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya etc. Furthermore, we are approved by DNV, BV, LR, RINA, ABS and DMA for surveys and APT on VDR.

Pon Power A/S


Øresundsvej 9, 6715 Esbjerg N Denmark Tel: +45 76 14 64 00 power.dk@pon-cat.com www.pon-cat.com Pon Power A/S er forhandler af Cat- og MaKmotorer og generatoranlæg i Skandinavien. Vi tilbyder anlæg i hele produktspektret fra 6,4 til 16.000 kW der hovedsagligt anvendes (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)

74 som fremdrivningsmotorer, hjælpemotorer, primærstrøm eller nødstrøm. Derudover tilbyder vi motorer til offshoreinstallationer. Vi er ISO9001 og 14001-certificeret og sætter dermed kvalitet, sikkerhed og miljøhensyn i højsædet. Samtidig lægger vi stor vægt på at tilbyde miljøvenlige motorløsninger. Worldwide 24timers service. Pon Power A/S is the distributor of Cat and MaK engines and generators in Scandinavia. We supply systems covering the entire product range from 6.4 to 16,000 kW, Primarily utilized for propulsion engines, auxiliary engines and for the supply of primary or emergency power. In addition we supply engines for offshore installations. Pon Power is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified, illustrating our focus on quality, safety and environmental responsibility. Worldwide 24-hour service.

PPG Coatings Danmark A/S A146 Gladsaxevej 300, 2860 Søborg Denmark Tel: +45 56 64 28 00 marine-dk@ppg.com www.ppgpmc.com Sigma/PPG:totalløsninger - bæredygtig teknologi PPG arbejder løbende på at udvikle og markedsføre skibsmalings produkter, der opfylder de nuværende krav for både operatører, beddinger og Skibsværfter. Derfor har vi lanceret skibsmalingsprodukter, der giver mulighed for udvidede laid-up perioder, opfylder de nyeste IMO PSPC regler for ballasttanke og reducere omkostningerne ved løbende vedligehold. Sigma/PPG: total solutions - sustainable technology PPG continually strives to develop and market products that meet the current requirements of both operators and yards. Consequently, we have launched coatings that allow for extended laid-up periods, meet latest IMO PSPC regulations for water ballast tanks, and reduce the cost of onboard maintenance. In addition we have coatings solutions that reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions as a result of improved hydrodynamics of the ship’s hull. Constant innovation and investment

Virksomhedsprofiler has given Sigma/PPG proven, durable products for a range of Marine applications: Marine new-build, Marine dry dock, Marine sea stock.

ProFlex ApS


Torvegade 4B, 7100 Vejle Denmark Tel: +45 76 88 19 91 info@pro-flex.dk www.pro-flex.net Tilbyder komplet netserviceprogram fra vaskemaskine, tørremaskine, impregnator til coating og antifouling til brug indenfor aquakultur og fiskeri. Derudover repræsenterer vi også AquaMaof en erfaren leverandør af lukkede recirkulerede akvakulturopdræt. ProFlex offers a complete net service treatment from washing , drying and impregnating net to all coating and antifouling used within the aquaculture and commercial fishing business. Proflex is also representing the AquaMaof company - a very dedicated and experienced supplier of closed recirculated aquaculture systems.

Ptech ApS


Egeskovvej 6A, 3490 Kvistgård Denmark Tel: +45 70 70 10 94 info@ptech.dk www.ptech.dk Ptech er et agentur- og ingeniørfirma med mange års erfaring indenfor den maritime sektor. Produkter: Pålidelige niveau- og temperatursensorer fra Bedia Motorentechnik i Tyskland. Kontrolpaneler for dieselmotorer, generatorsæt, el-motorer, tavler etc. fra anerkendte og innovative ComAp i Tjekkiet. Førsteklasses startsystemer baseret på hydraulik/luft/nitrogen/fjeder fra IPUGroup i England. Ptech is a trade and Engineering Company with many years of experience within the maritime sector. Products: Reliable, robust level and tempera-

Company profiles


ture sensors from Bedia Motorentechnik, Germany. Controlpanels for dieselengines, gensets, switchboards, el-motors etc. from recognized and innovative ComAp in Czech. First class starting systems based on hydraulic/air/nitrogen/springs from IPU-Group, UK.

PTS Ltd.


Qeqqata Erhvervsråd


Umiarsualivimmut 2, Box 399 3911 Sisimiut Greenland Tel: +29 98 63500 peter@erhvervsraad.gl www.sisimiut.gl

Ul.Gdanska 36, 70-660 Szczecin Poland Tel: +48 918 145 071 rychter@post.pl www.pts-szczecin.pl


PTS LTd Szczecin – modern company located in west coast of Poland, specialized in shipbuilding, ships repairs and conversions. Our staff are experts in all kind of marine works including: design and consultancy, docking/slipping the ships, machinery, piping (including plastic or steel RSW and stainless steel VAC systems), steel and aluminum works, electrical works, rigging, accommodation, outfitting, anticorrosive works.

Postboks 1014, 3911 Sisimiut Greenland Tel: +29 98 67301 paol@qeqqata.gl www.qeqqata.gl

Trade Council.

Qeqqata Kommunia

Kommune. Municipality.

ANY PROPULSION SYSTEM, ANY VESSEL, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. No matter what kind of vessels or platforms you operate, or where they are located, Wärtsilä can provide the parts, repairs, maintenance and modernization solutions to keep your propulsion systems running strong at optimal efficiency. Find out more about our Propulsion Services at wartsila.com/services



Randers Reb International A/S

Virksomhedsprofiler tioner og -netværk.


Engelsholmvej 28, 8940 Randers SV Denmark Tel: +45 89 11 12 13 info@randers-reb.dk www.randers-reb.com Producent af wirer - tov og taifun i høj kvalitet. Producer of rope - steel wire, ropes and combinations rope in high quality.

Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811

Regione Emilia-Romagna A101

Vodbindervej 2, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 21 11 raysvodogtrawl@mail.dk www.rays.dk Vodbinderi, alt i snurrevod. Trawltyper: hummertrawl, combitrawl, havtasketrawl, baccalaotrawl, støvsugertrawl, sildetrawl. Øvrige artikler: sikkerhedsnet, containernet. Netmaker. All types of Anchor seine net. Trawltypes: Lobster trawl, combi trawl, angler trawl, baccalao trawl, hoover trawl, heering trawl. Other articles: Safety net, container net.

Region Nordjylland

The North Denmark region is the region in Denmark where the fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing sectors have their main basis, including the supply of raw material, processing and a large part of the R&D-sector regarding fish. The North Denmark Region is happy and proud of this position and is working targeted to maintain and strengthen both the aquaculture and fisheries sectors in the region. This work is carried out in close collaboration with the partners within the sector in regional, national and international networks and other relations


Niels Bohrsvej 30, 9220 Aalborg Ø Denmark Tel: +45 97 64 80 00 region@rn.dk www.rn.dk Region Nordjylland er den region i Danmark hvor fiskerisektoren og store dele af akvakulturen udspringer fra. Det gælder både råvarer, produktion en stor del af F&U miljøerne. Region Nordjylland er glad og stolt af denne placering og arbejde målrettet på at bevare og styrke både akvakultur og fiskerisektoren i regionen. Dette sker i et tæt samspil med parterne indenfor branchen regionalt, nationalt og internationalt i udviklingsrela-

Viale della Fiera 8, 40100 Bologna Italy Tel: +39 515 276 211 cguerriero@regione.emilia-romagna.it www.regione.emilia-romagna.it

Revision Limfjord


Bådsgårdsvej 11, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 26 00 lbj@revisionlimfjord.dk www.revisionlimfjord.dk Revision Limfjord har specialiseret sig i at rådgive og servicere fiskere og andre havnerelaterede virksomheder. Hos os får du en skræddersyet løsning, hvor vi kan tilbyde at løse alle administrative opgaver for dig, så du kan effektivisere din virksomhed og koncentrere dig om den.

RG Rom Gummi A/S


Neptunvej 1, 7620 Lemvig Denmark Tel: +45 97 82 20 33 info@romgummi.dk www.romgummi.dk RG Rom Gummi har i 30 år været førende leverandør af gummiprodukter til fiskeri og offshore.

Company profiles


Vores produktprogram indeholder fendere til supply både, bånd, kugler og overtræk til fiskeriet. Vi udvikler hele tiden produkter i samarbejde med fiskere, rederier, værfter og offshore industrien. Vores produkter laves i en specialfremstillet gummikvalitet, som er tilpasset forholdene på havet. RG Rom Gummi has 30 years of experience and deliver rubberproducts to fishing- and offshoreindustry. Our product range contains fenders to supply boats, belts, haulers, covers and balls. We are developing products in coorperation with fishermen, shipping companies, shipyards and offshore industry. Our products are manufactured in a specially made rubber quality, suited to conditions at sea.

Rich Fishing / Richan Netting


9FL, sealight Blvg, No.33 Shuixian Road 361001 Xiamen China Tel: +86 592 210 6588 sales@richan.cn www.richan.cn Manufacturer of nylon twisted and braided net; nylon multifilament, monofilament, multi-mono fishing net; PE & PP net; knotless net; Rope and twine, Monofilament fishing line. Supplier of hook, float, swivel, fishing light, life jacket and other fishing accessories.

Riga Shipyard


2 Gales Str., 1015 Riga Latvia Tel: +371 670 808 25 kirill.kapustin@riga-shipyard.com www.riga-shipyard.com Ship yard - new building, conversions and repairs.

RK BioElements A/S


Fabriksvej 10, 7800 Skive Denmark Tel: +45 97 58 40 55 rkplast@rkplast.dk www.rkbioelements.dk

Rock Trawl Doors


Box 76, 900 Vágur Faroe Islands Tel: +298 22 56 19 hajajo@olivant.fo www.rock.fo Rock Trawl doors are the leading manufacturer of Trawl doors in the North Atlantic, and our marked in Canada-Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Island-Norway-Spain and Russia tell us that our product are well known skippers circle. Our factory are placed in the middle of the North Atlantic and it is easy to have a short delivery period. “Only the best is good enough” and your future is safe in the trawl fishery, with “Rock Trawl Doors” as your partner.



Service Box 1522, 6025 Aalesund Norway Tel: +47 81 52 00 70 commercial.marine@rolls-royce.com www.rolls-royce.com The Rolls-Royce marine business is a global leader in marine propulsion, engineering and hydrodynamic expertise, with a broad product range and full systems integration capability. Rolls-Royce offers a product portfolio ranging from vessel design and gas turbine engines to propulsion systems and deck handling equipment. Our international customer support capability has operations in 34 countries.


Roxtec Denmark ApS



S. Sørensen – Thisted


Gydevang 4B, 3450 Allerød Denmark Tel: +45 49 18 47 47 per.knudsen@roxtec.com www.roxtec.com

Tigervej 11, 7700 Thisted Denmark Tel: +45 97 92 26 22 s.sorensen@s-sorensen.dk www.s-sorensen.dk

Royal Arctic Logistics A/S C223

Gennem en årrække har vi øget vort fokus på salg af produkter til dansk akvakultur. I vores omfattende produktsortiment har vi bl.a.: Brintoverilte, Fodersalt, Formalin, Jernklorid, Methanol, Natronlud, Polyaluminiumklorid, Polymer, Saltsyre, Og meget mere - Besøg os på vores stand til en uformel snak om, hvad vi kan tilbyde. Vor gode service med egne biler og konkurrencedygtige priser har vi altid.

Vejdybet 16, 9220 Aalborg Denmark Tel: +45 99 30 32 34 ralog@ralog.dk www.ralog.dk Royal Arctic Logistics er en moderne logistikvirksomhed med fokus på bl.a. det grønlandske marked.Vi beskæftiger os med spedition og generalagentur for Royal Arctic Line i Danmark. Royal Arctic Logistics tilbyder en sammenhængende vifte af serviceydelser indenfor stevedoring, lagerhotel og godshåndtering. Vi er godkendt af fødevaredirektoratet til opbevaring og håndtering af fødevare på køl/frys. Our company is among the leading logistics operators in the Greenlandic trade. Representing Royal Arctic Line as agent in Denmark we are engaged in all kind of transport and logistics services. We are experts in handling of seafood in transit from Greenland to the worlds consumers markets. Royal Arctic Logistics is certified according to ISO9001 and environment standard ISO 14001.

RTH Group


Pegasus, Woodward Avenue BS37 5YS Yate, Bristol United Kingdom Tel: +44 145 433 2000 julie@rthgroup.co.uk

We sell chemicals and supplies to a broad range of danish companies. We have a special portfolio of products for aquaculture use. Please contact us for more information.

ScanBelt A/S


Læsøvej 12, 9800 Hjørring Denmark Tel: +45 98 90 90 88 sales@scanbelt.com www.scanbelt.com ScanBelt er en af verdens førende producenter af plastmodul-transportbånd. I mere end 20 år har vi betjent den europæiske fiskeindustri, og har i dag markedets bredeste og mest fleksible produktudbud, som tilfredsstiller både de nuværende såvel som fremtidens krav til hygiejne. I tæt samarbejde med verdens førende maskinbyggere udvikler vi bånd tilpasset de forskellige udfordringer som industrien stiller, hvad enten det er om bord eller i den landbaserede del af fiskeindustrien. Vore forhandlere i Europa, fra Hammerfest i nord til Madrid i syd, står parat til at yde den nødvendig service og leverancer. ScanBelt is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of modular plastic conveyor belts. For more than 20 years we have served the European

Company profiles


fishing industry. We offer the largest and most flexible program of modular plastic conveyor belts on the market, that satisfies both present and coming demands for hygiene. In close co-operation with the leading global equipment manufacturers we develop modular belts suitable for the various demands from the industry, whether it is on board or in the land-based part of the fishing industry. Our European distributors, ranging from Hammerfest in the north to Madrid in the south, are always ready to give you the necessary support and supply.

Scanfi ApS

D860, F503

Energivej 2, 9300 Sæby Denmark Tel: +45 98 46 27 11 claus@scanfi.dk www.scanfi.dk

SeaMaster ApS


Vesterhavsgade 133, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 04 44 sm@sea-master.dk www.sea-master.dk Seamaster er leverandør af satellitkommunikation, sonar og fangstkontrol systemer m.m.

Alle former for fiskeriudstyr. Net, taifun, stålwire, kæde, gummiskiver, trawlkugler, fortøjningsudstyr m.v. All kinds of fishing equipment, netting, combination and wire rope, chain, rock hoppers, trawl floats, mooring equipment etc.

Scanmar AS

Scanmar was the pioneer of cable-free Catch Systems in 1980 and has remained world leading in development and production for the global fishing industry. Close collaboration with fishermen, research institutes and others in the industry has given us the knowledge to develop products with high utility value, ensuring increased efficiency and cost savings.


Åsgårdstrandveien 359, PO Box 44 3179 Åsgårdstrand Norway Tel: +47 33 35 44 00 contact@scanmar.no www.scanmar.no Scanmar var i 1980 pioneren av trådløse fangstsystemer, og er i dag fortsatt verdenslendende på utvikling og produksjon til den globale fiskerinæringen. Nært samarbeid med fiskere, forskningsinstitusjoner og andre aktører har gitt oss kunnskap til å utvikle produkter med høy nytteverdi for økt effektivitet og kostnadsbesparelser. Våre sensorer og brosystemer er anerkjente for sin høye kvalitet.

SeaMaster is supplier of satcom, sonar systems, and catch control systems as well as general marine electronics.

SeaMech A/S


Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 58 94 hirtshals@seamech.dk www.seamech.dk

SeaMech A/S


Vestmolen 15, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 15 67 tage@seamech.dk www.seamech.dk


Seasat A/S



Seigla Ehf


Theilgaards Torv 4, 4600 Køge Denmark Tel: +45 44 94 54 06 info@seasat.dk www.seasat.dk

Godanes 12, 603 Akureyri Iceland Tel: +35 45 51 28 09 sander@seigla.is www.seigla.is

Seasat Satellit kommunikation til søs. Sea-Tel satellitantenner til TV-modtagelse og VSAT kommunikation. Bredbåndforbindelse til Søs, IP@Seaway & ABS@ Seaway Helt fra starten opnåede firmaet status som service udbyder for Eutelsat (F) og Sea-Tel (US). Vi tilbyder levering af Sea-Tel maritime stabiliserede antenner fra 37cm til 4,4 m i diameter. Seasat er kendt som en en professionel og kompetent udbyder af effektive SAT TV- og data systemer. Bred erfaring og ekspertise hos Seasat A/S.

Seigla ehf ble etablert i 1991. Siden år 2003 Seigla begynte å bruke vakuum støping og fant opp senkekjølen. Øyeblikket er det ca 25 ansatte som jobber for selskapet. De konstruere ca 10 til 15 båter i året, avhengig av størrelse. Seigla har spesialisert seg på bygging av fiskebåter for de fleste utstyr. Det første skipet til Danmark er levert i år 2012.

Seasat, Communication at Sea. SeaTel SAELLITE TV and VSAT Systems. Broadband services, IP@ Seaway and ABS@Seaway. VSAT services provided by Eutelsat. Seasat is established as a leading supplier of cost effective TV and data transmitting satellite system. The company is widely experienced and has accumulated key know-how in this field. Our antenna range from 45cm up to 4,4m are suitable for virtually any need. We give you the best solutions for VSAT and SAT TV on board any kind of vessel.



Baadehavnsvej 1, 4220 Korsør Denmark Tel: +45 58 37 47 11 salg@seatech.dk www.seatech.dk SeaTech ønsker alle kunder og forretningsforbindelser velkommen på vor stand A128, samme stand som vi har haft de sidste mange år. Vi fremviser flere spændende nyheder fra Koden og Sodena. Bl.a. flere nye bredbåndsekkolodmodeller med flydende frekvensvalg, SeaPIX multibeamlod og sonar og SeaXpert - den nye TurboWin plus meget andet. Vi glæder os til at se jer.

Seigla ehf was established in 1991. Since the year 2003 Seigla started to use vacuum infusion and invented the drop keel. Currently there are approximately 25 employees working for the company. Constructing about 10 to 15 boats a year , depending on size . Seigla is specialized in the construction of fishing boats for most gears. The first vessel to Denmark has been delivered in the year 2012.

Selstad AS


Moldøen - Box 6701, 6701 Måløy Norway Tel: +47 57 85 25 00 haakon@selstad.no www.selstad.no SELSTAD AS, 60 års erfaring som leverandør av fiskeredskaper til alle typer fiskeri. Trål, tråldører, wire, snurpenot etc. Leverer og komplette løsninger av poser og fortøyning til oppdrettsnæringen. SELSTAD AS, 60 years of experience as a supplier of fishing gear for all types of fishing. Trawl, trawl doors, wire, purse seine etc. Also Supplier of complete solutions of cages and mooring system to the fish farming industry.

Company profiles

Selstad Nordtrawl A/S



Notkaj 9, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 24 44 jesper@selstadnordtrawl.dk www.selstad.no

P.O.Box 111, Strandpromenaden 50 3191 Horten Norway Tel: +45 21 47 43 90 Jan.Jensen1@simrad.com www.simrad.com

I år udstiller vi med vores samarbejdspartnere firmaet Selstad fra Norge og Isfell fra Island, mød dem på standen ! vi har salg og fremstilling af alle typer fiskeredskaber til det meste af verden, flydetrawl tobistrawl fisketrawl rejetrawl, hummertrawl ringnot snurrevod/fly shooting egen produktion af tovværk og snurrevod tov (staal danline), salg af trawlwire, trawlskovle div. jernvarer osv. This year we will be exebeting together with our cooperate partners, selstad from Norway, Isfell from Iceland, meet them at the stand! Sales, production for all types of fishing, mid water trawls, sand-eel trawls, ground fish trawls, shrimp trawls, Norwegian lobster trawls, purse seines, Danish seine, nets/fly shooting, ropes and seine ropes from own production sales of wire, rope trawl doors ironware etc.

Serviceteam Skagen

Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea A112


Vestre Strandvej 10, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 45 80 08 info@serviceteamskagen.dk www.serviceteamskagen.com Serviceteam Skagen er et netværk af 38 virksomheder placeret på eller med aktiviteter på Skagen Havn – Danmarks største fiskerihavn på toppen af det europæiske kontinent. Vi har kunden i centrum og samarbejder om at løse opgaverne. Serviceteam Skagen tilbyder et one-stop servicekoncept baseret på stor erfaring, høj kvalitet og fleksibilitet til alle vores sejlende kunder – fiskefartøjer, fragtskibe og lystbåde døgnet rundt 365 dage om året - i havnen såvel som på reden.

Siden virksomheden blev startet for mere end 60 år siden, har Simrad vokset sig til at være verdens mest anerkendte brand inden for professionel fiskefindings udstyr. Med base i Norge og som en del af Kongsberg Maritime AS, fremstiller Simrad avancerede sonarer, ekkolod og fangst kontrol udstyr til hele verdens fiskerflåde. Vi tilbyder verdens omspændende salg og service til fiskeriet. Simrad er også en af ​​verdens ledende inden for udstyr til fiskeriforsknings miljøet. Enkelt-og multibeam ekkolod og sonarer bruges på forsknings skibe over hele verden. Forskere stoler på Simrad teknologi og de nøjagtige data de får herfra. Since the company was started for more than 60 years ago, Simrad has grown to be the world’s most recognized brand in professional fish finding equipment. Based in Norway and a part of Kongsberg Maritime AS, Simrad manufactures advanced sonars, echo sounders and catch monitor instrumentation for the world’s fishing fleet. We offer world wide sales and service to the fishery community. Simrad is also a world leader in equipment for fishery research equipment. Single and multibeam echo sounders and sonars are used on research vessels all around the world. Scientists rely on Simrad’s technology and accurate readings.

SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk AS


SINTEF Fisheries & Aquaculture Nordsøen Forskerpark Willemoesvej 2, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel.: +45 98 94 43 00 kurt.hansen@sintef.no www.sintef.no/Fiskeri-og-Havbruk-AS (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk AS repræsenterer teknologisk kompetence og branche-viden inden for udnyttelse af fornybare marine ressourcer. Kærneprodukter for prøvetanken i Hirtshals er forskningsprojekter og kommercielle tests af trawl og trawlskovle, men vores kompetence er også relevant for ydelser til andre marine erhverv: test af netbure til fiskeopdræt, test af sub-sea platforme og rørledninger for off-shore olje-og gasindustri, test af ROV for inspektion og overvågning etc. SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd. represents technological expertise and industry knowledge in the utilization of renewable marine resources. Core products for the flume tank In Hirtshals are research projects and commercial testing of trawls and trawl doors, but our expertise is also relevant for services in the other branches of marine industries: test of cages for fish farming, testing of sub-sea platforms and pipelines for offshore oil and gas industry, testing of ROV for inspection and monitoring, etc.

Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 Auktionsvej 10, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 12 00 info@skagenfiskeauktion.dk www.skagenfiskeauktion.dk Fiskeauktion. Fish auction.

Skagen Havn


Havnevagtvej 30, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 69 11 wbh@skagenhavn.dk www.skagenhavn.dk Skagen Havn er Danmarks største fiskerihavn. Her finder du alle de faciliteter som en maritim og fiskeriorienteret virksomhed har brug for. I Skagen Havn findes en stærk maritim klynge og en stærk fiskeklynge der sikrer dig alle de services og samarbejdspartnere, du kan have behov for.

Skagen Skipperskole


Kuttervej 13, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 33 44 acta@skawmate.dk www.skawskip.dk Skagen Skipperskole udbyder Skipperuddannelse til fiskeri og handelsflåde. Kurser i simulator og radio i moderne faciliteter. Se mere på www. skipperskolen.dk Skagen Skipperskole is the only Danish Skipperskole. Located in a brand new school in Skagen.. Combining state-of-the-art education with a proud tradition we educate deck officers and Officers for fishingvessels. We further specialise in supplementary training, including simulator training in a Transas Fullmission simulator and state of the art Radio training.

Skagerak Pelagic A/S


Coastervej 1, 9990 Skagen Denmark Tel: +98 45 40 00 henning@skagerakpelagic.com www.skagerakgroup.com Skagerak Pelagic A/S er en af de førende fabrikker i Europa indenfor Pelagisk Produktion, med speciale inden for Sild og makrel, som produceres efter kundernes ønske. Vores fabrik er blandt de mest effektive produktions virksomheder i verden indenfor sild og makrel og lever op til alle krav om miljø og fødevaresikkerhed.

Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn G/F


Auktionkaj 5, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 96 22 13 88 frh@skibsforsikring.dk www.skibsforsikring.dk Danmarks ældste gensidige forsikringsforening

Company profiles


indenfor forsikring af fiskefartøjer. Foreningens formål er, ved gensidig forsikring af medlemmernes fiskefartøjer, at sikre medlemmerne mod økonomisk tab efter en forsikringsbegivenhed.

Skydda Danmark A/S


Korskildeeng 6, 2760 Greve Denmark Tel: +45 43 90 90 00 rutt.hjelm@skydda.dk www.skydda.dk Skydda er en af Nordens førende leverandører af personlige værnemidler. Skyddas opgave er med kompetence og de rette produkter at bidrage til en tryg arbejdssituation, høj produktivitet og bedst totaløkonomi. Ud over i Danmark er Skydda aktiv i Norge, Finland, Sverige og Estland.

Spar Nord - Hirtshals


J. Fibigersgade 4, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 08 80 hirtshals@sparnord.dk www.sparnord.dk

Sparekassen Vendsyssel Hirtshals afdeling D811 Jyllandsgade 14, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 82 22 98 50 hirtshals@sparv.dk www.sparekassen-vendsyssel.dk Pengeinstitut. Financial institution.

SPC Marine ApS

C211, G620

Hvidkærvej 42, 5250 Odense SV Denmark Tel: +45 66 17 16 62 spc@spcmarine.dk www.spcmarine.dk

SPC Marine er en ingeniør- og handelsvirksomhed. Vores hovedaktivitet er belysning til skibe og offshore projekter, men derudover har vi også produkter som tågehorn og el-radiatorer i programmet. Vores kunder fra en stor del af Norden består af værfter, grossister, installatører samt industrivirksomheder. Vi forhandler kendte fabrikater som Glamox, Aqua Signal, Norselight, Høvik, Wiska, Zöllner, GK Marine og Ismet, som alle igennem innovativ teknologi har opnået en kvalitet, der bl.a. kan klare de ekstreme forhold til søs. Foruden levering af vore produkter, i stort omfang fra eget lager, tilbyder vi også rådgivning omkring valg af eksempelvis belysning.

Statoil / Statoil Marin


Postbox 8500, 4035 Stavanger Norway Tel: +47 51 90 00 00 giny@statoil.com www.statoil.com Statoil ASA - Statoil er et internationalt energiselskab med virksomheder i 34 lande. Baseret på 40 års erfaring fra olie- og gasproduktion på norsk fundament, anvender vi teknologi og nyskabende forretningsløsninger for at møde verdens energibehov på en ansvarlig måde. Vi har hovedkontor i Norge/Stavanger og er omkring 23.000 ansatte over hele verden. Statoil Marin - Statoil Marins primære arbejdsopgave er kontinuerlig radarovervågning af gruppens egne olie- og gasfelter på norsk sokkel. Vores hovedansvar er at forhindre kollisioner mellem fartøjer og offshore-installationer. For at kunne gøre dette er vi afhængige af at have et godt samarbeide med fiskeindustrien og andre der har virke i Nordsøen. Hvorfor give besked 60 minutter i forvejen? Konsekvenserne af en kollision mellem et fartøj og en olieinstallation er enorme. Derfor skal vi være på forkant med tingene, og hele 60 minutter før en mulig kollision påbegyndes beredskabstiltagene. Det kan i sidste instans føre til nedlukning og evakuering af installationen. For at undgå dette meld fra til Statoil Marin hvis du har kurs mod en platforms sikkerhedszone og er 60 minutter derfra. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Statoil ASA - Statoil is an international energy company with operations in 34 countries. Building on 40 years of experience from oil and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf, we are committed to accommodating the world’s energy needs in a responsible manner, applying technology and creating innovative business solutions. We are headquartered in Stavanger, Norway with approx. 23,000 employees worldwide. Statoil Marin - Its principal task is continuous radar monitoring of the company`s oil and gas fields at the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Our main task is to prevent collisions between vessels and offshore installations. To achieve that, we are dependent on good collaboration with the fishing industry and others operating in the North Sea. Why notify 60 minutes in advance? The consequences of a collision between a vessel and an oil installation are enormous. That is why we have to be forewarned. Emergency response preparations start 60 minutes before a possible collision, and can lead to the shutdown and evacuation of the installation. Based on that, we are now asking you to notify us 60 minutes before you set course at an oil installation.

STEINCO Fish Farming Technology D795 Holtagerdi 80, 200 Kopavogur Iceland Tel: +354 554 0692 stei@simnet.is www.steinco.is

Hyttefadsvej 3, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 03

Strandby Fiskeriforening A127 Auktionskajen 5, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 22 59 strandbyfisk@mail.dk

Strandby Fiskerihavn

We design and develop equipment for fish farms that facilitates works and lowers energy consumption.


Auktionskajen 7, 1 th, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 16 11 strfisk@mail.dk


Rødspættevej 5, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 20 42 strandbyfisk@mail.dk www.strandbyhavn.dk Fiskerihavn.

Strandby Havneforum


Sildevej 24, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 13 00 lp@strandbynet.dk

Strandby Net A/S

Vi designer og udvikler udstyr der letter damarbejde og sænker energi forbruget.

Strandby Fiskeauktion

Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS A127


Sildevej 24, 9970 Strandby Denmark +45 98 48 13 00 info@strandbynet.dk www.strandbynet.dk

Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS


Nordre Havnevej 4, 9970 Strandby Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 24 svb@strandby.com www.strandby.com Servicering af fiskefartøjer, beddingsophaling op

Company profiles


til 250 tons, samt lukket hal, totalrenovering af gamle træskibe, udskiftning af køl og planker, alt indenfor moderne samt gammeldags aptering, forlængelse af fartøjer, smedeværksted, motorudskiftning samt skruearbejde, hydraulikarbejde, nybygning, ombygning, aluminiumsarbejde, installation og forhandling af brandslukningsudstyr, forhandling af Shell olieprodukter.

The Skipper

Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839

Mara Media is a specialist publishing and event management company serving the commercial fisheries industry. Our monthly magazine title, The Skipper, is read widely throughout Ireland and the UK by the countries’ seafood industries, while our 3 fisheries exhibitions Skipper Expo Int. Aberdeen, Skipper Expo Int. Galway and Skipper Expo Int. Bristol are now firmly established in the fish catching sector as the best events of their kind.

Havnegade 7, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 19 35 ibf@svjfisk.dk www.svjfisk.dk Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening er en sammenlægning af Esbjerg Fiskeriforening og Hvide Sande Fiskeriforening. Foreningens formål er at arbejde for fiskeriets fremme, varetage medlemmernes interesser og medvirke til samarbejde mellem alle i fiskerierhvervets interesserede parter. Mød os på stand D839. Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening work for the promotion of fishing, its members’ interests and contribute to cooperation among all fishing industry stakeholders. Meet us at stand D839.

TechnoFlex ApS


Industrivej 21, 8653 Them Denmark Tel: +45 87 24 45 45 info@technoflex.dk www.technoflex.dk Mange års erfaring med vores produkter og i vores marked, har medført en stor ekspertise indenfor området koblinger, transmissionsteknik, køler generelt og udstyr til diesel- og gasmotorer. The TECHNOFLEX® was founded on May, 1st 2006. Within the shortest time, the TECHNOFLEX® has developed to a successful supplier for quality components for the Marine and off-shore market. Your couplings partner.


Unit 5, Teach na Rossan, Annagry Letterkenny, Co. Donegal Ireland Tel: + 353 7495 48935 sharon@maramedia.ie www.maramedia.ie

Thisted Kommune


Asylgade 30, 7700 Thisted Denmark Tel: +45 99 17 17 17 teknisk@thisted.dk www.thisted.dk Thisted Kommune er Danmarks førende Klimakommune, da vi er 100 % selvforsynende med el samt 80 % selvforsynende i forhold til varme fra vedvarende ener-gikilder. Her kan blandt andet nævnes vindmøller, biogas, geotermi og affald. Thisted Kommune har ca. 45.000 indbyggere samt en kystlinie der strækker sig over ca. 226 km med 29 unikke surf-steder, som gør vores kyst ”Cold Hawaii” til Nordeuropas bedste surf-sted. Derudover har Thisted Kommune Hanstholm Havn, Danmarks største konsumfiskerihavn og ”Porten til Nordatlanten”. Thisted municipality is the leading climate municipality in Denmark because our area is a 100 percent self-sufficient with electricity and 80 percent within heating, both from renewable energy sources. This is among others by wind turbines, biogas, geothermic and waste. There are abort 45,000 citizens living in Thisted municipality and 226 km of coastline with 29 unique surf-spots (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



which have made our coastline “Cold Hawaii” the best surf-destination in Northern Europe. Port of Hanstholm is also located in Thisted Municipality and is the largest harbor in Denmark relative to the amount of edible fish landings.

Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral B314 Auktionsgade 23, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 19 88 westship@westship.dk www.westship.dk Siden opstarten i 1967 har Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral leveret 1. klasses service til såvel danske som udenlandske fiskere. Vi tilbyder: 1. klasses sortering af al slags fisk. Moderne køleanlæg sikrer den bedst mulige opbevaring af fiskene. Døgnvagt der sikrer høj service og modtagelse af fisk døgnet rundt. Mandskab stilles til rådighed på kajen. Kvalificeret kontorpersonale står for alt administrativt, b.la. toldpapirer og regninger. Afregning udbetales eller sendes omgående. Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral was established in 1967 and has since then delivered first class service to Danish as well as foreign fishermen. We offer: 1class sorting of all kinds of fish. Modern refrigeration system ensures the best possible storage of fish. 24 hr. service ensuring high service and discharging of fish around the clock. Crew available on the quay. Qualified office staff are responsible for all administrative documentation, custom papers, bills etc. Payment is paid or sent immediately.

Thorsminde Havn


Vesterhavsgade 1A, Thorsminde 6990 Ulfborg Denmark Tel: +45 97 49 70 44 lkj@thorsmindehavn.dk www.thorsmindehavn.dk Thorsminde Havn er en aktiv fiskerihavn med særdeles driftige fiskere. Til havnen er tilknyt-

tet moderne fiskefartøjer, der har fokus på høj kvalitet i mindre partier. Specielt torsk, rødspætter, pighvar og tunger er populære arter - som landes afhængig af sæsonen. I Thorsminde er der også udstyr, der gør det muligt at lande levende krabber. Mød os på stand D839. Thorsminde Harbour is an active fishing harbour with several new modern vessels with focus on high quality in small batches. Especially cod, place, turbot and sole are popular species. In Thorsminde we also have the equiptment that makes it possible to land living crabs. Meet us at stand D839.

Thy Erhvervsforum


Kai Lindbergs Gade 200, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 30 90 info@thyef.dk www.thyef.dk Thy Erhvervsforum er en medlemsforening, som har til opgave at fremme udvikling i Thisted Kommune samt give en professionel erhvervsservice. Vi yder rådgivning og sparring til virksomheder i Thisted kommune samt til iværksættere, der ønsker at etablere sig i området. Thy Erhvervsforum is a member association and is responsible for the continuing development in Thisted municipality as well as providing professional business services.

Thyborøn Havn


Tankskibsvej 4, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 03 25 tc@thyboronport.dk www.thyboronport.dk En af Danmarks største fiskerihavne, med både konsum- og industrifiskeri. Thyborøn Havn tilbyder dygtige og fleksible servicevirksomheder inden for alle områder. ”Super-service” og et højt kvalitetsniveau sættes i højsædet.

Company profiles


One of Denmark’s biggest fishing harbours within edible and industrial fishery. Port of Thyborøn offers efficient and flexible service companies in all areas. “Super-service” and a high quality level are given high priority.

Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening


Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 01 20 thf.thyboroen@mail.tele.dk www.thyboron-fiskeriforening.dk Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening er med sine ca. 250 medlemmer Danmarks største lokalforening. Foreningens medlemmer består af partsfiskere og fartøjsejere og er medlem af Danmarks Fiskeriforening. Foreningens formål er at virke til fiskeriets fremme. Foreningen rådgiver fiskerne i forbindelse med lovgivning, i sager om tilskud til modernisering og indsættelse af fartøjer. Mød os på Stand D839. Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening is with its approx. 250 members, the largest local Fishermen’s Association in Denmark. Members are share fishermen and vessel owners and is member of the Danish Fishermen’s Association. We Work for the fishermen. Meet us at stand D839.

Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S D830, F508 Beddingsvej 5, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 01 00 3xj@3xj.dk www.3xj.dk Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S er et firma med 55 ansatte, som hovedsalig beskæftiger sig med reparationer på den nationale og internationale fiskeflåde, i form af motorreparationer, konstruktion af marineudstyr, hydraulik-, stål og

aluminiumsarbejde. Vi har egenproduktion af spil og tromler, såsom split-, takkel-, frelser- og ankerspil, splitspil, tov spil enkelt- og dobbeltsamt splitnet tromler. Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S is a company with 55 employees, mainly making repairs on the national and international fishing fleet, doing all kinds of operation: Engine repairs, constructions of marine equipment, hydraulic-, steel-, and aluminum work etc. We produce all kind of winches and net drums, split-, tackle-, gilson-, and anchor winches, Seiner winch, single-, double-, and split net drums.

Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S

D822, F504

Sydhalevej 8, 7680 Thyborøn Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 19 22 ole@thyboron-trawldoor.dk www.thyboron-trawldoor.dk Thyborøn Trawlskovle - trawldoor.dk er verdens største producent af trawlskovle. Vores dansk producerede trawlskovle er til alle former for trawlfiskeri, bund, semi-pelagisk og pelagisk. I tillæg har vi specialiseret os i rigning til flere trawl samt brug af flydeskovle til bundtrawl både enkelt- og dobbeltrig. Fordelene ved dette system er mindre brændstofforbrug og mindre slitage på bruget. Thyborøn Trawldoors - trawldoor.dk is the worlds leading manufacturer of trawldoors. Our Danish produced trawldoors are suitable for all kinds of trawlfishing, bottom, semi-pelagic and pelagic. We are also specialized in multipurpose rigging and use of pelagic trawl doors for bottom trawling on both single- and double rigging. The advantages of this system is less fuel consumption and less wear on gear.



Timars Svets & Smide AB F501 Industrivagen 12, 311 33 Falkenberg Sweden Tel: +46 346 715 900 joakim@timars.se www.timars.se

TM Marine Aps


Vibekevej 10, 3060 Espergærde Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 43 75 info@therkildsenmarine.com www.therkildsenmarine.com

TMP Hydraulik A/S


Suurkjærvej 9, 7790 Thyholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 87 19 00 tmp@tmphydraulik.dk www.tmphydraulik.dk TMP marinekraner for fiskeri, offshore, kajkraner m.m. TMP seacranes for fishery, offshore, quaycranes etc.

Toptuxedo, lda


Rua Manuel Dias, 595 - Armazém 4 4495-129 Amorim - Póvoa de Varzim Portugal Tel: +351 252 607 578 artur.costa@toptuxedo-sa.com www.toptuxedo-sa.com We operate in the market of garments for the most demanding markets. We produce clothing outdoor, ski, snowboard, golf, sailing, fishing industry, animal industry, work clothes, motorcycle fashion and our own brand “Toptuxedo”. Our staff is highly trained to provide fast and precise solutions to meet your needs. Firm: Toptuxedo-sa, aims to position itself as a supplier of reference for major brands in the cloth-

ing industry. Ensuring in parallel, the recognition of a portfolio of products under its own brand, innovative and differentiating face their competition. Products: The toptuxedo SA, founded in 2008, is located in Amorim, Póvoa de Varzim and is dedicated to the manufacture of garments for the most demanding national and international markets. We produce clothing outdoor, ski, snowboard, golf, sailing, fishing industry, animal industry, and work clothes, motorcycle and fashion. Technology: The toptuxedo has the technology and experience necessary to manufacture a wide variety of garments,( weldding, taping and sewing up only) independently the design. In production are used only fabrics of the highest quality with the technical characteristics necessary for the functionality that the end consumer needs. There is a special emphasis on producing all parts with good dressing and functionality Markets: The toptuxedo manufactures provides a wide range of clothing for various international clients from U.S. markets, New Zealand and several European countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Germany, Spain, UK, and Portugal.

Tor-Mo Trawl Aps


Nordvestkajen 27, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 58 25 info@tormotrawl.dk www.tormotrawl.dk

Tor-Net ehf.


Hvaleyrarbraut 27, 220 Hafnarfjörður Iceland Tel: +354 555 7888 halldor@tornet.is www.tornet.is Tor-Net ltd er et firma I Island som driver Net luft i Hafnarfjörður - Island og Las Palmas - Spain. Tor-Net er 11 år gammelt og har step by step produceret flere og flere flydeål hvert år. Vores

Company profiles

89 antee for high quality and outstanding service.

kunder er meget tilfreds med Tor-Net trawl. Vores kunder kommer fra hele verden, skibe fra Holland, Faroe Islands, Sydafrika, USA, Kina, Rusland, Sydkorea, Chile and Marocco og naturligvis Island. Alle som bruger Tor-Net pelagic trawl ved forskellige fiskeri some makrel, hestemakrel herring, sardine, sardinella, blåhvilling, ocean pearch, Alaska Pollock, lanternfish and krill ranging from the South Pacific to the North Atlantic. I dag har 24 islenske skibe some bruger Tor-Net trawl. I Morocco hvor vi har mange kaptains fra de nordiske lande har 12 af de 21 skibe Tor-Net trawl i dag. I alt server vi omkring 65 – 70 skibe hvert år. Tor-Net Ltd is specializing in midwater/pelagic trawls. Our customer base extends now around the world, with trawler from the Netherlands, Faroe Islands, South Africa, USA, China, Russia, South Korea, Chile and Morocco, as well as from Iceland, all using Tor-Net pelagic trawl gear across a variety of fisheries that take in mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, sardine, sardinella, blue whiting, redfish, Alaska Pollock, lanternfish and krill ranging from the South Pacific to the North Atlantic.

Triple Nine A/S


Fiskerihavnsgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 79 12 09 99 999@999.dk www.999.dk

Tuco Marine ApS


Krogsbjergvej 2, 5600 Faaborg Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 38 98 jonas@tuco.dk www.tuco.dk Tuco Marine Group er specialister i lette konstruktioner som f.eks. skrog og strukturer i kulfiber. Tuco tilbyder kompositemner til skibe og andre områder hvor lav vægt og høj styrke er vigtige parametre. Virksomheden har dokumenterede brændstofbesparelser på helt op til 57% som reference i forhold til konventionelle byggematerialer. Tucos faciliteter lever alle op gældende lov- og klassifikationsselskabers krav. Tuco Marine Group is a specialist builder of light weight marine structures as hulls and decks of carbonfiber. Tuco Marine Group as huge referances within commercial shipbuilding in Carbonfiber and have proven records of fuelsaving up to 57% compared to conventional shipbuilding materials.

Ubro SystemPac A/S


Industriholmen 15A, 2650 Hvidovre Denmark Tel: +45 36 77 82 00 mail@ubro-systempac.dk www.ubro-systempac.dk

Triple Nine, der ligger lige ud til Nordsøen, på vestkysten af Danmark, er en af verdens førende leverandører af fiskemel og fiskeolie. Virksomhedens 999 logo er velkendt og står som en garanti for høj kvalitet og fremragende service.

Ubro SystemPac er i dag landets førende specialist inden for end-of-line packaging. Palleemballering, Kartonlukning, Omsnøring, Banderolering, Foliepakning, Klæberuller, Godssikring. Vi dækker langt de fleste emballagebehov i totalløsninger bestående af maskiner, materialer og service. Vores mangeårige erfaring gør, at du altid er sikret et højt niveau af individuel service og sikkerhed.

Located right out on the North Sea, on the west coast of Denmark, TripleNine is one of the world’s leading suppliers of fish meal and fish oil. The 999 brand is well known and acknowledged as a guar-

Ubro SystemPac is currently the leading specialist in end-of-line packaging solutions, including: Pallet wrapping, Box sealing, Strapping, Banding, Foil packaging, Adhesive tape, Cargo protection. (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



We offer integrated solutions for all of your endof-line packaging needs - including machinery, materials and maintenance. We guarantee a high level of individual guidance, service and product quality.

UltiSat Europe


Unisystem AB


Bergebyvägen 24, SE 685 34 TORSBY Sweden Tel: +46 560 140 55 info@unisystem.se www.unisystem.se

Bagsværd Møllevej 3, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark Tel: +45 45 27 70 00 info@ultisat-europe.com www.ultisat-europe.com

Unisystem AB leverer vejesystemer fra den enkle vægt til eSeaSystem med dataoverførsel, SIF indsendelse og fiskeri rapporter, indsamling af fangst data og etiket udskrivning. vores vægte er godkendt i henhold til direktiv 2009/23/EF. Vægt er hurtig, robust, hygiejnisk nem at bruge og usædvanligt præcis. Vi udstiller hos importør Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS, stand A137. Her kan du møde os under messen.

Uanset hvilken situation du eller dine kolleger er i – lige meget hvor – kan vi dække kommunikationsbehovet. Og når kommunikation er en nødvendighed, og der ikke er andre muligheder, er satellitkommunikation en effektiv løsning. Vi leverer effektive standardløsninger og kundetilpassede løsninger, og vi tilbyder Iridium, Inmarsat og VSAT løsninger, til alle slags maritim kommunikation.

Unisystem AB supplies weighing systems from the simple marine scale to eSeaSystem collecting catch data, SIF submission, fishing reports and label printing. Our scales are approved in accordance with Directive 2009/23/EC. The scale is fast, robust, hygienic, easy to use and exceptionally accurate. We exhibit at the importer Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS, booth A137. Here you can meet us during the fair.

Whatever the situation - no matter where you are operating - we offer a solution to meet your requirements. Satellite is the best and most efficient solution – and in some cases even the only one – if communication is essential and you are operating in remote areas like at sea with no other options. UltiSat offers Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya and VSAT maritime solutions to meet all your needs.


Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Platanvej 12, 1810 Frederiksberg C Denmark Tel: +45 33 21 83 11 uf@udf.dk www.udf.dk


Rókavegur 8, 640 Runavik Faroe Islands Tel: +298 449 100 univice@univice.fo www.univice.fo

Van Beelen Group


Industriestraat 48, 1976 CV Ijmuiden Netherlands Tel: +31 255 560 560 info@vanbeelengroup.nl www.vanbeelengroup.nl

Saving fuel and increasing catch Van Beelen Group bv is a manufacturer of high quality

Company profiles netting, ropes and twines for many applications worldwide. We supply to industry, . offshore, shipping, mining, and sports, but the company’s roots are in Fishing. With more than 110 years experience in the Fishing Industry we have become a specialist in innovative and good-value-for-money netting, rope and cordage for fishing gear. Van Beelen Dyneema® D16 Netting is used successfully in white fish bottom trawls and as square mesh panels around the world, with fuel savings winning back the cost within one or two trips. This double knotted and heatset netting is also widely used as predator netting in aquaculture. VB Dyneema® D12 Ropes are used by all major trawl makers. Midwater Pelagic trawls from proven products such as Enkalon® PL Netting and PL Stealth Ropes (single and double stealth) reduce a trawler’s fuel consumption up to 30%. We work closely together with our customers to help them find the materials that suit them best. By finding the right material for the right use, we can make sure they keep their cost to a minimum while they save fuel and increase catch. At van Beelen Group we develop, test and produce quality products that our customers need to adapt to their constantly changing markets. A modern, independent, flexible and continually improving production in the centre of Holland ensures competitive pricing. The quality of our products depends for a large part on the raw materials we use. These are high tenacity synthetic fiber yarns such as Enkalon®, Dyneema®, Polyester, Technora®, and Polyethylene in Powergreen and Powerblue. They guarantee the high standard of our products; high strength and long life.

VCU - the Maritime Specialist H998 Vliestroom 18, 8321 EG Urk Netherlands Tel: +31 527 683 535 tineke@vcu.nl www.vcu.nl

91 Visserij Coöperatie Urk (Urk Fisheries Cooperative, VCU) has been a leading name in the fishing industry since 1922. As a professional maritime specialist, we distinguish ourselves by offering a full-service concept of both goods and services. The fishing gear and the fishing vessels are our core business! From steel wire to gasoil and from fishing nets to the catch processing and winches we have it our stock, we can deliver, produce, service or repair all these necessary items for your fishing industry. As a cooperative, we work innovatively, allowing our members, partners and clients to make use of our fast service, expertise and reliability. This cooperative possesses three modern premises on Urk. The head office, as well as VCU Oil BV, VCU Store BV, VCU Safety Centre BV, VCU Maritime BV and VCU TCD BV are located in Urk. VCU TCD BV is specialised in providing technical services and performing repairs, revisions, (large-scale) rebuilding, conversions and construction of a variety of vessels. Furthermore, the TCD is specialized in the fabrication of winches and related hydraulic systems named “Osey Urk Winches”. VCU’s modern vehicle fleet consists of service buses and crane trucks. These are employed to quickly perform repairs or deliveries on-site. Our working range includes The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway and the UK. Some specialized products are; Gasoil deliveries in all fishing ports around the North Sea. Combination ropes for the flyshooting / Danish seining. Steel wire and chain for fishing industry. Nets for flyshooting, twin-and quad rigging, beamtrawling and shrimp fishery. OSEY Urk (flyshooting) winches. VCU CatchManagement system (grading, weighing and recording fish hauls onboard). Complete catch processing systems (transporting, grading, washing, holding, etc.). Bubble Slurry ™ Ice systems.

Vendelbo Spedition A/S


Sprogøvej 21, 9800 Hjørring Denmark Tel: +45 98 92 52 33 info@vensped.dk www.vendelbo-spedition.dk (fortsættes næste side / continued on next page)



Vendelbo Spedition blev grundlagt i 1971. Vi dækker alle former for biltransporter i Europa. Efter de mange år har vi løst utal af finurlige transportopgaver. Vores speciale er terminstransporter, hvor vi bl.a. har været på følgende destinationer: Murmansk, Istanbul, Kreta, Cypern, Malta, Gibraltar og Gran Canaria. Vi dækker HELE Norge til/fra kontinentet med eget materiel og danske chauffører. Vi råder over egen moderne vognpark, der lever op til kundens krav om miljø og leveringssikkerhed. Vendelbo Spedition A/S was founded in 1971. We cover all forms of road transport throughout Europe. After many years we have solved countless quirky transport tasks. Our specialty is express transport and we have been on the following destinations: Murmansk, Istanbul, Crete, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar and Gran Canaria, We cover the ENTIRE Norway to/from the continent with own equipment and Danish drivers. We have a modern fleet to meet customer requirements for environmental and supply security.

Vestergaard Marine Service A/S


Havnepladsen 12, 9900 Frederikshavn Denmark Tel: +45 96 22 11 10 pla@vms.dk www.vms.dk High Quality Marine Service Vestergaard Gruppen består af 4 virksomheder, inden for service til den maritime sektor, off shore samt kraftværks sektoren. Vestergaard Marine Service A / S - Vedligeholdelse og reparation af marine-og offshore-installationer samt kraftværker. Vestergaard Marine Service A/S i Frederikshavn med 140 ansatte og mere end 3000 m2 kontor og værksted. Vi yder service på alle typer af dieselmotorer, gear, propeller osv. med et team af højt motiverede og dygtige medarbejdere, Service worldwide 24/7. DT-Interlink A / S - DT-Interlink importere og eksportere, reservedele og tilbehør til diesel-motorer og entreprenørmaskiner. DTInterlink kan tilbyde ikke-OEM- reservedele med

store besparelser. DT-Interlink motto er “hvis du har brug for det, kan vi finde det”. VMS Technology A/S - VMS Technology A/S er en ingeniørvirksomhed med et team af ingeniører med speciale i design og teknik. VMS Technology A/S har specialiseret sig inden for følgende områder: Engineering, Project Management, Project styring fra design til levering. VMS Technology A/S har samarbejdspartnere i hele Europa og arbejder både i den maritime sektor og offshore sektoren. VMS Turbo -VMS Turbo udfører service på de fleste typer turboladere. VMS Turbo har moderne turbolader værkstedsfaciliteter med afbalancerings bænk etc. VMS Turbo har samarbejde med andre leverandører over hele verden hvilket sikre 24 timer service - 365 dage om året world wide. High Quality Marine Service Vestergaard Group consists of 4 companies within service and maintenance in the marine, off shore and power business. Vestergaard Marine Service A/S - Maintenance and repair of marine and offshore installations as well as power plants. Vestergaard Marine Service A/S in Frederikshavn with 140 employees and office and workshop facilities at more than 3000 m2. We provide service on all types of diesel engines, gears, propellers with a team of highly motivated and skilled employees. Service world wide 24/7. DT –Interlink A/S - DT-Interlink imports and exports spares and accessories for diesel engines and construction machinery. When the quality is as good as or better, DT-Interlink can offer NON-OEM parts at huge savings. DTInterlink’s motto is “if you need it, we can find it”. VMS Technology A/S – VMS Technology A/S is a engineering company with a team of engineers specialized in design and engineering. We specializes in the following areas: Engineering, Project Management, Project brokerage - ship from design to delivery. VMS Technology has partners in hole Europe and work in both maritime and offshore business. VMS Turbo -VMS Turbo carries out assignments on most types of turbocharger makes. We have modern turbocharger workshop facilities that include the most modern tools needed. We have cooperation with other suppliers all around the world ensuring 24 hours a day service - 365 days a year – world wide.

Company profiles




Hvide Sande afdeling Bredgade 4, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 13 22 post@vestjyskbank.dk www.vestjyskbank.dk



Vestkajen 6, 9850 Hirtshals Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 48 88 vestkajen@mail.dk www.vestkajen.dk Vi er et alsidigt værksted, der fortrinsvis servicerer fiskeflåden, men også handelsflåden og industrivirksomheder. Vi laver opgaver indenfor skibsreparation, installation og reparation af fremdrivnings- og generatoranlæg. Vi er servicecenter for MAN B&W ALPHA Diesel, og forhandler/ servicerer Caterpilar og Cummins motorer m.v. Vi har egen produktion af hydraulisk dæksmaskineri. Vores bedding har kapacitet op til 600 ton, her klarer vi bundbehandling, akseltræk og reparation af propellerudstyr.

Vestværftet ApS


Engvej 9C, 6600 Vejen Denmark Tel: +45 76 97 50 00 lblack@vetus.nl www.vetus.com

Rådgivning og finansiering.

Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S

Vetus ApS


Columbus trading a/s, Industrivej 22 E 3550 Slangerup Denmark Tel: +45 47 33 98 98 victorinox@columbus-trading.dk www.victorinox.ch Columbus trading a/s er distributør til Danmark, Færøerne, Island og Grønland af lommeknive og professionelle knive fra VICTORINOX og knive, slibmaskiner, strygestål fra Fr. DICK Professional knives.

Visveiling Urk BV D735, D738 Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk Netherlands Tel: +31 527 689 789 g.korf@visveilingurk.nl www.visveilingurk.nl


Nordhavnskaj 12, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 33 22 info@vestvaerftet.dk www.vestvaerftet.dk Skibsværft. Nybygning af skibe.

Urk Fishauction, i hjertet af Holland, har en solid markedsposition inden for det europæiske fiskeri industry.The internationaly orienteret virksomhed er fiskeridødeligheden Europas centrum og byder på mange fordele for købere og supplyers. Urk Fishauction, in the heart of the Netherlands, has a solid market position within the European fishing industry.The internationaly oriented company is the fishing centre of Europe and offers many benefits for buyers and supplyers.


Volvo Penta



Vestre Hedevej 16, 4000 Roskilde Denmark Tel: +45 40 30 27 85 peter.bertelsen@volvo.com www.volvopenta.com

A109, A156

H.E. Bluhmesvej 6, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 70 44 westdiesel@westdiesel.dk www.westdiesel.dk

Volvo Penta is a world-leading supplier of engines and complete power systems for marine and industrial applications. All our efforts strive to give our customers the right product, with . the right qualities. We work with a deep commitment to quality, safety and environmental care. Being a specialist company within such a strong organisation as the Volvo Group gives us clear advantages. We have the flexibility of . a small organisation together with the technical and financial support needed to constantly pioneer new developments.

Vónin Ltd.

West Diesel Engineering A/S


Bakkavegur 22, FO-530 Fuglafjørdur Faroe Islands Tel: +298 47 42 00 info@vonin.com www.vonin.com Vónin blev grundlagt i 1969 og er i dag en af Nordatlanten’s førende leverandør af fiskeredskaber og akvakultur udstyr med afdelinger på Færøerne, Grønland, Canada, Danmark og Norge. Vónin was established in 1969 and is today a premier supplier of fishing gear and aquauculture equipment with branches in the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canda, Denmark and Norway.

West Diesel Engineering as lagerførende importør og distributør i Danmark, Grønland og Færøerne af: Mitsubishi diesel motorer fra 11-3600 HK, John Deere dieselmotorer fra 50-750HK til marine og industri, Kohler marinegenerator anlæg, Heila marine kraner fra 1-650 TM samt specialløsninger op til 2000TM, Dong I marine gear, Hyundai-Seasall dieselmotorer til marine, Craftsman fremdrivningsanlæg 16 til 80 HK et bredt udvalg af elektriske og hydrauliske bovpropeller til mindre fartøjer samt TMA spil hydrauliske og elektriske. Vi er lagerførende i reservedele til alle vore agenturer og vor professionelle medarbejderstab står til rådighed 24 timer i døgnet, året rundt West Diesel engineering as, stocking importer and distributor in Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands for: Mitsubishi diesel engine range 11-3600 HP, John Deere diesel engine range 50-750 HP for marine and industrial applications. Kohler marine generator sets, Heila marine crane range 1-650 TM (special applications up to 2000TM), Dong I marine gearboxes, Hyundai SeaSall marine diesel engines, Craftsman propulsion from 16 to 80 HP also with a wide range of bow thrusters hydraulic and electric for smaller ships. TMA wire winches hydraulic and electric. Spare parts for all above in stock. Professional well equipped staff ready to serve you 24-7-365 world wide.

West-Marine A/S Fiskerihavnsgade 30, 6700 Esbjerg Denmark Tel: +45 75 45 70 44 sales@west-marine.dk www.west-marine.dk


Company profiles


West-Marine A/S er en salgs- & service virksomhed med base i Esbjerg. Vi leverer reservedele, service & reparation af alle typer motorer, hydraulik & elektriske anlæg. Vores montører har stor erfaring & er vant til at arbejde selvstændigt med fokus på kvalitet. Hos West-Marine er vi bevidste om at imødekomme vores kunders krav med fokus på leveringstid & kvalitet.



We-tech ApS beskæftiger i dag 9 fuldtidssælgere i Danmark.



Portela, 2685-232 Portela, Lisboa Portugal Tel: +351 229 434 900 ilidio.monteiro@oliveirasa.pt www.oliveirasa.pt

Auktionsgade 23, 7730 Hanstholm Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 19 88 westship@westship.dk www.westship.dk West-Ship, Danmarks største skibsmægler, formidler ikke alene fiskefartøjer i Danmark, gennem mange år i branchen har West-Ship opbygget et stort netværk af skibsejere og organisationer over hele verden. Vi er specialister i køb og salg af fiskefartøjer i alle størrelser – lige fra joller til store stålbåde. Udover vores mægler-aktiviteter, tilbyder vi også assistance i forbindelse med vurdering.

Manufacter of Synthetic Ropes and Twines, steel wire and combination.

West-Ship - the largest shipbroker in Denmark conveys fishing boats worldwide. As a result of Our presence in the industry for many years, WestShip has built up a large network of ship owners and organizations worldwide. We specialize in the purchase and sale of vessels of all sizes – from dinghies to large steel boats.

Wärtsilä er en global leder i komplette livscyklus power løsninger til marine og energimarkederne. Ved at optimere den teknologiske innovation og den samlede effektivitet, maksimerer Wärtsilä de miljømæssige og økonomiske resultater for vores kunders fartøjer og kraftværker. I 2012 udgjorde Wärtsilä’s nettoomsætning EUR 4,7 mia med cirka 18.900 medarbejdere. Selskabet har aktiviteter i 170 lokationer i 70 lande rundt omkring i verden.

We-Tech Aps


Lanciavej 12E, 7100 Vejle Denmark Tel: +45 41 33 58 00 mail@we-tech.dk www.we-tech.dk We-tech ApS er eneforhandler af Orion smøremidler i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Vi baserer udelukkende vores forretning på højkvalitets produkter til professionelle slutbrugere, såsom Fiskere, Entreprenører, Vognmænd, Landmænd og Industrivirksomheder.

Wärtsilä Danmark A/S


H.C. Andersens Boulevard 11, 3.tv 1553 København V Denmark Tel: +45 99 56 99 56 tine.bonde@wartsila.com www.wartsila.dk

Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2012, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.7 billion with approximately 18,900 employees. The company has operations in nearly 170 locations in 70 countries around the world.



ZF Danmark


Taastrupgaardsvej 8-10, 2630 Taastrup Denmark Tel: +45 70 22 62 43 zfdk@zf.com www.zf-group.dk ZF producerer en bred vifte af produkter til det maritime miljø. Bl.a. marinegear fra 10 kW til 14.000 kW i alle slags udførelser, vi producerer også propeller og kontrolsystemer. ZF Marine transmissions cover a power range from 10 to 14,000 kW and are available in many configurations to suit all types of vessels and machine. We also produce Control systems and propellers.

Ørbech en gros


Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 fiskenet@frydendahl.com www.frydendahl.com Ørbech en gros er grundlagt i 1885. Siden virksomheden blev købt af Frydendahl i 1988 har firmaet ligget på Vestkysten i Hvide Sande. I dag varetager firmaet salg og leverance af fiskenet, flettede liner og mange andre fiskeri artikler til forhandlere i Danmark og hele Skandinavien. Ørbech en gros was founded in 1885. Since the company was bought by Frydendahl in 1988 the location has been in Hvide Sande on the westcoast of Denmark. Today the company handles sale and shipment of fishing nets, braided lines and many other fishing articles to dealers in Denmark and all of Scandinavia.

Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS


Værftsvej 1, 3730 Nexø Denmark Tel: +45 56 49 65 82 oebk@mail.dk www.kutterservice.dk Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS har specialiseret sig i fremstilling af garnklarer, nethalere, autoline krogemaskiner og mange andre maskiner, der effektiviserer fiskeriet. Derudover laver vi mange prototyper og mindre serier af maskiner. Vi har en del underleverandørarbejde for mange andre forskellige brancher – specielt indenfor CNCbearbejdning. Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS has specializes in manufacturing of netclearer, net haulers, autoline hook machines and many other machines that efficiency the fishing process. In addition, we make many prototypes and smaller series of machines. We have some contractual work for many different industries - especially in CNC machining.

AKVA group Denmark A/S

D 781

Multivis Waterbehandeling B.V.

D 778

Billund Aquakulturservice A/S

D 785

Murre Techniek b.v.

D 794

CM Aqua technologies

D 793

Nordsøen Forskerpark

D 780

Cowex A/S

D 790

OxyGuard International A/S

D 792

Daniit A/S

D 798

Oxymat A/S

D 798

Dansk Akvakultur

D 789

ProFlex ApS

D 788


D 791

RK BioElements A/S

D 796

Hvalpsund Net A/S

D 784


D 786

Inter Aqua Advance A/S

D 799

SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk AS

D 780

Krüger A/S

D 777

Steinco Fish Farming Technology

D 795



Polar Fish 2014

Fiskeri og forsyning

Fredag 3., lørdag 4. og søndag 5. oktober 2014 kl. 10.00 - 17.00 i Sisimiut Idrætshal, Sisimiut

Vær med på Polar Fish 2014

Målgrupper - besøgende

Polar Fish messen er stedet, hvor nye tendenser, metoder og nyt materiel til fiskerierhvervet bliver præsenteret. Siden 2012 også med produkter og services til andre målgrupper.

Rederier, værfter, skippere, lystbådeejere, fiskere, detailhandlere, varmemestre, industrien, uddannelsesinstitutioner, håndværkere etc.

Ud over virksomheder og produkter, som tager rent afsæt i fiskeriet, vil man på Polar Fish 2014 også kunne finde virksomheder og produkter, som både anvendes i fiskeriet og på landbaserede forsyningsanlæg. Polar Fish messen vil således fortsat have fokus på fiskeriet men retter sig også mod andre erhverv.


Annonce følger

For at tiltrække endnu flere besøgende vil der blive arrangeret seminarer med forskellige relevante emner sideløbende med messen.

Målgrupper - udstillere Producenter, forarbejdningsvirksomheder, agenter, leverandører inden for fiskeri, industri, håndværk og forsyningsvirksomhed. Endvidere aktører inden for rådgivning, myndigheder, uddannelse samt brancheorganisationer.

Standleje pr. m2 1.475 DKK Tilmelding 2.000 DKK Stikkontakt (obligatorisk) 500 DKK Møbelpakke 4.500 DKK Gulvtæppe (blåt) pr. m2 100 DKK Standleje og tilmelding inkluderer markedsføring i trykt katalog og online på polar-fish.net samt hvide standvægge og frise med virksomhedsnavn. Møbelpakken indeholder 3 stole, bord, disk, brochureholder og 3 spotlights.


Kort om Polar Fish

Polar Fish gennem føres hvert 2. år. I 2014 er de t 5. gang Dan-Fish Internati onal i Aalborg står for standsalg, planlægning og gen nemførelse af messen i tæt sam arbejde med Qeqqata Erhve rvsråd og Qeqqata Kommun e.


64 udstillere fra 6 lande. 1.509 gæster.


70 udstillere fra 11 lande. 1.434 gæster.


54 udstillere fra 8 lande. 1.540 gæster.


68 udstillere fra 8 lande. 1.586 gæster.

Lasse H. Jessen tlf. +45 99 35 55 09, lhj@akkc.dk Else Herfort tlf. +45 99 35 55 18, ehe@akkc.dk



Polar Fish 2014

Fishing and supplies

Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 October 2014 at 10:00 - 17:00 in Sisimiut Sports Hall, Sisimiut

Join us at Polar Fish 2014

Target groups - visitors

Polar Fish presents new trends, techniques and equipment for the fishing industry. And since 2012, the trade fair has included products and services for other target groups.

Shipping companies, shipyards, shipowners, pleasure boat owners, fishermen, retailers, janitors, industry, educational institutions, tradesmen etc.

In addition to businesses and products dedicated to fishing, at Polar Fish 2014 it will also be possible to find enterprises and products which can be used in both the fishing industry and onshore supply plant. The Polar Fish trade fair will thus continue to focus on fishing while also targeting other industries. To attract even more visitors, seminars on a range of relevant issues will be held in conjunction with the trade fair.

Target groups - exhibitors Producers, processing companies, agents, suppliers within the fishing sector, industry, the trades and utilities. In addition, consultants, public authorities, educational institutions as well as trade organisations.

Prices Stand rental/m2 Registration Electrical outlet (mandatory) Furniture pack Carpet (blue)/m2

1.475 DKK 2.000 DKK 500 DKK 4.500 DKK 100 DKK

Stand rental and registration include marketing in the printed catalogue and online at polar-fish.net as well as white stand walls and frieze with company name. The furniture pack includes three chairs, table, counter, brochure holder and three spotlights.


Polar Fish in brief

Polar Fish takes place every two years. In 201 4, it will be the fi fth time tha t Dan-Fish International in Aa lborg is responsible for sel ling stands and planning and holding the fair in close collab oration with Qeqqata Business Council and the Municipality of Qeqqata.


64 exhibitors from 6 countries. 1,509 visitors.


70 exhibitors from 11 countries. 1,434 visitors.


54 exhibitors from 8 countries. 1,540 visitors.


68 exhibitors from 8 countries. 1,586 visitors.

Lasse H. Jessen tel. +45 99 35 55 09, lhj@akkc.dk Else Herfort tel. +45 99 35 55 18, ehe@akkc.dk


2015 路 WELCOME




7, 8 AND 9 OCTOBER 2015 danfish.com 路 danaqua.net


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