Fishaqua fredag

Page 1



9, 10 & 11 OKTOBER 2013

English version on page 5 - 8


Stor reduktion og stor diameter er sagen.

Besøg Thyborøn standene i hal D


A highly professional trade show in Aalborg.


Islandske både med gummibelægning.

Mød os på DanFish messen i Aalborg i uge 41 vi er på stand nr: A 156 og A 109

Thyborøn er altid et besøg værd - også på DanFish 2013

H. E. BLUHMESVEJ 6 - DK-6700 ESBJERG - TLF. +45 75 12 70 44 - FAX +45 75 45 27 H. E. BLUHMESVEJ 6 - DK-6700 ESBJERG - TLF. +45 75 12 70 44 - FAX +45 75 45 27



FAKTA OM MESSEN DanFish International bliver afviklet i Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center i dagene fra onsdag den 9. oktober til og med fredag den 11. oktober. Åbningstiderne er 10-17 onsdag og torsdag, men det fredag er fra 10 til 16. Det 23. gang, DanFish International bliver afviklet. Lige som i 2011 består DanFish International af to messer – nemlig af DanFish, der er fiskerierhvervets messe, og så DanAqua, der har fokus på fiskeopdræt. For begge messer gælder, at der er tale om internationale messer – dvs. at der både er danske og udenlandske udstillere. Der er forskellige aktiviteter på messen hver dag. Du kan dels læse om aktiviteterne her i FishAqua News, der udkommer hver morgen, inden messen åbner; dels kan du læse om aktiviteterne i Messeguiden, der er udgivet sammen med Fiskeri Tidende lørdag den 5. oktober. Du kan naturligvis også læse om det på nettet – enten på eller www. Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center giver naturligvis såvel udstillere som besøgende mulighed for også at spise under messen. Restaurant Papegøjehaven tilbyder såvel frokost som aftensmad under messen – du kan læse mere på www.papegojehaven. dk. DanFish International afvikles i øvrigt hvert andet år, og datoerne i 2015 ligger allerede fast: Det bliver fra den 7. til den 9. oktober.

Dagens billede Torsdag middag blev eleverne fra 6. klasse på Gl. Lindholm Skole i Nørresundby præmieret for deres sejr i den landsdækkende konkurrence om at lave den bedste fiskeret. Allerede mandag blev de præsenteret som vindere på direkte TV i Go’ Morgen Danmark på TV 2, men præmien på 5.000 kroner fik de overrakt på DanFish International af Fiskebranchen, der står konkurrencen under titlen ”Fisk i Timen”. Eleverne – der består af de to 6. klasse på skolen – havde lavet en ret med fiskefrikadeller, der vandt foran 8 andre skoler fra hele landet.

Kære udstillere, kære besøgende - tak for denne gang Når fredag rammer kl. 16, og vi lukker dørene, ved vi allerede nu, at det igen har været tre gode messedage for jer og for os. DanFish International og DanAqua er en overvældende succes, som vi er meget stolte over at have ”født” for mange år siden, og som er vokset sig meget stor og denne gang fejrer sin 23. gangs fødselsdag. DanFish er med sit internationale appeal blevet

DanFish NEWS udgives i et samarbejde mellem:

en messe, hvor man bør være både som udstiller og som besøgende. Her bliver de første spæde skridt og kontakter for megen fremtidig forretning grundlagt på tværs af hele verden, og her lukkes store ordrer. Tænk på, vi har udstillere fra over 20 forskellige lande og gæster fra mere end 40 lande. Seminarerne har i den grad været velbesøgte, flere har meldt udsolgt, og det glæder os, at DanAqua også både på udstillerside og konference-

Redaktion René Dandanell, Fiskeri Tidende +45 24 41 69 30 • Susanne Kabel, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center +45 51 22 55 74 • Kim Vejrup (ansv.), Fiskeri Tidende +45 20 19 46 78 •

siden har haft stor succes, og håber i de kommende år på endnu større interesse for at udstille på vores danske messe. Vi vil gerne sige mange tak for besøget, og vi håber, at det bliver til et gensyn i 2015. Med venlig hilsen Ernst Trillingsgaard direktør i Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center

Annoncer Torben Lehmann, Fiskeri Tidende +45 21 63 93 84 •

Layout Steen T. Sørensen, Fiskeri Tidende +45 40 54 90 36 •



2,3 meter i diameter måler propellen fra Hundested Propeller A/S

Skotsk opkøber af pelagisk fisk på messe Danskere lander pelagisk fisk i Peterhead Hvis du lige har en last fuld af sild, makrel eller blåhvilling, så står Jimmy McConville fra firmaet Fresh Catch klar til at købe dem til sin fabrik i Peterhead. - Skandinavien er et godt marked. Vi var her for to år siden, og det var en god oplevelse. Nu er vi tilbage igen, siger Jimmy McConville. Han nævner at messen er en god lejlighed til at få en snak med potentielle kunder til levering af pelagisk fisk til fabrikken i Peterhead i Skotland. Det er især, når fiskeriet foregår i den nordlige del af Nordsøen, at fabrikken i Peterhead er interessant. - Vi har danske trawlere, der leverer fra august til oktober. Men det er et meget konkurrencepræget marked, konstaterer Jimmy McConville. Fresh Catch er dog ikke den eneste udstiller på standen i hal D. På samme stand står bådebyggeriet Anderson Marine, der har sit udspring i Fresh Catch. Bådebyggeriet startede, da ejerne byggede et mindre fiskefartøj til hummer og krabbefiskeri. De blev derefter spurgt, om de kunne bygge et magen til andre.

Stor reduktion og stor diameter er sagen Trækkraft på 23 kg pr. hk i ny propeller - Det gælder om at have en stor gearing sammen med en stor diameter på propellen, fortæller Martin Christensen, der er Sales Engineer hos Hundested Propeller A/S. På DanFish har Hundested Propeller A/S på deres stand udstillet en propel med en

diameter på 2,3 meter. Den skal efter messen monteres på en nybygning på 17 meter. Dette fartøj får en meget høj gearudveksling: - Så vidt vides, er det den største gearudveksling, der er lavet på et fiskefartøj. Kombinationen med den høje gear-reduktion og den store propeldiameter giver en stor effektivitet med et større træk og dermed en bedre brændstoføkonomi, fortæller Martin Christensen. Reduktionen bliver på 12,4:1 med

vores kunder allerede, siger Martin Christensen, der faktisk leverer et rent dansk produkt. - Vi producerer propellerne i Danmark og bruger danske underleverandører, siger Martin Christensen. Hundested Propeller A/S er det synlige bevis for, der stadig kan laves en fornuftig forretning med kvalitetsprodukter lavet på dansk ord med dansk arbejdskraft.

en trækkraft på hele 23 kg/hk. Den udstillede propel er da også det helt store samtale emne på standen. - Der er rigtig mange der har været at spørge til den, og der er megen interesse for den til fiskeri med trawl, siger Martin Christensen. Hundested Propeller A/S har da også mange af deres propelinstallationer kørende i danske fiskefartøjer, og der er mange af kunderne, der vender forbi standen under messen. - Vi har fået en snak med mange af

Knowledge Growth Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Growth Growth Knowledge Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Growth Growth Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Growth Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Enthusiasm Growth Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Growth Growth Growth Enthusiasm To-do: Growth Growth Enthusiasm Growth ✔ Growth Growth Growth Growth Enthusiasm Knowledge Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Knowledge Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Growth ✔ Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Knowledge Knowledge Growth

Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform for business growth and development.

Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform for business growth andis development. Qeqqata Municipality your natural platform We are Municipality atgrowth the heart of Greenland and our for business andis development. Qeqqata your natural platform We are at the heart of Greenland and our with strong industries are deeply connected for business growth and development. Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform industries are deeply connected with strong We are atMunicipality theof heart ofisGreenland and our Qeqqata your natural platform To-do: traditions education and entrepreneurship. for business growth and development. traditions ofgrowth education and entrepreneurship. industries are deeply connected with strong for business and development. Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform We are at the heart of Greenland and our To-do: ■ Expand Sisimiut harbour in 2012 – 2013 to in Sisimiut ■traditions Expand Sisimiut harbour in 2012 – 2013 to ✔ Open new and bigger harbour ofgrowth education and entrepreneurship. for business and industries are deeply connected withplatform strong Municipality is your natural Qeqqata Municipality isdevelopment. your natural platform To-do: Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform handle capacity ■Qeqqata Expand Sisimiut harbour inof 2012 – and 2013 to and ✔ We are atfuture the heart of Greenland our handle future capacity We are at the heart Greenland our traditions of education and entrepreneurship. for business growth and for business growth and development. Qeqqata Municipality isdevelopment. your natural platform industries are deeply connected strong handle capacity for business growth and development. ■We Expand Sisimiut harbour in 2012 –with 2013 to ✔ are atfuture the heart of Greenland and our Intensify development of with thestrong industries are deeply connected ■ Intensify development of the aluminium ✔ for business growth and development. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform industries are deeply connected with strong ■ Intensify development of the aluminium handle future capacity are the heart of and our Qeqqata Municipality is your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is your natural platform We are at at the heart of Greenland Greenland and our project in Maniitsoq ■We Intensify development of the aluminium ✔ traditions of education and entrepreneurship. for business growth and development. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. aluminium project in Maniitsoq industries are deeply connected with strong for business growth and development. for business growth and development. Qeqqata Municipality is your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is your natural industries are deeply connected with strong We are at the heart of Greenland and our platform Qeqqata Municipality is your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is your natural We are at the of is Greenland and our platform project inheart Maniitsoq project indevelopment Maniitsoq ■ Intensify of the aluminium ✔ Qeqqata Municipality your natural platform ■ Build road from Sisimiut to the international traditions of education and entrepreneurship. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. for business growth and development. for business growth and development. industries are deeply connected with strong QEQQATA QEQQATA for business growth andisdevelopment. for business growth and development. industries are deeply connected with strong Qeqqata Municipality your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is your natural platform We are at the heart of Greenland and our for business growth and development. project in Maniitsoq We are at the heart of Greenland and We are our atSisimiut the heart of Greenland andthe our airport in ■ Build road from toMUNICIPALITY the international BUSINESS COUNCIL ofKangerlussuaq education and entrepreneurship. Build road from Sisimiut to QEQQATA QEQQATA for business growth and development. for business growth and development. ■traditions Build road from Sisimiut to the international industries are deeply connected with strong traditions of education and entrepreneurship. industries connected with industries strong are deeply connected with strong QEQQATA QEQQATA We areMunicipality atare thedeeply heart of Greenland and We are our atSisimiut the heart of Greenland and ournatural platform Qeqqata is your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is your airport inQEQQATA Kangerlussuaq BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY ■traditions Build road from to the international of education and entrepreneurship. We are at the heart of Greenland and our QEQQATA We are at the heart of Greenland and We are our at the heart of Greenland and our ■ Create a natural platform for business ✔ traditions of education and entrepreneurship. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. airport in Kangerlussuaq BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY industries are connected with industries strong are deeply connected with strong international airport Kangerlussuaq for business development. for business growth and development. We are atgrowth thedeeply heartand of Greenland and We are our at the heart of Greenland and our industries are deeply connected within strong airport in Kangerlussuaq BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform To-do: growth and development ■ Create a natural platform for business ✔ traditions of education and entrepreneurship. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. industries are are deeply with industries strong are deeply connected with strong industries deeplyconnected connected with industries strong are deeply connected with strong QEQQATA QEQQATA traditions of education and entrepreneurship. forgrowth business growth and development. and development ■ Create aCOUNCIL natural for ■ Create aSisimiut natural platform for business traditions ofthe education entrepreneurship. traditions ofplatform education and entrepreneurship. BUSINESS MUNICIPALITY traditions of educationand entrepreneurship. traditions of education and entrepreneurship. Expand harbour in 2012 – 2013 ✔ QEQQATA QEQQATA Create a natural platform for We are at heart of and Greenland and We are our at the heart oftobusiness Greenland and our Qeqqata Municipality is your natural growth and development BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY handle future capacity growth and development We are at the heart of Greenland andplatform our QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA industries are deeply connected with industries strong are deeply connected with strong QEQQATA QEQQATA forbusiness business growth and development. growth and development industries are deeply connected with strong BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY GREENLAND SCHOOL QEQQATA QEQQATA ■traditions Intensify development of aluminium traditions of education and entrepreneurship. traditions ofthe education and entrepreneurship. ✔ BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY of education and entrepreneurship. OF MINERALS AND BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY SCHOOL Qeqqata Municipality is your natural Qeqqata platform Municipality is GREENLAND your natural We are at the heart of Greenland and our PETROLEUM, PART OFplatform QEQQATA QEQQATA project in Maniitsoq QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA OF MINERALS AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE for business growth and development. forare business growth and development. industries deeply connected with strong BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY GREENLAND SCHOOL PETROLEUM, PART OF QEQQATA QEQQATA BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY OF GREENLAND QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA QEQQATA ■MUNICIPALITY Build road Sisimiut to the international OF MINERALS AND traditions of from education and entrepreneurship. 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Enthusiasm Growth Enthusiasm Growth ✔ Enthusiasm Enthusiasm

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Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform for business growth andis development. Qeqqata Municipality your natural platform for business growth and development. Qeqqata Municipality your natural platform We are at the heart of is Greenland and our for business growth and development.strong industries connected We are atare thedeeply heart of Greenlandwith and our traditions of education and entrepreneurship. industries connected We are atare thedeeply heart of Greenlandwith andstrong our traditions of education and entrepreneurship. industries are deeply connected with strong traditions of education and entrepreneurship.

Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform for business growth and development. Qeqqata Municipality is your natural platform QEQQATA QEQQATA for business growth and development. BUSINESS COUNCIL QEQQATA


We are at We theare heart Greenland and BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY atQEQQATA theof heart of Greenland andour our QEQQATA industries are deeply connected with strong industries are deeply connected with strong BUSINESS COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY traditions of education entrepreneurship. traditions of education and and entrepreneurship.









Intech har solgt for 700.000 kroner til Grønland til separering af stenbiderrogn.

Nye liner med zink på DanFish Fra 1. april i år blev det i Danmark forbudt, at ny-indkøbe liner, der indeholder bly. Og i Hvide Sande, hvor Frydendahl Fiskenet har produceret net til fiskeriet siden 1933, tog man udfordringen op. Nu mener Mogens Frydendahl fra det familieejede firma, at de har fundet løsningen. - Vi bruger zink i stedet for bly, og er her på standen for at vise, vi uden problemer kan sy den ny typer liner på garnene. Det er Riina Õunaid, som er produktionsdirektør for vores 100 medarbejdere på syfabrikken i Estland, der styrer symaskinen her på DanFish, fortalte Mogens Frydendahl. Endnu er det kun Danmark som har indført forbud mod bly i liner, men Mogens Frydendahl forventer, at flere lande følger efter. Den ny line ”Sinkline”, er blevet patenteret og er den eneste der produceres i verden.

Intech opfandt nyt anlæg til stenbidderrogn Første anlæg til 700.000 kr. solgt på DanFish til virksomhed i Nuuk i Grønland Det var en glad medejer af Intech International NEWS mødte på standen torsdag. Hans egen opfindelse af et nyt linieanlæg til at klargøre den populære stenbidderrogn var blevet solgt til en grønlandsk virksomhed med base i Nuuk. - Jeg kender jo Grønland godt, og fik idéen deroppe, da jeg så 8-10 mand stå i timevis og arbejde manuelt med at klargøre stenbidderrognen. Sæsonen er intens fra midt marts til juni, så der skal bruges mange mennesker, fortæller Leif Andersen.

Virksomheden i Nuuk kan med rognseparator-anlægget nu producere 24/7 ved at starte maskinen og sætte en mand på opgaven. Anlægget fjerner hinder, afvejer i de tønder rognen transporteres i og der tilsættes salt og omrøres. Derefter er det kun at sætte låg på og transportere til markederne i Europa, der slubrer den salt, orange rogn i sig med stort velbehag. Leif Andersen og den anden medejer af Intech International Carsten Trudslev spår linieanlægget et stort potentiale både i Grønland og andre lande, der producerer den populære rogn. Hvem ved, måske skal Brønderslev-virksomheden der har fordoblet medarbejderstaben til 30 det seneste år, ud og ansætte endnu flere.

Totalleverandør af transport emballage i plast Totalleverandør

af transport emballage i plast Over 20 års erfaring indenfor transport emballage i plast, til både food- og Overmed 20 årsaterfaring indenfor transport emballage i nonfoodindustrien. Hos DTE vil vi gerne hjælpe dig udvælge den plast, til både food- og nonfoodindustrien. rigtige transport emballage til netop dit behov.

• Fiskekasser • Plastpaller, Inka paller • Plastkar • Plastspande og lågfade • m.m.

Hos DTE vil vi gerne hjælpe dig med at udvælge en transport emballage til netop dit behov.

    

Plastpaller Plastkasser Plastkar Plastspande m.m.

Ring 74 59 16 80 for mere information eller besøg vores Ring 74 59 16 80 for mere information eller besøg vores hjemmeside på hjemmeside på




Future growth in the human population will create a growing demand for fish.

Popular DanAqua conferences on what Denmark does best Denmark is a very small country and yet, across the world, we are known as experts in recirculating fish farms. In fact, more than half of the world's most advanced recirculating systems are built using Danish manpower and intellect. In Chile 70-80 percent of the land-based systems were built by Danish companies. They are all members of the AquaCircle branch organisation and all are attending DanAqua 2013. AquaCircle came up with the idea to hold "Farmers' Day" – a seminar for international fish farmers on the opening day of the trade show (Wednesday). It was so popular that many attendees unfortunately had to stand. DTU-Aqua and AquaCircle decided to hold an international conference on Thursday and today (Friday), at which recirculating fish farms are the sole item on the agenda. The conference can accommodate 200 attendees and was sold out long ago! The seminar and conference are sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers, BioMar, Grundfos, Billund Akvakultur and AKVA group.

Fish farming on land, in the water and... Population growth creates a growing demand for fish

If you have the impression that fish farming always takes place on land, we'd like to put you right. Most of the world's fish farming does indeed take place on land. The dominant markets include China, Bangladesh, India, Egypt, and Vietnam. At our latitudes, in terms of volume, most fish is produced in cage fish farms (offshore aquaculture). However, one thing is certain: All fish in aquaculture start

life in a land-based system. Some, such as salmon, are transferred offshore to grow.

Growing demand

Future growth in the human population will create a growing demand for fish. As the opportunities for increasing the volume of fish caught in the wild are negligible, the fish of the future must come from fish farms. Today more than 50 percent of the fish that ends up on the dinner table is produced in aquaculture. In future we will see aquaculture grow both

Photos of the day

on land and at sea, and the different technologies are expected to supplement each other. Fish which can live in both fresh and salt water, like the salmon family, will start life in a Danish-built recirculation system on land and later grow at units located far out at sea.

Harvest fish close to the market

Meanwhile, the future might also bring land-based systems which can produce harvest fish close to the market. In Denmark we already have two

such systems in operation and only time will tell if this type of fish farming is economically viable. It costs DKK 10 per kilo to fly Norwegian salmon to China, which means that asking Billund Akvakultur to build a system close to the market is, in financial terms, already an excellent idea. Energy optimisation and modularisation will undoubtedly play an important role in minimising the cost of such a system. Who knows? Before long, we may see Danish aquaculture systems on the outskirts of Milan, Paris, New York and Beijing!




A highly professional trade show in Aalborg Canadians attending DanFish for the fourth time The fisheries exhibitions in Seattle and Aalborg are two of the most important trade shows for Canadian electronics manufacturer, Notus Electronics. We talked to Director Brad Henderson from Notus Electronics.

"It's a highly professional trade show with many genuine contacts," he says to FishAqua News. He's not only referring to the Danes. The trade show also attracts visitors from Norway and Sweden and from countries much farther afield. "There are many Chinese. We had visitors from Croatia dropping in on the first day. Actually people from all across Europe," says Poul Jensen from the company, Leif

Jensen Grenaa. In addition to Notus' products, the Grenå-based company also represents Swedish scales company, Unisystem. We hear positive responses in connection with traceability, because the company's weighing equipment can now communicate with the SIF system. "It really is great and we have had many enquiries about SIF," says Poul Jensen.

Cooperation in fishing equipment and technologies

Energy optimisation in focus at the trade show Exhibitors keen to discuss ideas for minimising fuel costs For many fishermen, one of the biggest financial burdens is rising fuel costs. Initiatives which can provide better fuel economy in a fishing vessel are therefore also a focus

area at the DanFish trade show. And visitors to the show can get plenty of good ideas for making improvements. At the joint Hanstholm stand in Hall B, North Sea Yard is offering a complete retrofit. The company examines the fishing vessel from end to end and assesses what is required to improve the vessel's profitability. Focus at Hundested Propeller

is also on energy optimisation. The company has an outdoor and indoor display of propellers, which can improve fuel economy. In the stand area representing Thyborøn Harbour, another company, Thyborøn is presenting solutions for more eco-friendly and economical fishing, with focus on lower fuel consumption during fishing operations.

Trawl design is another topic which many drag net suppliers at the trade show are also keen to discuss. The choice of materials used in the trawl are decisive for fuel economy. A number of stands are presenting new types of LED light sources, which can also help to minimise electricity consumption on board.

In connection with the Matchmaking event at Enterprise Europe Networks stand, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between China National Fishery Technical Extension Center (NFTEC) and DanSea. NFTEC is an affiliated organ under the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for selection and promotion of principal recommended fishery technologies all over China, where as DanSea is the legacy of 4 generations and more than 100 years’ of experience from

the Danish and Scandinavian fishing and net making industry. The parties shall enter cooperation in fishing equipment and technologies, as well as other knowledge sharing, in order to help the Chinese fishing process with Danish experience and technology. On the picture showing: Ms. Audrey Wenyan Zhu of North Denmark’s EU-office (middle) together with Mr. Xue Xiao Ming of NFTEC (left) and Mr. Lars Jensen, CEO of DanSea (right).

Ring til din Polaris-ven, det er Glen. trawlmaster

Er din radio ved at gå på hæld, så ring til Keld ...

Mød os på stand A125 Polaris Electronics A/S - Tel.: +45 9631 7900 E-mail: -


Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS

Tlf. +45 8632 5392




Aalborg is ready to host the next fishing exhibition in Greenland in 2014.

We are ready for 2015! If you are an exhibitor and already know that you want to take part in the DanFish and DanAqua trade shows from 7-9 October 2015, please don't forget to complete a booking form. The forms have been distributed to all exhibitors' stands, or you can pick one up at the Organiser's Office. You can request stand location and, if you decide before 31 January 2015, you get 10 percent "early bird" discount on stand hire.

DanFish also backing the world's most northerly fisheries fair In Sisimiut, a town just inside the Arctic Circle, the sun shines day and night. From here, fisherman catch fish and shellfish along the west coast og Greenland and farther afield. You may not be aware that Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre also organises Polar Fish, which will take place from Friday, 3 October until Sunday, 5 October 2014. Polar Fish takes place every two years. In 2014, DanFish

International will be taking orders for stand sales, planning and executing the trade fair for the fifth time in partnership with Qettata Business Council and the Qettata Municipality, which are both also attending DanFish International 2013. The sales team is the same and therefore will be familiar to attendees at DanFish, so call Lasse Holsteen Jessen and Else Herfort if you want to try something new!



64 exhibitors from 6 countries 1,509 visitors

54 exhibitors from 8 countries 1,540 visitors



70 exhibitors from 11 countries 1,434 visitors

68 exhibitors from 8 countries 1,586 visitors

Take part

The Polar Fish trade fair presents new trends, techniques and equipment for the fishing industry. Since 2012, the trade fair has included products and services for other target groups. In addition to businesses and products dedicated to fishing, at Polar Fish 2014, it will also be possible to find enterprises and products which can be used in both the fishing industry and onshore supply plant. The Polar Fish trade fair will thus continue

to focus on fishing while also targeting other industries. To attract even more visitors, seminars on a range of relevant issues will be held in conjunction with the trade fair.

Target groups

Polar Fish targets exhibitors who are producers, processing companies, agents, suppliers within the shing sector, industry, the trades and utilities. Other players include consultants, public authori-

ties, educational institutions as well as trade organisations. Visitors who we know will visit this popular fisheries trade fair are the major Greenlandic shipping companies, shipyards, shipowners, pleasure boat owners, shermen, retailers, janitors, industry, educational institutions, tradesmen, etc.

Our sales team at the DanFish and DanAqua trade shows, Else Herfort and Lasse Holsteen Jessen, have the booking forms ready for 2015.

9850 Hirtshals Tel. 96560303





Dear exhibitors, dear visitors – thank you We hope to see you again soon We already now that, when the clock strikes four on Friday afternoon and we close the doors, the three trade show days will have been successful for you and for us. DanFish International and DanAqua are an overwhelmingly successful event. We are very proud of having "given birth" to it many years ago. Our "offspring " has grown big and strong and is 23 years old this year. DanFish with its strong international

appeal has become the trade show you simply must attend either as an exhibitor or as a visitor. The trade show is often the first step towards a future international trade deal, and the place, at which important orders are signed and sealed. Just imagine: we have exhibitors from more than 20 different countries and visitors from more than 40 nations. The seminars have been extremely popular. Several were sell-outs. We are so pleased that DanAqua has become such a great success for both exhibitors and

conference attendees, and we hope to see even more companies wishing to exhibit at the Danish trade show in the years to come. We wish to thank everyone for visiting the trade show. We hope to see you again in 2015. Yours sincerely, Ernst Trillingsgaard Director of Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre

Underwater radios cause a stir Water and electronics are normally a very bad combination. So the sight of two submerged radios in good working order on the Polaris Electronics stand is causing a stir. "It's really eye-catching. People are stopping to get a better look," says Keld Mørkholt Pedersen, Sales Manager at Polaris Electronics. He is very pleased with the first day of the trade show. He has barely had a minute to himself. "We're off to a flying start. There's been a good flow from the word go," says Keld Mørkholt Pedersen, who believes that the weather makes a difference, even though DanFish is primarily an indoor exhibition. "When the sun is shining and there's very little wind, fishermen go fishing. Today we've had good "trade show weather" with a bit of wind and rain," says Keld Mørkholt Pedersen. On the

first day of the trade show, he has noticed a strong interest in communications equipment. "Internet at sea, E-log reporting, SAT TV. A lot of people have shown an interest in these things," says Keld Mørkholt Pedersen. At Polaris Electronics, they also feel that the trade show has become broader, as the people who visit the show are no longer just fishermen. "Apart from fishermen, we have many guests from other maritime sectors. This is not surprising because the radio you use in a fishing cutter today is the same as the radio in a Maersk vessel," says Keld Mørkholt Pedersen. Caption 0742: Radios which work under water are pulling the crowds.

Underwater radios is an attraction at DanFish International.

We're here for the VIP Programme

Specielt tilbud på Isuzu marine motor

Denne Isuzu marine motor sælges på DanFish for højeste bud over DKK 52.000,00 excl. moms og leveringsomkostninger. Sidste bud på marine motor er fredag den 11. oktober kl. 14.00.

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About 100 key purchasers from more than 20 countries were invited to attend the DanFish and DanAqua trade shows via the VIP Programme. It works! We met Omega Shipping from Finland in the VIP Lounge about lunchtime on Thursday, where they had time to relax, eat snacks and refreshments before heading back out into the trade show. Johanna Ala-Mattinen owns a trawler, which catches herring. She and her family have recently completed a generational handover. Her father and uncle have retired and sold their trawlers. Johanna Ala-Mattinen does not mince words. - "If we hadn't been invited to attend DanFish, there's no way we would have come," she and her husband, Aki, explain. They are accompanied by Kristoffer Rønnberg. Johanna Ala-Mattinen thinks that an invitation to attend the trade show is a very fine gesture.

- "We are here for all three days and we have also taken a trip around Aalborg to see the town. And, of course, the waterfront area. We are staying at First Hotel Aalborg. The waterfront is pretty and we enjoy the lighting after dark. - I attended the trade show for the first time two years ago. This time we have mainly bought clothing and equipment for the crew," Johanna Ala-Mattinen explains. "Are you going to buy a new trawler too?" NEWS asks her. - "No!" Johanna chuckles. "Not this time, but I would very much like to try!"



Der har været seriøse henvendelser på messen hos ZF Danmark.

Vi er klar til 2015! Hvis du som udstiller allerede nu har lyst til at være med på DanFish og DanAqua messerne i fra 7.-9.oktober 2015, så husk at udfylde det reservationsskema, der er blevet uddelt på alle udstillerstande, eller få et i Arrangørkontoret. Her kan du ønske placering af standen, og hvis du så beslutter dig inden 31. januar 2015, så er der hele 10 procents hurtigtegningsrabat på standlejen.

Folk er mere optimistiske denne gang Har afsluttet aftaler på messen ZF Danmark er en af gengangerne på DanFish messen, og her mærker man en klar forskel fra 2011, hvor der sidste gang blev afholdt DanFish messe i Aalborg.

- Der er mere optimisme at spore blandt folk denne gang, og der er en større tro på fremtiden, siger Michael Johansson fra ZF Danmark. Han oplever, at der denne gang er flere blandt de besøgende, der er klar til at handle. - Der er helt klart flere seriøse henvendelser. Vi også haft nogle aftaler lavet inden messe, som nu er blevet afsluttet på messen, siger Michael

Johansson. Med på standen har ZF Danmark deres marinegear og kontrolsystemer, som blandt andet sidder i mange fiskefartøjer i Danmark. Det er dog ikke kun fiskere, der har været blandt de mange gæster, der har været forbi standen de to første messedage. - Messen er blevet mere alsidig, og den besøges nu af mange forskellige

grene inden for marinesektoren, og vi har været rigtig god tilfreds med messen indtil nu, siger Michael Johansson, og tilføjer, - Det er den eneste rigtig seriøse messe i Danmark, hvor vi kan komme uden for vores dør og vise vores produkter frem.

Vores sælgere på DanFish og DanAqua messerne, Else Herfort og Lasse Holsteen Jessen er allerede nu klar med reservationsskemaer til 2015.


Discarden sker inden fisken kommer i trawlet En interessant nyhed inden for sonarer har fundet vej til SeaTechs stand på DanFish messen. Det er IxBlue, der er kommet på markedet med en ny SeaPix 3D sonar med stærke multibeam funktioner. Den kan spare fiskeren penge og mindske discard. - Ved et discardforbud bliver det endnu mere vigtigt, at fiskeren kan være selektiv og

fiske målrettet efter en bestemt art og en bestemt størrelse , fortæller Christophe Corbières, der er udviklingschef hos IxBlue i Frankrig. Han er hentet op til DanFish messen af den danske forhandler SeaTech, for at han kan give SeaTechs kunder på messen en detaljeret information om den nye SeaPix 3D sonar. - Sonaren giver fiskeskipperen mulighed for selektivt at udvælge de fisk han vil fange.

Så kan han undgå, at fange fisk som skal discardes, og som i fremtiden måske slet ikke må discardes, men er mindre rentable at fiske på, siger Christophe Corbières. Den nye sonar er i stand til at vise enkelte fisk helt ned til en tykkelse på syv centimeter, og det giver næsten skipperen muligheden for at discarde, før fisken går i trawlet. Christophe Corbières peger også på, at den nye sonar sparer både brændstof og tid,

Onsdag: 2.338 Torsdag: 5.943

idet fiskeren, med de informationer sonaren giver ham kan fiske mere målrettet og derfor ikke behøver, at have trawlet så længe i vandet. SeaPix er allerede installeret i fiskefartøjer i Frankrig og Nordatlanten, og Christophe Corbières har fået tilbagemeldinger fra et af fartøjerne i Nordatlanten. - Han har rapporterer om en besparelse på omkring 30 procent i tidsforbruget, siger Christophe Corbières.

Thyborøn er altid et besøg værd - også på DanFish 2013 Besøg Thyborønstandene i hal D



Sverrir Bergsson er glad for at være på den danske messe, hvor der er kontakt til kunder i hele Skandinavien.

En dansk messe for recirkulation er vigtig Danmark er førende på markedet, og det er en messe værd Akvakulturen er repræsenteret af en række udstillere i hal D. En af dem er Billund Aquaculture, der har leveret recirkulerede anlæg til 26 lande. Det er første gang firmaet er på messen, men tilfredsheden er stor. - Jeg har tidligere brugt undskyldninger, som manglende tid. Men jeg må sige, at jeg er vendt 180 grader nu, konstaterer Bjarne Olsen, der er direktør for Billund Aquaculture. Han fremhæver, at messen viser Danmark som førende inden for recirkulerede opdrætsanlæg. - Det er fedt, at vi begynder selv at have en udstilling, siger Bjarne Olsen.

Netop Danmarks position er interessant. De recirkulerede anlæg vækster voldsomt, og interessen har været stor fra mange lande. Det er nemlig ikke et krav, at anlægget skal være placeret i nærheden af havet. - Det kan få vand fra det lokale vandværk. I fremtiden tror jeg, at vi vil se en række anlæg tæt på storbyerne, hvor der opdrættet laks op til fem kg, siger Bjarne Olsen. Han har haft kunder fra Kina, Sydkorea, Israel, Oman, Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Polen, Tyskland og Rusland forbi sin stand. Iøvrigt nævner han også, at der var 200 deltagere til en workshop, som akvakulturen arrangerede. Bjarne Olsen nævner også, at messen også har en anden funktion. Den fungerer nemlig også som netværk, hvor man mødes med konkurrenter og kollegaer.

Islandske både med gummibelægning Seigla håber på ordrer fra Grønland - Vi tror på, at der er et marked, siger Sverrir Bergsson fra bådebyggerfirmaet Seigla, om baggrunden for at det islandske firma, der er på DanFish for fjerde gang. De to første gange dog som en del af en anden stand.

EVERY TIME Miljørigtige dieselmotorer ™

Indtil videre har firmaet solgt et fartøj til en dansk fisker, men det er ligeså meget kunder fra Grønland, Sverige og Norge, som det islandske firma går efter. Og der er en forventning om salg. - Vi forventer at indgå kontrakter med grønlandske besøgende, fortæller Sverris Bergsson. Der bygges i glasfiber op til 50 meter, men det er typisk både mellem 15 og 17 meter, der efterspørges.

Det islandske værft begyndte at bygge nyt i år 2000 efter en årrække som reparationsværft. Værftet bygger i glasfiber, men uden på glasfiberen er monteret en gummibeklædning, der skal styrke skroget. - Det beskytter mod is og klipper, fortæller Sverris Bergsson, der viser et eksempel på en færge, hvor der er et beskyttende lag på 3-4 mm gummibelægning.

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Der blev serveret masser af friske rødspætter på gågaden i Aalborg, hvor der blev udleveret gratis rødspætter.

DanFish og DanAqua uddelte flade i Aalborg midtby Snesevis af mennesker trodsede vejret og begav sig ud i regnen mod Spar Nord Torv i Aalborg midtby for at få et par flade. Det var selvfølgelig ikke et par flade lussinger, der var tale om, men derimod friske rødspætter direkte fra havet. Det var Bak’s Friske Fisk og Delikatesser, der i samarbejde med

Mød os på stand C211 og oplev de mange nyheder indenfor LED-belysning til skibe og både.

Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center markerede DanFish International og DanAqua ved at uddele 500 gratis rødspætter ude i byen. Der var store smil at finde under paraplyerne og regnhætterne hos alle de fremmødte, der fik friske fisk med hjem til middagsbordet.

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Trygve Eiken fra Wärtsilä.

Skibsdesign i rivende udvikling Fremtiden er først lige begyndt for design og indretning af skibe og trawlere, hvis man spørger Trygve Eiken fra Wärtsilä, der har afdelinger i 17 lande og 19.000 medarbejdere på verdensplan. På et velbesøgt foredrag torsdag eftermiddag gav den velrenommerede chef for projektudviklingsafdelin-

gen, der har 25 medarbejdere, at give sit bud på fremtidens skibsdesign, og NEWS talte senere kort med ham om fremtidens skibsdesign. - Selv en halv time var ingenting til så stort et emne, der skulle dække alt. Men udviklingen er gået forrygende stærkt de seneste 100 år fra små fartøjer med små motorer, til vores store fiskeenheder i dag. Utroligt og udvik-

Uden VIP-program kom vi ikke Omkring 100 centrale indkøbere fra flere end 20 lande, var inviteret til DanFish og DanAqua messerne på det eftertragtede VIP-program. Og det virker! Vi mødte Omega Shipping fra Finland omkring middagstid torsdag i VIP Lougen, hvor det blev til et hvil, lidt snacks og en forfriskning, inden turen gik videre ud på messen. Johanna Ala-Mattinen er ejer af en trawler, der fisker sild. Hun og familien har just lavet et generationsskifte, hvor faderen og onklen er gået på pension og solgt deres trawlere. Johanna Ala-Mattinen er helt klar i sin udmelding. - Hvis ikke vi fik invitationen om at komme på DanFish, ville vi helt klart ikke være kommet, fortæller hun og hendes mand Aki, der også har Kristoffer Rønnberg med. Johanna Ala-Mattinen synes, det er en meget flot gestus af messen, at de bliver inviteret.

- Vi er i byen alle tre dage, og har også været rundt i Aalborg for at opleve byen. Og havneområdet, hvor vi bor på First Hotel Aalborg, er blevet meget flot, og vi nyder det i aftenbelysningen. - Jeg var her for første gang til messen for 2 år siden. Denne gang har vi hovedsageligt købt beklædningsudstyr til besætningen, fortæller Johanna AlaMattinen. Ikke nogen ny trawler, spørger NEWS? - Nej, griner Johanna, desværre ikke denne gang, men det vil jeg gerne prøve!

lingen stopper ikke, forudser Trygve Eiken. Han griber i lommen og tager sin Iphone 5 op og sammenligner: I 1995 vejede en sådan mobiltelefon to kilo, og i dag har vi denne med alle de nye teknologier og en enorm avanceret telefon. Sådan vil det også gå for skibsdesign i fremtiden. Inden for skibsdesign vil informati-

ons- og robotteknologierne få stor betydning fremover. - Men også ressourcerne får en hovedrolle, både ift. energi og fiskeressourcerne, ligesom sikkerhed for mandskabet og båden vil udvikle sig, spår skibsteknikeren, som siden 1975 har haft roret for udvikling.

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