Morning time: The birds are singing, you haven’t checked your e-mail yet, and you have a moment of peace before the day attacks. This is your opportunity to start the day off right. Like the common belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your morning exercise routine is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your to do list and feel great all day. Yoga positions, called asanas, are the basic physical part of a yoga practice. Although yoga poses are a type of exercise for your body, they are also much more. The word yoga itself is from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and refers to the union of mind and spirit. Yoga began in India more than 3,000 years ago and is still practiced today for the health of the mind, body, and spirit.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The sun is up and waiting for you to greet it. You’re probably going to be sitting most of the day, so stretch out now. This might be the only alone time you have all day. You’re going to need all the energy you can summon today. If you remember to breathe in the morning, you’ll probably breathe better all day.
A morning yoga practice is a great way to get energized for the day ahead.
Mountain MountainPose: Pose: Tadasana Tadasana
Benefits: Improves posture, sense of center, mental clarity; solid breathing exercise How to: Simply stand—feet hip-width apart, weight spread evenly—with your arms at your sides. Then breathe slowly and deeply at an even pace, keeping your neck aligned with the rest of your spine. You can move your hands and arms as you focus; some people take a prayer position or reach up to the sky for a stretch.
Tree TreePose: Pose: Vriksana Vriksana
Benefits: Improves your balance; strengthens your thighs, calves, ankles, and spine How to Take mountain pose. Then shift your weight onto your left leg. Keeping your hips facing forward, place the sole of your right foot inside your left thigh and find your balance. When you’re there, take a prayer position with your hands. To kick it up a notch, reach your arms up as you would in mountain pose. Be sure to repeat on the other side.
Downward DownwardDog DogPose: Pose: Adho Adhomukho mukhosvanasna svanasna
Benefits: Encourages full-body circulation; a great stretch for calves and heels How to: Get on all fours with hands and knees shoulder-and-hips-width apart. Walk your hands forward and spread your fingers wide for stability. Curl your toes under and carefully press your hips upward so your body looks like an inverted V with your knees slightly bent. You can get a stronger stretch by keeping your heels on the floor; “walk your dog” by alternately pressing your heels down.
Upward UpwardFacing FacingDog: Dog:Urdhva Urdhva mukha mukhasvanasana svanasana
Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the spine, arms, and wrists How to: Lie facedown on the floor with your thumbs under shoulders, legs extended with the tops of your feet on the floor. Tuck your hips downward as you squeeze your glutes. Keeping your shoulders down, push up and lift your chest off the ground. Relax and repeat.
Warrior WarriorPose: Pose: Virabhadrasana Virabhadrasana
Benefits: Strengthens and stretches your legs and ankles How to: Stand with your legs three to four feet apart. Turn out your right foot 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly. Keeping your shoulders down, extend your arms to the sides with your palms down. Lunge into your right knee 90 degrees; keep your knee over your foot and don’t let it go past your toes. Aim your focus over your hand for as long as you like then switch sides.
Pigeon PigeonPose: Pose:Eka EkaPada Pada rajakapotasna rajakapotasna
Benefits: opens up the shoulders and the chest; great quad stretch How to: Start in a push-up position, your palms under your shoulders. Place your left knee on the floor near your shoulders with your left heel by your right hip. Press your hands to the floor and sit back with your chest lifted. You can also lower your chest closer to the floor for a stretch. Try it on the other side.
Child ChildPose: Pose: Balasana Balasana
Benefits: lets you relax and breathe into your back; stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles; relieves back and neck pain. How to: Sit upright comfortably on your heels. Roll your torso forward and bring your forehead to rest on the ground in front of you. Extending your arms forward, lower your chest to your knees as close as you comfortably can. Hold the pose and breathe into your torso. Exhale and release to get deeper into your fold.