7 yoga poses to improve digestion

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Yoga is a multi-functional tool. It helps to resolve many issues that get in the way of connecting to your true self. Times change, people change, but yoga is still relevant in what it can do for each one of us. It is believed that good digestion is the key to good health. According to Ayurvedic doctors, the stomach plays and important role in regulating the body’s mechanisms and a healthy stomach can help keep acne at bay, make you less irritable, helps keep your body safe from diseases like indigestion and in some cases even cancer. You can adapt your yoga practice to address the issue of digestion just the same way you adjust your diet to address your needs. Here are a few yoga practices that you can add to your routine to help attain internal purity:

This pose is essentially known for its ability to regulate the working of the thyroid glands. These glands are responsible for the proper functioning of the entire body including the digestive, nervous, reproductive system, regulating metabolism and respiratory system. Apart from that , it nourishes the spine with a good supply of blood and oxygen, helping you beat nervous system disorders, and improving your all round health.

Image source - > http://www.expandinglight.org/i/anandayoga/asanas/large/sarvangasana.png

This aasana strengthens your legs, knees, ankles and chest. It also helps improve digestion and improves one’s rate of metabolism.

Apart from that it improves mental equilibrium making you more calm, reduces anxiety and stress, thereby helping you beat acidity and stress related stomach ailments like constipation.

Image source - > http://yousigma.com/health/trikonasana2.jpg

ď ą This pose opens up the chest, improves breathing, reduces stress, strengthens the shoulders, back and abdomen and more importantly improves circulation and digestion.

ď ą The pose is great in helping the stomach acids function normally thereby helping you beat symptoms like acidity, constipation etc.

Image source - > http://www.yogapoint.com/yoga-poses/images/types-of-asana/vakra-hasta-bhujangasana1-inner-img2.jpg

Also known as the child’s pose, this aasana is a calming and restorative in nature. It allows you to relax and stretches out your arms, lower back and spine. Since this pose relaxes you it is best to beat stress and relieve gastrointestinal symptoms related to the condition. So, after that tiring day at work, this is the best aasana for you.

Image source - > http://blog.herbalwoodglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Balasana.jpg

ď ąThis pose is great to heal the digestive system and relieve stress, it helps stretch out your back, neck, calf muscles and hamstrings. It is a great pose to quieten the mind and beat insomnia.

Image source - > http://www.happymindmagazine.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/janu_sirsasana-image1.jpg

 Most twists directly affect the area below the ribcage where most digestion happens. Twists squeeze your body's most important detox player, the liver, hastening an inner cleanup of all the junk we consume.  While doing a twist, focus on the breath. Don't rush out of them; spend at least 8-10 breaths on each side.

Image source - > http://www.yogawithamey.com/images/twists.jpg

ď ą This cleansing technique draws its name from the words Agni (Fire), Sar (Essence) and Kriya (Action). Fire is the essential element of digestion, and this cleansing action stimulates this digestive fire to work at its optimum level. ď ą It is easy to learn, and takes just a few minutes a day. Do it first thing in the morning after a glass of water


Image source - > http://soyayoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Agnisar-kriya.jpg

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