SoleOPS instructions
SoleOPS instructions
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 2012
SoleOPS-system in SAMK
1) Curricula and Academic year plan 2) Course description, course material 3) Enrolling for a Course 4) Course feedback 5) PSP 6) Guidance discussion 7) Printouts
In this system, the student can edit his or her individual study plan (PSP) and respond to the guidance discussions. The replies to the guidance discussions are accessible to the student and to the supervising teachers only. The PSP will also be accessible to the office employees.
SoleHOPS instructions Videos in YouTube: SAMKSoleHOPS’s channel Login with your SAMK ID.
The above menu includes links to change the language, to the front page and to the user instructions for the SoleHOPS program (Student Guide, Enrolment Guide, Feedback Guide). Use the Log Out link to exit the program.
1) Curricula and Academic year plan
2) Course description, course material Search for course description
You can use values 1. Academic year or semester 2. Implementation location 3. Degree program
3) Enrolling for a Course Enrolling for a Course (YouTube) Enrolling for a Course (PDF).
Choose the personal study plan (PSP).
Find out if the implementation of the course is included in the PSP. If not, add the implementation. Press the �Add course from curriculum� button to find the courses that have been changed in the curriculum. You can`t find these with any other search function, so check this first.
Choose a study unit by checking the appropriate box.
Add the implementation.
Choose implementation (if there are several options, choose the implementation of-fered to your group).
You can enroll during the enrolment period by checking the appropriate box. You will see the total number of the currently enrolled students including yourself. You can cancel the enrolment by unchecking the box. NB: When the teacher has confirmed your enrolment, you can no longer cancel it.
The teacher has now confirmed your enrolment.
For some reason, the teacher may have to reject an enrolment that he or she has previously confirmed.
The teacher may also remove a confirmed enrolment. In accordance with SAMK’s Performance Regulations, the enrolment period for a course closes one week after the beginning of the course.
4) Course feedback Giving feedback on the studies is always included in performing the studies. and in YouTube  
5) PSP You can have a look at your personal PSP by clicking on the PSP link. When you open the PSP for the first time, you can see the modules and courses included in the curriculum of your group.
The student can edit the PSP according to his or her personal preferences. If no implementation is indicated for a course, you can add it by clicking on the Add Implementation button. An exclamation mark next to the studies means that the implementation of these studies is finished and evaluation is due. Non-compulsory studies can also be removed from the PSP. The student may alter the planned progress of studies by removing the implementation from his or her PSP with the Delete Implementation button. Then he or she can seek a new implementation for these studies.
Courses can be moved from one place to another. However, moving the course must be done in accordance with the instructions provided by the teacher tutor. If studies are added to the curriculum at a later stage, they will not be automatically included in the student’s PSP; they need to be individually selected, and this can be done by the student him or herself. Studies are added to the PSP by using the link at the upper edge of the page. Changes made by the students are entered into the PSP as proposals and distinguished by the blue colour. When the desired changes have been made to the PSP, it shall be sent for approval using the Send For Approval link at the upper edge of the page. The supervisor shall approve or reject the proposals. The PSP will automatically display the implementation of the courses with a single scheduled implementation. There will be a link through which a list of future implementations of the course is available. The table will show the implementation code, target group, implementation methods, implementation period with starting and ending dates, as well as the teacher in charge. When the student clicks on the Select box of the chosen implementation, it will be entered into the PSP as a proposal. In addition to the title, code and extent of the course, the course rows provide other information on the course. Academic years are indicated in the vertical columns. The number of ECTS credits for the course is marked for the academic year during which the course is scheduled to be completed. The PSP table indicates whether the course is compulsory or optional. The Target Period column can be filled in by the student. The Status column indicates whether the course has been planned or perhaps already completed. As regards completed courses, the date when the study performance was entered into the study record, as well as the grade, are displayed.
Studies from outside the PSP, for example free choice electives Studies can be added to the PSP by using the link
The search criteria may be defined with eight different values, for example the number of years of education and degree programme.
You should make the choices from the courses that can be implemented and have registration time left.
Check also the implementation period, in order to ensure that it is suitable for your own programme! After this you only need to enrol for the implementation of the course by ticking the appropriate box .
6) Guidance discussion Guidance discussions are accessible through the development discussion link at the left edge. When a discussion has not yet been responded to, it can be edited with the Edit Replies button.
When you have clicked on the button, below each question you will see an Edit Data button, through which you can answer the question.
Remember to push the Save button when your reply is ready. The Return button will take you back to the question menu without saving the reply.
Below the questions, there is a Return link through which you can go back to the start page of the guidance discussion. Replies can be amended until they are sent to the supervisor. When all your replies are ready, send them to the supervisor using the Send To Supervisor link below the questions.
Do not forget to respond to the Well-being section, for which there is a separate link.
Finalised replies can be browsed by pushing the Browse Replies button.
The teacher tutor’s comments are visible below the replies.
7) Printouts Printouts include the documents created by the student, e.g. PSP annual view that can be used as a transcript of records. Start the PSP annual report from Print PDF.
Printing takes some time; therefore, the status is ”running” at first …
… and printing is not possible until the status is ”finished”.
In Printouts, you will see the list where you can make your choice.
The printed annual plan shows the studies and possible completion dates for each year.
If necessary, you can obtain the school’s stamp on the printout from the school’s office.
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu