POINT-TO-POINT DEEP FIBER ACCESS Dedicated broadband with Ericsson EDA 1200 Fiber Solutions
It’s no exaggeration to say that optical fiber has now begun to replace the copper loop as the preferred access medium for fixed access networks. And this is a trend that will continue for decades to come. One option is to deploy active Ethernet all the way to the end user. With point-to-point (P2P) fiber, each end user gets a dedicated connection that will meet future upgrade requirements and can provide unlimited and symmetric bandwidth. Other key benefits are high scalability and service transparency, which means the ability to provide any service irrespective of other users in the network. P2P fiber also offers optimal security as each line is dedicated to a single end user – a feature required by many large businesses.
An attractive long-term business case A fiber access plant is a valuable asset that should be considered as a long-term investment. Some incumbent operators have already built Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) networks to support their IPTV offers. Even though FTTH requires a considerable upfront investment, upgrades to active FTTH systems have often proven to be the most attractive business case – from a perspective on the future. P2P fiber is especially cost-effective for greenfield sites, where investment in new access infrastructure is already required. Compared to copper and hybrid fibercoax networks, OPEX will be considerably lower as P2P fiber enables fewer and more centralized sites with no