Chatterbox - 240920

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Showing support for our Armed Forces

On Wednesday we held our own Armed Forces Day celebrations.

It was a day where we showed our support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community. This includes the veterans and reservists who work, or are patients, here at the Trust.

We were joined by members of the Army, RAF Shawbury, Help for Heroes, Shropshire Armed Forces Outreach and Shropshire Carers Support.

Thank you to all who came along to celebrate.

Forces community

The Trust, along with local partners, organisations and businesses, support Armed Forces personnel through the Armed Forces Covenant, of which we are a proud signatory. Through the Covenant, we recognise the value serving personnel, reservists, veterans, and military families bring to the Trust.

Veteran Aware is an accreditation programme designed to support NHS trusts in understanding and meeting the needs of the armed forces community and providing better healthcare. By holding this accreditation, as a Trust, we seek to deliver a more joined-up experience of care for serving personnel and their families and continue to play a leading role in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin in improving the care of veterans in our community.

We’re listening

Your voice matters

We want our culture to be positive, compassionate and inclusive – and we all have our part to play.

Following your feedback, in recent years we have implemented a cultural transformation programme built around three flagship programmes which has brought about cultural improvements across all the People Promise elements and themes.

It is really important that you all share how you are feeling at work. Whether that’s through the annual Staff Survey, which will launch next month, regular People Pulse surveys, to your line manager or any other route.

Spotlight on: Sexual Safety Charter

To help improve our culture, SaTH has signed the Sexual Safety Charter which means we commit to a zero-tolerance approach to any unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviours. If you have any questions, please contact your manager, supervisor, FTSU or the People Advisory team.

Breaking the silence: Sexual Safety Conference

All NHS Partners across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent have collaborated to create a strong and joined-up system approach to sexual safety.

All local NHS Trusts and the two local ICBs are holding a virtual event ‘Developing & Ensuring our ICS Sexual Safety Culture: Breaking the Silence – Together we say NO to harmful sexual behaviour’ on Wednesday 2 October, 9am-5pm, to educate and raise awareness for colleagues. Click here to see the agenda.

If you are interested in attending, please complete this form by Friday 27 September. A link to attend will be provided closer to the event and you can use it to join any of the sessions you are interested in – as we understand you may not be able to attend the whole day - just remember to keep a note of the times of the sessions you’d like to attend. A recording of the sessions will also be shared afterwards.

Do you want to share your team improvements following feedback?


Scan the QR code to view the full Health & Wellbeing offer

Staff Health Checks

To support the wellbeing of our staff, the Trust is partnering with Nuffield Health to offer Free Health Checks. The Nuffield Health Checks will cover:



•Blood Pressure

•Glucose Levels

•Cholesterol Levels

Nuffield clinicians will also be onsite to discuss health inequalities such as obesity, diabetes, COPD and asthma, and how staff can receive the relevant support for themselves or others around them. The Health Checks will take 1015 minutes. There is no need to book a slot, just turn up. For more information, contact

Nuffield will be on site on the following dates from 9.30-3.30pm:

Date Site Venue









20/11/2024 PRH

10/12/2024 PRH

Room 10, SERRI

Room 10, SERRI

Room C, Education Centre

Room 10, SERRI

Room C, Education Centre

Room C, Education Centre

Staff health checks

This week we have been delighted to welcome NuffieldHealth to RSH as part of our new partnership to provide staff health checks.

They are supporting colleagues with BMI, blood sugar checks, weight and height.

Keep your eyes peeled to find out about their next visit.

Inclusion week

Next week we will be celebrating National Inclusion Week.

The theme for 2024 is ‘Impact Matters’ which centres around understanding, identifying and measuring impact on marginalised groups, the impact departmental success and identifying the blockers and opportunities for making genuine, sustainable change. It’s about applying an impact mindset to inclusion and diversity work.

Creating a truly inclusive workplace is a collaborative effort; it takes genuinely dedicated leadership working with the wider organisation to create sustainable change.

The Inclusive Employers organisation, list six key pillars of inclusion which are Engage, Equip, Embed, Empower, Evaluate and Evolve.

The EDI team will be out and about across both sites during the week. Keep an eye out for them.

Please see the intranet for details of all the masterclasses taking place next week.

Paediatric Vitals - We are live First EPR User Group takes place

The Digital Services Team hosted the first Electronic Patient Record (EPR) User Group last week on Friday 13 September.

The session, held in the SECC, was open to all EPR users who wanted to come along and hear more about the programme, such as what’s been achieved so far and next steps.

The session then featured a Q&A and drop-in session, where colleagues could come and ask specific questions regarding systems such as CareFlow and Bluespier to subject matter experts.

Tracy Jenkins, Registration Authority Manager and session attendee, said; “It was really valuable to meet members of the EPR team and other users to learn from the experiences of others and hear about the future developments. I look forward to the next meeting to see what is happening next.”

Further sessions will be scheduled in due course, with all colleagues warmly welcome to attend.

Coaching skills for leaders

Congratulations to the recent cohort of the Coaching Skills for Leaders programme: Sophie Rawlings-Jones, Dee Wiggan, Sian Burley, Heidi Van Duivenbooden, Debbie Grafton, Megan Oldfield, Lisa O’Brien and Rachel Hanmer.

Parking Updates

Thank you so much to all of you who have been supporting us to improve car parking for everyone. We have been seeing some improvement but are now appealing for more of you to do your bit.

More and more of our colleagues are discovering the benefits of the Park & Ride service running at both PRH and RSH sites.

With ample parking spaces available and shuttles running every 15 minutes, why spend time trawling for those elusive on-site spots? If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a go... you might just like it.

And to those of you who are already enjoying the benefits, thank you for helping to keep our car parks free for colleagues, patients, and visitors who need them most.

You can find more details including full timetables on the intranet.

By the look on his face, even SimMan was excited about trying the Park & Ride during Simulation Week


Liftshare is a fantastic app which helps colleagues to find a car-sharing match, with the average user saving over £1,000 per year on their daily commute, whilst reducing congestion and doing your bit for the environment.

Find out more and register here.

Healthcare Simulation Week success

We have been celebrating Healthcare Simulation Week this week. On Monday, colleagues took part in a medical escape room.

On Tuesday, 13 amazing teams took part in the escape room experience.

Although the four rooms were developed originally with medical students in mind, a variety of teams from doctors to secretaries, physiotherapists to estates staff and comms to pharmacy colleagues took part with great enthusiasm!

A huge thank you to those who helped make the day a success, particularly the Undergraduate Medical Education Team.

Results are as follows Team

Tumour terminatorsLouise Killey12:49

“ Thank you to all the teams who took part. We hope to see you again next year!

Best team name

There were some fabulous names, but the winner is a team who were thrown together at the last minute but demonstrated fantastic teamwork and came up with their name on the spot.

The EyeballersPhillipa Downes14:42 (beating the next team by just two seconds)

Escape goats (we had 2 teams with this name!)

Rachel Jones17:55

Eyescape in timePhillipa Downes16:20

Moulage Masterclass

Jenny and the pre-packers!’

Colleagues were treated to a ‘Moulage Masterclass’ - an opportunity to learn how to use special effects makeup to add an extra layer of realism to a simulation.

Falls Awareness Week

Falls are NOT an inevitable part of growing old. Together, we can help prevent trips and falls in hospital.

This year’s theme for Falls Awareness Week (23-27 September) is “From Awareness to Action”, to underline the fact that falls are not a normal part of ageing. Most falls can be prevented and older adults have the power to reduce their risk of falling. Maintaining physical activity and boosting fitness levels are a key part of reducing the risk of falls.

This year we have been raising awareness of the harms associated with Hospital Acquired De-Conditioning (HAD) and work with ward staff to come up with ideas on how to prevent HAD using the theme of get up, get dressed, get moving created by Professor Brian Dolan when he launched End Pyjama Paralysis in 2018.

Deconditioning syndrome is the condition of physiological, psychological and functional decline that occurs as a result of complex physical changes’ which happens with prolonged bed rest and the associated loss of muscle strength.

The impacts on HAD and prolonged bedrest can lead to these conditions.

What is Donate 2 Motivate?

We are on a mission to improve patient experience by sourcing clothing for our patients to motivate them to get dressed and get out of bed!

What you can do to help

We would love if colleagues at SaTH can join the movement and donate any unwanted clothes to the donation boxes at both sites (purple wheelie bins at RSH in link corridor opposite Ward 25 and PRH in the old league of friends next to Amazon lockers).

We are looking for the following items which should be in good condition and generally suitable for those aged 60+, we are looking for a variety of summer and winter wear:

• T-shirts & blouses

• Cardigans and jumpers

• Skirts and dresses

• Trousers & joggers

• Pyjamas

Washed, organised and stored on Ward 28 at RSH and Ward 9 at PRH to give to patients

can get dressed out of hospital clothes and sit in their

What is deconditioning?

Deconditioning (noun, medical): The process of losing physical strength through being ill, injured, or not active. Deconditioning is a complex change that occurs in a patient's body following long periods of inactivity or bed rest. This a ects a patient's physical and mental health and ultimately results in functional decline, prolonged hospital admissions and increased mortality.

Why does this matter in the context of donating clothing? Long periods of time in bed wearing a hospital gown is not good for recovery. Providing patients with comfortable, warm clothes during their admission could motivate them to get up out of bed and mobilise. If you have any questions,

Clare Walsgrove: Ext 2525 or Lynette Williams: Ext 2285 or

Clothes donations from colleagues

SACC Quality Governance Team Roadshow

The Quality Governance Team for Surgery, Anaesthetics, Critical Care and Cancer performed roadshows recently at both RSH and PRH and visited their divisional areas to meet with various colleagues.

The aim of the roadshow on 15 August and 22 August was to raise awareness of the Quality Governance Team and to highlight their accessibility and offer of support.

The team were there to listen to any concerns, share positive outcomes and remind staff of the importance of maintaining contact and positive working relationships, with the moto “See it, Report it, the Quality Governance Team will help you sort it!”

“ “ See it, Report it, the Quality Governance Team will help you sort it!

No problem is too small to report

Improve our care and keep our patients safe

Conversations with staff during the roadshow emphasised the importance of the ‘just’ and open culture and learning from incidents to support the improvement of our services. Colleagues were encouraged to continue to report incidents, to raise awareness, to allow the Trust to remain open and transparent with staff and patients.

Kind engagement with our patients and staff to understand safety better

“Every health care professional’s aim is to give the best care to each individual patient; this best care is achieved by ensuring that it is safe and that there is continuous improvement to care, which is the essence of the role clinical and quality governance. As a team we want to support our departments in this and also start learning from the excellent work that departments are doing.”

Mrs Blossom Lake, Clinical Director for Governance for SACC

“It is really important that the clinical teams are supported with all aspects of governance, that starts with getting to know their governance team – fabulous work, on both sites, visiting all clinical areas within SAAC.”

Kath Preece, Assistant Director of Nursing, Quality Governance

Congratulations to our colleagues from right across the Trust who started their leadership development journey at the start of September.

They are undertaking a commitment to their personal development and focusing upon personal leadership during the four day programme ahead. Day 1 was all about setting the foundations, the group will meet again in October for module 2 – understanding others.

There are 23 in total on the programme, and day one was facilitated by Andrew Smith and Marie Mason. Nick Robinson will be joining Andrew to facilitate the remainder of the programme.

Good luck everyone. 2025 programme dates will be published soon – please email to express your interest.

Friday 25th October, doors open at 7pm

Book early to avoid disappointment! Radbrook Community Centre, Calverton Way, Radbrook Green, Shrewsbury SY3 6DZ

Questions from Quiz Setter Lucy Goff

Tasty Light Refreshments, Rafße & Bar

Tickets £12.50 per person (teams max 4 and can be made up on the night)

To book please contact or Sue in the LoF ofÞce 01743 261007

In aid of The League of Friends of the Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital

The Trust has Secure Staff Cycle Shelters at both RSH and PRH sites.

To access please email sath. with the following details:

• Type of bike ie hybrid, commuter, racer, mountain, folding, ebikecolour and brand.

• Where you intend cycling from? District (Gains Park / Hadley).

• Contact details ie department, NHS email & Ext number Location RSH/PRH


Winners for September

1st £500

Julia Johnson, ITU

2nd £250

Isabelle Brindley, Therapies

2nd £250

Cecile Pollitt, Maternity Transformation

3rd £100

Rebecca Martin, Therapy Centre

3rd £100

Julie Brosnan

3rd £100

Sally-Anne Thomas, Care of the Elderly

3rd £100

Poppy Horrocks, Public Participation Team

4th £50

Sarah Perks, Orthodontics & Maxillofacial

4th £50

Clare Norton, Maternity Outpatients

4th £50

Nicola Cork, Bariatric Team

4th £50

Mary Camp, AMU

4th £50

Rebecca Paterson, NNU

12 cash prizes every month!

Payment will be deducted from your salary; winnings are paid into your salary the following month

Why not join our lottery?

50% of profits are given out in prizes and the other 50% is adding to our Small Changes Make a Big Difference Fund all of which is spent on items for staff.

The SaTH Small Things Make a Big Difference Fund aims to improve the working environment and amenities for all employees.

Click here to download the T&C’s and enter the staff lottery

I had an appointment at the colposcopy clinic recently, and I wanted to say a big thank you to the Women’s Services Dept.

These are the sorts of appointment that nobody really wants to attend but your whole department was calm, caring and gentle. Your staff were all lovely and even made a hot drink for you after the appointment.

We are always too ready to criticise but I hope that you will give the whole team a pat on the back for doing a great job.

Many thanks

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