F&h september merinda cancer and lifestyle & beauty section 2015 inner

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Dedicated to cancer patients


f numbers are to be believed, India has about 1.8 million people suffering various forms of cancer. There is just one oncologist to treat every 2,000 patients. These numbers are alarming. It is also believed that a large number of cases of cancer go undetected and under- diagnosed. Some deaths due to cancer aren’t even recorded. Sadly, the survival rate in India for most types of cancer is low when compared to the developed nations of the world, despite India boasting of state-of-

the-art treatment facilities that are on par with the developed nations of the world. A patient suffering from any cancer goes through mental, physical and emotional trauma. Some become victims and lose their battle while the blessed ones emerge survivors and live on. Children are also vulnerable to this deadly disease. It is sad that a child suffering cancer goes through the so much pain and agony. Childhood which is supposed to be the time when kids play, learn and grow

turns out to be otherwise for kids who suffer from cancer. Talk about children who suffer this deadly disease and one brave child Melinda Rose comes to mind. It was during the February of 1994 when Melinda Rose from Canada was diagnosed with Askin’s tumour, which is a rare form of blood cancer and inevitably terminal. She was just 12 years old then. Like all parents who do their best for their kids, Melinda’s parents went out of their way in order to save their little

Some of Melinda's friends gave her a 15th birthday party in 1996

child. However, doctors gave up and claimed that this little girl would live for only a couple of weeks. Fate had something else in store for this small girl who had a strong will power. Melinda lived each single day as if it was the first and the last day of her life. To say that she was positive was an under estimation of her strength. When the medical fraternity gave up and gave their answer, it was the determination and will power of 12 year old Melinda that kept her going. The treatment that she underwent made her weak. Yet Melinda had a positive outlook towards life and her strong belief kept her going. She lived a good six months. Throughout the time that she lived she connected with other children who also suffered from cancer. She interacted with their care takers. She wrote poems, letters and e mails and brought a lot of cheer to them. Till her last breath Melinda didn’t give up. She stayed upbeat and lived every moment of her life with a smile on her face. Since then September 22 is celebrated to share the trauma and to emphasise with their anguish and pain that patents suffering cancer go through. September 22 is called Cancer Rose Day and it is dedicated to all cancer patients. On this day the anguish and pain that cancer patients go through is remembered. Across the world cancer institutions organize rallies and events to

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Melinda ready to go to Disneyland

Melinda with Santa and her birthday cake

sensitize people about cancer. Cancer screening camps, seminars and workshops are conducted to make the public aware about cancer and the various ways how it can be prevented. Back home in India, across the nation this day is celebrated in the oncology department with the cancer patients. Many celebrities and ministers participate in Cancer Rose Day celebrations. Roses, fruits and gifts are distributed to the cancer patients. Cancer Rose Day is an important day in the calendar for the various trusts and institutions supporting cancer patients. On Cancer Rose Day philanthropy in cash and kind pours in from various corners of the society. Will include quotes about Cancer Rose Day from only Cancer Trusts. Melinda with Baritone


food&health Aug - Sep 2015



Dance your way to fitness

Lifestyle Beauty

Dancing your way to fitness has many advantages. A few of them may include:

Filler Beauty Did you know that dancing is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy? Any form of dancing has a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. Moreover, dancing is recommended as a therapy by doctors. Dancing as therapy is not restricted to the young. Anyone can take up any form of dancing. Dancing is known to stimulate all our senses; sight, sound and touch. Any form of dancing leaves the participant relaxed. It is one of the best physical activities that involves the entire body. Known to have great benefits on bones and joints,

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dancing has proven to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Listed below are a few dance techniques when performed on a regular basis can help improve your life. Zumba your way to fitness Trademark owned by Zumba Fitness, LLC, Zumba is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto Beto Perez during the 1990s. Involving dance and aerobic elements, Zumba hiphop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges

are also included. Zumba Gold, Zumba Step, Zumba Toning and Aqua Zumba are to name a few. If numbers are to believed, more than 15 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 200,000 locations across 180 countries.

music. To his sheer surprise and awe it became an instant hit with his students in Colombia. In 2001 he joined hands with COO Alberto Aghion and COO Alberto Aghion to produce a reel demonstrating their concept. Corporate house Fitness Quest licensed it christen it Zumba which technically has no meaning.

How Zumba came into being?

Why Zumba can help stay fit?

Aerobic trainer Beto Perez forgot to carry with him his tape of aerobics music for a class of students whom he was training. To make up for the loss, he used the music system in his car that consisted of nontraditional salsa and merengue

Zumba exercise includes exercise movements that are performed with fast and slow rhythmic music. Zumba classes last one hour long. They have been broken into nine levels of classes for different age groups and for different levels of

exertion. Highly recommended for those who wish to shed those extra pounds, Zumba movements also help in tightening and toning the body. Zumba workouts have also proved to relieve stress. It is recommended that you Zumba your way to fitness under the guidance of an instructor who is licensed by Zumba Fitness, LLC. T’ai chi ch’uan your way to fitness T’ai chi ch’uan is a Chinese martial art practiced for both its defence training and its health benefits. T’ai chi ch’uan training involves five elements, solo hand and weapons routines and forms, breathing,

Improves condition of your heart and lungs

Increases muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness

Increases aerobic fitness

Improves muscle tone and strength

Helps in management

Results in stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis

Better coordination, agility and flexibility

Improves balance and spatial awareness

Increases confidence


Improves functioning


Improves general and psychological wellbeing

Greater self-confidence and self-esteem

Better social skills.



food&health Aug - Sep 2015


movement and awareness exercises and meditation, response drills and self defence techniques. In China, t’ai chi ch’uan that is categorized martial arts and it is believed the arts applied with internal power. In the early 20th century it was by Yang Shaohou, Yang Chengfu, Wu Chien-ch'uan, and Sun Lutang who promoted t’ai chi ch’uan for its numerous health benefits. Thus, Tai chi had developed among people as a fitness therapy. How t’ai chi ch’uan came into being? When translated t’ai chi means the source or the beginning and ch’uan means fist or boxing. T’ai chi is a common misspelling. Originally there are five major styles of t’ai chi ch’uan and each style is named after the Chinese family from where it originated. In this contemporary era keeping in mind t’ai chi ch’uan for health, several new styles of t’ai chi ch’uan have been developed from the original five styles. However, the international school recognizes the original five forms of t’ai chi ch’uan.

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Why t’ai chi ch’uan can help stay fit? Often described as a form of meditation, t’ai chi ch’uan has evolved into a graceful form of exercise that has umpteen proven health benefits. T’ai chi ch’uan is a slow form of exercise that is performed in a focused manner accompanied by deep breathing techniques. Each posture effortlessly flows into the next without a break. This is to ensure that the body is in constant motion. There are many recognized styles of t’ai chi ch’uan. Each style is built on the various tai chi principles and methods. This form of low impact exercise puts minimal stress on muscles and joints. It is highly recommend for people of all age groups especially the old. It is proved that t’ai chi ch’uan when practised on a regular basis can help in decreasing stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help in improving mood, energy, stamina, flexibility and balance. Bokwa your way to fitness If having some fun with alphabets and numbers is on your mind, you can bokwa your way to fitness. This form of fitness exercise allows the participant to draw numbers and letters with their feet. This

is accompanied by an energising cardio routine. How Bokwa came into being? Fitness instructor Paul Mavi based out of L.A joined hands with T.V. and fitness entrepreneur Johann Verheem to bring out their African styled dance concept in 2012. The dynamic duo initially launched their new dance concept in the United Kingdom and then the U.S. This form involves the dancers to perform steps allowing them to jazz it up with extra shimmies, hip bumps, or other free styling moves. Bokwa when translated means South African form of music and dance. How Bokwa can help stay fit? If burning calories is on your mind, Bokwa is the fun way to achieve this. The energising music and the fun predictable movements are known to keep participants involved and completely addicted. It is believed that a single session of Bokwa can help burn about 1,200 calories. Bokwa is also known to reduce the risk of heart disease as can enhance muscular strength, improve flexibility and cardio respiratory endurance. Also proven to reduce stress Bokwa can help deal with depression, self-esteem, cognitive functions and anxiety.

If you are thinking of taking up a form of dancing in order to stay fit, suggestions include: •

See your doctor for a check-up if you have a medical condition, are overweight, are over 40 years of age or are unfit.

Wear layers of clothing that you can take off as your body warms up.

Do warm-up stretches or activities before you begin a dance session.

Drink plenty of water before, during and after dancing.

Make sure you rest between dance sessions.

Don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if you are a beginner.

Wear professionally fitted shoes appropriate to your style of dance.

Check with your dance instructor that you are holding the correct form.

Sit and watch new dance moves first. Learning new moves increases your risk of injury, especially if you are already tired.

Perform regular leg-strengthening exercises.

Move as fluidly and gracefully as you can.

Cool down after a dance session, including stretching.


food&health Aug - Sep 2015


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