Liability in Dog Bite Lawsuits There are dozens of dog attacks in the United States each year. Some breeds are more dangerous than the others. But, you can never really tell which dog may end up attacking you. If you or a loved was recently attacked by a dog and suffered injuries, you should speak to a dog bite lawyer Los Angeles. Some bites can result in disfigurements, infections, scarring, and even death. California is a Strict Liability State - Dog owners in California are not protected even if they did not have any prior reason to believe their dog could have attacked someone. The dog owner is liable for damages because California is a strict liability state.
Dog Bite Claim Proofs - You need to prove the following to show your dog bite claim is successful:
The defendant was the dog owner.
The bite occurred when the victim was on public or lawfully private property.
The victim was bit by the dog that resulted in the injury.
Dog Bite Liability in California - The dog bite owner is the defendant in most dog bite cases. However, there can be certain exceptions depending on the circumstances of the case. These people can be held liable for dog bite injuries in California:
Landlord: This is true if the landlord knew the dog was dangerous and did not have the animal removed from the premises.
Caretaker: The party caring for the dog at the time of the incident can be held responsible. However, this is true only if the caretaker had prior knowledge about the incident.
Commercial property owner: Commercial property landlords have a duty towards others to inspect their property for dangerous conditions, including dangerous animals.
Property owners: Property owners of residential properties can be held responsible if a hole in the fence or something else led to the dog escaping and attacking someone off-site.
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