Proteus Design Manual

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THE BRAND Proteus Legend Brand Philosophy 2. GRAPHIC STANDARDS Proteus Logo Incorrect Logo Usage Typography Standards Color Standards 3. STATIONERY SYSTEM Proteus Stationery Letterhead Envelope Business card 4. PROMOTIONAL TOOLS Pattern Tool Kit Cologne bottle Soap Towels Promotional brochure 5. CLOSING REMARKS Conclusion Contact Information


The Proteus Brand

THE LEGEND OF PROTEUS In Greek mythology, Proteus is an early sea-god, one of several deities. Homer calls him the “Old Man of the Sea,” whose name suggests the “first,” as protogonos is the “primordial” or the “firstborn.” He is the son of Poseidon in the Olympian theogony (Odyssey iv. 432), or of Nereus and Doris, or of Oceanus and a Naiad, and was made the herdsman of Poseidon’s seals, the great bull seal at the center of the harem. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar from several cultures, will change his shape to avoid having to; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of “versatile,” “mutable,” “capable of assuming many forms.” “Protean” has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability. According to Homer (Odyssey iv:412), the sandy island of Pharos situated off the coast of the Nile Delta was the home of Proteus. In the Odyssey, Menelaus relates to Telemachus that he had been becalmed here on his journey home from the Trojan War. He learned from Proteus’ daughter, Eidothea (“the very image of the Goddess”), that if he could capture her father he could force him to reveal which of the gods he had offended, and how he could propitiate them and return home. Proteus emerged from the sea to sleep among his colony of seals, but Menelaus was successful in holding him, though Proteus took the forms of a lion, a serpent, a leopard, a pig, even of water or a tree. Proteus then answered truthfully, further informing Menelaus that his brother Agamemnon had been murdered on his return home, that Ajax the Lesser had been shipwrecked and killed, and that Odysseus was stranded on Calypso’s Isle Ogygia. According to Virgil, in the fourth Georgic, at one time the bees of Aristaeus, son of Apollo, all died of a disease. Aristaeus went to his mother, Cyrene, for help; she told him that Proteus could tell him how to prevent another such disaster, but would do so only if compelled. Aristaeus had to seize Proteus and hold him, no matter what he would change into. Aristeus did so, and Proteus eventually gave up and told him to sacrifice 12 animals to the gods, leave the corpses in the place of sacrifice, and return three days later. When Aristaeus returned after the three days he found in one of the carcasses a swarm of bees, which he took to his apiary. The bees were never again troubled by disease. The children of Proteus include besides Eidothea, Polygonos and Telegonos, who both challenged Heracles and were defeated and killed, one of Heracles’ many successful encounters with representatives of the pre-Olympian world order.

The Proteus Brand

BRAND PHILOSOPHY The power and force of the ocean with the calm and serenity of the sea. This Brand Manual is an important document because it explains the standards of the Proteus brand. The mission and goals of the company are represented in the visual presentation of the brand. Please follow these guidelines when designing anything for Proteus. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to promote the Proteus ideals of adaptability, power and serenity, while keeping the needs of the consumer as the number one priority. BRAND VISION Our vision for Proteus is to develop the brand and to continue creating a timeless style that will last well into the future. BRAND VALUES Proteus values include adaptability, power, serenity, timeless style, and impeccable quality.

The Proteus Brand


Graphic Standards

THE PROTEUS LOGO The Proteus logo is at the heart of all communication aimed at the consumer. Designed in the shape of a sea horse this logo represents the brand values and symbolizes the aquatic features of the god Proteus. When using this logo, it must always appear in the Adobe Garamond Pro typeface. The sea horse logo will only appear in the blue color, white, or black. It will never appear in the brown. This includes all applications of the logo such as stationery and packaging. In certain circumstances such as embroidery, it is acceptable for the logo mark to appear on its own, without the word Proteus. It is mandated by the Brand Licence. It helps consumers: it shows this is an authentic legitimate business and it helps them identify quickly identify all things related to the Proteus brand.

Graphic Standards

INCORRECT LOGO USAGE As the hallmark of the Proteus brand, the logo must uphold the standards of usage in order to maintain its unique identity and be immediately recognizable to the consumer. The following list are examples of incorrect usage of the Proteus logo. Do not outline the logo. Do not use the logo in all brown. Do not stretch the word Proteus. Do not reverse the colors of the logo mark and the word Proteus. Do not tilt the logo mark. Do not stretch the logo mark. Do not change the orientation of the word Proteus. Do not move the word Proteus above the logo mark.

Graphic Standards

TYPOGRAPHY STANDARDS Adobe Garamond Pro is the typeface that supports the Proteus brand. This simple and elegant type complements the Proteus sea horse logo mark. The mark itself implies the letter ‘P’ and therefore does not need to be tainted with any overly elaborate or decorative typefaces. These six styles are acceptable for usage in various type applications: regular, italic, semibold, semibold italic, bold, and bold italic.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

In promotional materials, the body copy should be left justified when appropriate and can appear in various shades of brown. For ease of use, letterhead copy should always set in black, be left aligned, and be 12 points.

Regular Italic Semibold Semibold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Bold Italic

Ut apienis eum fuga. Ut volorem eum quis cupta aut quia volum rest, corisci libus, sus. Bis aut apidit landandiscit fugias quaeribero dolorem resti optat utem et vel et minctiam nisquibus et et aliqui quam eat repelicitae sitatiur, cus ea audanimi, inverion porumquo quiatus enis que eum quia simConsequam liquam nis ab ium vellese quaecatiam dent aut plitatias

Promotional Body Copy

Ut apienis eum fuga. Ut volorem eum quis cupta aut quia volum rest, corisci libus, sus. Bis aut apidit landandiscit fugias quaeribero dolorem resti optat utem et vel et minctiam nisquibus et et aliqui quam eat repelicitae sitatiur, cus ea audanimi, inverion porumquo

Letterhead Body Copy

Graphic Standards

COLOR STANDARDS The Proteus brand colors consist of a distinct blue and brown. These colors symbolize the ocean and the sand. Of the two, the blue is most important because it never varies. The saturation will always remain at 100%, while the brown can be tinted in increments of ten from 100% to 10%. This gives the brand and its logo a distinct quality and the tints of brown add enough variety to give some visual interest to the design of promotional items.

Graphic Standards

Pantone 308 C C94 M60 Y27 K7

Pantone 7533 C C55 M60 Y65 K40

100% tint

50% tint

90% tint

40% tint

80% tint

30% tint

70% tint

20% tint

60% tint

10% tint


Stationery System

PROTEUS STATIONERY A letter or a business card is a chance to make a first impression, and this stationery system will give the impression of class and quality to whoever encounters it. The Proteus corporate stationery system is printed on a laser safe vellum paper. The paper has a subtle stripe pattern embedded within it. The slight transparency of the paper is symbolic of the aquatic characteristics of the god Proteus.

1234 Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/16/05 Dear Mr. Henry, Tem quid maxim volest harum qui qui con nectae pera conem facea conseque excea corendi dolupta sum et que eicaborem as re paruntiam sit quiam exceatum que nihil is dolorempores core consequodit et que veligna tiaestio ommodis dunt, te litatem dolut volora dis molorporerum audipsunto beatquis eos sequi nihilit velliquam ulparchil ium sae eium ad quibus, si sitius adi sumque aliquaest evererrunt re, ut andus re none non et re et offictas in cor asitetur, aut omnim faccabo. Ut exeritatur sunt earum et fugitis sundam, aperferupta re elignis et perferum eossinu lluptat asperem que vendignatem fugit harum vendissit occusciur maionse quistotati ute nos dolorem. Nem hil ipidita et inctur, omniandel ipiciat. Mi, officat. Imusamusam veniet res et dolorei ctorepe repraer uptate in reicta nonem fuga. Bendellu piendi quist omnihit estibus moloribero que nonesci derias idenectur audae debis magnimp ossectecessi ut enis aut repudit

JANE CALDWELL Creative Director 355 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 Tel +1 212 610 5023 Fax +1 212 610 4897


Jane Caldwell

355 Park Avenue South | New York, NY 10010 | Tel +1 212 610 5000

355 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010

Stationery System


The Proteus letterhead will be printed on the vellum striped paper at the typical letterhead size, which is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. This stationery paper comes with the Proteus logo and company address information already printed on it. The logo is one inch tall and one inch wide. The company address information is in Adobe Garamond Pro at 9 points and it is in the Proteus brown at 100% tint. The body of the letter will most likely be typed in a Microsoft Word template and to make it easy to use for the non-designer, it will use Adobe Garamond Pro in 12 points and the color will be black.

.75" 2.25"


1234 Main Street Boston, MA 02123 03/16/05 Dear Mr. Henry, Tem quid maxim volest harum qui qui con nectae pera conem facea conseque excea corendi dolupta sum et que eicaborem as re paruntiam sit quiam exceatum que nihil is dolorempores core consequodit et que veligna tiaestio ommodis dunt, te litatem dolut volora dis molorporerum audipsunto beatquis eos sequi nihilit velliquam ulparchil ium sae eium ad quibus, si sitius adi sumque aliquaest evererrunt re, ut andus re none non et re et offictas in cor asitetur, aut omnim faccabo. Ut exeritatur sunt earum et fugitis sundam, aperferupta re elignis et perferum eossinu lluptat asperem que vendignatem fugit harum vendissit occusciur maionse quistotati ute nos dolorem. Nem hil ipidita et inctur, omniandel ipiciat. Mi, officat. Imusamusam veniet res et dolorei ctorepe repraer uptate in reicta nonem fuga. Bendellu piendi quist omnihit estibus moloribero que nonesci derias idenectur audae debis magnimp ossectecessi ut enis aut repudit


Jane Caldwell

355 Park Avenue South | New York, NY 10010 | Tel +1 212 610 5000

.75" 1"

Stationery System

ENVELOPE The Proteus envelope is a standard #10 envelope, which measures 9.5 inches wide by 4.125 inches tall. It will also be printed on the striped vellum paper, but to conceal the information inside, there will be an envelope lining. This lining has a pattern with the Proteus logo mark printed on it (more about the pattern in the promotions section). The address is set in Adobe Garamond Pro at 9 points and is 100% tint of Proteus brown.



.5" 355 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010






Stationery System


The Proteus business card is a standard size at 2 inches wide and 3.5 inches tall. It will also be printed on the striped vellum paper, but this heavier stock will be able to be printed double sided. The vertical format is the best option for the card not only because it is unique, but also because it leaves more space for the logo to be larger on the back side of the card. Here is just one instance where the logo mark appears by itself. The full mark is shown on the opposite side of the card. The employee’s name and title appear in Adobe Garamond Pro set at 9 points with 100% tint of Proteus blue. The name appears in caps, while title is in upper and lower case type. The address is also set in Adobe Garamond Pro at 8 points with 100% tint of Proteus blue. The .625� thumb space around the card allows for a person to hold it comfortably without blocking any of the type.





.625" .625"

3.5" JANE CALDWELL Creative Director 355 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 Tel +1 212 610 5023 Fax +1 212 610 4897

.625" 2"

Stationery System


Promotional Tools

PROTEUS PATTERN The Proteus pattern is an important element in the branding materials. As you have already seen its application in the stationery system envelope, it is also related to the promotional materials. The pattern appears here at the appropriate size, color and angle. Please do not alter the pattern in any way. It is not meant for use on large scale objects. It is meant for the viewer to have a more intimate experience with the logo mark. The pattern can be downloaded at the branding website.

Promotional Tools

PROTEUS TOOL KIT The Proteus Tool Kit was designed with the modern man in mind. Hard at work, he needs to get ready fast and keep all his materials in one place. Proteus provides its customers with a quality product. The classic scent is perfect for the office, on a date, or working outdoors. Proteus is powerful and adaptable and this makes it a suitable choice for every man.

Promotional Tools


1.7 fl eau de toilette


50 ml

The Proteus cologne is the primary product in the brand. The packaging is consistent with other promotional materials. The glass bottle with a cork stopper is representative of the quality of the cologne. It gives an impression of masculine elegance. The cork is untreated, which also shows that the Proteus brand is down to earth (and sea) and it relates to the notion that Proteus is in tune with the natural world. It also has the qualities of a message in a bottle, and there is something special inside here.




Promotional Tools

SOAP PACKAGING Proteus soap is another component to the tool kit and it is also availabe for individual sale. The paper wrap has the same stripe pattern as the stationery system. The dimensions are 5 inches wide and 6.75 inches tall. The package folds simply around the soap and is sealed on the sides.




Promotional Tools

EMBROIDERY STANDARDS Proteus hand towels are an essential component to the tool kit. They are available in white with blue embroidery, beige with blue embroidery, and blue with white embroidery. The dimensions of the logo mark are 1 inch wide by 2 inches tall. When packaged for sale, the Proteus towels are bound with a 2 inch belly band displaying either the brand’s logo or pattern. The towels are always sold in multiples of two, so both wraps are available in every package.



Promotional Tools

TOOL KIT BROCHURE The Proteus Tool Kit comes with a promotional brochure. This is an opportunity to give the viewer more insight and experience with the Proteus brand. The thematic photographs are representative of the brand’s photographic style that is explained in more detail at the design guide online. The promotional brochure is laid out in a square format. The dimensions are 6 inches by 6 inches. The binding is covered with a pattern based on the Proteus logo, and the pattern specifications are more defined later in this section.

A tool kit that provides the essential tools for today’s modern man. The Proteus Tool Kit was designed with the modern man in mind. Hard at work, he needs to get ready fast and keep all his materials in one place. Proteus provides its customers with a quality product. The classic scent is perfect for the office, on a date, or working outdoors. Proteus is powerful and adaptable and this makes it a suitable choice for every man.

Tool Kit

The power and force of the ocean with the calm and serenity of the sea. In Greek mythology, Proteus is an early sea-god, one of several deities whom Homer calls the “Old Man of the Sea,” whose name suggests the “first,” as protogonos is the “primordial” or the “firstborn.” He became the son of Poseidon in the Olympian theogony (Odyssey iv. 432), or of Nereus and Doris, or of Oceanus and a Naiad, and was made the herdsman of Poseidon’s seals, the great bull seal at the center of the harem. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar from several cultures, will change his shape to avoid having to; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of “versatile,” “mutable,” “capable of assuming many forms.” “Protean” has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability.

Promotional Tools


Closing Remarks

CONCLUSION This manual is a comprehensive guidebook to using the Proteus logo in a way that positively represents the brand, while demonstrating a cohesive style in all communications, the application of these standards will ensure a professional result and a consistent display of the Proteus image. By implementing these standards, we are building a level of consistency and unification that is part of out marketing strategy to increase the value of out best known and most important asset—the Proteus name. In order to ensure the success and consistency of our visual identity, these standards should be applied everywhere the Proteus logo appears.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Marketing 212.610.5023 Photography 212.610.5845 Printing Services 212.610.5228 Vendors and Suppliers Business Services 212.610.5733 Public Relations 212.610.5274 To Download the Proteus Files Please go to

Closing Remarks

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