Harbor Brook Green Streets Community Meeting Presentation

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Save the Rain Harbor Brook Green Streets Project Community Meeting April 2, 2019

Adam Woodburn (adamwoodburn@ongov.net), 315-435-5402 Sarah Casey (scasey@jmt.com), 315-937-2151 J. Ryan McMahon, II County Executive


Presentation Timeline Stormwater Management Save the Rain Harbor Brook Green Street Project


Stormwater Management Stormwater

“Rainwater or melted snow that runs off streets, lawns and other sites� U.S. EPA In natural areas, this stormwater is absorbed into the soil or flows into bodies of water


Save the Rain Gray Infrastructure “Includes the pipes, pumps, ditches, and detention ponds engineered by people to manage stormwater� Soil Science Society of America

Designed to move water away from the built environment 4





Presentation Timeline Stormwater Management Save the Rain Climate Change and Land Use


Save the Rain • Consent Judgement – 1989 • Alleged violations of State and Federal water pollution control laws • Onondaga County held responsible for portion of pollution • Performed series of studies to evaluate need for upgrading Metro and to treat CSOs • Amended Consent Judgement (ACJ) – 1998 • Framework to upgrade Metro and address CSOs • Focused on conventional gray infrastructure • Planned to build a number of regional treatment facilities (RTFs)


Save the Rain Program Overview • way to meet environmental goals without building more Regional Treatment Facilities (RTFs) • Combined approach – gray and green infrastructure




Save the Rain STR Goals • Control stormwater • Prevent sewage overflows • Keep Onondaga Lake Clean • Water quality • Percent stormwater capture


Save the Rain Pre STR • 74% of combined sewage and stormwater flows were captured • 25% of this flow was untreated Post STR • 97.7% of combined sewage and stormwater flows are now captured • Exceeded mandated stormwater capture goal (95%)


Save the Rain STR Gray Infrastructure Projects • Capture 469,000,000 gallons of CSO volume/year


Save the Rain STR Green Infrastructure Projects • Capture 154,000,000 gallons of CSO volume/year • Over 200 green infrastructure projects constructed since 2011


Green Infrastructure Technologies • Porous or Pervious Pavements – Porous asphalt – Porous concrete – Porous pavers – Flexible porous pavement

Green Infrastructure Technologies • Bioretention • Rain Gardens • Bioswales

Image source: http://www.gallatin-tn.gov/wp-content/uploads/Rain-Garden-Diagram-1.gif

Green Infrastructure Technologies • Rain Barrels • Cisterns • Underground Infiltration

Green Infrastructure Technologies • Tree planting

Green Infrastructure Technologies • Green Roofs

Green Parks – Rosamond Gifford Zoo

Green Parks – Leavenworth/Barker

OCPL Green Library Initiative

Green Schools – Hughes Magnet School

46,000 pounds of trash removed from Inner Harbor in 2017


Onondaga Lake is experiencing a remarkable recovery

Water quality in Onondaga Lake is the best it’s been in 100 years!


Benchmarking Phosphorus and Chlorophyll Dissolved Oxygen


Presentation Timeline Stormwater Management Save the Rain Harbor Brook Green Streets Project




Location Map

CSO-066 CSO-006

West Genesee Street Park Avenue

Wilkinson Street Richmond Avenue

oli Magn

et tre nS ls o ue Ne en Av ur ilb


South Geddes Street

Wall Street

uth So

We st F aye tte Stre et

Liberty Street

t Stree e e s Gene West Park Avenue CS0-007 Apple Street Er La ie ke Bo v ie ule w va Av rd en W ue es t

t Wes d r a lev Bou e i r E

a Stre et


Seymour Street 30

CSO 009 - Magnolia Street and Wilbur Avenue We st F aye tte

Str eet

n Mag S olia tr ee t

et tre nS lso ue en Ne Av ur ilb W uth So

Project Area

West Marcellus


Project Area Seymour Street


Magnolia Between West Fayette and West Marcellus


Magnolia Between West Fayette and West Marcellus New Trees New Trees

Underground Infiltration Trench

New Pavement Limits


Magnolia at West Marcellus and Nelson


Magnolia at West Marcellus and Nelson

New Trees

New Pavement Limits

New Ramps/ Concrete Replacement

Underground Infiltration Trench

Magnolia Between West Marcellus and South Wilbur


Magnolia Between West Marcellus and South Wilbur

New Catch Basin and Concrete Replacement

New Pavement Limits New Pavement Cross-slope

New Trees Underground Infiltration Trench


South Wilbur Between West Marcellus and Conservation


South Wilbur Between West Marcellus and Conservation

New Pavement Limits

Underground Infiltration Trenches

New Pavement


CSO 066 - North Geddes Street

Project Area

Park Avenue

North Geddes Street

West Genesee Street


North Geddes Between West Genesee and Park


North Geddes Between West Genesee and Park New Curb Stormwater Inlet

New Bioswale/ Bioretention Area

New Trees


CSO 007 – Richmond Avenue

Wilkinson Street

Project Area

South Geddes Street

Wall Street

Liberty Street

Richmond Avenue

Erie Boulevard West


Richmond Between Liberty and Wall


Richmond Between Liberty and Wall

New Trees Underground Infiltration Trench

Concrete Replacement

New Pavement Limits


Richmond at Wall


Richmond at Wall New Ramps/ Concrete Replacement

New Pavement Limits

New Tree and Adjacent Sidewalk Replacement



Richmond Between Wall and North Geddes


Richmond Between Wall and North Geddes New Pavement Limits

Underground Infiltration Trench

New Trees


CSO 006 – Lakeview Avenue B air te F Sta lvd

Project Area

treet S e e es t Gen s e W

Park Avenue

ie Er d ar ev ul Bo t es W

La ke vie w

Apple Street Av en ue


Lakeview Between Park and Apple


Lakeview Between Park and Apple

New Ramps/ Concrete Replacement

New Pavement Limits Underground Infiltration Trench

City of Syracuse to mill and pave Lakeview Avenue along project limits after completion of this project.

Construction Approximate Schedule: • Magnolia Street – June 26 to September 2, 2019 • South Wilbur Avenue – Completion Deadline October 15, 2019 • North Geddes Street – Completion Deadline October 15, 2019 • Richmond Avenue – Completion Deadline October 15, 2019 • Lakeview Avenue – June 26 to September 2, 2019 Additional Notes: • The Contractor is working on specific schedules for each project. • Final Construction start dates will depend on project permits. • The County will provide updates to those signed in at this meeting via email and online at savetherain.us and @savetherainus

Adam Woodburn (adamwoodburn@ongov.net), 315-435-5402 Sarah Casey (scasey@jmt.com), 315-937-2151 Follow Save the Rain

J. Ryan McMahon, II County Executive


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