I am a second year student studying Industrial Design at Loughborough University.
I am looking for a 12-month industry placement. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for in my Portfolio.
Men’s Hair Diversity
Internet of Things Project
Arduino Project
Live hinge Project
Data Visualisation
Individual Work 10 Weeks
Group Work 5 Weeks
Individual Work 2 Months
Individual Work 1 Week
“To identify an opportunity from a user- “Design an interactive prototype using “To design a logo, a 5ltr truck lubricant “To design
Individual Work 1 Week
a product with live hinges “To design an easy understandable
centred perspective to design an IoT Arduino, you may choose to hack an bottle and a 250ml hand wash bottle for students living in accommodation infographic after collecting the relevent product”
existing product.” We manufactured that travels down from a smaller cross- to use, the prominent material of this research and data. The topic must relate
I designed an ultrasound scanning a
that section to a larger one.“ The logo was product must be polypropylene .”
to human factors”
device that collects data and shares it to competes a student against another designed using their name and their I designed a flat pack and compact shoe I collected research showing the diversity the doctor from home.
student to complete their set work.
product. I designed the lubricant bottle storage unit that can be easily built up of men across England and Wales by analysing the design DNA of a truck. and transported. And many iterations of the hand wash bottle was done.
through their hair properties.
A Pregnancy Ultrasound device for couples to use from home.
I talked with family members on their previous pregnancy and talked about some worries and problems they had. I was able to create a journey map to identify the key stages that take place; from the ďŹ rst thought of being worried about the health of the baby to the action of showing your loved ones the picture of the unborn child. I got insights into the process and stages that would follow if there were any complications and my aim with this project was to simplify and shorten that process.
ÂŁ102 For average private pregnancy scans
Scans required for anomalies
Babies born with very low birth weight in 2016 in England I designed a device that allows a pregnant lady to do an ultrasound scan very easily and cost-effectively from home. The user can see the image on their phone/ tablet/PC/TV screen and the doctor can keep up with the progress digitally. Fewer trips to the hospital are made necessary which saves fuel, time and money for both the user and hospital.
Babies born preterm each day in 2017 in the UK
Babies miscarried each day in 2017 in the UK
Design Process. I sketched a wide variety of ideas initially, then decided to develop on certain ideas. I rendered on Sketchbook Pro three of my favourite ideas and chose one to make a sketch model to get an idea of size and form. I really liked the idea of having a light that ashes to indicate the baby’s heart rate. It was important for me that the product resembled the baby inside the womb and didn’t just look like a medical device, hence the limited number of buttons, organic form and no digital screen which is an easy thing to use on an IoT product.
User Testing. From the user evaluation of the foam model, I learnt that there was confusion in how to hold the product. So I made it smaller and developed the design which was simpler to understand. I also made the LED feature much smaller. It was important for me not to lose the baby aesthetic.
The light communicates the baby’s heart rate. A single button to sync with the app, also to start the scan. Fewer buttons mean a simpler and more user-friendly interface. I didn’t want it to seem like a medical device. You can charge the device by resting it on top of the charging dock. The light will communicate when it has fully charged. I made sure that the form of the charging dock matched the style of the product. Also, it was important to me that when charging, the device should look like it is sleeping.
A two-player concept game that invites users to study with more efďŹ ciency by having them put their phones on the line.
Persona. Creating a detailed persona helped us to put constraints on the product which helped us in making design decisions to solve the problem most effectively. Like when deciding what the product needs to do and solve.
Part of the assignment was to choose a company and link the product according to the design language of that company. We chose DropBox to be our imaginary client: the boxy aesthetic and the blue and white colour scheme.
The code was constructed in Arduino and the product makes use of two buttons, an LDR, two servos and six LEDs. The lights indicate the initiation of the game as well as the duration they have been working for. When the sixth LED turns on it means they have been working for one hour. When one person has ďŹ nished their set work, they push their button and the other player’s phone gets trapped inside for one hour.
Some of my work as a design intern for a tool and die manufacturing company based in Dubai.
Air Freshener Lid. Small but effective alteration of a lid modelled on SolidWorks for an air freshener bottle as speciďŹ ed by the client. The deeper grooves allow for extra friction and less force required to open the lid.
Logo. I designed a logo for a company called TaxOil. The shape of the logo needed to be integrated into the injection moulding die to make the bottle.
Vehicle Lubricant. 5ltr truck lubricant bottle design. Its main feature is that its aesthetic is inspired by the features of a truck. For example, the wheels, headlights and angular edges. The lid is covered by the ‘shroud’ which is purely for aesthetics.
Folding shoe storage for University students living in student accommodations.
I did some body-storming by using the pairs of shoes around me and marked out the maximum dimensions for this product. To identify the most efďŹ cient and compact storage system I tried out a variety of shoe orientations and found a way which allows the user to store as many shoes as possible in as little space needed. Body-storming has guided me to identify very easily and efďŹ ciently a sense of size and an idea for the ergonomics of the product.
Low Fidelity Modelling.
I wanted the product to fold at when not in use because the product environment is the limited student space. Also, it makes the product more fuel efďŹ cient as more units can be transported in less space. Low ďŹ delity modelling has helped me to quickly test the living hinge mechanism and to make adjustments to the design when it came to ergonomics and orientation of the shoes.
You can ďŹ t between two-to-three pairs on the top and bottom, and four pairs vertically in the middle, therefore, a maximum of ten pairs of shoes. I learnt that most students wear about two to four pairs of shoes frequently which is why I designed a door to keep the shoes that aren’t worn on a frequent basis.
There are snap ďŹ tting mechanisms on the top of the product, and the two white components keep the bottom half together and provide extra support for the product to stand up against a wall
Infographic showing the diversity in hair types amongst men across England and Wales.
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Relevent Research.
I collected data from various researches. One of the my main sources of information is from the UK government 2011 census, which is done every ten years. This allowed me to calculate the proportion of men and the ethnic groups across England and Wales in 2011. I also used journals and articles which discussed comparisons in hair properties across different ethnic groups.
Plan For Infographic.
After collecting the ďŹ ndings of the research, I created a table summarising the properties of hair to each ethnic group, doing this helped me to summarise the similarities and differences in hair properties among the ethnic groups. From the research I created a plan to ensure that my infographic potrayed the most relevant information with simplicity and effeciency for the target audience to understand.
I tried to make sure that the key information can be understood even if you were to remove the words from the infographic. The number and sizes of the donut graph, bar chart etc. represent the actual relative differences in the values. I coloured the bar charts according to the colour code of the individual characters representing each ethnic group. At the bottom section I have used harvard referencing to reference the data I have used.
Thankyou! savio.mathew@outlook.com