Teachers technical guidebook

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Teacher’s Technical Guidebook

Welcome to the Teacher’s Guidebook for Mingoville. This guide will briefly describe the various functions available to teachers using Mingoville, like Planning, Evaluation and Administration.

Planning With the Planning tool, you can design and organize your own curriculum and send personal or group messages to your students about the assignments.

The teacher has direct access to the teacher tool

When you enter Planning, you get three choices: Create homework, Update homework and Delete Homework.

Create homework Creating homework for your students is very simple. There are 5 steps to follow: STEP 1 – Provide General Information When you click on Create Homework, you need to provide general information about the homework you are about to create: Title, Deadline and Description.

Write a Title: E.g. Week 35 Assignment Junior Write your description here: E.g. This assignment measures students’ vocabulary

If you want to go back to the main menu, follow the link at the left bottom called “Main menu”. When you are done filling out the general information about the assignment, click on the “Next” button down in the right corner. STEP 2 - Choose assignments Choose the activities you want to assign to your students. You can select an activity as either ‘optional’ (highlighted in Green) or ‘mandatory’ (highlighted in Red). Press ‘Next’ when you are ready. Press ‘Back’ to go back and edit ‘Title’, ‘Deadline’ and ‘Description’.

It is also possible to list the activities, description, requirements and activity names in alphabetical order. To do that, click on the relevant title at the top. STEP 3 - Choose students Choose the students you want to assign the assignment to. Check the box beside the name to choose the student. Press “Next” when you are ready. Press “back” to go back to choosing activities.

STEP 4 - Accept homework Here you see an overview of your homework:

STEP 5 – Press “OK” If all the details are correct, click on the “save” button at the bottom. Press OK to complete the process.

Press “Back” to go back if you want to add/remove students. Update Homework Click on “Update Homework” to change an existing homework assignment. Click on a row you want to update or change until it is highlighted in red. You can, if needed, sort the planned homework by Creation date, Deadline, Title or Activities.

When a piece of homework is selected, press “Next” to update the homework.

Repeat STEPS 1 – 5 in “Create Homework” if you want to add/change/modify/remove any details provided earlier.

Delete Homework Deleting homework is as easy as it sounds. Press the “Delete homework” button.

Choose the homework you want to delete and press the “Next” button.

After pressing the “Next” button at the bottom right, the following message should appear on the screen.

Press “OK” to complete the process.

Evaluation Evaluation is a tool that makes it easy for you to create an overview of the students’ performance and time spent. This way you can continuously adapt your teaching to the individual student's level and pace. The tool helps you to measure the students’ progress while concentrating on your teaching. Press the Evaluation button on the front page. STEP 1 – Choose Students From the list of students, select the student(s) you want to evaluate. Make sure that the checkbox next to each selected student’s name is ticked off. Once selected, proceed by pressing

It is also possible to select the students by class name. Press the black arrow in the top box and a list of all your classes will drop down.

You can also select/unselect all students. If you want to evaluate a group of students, tick off the appropriate boxes and proceed by pressing the “Continue” button as shown below.

You can select missions and activities from the drop-down menus to evaluate the student on his or her performance. • • •

Red colored graph represents scoring from 0 to 29%. Yellow colored graph represents scoring from 30 to 59%. Green colored graph represents scoring over 60%.

To print out, press the “Print” button at the top right corner of the page. It is also possible to evaluate the individual student by clicking on the little graph icon by the check box.

Here, you can see an overview of the student’s performance including general information such as login time, score, number of logins, etc.


Administration If you are a Danish teacher and your school uses UNI-C you do not have to create new users, as they are already registered. The Administration tool offers a range of options for managing users, such as creating, deleting or editing user profiles. As a teacher, you can manage your own profile and your students’ profiles. You can create new users or change settings in student profiles, as shown below. To begin the process click on the “Admin” button on the front page. To create a new user, click “Create new user” button.

To edit profile click on the button

To delete an account press this button


To create a new user, type in a username and press the “Validate” button to check if this username is free (not taken). If the username already exists, please type in a new username by adding numbers as shown in the example below. The username should contain no spaces between the characters (e.g., Maria 7890 is not correct).



After pressing the “Validate” button, status should show “Username is not in use” in order to proceed to next step.


Select password by typing in the same password twice, as shown below. The password must be at least 4 characters. You can choose the same password for all your students. It makes it a bit easier to remember.


Select a parent profile – the teacher name - to which this student profile will belong.


Provide user details in the form to the right where first name and last name are mandatory fields.


When done, press the “Save” button. If you want to cancel, press the “Cancel” button.


If the registration is successful, the system should show the popup window with message “User created”. Press OK to complete the process.

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