Something happened to me today in my workout class. Something that has actually happened to me many times in my life. I asked myself, “Why is no one standing near me?” I was in a room full of other women (and one man) and not one person would come near me. I thought maybe once we got started some of them would make their way over to me...nope. I was on the front row with a circle of space around me that was at least two people deep, and the rest of the room was packed. This is not the first time something like this has happened to me, nor and it won’t be the last will it be the last, but and no matter how many times it happens itI feels a little sucky.
Please understand that this story is not a story of discrimination or hate, it is a story of loneliness. If you are mom-preneur like me, you have hopes and passions that other moms might not have. Wanting to be an entrepreneur is not something a lot of moms want to be, and that is 100% okay. It requires a lot of time that, unless you are passionate about your business, most people are not willing to give. Also, running your own business often requires sacrificing moments of connection with other people. For example, most moms in your acquaintance do not. Your schedule doesn’t always allow for the weekly play dates or lunch with the girlfriends and because of that, life can get lonely at times. , and that can be lonely at times.
I often find that the best way to overcome those times of loneliness, when no one will come and stand by you in your business goals, is to focus on WHY you are doing what you are doing. For example, if my goal in attending the workout class was to make friends, I probably would have moved closer to someone so I could get to know them. ThisToday, however, was not my goal. My goal was to get a really good exercise workout in for the day. I wanted to stand in the front to get the best possible view of the instructor, which would allowing me to follow along easier and, which would giving me a better workout. I needed to stand where I was standing to achieve that - even if it meant standing alone. The people in the class weren’t not trying to be rude, they probably were just standing where they felt it best to stand.
The same can be said for the goals we have in our own individual lives. People around you are not trying to make you feel like crap, they are just on their own path or they don’t even know that you are suffering. So, when you are feeling lonely and that no one is supporting you in your goals, take time to remember your WHY and HOW you want to achieve that ‘why’. Is it going to still feel like crap sometimes? Yes, but I promise you that it will be worth it in the end.
Another thing this experience reminded me of was WALKING AWAY from goals that aren’t serving your WHY.
My second piece of advice is to let go of the goals that are not serving you. Believe it or not, we all have goals that may seem noble in the beginning but ultimately end up hurting your end purpose. If you have asked yourself ‘why?’ and you do not like you answer, then WALK AWAY. You will not be a failure if you do. In fact, you will be the opposite. Your life will feel more fulfilling and successful if you are doing things that are serving you and your family’s end purpose. in the enAlways make sure your end goal, your purpose, your WHY is being served by the goals you set.
In conclusion, if you are having a hard time because your entrepreneurial path is a lonely one, do these two things. First, focus on your ‘why’ or ‘what’ you are trying to achieve. If the ‘why’ is not going to serve you or your loved ones, then walk away. Today in the gym, I stayed because I was able to get a killer workout and feel good about myself when it ended in the end. I was still walking out alone, but by accomplishing what I set out to do brought me peace and a determination to continue to work towards my fitness goals. Feeling lonely is never fun, but don’t give up on your goals just because of it. You can do this!!!
Pictures could not be accessories to the story — evidence — they had to contain the story within the frame; the best picture contained a whole war within one frame.
Tatjana Soli
“Women speaking up for themselves and for those around them is the strongest force we have to change the world.”Melinda GatesKara J Lovett Co.
Over 2 years ago, my doctor told me I have anxiety and depression. That's not easy to hear. I honestly didn't know much about it, and I was scared. At the time, no one I knew struggled with this. However, when I started to speak out about it, I realized almost everyone I knew struggled with their mental health. Mental health is something I believe we should all educate ourselves more on. That way, we can better take care of ourselves and others.
I've talked with multiple therapists, read books on mental health, and started following several mental health pages on Instagram. I finally feel like I'm beginning to understand mental health.
Here are my top 5 keys I believe everyone should know about Mental Health.
As soon as I was diagnosed with my mental illnesses, I was heading off to Canada's east side. Somewhere I'd never been, and a completely different country than my family. I was going there to serve a mission for the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I would be there for 18 months. I was scared.
For the first couple of months in Canada, I came to realize this 1st key. That it's 100% completely okay to not be okay. A lot of people don't get that.
Take social media, for example. Everyone shows their best self. No one sees the tears, trials, and heartache that lies behind those photos.
Once I realized that I didn't have to act like I had it all together, I felt free. Once I let my emotions show to others, especially on social media, I understood myself more and what I was feeling.
Since realizing that it's okay to not be okay all the time, I've felt a stronger connection to myself and have given myself more grace. This is so important for all of us to do.
At times, those of us who deal with any sort of mental illness are ashamed. It's not easy to share what we're going through. We don't want other people to see our weaknesses. It's like we put on a mask in public only to rip it off when we get home and feel all of the emotions.
It didn't take long for me to realize that I needed help with what I was going through. I didn't know anything about depression or anxiety. I didn't understand why I felt like I couldn't breathe when I woke up, and why on the sunniest and happiest days, I felt like I got hit by a truck. I did not understand. It was around 7 months after I was diagnosed that I started to see a therapist. To say that she changed my life is an understatement. I would not be where I am today, doing as well as I am, without talking to a therapist and getting the help I needed. She was able to teach me so much more about what I was going through, and it was amazing! She would precisely describe how I felt and give me tips and tricks to better cope with it. She changed my whole perspective on mental health.
Fast forward two years later, while I was in college. I was set up with a school therapist, and she just didn't fit my needs. She was a great person and therapist, but not for me. I think it's important to understand that you may not find the right therapist for you on the first try. Sometimes you will struggle to find a connection. That is okay! Do not give up.
This next key has become extremely important to me. Over the past few years, I have come across coaches, friends, and even family members who don't understand mental health severity. I've been told that it seems like I'm faking my mental illnesses and that I just need to "suck it up." When things like this happen, it doesn't make me upset or angry - it makes me sad! Chances are incredibly high that there is someone close to you who is struggling with their mental health. It could be your wife, father, child, student, or co-worker. Imagine how they would feel to hear you say "suck it up" or "snap out of it." Mental health is just as important as physical health. You would never say these things to someone who newly got diagnosed with cancer or diabetes.
So what do you need to do? Educate yourself. There are so many resources to help you do this. It can even be as simple as following mental health accounts on Instagram! There are hundreds of articles and books about depression, anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders, etc. I love listening to different podcasts about mental health as well! However you choose to educate yourself, please just do it.
You never know what people are going through. This is why I believe kindness is one of the number one attributes we as humans need to develop.
Actress and singer-songwriter India de Beaufort said, "Awareness of others is a beautiful thing. Learning how to support and encourage, and stopping long enough to pay attention to someone other than yourself, is a truly beautiful quality"
When we look outside of ourselves and pay closer attention to those around us, we can begin to be more aware and sensitive to their feelings. This is the only way to know if someone you care about is going through a trial.
Through my experience, I've noticed that the more vulnerable I am, and the more open I can be, the more comfortable people are to talk to me. I try so hard to be approachable so that if someone is struggling and needs to talk, they know they can come to me! Whether it's in person, over the phone, or through social
media, I love talking to others about mental health and seeing how we can help each other!
Something that has really helped me is when my parents and fiance take the time to ask me how I'm doing. It's so simple, but it helps me know they are open for me to talk to them. Usually, they can tell when something is "off" and will ask if they can help in any way. I'll be honest, a lot of the time, there's not much anyone can do for me, but just knowing they are there to support and comfort me is everything I need.
If you've read up to this point, you probably have someone in mind that may be struggling. Maybe it's you, and you need to take some self-care time. All I ask is that you reach out to whoever is on your mind. Often, if we are struggling, we hesitate to talk about it because of the fear of being judged. So when someone reaches out to us instead, it means the world! I will tell you this though, you may reach out to someone you think is struggling, and they say they are completely fine. That may be true, but in most cases, they're simply not ready to talk. However, the simple fact that they know you are there if they need anything is vital. You may be the guardian angel they are looking for.
Every key we have talked about is extremely important, but this might be the most important. There are many different stigmas in the world, but the stigma surrounding mental health is hugely harmful. This stigma involves so many negative and discriminatory attitudes about mental illness and those who struggle with it. I once was guilty of this. I didn't understand how serious mental health was and honestly thought people were faking it at times. I am ashamed that I used to think this, but it helps me understand why others would feel this way. It wasn't until I experienced it myself that I truly understood how real mental illness is.
I am very passionate about helping to end the stigma surrounding mental health. When I came home from college, I felt a strong desire that I needed to do something to raise awareness. I did a fundraiser where I raised over $700 to put towards the Kevin Love Fund, but that wasn't enough. I recently created my own website (https://bit.ly/EndTheStigmas), where I am selling stickers to raise awareness about mental health! A portion of the proceeds goes to the Kevin Love Fund. I'm excited to start this journey of helping others with their mental health, raising awareness, and ending the stigma.
To follow my journey, you can follow me @tiaheggie on Instagram.
The images are the stickers from “End the Stigma” website.
To purchase go to the website
When did you know this was a career you wanted to pursue? I knew this was something I would go far in because early on as I started to really get active with producing and creating content, I noticed how passionate I was to learn and I saw how my work influenced people in a positive way.
What are the most important thing about your or your business you want readers to know?
We are about being authentic and doing everything in-house. We got you covered from beats, instruments, and audio engineering, to events. The crew is me Toni Frio, J Garcia, & Notta Wrd!
What do you want the audience to know about your journey?
It has been a learning experience and I am grateful for how far I have gotten so far. I am going to continue to remain humble because with good faith I know my team and I will keep growing and continue to push either to where we need to be.
Tell us about your current project?
"Infused Brunch" the mixtape is executive produced by me and label-mate J Garcia of ROTY Collections. It is a compilation mixtape that features artists from all over the country like Polyester the Saint, Jean Lephare, Gone Jones, Aniiiya, Deucestacks, Shun Gawd, Svpremee, Notta Word, Jada
A unique producer clique under ROTY Collections that also serves as a digital platform powered to push art and creativity!Cole, ON$K, Mande' LeRoux, Timothy MOE, & Step. The production is an electric, jazzy, and trap fusion. The sound and art of the tape is what American Gangster, Pulp Fiction, and The Harlem Renaissance combined would feel like. The mixtape launched by hosting a successful listening party and brunch in Houston, Texas in honor of the "Infused Brunch" mixtape!
"Infused Brunch" the mixtape is executive produced by me and label-mate J Garcia of ROTY Collections. It is a compilation mixtape that features artists from all over the country like Polyester the Saint, Jean Lephare, Gone Jones, Aniiiya, Deucestacks, Shun Gawd, Svpremee, Notta Word, Jada Cole, ON$K, Mande' LeRoux, Timothy MOE, & Step. The production is an electric, jazzy, and trap fusion. The sound and art of the tape are what American Gangster, Pulp Fiction, and The Harlem Renaissance combined would feel like. The mixtape launched by hosting a successful listening party and brunch in Houston, Texas in honor of the "Infused Brunch" mixtape!
It is already out on all platforms! "Infused Brunch"
You can expect me in a lot of different spaces within the audio and visual world. Not only music production but video game collaborations with @aretheygaming on Twitch along with soundtracks for movies and commercials!
ROTY Collections
Email: tonifrio95@gmail.com Phone: 732-771-7387
It's the beginning of a new year. A fresh start.
That means you've probably been thinking about your New Year Resolutions and the goals you are supposed to be setting.
But you've also probably asked yourself if it's really worth going through all that work? You've done it every year and almost every year you've thrown in the towel by February.
But what if there was a better system?
A better way of setting goals. A system that would help you to really discover and understand your 'why,' or your purpose behind each goal. A system that would help you to create a plan that you could stick to and achieve your goals. A system that would take that plan and break it down into monthly, weekly, and even daily tasks that will keep you on track. And most importantly, a system that implements daily accountability so that all the urgent tasks you are continually dealing with don't completely overshadow the important things that will help you achieve your goals.
Well, that system does exist, and I've had the opportunity to teach and implement it successfully with many people (www.CoachHeggie.com/Goals).
But that's not what I'm going to talk about today because there's something even more important that we need to talk about if you really want to achieve your goals and live the future of your dreams.
The hard part is not setting your goals. It's not even the work you have to do to achieve your goals. The hard part is becoming the person who can achieve those goals.
If I tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals, you're not going to do it until you become the person who can do those things.
A while ago I had to drop my truck off at the mechanic's shop and needed someone to pick me up and give me a ride home. My wife and older kids were all tied up with other obligations. I looked at my 11-year-old son and told him to jump in the Yukon and follow me to the shop. He was all ready to give it a try, so I had to break it to him that I was joking. Even if he was willing to give it a try, he's never driven before and doesn't know how to. He has not yet become the person who can do that thing.
Just as my son needs to become the person who has the skill and ability to drive before he can do it, you must become the person who can do the things necessary for you to achieve your goals if you want to make them a reality.
But you need to understand that I'm not telling you that you shouldn't set goals and work towards them until
you can become the person who can do "the thing." Much of what it will take to become that person is done by going through the process of trying to achieve them. When my son is old enough to drive, he won't be able to become a great driver without driving.
When you set your goals and follow your plan to achieve them, you'll run into problems. You'll make mistakes. You'll have some failures. The lessons learned from these failures are what will help you to become the person who can achieve the goal.
You need to learn from your failures. A failure along the way doesn't mean that you should quit.
I've seen so many different situations where someone worked on something for 10 minutes, or 10 hours, or even 10 months and when they didn't get the results they wanted, they said "it didn't work, I failed."
My advice to them is to remember that all work works! I've heard the analogy that work is like a two-sided coin. There's the side that you are working on and then there's the side that's working on you.
When you're working on something and it doesn't seem to be working, that's when it's doing the best work on you.
I was a boxer when I was young. I remember going through a growth spurt that bumped me up to a higherweight class that had more experienced and talented fighters. It was a difficult transition, but I ended up having some great fights. There were some wins and there were some losses. But what happened during that journey, is that I became a contender in that new weight class. Out of necessity, my defense improved a lot. I became a much different and better fighter than I was in the lighter weight class. At the times that I felt like things weren't working for me because I was literally getting beat up, what I didn't understand in the moment was that it was making me a better all-around fighter as both my defense and offense improved.
As early as February people begin to give up on their new year resolutions. They quit and lose any momentum they had. They feel like things aren't working that will help them achieve their goals. But I'm telling you, if you're doing the work and following your plan and it feels like things are not working, it's working. It may not be working for you, but it's working on you.
This means that you will have to be ok stepping out of your comfort zone at times. When it seems like things are not working for you, it can feel uncomfortable pushing forward. There's a reason that one of my Mindset Questions has you identify something every day that will make you step out of your comfort zone. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more confidence you have. The more it works on you, the more you will become the person who can do the thing repeatedly. Then it doesn't matter what happens in your external environment and things change because you've become the person who can do the thing.
Your life and experiences have made you a different person than you were a year ago. In a year from now, you are going to be a different person than you are today.
When you look out a year from now, who do you want to be?
Who do you have to become to be able to achieve the goals you have for yourself?
My challenge for you is to Be Bold!
Do the work. Set big goals and create a plan. Immediately go to work to become the person who can achieve those goals. Create that identity and become that person.
In 12 months, 5 years, 10 years, you're going to become someone. The question is, who are you going to become? Will you become the person who can achieve your biggest goals and dreams?
I've designed the most incredible gift ever to help you to begin that journey. If you're ready to take advantage of this and create your best life, you can claim your offer for a limited time at https:// www.CoachHeggie.com/Entrepreneur
You’ll likely also need to do some of the setup and prep work as well, and you’ll need to be sure you’ve got plenty of supplies on hand. Spend some time arranging your table and materials. Try to set up near the front door if at all possible. If you’re stuck in the back of the store, you’ll have a lot less traffic. Post your “Author Appearance Today” signage, arrange a stack of books on the table, and get ready to greet your public. Be sure to arrive at least a few minutes early so you can get to know the location. You’ll want to know where the bathroom is, where you can stash extra copies of yours. Besides, take a few minutes to meet and chat with every member of the staff. They are in a position to help you sell more books, so going out of your way to being kind to them is critical to your success.
Just as if you’re packing for a trip, you’ll want to “pack” for your book signing. For starters, bring with you: - Pens
- Bookmarks (how many?) _______ - Water - Candies
- Books (how many?) ___________
- CC machine/cash for change
- An assistant (who?) ______________________________
Start With a Reading
Depending on your subject matter, a short reading may be expected at a book signing. Of course, this is where most authors freeze up in fear and begin to make excuses about why they don’t speak in public. Here’s the truth, though: no one is better suited to read your book to an audience than you are. After all, only you know the precise inflections you intended when you wrote every sentence. So now is not the time to be shy. Step up to the podium with confidence and give your fans what they came to see.
Some tips to help you get through your first – or fiftieth – live reading:
- Keep it short. Aim for no more than 10 minutes.
- Make eye contact with audience members.
- Practice ahead of time and record yourself if possible so that you can spot problems ahead of time.
- Smile. Greet the audience with genuine warmth.
- Relax. It’s just a reading, not the state of the union address.
You probably love all parts of your book, so it might be a good idea to get some input from friends and beta readers about what sections they found incredibly inspirational, moving, or meaningful.
One thing people love about book signings is the opportunity to ask questions of the author. They’ll want to know how you got started in your field, how you did your research, what this or that celebrity is like, how they can become a writer, and a host of other things about you, your book, and your career.
Again, relax, be yourself, smile a lot, and be sure to thank everyone for their participation and for taking the time to come out.
Finally, it’s time to get out your favorite pen and sign some books! Be sure to smile a lot, greet everyone personally, and do more than sign your name. It’s good practice to write a little something inside each book. You don’t have to stress over a personal message, though. Instead, come up with one or two lines ahead of time that match your book and personality and sign each one the same.
For example, if you’ve written a self-help book, you might sign each book: “To NAME – Never stop striving for the best! YOUR NAME”
Even though you’re signing each book the same, to your guests, it will feel personal. Just remember always to include their name.
If there are books left at the end of your event, you might offer to sign and leave them. Be sure to add a sticker that says “Signed by the author” to the cover so that readers will know.
Now that your big day is done, it’s time for a huge sigh of relief – not to mention a few pats on the back for a job well done. But don’t rest too long because there is still a bit of work to be done to ensure you have the best possible results from your event.
First, be sure to reach out to your hosts with a well-deserved and sincere “Thank you!” Chances are, these folks worked nearly as hard as you to make the event run smoothly, so they certainly earned your gratitude.
Consider sending a hand-written thank you card (remember those?), some flowers, or even an edible bouquet or gift basket. Be sure to mention everyone on the staff that went above and beyond to make your event shine. Your thanks will help ensure that they’ll be more than happy to play host next time you have an event.
You don’t have to be New York Best Seller to reap the rewards of a well-planned and executed book-signing event. The personal interaction and meet & greet style of a book signing allows potential fans to get to know you in a way that can’t happen in a blog or even on social media. A great book-signing event gives you:
• Good press opportunities
• More sales
• Better audience reach
• Raving fans
Here’s the critical takeaway, though, if you want to reap those rewards: Careful planning. Put thought into your audience, the appropriate venues, the format of your event, and what you want to accomplish with it, and you will see more success than you can imagine!