The Creative Portfolio of Sarah Hay

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Sarah Catherine Hay creative portfolio Sarah Hay is a Vancouver based artist / designer with a specific interest in environmental and social sustainability. A recent graduate of the Masters of Applied Arts in Design program at Emily Carr University, her thesis explored the slow movement as it relates to the design process. She constructed a seaworthy raft out of salvaged materials as a way to test and apply the theoretical aspects of slow design. Sarah Hay’s current practice includes creative strategy consulting and commissioned artwork for the City of Vancouver’s Olympic Village.

June 2009

Conscien scientious In Innovation on is no ot just our na ame, it's what we e sta and and for. Ci iss a sustainability marketing g & comm ommunicatio ons consultan o ncy and d think th tank nk. Establish Esta hed in 2003 03, we w lo look through throug ro ou the lens ns off su sustainability sustai to o uncov un unc nc cover opportun op nittties ies that del elive liver on business p priorities for

The SHIFT Report makes up the backbone of all the work we do. TM

This tool offers us a huge amount of insight into the relationship between consumers and sustainability, and answers to some important questions: How do consumers define social responsibility, and sustainability? What’s stopping people from making better decisions? Where do people go for reliable information? What role – according to consumers – do corporations have to play? How do consumers judge whether a brand is socially responsible, or not? How important is it to market with integrity? Which buzzwords have value? Which ones have lost their value? How should companies communicate their CSR efforts?

lead diing bra d ands. We do the research, we define the strategy and we create the content.

Spring-boarding off three years of preliminary qualitative research and strategic insight on consumers & sustainability, the latest installment of The SHIFT ReportTM (April 2008) is a 5,000 person North American general population study and segmentation analysis outlines some crucial insights for companies on the green bandwagon. When it comes to purchasing decisions, what are the top areas people have made and plan to make socially responsible and sustainable choices? When it comes to sustainability issues, which ones rank highest? Which ones rank lowest? Which communications tools are consumers looking at to learn about whether a brand is socially responsible, or not? TV? Online? Retail? Packaging and product design? We have the answers.

‘Green’ might be grabbing the headlines, but it does not top the list of important sustainability issues for consumers (The SHIFT Report, April 2008, N=5,000).

Top sustainability issues for North Americans Feeling connected to my family, friends, community


Balanced life


Being paid a living wage


How employees are treated at companies


Nurtured personal relationships vs. material possessions


Fair trade: workers who make products and services I use are treated fairly




Search for spiritual contentment and support vs. material contentment and support


Buying local and supporting locally based business


Being engaged and supporting my local community


Global warming


Contributing to my (offline and real world) community


The products and services I buy are made in an environmentally conscious fashion

48.22% 29.81%

Organic products 0%










strategic planning

Nothing gets lost in translation. "Ci are one of the most innovative think tanks in the global marketplace today" -David Droga, Chairman, Droga5

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

creative solution

RESEARCH: Understanding the constant changes in the consumer, cultural and marketplace means research – launching off our proprietary market research in The SHIFT ReportTM, we design and execute qualitative research, quantitative research and secondary data dives.

Yours in substance and style,

STRATEGY: Whether it’s re-establishing a brand’s relevance, finding space for a brand to grow or birthing a new brand, we uncover business opportunities and help position a range of companies and organizations to take full advantage of them. CREATIVE SOLUTION: We work with a range of mediums to tell our client’s stories. Building on our research and strategic planning, we develop content for TV shows, newspaper articles, books and video games; we create and produce TV commercials, radio commercials, print ads and posters; we design and write websites and online videos; we define and design identities for brands.

+1 604 877 1277

Ci promotional poster / brochure Initiated by ODE Magazine Digital print May 2008 11” by 18” $1000 Ci specializes in brand and sustainability alignment and opportunity: brand and communications strategy, strategic storytelling opportunities, innovation + opportunity workshops and strategic intelligence reports.


The SHIFT Report Top line findings from our quantitative study of 5000 North Americans relationship with sustainability, fielded in spring of 2008.

The SHIFT ReportTM is a proprietary tool of Conscientious Innovation Ltd. 2008. All rights reserved. | 295 West 8th Avenue | Vancouver BC | Canada | V5Y 1N3 | +1 604 877-1277 |

sustainability sweet spot

By looking at that place where your brand (and what it stand for) meets sustainability (as consumers define it: personal, social, spiritual and environmental), we begin to carve out an authentic communications strategy that truly reflects your sustainability initiatives and intentions.


How to carve out an authentic sustainability story for your brand.

your brand



tin g











inte r stra nal cult ure t e pr od gic pl ann uc ing pa td e ck s ign ag in g


nt me s p lo n tio nt eve d a i l i e nd aff em bra d g n a sa ng p i e sh ity er un tn r m pa m co


Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Ci: SHIFT Report Ci market intelligenct 2006 - present unlimited $100 000 compounded The SHIFT Report is Ci’s proprietary market intelligence tool and represents best in class insight and research on consumers, culture and sustainability. The research objective of SHIFT is to have a deep understanding of people’s attitudes, perceptions, behaviors around sustainability and social responsibility, and the impact this has on lifestyle choices, brand relationships and purchase decisions.

The SHIFT Report


Sustainability Passion Index


The Sustainability Passion Index is built on robust quantitative data of 5,000 North Americans, and how they feel about sustainability and social responsibility related issues. They were asked to rate the importance of a range of issues including global warming, pollution, fair trade, employee treatment, supporting local, community connection, buying eco products, sense of well being, spiritual contentment, nurtured relationships vs material possessions. Five distinct clusters have emerged from our analysis. They are defined by their passion for specific sustainability issues.

cluster breakdown

41% The Vocal Globalist The Casual Spectator The Hyper Local The Pragmatic Believer



The Self Serving Non Believer




These reports are based on data and insights from Ci's SHIFT Report online survey of 5,000 North American (U.S/Canada) general population adults which was fielded in March 2008 by The results are nationally representative of the North American adult population, and tested for significance at a 95% confidence level. was in part selected to field this survey due to their sustainability commitments from eco-office policies to client screening criteria.

Sustainability Passion Index (SPI) General Population THE VOCAL GLOBALIST 41% They are passionate about social and environmental issues. They are more concerned about Global Warming than any other group. They are very much connected with their community, talking amongst friends and writing blogs. They take the time to be aware of the issues, and are simultaneously anxious and confident about the future. THE CASUAL SPECTATOR 24% They are not particularly passionate about any issues. Connecting with friends, family and community is important, but they do not think it is important to make a contribution. They read blogs regulary, but they do not write them. Leading a balanced life, being paid a living wage and treating others with respect is important to them - but no more important than any other group believed.

THE HYPER LOCAL 19% They are passionate about local. Supporting local businesses is important to them. Buying local is important to them. They are active in their neighbourhoods and engaged with what is going on. Family, friends and community are central to their lives, but they are also very realistic about the choices they make. They shop at mega brand stores like Wal-Mart, and are generous in giving credit to brands that are trying to make a difference.

THE PRAGMATIC BELIEVER 8% They are distinctly passionate about spiritual issues. Having a higher purpose in life is important to them, yet at the same time they are grounded and focussed on what they can achieve. They rate family, friends and community highly, support locally based businesses and volunteer frequently. Price is a major barrier to making betting decisions. Buying organic is not important to them. Climate change is not important to them.

THE SELF SERVING NON BELIEVER 8% They are distinctly dispassionate about issues that do not affect them directly. Issues such as pollution, global warming and buying environmentally conscious products rank very low in terms of importance. Buying fair trade and local products and services are not important. Instead they rate issues such as connecting with friends and family, leading a balanced life and nurturing personal relationships quite highly. As well as broader issues that could affect them including employee treatment and being paid a living wage.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Ci: SHIFT Report Ci variable Spring 2008 various $100 000 The Sustainability Passion Index is built on robust quantitative data of 5,000 North Americans, and how they feel about sustainability and social responsibility related issues. Five distinct clusters have emerged from our analysis. They are defined by their passion for specific sustainability issues.

Innov ations happening in all building sectors Architecture 2030 - challenges all new building stock to be carbon neutral by 2030.

Sustainability meets Product Design

Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling - MOMA show fall 2008 all about prefab.

green buildings

Aldo Leopold Legacy Centre - First LEED Platinum Carbon Neutral Building! Produces 15% more energy than it uses. Extremely energy efficient. Radiant heating/cooling system installed in floors. Used 100% sustainable timber. Nov 2007.

Built Environment

Center f or Maximum Potential Building Sy stems

Austin TX. Est. in 1975, CMPBS a non-profit education, research, and demonstration organization specializing in life cycle planning and design.

design strategies 76% of of all the electricity gnerated by coal plants in US goes just to operating buildings - Ed Mazria Architecture both major contributor to global warming, and also major parts of the solution.

concerns = opportunity

Building sector is a major energy consuming sector AND where most gains can be made. bicy cle GM, GE and Ford Join DOE to Adv ance PHEVs McCain Proposes $300M f or Next-Gen Car Battery Toy ota Driv es Fuel Cell Hy brid Design

Toy ota

Mazda Dev eloping Bioplastics f or Bumpers and Dashboards


In the long term, hydrogen will replace petrol: that is the BMW CleanEnergy idea.

BMW Group > Cleanenergy

Transportation auto

Smart car Cooperativ e Auto Network (Vancouv er) Car sharing

Zipcar (North America) Ozocar (NY C)

Air car

design f or disassembly design strategies

alternativ e energy source CO OP > rideshare / car pooling

public transportation Haworth

of f ice lay out Interiors

retail / point of purchase exhibtion / tradeshow design strategies FSC lumber, no toxics, natural textiles and dies

Upholstry Arts

New IKEA Website Of f ers Glimpse Into Its Product Design No more plastic bags - In 2007, Ikea had set a goal of reducing its U. Ikea

35 million plastic bags in the first year. The call was to go reusable of October 1, 2008, Ikea will no longer offer plastic bags. Paper bags are not available in Ikea stores either.


Leaders in env ironmentally repsonsible / cradle to cradle design

Herman Miller

Aeron chair - marked a huge leap f orward in perf ormance task seating Neocon June 2008 - The Steelcase showroom demonstrates that it is possible to design an entire work environment comprised entirely of Cradle to Cradle certified furniture products.


Steelcase has more Cradle to Cradle certified products than any other company, in any industry. design strategies Jan. 14, 2008 - Clorox, which snapped up Burt's Bees last November as part of a strategic push into the green-cleaning market, has launched its Green Works brand of natural cleaning products.

Design savvy consumers are asking tougher questions before Clorox going 'green'.

Rising gas prices have helped to spur consumer demand for smaller vehicles and energy efficient products - Consumers are interested in new gadgets that save energy, money and products that offer health benefits. I.e. What's in it for me? EPIC sustainable liv ing expo - Vancouv er BC 2006 - 2006 - ongoing

cleaning products

MADE EXPO - Milano Italy 2009

Consumer Goods (CPG)


The Method Method: Green, Nimble and Disruptiv e Consumer

LEEDS, UK -- Researchers at the University of Leeds have invented a technology that uses plastic chips to clean clothes, eliminating nearly all water and energy used by a conventional washing machine.

Yahoo Green story in SB Weekly appliances

The average U.K. household uses nearly 21 liters (about 5.5 gallons) of water a day to wash clothes, which equal to about 13 percent of total water consumption, according to Waterwise, a U.K. organization.

a story on an air-powered car drew a lot of traffic at Yahoo Green. When it comes to conversations about "greenwashing," the most popular blog topic is the contradictory actions of companies, comprising 25% of all discussions on greenwashing in 2007.

Waterless Washing Machine on the Horizon

History in CSR Reporting - Has been publishing Sustainability Reports since 2004.

Product / Service characteristics consumers look at in determining a brand as being socially responsible or not.

64.10% say packaging is very important, ex. using recycled materials. SHIFT Report

Method products are designed to appeal on two levels, environmental level and the aesthetic level. For consumers, the 'eco' benef its is more of a 'by the way '.

Shift from awareness to action. Top-searched environmental term in

65.48% say product design is very important - How it is made, what it is made from, product lifecycle, etc. SHIFT Report

Green Works product labels will carry the Sierra Club logo as part of a co-branding initiative. Set out to disrupt and change big brand cleaning products.

Growing number of 'conscious living' expos - feature sustainable product design

Ecollection at Magic Marketplace - Las Vegas 2008

The company says it hopes the Green Works products, priced from $2.99 to $3.39, will help "move natural cleaning into the mainstream" with a combination of performance and affordability.

Dedicated to meeting global challenges, with a sharp focus on health and energy.


EcoVision4 - Set targets to expand our revenues from Green Products, increase spending on Green Innovations, and improve the energy efficiency of our operations.

64.03% say honest and transparent communications with a product / service's overall brand marketing is very important. SHIFT Report > About > Sustainability The blogosphere is exploding with talk about "sustainability," with buzz volume growing more than 106% since September 2006, when blogger messages on the topic totaled 83,000. By December 2007, messages jumped to 172,000 - Nielson

Climate Savers Summit 2008 held by WWF and Sony introduces 'Tokyo Declaration' Sony is gathering the plastic shells of old Sony TVs from recycling plants, collecting excess Styrofoam from its production facilities, and turning them into plastic pellets which are used to create the back panels and some internal plastic components on the latest Bravia flat-panel TVs

Global warming remained the No. 1 topic among sustainability People powered media committed to sharing knowlegde carpooling). Sony

Nielsen ranked Discovery Channel's No. 1 with 4,612 messages related specifically to sustainability in 2007. was ranked No. 2, followed by, and Artists using new media to spread the message. Seattle WA. based artist Chris Jordan visually represents the immensity of collective consumption in North America. One example is a 60x120" high resolution image that depicts the two million plastic beverage bottles used in the US every five minutes. (Jordan).

the cost of producing plastic by using recycled parts. The company says it began preparing for this 10 years ago when it required that all plastic in Sony TVs be recyclable. Sony is also recycling what viewers watch on TV. The company has pulled some old commercials out of the closet to promote dozens of free consumer recycling events.

Culture Consumer Electronics

Emotionally durable brand

Growing awareness of negative impacts and waste associated with mass production and consumption.

Not all good news - Sony GHG Emissions Jumped 17% In 2006 ROUND ROCK, Texas -- Dell will design its laptops and desktops to consume 25 percent less energy by 2010.

Story of stuff - an animation short that educates people about the invisible impacts of production and consumption

Dell headquarters campus is now completely powered with renewable energy and it offers free recycling of its equipment - Part of its goal of becoming the world's green technology company.


IDSA + EPA > Okala ecological design course guide "Aligned for Sustainable Design: An A-B-C-D Approach to Making Better Products," produced jointly with IDEO, claims that companies are abandoning the former design "pipeline" model of product development in favor of an approach that draws from various departments within an organization.

Dell Targets More Ef f icient Desktops and Notebooks Sustainability infiltrating design studios, curriculums, trade floors, design competitions

Design competitions on the rise

a 150 percent increase from its previous goal.

sustainability meets product design

'Green' design is reaching the tipping point - We are seeing a convergence of issues (ex. climate change with business practices / corporate governance) providing a solid business case for integrating socially and environmentally responsible initiatives.

larger systems, life cycle thinking minimizes the negative consequences of a design. Requires designers to consider each stage in the design process, to identify materials and energy needed


Makers of Soy -based Toner and Biopesticide Honored design strategies High perf ormance meets env ironmental standards and innov ations

Designers are asking: What is the anticipated lifespan of the product/service? How can this acknowledgement of the 'time factor' inform design decisions through out the entire life cycle?

The Footprint Chronicles is an interactive mini-site that allows you to track the impact of ten specific Patagonia products from design through delivery.

Patagonia Designers are problem solvers - once it becomes clear what are the problems, then solutions can happen quite quickly after that.

Became a member of the Fair Factory Clearinghouse (FFC) in 2007 data - and effectively reducing 'audit fatigue'. Decision for no logos saves energy / resources and reduces visual clutter - design / clean lines speak for themselves

Nau Assessing impacts along your product's life cycle help to identify opportunities for improvement

Fashion / Apparel

Climate change, ozone depletion, acid rain, reduced biodiversity, habitat alteration, land degradation), human health damage (air pollution, smog, carcinogens) and resource depletion (fossil fuels / fresh water, top soil, minerals, solid waste. Source: Okala Ecological Design Course Guide In economics, dematerialization refers to the absolute or relative reduction in the quantity of materials required to serve economic functions in society. Environmentally - the goal is to reduce waste and the unecessary use of natural resources.

Batelle, based in Columbus, Ohio, teamed with the Ohio Soybean Council and Advanced Image Resources to develop and commercialize a soy-based toner that works as well as its conventional counterpart and is easier to remove, which has the potential to save energy and allow for the recycling of more paper fiber. The company won a 2008 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award

It starts with embracing 'Lif e Cy cle Thinking'

inherent environmental and social impacts.

Quantifying environmental and social impacts is not simple. The scope of an impact assessment can range from simple streamlined to capital intensive scientific inquiries. There are many tools, indexes and consultancies to help with this important process.

Xerox announced that it had already met its four-year-old goal of reducing its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent by 2012, with 18 percent fewer emissions in 2006 alone, as compared to


H&M sources organic cotton American Apparel horizontal manufacturing model - Made in downtown LA, sweatshop free organic eliminate / reduce toxic substances - ex. dy es entering water sy stems design strategies

Dematerialize - Doing more with less


Conserv es the resources of energy , water and materials

long lif e / built to last

Close the Loop - Waste = Food

Adidas Grün Crafting a reduction strategy that responds directly to the impact assessment

Recy cle-ability

Regenerate - Bey ond 'less bad'


Cascadia Green Building Council - Liv ing Building Challenge Designers Accord New tools to help measure, assess, analyze, track progress sustainability initiatives Carbon Trust Launches No-Greenwash Certificate - To qualify for the new Carbon Trust Standard, companies must demonstrate that they are actively reducing their carbon footprint. Unlike other green-certification programs, the scheme requires that organizations take concrete measures to reduce their greenhouse emissions, instead of simply purchasing carbon credits to offset them.

recycled and natural materials, all-the-while preserving classic silhouettes like the Forum basketball sneaker and the ZX 500 runner,

S.A.F.E.: Social Accountability and Fundamental Environmental Standards - meeting the demanding new guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Design f or Disassembly Beyond eco-efficient, regenerative design goes beyond 'less bad' and contributes back to ecosytems

brand > unique qualities hand made

Very related to Lif e Cy cle Thinking Eliminates the concept of "waste" that exists in our current linear system of production and building

reusing waste material to make new garments

Embrace Complexity - Surv iv al of the smartest

PUMA is a member of the UN Global Compact, the Fair Labor Association, JO-IN, the German Round Table on Codes of Conduct, the CSR Group of the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry and the Apparel and footwear International Restricted Substances Management Working Group (AFIRM). Trash Talk - B-ball shoe made f rom scraps - endorsed by Stev e Nash

Nike Considered design ethos Progress indicators (or, metrics for success) become grounds for certification

Jordan 23

Environmentally preferred materials and reduction of adhesive solvents - the result is a new stitching process.

Nike Grind - recy cling rubber soles Simple - eco sneaks

Following through with that strategy leads to positiv e transf ormation Disciplined documentataion of the process leads to authentic CSR reporting

Material diversification - jute, bamboo, paper, natural rubber, organic cotton

Hybrid Life campaign / ethos combine the ideas of enjoying the environment while also saving it. Footwear

Transparent communications - Product tells the story "Green is like quality: it's kind of one of these things that should be inherent in every product out there." Senior Creative Director Method.

KEEN partners with non-profit organizations like the Association for Conservation and Healing Waters to promote a caring, conscious and sustainable world. KEEN

100% recycled shoe box made with biodegradable materials, water-based glue and soy-based inks. New bag collection made from all sustainable products. Aluminum waste is melted and recycled into bag hardware, while excess rubber soles from KEEN shoes are cut off and remolded for other rubber components on the bag. Their new line of SolesUnited are made with grounded up old crocs.


The new styles have 20% of this recycled content. Going one further Crocs plan, for 2008, to develop partnerships with shipping companies and worldwide non-profit organisations, so they can donate 2 million pairs of shoes globally. In late 2007, 10,000 pairs of the recycled Crocs were donated to people throughout the Dominican Republic. > Files > 2008 > 04 > Solesunited-recy cled-crocs reduce waste f rom production

design strategies

eliminate / reduce toxic materials introduce alternativ e / env ironmentally f riendly materials

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition is an industry working group inspired by cradle to cradle principles and dedicated to transforming packaging into a system that encourages economic prosperity and a sustainable flow of materials.

Wal-Mart Sustainable Packaging Scorecard New PepsiCo Bottle Uses 20 Percent Less Plastic Made from palm fiber (a renewable resource), which composts in less than 90-days, turning into a healthy contribution to the soil. Earth Cy cle Packaging

Publix, Safeway, Loblaw's, Kroger and Wegmans, among other retailers. earthcy


100% biodegradable and compostable food service ware, food packaging, and flatware products. recy cled / recy clable cradle to cradle

design strategies

reuseable compostable edible demateriazation - potential f or huge cost / resource sav ings

Env ironmentally f riendly dy es. Organic cotton. Organic soy blends. Bamboo blends. TRAID (Textile Recy cling f or Aid and International Dev elopment)


Funds raised by TRAID through the collection and sale of reclaimed clothing and shoes help to divert waste from landfill and fund sustainable development projects in some of the poorest regions of the world.

design strategies


Environmental impact of chemical dye baths, the soil leeching impact of pesticide laden cottons, and the limited sustainability of man-made synthetics such as polyester. During the life cycle of a garment 80% of energy spent is within homes in the laundering process. Textiles account for 3% of waste in landfills. Serious Materials develops and manufactures sustainable green building materials that dramatically reduce the impact of the 'built environment' on the climate.

Serious Materials

The company is driving to create thousands of green-collar jobs in the U.S. seriousmaterials Leading knowledge base for information about new and innovative materials.


Material ConeXion

Comprehensive innovative materials libraries located on three continents and our project-specific custom materials research group the Advanced Material Solutions Team - Material ConneXion provides all disciplines of design development: product, packaging, architectural, interior, apparel and more, with both a creative and competitive edge. materialconnexion

prepared for: Transmaterial 2

Transmaterial 2 is a clear, concise, accessible, and carefully edited resource that provides information about the latest and most intriguing materials commercially available. transstudio

design strategies July 2008.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Sustainability meets Product Design Adidas mind map software: Freemind, 1/2 day workshop Summer 2008 36” by 48” $5000 Ci teamed up with Coragio Group to facilitate a 2 day workshop with Adidas product innovation team. A giant mind map was built to use as a foundation for discussion about sustainable product design across mulitple categories from buildings to textiles; how each is intersecting with the consumer, with culture and with the marketplace; and where the opportunities for innovation lie for Adidas.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

The Climate is Changing, Are You? Offsetters Digital print May 2009 8.5” by 11” $1000 Offsetters hired Ci to design a quick one page advertisement to be published in Kyoto Planet’s publication: Sustainable Enterprises.

Wordmark NO3: Arno

Quadra Estates Visual Identity Presentation to Deecorp, January 2009

Wordmark NO1: Avenir


Quadra Estates Quadra Estates

Quadra Estates Visual Identity Presentation to Deecorp, January 2009

Wordmark NO2: Cochin

Quadra Estates Visual Identity Presentation to Deecorp, January 2009

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Quadra Estates: Restore Your Senses DeeCorp Developers word-mark, tagline, 1 page graphic standards, brochure, static website February 2009 various $10 000 Wilby Shoals sits on the south shore of Quadra Island where two to three ten-acre lots of coastal land, teeming with historical and ecological significance, are being made available for development. Guiding design principles will breed a deep sense of place and connection, while setting precedence in sustainable building practices and innovation.

Heighten your senses.




Quadra Estates is a community of likeminded ‘families’ that are committed to living a more manageable, balanced and sustainable life.


If you were to build your dream home, where would you start?

Away from distractions of the city, where the bright lights and excessive traffic, pollution and noise dull our senses, Quadra Estates is a place where you can come to spend meaningful time with your loved ones, connect with nature and restore your senses. Your sense of self. Your sense of community. Your sense of balance. Your sense of time. Your sense of direction… Located on the southern tip of Quadra Island, at Wilby Shoals – looking out on the wide expanse of Georgia Strait – Quadra Estates is set on 75 acres of pristine British Columbian land with 1,400 feet of beachfront.

A PRIVATE PLACE Privacy is a major factor. The neighbours to the east are separated by the deep ravine, while the neighbours to the west are almost a mile away. Yet, all essential amenities like the grocery store, the doctor and hourly ferry service to Campbell River are just a 10 minute drive away. There are a number of ways to get to Quadra, the easiest being a short flight from downtown Vancouver or Victoria, BC. Of course, you can always take the ferry – it’s a spectacular journey.

You could spend days admiring the view. It’s as if you are in another world. Looking out on the wide expanse of the Georgia Strait, you can literally see for miles. In the winter, storm watching is a must as the clouds roll between the mainland and Vancouver Island. In the spring, look for the family of bald eagles that have made this land their home. In the summer, don’t miss the opportunity to watch pods of orcas chasing salmon across the strait. And in the fall, watch the small fishing boats line up to catch crabs, oysters, clams and salmon - one of the best fishing spots in the Pacific Northwest is a matter of feet from the shore.

SMELL If smell is the most vivid of senses, capable of triggering past experiences, then Quadra Estates is a place loaded with potential memories. The bright, almost medicinal scent of pine trees will remind you of walks through the forest. The hazy smell of woodsmoke, evenings sat around the fire with friends and family. And the Pacific ocean – that hard to define mix of brine, kelp and iodine – will remind you of mornings standing on your porch, looking out to the Strait.

TASTE This fertile land has record of nourishing its residents - the founders of Capers community markets grew organic produce here, and plans are underway to restore this productive garden. What makes this property so outstanding is the fact that the land here is gently sloping toward the ocean. Easy to navigate, it is also a prime reason why the views of the surrounding land and ocean look and feel so dramatic.

Quadra Island

TOUCH Sitting on your porch feeling the midday sun warm the side of your face. Feeling the crunch of dry grass as you walk bare foot through the meadow. The dry, almost dusty touch of pebbles as you search for the perfect skimming stone on the private beach. Quadra Estates is a place where you and your family can enjoy a hands on experience.


Quathiaski Cove ferry to & from Campbell River

Take a moment to stop and listen to range natural sounds. The wind whispering through the alders. The water coursing its way down the ravine. Children laughing as they run free and discover the great outdoors for the first time, every time they visit.

10 minutes

Cape Mudge

Wilby Shoals

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Lot 7

Stunning ocean views? Gently sloping, open land? Private space that is easy to access? A natural environment with access to modern amenities? A place where you feel grounded? There are five waterfront lots - each has a unique set of views and natural environment.

Lot 6

Lot 1

Lot 3

Lot 5

Gully Riparian System

Lot 4

Lot 2



THE NATURAL CHOICE Quadra Estates is a natural haven for deer, otters, harbour seals, eagles as well as blue herons and orca whales – a place you can feel truly connected to nature. Any developments on the site will maintain the character zones for a range of plants and animals. The meadow and forested areas will be cultivated to maintain its wild aesthetic. Homes built around – and away from – old-growth trees to sustain the character of the environment.

AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY The land, the views, the habitat and the easy access to amenities – it all adds up to a rare find. So rare, the owner has singled out this property as the place where he wants to build this special community. His family will make great memories here and he is keen to share it with other like-minded families. That leaves two other lots for those who appreciate the value in living a rich, balanced life in an understated and natural way, in the company of kind and respectful neighbours.

If you would like to see and learn more, call Stanley Dee at 604.683.0002 or email

Quadra Estates: Restore Your Senses DeeCorp Developers word-mark, tagline, 1 page graphic standards, brochure, static website February 2009 various $10 000 The communications must first and foremost pique the interest and curiosity of prospective buyers. This first touch point will inspire further exploration for example a site visit and meeting with the developer.

FINDING THE RIGHT PARTNER Arm yourself with the know-how to make an informed decision. Questions to ask your builder: 1) Can I retrofit my home to become a net zero home?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LEAVE AN IMPRESSION? Most Canadian homes today create more greenhouse gas emissions than automobiles. They waste energy and water, they can be unhealthy and they are often made with materials that have huge environmental and social consequences. Frequently, they are inflexible cookie-cutter solutions that don’t reflect how people live. The good news is that Net Zero Energy homes are on the way.

WHAT’S A NET ZERO HOME? Your Net Zero home will only consume the amount of energy it produces, giving you peace of mind against rising energy prices, while ensuring your home has long-term sales appeal.

2) What steps will you take to improve the energy performance of my home?

BUILDING A NET ZERO HOME – A COLLABORATIVE JOURNEY Building a Net Zero home is not like building a conventional home – it’s a journey. It starts with educating yourself about the design process, and selecting a builder to help you make informed decisions along the way. You’ll be building an energy-efficient home designed to fit your life and every day needs – it only makes sense that you’re in the driver’s seat.

Net Zero homes integrate energy efficient building design, healthy planet-friendly materials and clean renewable energy technologies to create homes that are light, airy, comfortable and stylish. Net Zero homes are better for us, our communities and - over time - our pocketbooks.



A well planned, well insulated, well ventilated Net Zero home makes for an inherently less energy-intensive dwelling and a healthy place to live.

Net Zero homes are about quality of life now AND in the future.

Take pride in living in a home that provides your family with clean water and an abundance of fresh air and natural light – a home that contributes to a healthier place to live.

Every day, you can enjoy living in a home that takes advantage of the climate, daylighting conditions and natural airflow. Every month, you save money on your energy bills. And in the long term you can think of your home as the foundation of a balanced, healthy, conscientious lifestyle.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Smart planning, solar-savvy design and durable construction significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve natural resources and minimize the strain on local infrastructure.

3) How will your building techniques accommodate the latest developments in energy efficient and renewable energy technologies? 4) What strategies will you use to achieve net zero energy performance? 5) How will you work with other tradespeople to ensure integrated design? 6) How will you verify that my home is a Net Zero home? 7) Can you predict approximately how much energy my home will use over a year, and how much will I save on energy? 8) What will be the additional cost of building a Net Zero home over a conventional home? 9) If I build a Net Zero home, when can I expect to see a return on that investment? 10) Will you monitor the home’s performance to ensure it is operating as intended?

SUPPORT ALONG THE WAY Looking for financing or incentive programs to help you bring your Net Zero home to life?


Make an Impression Light House Sustainable Building Centre Digital print May 2009 8.5” by 11” $5000 Ci teamed up with Light House to craft and design a 2-page digital PDF to raise the dialogue on Net Zero home building between prospective home owners and the builders who will ultimately be integrating many new energy and resource saving technologies with passive design strategies. The piece is meant to arm the home owner with the right information to get started on the journey to sustainable living.


project: RAFT ~ bill of materials

flotation barrels frame


3” bamboo


inner tube + marine grade rope


odd pallets 42x41.5





6 200L


skateboard trucks craigslist

all dimensions in inches









(the theory)


(the practice)


arts n crafts



strange weather

time line (september 2006 to may 2008)

the long tail

Light Resource Lecture


In the Bubble John Thakara

Lightness, Smart Ed van Hinte

Ed van Hindt Smart Architecture

VPL > Public Spaces

James Bond

La Commune Discussion Group

necker cube

Literally No Place Liam Gillick

Art Forms in Nature Earnst Haekel

Chronology Daniel Birnbaum

Biomimicry Janine Benyus

Shaping Things Bruce Sterling

Sustainable by Design Stuart Walker

Architecture for Humanity Design Like You Give a Damn

Easy to Make Furniture Storage Ideas

Relational Aesthetics Nicolas Bourriard

Driven to Distraction

Geography and Imagination

The Secret of Culture

Studying Those Who Study Us Diana Forsyth

Poetics of Space Gaston Bachelard

Death of Environmentalism Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus

Secret Life of Things Virginia Wolf

Business of Beauty Post Design Karim Rashid

Alex Stefan World Changing


applied arts shared responses to the soundwalk

sound walk (listen)

social software phenomenology

Janine MacCleod Forgotten But Not Gone

A User’s Guide for the 21st Century

World Changing

Invisible Cities Italo Calvino


march c

social innovation

design intervention

art intervention

Helen Goodland Net Zero Building

Thinking the New: Of Futures Yet Unthought E. Grosz,

Amanda Mitchell Green Guide



february u

social process

research methods seminar

january a

studio visit @ LCS and Mithun

RAW recycled art works board meeting

39th annual southern straits

VAG Fred Herzog farmboy fine arts

Kaos Pilots charrette

1 day design charrette identity exchange

Conscientious Innovation

Aboriginal Front Door

light house park

rhizome cardboard

Gossip Island

studen hiring committee student

Seattle field trip

BC Home + Garden Show

Design: History theory and practice of product design

Nature of Economies Jane Jacobs

Carol Becker Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society, and Social Responsibility

Pedagogy in the Consumer Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard

Strangely Familiar Design and the Everyday

Open Sky Paul Virilio Ed van Hindt Eternally Yours visions on product endurance

Mapping the Terrain Susan Lacy

Seven complex lessons for future of education Edgar Morin Lonely Planet’s Visualizing Research Experimental Travel

mash ups

december m

spime = space + time

VanCity Speaker Van Jones



november m

research methods paper weaving words

VAG Paint

finding home nests

CIRS meeting @ Stantec

Push festival > Scarface

panama turtles internship seed was planted

moon calendars

mad max planning and website

rhizome puppets

moved apartments

ARC cards

end of term presentation to class

creative class

mini practicum > wind water time energy

SSHRC blurring boundaries

John Cage performances



ARC collage

RAW recycled art works board meeting

3 day design charrette waiting spaces

CBE centre for breakfast excellence is formed!

birthday sail


the myth of everyday life participatory ecological design

Enabling solutions Ezio Manzini

inter trans multi disciplinary

relational aesthetics

new genre public art

the bottle is a cat

research methods seminar

september m

Vancouver Home and interior Design Show

Light House 8 hours / week

Gossip Island

winter sailing

leatherbacks mangroves



june moving maps

Vancouver Civic Strike

forest fires interior BC

creative strategy

august radical art self reliance

Blink Malcom Gladwell

Ethnographers Toolkit

my 27 birthday


Aalvar Alto Le Corbusier Joe Columbo Shigeru Ban

interactivity paper

Outside Architecture Elizabeth Grosz

William Rees Ecological Perspective

The Essential Solitude Maurice Blanchot

Slow Theory Fuad Luke

Ann Thorpe Designers’ Atlas

RAFT begins

Slow Thinking

Emotionally Durable Design J. Chapman


Design Nerd Jam

EATart fundraiser

lunar eclipse


Thesis Defense (minor revisions)

RAFT: design evolves

MoMA Elastic Mind

Earth From Above

ma ay

Ethical Progressive Intelligent Consumer Sustainable Living Expo

RAFT Buntzen Lake

praxiss april

Beyond Green toward a sustainable art Smart Museum of Art

The Weathermakers Flannery

Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling Chapman

The Weather Lisa Robertson

Ornamental Knots All the Knots You Need

snow storm

Gary Genosko: "How Many Ecologies? Art, Subjectivity, Politics."

Vancouver City Series on Beautification

GLOBE conference

RAFT False Creek

39th annual southern straits

EATart fundraiser

spring phosphorescence georgia strait

Topology and Learning about Learning Carol Strohecker

How Images Think Ron Burnett

slow design the lost art of shifting gears


Colour School Deleuze - 1000 Plateaus

CIRS / Stantec meeting (biggest barrier is social)

Church of Pointless Consumerism “Praise Money!”

Conscious Strategic Design as a Strategic Tool Kamille Friis

The Golden Spruce John Vaillant

big sur, CA

EATart work party energy awareness through art Olafur Eliason Take Your Time Lund, @ SF MOMA BC San Francisco NYE 2008

perfect rainbow



Interactivity Tools For Conviviality Regenerative Building

Six Memos for the Next Millenium Italo Calvino

Harvest Future Farmers Amy F.

Eternally Yours Time in Design Ed Van Hindte

Blessed Unrest Paul Hawken

Bill Moggridge Designing Interactions

festina lente

Amanda Mitchell SPACES magazine The Hidden City

rain rain rain rain

half insect / half machine

thesis proposal / presentation festina lente to make haste slowly


In Praise of Slow Carl Honore



intro presentation internship paper


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time

Oryx and Crake Margeret Atwood

The Anatomy of Account Planning Henrik Habberstad

account planning



sailing fraser lightships

design drawing g 202 F002


solar eclipse

perfect double rainbow

lunar eclipse

Burning Man

conscientious innovation internship


Van Isle 360

Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand

Spell of the Sensuous David Abrams

Topophilia Ti-Fu Tuan

Voyage of the Turtle Carl Safina

field research


soropta beach panama turtle conservation community development field recording


Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Southeast False Creek Sidewalk Medallions (3 unique designs) City of Vancouver Green sand cast iron Fall 2008 Inset 11� diameter medallions into concrete tile 12� $25 000 The proposed sidewalk medallions explore and envision the relationship between the ecological heritage (prolific estuary, hunting and trade route for Coast Salish People) and the industrial heritage of SEFC, and the reintegration of the indigenous flora and fauna back into the landscape. A visual synthesis of ideas, the medallions offer a semiliteral, iconic chronology of the past uses of the SEFC site.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

BC Hydro Vista LIds – Exploring the Spatial History of SEFC City of Vancouver CNC aluminium Fall 2008 6x w=3m, l=2.7m $50 000 These large ‘canvases’ on the ground will portray a continual narrative across the public realm of the SEFC private lands that pulls pedestrians through the site, opening their eyes to the very rich and complex histories (spatial, cultural, ecological, etc.) of the area. Each lid has a general theme that can be tied to aspects of sustainability, and connects three voices from different eras, specific to SEFC, Mount Pleasant and early Vancouver. Each lid contains four content layers: 1. base map, 2. text, 3. objects and 4. animal tracks.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

Mobile Display System BEST (Better Environmentally Sound Transporation); City of Vancouver multiple materials (steel, mesh, rubber, nylon) Spring 2007 Modular $12 000 This project was commissioned by two different organizations (City of Vancouver and BEST) and consists of a unique mobile display, designed and constructed with sustainability principles.

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

EVO contextual recording device for travellers Carleton Universtiy mixed 1999 Hand-held, the size of a pebble $ priceless 4th year grad project at Carleton University. evo is a personal recording device which can be worn as a pendant or pocket watch. An intuitive interface provides contextual information: location, direction, time, atmospheric pressure. It also captures still and moving pictures with audio and is designed to take with you on your travels. Next page >>

Title: Client: Medium: Date: Dimensions: Budget: Description:

EVO contextual recording device for travellers Carleton Universtiy mixed 1999 Hand-held, the size of a pebble $ priceless >> A GPS receiver enables the recorded files to be referenced with geographic information so, not only is the information valuable at the time of experience, but opens up wonderful possibilities for re-experiencing the personal media in a dynamic map based software environment upon return.

Vantage Point – perceptual shifts inspire change

Thank you for your time. Sarah Hay e: tel: 604-783-2723 url:

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