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AGENDA for 14th MARCH 2013 History and Theory Dissertations (4th year)

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

10.00-11.30 ............................................... 6 students: 15 min/student

11.30-12.00 ........................... Cofee break

12.00-14.00 ............................................... 8 students: 15 min/student

14.00-14.30 ............................................... Discussion and comments (UCD staff & Silvia Blanco)

14.30 ............................................... Lunch

UCD staff:

Kevin Donovan Will Dimond

AGENDA for 14th MARCH 2013 History and Theory Dissertations (4th year)

Thursday, March 14th, 2013 10.00-11.30......................................................................................................................... Alonso Moro, César Modern Industry in Asturias associated with the Ignacio Álvarez Castelao´s works Charlín Nine, Irina Finding Lebbeus Woods Cid Penín, Javier Zaha Hadid: a window to the future Díaz Cabanas, Araceli Vilanova Artigas: a plot, a plan and a section Fernández Murciego, Andrea Caño Roto:participation of users in the project Fraga Rodríguez, Raquel Marcel Breuer: the art of living

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

12.00-14.00............................................................................................................ González Pacheco, Hernán Energetic loops. Energetic diagrams and its derivation in strange loops.

Hernández Ricoy, Óscar Hansaviertel: postwar West German reconstruction Lariño Pinazas, Ana Wiel Arets: Mise-en-Scène Pose Bazarra, Javier Ugalde House: the path, the trees and the pool Rego Díaz, Rebeca Cinema, an architectonic glance Salvadores Fraga, Pablo Haus-Rucker-Co: Future vision Sánchez Tomé, Sheila Office Building on Rua do Aleixo: Távora, Siza and Souto de Moura Trillo Calo, Ánxela In search of modern landscape

14.00-14.30 Discussion (UDC staff and H&T lecturer Silvia Blanco)

14.30-15.30 Lunch


César Alonso Moro Modern Industry in Asturias associated with the Ignacio Álvarez Castelao´s works The aim of this research is to understand what happened with the Industrialization in the Asturian region during the second middle of the 20th century. The importance of the Electric Industry was mostly related to HC Energia and Viesgo companies and to the architects, Joaquin Vaquero Palacios and Ignacio Álvarez Castelao, the most important figures in that period.

Irina charlín Nine Finding Lebbeus Woods In October 2012, the American architect Lebbeus Woods died in New York, just at the time I was starting my research work, which should be linked to the unpredictability and chaos in architecture. Lebbeus Woods built only one project in his life, but kept regularly updated a blog with numerous followers, in which he showed his thought. After visiting his blog entries I concluded that a detailed analysis of them would allow me to go into his exaggerated and fanciful world.

Javier Cid PenĂ­n Zaha Hadid: a window to the future My research came about as a result of the study of several early works by Zaha Hadid where I observed a special manner of adapting the chaos theory to his architecture. The aim of this research is understand the reason why the simple geometries have been transformed into another forms, definitively more complex, like fractals and folds.

Araceli DĂ­az Cabanas Vilanova Artigas: a plot, a plan and a section Vilanova Artigas designed 80 housing projects in SĂŁo Paulo between 1937 and 1981, most of which were built and are still standing in their plots of land. The analysis of several of these projects has helped me to verify how he takes the theory he himself designed and translates it into physical beings. There are many different residential typologies; however, he gives priority to reflecting how important Brazilian culture was for him, rather than creating a new language; which he will eventually do by relating these two ideas. When somebody commissioned him a new house, the first thing he did was spend some time on the plot, thinking what relations his building would have with it and its surroundings. It was all about simplicity.

Andrea Fernández Murciego Caño Roto:participation of users in the project

The hypothesis that is formulated is to determine whether users intervened in any way in the creation of the absorption and new towns. The analysis of Caño Roto will provide an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of involving the future dwellers in the design and construction of their homes. In this sense, a key part of the research was the interview with one of the architects who de-signed Caño Roto: Antonio Vázquez de Castro. This unpublished interview, of considerable value, is included as an appendix to this research.

Raquel Fraga Rodríguez Marcel Breuer: the art of living This dissertation seeks to study the relationship between the architect and the house, through the example of Marcel Breuer´s own houses. This relationship is important because it tells of something as deep and essential of the human condition as the refuge is. Our home it is the place we live and from we observe the world.

Hernรกn Gonzรกlez Pacheco Energetic loops Energetic diagrams and its derivation in strange loops This research seeks to study the geometry of the loop as a support for the different aspects and levels of the diagram. The diversity of approaches to the term "energy diagrams", acquired in recent decades, leads us to understand the project as a movement and, in short, as energy. Looking literal meaning of the abovementioned term, we necessary achieve the concept of cycle, the abstract loop. When we materialize it, the diagram is acquired.

ร scar Hernรกndez Ricoy Hansaviertel: postwar West German reconstruction The Hansa Quarter of Berlin was almost completely destroyed during the World War II and rebuilt from 1957 to 1961 as part of a scheme to rehouse the residents of the bombed-out area. The work of fifty-three architects, including Arne Jacobsen, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier, was represented. The aim of the dissertation is to compare two forms of model housing colonies where famous architects were commissioned to create buildings constructed with modern materials and industrialized methods: Hansaviertel and Weissenhof, an international showcase built for an exhibition in Stuttgart in 1927. This research seeks to study the results of these experiments, plenty of a great number of outstanding examples of modern architecture.

Ana Lariño Pinazas Wiel Arets: Mise-en-Scène This research work is about the mise-en-scène in the architecture, how it changes the spaces and how it affects the sensation of the users. To explain deeper the mise-en-scène this dissertation opted for follow the line time in history, starting with the Romanesque and the Gothic to the actual architecture, to show how the scenery has been present in architecture. To specify in the meaning I decided to follow the works of one architect to see if the mise-en-scène go through the theories and if is reflected in his projects. Wiel Arets is the architect chosen to delving in the multiple ways of create a scenario.

Javier Pose Bazarra Ugalde House: the path, the trees and the pool The thesis is based on the Ugalde house, designed by José Antonio Coderch in 1951. It focuses on the connection of the nature with the architecture. The first point is about the path that leads to the house. The second point is about the trees and the building. It is said that the building was designed before Coderch visited the place, because the owner, Mr. Ugalde, wanted every single tree of the plot to be conserved. The last point talks about the pool, and how the water can help to increase the quality of some spaces. It reflects the trees of the plot when it is seen from the outer part of the terrace; and it reflects the sky and the color of itself when it’s seen from the carob three, mixing the blue of the sea with the blue of the pool. At the same time, it takes the organic forms of the path and the terrace, becoming in this way another part of the ground, totally integrated on the context.

Rebeca Rego Díaz Cinema, an architectonic glance This dissertation seeks an approximation to some of the numerous connection points that have developed between cinema and architecture from the birth of the called 7th art. This study deals mainly with the way in which cinema has been established as an experimental architectonic lab through time, due to one of the main characteristics that cinema introduced in the circle of Arts: motion. The central core of this work expects to understand how the cinema expressed the architectonic changes that took place due to the crisis of the Modern Movement rudiments that had been the leit-motiv of Architecture during the 1st part of the twentieth century. My contribution with this dissertation is that this work is developed from the point of view of different perspectives, trying to describe them through the glance of different film directors, several ways of understanding architecture and facing up the development of an architectonic project. All the above mentioned gave rise to the birth of different glances: the utopic, the critic, the misfit, the traveler’s glace, and finally the glance of memory. They, as a whole, summarize, in some extent, the main contributions to architecture at that time.

Pablo Salvadores Fraga Haus-Rucker-Co: Future vision

The intention of this thesis is to compile and analyze the information available on the little-known Austrian Haus-Rucker-Co group. A number of conclusions have been drawn, providing me with an insight into a context that is of particular interest for the architecture that evolved during the 1960s and 1970s. The work is organized into two main groups, with an introduction and reasoned conclusions. The introduction explains the methods and objectives of the research, and discusses the various sources of information, which in this case have been very few, as this group of architects is littleknown in Spain. After the introduction, I focus on the subject of disciplinary crisis, with its causes and consequences in the world of architecture, such as the appearance of utopias. Reference is also made to the appearance of plastic materials and their use in architecture. Mobile habitats are a consequence of the above. The third chapter analyses the work of the Viennese group Haus-Rucker-Co. It includes a discussion of their ideas, a brief biography of each member and a description of their careers in architecture and the arts. The next stage is an explanation of their works organized by scale, starting with the smaller pieces and ending with urban design. This explanation is made by means of a comparison with other proposals for radical groups of architects, some of whom are also Austrian. Finally, this section also includes references and explanations of the works and projects undertaken by each of the three members after the group separated. The key issue lies in determining the results that derived from optimism about the transformative power of technology that characterized the work of many utopian groups in the 1960s. Were they dreamers? Or conversely, can they serve as an inspiration for today's world?

Sheila Sánchez Tomé Office Building on Rua do Aleixo: Távora, Siza and Souto de Moura My research came about as a result of the study of several photographs of early works by Álvaro Siza where I observed a special manner of adapting architecture to the environment. This led me to study the career of this architect in-depth, which in turn led to the discovery that both, he and Fernando Távora and Eduardo Souto de Moura have their

The aim of this research project is therefore to establish a

studio in the same building in the city of Oporto.

relationship between the architecture of the office building and

This building, situated in Rúa do Aleixo, was

the work of the three architects that share this building. To

designed by Siza in 1998. One of the most striking

achieve this, I started from a specific approach -the office

features of this building is its monumental scale in

building– before moving to the general, namely the main


features that define this building. between them.






somewhat surprising considering that one of the defining characteristics of all three architects is that their work shares a close connection with the environment.

Ánxela Trillo Calo In search of modern landscape The site has been a determining factor of the architectural work, but from the second middle of the 20th century it has a starring role in this game of relationships between the work and its context, taking part of the design process and its graphical representation. The aim of this dissertation is to study through different projects the different strategies with join architecture and landscape.

A Coru単a 6 de marzo de 2013

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