A LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Through classes, assignments, tests, and soon-to-be finals, it’s been a long semester. Now the summer is rapidly approaching, and whether you are making your schedule for next semester or finally graduating, it’s time to take a break. So fall into your bed in your comfiest clothes—or no clothes, if that’s what you’re into—and relax with The Stony Brook Press Literary Issue. Soak in the free verse, revel in a few good stories, and please your eyes with some delightful art and photography made by your peers.
CONTRIBUTORS Nick Batson Bryan Carroll Daniel Cashmar Jesse Chang Jon Coe Jim Davis Richelle A. Davis Arielle Dollinger Chiara Eskew Sarah Evins Ethan Freedman
David K. Ginn Evan Goldaper Carlene Gonzalez Jasmine Haefner R.J. Huneke Jared Hunte Oswaldo Jimenez Kim Johnson Tom Johnson Liz Kaempf Nicole Kohn
Artur Lashiker Edwige Lauture Paul Longo Ezra Margono Andy Polhamus Anthony Reffi Rebecca Tapio Monika Tuchowska Allen Vilensky Matt Willemain Elizabeth Yoo
“The art of losing isn’t hard to master.� –BISHOP
Listen or perhaps was it:
look she began to say we are on two different paths I have begun to notice this WKLV VHOI LQà LFWHG F\FOH of a workaholic‌ pressed between the working hours and homework minutes then: where was our playtime? She proclaimed This is where his crying pursued or even his temper began to rise with‌ I think we should stay friends with‌our future dialogue must be clear and concise as he had fallen for her he could not imagine the resentment and halos to the single moon she began to start counting more often than not because he was not there he cannot stop to wonder the unending pattern of phone calls HPDLOV WH[WV DQG à RZHUV that later ensued she would not answer them because she does not feel the same +LV ÀUVW ORYH later did he not become bothered by the 1994 song Dating in the digital age he thought has lost that vanity fair
INGREDIENTS I hope to have a time when I make eggs correctly with that darn sunny side up perfectly yet today I have yet mastered the ingredients
FAVOR I ask for a favor; She questions About the pen and paper That’s now in her hand; She crackles with nervousness I began to write this as she Focuses on her exposition That’s how it started She was panic-stricken I don’t remember if She made it through Still I somehow managed To make her write On stage fright
RAILROAD what a fantastic little Ă€FWLRQDO VWHDP locomotive painted blue with red lining or perhaps just in black and grey on my Philips television my conductor hat is cornered upon my boyish head with a little ‘toot’ from my mouth
by bryan carroll
photos by rebecca tapio
, ÀQ¡OO\ WROG KHU DOO WKH WKLQJV VKH ODFNV but I forgot about my own mistakes. I emphasized desire over facts like Lucifer upon his fall from grace. Like Sampson, did I let her in too close? I guess I sort of handed her the shears to trim away the things I value most, manipulating me with sex and tears. If yesterday there’d been a way to know, if only Prudence had called out: Beware! (I could have used a little help, my friend) Then in my life away from Eve I’d go, WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKDW , VHH KHU VWDQGLQJ WKHUH remaining true to the Fab Four Horsemen.
photo by arielle dollinger
by anthony reffi IN ARMS A simple greeting for an old friend, A relative, a lover, but never the thief.
A time of despair; heartache, death, failure. A time of beauty; passion, rejoice, love. A time spent in arms.
UNTITLED by jon coe
I need my head to ache So I could redirect my focus. This place is dark & unwelcome to strangers. But who else is there? You are all strange. Each stranger, stranger than the last. Although I want to let you in.
/HW¡V VD\ , ZHUH WR ÀQG WKH WUHH RI OLIH WR JLYH PH LQÀQLWHO\ PDQ\ \HDUV and render obsolete all of my fears while Immortality becomes my wife. If life’s a river rushing out to sea, why could I not divert to form a pool? Could there be anything else half as cool as extending on the entity of me? 8QERXQGHG SURVSHFWV IURP D à HHWLQJ WULS Such leisure time! As much as one could need IRU WUDYHO ZDWFKLQJ ÀOPV DQG ERRNV WR UHDG while cohesion staves off time’s evil drip. 1RZ RQH GD\ , PD\ ÀQG WKDW WUHH LW¡V WUXH But would I want to live on without you?
“Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.� –The Catcher in the Rye, SALINGER
A goodbye, forever or until next time; Whether that be weeks, years, or remains unbeknownst.
There is judgment here. I am relative to a standard which is relative to the subjectivity of comparison.
FUSION by jim davis
Hand to hand a bond is created melting at the seams. Armslength is nothing ZKHQ ÀQJHUV WRXFK Pulling apart the two joined hands, FUDFNV IUDFWXUHV LQ ÀQJHUWLSV leaving pieces of one on the other’s side irreversibly.
There is uncertainty here. The measurement, (me in volumes cubed), LV Y\LQJ WR EH TXDQWLÀHG But I am susceptible to your droopy eyes your shaky hands your irresistible touch your weakness. And you, (the measurer the time keeper Overhead the ocean realm, the quintessential guru of time suspended in action), Lies gently on the splendid sand, are just cracking under the pressure. And countless waves of coral shell, Apples to oranges? Bring timeless grace back to the land, Oranges to madmen? Overhead eternal night, Cynics to sanity. The quiescent moon peers into sight, 'HÀQH WKH VWDQGDUG And everything illuminates on hand. You set the parameters. Tell me where I add up &ORXGOHVV HYHU\GD\ \RX à \ RYHU WKH GXVN RI QLJKW where I lost control Luring and insuring of my sight, and give me the deviation expressed $QG IURP P\ GUHDP , ZDNH WR ÀQG ,¡P ORVW LQVLGH \RXU H\HV over the percent A thousand light blue trails of paradise. of what I lost in you.
PARADISE by allen vilensky
“Ou libéré?’ Are you free, my daughter?” –Breath, Eyes, Memory, DANTICAT
by richelle a. davis
He that hithers to my waking call Up in the morn, with a twinkle in thee eye A perk in the smile Hands open like a bird’s wing My husband Sweet charms you bless me Ye is a miracle $ FURZQ XSRQ PH ÁDW KHDG Fix all of me tremors Thunder I run You cover my soul Shining, my sun Hath you forgive me mistakes? Lead me to the light afar Hold me for I tremble Locked ye is Shall dwell forever Ye always will Always will ye shall be And I gasp Flabbergasted Not of fright I proclaim! Nor from tender words of disappoint ‘Tis new and ugly to thee lips So I forgive ye But here shall stay In here Not creeping to a brick Nor to the green Not an infant not yet weaned Or place to make green to make ye mean
photo by arielle dollinger
I promise Ye promise We promise Holy vows of heaven Cherish a breed of seven And… I lay And… Ye stay And… I see thee a bright ray Neither leaving Nor straying away
by ethan freedman
AND THE BUTTERFLY CHASED THE BEE They stared into each other’s eyes Open for all to see. ,Q FRQVWDQW Ă RZLQJ PRWLRQ They fell into the sea. One high and one low, Yet they could not foresee; They collapsed in each other’s arms, $QG WKH EXWWHUĂ \ FKDVHG WKH EHH And into the dawn of summer This kind of thing went on The beauty in her face Matched the beauty in the dawn They sat, staring, Singing “Let It Beâ€? Lost into the nighttime, $QG WKH EXWWHUĂ \ FKDVHG WKH EHH Their love was unmatched By any deity Her love was Athena His, Zeus, maybe Each a rose and a thorn Each love, an eternity They sat by the lake $QG WKH EXWWHUĂ \ FKDVHG WKH EHH
And one day it will hit you, a bullet, love. And it will pierce your membrane, the armor plate you call your skin. Cut through without rhyme or reason, your heart beating staccato, your mind racing legato, you fall. And either they take you to the hospital, take it out, remove it from your life, or leave you to die But with love in your heart.
“But, looking at her falsely-�smiling face I knew her self was not in that strange place.� –MCKAY
LAST NIGHT I woke up early this morning from last night and, aside from rotting my teeth, it corrupted my soul. But I took it lightly, For if it was as bad as you made it seem to be, And we are all going to hell, as you say, then my soul would mean nothing, And my teeth, even less And I’ve already been there and back Because I survived last night,
And while I was paralyzed by the words you were saying in the spot you were standing, in the room we were in, At least I could say I did not pave my own path to hell since It’s much better to be the victim than the cause because at least a victim could just smile and say, it’s just not my day %HFDXVH DW OHDVW ZKHQ FDXJKW XS LQ WKH FURVV ÀUHV You could duck $QG QRW WDNH DLP DQG ÀUH UHFNOHVVO\ DQG DLP WR NLOO &RYHUHG LQ EORRG RQ D IRUHLJQ EDWWOHÀHOG But; just cover your own ass And then brag about how you were in the war and won
photos by nicole kohn 11
PASSING BY Lady-killers dancing with the overnight romantics, The fragrant taste of antics rising high, And a drink or two to think things through, Before trails of sex start to infect, With fat checks and mirrors full of lines.
“Good fences make good neighbors.� –FROST
by allen vilensky
The Jolly Ranchers run for cover, &DXVH WKH\¡UH LQ QR VKDSH WR Ă€JKW But the bar is tender, so they surrender, $QG ZDYH D Ă DJ RI ZKLWH John knocks out old mighty Lone Star, But him and brother Tom ain’t too far apart, But the liquor comes from upside down, He somehow forgot, quickly took a shot, ,W Ă RZV WKURXJK WKH PHQ DQG XS WKH ZRPHQ¡V JRZQ And put a silver bullet in Tom’s heart, And there ain’t no vacant room in town, Meanwhile in the corner, it’s slowly getting warmer, Just a one night visit sign, 7KHUH¡V D Ă€UH LQ WKH VN\ And a man up front who makes the deal, The moon is shot; cause the bullet didn’t stop, Says, “You can touch but you can’t feel,â€? And the whole place drops, And I must admit it does appeal, Every time it passes by. But I’ll let it pass me by. Suddenly, the Cowboys come storming on black Good old Brandy’s looking fancy horses, With a poor old sack in sight, :DUQLQJO\ WKH SODFH GURSV FROGO\ WR WKH MDJJHG Ă RRU 7KH DQJHO¡V NLVV Ă XWWHUV KLP ZLWK EOLVV And the whole damn set screams Russian roulette, And so he grabs her tight, So they tip their hats to the daunting fact, In walks Big John and he ain’t too fond And walk right out the door. Of men who turn their backs, And Mrs. Daniels, she likes Samuel, And the Cowboys came from inside out, But she’d rather dance with Jack. They emptied the inn and went on about, And when they asked me why I took this route, Johnny Walker’s resting on a pair of risky aces, I told them one big lie, The whisky hints the raises amply with the deuce, But the awful truth, it stays intact, And he took the bait cause he couldn’t see straight, No man can resist this fated fact, A sip, a slip, heaven lost its grip, So I’ll take one good look and turn my back, And suddenly all hell broke loose. And keep on passing by.
SURGEON’S GENERAL WARNING , DP LQ \RXU URRP IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH You close the door DQG P\ VFDOSHO LV WKH ÀUVW WKLQJ \RX VHH I lie beside you on your bed. You ask me questions— I brandish. $ SRXQG RI P\ à HVK IRU D SRXQG RI \RXU à HVK I make an incision starting at my heart and moving downward. Peel back the skin Your sheets are red; All I want is for us to be close. One hand holding my intestines in, I move to cut you from heart downward. You let me. As I penetrate you, I hold you close make you comfortable. You are either too scared to say no or trust me too much to not say yes.
by jim davis Your sheets are red; This is how we can be close. We are both open now. Both on display, to an audience of one on your stage of dreams. Your skin is soft but my hands are deep inside you. The lights go down and as I pull you closer we embrace this crimson slumber. Your sheets are blood red; We will never be this close again. I wake up; your skin is cold and the warmth behind your eyes is gone. You lay still pale breathless. I used you to satisfy my bloodlust‌ But you can only slaughter a sheep once.
by sarah evins UNTITLED under the heavy breath of the moon distant and removed the ticking turns of upturned mouths sweeping arguments of streets and quiet cat scratches of wandering leaves help me forget my furrowed thoughts
photo by nick batson
TIGHTROPE WALKING The laundry room Where vermin sleep And where I go to cry With hanging bras Along a line Soaking up the air to dry And while I sleep The nexus of my words and my desires Withheld in daylight Each soft breath inhales and dances each spry step $QG EURDGO\ IURP HDFK ÀW RI SLTXH And each defying, deathly act Abbreviates and ruminates And disengages Quietly ‘Til morning comes Collaged and glued Here pinned, then tucked, all held in place And nexus never factors in With lips locked shut, And stolid face.
“Oh, why, dear God, did I marry him?� –Madame Bovary, FLAUBERT
THE EXTINCT MUSE by elizabeth yoo
The wavy hair swept back into a bun, 7UDQVOXFHQW à HVK ZUDSSHG DURXQG VQRZ ZKLWH ERQHV Naked collarbones bearing precious stones; And the lips parted to harbor a gun. The trachea seated inside the lily throat Quivered at the touch of cold carbon steel On her lying tongue. The pyrite jewels reeled When I jerked the trigger. I put my coat On and sold the necklace to the stranger. I brought her over to the tide—My hands Rattled as I weighed her down with an anchor. I retreated, weightless, from the moist brink And wiped the dirt off from her Judas kiss; Aphrodite of Milos had to sink. Beside her, my works drifted far away; I destroyed myself, the artist, so that My obsession and disillusionment could decay.
“Avantika, The Indian Queen� drawing by Chiara Eskew 17
by jared hunte
I have seen the pleasure of lost hope in a grown man’s eyes If ignorance is bliss, then this is paradise His dreams never existed and his hopes are hindered 7KH SDVVLRQDWH ÀUHV RI KLV VRXO RXWHG E\ WKDW ELWWHU VZHHW HOL[LU He only shows ambition in the quest for hard liquor The antidote the poison of his heart only makes him that much sicker Aspirations have no place in his land of lost dreams $OO VLJQLÀFDQW HPRWLRQV DUH UHSODFHG E\ FKLOGLVK JUHHG Success has no place here He handed me his dignity as he groveled for that beer That only drives him deeper into the chasm of oppression He remains blissfully unaware of his plight as he downs them in succession “Where does this life lead me?” is what he never stops to think Any hope of escape from this happy hell is squandered on drinks The force of realization will never push him to reality’s brink Deep down into the waters of irresponsibility is where he will continuously sink His “high” poorly disguises his pain He soon comes to regret what he’s done with his monetary gains He tries in vain to break the shackles of addiction because to his loved ones he must remain true His son is destined to follow in his father’s wayward footsteps because the cycle must continue...
WONDERFUL, WICKEDNESS by paul longo $Q LPPHPRULDO à LFNHULQJ FDWFKHV P\ DWWHQWLRQ DV , ZDON WRZDUG LW VWHDOLQJ LWV EHDXW\ RQH furtive glance at a time until I am upon it and its light encasement ripples like water with my touch and its unspoken serenity sends palpable shockwaves through my body stoking the embers of a coldness that grows within me. The scene fast-forwards until my view is blurred, and life is as one amorphous entity before me DQG P\ PRXWK RSHQV WR VFUHDP EXW SURGXFHV OLWWOH FUXGH WKLQJV ZKLFK IDOO WR WKH à RRU OXUNLQJ off into the world to work their way into somebody, their magic a wonderful, wickedness mistaken for beauty and the real thing, and more and more come pouring out, and they dance DURXQG PH DV VDYDJHV DQG , DP WKHLU ÀUH WKHLU SUH\ WKHLU *RG WKHLU GHVWLQDWLRQ DQG WKH PRUH I cry out the more they slip off my tongue until there are so many that moon and stars and sky are blotted out and there is a sick choking sound that I hear from the outside, yet feel from the inside, and I stop. I listen. And what is impressed upon me is a silence I have created. It is mine and I am its. The world I have created is small, and proves that neither of us exists.
“We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.� –WORDSWORTH
SILENCE BROODS NO MORE Cards cannot play themselves Enjoy the game Aces over Sharp spades spinning Tattered black curls Swinging like a late night jazz Warrior woman Twisting with tired turns The tortured ones Stretching for food Rate politics As all the same The books bear blank white pages Aglow with TV Cantankerous consumerism enslavement Of freedom Erroneous misplaced judgment But not for ourselves? 6OXWW\ GHLÀFDWLRQ GHHPV WLW FHQVRUVKLS Tall nipples Landmark tops of city buildings Not phalluses/tits! There is no Beauty in the God above mankind Inhumane Fallacies fucking fallacies No fucking’s allowed! An arm of white man’s negativity m/m Poetry? The greed driven chains of the cave Stuck with iron stakes:
by r.j. huneke Take the hammer and POUND POUND POUND POUND there is no love POUND accept self-hate 3281' LQ VHOÀVK 3281' 3281' Fuck her POUND there is no care Take the hammer and POUND These self-proclaimed kings, Rapping idolatrous gods Model them POUND Hate everyone POUND Hate who we fuck POUND hate who we fuck POUND Drink up the desire to POUND greed Be greed POUND Be greed Suck my dick bitch POUND Let the next cunt suck my dick bitch POUND POUND greed come Greed come POUND 6HOÀVK VHOI KDWH VHOÀVK VHOI KDWH POUND POUND POUND Negative absolute zero cold Apathy swallow and spit greed come POUND titanic rusty anchoring chain Lapping the very vessels as Imagination drowns in digital blood POUND “My poems have holes sewn into them.” –TROUPE
Castle: the rook protect thee Let the pawns play The broken toothed grins of the queen and king line the board with games Let the pawns play A higher straight hits home and controls the bet This house is full of riotous laughter raving lunatic answers and shifty bending pawns That’s Check: you can’t keep them out 3DZQ VDFULÀFH Walls of diamond shard bling shrapnel for the twisted slave armies 3DZQ VDFULÀFH =RPELÀFDWLRQ PDQDFOHG WRJHWKHU Clinking they hold the line at the status quo I’ll swap your pawn with mine And reap the queen’s pussy
photo by nick batson 21
photo by nick batson
The steaming sumptuous jazz singer wields blended coffee on winter nights Her cold is soothed with a cough and a drop of… Traps, like bear claws with metal teeth, to adorn the inside Of her cracked cup Her break begins and ends in an alley of rusty brick and delicate dicks The grime the sticky black grease of the night shadows her heavily She whisks her hair with a weak bronze hand And takes up the tarnished drizzly stage once more The song aches from out of her quivering breasts like lightning tearing down a tree Gnarled battered lungs of urban and suburban People, not myths, idealistic zombie people eyeing Her rolled up sleeve Where from coffee stained tracks rides a single Joker card laughing with worn edges 6XGGHQO\ ORVW LQ WKH VFUHDPV WKH PRDQV RI WKH VDFUHG VHOÁHVV VRQJ And despite the devils in us all The paths in the maze reach an end as they’re ONE
“This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.” –ELIOT
And it occurs to the near out of work seamstress that she is seeing into The Eye! Osiris! Ra! Jesus! Mohammed! Buddha! Gandhi! Plato! NO! Freud! NO! Mary Wollstonecraft! Hugs microphone Stands swaying in a slippery dress far too large for the skeletal shrink-mare Even the de-sexualized euthanized acne bobbin’ head dolls Wake up from apathy genocide The eye peels back: the Oneness the Emerson
Part III:
The tortured ones round another bend Slowly The clinking chains drag on the moist pavement with their famished phalluses 6KULQNLQJ ZHDNHQLQJ ZLWK WKH SDOH VZHDWLQJ ÁHVK WKDW LV Reveling in western society Without food The tortured ones moan with mounting madness At whim Screens buzz with control exhaustion emitance carefully bred without food Creeping creeping along on bony toes and bleached skulls Scraping civilization gunk with spoons And lost dreams Abstinence censors Nature herself Females Can only open the doors the legs of their imprisonment when told Fuck abstinence with liberated wet vaginas From where will we be born if not from these Clams with pearls? The tortured ones tire of the lines Growing They will gasp, sputter, sweat, toil, scream, zombie, Sh! Silent Sh! No more! Climb beyond subsistence the 3rd Estate us and them
POETRY Use volcano skulls to tread up and out Precede blows The tortured ones bend the cards for all They’re worth Stop and inject the foreplay on society do Not POUND in Chains Caress the round peaks amongst the mechanized city Come freedom
Part IV:
Where are the Tinkerers with their Mark Twain mustaches And their expensive cigars Exhausting all efforts of will to think outside of the cranking cranium gearbox Spinning the smoky turbines of spirited spiritual spiriting effectual innovation? Mary Wollstonecraft where are you and yours hiding out? Frankenstein wrinkles and cries :KLOH ZKLWH GDXJKWHUV RI UHOLJLRXV SDUHQWV UHDIÀUP DQFLHQW ZRUP ULGGHQ JUDYH KHDGVWRQHV In youth for the female soul awaits another place where her black taboo fucking is delicious Can Kerouac Iron Man and Ginsberg Spiderman Be taught at universities? Grappling the shameful trials of gavel dropping conformity countenance cobwebs While tight folded lips are stapled closed and their throats choke on the voice that’s been denied them
Part V:
We are the trapeze artists in the mounting urban rain Soaked beyond recognition We are the fearless fastidious revolutionaries Hitchhiking grifter students We are the pipe-smoking painters mixing rainwater oil With loose canvas clouds and dirt
POETRY We are silent-brooding no more. We are the art warriors wrestling their violent ways Downward vehemently We are the splashers of wavy glossy city streets buckling Windy suspension bridges We are the international voices carving from the greed To end the hollowed eye look We are silent-brooding no more. What magic rips the fabric wantonly grrrrrrr The whores have left the modest Red Light District and moved into Inner Outer City Suburb Farms And homes And universities Gluttonous sexual mutations ruin the face of Love (with three broken eyes Snakes for hair And long acrylic nails)
Imagine a voice faultless and accursed Tantalizing untainted vocalization EMPOWERMENT ROARRR! Blond cat-like eyes query While the creature wrestles the vines’ leafy limb 7KH SXSLOV UHÁHFW D SDWFK RI HVFDSHG PRRQ Two golden puddles amongst emerald cities Patient spotted darkness With a yielding of a Growl You’ll be caught! Imagine the leopard leaping nightshade Terrifying swiping the muzzled nations’ INDIVIDUALLL! The sharp curvy nails claw
“Everyone smiles with that invisible gun to their head.” –Fight Club, PALAHNIUK
What magic struggles amidst strangulation The black magic squares off with the white and the gray
POETRY At the silent cranium hat straight jacket Canvas frays and *slashes* at the very sound 2I WKH FUHDWXUH à H[LQJ ZLOG YRFDO FKRUGV Waiting scratching tree bark When shall they listen and Growl? Spot shadows The tree, the dirt, the earth beneath the nails So sedimentary gritty Crawling A desert in the claw We remember the‌ As one, as all come from‌ A dance in the shadows of prey A metal grate loomed near Despite the porous lawn, garden, scrub 2DNV OHDà HVV VKUXEEHULHV And the university backdrop,
A metal grate loomed near The perspectives ultimately Became a rusty uneven grid-like grin A drain Would that we did not fall, crawl, Spill, slide and worm All the time Down shifting sifting into the well A metal grate loomed near
Part V:
And the missiles ejaculated Death: messy, sticky, liquidity Parts of persons fused themselves and surroundings Like falling in a warm lava lake While other pieces separated and shook Enraptured? And were then stilled
photos by nick batson How is it in a day, any day, today, yesterday That sex is frowned on, spurned and restricted unnaturally :KLOH JHQRFLGH 4DGGDÀ·V DUH DOORZHG IRU VR IXFNLQJ ORQJ" Tell me momma about the missiles Is it not enough that the earth quakes On her own and humbles nuclear ambitions *ORZLQJ HPHUDOG FULPVRQ ÀUHV Melt the plastic people in slow suffering Whose folly? Tell me we missed How is it possible to hear the anguish in their voice? Not one child in Japan should have to drink poisoned milk And weep aloud without everyone being able to hear.
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -‐ that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” –KEATS
“When by now and tree by leaf she laughed his joy she cried his grief.” –E.E. CUMMINGS
drawing by edwige lauture drawing by monika tuchowska
photo by ezra margono
“I become a transparent eyeball-‐I am nothing; I see all.” –“Nature,” EMERSON
photos by jasmine haefner
photos by arielle dollinger
photo by rebecca tapio 31
“To clarify the pulse and cloud the mind, and leave me once again undone, possessed.” –MILLAY
photos by liz kaempf
photos by tom johnson 33
by david k. ginn
uzanne...what an odd name for a girl these days. Maybe it was all the rage decades ago, but now all the young Suzannes were named after a grandmother or aunt who had died long ago. Suzie Canton was one such echo. She told him that right before she found the ladybug crawling on her math book. 2W[P \ZQML \W JTW_ Q\ WNN PMZ ÅVOMZ J]\ Q\ _W]TLV¼\ J]LOM ¹;\WX \PI\ º [PM [IQL ¹1\¼[ XZM\\a º Josh grabbed her waist with both hands and pulled her closer. ¹AW]¼ZM XZM\\a º “We have to set her down somewhere safe.” ¹1\¼[ XZWJIJTa I »PM¼ º 2W[P [IQL ¹)VL Q\ _I[ LWQVO R][\ ÅVM before we showed up.” 0M X]TTML PMZ IZU <PM TILaJ]O ÆM_ WNN LQ[IXXMIZQVO QV\W darkness. They stood still for a moment. The bathroom was small, but they could dance. ;PM _ZIXXML PMZ IZU[ IZW]VL PQ[ VMKS IVL LWLOML PQ[ ÅZ[\ kiss. “Slow down, tiger.” ¹?M¼^M WVTa OW\ NW]Z UQV]\M[ TMN\ +WUM WV º ¹?W]TLV¼\ aW] ZI\PMZ PI^M \_W ZMITTa OWWL UQV]\M[ \PIV [M^MV \PI\ IZM R][\ ITZQOP\'º Josh hooked his arm around the small of her back. She was tiny, but she had some healthy meat on her. Despite her cleverness, \PW]OP [PM _I[ _ZWVO 0M¼L ZI\PMZ PI^M [M^MV ITZQOP\ UQV]\M[ She slapped his hand. “Cool it.” +WWT Q\' ?I[ [PM \MI[QVO WZ _I[ [PM JWZV \PQZ\a aMIZ[ IOW' ¹AW] LWV¼\ IK\ TQSM aW]¼ZM ÅN\MMV º PM [IQL ¹:MITTa' AW] LW º ;PM [PWWS NZWU PQ[ OZI[X IVL \]ZVML I_Ia ¹AW]¼ZM VW N]V º ¹<PQ[ Q[V¼\ IJW]\ N]V 1\¼[ IJW]\ º 0M KW]TLV¼\ \PQVS WN \PM _WZL WZ UIaJM PM _I[ R][\ _WZZQML IJW]\ PW_ Q\ _W]TL [W]VL ¹1 SVW_ _PI\ Q\¼[ IJW]\ NWZ aW] º ;PM UILM I OIOOQVO UW\QWV ¹4M\¼[ OW JIKS \W \PM XIZ\a º She opened the door. The light outside blinded him. Why so UIVa TQOP\[' 1\ _I[ VQKM IVL QV\QUI\M QV PMZM 6QKM IVL LIZS ) LWbMV XIZ\aOWMZ[ KPMMZML IVL ZIQ[ML \PMQZ ZML XTI[\QK K]X[ <PMa TWWSML TQSM \PMa _MZM ÅTUQVO I NWW\JITT KWUUMZKQIT 6QSSQ 0I_SQV[ ZIQ[ML PMZ [PW]TLMZ IVL [UQTML ?I[ [PM ÆQZ\QVO _Q\P PQU' <PZMM UQV]\M[ QV \PM KTW[M\ IVL []LLMVTa 6QSSQ 0I_SQV[ _PW PIL \]ZVML PQU LW_V QV \PM ÅZ[\ OZILM IVL [\QTT [PW_ML XMWXTM PQ[ TW^M TM\\MZ _PMV [PM _IV\ML I TI]OP _I[ ÆQZ\QVO _Q\P PQU 0M NMT\ I XIVO WN XZQLM IT\PW]OP PM SVM_ PM LQLV¼\ deserve it. “Suzie!” yelled some faceless stranger in the back of the living ZWWU ¹;\QTT \_W UQV]\M[ TMN\ 1¼TT \ISM W^MZ º Suzie looked at Josh, and he could see her intentions as if she had posted it to Facebook. She did not want a single person thinking they had come close to making out. Time seemed to slow down. His face was burning red before she even spoke.
¹)Va\PQVO¼[ JM\\MZ \PIV \PI\ º [PM [IQL XWQV\QVO \W PQU IVL the bathroom door. <PM MV\QZM ZWWU M`XTWLML QV I Å\ WN TI]OP\MZ IVL KPMMZ[ People he knew—people he thought might be his friends—fell off \PMQZ KPIQZ[ IVL KW]KPM[ NIKM[ _M\ _Q\P \MIZ[ IVL KPMIX JMMZ 6QSSQ 0I_SQV[ [UQTML I\ PQU IOIQV J]\ [PM _I[ VW\ ÆQZ\QVO IVaUWZM ) SQVL WN []ZOM \WWS W^MZ 0M NMT\ TQSM I UIV [TQLQVO WNN I mountain, with one good swing of a pickaxe between life and LMI\P 0M TWWSML ZQOP\ I\ ;]bQM KPM[\ PQOP _Q\P KWVÅLMVKM ¹;WZZa aW] KW]TLV¼\ PIVLTM UM º ;PM \]ZVML PMMT 6W WVM _I[ TI]OPQVO 1\ _I[ TQSM I [Q\KWU where the laugh track changes to a chorus of “ooooohs”. She could walk away, she had to know that. She was a girl; girls could shake this kind of thing off. ¹+W]TLV¼\ PIVLTM aW]'º Jesus, she was taking the bait. Back in the closet, Suze. You know you want to. “Two more minutes!” someone shouted. She pushed past him and into the bathroom. The crowd went wild. Josh followed her and shut the door. ¹?PI\ IZM _M OWQVO \W LW NWZ \_W UQV]\M['º PM I[SML Without another word, she grabbed the back of his hair and pressed her lips into his. His arms went limp. He felt the warmth of her face, the crash of her teeth against his own, the tip of her tongue touching his gums. She let him go and stepped back against the sink. ¹0IXXa'º 0M _I[ IVL PM PWXML \W /WL [PM _W]TLV¼\ VW\QKM ¹+IV we—” There was a sharp crack, like a branch breaking off a tree. It seemed to ripple through, as if someone had shot a lightning bolt IKZW[[ 8I\\a +ITTQ[\MZ¼[ XZWXMZ\a <PM TQOP\ ]VLMZ \PM LWWZ _MV\ W]\ NWZ I [MKWVL \PMV ÆQKSMZML JIKS WV +IZ ITIZU[ JTIZML W]\[QLM Suzie stood with both arms against the sink. For a moment all Josh could hear was her heavy breathing. ¹?PI\ \PM PMTT _I[ \PI\'º [PM I[SML “Sounded like thunder.” There was a rustling sound outside the door, like the crinkling WN I XW\I\W KPQX JIO .MM\ \P]UXML IOIQV[\ \PM ÆWWZ TMN\ \W ZQOP\ and right to left. Someone screamed. Suzie reached for the door handle. Josh pulled her hand away from the door and spun her around to face him. “Relax,” he said. ¹,QL aW] R][\ PMIZ \PI\'º ¹1\¼[ XZWJIJTa I RWSM <PMa _IV\ \W [KIZM ][ W]\ º The crinkling started to die down. So did the footsteps. There _I[ I UWUMV\ WN [QTMVKM _PMV ITT 2W[P KW]TL PMIZ _I[ ;]bQM¼[ breathing against his chest, and then the light under the door went
out again. ;PM ZMIKPML NWZ \PM LWWZ PIVLTM <PQ[ \QUM PM LQLV¼\ [\WX PMZ <PM TQ^QVO ZWWU _I[ LIZS ;WUM\PQVO _I[ Æ]\\MZQVO QV \PM SQ\KPMV TQSM I [UITT [_IZU WN ÆQM[ <PI\ \WW OW\ Y]QM\MZ ]V\QT eventually it stopped. Suzie stepped out of the bathroom and looked around. He followed her a pace behind. It was almost impossible to see. He braced his legs against the possibility of running into a KPIQZ WZ 8I\\a +ITTQ[\MZ¼[ LQTIXQLI\ML XWSMZ \IJTM ¹0MTTW'º ;]bQM [IQL 6W WVM IV[_MZML ;WUM\PQVO _I[ [\IZ\QVO \W [UMTT JIL TQSM rotten meat left out over night. Josh pinched his nose. The dining room was on the right side of the living room, shrouded in darkness. To the left, Josh could see the kitchen light through the open ledge in the wall. “Find a light,” Josh whispered. Something sniveled. Josh and Suzie turned to the dining room. She grabbed his hand, and it was probably no comfort that his was shaking, too. <PM [VQ^MT \]ZVML \W I [WJ \PMV I _PQ[XMZ ¹/]a['º 1\ _I[ 6QSSQ 0I_SQV[ 0MZ _WZL[ _MZM JZWSMV ]X Ja PMI^a JZMI\P[ IVL Y]QKS [WJ[ ¹?PMZM IZM aW]'º ;]bQM I[SML “Here.” <PI\ LQLV¼\ PMTX U]KP 0M TWWSML IZW]VL NWZ \PM TQOP\ [_Q\KP J]\ Q\ _I[ \WW LIZS \W ÅVL Q\ 0M ZMUMUJMZML \PMZM _I[ I KPIVLMTQMZ above the dining room table, and if it was anything like his house,
there was a light switch in the living room. He felt along the wall. ¹1 KIV¼\ [MM aW] º ;]bQM [IQL 6QSSQ¼[ ^WQKM _I[ I TW\ KTMIZMZ" ¹2][\ _ITS NWZ_IZL º ¹?PI\ \PM PMTT PIXXMVML' ?M _MZM WVTa QV \PMZM NWZ I minute—” “Be careful, please.” 2W[P¼[ PIVL [\WXXML I\ I XTI[\QK _ITT XTI\M ¹4M\¼[ OM\ [WUM TQOP\ in here.” 6QSSQ¼[ [KZMIU VMIZTa SVWKSML PQU W^MZ ¹6W º 0M PIL ITZMILa ÆQKSML \PM TQOP\ They saw her in the dining room, lit now by the swinging light of the chandelier. Her face was deep red. She screamed and screamed, and over it somehow Josh could hear the rustling sound, that awful crinkle that sounded like crushed tinfoil. *TW\KPM[ QV PMZ NIKM JMKIUM LIZSMZ IVL \PMV PMZ ÆM[P JMOIV to tear away as if someone were clawing into her. She grabbed at her cheeks, her forehead, her scalp, but her hands were wasting away, too. Suzie started to run to her. Josh grabbed her by the shoulder and yanked her back. 6QSSQ _I[ KZaQVO 2W[P KW]TL [MM \PM JWVM[ QV PMZ KPMMS[ 0M TWWSML I_Ia IVL QV \PM ZM[WVIV\ TQOP\ PM [I_ I PMIX WN ÆM[P IVL KTW\PM[ WV \PM NIZ MVL WN \PM TQ^QVO ZWWU 0M \]ZVML JIKS \W 6QSSQ in time to see her fall to her knees. She was staring at them both, and her eyes were accusatory. Josh heard the buzzing again, the Æ]\\MZ WN JMM[ WZ UW[Y]Q\WM[ WZ _PI\M^MZ \PM PMTT Q\ [W]VLML TQSM
photo by tom johnson
“I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool-‐-‐that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” –The Great Gatsby, FITZGERALD
SHORT STORIES <PMZM _I[V¼\ U]KP TMN\ WN 6QSSQ 0I_SQV[ 0M X]TTML ;]bQM I_Ia and walked backwards to the kitchen. )V I_N]T [UMTT W^MZ\WWS PQU 0M TWWSML I\ PQ[ PIVL IVL ZMITQbML ;]bQM PIL \PZW_V ]X WV PQU 0M LQLV¼\ KIZM They were nearing the kitchen. He and Suzie looked up at the lights, and he could tell she understood. <PM TQOP\[ 2M[][ +PZQ[\ \PM TQOP\[ PIL SQTTML PMZ 6QSSQ Hawkins, who he thought about every day after school since he had learned what Ken Larkin called “bologna bopping”. He had R][\ [MMV PMZ [SQV J]ZV I_Ia ?I[ Q\ ZMITTa \PM TQOP\' 0M TWWSML LW_V IVL QV \PM NIQV\ illumination from the dining room he could see outlines of bodies. <PQ[ _I[V¼\ PIXXMVQVO 6W _Ia <PM NZWV\ LWWZ _I[ QV \PM SQ\KPMV <PMa KW]TLV¼\ TMI^M \PI\ _Ia IVL 2W[P _I[V¼\ []ZM QN PM M^MV _IV\ML \W ?PW SVM_ _PI\ \PM PMTT _I[ W]\ \PMZM' Someone was in the kitchen; Josh could hear them whimpering. He sidestepped until he could see through the archway. Patty Callister was under the kitchen table out of the light by mere inches. There were two sets of overheads, and the one to the right of the table was off. The front door was under the other. Josh crouched and made a psst [W]VL 8I\\a RMZSML IVL X]\ I hand over her mouth. ¹?PI\ IZM aW] LWQVO'º PM _PQ[XMZML ¹?PMZM¼[ 6QSSQ' 1 PMIZL PMZ [KZMIU º Josh looked to Suzie, who was still shaking. Bits of sick were stuck to her lower chin. “Come to us,” Josh said to Patty. She shook her head. ¹1\¼[ WSIa º PM [IQL 8I\\a¼[ MaM[ _MZM ZML _Q\P \MIZ[ ¹1 KIV¼\ OW QV \PM TQOP\ 1\¼[ safe here.” ¹?PMZM Q[ \PM TQOP\ [_Q\KP'º Patty pointed to the darker part of the kitchen. There was too much light for him to make it across, but Patty could do it. He thought about the logistics, and for a moment he ]VLMZ[\WWL R][\ PW_ QV[IVM Q\ ITT _I[ ?PI\ KW]TL \MIZ [WUMWVM¼[ ÆM[P WNN TQSM \PI\¸MI\ Q\ M^MV' ?I[ Q\ \PM TQOP\ Q\[MTN WZ [WUM\PQVO QV \PM TQOP\' “I want to go home,” Suzie said. Josh tried to keep focus. “Patty, you need to turn the lights off. 1N aW] LWV¼\ _M¼TT VM^MZ TMI^M º ¹1¼U [KIZML º ¹6W [PQ\ UM \WW *]\ _M VMML \W OM\ \PI\ TQOP\ WNN º Patty stared at him for a moment, then nodded slowly. He knew she could do it. She was captain of the swim team. If she could dive from ten feet in the air she could duck out from under a table and turn a light off. She crawled to the dark end of the table and looked at them one more time before sliding out. She looked behind her, as if the light would catch her in the act and follow her across the room. When she saw she was safe, she ran to the wall and caught her breath. “There are like, four switches here.”
¹1\¼[ aW]Z PW][M ?PQKP WVM Q[ Q\'º ¹1 LWV¼\ SVW_ 1 IT_Ia[ LW \PM _ZWVO WVM º ¹)ZM \PMa KWVVMK\ML \W IVa W\PMZ ZWWU['º “I... I think so.” Josh looked up at the ceiling. There were two sets of lights in here, too. One was by the bathroom door, and the other was right over their heads. 1N [PM ÆQXXML \PI\ TQOP\ QV[\MIL “Patty, please hit the right one.” ¹7SIa R][\ OQ^M UM I [MKWVL º He heard her count to herself, maybe to three or maybe as [WUM [WZ\ WN UMUWZa M`MZKQ[M ) [MKWVL TI\MZ \PM TQOP\[ VMIZ \PM JI\PZWWU LWWZ ÆI[PML WV 2W[P R]UXML 0M _I[ QV TQOP\ VW_ J]\ apparently not enough. There was a faint line on the carpet, the difference between life and death. He backed as far away from it as possible. “Patty!” ¹1¼U [WZZa º [PM [PW]\ML ¹1\ U][\ JM \PQ[ WVM º The kitchen erupted with light. He heard Patty scream. ;WUM\PQVO \P]LLML IOIQV[\ \PM ÆWWZ ?PMV PQ[ MaM[ ILR][\ML 2W[P [I_ PMZ ]VLMZ \PM \IJTM IOIQV Her face was red and slashed, and one of her feet was reduced to JWVM ) XWWT WN \PQV JTWWL _I[ NWZUQVO WV \PM \QTM ;PM _I[ ]VLMZ \PM \IJTM¼[ [PILW_ \PW]OP 1N [PM KW]TL [\WX the bleeding, she might be okay. 8I\\a OZIJJML I\ \PM \IJTM TMO _Q\P WVM PIVL ;]bQM R]UXML forward instinctively. Josh grabbed her by the leg. ¹,WV¼\ º ;]bQM [IQL 2W[P LQLV¼\ ]VLMZ[\IVL _PI\ _I[ OWQVO WV 8I\\a _I[ PWTLQVO the table leg, lifting it even, as if— She must have hit it on her way down. The wood was splintered in the middle, and the weight from the tabletop was pushing it out. <PM KZQVSTQVO [W]VL KZIKSTML IVL XWXXML I[ 8I\\a¼[ PIVL began to tear away. Blood dripped down her arm. The table began to dip. ) JWWS [TQL LW_V \PM \IJTM\WX IVL NMTT \W \PM \QTM <PMV I XTI[\QK K]X IVL I _QZM NZ]Q\ JW_T )XXTM[ ZWTTML IKZW[[ \PM ÆWWZ The table fell forward. Josh looked away, but in the corner of his eye he could see Suzie staring, her face still as a statue. 0M KZI_TML IKZW[[ \PM ÆWWZ IVL [I\ _Q\P PQ[ JIKS \W \PM _ITT 8I\\a LQLV¼\ [KZMIU ;PM _PQVML IVL UWIVML IVL \PMV \PM KZQVSTQVO [\WXXML IVL \PM PW][M _I[ Y]QM\ IOIQV They were screwed. Both sets of switches for the living room were now under light. The bedrooms were past the dining room, and the bathroom door was a no-go. They were sitting in a six-foot circle of near-darkness. On all [QLM[ \PM W^MZPMIL[ JI\PML MIKP ZWWU QV TQOP\ )[ NIZ I[ PM SVM_ this was the only dark area in the entire house. 0M TWWSML ]X I\ \PM TQOP\[ LMÅIV\Ta 0M PIL VM^MZ VW\QKML ]V\QT VW_ R][\ PW_ UIVa TQOP\[ \PMZM _MZM QV I PW][M ,WbMV[ <_MV\a UIaJM \PQZ\a UIaJM UWZM ?Pa _W]TL IVaWVM VMML [W U]KP TQOP\' Mrs. Stewart, his science teacher, had told him that light pollution changed the way we see the night sky. You can only see
“And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-‐acuteness of the sense?” –POE
SHORT STORIES \PM [\IZ[ KTMIZTa QN aW]¼ZM WV I UW]V\IQV\WX WZ QV I Z]ZIT IZMI 2W[P PIL JMMV \W VMQ\PMZ )[ NIZ I[ PM KW]TL O]M[[ PM PIL VM^MZ [MMV \PM true night sky. ) KZIba \PW]OP\ KZW[[ML PQ[ UQVL [W QV[IVM \PI\ PM [UQTML I TQ\\TM" ?PI\ QN VI\]ZM _I[ ÅOP\QVO JIKS' ;]bQM _I[ [\QTT [\IZQVO QV\W \PM SQ\KPMV 0M _I[V¼\ _WZZQML about her. He was tired, mentally and physically. His eyelids fell slowly, and soon the room was dark. The world was dark. He felt safer already. *** When he woke, Suzie Canton had her arm around his waist. Her body was warm. She was snoring. He tried to move her off his shoulder, but her body was like a sack of potatoes. He wondered if that was true for everyone. He had never been so close to somebody before. He grabbed her by the waist and shuddered when he felt the PW\ ÆM[P ]VLMZVMI\P PMZ [PQZ\ 0M KW]TL JIZMTa [MM J]\ [PM _I[ close enough that he could make out her tired eyes by his shoulder. ?PI\ \PM PMTT' <PMa PIL \_W UQV]\M[ TMN\ LQLV¼\ \PMa' 0M [Y]MMbML PMZ _IQ[\ IVL TMIVML QV \W SQ[[ PMZ TQX[ <PMa _MZM [WN\ IVL _M\ ;PM \I[\ML TQSM [QKS 0M LQLV¼\ KIZM 0M UW^ML PQ[ PIVL IZW]VL PMZ _IQ[\ W^MZ \W PMZ [\WUIKP ) KPQTT ZIV ]X PQ[ arm. He slid his hand down slowly. It was shaking, but the danger only turned him on more. He had never seen a woman except on \PM QV\MZVM\ 1N PM KW]TL NMMT Q\ R][\ WVKM 0M [TQL PQ[ PIVL ]VLMZ \PM \WX WN PMZ RMIV[ <PM J]\\WV popped loose. She was hot and wet, and it smelled awful. He forced PQ[ ÅVOMZ[ LW_V She had been right, after all. Two great minutes were so much JM\\MZ \PIV [M^MV 0W_ _I[ PM []XXW[ML \W SVW_' 0M PIL VM^MZ experienced two really great minutes before. ;PM [Y]QZUML I JQ\ 0M X]TTML PQ[ PIVL W]\ IVL Å`ML PMZ [PQZ\ His hand smelled like her. He tucked it under his leg. ¹1[ Q\ UWZVQVO'º [PM I[SML ¹6W º She sat up straight and stretched her arms over her knees. ¹?M¼L JM LMIL _W]TLV¼\ _M'º Josh glanced at the window across the room and nodded. ¹1¼U KWTL º ;]bQM [IQL “Me too.” ¹,W aW] PMIZ \PI\'º 2W[P [I\ [\QTT IVL XMZSML PQ[ MIZ 0M KW]TL PMIZ Q\" NWW\[\MX[ from the kitchen, light and slow. Suzie pointed to the kitchen, and Josh understood. Someone was walking in the light. He peered over the ledge, but all he saw was a dark shape UW^M Y]QKSTa W]\ WN ^QM_ ¹8I\\a'º I UIV¼[ ^WQKM _PQ[XMZML ;]bQM OZIJJML 2W[P¼[ IZU ¹1\¼[ 5Z +ITTQ[\MZ º [PM [IQL ¹?PI\¼[ PM LWQVO'º ¹1 KIV¼\ [MM º ¹8I\\a º <PM UIV _I[ [WJJQVO 2W[P KW]TLV¼\ \MTT QN PM PIL NW]VL PQ[ LI]OP\MZ aM\ WZ QN \PMZM _I[ M^MV IVa\PQVO TMN\ \W ÅVL
)V IXXTM ZWTTML WV\W \PM TQ^QVO ZWWU KIZXM\ 5Z +ITTQ[\MZ stepped into the archway. He had a large blanket draped over his body, covering him from hair to feet. He wore leather gloves and long sleeves. The blanket was dark gray. It reminded Josh of those war video games where the snipers wore nets of leaves and grass to blend in with the environment. He looked ridiculous. He stepped into the shadow. Light followed him. 0M PIL I ÆI[PTQOP\ QV WVM PIVL IVL PM _I[ [TW_Ta [_Q^MTQVO Q\ around the room. Josh grabbed Suzie. They had to say something. 1N PM LQLV¼\ SVW_ \PMa _MZM \PMZM¸ “Mr. Callister!” Suzie said. The blanketed shape spun on one heel and gasped. He tripped JIKS_IZL[ IVL \PM JTIVSM\ ÆM_ WNN <PM KZQVSTQVO [W]VL MZ]X\ML TQSM I ZMKaKTQVO XTIV\ <PM ÆI[PTQOP\ NMTT \W \PM KIZXM\ 2W[P L]KSML ;]bQM [KZMIUML [W TW]L Q\ UILM 2W[P¼[ MIZ[ XWX 0M [I_ PMZ face melt away, saw the muscle in her cheeks and the tendons pulsating through her neck. She screamed and screamed and waved her arms wildly in the light. It was like a beam pointed right at her face, a death ray aimed at her. Clumps of her hair dropped to the carpet. There was no more scalp to hold onto. She fell forward, face in her knees, as if she were practicing one of those nuclear bomb drills in school. Josh looked to the bathroom door. The overhead was right above it, but— Fuck it. He could make it if he tried. He crawled to his feet and half-stumbled, half-ran into the light. 0Q[ IZU[ [\]VO 0Q[ ÆM[P J]ZVML 1\ NMT\ TQSM I \PW][IVL JMM stings. He wanted to cover his face, to stop short and panic and XZW\MK\ PQ[ J]ZVQVO KPMMS[ J]\ PM _W]TLV¼\ TM\ PQU[MTN Gravity seemed to double. He reached for the doorknob. It felt like he was curling weights. He swung the door open and dove in. He scrambled over the toilet and reached for the knob. He saw the skin on his hand being eaten away. He pulled the door shut and fell to the tile. 0M JIKSML I_Ia I[ NIZ NZWU \PM LWWZ I[ XW[[QJTM ) TQ\\TM [PIO rug bunched up underneath him. He pressed his back against the wall and breathed. He was okay. Goddamn, he was okay. There was gauze in \PM KIJQVM\ )V\QJQW\QK WQV\UMV\ \WW PM _I[ []ZM ?PI\ []J]ZJIV NIUQTa LQLV¼\ SMMX [\]NN TQSM \PI\ QV \PM JI\PZWWU' 0Q[ [SQV _W]TL heal. He was safe, the last person alive on 29 Peekskill Drive. Maybe the last person alive on the planet. <PM _QVLW_ _I[ ZQOP\ IJW^M PQU <PM _PQ\M K]Z\IQV[ Æ]\\MZML in the early morning breeze. It was a half-bathroom, no shower, which meant no shower curtain. He could get naked and use his clothes to block the light, though. He could drink water from the tap, and eat— ?MTT PM _W]TL ÅVL I _Ia 0M KW]TL [\Ia PMZM NWZ I TWVO \QUM Seven minutes, at least. He smiled. His lips cracked and bled. Seven minutes, he could TI[\ \PMV IVW\PMZ IVL IVW\PMZ 0W_ PIZL KW]TL Q\ JM'
“Past sorrows, let us moderately lament them; for those to come, seek wisely to prevent them.” –The Duchess of Malfi, WEBSTER
by oswaldo jimenez
\¼[ \PM >MZVIT -Y]QVW` QV 5IVPI\\IV 8]ZXTM [PILW_[ [\QKS \W everything in sight as the sun sinks at the far edge of West 42nd Street. “Shorty” Walker wobbles forward and back trying to escape from his shadow, but sinks right back into it, like an animal trapped in a tar pit. Walker arches his back to prevent from falling over. His toes strain inside his shoes, like an infant learning to balance the weight of its upright body. He reaches into his coat pocket, pulls out a brown paper bag, peels it open, and takes a long drink from the bottle inside it. His shadow waits patiently while Walker stops to swallow. “Sun looks weird gone behind them buildings,” mutters a large woman sitting on a bench at the periphery of Bryant Park. Her voice is PQOP IVL XQ\KPa TQSM \PI\ WN IV QVNIV\ \ZaQVO \W OM\ Q\[ UW\PMZ¼[ attention; annoying and unexpected, coming from a human being _MQOPQVO ZW]OPTa \PZMM P]VLZML XW]VL[ <PM _WUIV¼[ P]TSQVO body melts onto the park bench like a stack of cheese wheels left under the scorching sun. Her head, a blubbery ball spewing sweat QV\W \PM NWTL[ WN PMZ VMKS ÆW_QVO TQSM I UMT\QVO KIVLTM 0MZ MaM[ nose, and mouth are barely suggested by the folds of fat that make up most of her face. Her forehead starts at the bridge of her nose and continues on until it reaches the back of her head. ?ITSMZ ZMXTQM[ _Q\PW]\ TWWSQVO I\ \PM _WUIV ¹<PM []V¼[ VW\ R][\ »going down ¼ aW] PI^M \W TWWS I\ \PM _PWTM [XMK\IKTM Ua friend,” remarks Walker, tracing an arc in the air with the slow sweeping motion of his extended arm. The sleeve of his wrinkled RIKSM\ [TQLM[ LW_V \W ZM^MIT I XITM [KZI_Va IXXMVLIOM \PI\ MVL[ where the paper sack begins. Walker shakes the paper sack from side to side, wipes the lip of the bottle inside it with the palm of his hand; brings it up to his mouth, and takes another long drink. <PM [\W]\ _WUIV¼[ XQVSQ[P \WVO]M QV[\QVK\Q^MTa TQKS[ PMZ NI\ TQX[ _I\KPQVO ?ITSMZ¼[ ILIU¼[ IXXTM [TQLM ]X IVL LW_V 0MZ MaM[ XZW\Z]LM W]\ WN \PMQZ ÆM[Pa KI[QVO[ TQSM I \ZMM NZWO MaMJITTQVO IV insect. She looks up at Walker from her promontory, using her chubby hand as a visor to shield her eyes from the last rays of \PM LMÆI\ML []V ¹1¼L [Ia \PM []V¼[ OWVM JMPQVL \PMU J]QTLQVO[ \W take a dump,” mutters the large woman, shrugging her shoulders dismissively and making grunting noises that pass for laughter. ¹6W VW VW \PI\¼[ VW\ _PI\ 1¼U [IaQVO º ?ITSMZ JT]Z\[ W]\ impatiently, stretching his neck like a chicken reaching out for a fat worm, and shaking it from side to side before swallowing it whole. “Listen, listen,” Walker commands the woman, cupping his hand W^MZ PQ[ ZQOP\ MIZ IVL XWQV\QVO PQ[ QVLM` ÅVOMZ I\ \PM _WUIV _PQTM keeping a strong grip on the bottle inside the paper sack. “The silhouetted pre-war buildings rip a sliver of sky with their RIOOML MLOM[ I[ \PM UWZQJ]VL []V JTMML[ IVL [XTI[PM[ Q\[ JTWWL WV the street and empty sidewalks. Tail lights glow like cinders from I [UWTLMZQVO ÅZM _PQTM I [WTQ\IZa KaKTQ[\ LZIO[ PQ[ TWVO PMI^a
[PILW_ \W_IZL[ \PM ^IVQ[PQVO PWZQbWV º ;PWZ\a ?ITSMZ ÅVQ[PM[ _Q\P I [TQOP\ [T]Z QV PQ[ [XMMKP ¹;MM' <PI\¼[ PW_ Q\¼[ LWVM º [PW]\[ ?ITSMZ UW^QVO PQ[ JWLa TQSM I XZQbM ÅOP\MZ X]VKPQVO I\ \PM IQZ _Q\P PQ[ Å[\[ ¹<PI\¼[ PW_ Q\¼[ LWVM º PM ZMXMI\[ \PMV JW_[ I[ I magician on stage performing a magic trick. “Shiiiiet...I guess,” half-concedes the husky woman. “You [WUM SQVLI XWM\ UIV'º [PM I[S[ ?ITSMZ _PQTM X]TTQVO LW_V PMZ ZQOP\ MaMTQL _Q\P PMZ UQLLTM ÅVOMZ ¹1 UMIV º [PM ZMUIZS[ _Q\P TM^Q\a »[TQ^MZ WN [Sa'¼ 3QVLI [PQ\¼[ \PI\' ¹;W]VL[ XPWVa L]LM º [PM ILL[ [QVSQVO PMZ ÅVOMZ[ QV\W PMZ ÆIJJa KPM[\ ¹/W\\I OQ^M Q\ \W aW] \PW]OP 1 TQSM \PM »JTMMLQVO []V¼ [PQ\ AW]Z UIUI \MIKP aW] \PI\ NIVKa \ITSQV¼ UIV'º Walker feels challenged. Lifting his chin in the air and [\ZM\KPQVO PQ[ VMKS TQSM I XMIKWKS ÆI]V\QVO Q\[ NMI\PMZ[ PM ÅTT[ PQ[ lungs to capacity before announcing, “I, madam, am a writer.” ¹) _ZQ\MZ \PI\ I NIK\' AMIP'º I[S[ \PM NI\ _WUIV IZKPQVO \PM muscles on her face where there should be eyebrows. “Made any XQKP]ZM[' 5Z _ZQ\MZ'º [PM I[S[ _Q\P PMZ JT]JJMZa PMIL JWJJQVO <PM [KZMMKPQVO [W]VL WN \PM _WUIV¼[ ^WQKM _Q\P Q\[ UWKSQVO QVÆMK\QWV UISM[ ?ITSMZ¼[ [SQV KZI_T ?ITSMZ¼[ [SQV Q[ I XITM ^MQT covering a thin frame. His face is creased by furrows, and dotted with ruddy blood vessels crisscrossing his cheekbones and forehead TQSM OZIQV WV ÅVM TMI\PMZ 1\ PIVO[ WV PQ[ J]TJW][ PMIL TQSM I UI[S on a Mardi Gras reveler, with a pair of large black eyes moving inside their sockets like two Magic 8 Balls divining his fortune. Walker shifts his gaze to the paper sack dangling from his right PIVL JMNWZM ZMXTaQVO _Q\P XZQKSTa XZQLM ¹1¼U VW\ I UW^QM _PWZM" 1 _ZQ\M TQ\MZI\]ZM º 0M WJRMK\[ _PQTM XW]VLQVO PQ[ Å[\ WV PQ[ KPM[\ )N\MZ I XI][M ?ITSMZ XMMT[ WNN \PM JZW_V JIO \W ZM^MIT I PITN MUX\a JW\\TM WN +PQ^I[ :MOIT Q\[ XQ[[ KWTWZ KWV\MV\[ ÆIZM[ _PMV I [\ZIa ZIa WN []VTQOP\ ÅT\MZ[ \PZW]OP Q\ ¹1 PI^M \W OM\ [WUM\PQVO published,” Walker admits inhaling and exhaling deeply. “You SVW_ \PI\¼[ PW_ Q\ ITT [\IZ\[ 1 VMML \W JM LQ[KW^MZML º PM U]\\MZ[ as he takes another drink and exhales letting out a heavy sigh. “Discooooovered…riiiight,” says the heavy woman, eyeballing \PM [_Q[PQVO TQY]QL QV[QLM \PM JW\\TM “Here,” says Walker, “have a swig,” swinging the bottle \W_IZL[ \PM \PQZ[\a _WUIV¼[ PIVL[ <PM OIZOIV\]IV _WUIV eagerly grabs the bottle by its neck with her fat right hand while KZILTQVO Q\[ JW\\WU _Q\P \PM XITU WN PMZ TMN\ <PM TQY]WZ LIVKM[ inside the bottle as it exchanges hands. “Fancy shit,” she whispers checking out the label. “I thought aW] [IQL aW] _I[ I [\IZ^QVO IZ\Q[\ IVL [PQ\'º [PM U]\\MZ[ ZPM\WZQKITTa PWTLQVO \PM JW\\TM JM\_MMV PMZ OWWMa ÅVOMZ[ \PMV ZWTTQVO PMZ PMIL back taking a generous mouthful of the glittering hooch. “This good shit, man,” murmurs the obese woman, making clicking sounds with her tongue. She wipes her lips, and then the
mouth of the bottle with her dirty sleeve. ¹6IUM¼[ <QVa º [PM U]\\MZ[ M`\MVLQVO I ÆQXXMZ WN IV appendage towards Walker. ¹AW] LWV¼\ TWWS [W \QVa º [Ia[ ?ITSMZ ZMIKPQVO W^MZ \PM _WUIV¼[ J]TOQVO IJLWUMV \W OZQX \PM LW]OPa LQOQ\[ WN PMZ ZQOP\ PIVL ¹1¼U 2WPVVQM ?ITSMZ .ZQMVL[ IVL MVMUQM[ KITT UM »;PWZ\a º PM [Ia[ TM\\QVO OW \PM LW]OPa ÅVOMZ[ ¹AW] IQV¼\ TWWS [W [PWZ\ Ia\PMZ º U]\\MZ[ <QVa PMZ TIZOM JWLa ]VL]TI\QVO TQSM 2MTT 7 ?ITSMZ¼[ PMIL UW^M[ ]X IVL LW_V I[ PQ[ MaM[ NWTTW_ \PM NI\ _WUIV¼[ UW^MUMV\[ 0M NMMT[ I KMZ\IQV KTW[MVM[[ with the woman after sharing the bottle with her. Tiny wears a pair of laceless canvas shoes that barely hold \PM ÆM[P QV[QLM \PMU <PMa¼ZM JTIKS NZWU ÅT\P ZI\PMZ \PIV WZQOQVIT KWTWZ 1V KWV\ZI[\ ;PWZ\a¼[ NMM\ VMI\Ta LQ[IXXMIZ QV[QLM PQ[ _PQ\M patent leather loafers. ¹+IV 1 \MTT aW] I Y]QKS [\WZa'º I[S[ \PM TMIV ?ITSMZ \]ZVQVO Y]QKSTa WV PQ[ PMMT[ *MNWZM \PM _WUIV PI[ I KPIVKM \W IV[_MZ Walker parks his rear end on the narrow space of bench next to \PM _PITM WN I _WUIV ?ITSMZ¼[ JWVM[ KZMIS QV[QLM PQ[ [SQV TQSM
photo by nader nouraee LQKM PQ\\QVO \PM [QLM_ITS 0Q[ \PQV JWLa Å\[ [V]OOTa JM\_MMV <QVa IVL \_W KIZLJWIZL JW`M[ ÅTTML _Q\P ]VVMKM[[IZa \ZQVSM\[ \PM JQO woman had collected around the park. Tiny turns her head like IV W_T PMZ MaM[ _QLMVQVO IVL MaMJZW_ U][KTM[ IZKPQVO ;PM¼[ [\QTT K]LLTQVO \PM JW\\TM WN +PQ^I[ :MOIT JM\_MMV PMZ ÆM[Pa IZU[ TQSM I raptor protecting her freshly caught prey. ¹)QV¼\ VW VMML \W [\WZa UM UIV 1 OW\ [\WZQM[ WN Ua W_V º mutters Tiny trying to prevent any further closeness with the QV[Q[\MV\ UIV ¹2][\ »KI][M aW [PIZQVO aMZ PMZM TQY]MZ LWV¼\ UMIV _M KTW[M L]LM º <QVa¼[ JWLa RQOOTM[ I[ [PM I\\MUX\[ \W X]\ IV QVKP or two of distance between herself and Walker. She still sounds like a blubbering infant when she talks, her shrill voice continues to UISM ?ITSMZ¼[ [SQV KZI_T J]\ \PM MNNMK\ WN \PM ITKWPWT PI[ L]TTML ?ITSMZ¼[ VMML \W JM KWUNWZ\IJTM 0M NMMT[ \PM _QVL J]NNM\QVO PQ[ NIKM J]\ Q\¼[ VMQ\PMZ _IZU VWZ KWTL 0Q[ [MV[M[ IZM XZIK\QKITTa \PW[M of a corpse. Like a dead man in some sort of purgatory, Walker
SHORT STORIES watches the world spin around him. Bodies parade in front of his eyes, but his eyes only detect blurs of red, and blue, that fade faster and faster as he settles in his stupor. The sun has completely sunk beneath West 42nd. The only signs WN Q\[ M`Q[\MVKM IZM JTMMLQVO ZIa[ WN TQOP\ ZMÆMK\ML QV I LQ[\IV\ [Sa as asters of decaying light envelope the few clouds visible between \PM JTIKS J]QTLQVO[ ?ITSMZ¼[ I\\MV\QWV ZMUIQV[ NWK][ML WV <QVa¼[ QVILMY]I\M [PWM[ 1V NIK\ PM¼[ JMMV [\IZQVO I\ \PM IUW]V\ WN ÆM[P [XQTTQVO W^MZ \PM [QLM WN PMZ LQZ\a KIV^I[ [PWM[ 0M¼[ ]VIJTM \W ZMKITT his destination. Sitting on a park bench with a whale-of-a-woman seems the right thing to do at the time. Perhaps it is his destiny. ?ITSMZ TQN\[ PQ[ PMIL [TW_Ta [PQN\QVO PQ[ OIbM \W <QVa¼[ JIZMTa discernible eyes inside the slits of fat. With a deep sigh he lets his KPQV KWTTIX[M WV\W PQ[ KPM[\ <PMV ÅVITTa PM¼[ IJTM \W NWK][ PQ[ JT]ZZa MaM[ WV \PM _WUIV¼[ NIKM ?ITSMZ¼[ PMIL _MQOP[ I \WV WV his shoulders. ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z VIUM \PMV'º ?ITSMZ JT]Z\[ W]\ TQSM PM PIL R][\ noticed Tiny sitting next to him. His eyelids blink in slow motion ÅOP\QVO OZI^Q\a _Q\P MIKP UW^M <PM _PQ\M[ WN PQ[ OTI[[a MaM[ IZM ZML I[ \PM LQ[\IV\ [Sa ¹1¼U I _ZQ\MZ aW] SVW_ º PM TM\[ W]\ ¹1¼^M got Literature,” he says, talking as if he were at a revival meeting. ¹<PMZM IZM NM_ UMV WN TM\\MZ[ IVaUWZM aW] [MM IVL 1¼U WVM WN the few remaining men of letters.” His words are glued together WVM WV \WX WN \PM W\PMZ ¹<PMZM¼[ R][\ I NM_ UMV TQSM UM TMN\ aW] know—what they call the intelligentsia, mind you. Intelligentsia,” he repeats condescendingly. “Those of us who care about language and the mysteries of literature, am talking no trashy novels, or ZWUIVKM XIXMZJIKS[ \PI\ XMWXTM ZMIL QV \PM []J_Ia[ VW UI¼IU \PI\¼[ VW\ _PI\ IU \ITSQVO IJW]\ 1 UMIV \PM OWWL _WZL º “Good Word my ass, you blasfeemur,” Tiny erupts, interrupting ?ITSMZ¼[ ZIV\ 0MZ ^WQKM [XMML[ XI[\ ?ITSMZ TQSM IV W]\ WN [MZ^QKM train rushing through stations, escaping Central Station ignoring man and woman alike. <PM JT]JJMZ NZWU JMVMI\P <QVa¼[ ZQOP\ IZU RQOOTM[ JIKS IVL forth as she lifts and slides it purposely inside the opening of her large blouse. Skillfully she undoes two buttons of the mangy blouse _Q\P PMZ KP]JJa ÅVOMZ[ \PMV ZWW\[ QV[QLM PMZ TIZOM JW[WU [TW_Ta and pulls a black book the size of a small paperback with gold [\IUXML TM\\MZ[ WV \PM KW^MZ [XMTTQVO W]\ »0WTa *QJTM ¼ ¹0MZM¼[ ,I ?WZL º [PM [PW]\[ [PISQVO \PM [IKZML JWWS QV NZWV\ WN ?ITSMZ¼[ face. Walker had been staring at the machinations of the giant JMQVO PQ[ MaM[ [Y]MMbQVO W]\ WN \PMQZ [WKSM\[ TQSM I Å[P¼[ WV \PM J]\KPMZ¼[ \IJTM <QVa [M\[ \PM +PQ^I[ JW\\TM LW_V PWTL[ \PM *QJTM and starts thumping on its cover with her chubby palm, causing her MV\QZM JWLa \W RQOOTM TQSM I OQIV\ JW_T WN 2MTT 7 ;PM PWTL[ \PM *WWS up high and starts to belt out a Hymn. The light that shines in darkest night comes from the cross of Jaysus Chraiss em no eye has seen no ear had heard save Jaysus Chraiss the Father’s Word So come, one and all bow…bow…bow…bow, before the Lamb of God... ) [UITT KWV\QVOMVKa WN WVTWWSMZ[ PIL NWZUML QV NZWV\ WN the odd couple. Two young males wearing matching undershirts, KZWWSML JI[MJITT KIX[ IVL XIV\[ TIZOM MVW]OP \W Å\ I KW_ QV[QLM them lingered on after the others left. Both spoke the language of
the urban youth. Their upper body, arms and neck, covered with tattoos of glyphs and dragons. ¹6QKM OQZTNZQMVL U]LLIN]KSIP º [IQL \PM aW]VOMZ WVM mockingly to Walker. Shorty Walker was sitting next to Tiny with one of his skinny TMO[ KZW[[ML W^MZ \PM W\PMZ \ZaQVO \W [Y]MMbM QV\W \PM [UITT [XIKM TMN\ QV \PM JMVKP JM\_MMV PQU IVL <QVa¼[ OQIV\ JWLa 0Q[ _PQ\M XI\MV\ TMI\PMZ TWINMZ[ ZMÆMK\ML \PM TQOP\ NZWU WVM WN \PM VMIZJa lamp posts, its light cut a semi-circular space from the ragged shadows. ¹*M\KPI [PM KIV [Y]MMbM aW]Z _PWTM LIUV JWLa ]X PMZ asshole,” the darker of the two blurted as his body swayed from side to side, his right arm sliding down his pants down to his crotch. 0M OM[\]ZML ZPa\PUQKITTa _Q\P PQ[ \I\\WWML ÅVOMZ[ _PQTM PM JQ\ PQ[ lower lip with teeth adorned with a gold cap tooth. “Maricon,” shouted the young one, nearly touching the ground with one his knees as he moved closer to where Tiny and Walker sat frozen. Instinctively, Shorty Walker felt the need to confront the strangers. It was his manly duty to defend his honor. The hard ground met the sole of his white patent leather loafer as he uncrossed his legs. The thin skin on both his hands stretched, as PQ[ ÅVOMZ[ [TW_Ta [PZIVS QV_IZL[ <PM ^MQV[ KZQ[[KZW[[QVO PQ[ NIKM J]TOML TQSM \PM N]TT VM\ WN I Å[PMZUIV¼[ KI\KP 0M NMT\ I ÅZM J]ZVQVO inside his chest. He drew a deep breath into his lungs to lunge at the mocking strangers. His strength came straight from the bottle of Chivas Rigal. Just as his weak leg muscles pushed his body ]X_IZL[ I XW_MZN]T IZU W^MZ\WWS PQU IVL RMZSML PQ[ JWLa LW_V into a sudden darkness. Tiny grabbed Walker by the neck and buried his head, and nearly his entire body into the folds of her giant belly. The scent WN P]UIV [_MI\ _MV\ ]X ?ITSMZ¼[ VW[\ZQT[ VMIZTa []NNWKI\QVO PQU He tried to get from under the tremendous force that pinned him down, but all efforts were in vain. From time to time the sound of taunts and insults from the hoodlums penetrated the constricting NWTL[ WN \PM _WUIV¼[ JT]JJMZa IJLWUMV IVL ZMIKPML ?ITSMZ¼[ ears. Walker felt the heat of anger in his chest, but could not free himself to act upon it. Tiny, with the strength of a minotaur, had Walker pinned against her belly and would not let him go. <PM TI[\ \PQVO ?ITSMZ ZMUMUJMZML _I[ I U]NÆML JTI[\ \PM NIUQTQIZ [UMTT WN ÅZM_WZS[ IVL \PM _IZU\P WN I [TW_ ÆW_QVO TQY]QL \ZQKSTQVO LW_V PQ[ NIKM <PM XZM[[]ZM JMIZQVO LW_V WV PQU PIL []J[QLML 0M ZW[M ]X Y]QKSTa IVL NMT\ IZW]VL PQ[ PMIL PQ[ NIKM PQ[ VMKS PQ[ KPM[\ PQ[ IZU[ 0M _I[ ÅVM 0Q[ PIVL[ PW_M^MZ _MZM [\IQVML _Q\P X]ZXTM TQY]QL \PI\ [\]KS \W M^MZa\PQVO PM \W]KPML ) JWT\ WN TQOP\VQVO PQ\ PQ[ JZIQV _PMV PM [I_ <QVa¼[ PMIL I JT]JJMZa JITT [XM_QVO JTWWL QV\W \PM NWTL[ WN PMZ VMKS ÆW_QVO TQSM I UMT\QVO candle.
“Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.” –DR.DRE
by daniel cashmar
athan, a portly young man, was relaxing in a recliner watching television when his cat, feeling only contempt, SVWKSML I ^I[M WNN \PM ÅZMXTIKM -TMK\ZQKQ\a Z][PML \PZW]OP 6I\PIV¼[ JT]JJMZ XW_MZQVO PQ[ U][KTM[ IVL PM LI[PML across the room, diving toward the oddly slow falling vase. In fact, everything seemed to be moving slowly—including his miserable orange cat. He caught the vase and was incredibly out of breath. <QUM KI]OP\ ]X IVL PM [\WWL \W ÅVL PM J]ZVML \PZW]OP PQ[ RMIV[ from the furious friction of his meaty legs rubbing together. The KI\ TWWSML I\ 6I\PIV PI\ZML XW]ZQVO NZWU Q\[ MaM[ .Q^M UQV]\M[ passed and he realized he had the power of super speed. “This is it,” he said to the vase, as cats are less likely to respond \PIV QVIVQUI\M WJRMK\[ ¹1¼U OWQVO \W JM I []XMZPMZW º <PM VM`\ LIa KIUM IVL 6I\PIV X]\ ÆQMZ[ IZW]VL PQ[ \W_V calling for all local superheroes to try out for his team. He set up a table on his front lawn and sat behind it. Within minutes, he had a line in front of him that could have possibly included everyone QV \W_V ) KWV[QLMZIJTa NZIQT UIV _Q\P ZQLQK]TW][Ta TIZOM \ZQKMX[ IXXZWIKPML 6I\PIV ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z []XMZ XW_MZ'º 6I\PIV I[SML PQU “I have super strong triceps,” the stranger told him. “Is that a super power or are they the only muscles you work W]\'º “Both.” ¹AW]¼ZM QV ?PI\¼[ aW]Z VIUM'º ¹)[PTMa º ¹?Pa Q[ \PI\ aW]Z VIUM'º ¹1¼U [WZZa º 5IVa XMWXTM _MZM ZMRMK\ML Ja 6I\PIV IVL )[PTMa NWZ \PMQZ team. 7VM XMZ[WV I[SML ¹?Pa LWV¼\ aW] R][\ RWQV \PM 8WTQKM )KILMUa' <PMV aW]¼L JM IJTM \W ÅOP\ KZQUM TMOITTa º ¹?Pa LWV¼\ aW] R][\ [P]\ ]X º 6I\PIV IVL )[PTMa JW\P aMTTML ) UIV QV I _PMMTKPIQZ _I[ \PMV X][PML NWZ_IZL \W \PM \IJTM by a younger man. ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z []XMZ XW_MZ'º 6I\PIV I[SML PQU “I can never die,” the old man told them. “Show them, son.” His son produced a gun from his coat pocket and shot his NI\PMZ QV \PM NIKM QUUMLQI\MTa SQTTQVO PQU )V IUJ]TIVKM M[KWZ\ML them off the premise. 6M`\ \W IXXZWIKP \PMQZ \IJTM _I[ I OQZT _PW _I[ KWUXTM\MTa average looking in every way. ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z []XMZ XW_MZ'º )[PTMa I[SML _PQTM 6I\PIV cursed him from under his breath for stealing his line. “I can grow my nails super long and they become super sharp, J]\ 1 PI^M \W K]\ \PMU IN\MZ JMKI][M \PMa LWV¼\ ZM\ZIK\ º [PM \WTL them. ¹+IV aW] [PW_ ]['º 6I\PIV I[SML PMZ
<PM OQZT¼[ ÅVOMZ VIQT[ OZM_ []XMZ TWVO IJW]\ QVKPM[ IVL her toe nails ripped through her shoes, which apparently upset PMZ I[ [PM [\IZ\ML KZaQVO 1V PMZ Å\ [PM [TI[PML I VMIZJa J][P IVL perfectly trimmed it. ¹AW]¼ZM WV \PM \MIU º 6I\PIV [IQL ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z VIUM'º ¹)[PTMa º [PM \WTL \PMU ¹?0A ?7=4, A7= ,7 <01; <7 5-' º 6I\PIV screamed at her. ;PM \WWS \PM [MI\ VM`\ \W )[PTMa IVL IV WTL _WUIV _ITSML up to them. ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z []XMZ XW_MZ'º 6I\PIV I[SML I[ XMZ \PM ][]IT “I bake delicious cookies,” she told him. ¹AW]¼ZM QV º ;PM [TW_Ta PWJJTML W^MZ \W \PM KPIQZ VM`\ \W \PM NMUITM )[PTMa and her motion to sit was so painstakingly slow and inaccurate that [_MI\ JMOIV \W XW]Z LW_V 6I\PIV¼[ NIKM I[ PM VMZ^W][Ta _I\KPML <PM KPIQZ _I[ VW\ M^MV JMVMI\P PMZ 6W _PI\ IZM aW] LWQVO VW why, the chair is right there, stop it, stop it, turn around, the chair, VW WP Ua OWL PM \PW]OP\ \W PQU[MTN <PM NMUITM )[PTMa X][PML \PM KPIQZ _Q\P PMZ TIZOM ÅVOMZVIQT[ [W \PI\ _PMVM^MZ \PM WTL _WUIV ÅVQ[PML [Q\\QVO [PM _W]TL TIVL WV \PM KPIQZ ¹?M WVTa PI^M ZWWU NWZ WVM UWZM PMZW º 6I\PIV \WTL \PM others. “Though, this is entirely based on the fact that I only have one seat left.” ) XZM\\a \ITT \PQV UIV _ITSML ]X \W \PMU IN\MZ I NM_ ZMRMK\QWV[ of others, and announced his super power of invisibility. ¹*]\ º 6I\PIV [IQL M`XMK\QVO I KI\KP ¹*]\ 1¼U JTQVL _PMV 1¼U QV^Q[QJTM º \PM \PQV UIV [IQL He was most certainly invisible after speaking, if you chose to not look at his clothes. ¹+WVOZI\]TI\QWV[ AW]¼ZM \PM ÅVIT UMUJMZ º 6I\PIV [IQL ¹?PI\¼[ aW]Z VIUM' 1N Q\¼[ )[PTMa aW] KIV OW N]KS ZQOP\ WNN º ¹1\¼[ <QU º \PM UIV _PW _I[ \PIVSN]TTa VW\ VIUML )[PTMa said. <PMa ITT IOZMML \W UMM\ TI\MZ \PI\ VQOP\ QV 6I\PIV¼[ JI[MUMV\ \W LQ[K][[ KW[\]UM[ IVL I []XMZPMZW \MIU VIUM <QU )[PTMa IVL )[PTMa [PW_ML ]X J]\ \PMZM _I[ VW [QOV WN \PM WTL TILa ¹5IaJM Q\¼[ XI[[ML PMZ JML \QUM º <QU []OOM[\ML ¹0Ma [PW_ ][ aW]Z []XMZ XW_MZ º \PM UITM )[PTMa [IQL \W 6I\PIV ¹7SIa [W _M¼TT OW WV _Q\PW]\ \PM WTL TILa NWZ VW_ 8ZMXIZM aW]Z[MT^M[ º 6I\PIV [IQL Y]Q\M KWVÅLMV\Ta 6I\PIV \WWS I Z]VVMZ¼[ [\IVKM LI[PML NWZ_IZL \W_IZL )[PTMa J]\ [\WXXML [PWZ\ WN PQU XIV\QVO ^QWTMV\Ta IVL _QXQVO PQ[ JZW_ WN [_MI\ )[PTMa _I[ \ISMV IJIKS Ja 6I\PIV IXXMIZQVO QV NZWV\ WN him as if he teleported and the three watching clapped awkwardly IVL WNN JMI\ 6I\PIV¼[ XIV\[ _MZM VW_ \WZV \W [PZML[ IVL PM \WWS them off, conducting the rest of the meeting in his tighty-whities.
photo by nick batson ¹;W \PM ÅZ[\ WZLMZ WN J][QVM[[ Q[ \W LMKQLM WV I TMILMZ [W \PI\ _PMV _M¼ZM ÅOP\QVO KZQUM _M _WV¼\ OM\ KWVN][ML 6I\]ZITTa 1 [PW]TL JM \PM TMILMZ º 6I\PIV LMKTIZML ¹6W 1¼U \PM WVTa OQZT [W 1 [PW]TL JM º )[PTMa [IQL enthusiastically. ¹AMIP J]\ 1¼U \PM \ITTM[\ º <QU [IQL Y]Q\M KWV^QVKQVOTa ¹1¼U \PM [\ZWVOM[\ \PW]OP º )[PTMa ILLML “How about whoever thinks of the best team name gets to be TMILMZ'º 6I\PIV XZWXW[ML ¹<PM 2][\QKM 4MIO]M º )[PTMa [IQL ¹<PI\¼[ \ISMV º 6I\PIV QVNWZUML PMZ “The Brady Bunch,” Tim said. “So is that!” ¹<PM 8Q\\[J]ZOP 8QZI\M[ º )[PTMa [IQL ¹?PI\' 6W <PI\¼[ I JI[MJITT \MIU 0W_ IJW]\ \PM º 6I\PIV \WWS W]\ PQ[ _ITTM\ X]TTML W]\ I Å^M LWTTIZ JQTT IVL PMTL Q\ W]\ ¹0W_ IJW]\ \PM .Q^M ,WTTIZ *QTT['º -^MZaWVM IOZMML \PI\ _I[ I NIV\I[\QK VIUM NWZ I JIVL WN []XMZPMZWM[ IVL 6I\PIV JMKIUM \PM TMILMZ 6M`\ WV \PMQZ JZQMN agenda was to decide on costumes. ¹7]Z KW[\]UM[ [PW]TL LMXMVL WV _PI\ \QUM _M ÅOP\ KZQUM º )[PTMa [IQL ¹?PI\ LW aW] UMIV'º 6I\PIV I[SML ¹1N _M ÅOP\ I\ VQOP\ _M [PW]TL _MIZ LIZS KTW\PQVO º ¹*]\ M^MZaWVM¼[ I[TMMX I\ VQOP\ º )[PTMa ZMJ]\\ML
¹AMIP _Pa _W]TL KZQUM JM I XZWJTMU I\ VQOP\'º <QU I[SML ¹?IQ\ [PM¼[ ZQOP\ º 6I\PIV M`KTIQUML ¹<PI\¼[ M`IK\Ta _PMV crime happens! Sleeping people are much easier to... crime... than awake people.” ¹-`IK\Ta º )[PTMa KWV\QV]ML ¹;W _M [PW]TL _MIZ ZMITTa LIZS clothes.” ¹)VL [SQ UI[S[ º <QU aMTTML ¹AMIP _M LWV¼\ _IV\ \W OM\ QLMV\QÅML I[ PMZWM[ WV I LIQTa JI[Q[ 1\ KW]TL \PZMI\MV \PM TQ^M[ WN W]Z NIUQTQM[ º 6I\PIV [IQL ¹*]\ 1 \PQVS 1 VMML \W VW\ _MIZ XIV\[ JMKI][M 1 ZMITTa LWV¼\ PI^M the money to buy a new pair each time.” ¹?IQ\ _PI\ QN KZQUQVIT[ _MIZ \PM [IUM KTW\PM[ I[ ][' ?M VMML \W JM IJTM \W LQ[\QVO]Q[P W]Z[MT^M[ NZWU \PMU º )[PTMa [IQL ¹8QVS PMILJIVL[ º <QU Y]QKSTa ZMXTQML <PMa ITT IOZMML WV \PMQZ KW[\]UM[ IVL UM\ QV 6I\PIV¼[ basement the next night wearing dark clothing, ski masks, and pink PMILJIVL[ 6I\PIV _I[ [XWZ\QVO JTIKS JW`MZ[ \PQ[ \QUM \W SMMX his crotch area within the dress code while still maintaining his sans pants budget. They decided that the old lady probably died, because no one would forget to go to superhero meetings, and PWXXML QV\W <QU¼[ _PQ\M ^IV ?PQTM XI\ZWTTQVO \PM \W_V \PI\ VQOP\ they discovered they lived in a rather pleasant neighborhood. Many houses were adorned with shrubbery, trees, and other images of )UMZQKIV []J]ZJQI ;]LLMVTa I UIV _Q\P KITK]TI\WZ[ \IXML \W PQ[ arms, a cape cut into the shape of a plus sign, and eccentrically KWTWZML KTW\PQVO R]UXML W]\ QV NZWV\ WN \PM ^IV I[ \PMa X]TTML QV\W a parking lot outside of an electronics store. Tim parked the van, avoiding the man, and they all got out to see the man who almost
“Clean just like dish detergent with a Tide color swag.” –MOOK killed himself. ¹;W _M UMM\ IOIQV B-:7-; º PM [IQL \W \PMU ¹AW] ITUW[\ SQTTML aW]Z[MTN º 6I\PIV [IQL ¹)OIQV' ?PW IZM aW]'º )[PTMa I[SML ¹0I 1¼U \PM 5I\PMUWZ\QKQIV º <PM WLL NMTTW_ [IQL [UQZSQVO \W PQU[MTN ¹)VL 1¼U º 0M XI][ML \W X][P SMa[ WV PQ[ KITK]TI\WZ[ “calculating your defeat!” They stood in silence, looking back and forth from him to each other. “Time for me to,” the Mathemortician continued, “integrate Ua Å[\[ _Q\P aW]Z NIKM[ º )[PTMa X]VKPML \PM 5I\PMUWZ\QKQIV QV \PM O]\ IVL [MV\ PQU KZI[PQVO QV\W \ZI[PKIV[ NMM\ I_Ia ) KWX KIZ PIL R][\ LZQ^MV Ja [TW_Ta IVL X]\ Q\¼[ [QZMV[ WV ¹;PQ\ Z]V º 6I\PIV aMTTML <PMa PWXXML QV\W <QU¼[ ^IV IVL [XML WNN I\ IJW]\ UQTM[ per hour over the speed limit. In the van, they all decided the VQOP\ _I[ I []KKM[[ IN\MZ ITT IVL \PI\ \PMa¼L UMM\ I NM_ VQOP\[ TI\MZ because they wanted to study for classes or actually work some hours to pay bills. The night came when they went patrolling for KZQUM IVL \PMa XIZSML QV I [PWXXQVO UITT¼[ XIZSQVO TW\ ?ITSQVO from store to store and peering inside through the eyeholes in their ski masks, they saw no criminal activity. From behind, a voice yelled at them. ¹0Ma -//0-),; º They turned and it was a man wearing a chicken costume that you could buy from a cheap Halloween store. ¹1 R][\ ÆM_ QV IVL JWa IZM Ua IZU[ \QZML º \PM KPQKSMV UIV said. ¹)ZMV¼\ aW] \PM O]a NZWU \PM W\PMZ VQOP\'º 6I\PIV I[SML “Uh, no,” the man stuttered. “Time for me to beak the shit out of you!” There was an awkward silence once again and Tim turned invisible. His entire body was covered in clothing so no one was I_IZM WN PQ[ QV^Q[QJQTQ\a )[PTMa ¼[ VIQT[ OZM_ IVL [PM [\IJJML \PM chicken man in the chest. ¹6W\ IOIQV º PM KZQML He fell to the ground, convulsing and they called for an ambulance from the van. Tim drove them away and they retreated \W 6I\PIV¼[ JI[MUMV\ WVKM IOIQV 6I\PIV¼[ UW\PMZ WXMVML \PM door. ¹6I\PIV PWVMa IZM aW] WSIa'º [PM I[SML ¹575 70 5A /7, ;0=< <0- ,77: 4-)>- 5- )476- º PM [KZMIUML _PQTM )[PTMa ILUQZML PQ[ W_V \ZQKMX[ “Okay, dear, I love you,” she said as she closed the basement door. ¹)TZQOP\ M^MZaWVM \PI\ _I[ KTW[M ?M UIa PI^M U]ZLMZML [WUMWVM 4M\¼[ ]U VW\ [\IJ XMWXTM NZWU VW_ WV º 6I\PIV [IQL UW[\Ta \W )[PTMa _PW _I[ K]ZZMV\Ta _I[PQVO JTWWL NZWU PMZ ridiculous nails. <PMa [M\\TML NWZ \PM VQOP\ IVL UM\ VM`\ _MMS QV 6I\PIV¼[ basement once again. Tim was fumbling around in front of them. “Someone else has to drive tonight,” he told them. “I had a ton of alcohol.”
photo by tom johnson
by carlene gonzalez
SHORT STORIES PW_M^MZ Ja \ZI[PQVO ITT WN \PM \MY]QTI 6I\PIV XIZSML \PM ^IV IVL \PMa LQL \PM I_S_IZL _ITS KZW]KP \PI\ XMWXTM LW _PMV \PMa¼ZM I\\MUX\QVO \W JM [\MIT\Pa -V\MZQVO \PM TQY]WZ [\WZM \PM \P]O[ stopped instantly to look at the heroes who were dressed in their dark clothing, ski masks, and pink headbands. The one searching \PM KI[P ZMOQ[\MZ _Q\PLZM_ I O]V NZWU PQ[ XWKSM\ IVL ÅZML I\ )[PTMa )[PTMa LW^M QV \PM _Ia IVL \PM J]TTM\ ZQKWKPM\ML WNN of one of his massive triceps and killed one of the thugs breaking JW\\TM[ WN \MY]QTI )[PTMa IVL )[PTMa TWWSML I\ MIKP W\PMZ overcome by their emotions. They removed their masks, while M^MZaWVM MT[M _I\KPML IVL PMTL MIKP W\PMZ KTW[M 6I\PIV IVL <QU [\IZ\ML \W PWW\ IVL PWTTMZ KPMMZQVO \PMU WV <PM )[PTMa[ [\]KS \PMQZ \WVO]M[ [\ZIQOP\ W]\ IVL \PM KPMMZQVO \]ZVML \W RMMZ[ WN disgust and confusion. The tongues slapped each other and would PI^M KWV\QV]ML XZWLLQVO MIKP W\PMZ PIL \PM \P]O[ VW\ ÅZML UWZM bullets. ¹0Ma _PWI _PWI _PWI º 6I\PIV aMTTML _I^QVO PQ[ PIVL[
¹1¼U R][\ I[ LQ[O][\ML I[ \PM VM`\ XMZ[WV Ja \PQ[ PWZZQJTM UISM W]\ [M[[QWV J]\ \PMZM¼[ VW ZMI[WV \W ÅZM aW]Z O]V[ º )\ \PI\ UWUMV\ \PM XWTQKM PIL IZZQ^ML WV \PM [KMVM IVL X]\ \PMQZ [XW\TQOP\[ WV\W \PM TQY]WZ [\WZM “Drop your weapons,” the police commanded through their megaphone. <PM \P]O[ XWQV\ML \PMQZ O]V[ I\ \PM XWTQKM IVL [\IZ\ML ÅZQVO <PM XWTQKM ZM\]ZVML ÅZM IVL SQTTML M^MZaWVM M`KMX\ <QU _PW PIL stripped naked during the chaos and turned invisible. He snuck QV\W PQ[ ^IV IVL [\IZ\ML \W LZQ^M I_Ia <PM XWTQKM WNÅKMZ[ WXMVML ÅZM WV PQ[ ^IV IVL Q\ M`XTWLML ]VZMITQ[\QKITTa TQSM QV IVa IK\QWV movie. The end.
he wide-eyed boy wanders through the zoo staring at all \PM IVQUIT[ IZW]VL PQU )UIbML Ja \PM LQNNMZMV\ \aXM[ WN life that inhabit this planet. Holding the vain human belief in his mind that he is somehow better than these animals, above them. That sad belief that we are all, as a “complex society,” far superior to these crude beasts. *]\ _PI\ UISM[ ][ JM\\MZ \PIV \PMU' ?PI\ ITT XW_MZN]T KPIZIK\MZQ[\QK UISM[ ][ UWZM \PIV I JMIZ WZ I [VISM' 1[ Q\ W]Z IJQTQ\a \W KWUU]VQKI\M IVL _WZS \WOM\PMZ' ,WV¼\ _WT^M[ ITZMILa LW \PQ[' ,W \PMa VW\ Z]V QV XIKS[ IVL KWUU]VQKI\M MIKP W\PMZ \W KWWZLQVI\M _PMZM \PM XZMa Q[' 1[ Q\ W]Z IJQTQ\a \W KZMI\M \PQVO[ P]VLZML[ WN \QUM[ W]Z [QbM' ,WM[V¼\ I [XQLMZ ITZMILa LW \PQ[' ,WM[ Q\ VW\ KZMI\M UIOVQÅKMV\ _MJ[ UIVa \QUM[ Q\¼[ W_V [QbM' 1[ Q\ \P]UJ[' ;W _PI\ UISM[ ][ JM\\MZ \PIV \PMU' The so-called choice that we preach what we possess. Do we ZMITTa PI^M Q\' )ZM _M \Z]Ta \PM UI[\MZ[ WN W]Z W_V LM[\QVQM[' )ZM _M I[ QV\MTTMK\]ITTa IL^IVKML I[ _M \PQVS _M IZM' The boy continues on through the throngs of people. )TWVM He makes his way to the wolf exhibit and looks out. Why are \PMa [W LQNNMZMV\ NZWU ][' <PM ZMITQ\a Q[ \PMa IZMV¼\ 4QSM \PM _WT^M[ P]UIV[ IZM \ZIXXML in a cage. They walk, pacing along the edge of it. Constantly TWWSQVO NWZ I _Ia W]\ ) _Ia QV\W I UWZM OTWZQW][ _WZTL W]\ \PMZM a path to freedom, a path to what lies beyond. Unfortunately after a long time, people forget what they are looking for. Forget what the outside looks like. What it smells like. What it tastes like. They NWZOM\ \PM NMMTQVO WN NZMMLWU )VL [W \PMa KWV\QV]M XIKQVO ITWVO the edge of their cage out of sheer habit. It is a cage of their own P]UIVQ\a# I KIOM WN \PMQZ W_V QVILMY]IKa ) KIOM WN JZWSMV XZWUQ[M[ IVL NZ]Q\TM[[ LZMIU[ ) KIOM UILM Ja \PM ^MZa \PQVO \PI\
by artur lashiker
_M \PQVS ZIQ[M[ ][ IJW^M \PM[M ¹JMI[\[ º ) KIOM WN KQ^QTQbI\QWV <PM JWa Q[ \WW aW]VO \W ]VLMZ[\IVL \PM [QOVQÅKIVKM WN _PI\ he sees, but someday he will. Some day he will look upon his own world and realize that something is wrong. But meanwhile he looks into the wolf cage. They look back. They know the truth of it. He continues on through the zoo looking through the crowds. )TWVM There walks a man, an arm lovingly embracing his beautiful wife, smiling and laughing with his kids. He is dressed in pristine neatness. Trotting along being an ideal father, husband, man. But \PQ[ Q[ R][\ WVM NIKM WN \PQ[ QVLQ^QL]IT WVM [QLM 1N \PM _QNM SVM_ PM was cavorting with his secretary at work on a nearly constant basis, IVL \PI\ PM R][\ ÅZML I UIV _PW _I[ NMMLQVO PQ[ NIUQTa WV \PM XIa KPMKS PM MIZVML \PMZM R][\ \W OQ^M [IQL [MKZM\IZa I ZIQ[M \PMV _PI\ _W]TL PM JM' ?PQKP Q[ \PM ZMIT NIKM \PW]OP' ,WM[ Q\ UI\\MZ' Can he really be a good father, husband, and man, but be evil on IVW\PMZ [QLM' 8MWXTM TQ^M LQNNMZMV\ TQ^M[ I[ LQNNMZMV\ XMWXTM ) SQVL TW^QVO UIV I\ PWUM IV IL]T\MZI\QVO [_QVM QV PQ[ _WZS TQNM -^MZaWVM PI[ different sides to him or her. Different stories. Different lives. Some UWZM \PIV W\PMZ[ *]\ \PI\¼[ WVTa JMKI][M _M IZM [W []XMZQWZ ;W much better than the common beast. <PM JWa [\QTT ]VLMZ[\IVL[ VW\PQVO WN _PI\ PM [MM[ )N\MZ ITT he is far too young to understand the complexities and choices of an adult life. He is too small to comprehend what he witnesses on a constant basis. So he merely trudges on, seeking to remedy his UW[\ XZM[[QVO Q[[]M I\ \PM UWUMV\" \PM WVM \PQVO \PI\ Q[ PI]V\QVO his mind, enveloping his thoughts. He is alone, so very alone.
“Hope is a thing with feathers.” –DICKINSON
by andy polhamus
t could be the story of a band, or maybe the story of an ILWTM[KMV\ TQNM[\aTM *]\ NWZ UM Q\¼[ \PM [\WZa WN PW_ 1 OZM_ ]X I was in the eighth grade, and I had started talking to Chris .ZWJMZO IJW]\ [SI 1\ _I[V¼\ KWWT U][QK Ja IVa UMIV[ IVL PILV¼\ been for a long time. Ska, a genre that started life as an offshoot of reggae and eventually morphed into a blend of punk and PWZV LZQ^MV XWX PIL MVRWaML [WUM XWX]TIZQ\a I[ I NIL QV \PM TI\M !! [ IVL MIZTa [ *]\ Ja \PM \QUM 1 JMOIV TQ[\MVQVO QV the wave was over and ska was something “serious” music fans _W]TLV¼\ M^MV \ITS IJW]\ *]\ +PZQ[ IVL 1 _MZMV¼\ [MZQW][ U][QK NIV[ ?M _MZM \_W ]VXWX]TIZ SQL[ QV R]VQWZ PQOP ?M¼L OWVM \W [KPWWT \WOM\PMZ IVL XTIaML WV \PM [IUM 4Q\\TM 4MIO]M \MIU J]\ PM¼L TQ^ML IKZW[[ \W_V _Q\P \PM SQL[ _PW _WZM 6QSM[ IVL OW\ \PMQZ KTW\PM[ NZWU \PM UITT My parents, a public librarian and a customer service representative at a mortgage company, bought my clothes at Kmart. -^MZa\PQVO KPIVOML _PMV +PZQ[¼[ LIL _ITSML W]\ )N\MZ I few years of struggling to support two boys on a single income, his mom had to sell their house. She moved Chris and his older brother to my neighborhood on the working class side of town, but only after a year of saving up for a new place while they lived with some family friends. One day we ran into each other and the friendship picked up as if it had been there all along, paused and waiting to be played again. When we began hanging out, both of us had been listening \W [SI NWZ I aMIZ WZ \_W 1¼L XQKSML Q\ ]X NZWU PMIZQVO I KW]XTM singles my older sister had brought home and from a few songs my friends had downloaded. Chris, who grew up with ready access \W PQ[ JZW\PMZ¼[ M`\MV[Q^M KWTTMK\QWV WN X]VS IVL [SI ITJ]U[ NZWU \PM »! [ PIL JMMV UWZM QVNWZUML \PIV UM Ja \PM \QUM PM PQ\ [Q`\P OZILM <PM ÅZ[\ NM_ UWV\P[ WN W]Z NZQMVL[PQX IUW]V\ML \W little more than a tutorial in which Chris taught me all about the []JK]T\]ZM _M _MZM \WW aW]VO \W RWQV But there was more to it than ska. We talked about school and all the kids we hated. We talked about the girls who never looked our way and the books and movies that shaped our personalities WVM Y]W\M I\ I \QUM ?M \ITSML IJW]\ \PM \PQVO[ _M TW^ML IVL \PM \PQVO[ \PI\ W]Z W\PMZ NZQMVL[ KW]TLV¼\ XW[[QJTa ]VLMZ[\IVL )VL QV \PM UMIV\QUM \PMZM _MZM \PM [PW_[" +I\KP _I[ \PM ÅZ[\ \PMV Mustard Plug, then Streetlight Manifesto and Reel Big Fish. When W]Z \I[\M[ LM^MTWXML UWZM _M ZMIKPML N]Z\PMZ JIKS QV\W \PM OMVZM" <PM ;SI\ITQ\M[ WVM VQOP\ <PM -VOTQ[P *MI\ IVW\PMZ /WL WVTa SVW_[ Q\ _I[V¼\ ^MZa KWWT J]\ Q\ _I[ W]Z[ ITT \PM [IUM ;SI JMKIUM IV M^MV JQOOMZ XIZ\ WN Ua TQNM _PMV 1 _I[ 5a [KPWWT¼[ JI\\TM WN \PM JIVL[ _I[ KWUQVO ]X QV \PM [XZQVO IVL my friends and I decided to write a few songs to compete. We had spent every weekend of the last two years taking turns coercing our parents into driving us across the river to Philadelphia to see whatever band was playing, and were eager to try our hand
I\ XTIaQVO \PM OMVZM _M TW^ML ;QVKM +PZQ[ KW]TLV¼\ XTIa IV QV[\Z]UMV\ PM KW]TLV¼\ JM QV \PM JIVL 1V[\MIL PM [\IZ\ML I X]VS band, teaching himself to play the guitar as he went along. Meanwhile, my own band, whose name was too stupid to mention even as I write these words, had started writing songs. I played the trumpet, and when the kid we asked to be our vocalist turned out to be better at guitar than singing, I had to take over ^WKIT L]\QM[ LM[XQ\M \PM NIK\ \PI\ 1 PILV¼\ []VO [QVKM KPWQZ QV \PM NW]Z\P OZILM 5a NZQMVL -ZQS XTIaML \PM IT\W [I`WXPWVM IVL \PM rest of the lineup was recruited from the school marching band. While we worked out key signatures and tempo changes, our KTI[[UI\M[ TI]OPML <PMa PIL VM^MZ PMIZL WN [SI IVL KW]TLV¼\ understand what kind of rock band a bunch of band geeks could XW[[QJTa [\IZ\ ¹1 R][\ LWV¼\ ZMITTa TQ[\MV \W \PI\ SQVL WN U][QK º WVM of the popular girls told me. When I asked what kind of music she thought we played, she shrugged and walked away. 7]Z ÅZ[\ [PW_ _I[ I [_MM\ XIZ\a ;QVKM _M LQLV¼\ W_V IVa MY]QXUMV\ JM[QLM[ W]Z QV[\Z]UMV\[ IVL O]Q\IZ IUX[ 1 PIL \W [\IVL behind the pool table in the basement and sing through a karaoke machine. We played four songs—our entire catalog—and drove home talking about “the future” and “the next level,” whatever \PW[M UQOP\ PI^M JMMV ) NM_ _MMS[ TI\MZ _M KIUM QV TI[\ QV \PM battle of the bands. But we had already achieved the impossible. We had started a band, and it had stuck. The next four years went by faster than you can strike an outof-tune C chord before an audience of seventh graders. My band garnered attention from local kids and soon we were getting invited to play all over the region. We must have played every coffee shop QV ;W]\P 2MZ[Ma ) XZWUW\MZ QV 8PQTILMTXPQI VW\QKML ][ IVL _M opened for a few touring acts—nobody famous, but a handful who were big enough to bring out a hundred or so high school kids to an all-ages club on a Friday night. When I was fresh out of my freshman year of college, we tried JWWSQVO W]Z W_V \W]Z )N\MZ 1 PIL [MK]ZML Å^M XMZNWZUIVKM[ \PM _PWTM \PQVO NMTT IXIZ\ _PMV W]Z O]Q\IZQ[\¼[ UWU _W]TLV¼\ TM\ PQU travel unsupervised. I was furious. It had always been obvious that \PM W\PMZ SQL[¼ XIZMV\[ LQLV¼\ \Z][\ UM <PMa VM^MZ TM\ \PMQZ [WV[ drive with me alone, and apparently there was a nasty little rumor \PI\ 1 _I[ VW\ WVTa OIa J]\ WV LZ]O[ 6W\ WVTa _MZM JW\P WN \PM[M rumors untrue (let alone totally irrelevant to my relationship with my band mates), but the circumstances of the week-long tour—our aW]VOM[\ UMUJMZ _I[ _M _MZM WVTa OWQVO \W NW]Z [\I\M[ IVL VWVM WN \PM [PW_[ _W]TL JM PMTL UWZM \PIV NW]Z WZ Å^M PW]Z[ away—made their reservations even more ridiculous. We limped along, playing sporadically for another year before I announced W]Z JZMIS]X I\ I [PW_ QV W]Z PWUM\W_V QV 2]Ta <PM VM`\ LIa I canceled all of our remaining shows—maybe half a dozen in all. The following January, we got together for one last show in Philly. We were the openers, and only 20 people were there to
SHORT STORIES [MM ][ XTIa \PM KT]J PIL I XWTQKa \PI\ JIVL[ ]VLMZ PIL \W OW on before seven). One of our horn players never showed up, and another only came because he was owed his share of the money we had made from playing and selling our self-released CD. Five years of our lives and hundreds of miles of driving had earned us I TQ\\TM TM[[ \PIV MIKP )N\MZ_IZL[ _M OI^M _PI\ _I[ TMN\ WN our merchandise away to the crowd as they walked out the door. I was 20 now, and with the exception of performing my own songs, 1 PILV¼\ TQ[\MVML \W [SI QV aMIZ[ 1 [XTQ\ \PM ZMUIQVLMZ WN Ua _QV\MZ break between spending time with my girlfriend and getting back in touch with Chris Froberg. When I sat down to write this, I sent him a note and promised to give him a copy. ) NM_ UWV\P[ TI\MZ 1 _I[ TQ[\MVQVO \W I KWTTMOM ZILQW [\I\QWV when I heard a song by a band we had played with a year or so JMNWZM 1 _I[ QV \PM XI[[MVOMZ [MI\ WN Ua OQZTNZQMVL¼[ KIZ I\ \PM \QUM heading south on Route 42, the same highway that bridged the gap between Philadelphia and my old hometown. <PM NZMY]MVKa _I[ _MIS IVL \PM [WVO _I[ JIZMTa I]LQJTM ?Q\P IV WTL QV^WT]V\IZa ZM[XWV[M \PI\ ZMY]QZML UM \W XZQKS Ua
ears up at any trace of ska on the radio, I cranked up the volume. 1 LQLV¼\ [XMIS \W UW[\ WN Ua WTL JIVL UI\M[ IVaUWZM IVL 1 PILV¼\ XTIaML \PM \Z]UXM\ QV UWV\P[ *]\ NWZ \_W UWZM UQV]\M[ I remembered the feeling I used to have when listening to and playing some of the dorkiest music imaginable. The crushing chords and blaring horns swirled around me; made me fourteen years old again. The song reached its climax and passed the bridge, the drums pushing the melody forward to its very last seconds. :QOP\ JMNWZM Q\ MVLML _M TMN\ \PM [\I\QWV¼[ JZWILKI[\ ZIVOM <PM [WVO XTIaML WV NILQVO Y]QKSTa VW_ ]V\QT \PMZM _I[ WVTa [\I\QK
“We build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain, free within ourselves.” –“The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,” HUGHES
by liz kaempf
M[[QM 2M[[QM OQZT 7XMV ]X K¼UWV º She heard this wake-up call from the outside of her motel room. She watched paint chips crack and fall from the door as it was knocked upon. She lumbered out of bed and towards the source of the sound. She rubbed her eyes with one PIVL IVL ]VTWKSML \PM LWWZ _Q\P \PM W\PMZ 8][PQV¼ PMZ PIVL JIKS from her face and into her hair, she looked up through half-closed eyes at her visitor. ¹?PI\ \PM PMTT ,IZTI'º ¹?PI\ \PM PMTT _PI\' 1¼U PWUM ?Pa aW] TWWSQV¼ I\ UM TQSM \PI\'º [PM I[SML [TW_Ta X][PQV¼ XI[\ \PM OQZT [\IVLQV¼ JM\_MMV PMZ and the room. ¹?Pa LWV¼\ aW] KWUM JIKS TI\MZ QV \PM LIa [W 1 KIV [TMMX TWVOMZ JMNWZM aW] KZI[P JIKS QV PMZM'º ¹1 IT_Ia[ KWUM ZQOP\ PWUM IN\MZ OWQV¼ W]\ º ¹AW]¼^M JMMV W]\ [QVKM »W¼ KTWKS aM[\MZLIa º “Right.” Darla stripped off her clothes and helped herself to the KTMIV[QV¼ PW\ _I\MZ WN \PM [PW_MZ <PM OQZT KITTML 2M[[QM [PWWS PMZ PMIL IVL ZM\]ZVML \W PMZ ZM[\QV¼ XTIKM WV \PM JML -^MZa LIa [PM hated Darla more. Her attitude. Her walk. Her smell. She always reeked of booze and smoke and sex. It choked her up, when ,IZTI _W]TL KWUM JIKS ¹PWUM º ;PM \PW]OP\ IJW]\ LQ\KPQV¼ PMZ LZWXXQV¼ PMZ WNN I\ [WUM JIZ [WUM_PMZM IVL R][\ LZQ^QV¼ I_Ia *]\ Darla was dependent, and had a few loose screws in her head. She NW]VL PMZ _PMZM^MZ [PM _MV\ 4QSM I LWO \ZIKSQV¼ LW_V Q\[ UI[\MZ Jessie resigned to say in bed while Darla was in the shower. Darla. Who used to be young and polite and unaffected; who found out about the men in this world through force and pain and time. She closed her eyes to remember a time before Darla. There _I[ JT]M[ U][QK 6W\PQVO MT[M ,IZTI \WWS W^MZ PMZ _WZTL The girl laid an arm over her eyes and tried to focus on the notes of a guitar to put her back to sleep. When she woke up Darla _I[ VM[\TML VM`\ \W PMZ ;PM _I[ KTMIV IVL Y]QM\ ;PM [UMTTML TQSM NZM[P TI]VLZa 1\ _I[ \PM ÅZ[\ \QUM [PM M^MZ \PW]OP\ ,IZTI _I[ XZM\\a 6W KQOIZM\\M[ VW TQX[\QKS VW SVQ^M[ 2][\ I OQZT I [TMMXQVO KPQTL Jessie gingerly rose from the bed, walked to the bathroom, and let cool water from the sink pool in her hands so she could sip from Q\ ;PM TM\ \PM NI]KM\ XW]Z W]\ W^MZ IVL \PZW]OP PMZ ÅVOMZ[ ;PM LQLV¼\ VW\QKM ,IZTI KWUM ]X JMPQVL PMZ QV \PM UQZZWZ VW\ ]V\QT [PM wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her cheek against \PM W\PMZ OQZT¼[ [PW]TLMZ ;PM SMX\ Y]QM\ NWZ I _PQTM [PM PMTL PMZ body against that of her companion. ¹+IV _M OW W]\ \WVQOP\'º [PM I[SML Y]QM\Ta TWWSQV¼ QV \PM mirror. “You can do whatever you want.”
¹6W º ,IZTI [IQL ¹1 _IV\ aW] \W KWUM _Q\P UM 4QSM WTL times.” “There are no old times.” “Sure there are. We had fun not so long ago. Please, JessieOQZT'º 2M[[QM \ZQML \W ZMUMUJMZ _PI\ ,IZTI _I[ \ITSQV¼ IJW]\ IVL KIUM ]X JTIVS ;PM PI[ VW OWWL UMUWZQM[ _Q\P ,IZTI 6W memories at all. ¹AMIP ?M PIL N]V º [PM TQML ¹?PMZM IZM _M OWQV¼ \WVQOP\ \PMV'º ¹AM[ º ,IZTI KPQZXML ¹1 SVW_ I JIZ 1\¼TT JM N]V º ;PM SQ[[ML 2M[[QM WV \PM KPMMS IVL PWXXML I_Ia TMI^QV¼ \PM W\PMZ OQZT \W wonder what “fun” was. The girl called Jessie always drove; never let anyone else touch her baby, her Firebird. She barely liked having anyone in the car with her. Darla directed her one town over to a little dive bar called The Rat Trap. Of course, there were only men there until they walked in. ,IZTI PIL I _Ia WN XQKSQV¼ W]\ \PM XTIKM[ \PI\ _QTT UISM PMZ I UQVWZQ\a <PMa [I\ I\ \PM JIZ _Q\P MaM[ [\IJJQV¼ PWTM[ QV\W \PMQZ backs, their legs, their breasts. 2M[[QM \WWS PMZ ZMO]TIZ \MY]QTI _PQTM ,IZTI WZLMZML I JMMZ ¹JIZSMMXMZ¼[ KPWQKM º [PM PIL [IQL ;PM \WWS I [QX NZWU \PM JW\\TM and abandoned her companion. She swaggered over to a few men I\ I XWWT \IJTM IVL KPI\\ML \PMU ]X TMI^QV¼ \PM W\PMZ OQZT I\ \PM JIZ _Q\P PMZ \MY]QTI ;PM [XWSM XWTQ\MTa _Q\P \PM JIZ\MVLMZ IVL IV WTLMZ OMV\TMUIV \W PMZ ZQOP\ _Q\P I KW_JWa PI\ [Q\\QV¼ WV \WX WN PQ[ OZIaQV¼ PMIL <PMa \ITSML IJW]\ KIZ[ IVL \PM 6WZ\P )TT \PM _PQTM Jessie kept one eye on Darla, who eventually separated one of the men from the pack. He was tall and heavy with beer in his middle. 0M _I[ MI[a XZMa IVL \PMa _ITSML QV\W \PM JI\PZWWU \WOM\PMZ 6W [PIUM 6W XZQ^IKa 6W PQLQV¼ <PM OQZT \ZQML PMZ JM[\ \W QOVWZM Q\ _PQTM LZQVSQV¼ PMZ [MKWVL \MY]QTI IVL TQ[\MVQV¼ \W \PM OMV\TMUIV _Q\P \PM KW_JWa PI\ \ITS about his deceased wife. She was beautiful, apparently, with the same long brown hair as Jessie. But Maribelle had blue eyes, “like I [Sa IN\MZ I [\WZU º PM PIL [IQL 0M [XWSM IJW]\ PMZ _PQTM XMMZQV¼ QV\W PQ[ XQV\ OTI[[ 0M _I[V¼\ W^MZ PMZ TW[[ 1\ _I[ [Q` aMIZ[ IOW but he said he could still smell her lavender perfume in the house _PMVM^MZ PM OW\ PWUM 2M[[QM VM^MZ [UMTTML ÆW_MZ[ _PMV [PM OW\ home. ;PM _I[ WVTa PITN TQ[\MVQV¼ \W \PM UIV 0Q[ VIUM _I[ /MWZOM 0M _I[ JWZV QV 3MV\]KSa ?PMV PM WZLMZML PQ[ ÅN\P JMMZ [PM realized how long Darla had been gone for. She excused herself from the bartender and George, who tipped his hat in courtesy. She walked towards the bathroom with apprehension. Why does she fuck guys that are so average?
SHORT STORIES She was outside the door and could hear a voice. “Do you like \PI\' 0]P' ,W aW] TQSM \PI\ JIJa'º [PM PMIZL ,IZTI I[SQV¼ \PM man. He responded in grunts, moans, and huhns ;¼XW[M PM TQSM[ Q\ ¹,IZTI \QUM¼[ ]X º 2M[[QM KITTML ZIXXQV¼ WV \PM LWWZ WN \PM bathroom. ¹)TZQOP\ UIUI º _I[ \PM ZM[XWV[M [PM OW\ 4M[[ \PIV I UQV]\M after that and Darla crept through the door out to the girl. She was [PW^QV¼ [WUM\PQV¼ QV\W PMZ JIKS XWKSM\ ¹?PI\'º [PM I[SML [\MXXQV¼ past the girl. She licked her lips and pushed out her chest as she walked away. Jessie shook her head. Why does Darla always make me wanna kill someone? She followed the girl towards the door. Darla skipped out to the car. Jessie returned to the bar and polished off her drink. She left too much money for the barkeeper and gave George a kiss on the cheek. “Cheer up, sugar. You a good man, and Maribelle was lucky to have you for the time she got.” She smiled, grabbed her TMI\PMZ RIKSM\ WNN \PM JIKS WN \PM JIZ [\WWT IVL NWTTW_ML \PM XI\P Darla had created. They drove off before one of the pool players saw the blood [MMXQV¼ W]\ NZWU ]VLMZ \PM JI\PZWWU LWWZ# JMNWZM \PM JI\PZWWU _I[ WXMVML \W ÅVL \PM UIV _Q\P \PM PMI^a UQLLTM [\IJJML \W death in his stomach, his heart, his crotch. Darla seemed pleased with herself as she lit a cigarette in 2M[[QM¼[ KIZ ¹7]\\I \PM _QVLW_ , º [PM ZMUQVLML _Q\P I [QLM_Ia[ glance, and Darla obeyed. The last thing she wants is to piss Jessie WNN ;PM¼TT KTMIV \PM JTWWL NZWU PMZ SVQNM IN\MZ \PM OQZT _Q\P \PM TMI\PMZ RIKSM\ NITT[ I[TMMX <PM VM`\ \QUM 2M[[QM _WSM ]X ,IZTI _I[ OWVM ;PM LQLV¼\ JW\PMZ \ZaVI ÅO]ZM W]\ _PMZM [PM KW]TL PI^M Z]V WNN \WW 8ZWJIJTa IVW\PMZ JIZ IVW\PMZ UIV 1\ LQLV¼\ KWVKMZV PMZ IVL [PM LQLV¼\ care, as long as the car was still here. She tossed her legs over the side of the bed and slowly made her way to the window. Her baby sat in the sun exactly where she left her. She rubbed her knuckles into her eyes and turned to fall back into the bed. She paused halfway and looked back at the window. She raised an eyebrow. I’ll fuckin’ kill you, Darla. In her underwear and a t-shirt the girl walked out across \PM LQZ\ \W \PM .QZMJQZL VW\QKQV¼ \PM NZWV\ [MI\ _I[ X][PML \WW NIZ NWZ_IZL ;PM ]VTWKSML \PM LZQ^MZ¼[ [QLM LWWZ _Q\PW]\ TWWSQV¼ LW_V she glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby. She bent over to look underneath the seat in that way that always elongated her legs and pushed her ass out. Can’t kill you girl when you got my gun. Darla had given her a reason to hunt her down now; a reason to end their relationship. Jessie was past tolerance. She would wait for the sun to go down, because the other girl would too. ,IZTI _I[V¼\ PIZL \W ÅVL 1N [PM PIL [WUM\PQVO \PI\ LQLV¼\ JMTWVO \W PMZ [PM _W]TLV¼\ [\ZIa \WW NIZ NZWU ¹PWUM º ;PM WVTa VMMLML \W ^Q[Q\ WVM JIZ 7`PMIL¼[ \W ÅVL I VIXSQV _Q\P I TQX[\QKS SQ[[ NZWU ,IZTI¼[ \PQM^QVO UW]\P 1\ PIL NITTMV \W \PM ÆWWZ JMVMI\P I JIZ [\WWT IVL \PM OQZT PWXML ,IZTI PILV¼\ \ISMV PMZ VM`\ ^QK\QU too far away. “Bitch!” The girl heard the curse before she got back into her car to leave. Trees and underbrush followed the stretch of highway the
bar was located off of. In the woods? She never was a classy broad. ,IZTI IVL _PWUM^MZ [PM _I[ _Q\P _MZM PIZLTa Y]QM\ 2M[[QM [I_ PMZ O]V IVL [I_ ,IZTI JMI\QV¼ I UIV _Q\P Q\ -^MV QV \PM LIZS [PM KW]TL [MM JTWWL LZWX[ ÆaQVO NZWU PQ[ UW]\P \W \PM OZI[[ ]VLMZVMI\P PQU ;PM LQLV¼\ UW^M I\ ÅZ[\ 2][\ SMX\ _I\KPQV¼ ,IZTI <PQ[ OQZT \PI\ ][ML \W JM \WW Y]QM\ \W \PM XWQV\ _PMV Q\ _I[ ITUW[\ MVLMIZQVO _I[ TI]OPQV¼ I[ [PM [UI[PML \PM J]\\ WN I O]V \PI\ _I[ VW\ PMZ¼[ QV\W \PM NIKM WN I O]a \PI\ TQSMTa LQL VW\PQV¼ UWZM \PIV \ISM ,IZTI¼[ JIQ\ ;PM PIL TML PQU PMZM KWMZKML PQU [ML]KML PQU )VL VW_ [PM _I[ X]VQ[PQV¼ PQU NWZ IKKMX\QVO [M` The girl watched from a spot halfway between Darla and the PQOP_Ia <PM M`XZM[[QWV WV PMZ NIKM LQLV¼\ KPIVOM 5WZM \PIV IVa\PQV¼ [PM R][\ _IV\ML PMZ O]V JIKS IVL ,IZTI¼[ OWVVI OM\ JTWWL caked in the barrel and the engraving on the grip. Jessie stood in her tall black boots and realized they were not rooted into the ground. ;PM TM\ W]\ I LMMX JZMI\P IVL \WWS WNN PMZ RIKSM\ WVM [TMM^M I\ I \QUM ;PM TWWSML I\ \PM OZW]VL IVL LMJI\ML X]\\QV¼ Q\ LW_V ,IZTI _I[ [KZMMKPQV¼ ¹?PI\ KP] \PQVS JIJa' AW] \PQVS 1 I[SML¸NWZ¸\PQ[ AW] LW LWV¼\ KPI' <PQVS 1¼U I _PWZM' ?MTT screw you, fucker!” 2M[[QM XTIKML PMZ RIKSM\ WV \PM MIZ\P Ja PMZ NMM\ IVL _ITSML KI[]ITTa W^MZ \W \PM I[[IQTIV\ ¹<PI\¼[ MVW]OP ,IZTI º [PM KITTML W]\ VW\ Y]Q\M VM`\ \W \PM I\\IKSMZ aM\ Darla looked up, surprised. She locked eyes with her companion and smiled. She licked some of the blood off her ÅVOMZ[ ¹6W Q\¼[ VW\ º ¹AM[ Q\ Q[ 6W_ OM\ I_Ia +¼UWV /M\ I_Ia º 2M[[QM KWUUIVLML OZIJJQV¼ \PM W\PMZ OQZT Ja I\ \PM MTJW_ “Get off me!” Darla screamed. ¹AW]¼^M UILM aW]Z XWQV\ º \PM OQZT _Q\PW]\ PMZ TMI\PMZ RIKSM\ responded. But Darla turned loose and struck at the girl with the [\WTMV XQ[\WT KZIKSQV¼ PMZ QV \PM RI_ 2M[[QM _I[ [\]VVML IVL QV \PM KWVN][QWV LQLV¼\ VW\QKM ,IZTI KWUM I\ PMZ ;PM X][PML PMZ LW_V and Jessie tumbled backwards to the ground. She felt rocks grind into her back and sticks scratch her skin. ¹6W 1 PI^MV¼\ º ,IZTI [IQL UITQKQW][Ta ;PM TWWSML LW_V I\ \PM UIV _Q\P I XQ\aQV¼ TWWS QV PMZ MaM[ 0M _I[ [\Z]OOTQV¼ \W JZMI\PM IVL \W [\Ia KWV[KQW][ ;PM [\MXXML W^MZ him and lowered herself to a straddle over his hips. Darla leaned in and pressed her body against his. She whispered to him, “Do you \PQVS 1¼^M UILM Ua XWQV\'º _PQTM [PM [\ZWSML \PM [QLM WN PQ[ NIKM _Q\P \PM O]V ¹?MTT' ,W aW]'º “Y-yes…yes,” he whimpered almost inaudibly as blood dribbled out of his mouth. ¹6W º ,IZTI [IQL PMZ MaM[ ÆQKSMZQV¼ NZWU UIVQI \W ZM[WT^ML KWVÅLMVKM ¹VW\ aM\ º ;PM TQN\ML PMZ KPM[\ WNN WN PQ[ KWKSML \PM O]V [PW^ML \PM U]bbTM »OIQV[\ PQ[ \MUXTM IVL X]TTML \PM \ZQOOMZ _Q\P I [UQTM [MMXQV¼ \PZW]OP PMZ TQX[ 2M[[QM _PW KIUM \W [\WX ,IZTI _I\KPML \PM UIV¼[ JTWWL TMIS out through the hole in his head. She was calm and unimpressed Ja \PM KW]Z[M WN M^MV\[ )[ [PM ZW[M \PM W\PMZ OQZT UI\KPML PMZ When both women were on their feet Darla took a step forward IVL PMTL \PM O]V ]X XWQV\QV¼ Q\ QVJM\_MMV \PM MaM[ WN \PM OQZT _PW tried to stop her.
“Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” –Macbeth, SHAKESPEARE
SHORT STORIES 2M[[QM LQLV¼\ JTQVS LQLV¼\ J]LOM ¹1 [PW]TL SQTT aW] 2M[[QM OQZT <PQ[ IQV¼\ PIL VW\PQV¼ \W LW _Q\P aW] AW] LQLV¼\ VMML \]P JM PMZM º ¹1 \WTL aW] WVKM JMNWZM º 2M[[QM [\IZ\ML ¹QN aW]¼ZM OWVVI X]\ I gun to my head, you better damn well pull the trigger.” 1\ _I[ I [\IVLWNN ,IZTI _I[ I KW_IZL _PMV Q\ KIUM \W ÅOP\QV¼ 2M[[QM ;PM R][\ _I[V¼\ \PM JQ\KP aW] _IV\ML \W N]KS _Q\P ;PM lowered the gun and laughed. ¹+¼UWV 2M[[QM OQZT AW] SVW_ 1 _W]TL VM^MZ P]Z\ KPI º ,IZTI UILM \PM UW\QWV \W \PZW_ IV IZU IZW]VL PMZ NZQMVL¼[ VMKS J]\ \PMV \PW]OP\ JM\\MZ WN OM\\QV¼ \WW KTW[M 2M[[QM R][\ _ITSML I_Ia ;PM XQKSML PMZ TMI\PMZ RIKSM\ WNN \PM OZW]VL IVL PMILML \W_IZL PMZ KIZ ,IZTI NWTTW_ML []Q\ VW\ TWWSQV¼ VMIZTa I[ XTMI[ML _Q\P PMZ[MTN I[ [PM PIL I NM_ UQV]\M[ JMNWZM )V PW]Z¼[ LZQ^M LW_V \PM ZWIL ,IZTI \ZQML \W [\ZQSM ]X I KWV^MZ[I\QWV _Q\P \PM LZQ^MZ ZM[]T\QV¼ QV \PM KIZ JMQVO X]TTML W^MZ ¹1 OW\\I XMM º 2M[[QM [IQL OM\\QV¼ W]\ WN \PM KIZ Darla slipped her knife out of her back pocket and picked dirt and blood out from under her nails with it. Jessie walked to the passenger side of the car, grabbed Darla by her grimy black hair,
photo by nader nouraee
IVL LZIOOML PMZ W]\ \PZW]OP \PM _QVLW_ .WZ \PM ÅZ[\ \QUM QV LIa[ [PM _I[ \PM WVM [KZMIUQV¼ QV XIQV ,IZTI _I[ \PZW_V \W \PM [QLM WN \PM PQOP_Ia IVL ZWTTML \PZW]OP \PM L][\ IN\MZ JMQV¼ SQKSML QV \PM ZQJ[ ;PM KW]OPML IVL [XI\ WV\W \PM OZW]VL 6W JTWWL aM\ 2M[[QM [PW_ML VW MUW\QWV VW [QOV WN PI\ZML WZ LQ[LIQV )TT [PM _IV\ML _I[ \W JMI\ ,IZTI¼[ NIKM QV IVL LW_V PMZ \PZWI\ ;PM wanted to knock her teeth out and watch her choke on them. She wanted to break her bones, rip her skin off, gouge her eyes out. Jessie wanted Darla to cry and plead and grovel for her to stop. She wanted Darla to beg for her life, like she made so many men beg. She was fucked up, and needed to be fucked up by someone else. By Jessie. By someone that did not fear her, or pander to her every _PQU *a [WUMWVM \PI\ KW]TLV¼\ JM [ML]KML Ja \Q\[ IVL I[[ 2M[[QM X]TTML ,IZTI ]X Ja PMZ PIQZ IVL X]VKPML PMZ [Y]IZM in the face. She did it again, and again, and again. She waited until she felt the warm slime of blood coat her knuckles. She threw Darla back to the ground and kicked her until she was sure a few ZQJ[ [VIXXML -^MV \PW]OP \PM JTWWLQML IVL JI\\MZML OQZT PMI^ML IVL [\Z]OOTML \W UMZMTa ZIQ[M PMZ PMIL Q\ LQLV¼\ NMMT TQSM MVW]OP \W 2M[[QM ;PM PILV¼\ X]VQ[PML ,IZTI MVW]OP NWZ _PI\ [PM PIL LWVM J]\ \PMZM _I[ TQ\\TM MT[M [PM KW]TL LW _Q\PW]\ SQTTQV¼ \PM LIUIOML OQZT _ZQ\PQV¼ WV \PM [QLM WN \PM ZWIL She tried to shake the blood off her hand, but QV[\MIL TMIVML W^MZ IVL _QXML Q\ WNN _Q\P ,IZTI¼[ [PQZ\ <PMZM _I[V¼\ M^MV XQ\a QV PMZ MaM[ _PMV \PM OQZT TWWSML up at her punisher. “Jessie-girl,” she choked out, “you got me. I learned my lesson.” ¹6W AW] PI^MV¼\ º 2M[[QM _ITSML JIKS \W \PM KIZ ZMITQbQV¼ [PM PILV¼\ _QXML ITT WN ,IZTI¼[ JTWWL WNN PMZ PIVL[ 1\ _I[ [\]KS QV PMZ ÅVOMZVIQT[ IVL _W]TL XZWJIJTa JM [\]KS \PMZM for days even with a few dozen showers. Darla was a disease. ¹,WV¼\ TMI^M UM PMZM 2M[[ º [PM aMTTML _Q\P JTWWL [X]\\MZQV¼ W]\ QV NZWV\ WN PMZ NIKM 2M[[QM KTW[ML \PM KIZ door. ¹+¼UWV [\WX XTMI[M OQZT XTMI[M º 2M[[QM [\IZ\ML \W drive. ¹1¼TT R][\ ÅVL aW] IOIQV 1 IT_Ia[ ÅVL aW] AW] [PW]TLI R][\ SQTTML UM JQ\KP ?Pa LWV¼\ KPI R][\ SQTT UM ITZMILa P]P' 2M[[QM 2M[[QM º ,IZTI JMOIV \W TI]OP high-pitched and manic. Jessie could hear the echo of it for only a few seconds before it faded away into the emptiness of the night. She hoped she choked on her W_V JTWWL ;PM _Q[PML KWaW\M[ _W]TL MI\ PMZ ÆM[P ;PM wanted her to crawl away and die. ;PM TWWSML I\ PMZ XI[[MVOMZ [MI\ IVL [I_ ,IZTI¼[ knife open on the leather. She could still see the red LQ[MI[M WN ,IZTI NZWU SQTTQV¼ \PM UIV I\ <PM :I\ <ZIX She closed her hand over it and threw it out the open window. She was past tolerance, and past Darla.
“If you wanna fly, you gotta give up the shit that weighs you down.” –Song of Solomon, MORRISON
HAIKU WARZ Evan Goldaper I like to tag him in posts. 7KH V\OODEOHV Ă&#x20AC;W
I took a shower a penny fell off my butt FKDQJH IRU GRPLQR¡V
Your own brand of farts $OZD\V VPHOO VR JRRG EHFDXVH Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s released pressure
You know, your mother $OVR Ă&#x20AC;WV ZHOO LQ WKLV VSDFH 5LGLFXORXVO\
<RX EHVW JHW WR FODVV You gonna fail all dat shyt Wassim be mad, bro.
I had a weird dream :KHUH , DWH D EHHI WDFR Shit, I am a veg
Haiku wars? Yay! Great! $EVROXWHO\ %XW RI FRXUVH Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say yes enough.
Bro Brah, I were in Dat You know I be on thaatt %LWFKHV %H 7ULSSLQ¡
Are dream animals Forbidden like real ones are? , ZDQW WR WU\ URF
,¡P RI FRXUVH WDONLQJ bout saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what she saidâ&#x20AC;? Remove minds > gutter
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a rap song 5DS FDQQRW EH ZULWWHQ LQ +DLNX YHUVH PRWKD IXFND
I would be willing to bet that dream animals DUH PXFK PRUH WDVW\
One in the Morning Good time for frivolously Haikuing and masterâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;
As long as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right Translated in Japanese He should be ok
'RQ¡W PDQGUDNH VFUHDP OLNH little babies? I think that would be hella weird.
ÂłLQJ GHEDWHV ,W VXFNV when you run out of room writing these Haikus.
Underestimate Japanese language, you shanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. )RU WKH\ ZLOO FXW \RX
Imagine if it VFUHDPHG IURP \RXU EHOO\ DIWHU" Crazy shit there, son.
Unbelievable Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re so unbelievable Great song, EMF
Jessieâ&#x20AC;Śyour haikuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;Ś ,¡PPD OHW \RX Ă&#x20AC;QLVK EXW %H\RQFH¡V EHWWHU
Did you ever say I gotta blast a dookie? I do all the time.
The Lord Commander Is the Harbinger of Doom None shall stand my wrath
If you liked it, then You should put a ring on it. Put your hands up, oh.
Thought I was being rather artful to say the OHDVW %XW IXFN DOO \¡DOO
Jessie, if you were In Veggietales you would be 7KH JRXUG FRPPDQGHU
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hurgadurgahur Durgadurgadurhurgenâ&#x20AC;? By Jasmine Haefner
Unforgettable. Unfortuntely you are. Another great song.
,V KH 5RERFRS Maybe he is just a bus +H VD\V ´'URS LW FUHHS ¾
I was under the Impression that Danes donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t talk Like that. HURGADERG!
Like the brightest star, all my opponents shall burn. They gonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; burn, all right.
If a tree falls in 6SDFH DQG QR RQH LV DURXQG Does it make a sound?
,Q $PHULFD I hike hills. In Soviet Russia, hill haiku