Formative Assessment Guidelines

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Thisguideemphasisesontheproceduresandguidelinesonsubmittingthe assignmentforformativeassessmentfeedback

Formativeassessmentfeedbackis“feedbackforlearning”.Itisprovidedto the learners during the course of a module so that learners can use it to improvethewaytheylearnandenhancetheiracademicperformance.The assessment feedback focuses on helping students to develop the skills, knowledgeandunderstandingrequired.

A comprehensive formative assessment feedback will be provided to learners for each module on a completed assignment. In the feedback, the assigned tutor may point out mistakes and provide suggestions for improvementssothattheleanerscanenhancethequalityoftheirpaper.A formative feedback does not guarantee or determine pass or fail, and it should be used as a guide to making necessary improvements on the assessment before making the final submission. Upon making the final submission,you will receive a summative feedback from the assessor that may contradict or slightly different from the formative feedback provided byyourtutor.Learnersshould expecttoreceivetheformativeassessment feedbackwithin10-12workingdays.

Guidelines for Formative Assessment Submission

It must be a complete assignment that covers all the assessment criteria specifiedintheassignmentbrief.

You must ensure that your assignment adheres to the given structure. Assignments that do not follow the structure will be returned to learners. Pleasefamiliarizeyourselfwiththeassignmentstructurebeforestartingon theassignments.

Afinalisedassignmentmeansthatyoucompletedallthetasksprovidedin the assignment brief and compiled them in a Word document. Please be advisedtoanswerallassessmentcriteriawithoutfail.

Draft / Incomplete work will not be accepted for formative assessment feedback.

Formative Assessment Submission Procedures

 Upon completing each assignment, you can send the assignment to the Support Desk or for formative assessment. The support team will assign your assignment to the relevanttutorforformativefeedback.

 The tutors shall be reviewing the contents in line with the requirements of the awarding body, and will provide well constructivefeedbackhighlightingallareasofimprovement,pointing outmistakes,etc.,soyoucanmakechanges.

 Thetentativetimeframeforreceivingtheassignment after review is 10-12businessdays.

 Please note that formative assessment feedback is provided for learning; any marks given are effectively indicative and don't contribute to the final grade. It is offered to the students for each module so that learners can use it to improve their learning and academicperformance.

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