PCDM405 -Email Marketing

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Email Marketing

Module - PCDM405


01 . Be able to analyse the concept of email broadcast and its “golden rules”

02 . Understand email marketing

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing and digital marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services.

It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships, or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails.

Why Email Marketing is Important?

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful and cost-effective tools in a marketer's arsenal. Its significance lies in its ability to directly connect businesses with their target audience in a personalized and measurable way. Unlike traditional marketing channels, such as print or television, email marketing offers unparalleled reach and engagement at a fraction of the cost.

Reach and Engagement Relationship Building Measurable Results

Reach and Engagement 1.

Email marketing enables businesses to reach a w audience, spanning across geographical locations and demographics. With nearly 4 billion email us worldwide, businesses can communicate directly with their customers, prospects, and leads, regardless of their location or time zone. Moreov emails have a higher chance of being seen and engaged with compared to social media posts or display ads, making it an essential tool for driving customer engagement and brand awareness.

Reach and Engagement

2. Relationship Building

Beyond its reach and engagement capabilities, email marketing plays a pivotal role in nurturing customer relationships and fostering brand loyalty. By delivering relevant and valuable content directly to subscribers' inboxes, businesses can establish themselves as trusted advisors and industry experts. Whether it's sharing educational resources, announcing product updates, or providing exclusive offers, email marketing helps businesses stay top-ofmind and build meaningful connections with their audience over time.

Relationship Building

3. Measurable Results

One of the most compelling reasons why email marketing is indispensable for businesses is its ability to deliver measurable results. Unlike traditional marketing methods where ROI is often challenging to track, email marketing provides robust analytics and reporting tools that allow businesses to monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates in real-time. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to optimize their email campaigns for better performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately maximize their return on investment.

Measurable Results


Businesses use what’s known as an email service provider (ESP) to send marketing emails.

An email service provider is a software that sends and manages email marketing campaigns.

It's also referred to as an email marketing platform, email marketing too email marketing service, or email marketing software.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc., are de for personal use not for email blasts.

So when a mass email is sent from an ISP, it’s quickly flagged by spam filters, and your account can be disabled for suspicious activity.

ESPs, on the other hand, have the necessary infrastructure in place to ensure good email deliverability rates —i.e., the ability to land emails in your subscribers’ inboxes.

Get yourself a dedicated email marketing service if you want to set yourself up for email marketing success from day one.

How to Start Email Marketing?

There are two main things you need to email marketing campaigns.

1. Email marketing software

Streamline the process of creating, sending, and tracking emails, allowing businesses to effectively engage with their audience. With features such as automated workflows, and detailed analytics, email marketing software empowers marketers to optimize their campaigns for maximum impact and ROI.

2. An email list

This list should contain the email addresses of interested subscribers who have opted-in to receive email communications from you. Everyone on your email list needs to have given their prompt permission to be there.

How to Launch Your Email Marketing Campaign?

1. Choose the right email marketing software

2. Build your email list

3. Set up a welcome email for new subscribers

4. Define the goal of your email marketing campaign

5. Build responsive emails

6. Write your email copy

7. Optimize your email open rate, clicks, and conversions

8. Test your email campaign before sending

9. Schedule your campaign for the right time

10. Monitor the campaign results

1. Choose the right email marketing software

The first step is finding an ESP to send and manage your email campaigns and email subscribers.

Popular email tools include Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Convertkit, Mailjet, Mailerlite, and HubSpot — to

name a few.

With hundreds of ESPs on the market, it’s hard to know which one is right for your business.

And it’s easy to get sucked in by shiny bells and whistles you probably don’t need (not yet, anyway).

Identify your needs and distinguish between must-have features and nice-to-have features.

Make a list.

2. Build your email list

This list should contain the email addresses of interested subscribers who have opted-in to receive email communications from you. Everyone on your email list needs to have given their prompt permission to be there

2. Build your email list

3. Set up a welcome email for new subscribers

When someone signs up to your email list, you have to get their attention.

Now it’s time to engage them even further with a welcome email.

A welcome email is an automated message sent to new customers and subscribers.

The idea is to introduce your brand and any content that will establish your relationship with the subscriber, such as welcome discount links to the latest articles, helpful information, etc.

4. Define the goal of your email marketing campaign

Every email marketing campaign should have a clear goal.

Common goals include:

Promoting a new product

Sharing a discount with loyal customers

Getting more downloads for your latest ebook

Updating subscribers on some important piece of company news

Your goals can be specific or broad — as long as they fit with your business and your audience. In either case, having a clear goal in mind will make it easier to create your email content.

5. Build responsive


Responsive emails automatically adjust their formatting to fit the mobile or desktop device they are viewed. Most email marketing services have some form of drag & drop email editor. These are great for producing clean, simple, hassle-free designs. There is no need to get hung up on creating fancy, elaborate emails. Focus on creating an email that embodies your brand, whatever it may look like.

5. Build responsive emails

6. Write your email copy

Your email copy needs to offer value and feature topics that interest your audience. You also need to sharpen in on your voice and tone.

To write persuasive, engaging email copy, keep these tips in mind:

Ask yourself, “What does my audience need from me? How can I help?”

Imagine you’re writing to one person. Show your brand personality. Tell a story.

Write to instill curiosity, starting with the email subject line — more on that below.

Use a conversational tone, i.e., write the way you speak.

Break up the copy with short paragraphs and use bullet points where possible.

The email signature should be the name of a real person, and this is more personal than a faceless brand logo.

6. Write your email copy

7. Optimize your email open rate, clicks, and conversions

There are several ways to boost your email open and conversion rate, starting with your email sender name.

Use an easily recognizable sender name and address

Write an intriguing email subject line

Optimize your email preheader/preview text

8. Test your email campaign before sending

Always send a test email before officially hitting send. Small mistakes can easily slip through the cracks and harm your brand image.

Keep your eyes on the following:


Forgotten or incorrect links

Text formatting errors

8. Test your email campaign before sending

Have some team members proofread and check the test email on both desktop and mobile devices.

With Sendinblue, you can use the email preview feature to test different screen sizes and email clients.

When everything is good to go, double-check that you’ve selected the correct email list(s).

9. Schedule your campaign for the right time

Be strategic rather than choosing a random day and time to send your emails.

Please select a time that makes sense for your audience based on what you know about them.

Most people tend only to visit their inbox a few times each day.

Find a time that will put you on top of the inbox when subscribers check their emails. This is sure to increase your open rates.

Email marketing campaigns tend to perform better when sent on Tuesdays or Thursdays in the mornings around 10:00 AM or the afternoons around 2:00 PM.

10. Monitor the campaign results

Analysing key email marketing metrics will teach you to improve your strategy for future campaigns. As a beginner email marketer, there will always be areas for improvement.

Most ESPs have an analytics dashboard with at least the following metrics:

Open rate

Click-through rate

Unsubscribe rate

Bounce rate



The likelihood of generating leads is when your email reaches the inbox, and a poor delivery rate can drastically harm your bulk email campaign.

The delivery rate of messages sent in email marketing is calculated by subtracting bounces (soft/hard) from the total number of emails sent and dividing it by the total email sent.

2. Poor open rates

One of the challenges faced in sending bulk emails is receiving low open rates.

The open rate is a valued term in marketing that refers to the ratio of the total number of unique people who opened your email and the total number of delivered emails.

3. Poor click through rate (ctr)

Another challenging issue we encounter when running a bulk email marketing campaign is a poor click-through rate. Similar to delivery and open rates, click- through rate plays a critical role in the success of email campaigns. The click- through rate is defined as the ratio showcasing how frequently people who view your content end up clicking it. Specifically, we calculate the click-through rate by taking the total number of individuals who have clicked a link on an email then dividing that number by the total emails opened.

4. Increased unsubscribe rates

A common issue in bulk email campaigns is a higher unsubscribe rate. The unsubscribe rate is calculated by the total number of unsubscribe as a percentage of emails are delivered. This can have direct harm to the health of your campaign, and it is ultimately lowering the overall performance.

Since email marketing has been leading the industry in driving conversions, you must not take this lightly.

Another obstacle when running bulk email campaigns is having a higher risk of potential spam complaints.

5. Higher spam complaints

The complaints are accounted for once a recipient flags your email as spam, which is detrimental to your campaign and affects your IP, domain, senders’ reputation, and more.

Types of email marketing

Welcome Emails

Email Newsletters

Dedicated Emails

Sponsorship Emails

Transactional Emails

Re-Engagement Emails

Lead Nurturing Emails

TerminationBrand Story Emails

Video Emails

Review Request Emails

Welcome Emails


Many businesses and organizations send email newsletters to stay top of mind for their recipients. Most industrial businesses use email newsletters as the foundation of their email marketing program because they are great tools for educating customers and prospects about your business and showcasing employee profiles, company passion projects, and relevant graphics.


Dedicated emails, also known as stand-alone emails, contain information about only one offer.

Dedicated emails help you set up the context to introduce the main call-to-action.

In this sense, they are similar to landing pages.

Dedicated sends are generally used to reach out to your entire email database — a practice that is not necessarily efficient in optimizing conversions and minimizing unsubscribes.


As an inbound marketing tactic, lead nurturing is all about understanding the nuances of your leads' timing and needs.

That's why it's important to define your buyer personas to reach your target audience effectively. Otherwise, your emails get left unopened or deleted.

Lead nurturing introduces a tightly connected series of emails with a coherent purpose and full of helpful content.


All the types of marketing emails we have discussed so far are under the assumption that you are sending communications to your email database. If you want to reach a different audience and gain new leads, you might try out sponsorship emails with display ads.

A sponsorship usually entails paying to include your copy in another vendor's newsletter or dedicated send. Sponsorship email campaigns are one component of a paid media strategy, including pay-per-click (PPC), display advertising, mobile advertising, affiliate advertising, etc.

In this paid media universe, you benefit from being super specific when describing the target audience you want to reach.


Transactional emails are the messages triggered by a specific action your contacts have taken and enable them to complete that action.

For instance, if you sign up for an industry webinar, you will fill out a form and receive a transactional (thankyou) email, which gives you login information to join.

If you are using a double opt-in, people will receive an email asking them to click on a link to confirm their registration.

Transactional is the messages you receive from eCommerce sites that confirm your order and give you shipment information and other details about your recent purchase.


If metrics show that a portion of your subscribed client list has been inactive, it may be time to send out a reengagement email to re-establish contact and goodwill. Asking for feedback is an excellent way to bring your business back to their minds. If they respond, it’s a win-win; they are again actively aware of your business, and you have got fresh feedback to work with to improve processes and marketing tactics. And even if they wind up unsubscribing, there is a bright side: Your email engagement rates will improve overall, and your email reputation will see a boost among internet service providers (ISPs).


Storytelling can be a powerful tool to get your point across to customers and prospects by taking advantage of emotional responses. Across our emails and other marketing collateral, this story is evident, and we use our history to display reputation and showcase our focus on industry to prove purpose. This unique story gets the point across to our audience of who we are, what we do, and how we can help them.


Video emails go a bit hand-in-hand with brand story marketing.

They can more creatively share your company story andexpertise. You can email:

Incorporating your videos in email marketing is smart because 95% of a video message is retained versus only 10% when reading text.


By requesting reviews of your business on these sites, you can build credibility and help boost your search engine results.

An excellent place to start is requesting reviews from your top and most happy customers.

It also doesn't hurt to include an incentive like a chance to win a gift card if it's within the scope of your budget.

Opt-in email is a Web marketing term for email that recipients have previously requested by signing up at a Web site or special ad banner.

Typically, Web users are invited to sign up for promotional information about one or more categories of products or services. Those who sign up have thus "opted in."

Anyone sending them an email, as a result, hopes that the message will not be perceived as unwanted spam.

Attract Attract Ask Offer Become Use HOW TO BUILD AN OPT-IN EMAIL LIST? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Suggest Attract prospects with valuable content. Ask people to subscribe. Offer gated content. Become a thought leader. Use your other email lists. Suggest customers subscribe during checkout.

1.Attract prospects with valuable content. 1.Attract prospects with valuable content

The most important part of growing your database is creating original and valuable content for your buyer persona.

In order to grow database of opt-in prospects create Premium content offers, Blog content and Social Media Content.

2.Ask people to subscribe

1.Attract prospects with valuable content.

You can get visitors to opt into your marketing communications by promising to deliver relevant industry news, promotions, discounts, and freebies. When asking prospects for their demographic information and email address, it's crucial to place forms in prominent places on your website like your homepage, your blog page, or in the header or footer of your website. Additionally, adding social proof terminology to your forms like "10,000 subscribers" increases people's likelihood of opting into your database.

3.Offer gated content

1.Attract prospects with valuable content.

Another popular method is to “gate” premium content offers like industry e- books, reports, and customer case studies.

Gating content requires users to submit their email address through a form to receive content. This is an effective way to increase your database, especially with premium content offers.

4.Become a thought leader

1.Attract prospects with valuable content.

People are more likely to subscribe to emails if they consider you a leader in your industry.

To become a thought leader, you should be active on social media, guest blog for other sites, and post valuable content.

5.Use your other email lists


prospects with valuable content.

Using your current email lists is a great way to build a new opt-in email list.

6.Suggest customers subscribe during checkout

When you run an e-commerce store, it might seem more challenging to gain email followers. However, it doesn't have to be.

You can include a box that customers can check off during their checkout process to subscribe to your newsletter list. When users are already filling out a form, adding a little checkbox for your email newsletter is a great way to build your list. You will need email marketing software to get started with your email marketing list.

Setting up Email Marketing Account

01 Choose an email marketing service provider 02 Gather contacts for your email marketing list 03 Add your contacts into your email marketing account 08 Preview and test before you send 09 Send your email (at the best time)
04 Set up your welcome email 05 Create a reusable email template 03 06 Practice writing persuasive messages 07 Spend time on subject lines 10 Track your results

1. Choose an Email Marketing Service Provider

If you are serious about email marketing, you need to work with an email marketing service provider.

Working with a provider is the only way your business can leverage email marketing automation to deliver messages to large groups of contacts or subscribers effectively.

2. Gather Contacts for Email Marketing List

Most businesses will have some existing contacts to start an email list.

Think of the customers and people you already have a relationship with.

Maybe it’s the business contacts you email regularly; perhaps you start with a few supportive friends and family members.

3. Add Your Contacts into Email Marketing Account

Add your contacts to your account once you have an email marketing account and an initial list to send to. You can start by uploading a contact list from an existing spreadsheet or importing contacts right from a Gmail or Outlook account.

4. Set up Welcome Email

Your welcome email is the first message your new email subscribers receive from you.

Welcome emails are vital because they serve as your first impression and reach people when they are highly engaged with your business. You can expect a higher than average open rate for your welcome email, so make sure you are delivering value right away.

Start with a warm greeting, provide an overview of what they can expect to receive from you in the future, and offer them helpful something right away.

Once set up, your welcome email will be automatically sent to all new contacts.

5. Create a Reusable Email Template

You can send beautifully -designed professional emails that look good on any device.

Constant Contact has hundreds of email templates to choose from, including timely templates to stand out in the inbox.

6. Practice Writing Persuasive Messages

Break your message down into three important sections:

What are you offering? — Headline

How will it help the reader? — Message body

What should they do next? — Call to action

7. Spend Time on Subject Lines

Your email subject line is one of the most critical lines of text in your whole email.

Your subscribers see your subject line even before they open your message. Make a good impression, and people won’t resist opening.

Write something bland, and they might skip over your message without a second thought.

8. Preview and Test Before Sending

Always remember to send yourself or a staff member a Test Email before sending out to your entire list.

9. Optimize Your Email Delivery Timing

Consider timing: Timing is crucial when sending emails; every audience is different.

Create a consistent sending schedule: Stick to a regular schedule to set expectations. Example: Sending a newsletter on the first of every month establishes a predictable pattern. Communicate schedule: Inform subscribers upfront about your sending schedule. Example communication: Mention specific days or frequencies during the sign-up process.

Scheduled sending: Utilize email marketing tools to schedule messages according to your established schedule.

10. Track your results

If you want to see accurate results from your email marketing, you need a strong understanding of how each email performs so you can make improvements and learn more about your customers and subscribers.

Spending a few minutes in your email reports will tell you valuable information like who opened your email, who clicked on specific links, and what information was the most interesting to your readers.

Opt-inForms andLanding Pages Incentivesand Offers Content Marketing SocialMedia Integration 01 02 03 04 StrategiestoBuildanEmailList

Incentives and Offers

Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages

Opt-in forms and landing pages are essential tools for capturing email leads from website visitors. Opt-in forms, strategically placed on website pages or popallow visitors to subscribe to the email list ntarily. ding pages are standalone web pages designed cifically to capture leads through a compelling offer all-to-action.

se forms and pages should be optimized for version, with clear and concise messaging, visually ealing design, and minimal form fields to reduce tion and encourage sign-ups.



2. Incentives and Offers

Incentives and Offers

Offering incentives and exclusive offers is an effective way to entice visitors to subscribe to your email list. rovide discounts, freebies, sources, or access to exclusive content email subscriptions. add value to the subscription and ors to take action. It's important to cate the benefits of subscribing and ue proposition to encourage sign-ups.

3. Content Marketing

Incentives and Offers

Content marketing plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining email subscribers. By offering valuable and relevant content, businesses can on themselves as industry experts and build trust their audience. ent assets such as blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, nars, case studies, and infographics can be gated d email sign-up forms, providing an incentive for rs to subscribe. esses should focus on creating high-quality content addresses the needs and interests of their target nce to attract and retain email subscribers tively.


4. Social Media Integration

Incentives and Offers

Social media channels serve as powerful platforms for promoting email sign-ups and expanding the subscriber base.

esses can leverage their social media presence to traffic to opt-in forms and landing pages,

uraging followers to subscribe to their email list.

cs such as contests, giveaways, and social media ads

e used to promote email sign-ups and incentivize ement.

rating social media with email marketing allows esses to reach a broader audience and amplify their generation efforts across multiple channels.



Overview of MailerLite:

MailerLite is a comprehensive email marketing platform designed to help businesses of all sizes create, send, and track professional email campaigns with ease.

With its intuitive interface and robust feature set, MailerLite has gained popularity among marketers for its user-friendly approach to email marketing.


Drag-and-Drop Email Editor: MailerLite offers a user-friendly drag-anddrop editor that allows users to create visually stunning emails without any coding skills. With customizable templates and design blocks, users can easily create emails that align with their brand identity and messaging.

Subscriber Management Tools: MailerLite provides powerful tools for managing subscriber lists, segmenting audiences, and organizing contacts. Users can easily import and export subscriber data, create custom segments based on various criteria, and automate list management tasks to keep their audience data organized and up-to-date.


Automation Workflows: With MailerLite's automation features, users can create personalized email workflows to engage subscribers at every stage of the customer journey. From welcome emails and nurture sequences to abandoned cart reminders and re-engagement campaigns, automation workflows help streamline communication and drive conversions.

A/B Testing: MailerLite enables users to conduct A/B tests to optimize email performance and maximize results. By testing different subject lines, email content, and send times, users can identify the most effective strategies for engaging their audience and achieving their campaign goals.


Detailed Analytics: MailerLite offers comprehensive analytics tools that provide insights into email campaign performance, subscriber engagement, and conversion metrics. Users can track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more to measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future optimizations.

Top Platforms for Opt-In Email Marketing

Seamlessly manage opt-in email campaigns with Pabbly's userfriendly platform and robust features.

Optimize your email marketing efforts with MailGet's intuitive interface and advanced delivery capabilities. Drive engagement and conversions with PowerMailer's dynamic opt-in email marketing solutions tailored to business needs.

Elevate email marketing strategy with Campaign Monitor's comprehensive toolkit designed to maximize subscriber engagement.

Harness the power of personalized optin email marketing campaigns with Mailigen's innovative automation tools and analytics.

Streamline your opt-in email marketing processes and reach your audience effectively with MailKit's efficient platform and customizable features.

01 02 03 04 05 06 Pabbly Email Marketing MailGet PowerMailer Campaign Monitor Mailigen MailKit

1.Pabbly Email Marketing

1.Pabbly Email Marketing

Pabbly Email Marketing is a renowned name in the best opt-in form email marketing services.

It not only lets you create & broadcast professional email newsletters in bulk but also benefits you with extensive features like subscriber segmentation, autoresponders, Google Analytics integration, inbox preview, personalized tags, and a lot more.

Additionally, you will get built-in SMTP that cuts down your efforts to set up an SMTP server manually.


1.Pabbly Email Marketing

MailGet is an email marketing service that caters to some advanced services at a cheap and affordable rate.

With its features like drag and drop email editor, excellent email deliverability facility, list management options, scheduling drip campaigns, web form embedding, etc., you can easily design and plan robust email campaigns.


1.Pabbly Email Marketing

PowerMailer is an email marketing solution that lets you design a professional email newsletter and send them with a few clicks.

Other features that PowerMailer includes are a list and subscriber management system, sophisticated email tracking and analyzing reporting system, etc.

4.Campaign Monitor

1.Pabbly Email Marketing

Campaign Monitor, a big name in email marketing services, provides numerous services with which you can build and deliver custom-designed emails. In their services, you also find unique features such as integration with the business app, marketing automation, etc.


1.Pabbly Email Marketing

Mailigen services you with an all-in-one marketing platform presenting you with email, mobile, and social marketing tools.

You can design and send professional-looking emails, track emails, and efficiently manipulate contact lists through their email marketing service.

1.Pabbly Email Marketing

MailKit is one of the most comprehensive and reliable email marketing services.

Its excellent marketing functions like creating an email newsletter, doing content personalization, managing large contact lists, getting a detailed report of every email campaign, creating an opt-in email lists form, etc.



Lead magnets are valuable incentives offered to prospects in exchange for their contact information, typically their email address.

These incentives serve as a way to attract and capture leads, allowing businesses to initiate contact and nurture relationships with potential customers.

Lead magnets are designed to provide immediate value to prospects while also demonstrating the expertise and credibility of the business.

Definition of Lead Magnet


Types of Lead Magnets

There are various types of lead magnets that businesses can offer to attract clients and build their email list:

Ebooks: Comprehensive guides or reports that offer in-depth information on a specific topic relevant to the target audience.

Whitepapers: Research-based documents that provide insights, analysis, and solutions to industry challenges or trends.

Templates: Pre-designed tools or resources that help prospects streamline processes or achieve specific goals.

Checklists: Step-by-step lists or guides that help prospects simplify tasks or achieve desired outcomes.

Webinars: Live or recorded online seminars that offer valuable education, training, or expertise on a particular subject.

Free Trials: Limited-time access to a product or service, allowing prospects to experience its benefits before making a purchase decision.

Choosing the right type of lead magnet depends on the target audience, their needs and preferences, and the business objectives. Businesses should create lead magnets that align with their value proposition and resonate with their ideal customers.

Types of Lead Magnets

Designing compelling lead magnets involves creat content that is visually appealing, informative, and easy consume. Lead magnets should provide valuable insights solutions to the target audience's pain points, position the business as a trusted advisor or resource. Business should invest in high-quality design and content creation ensure that their lead magnets stand out and attra attention.

Once the lead magnet is created, it's essential to promo it effectively across different marketing channels to rea the target audience. Promotion tactics may include:

Website Pop-ups or Opt-in Forms

Social Media Posts and Ads

Email Campaigns

Blog Posts or Guest Articles

Partner or Affiliate Promotion

Design and Promotion

Strategies for Time and Day to Send Email


Segmenting your audience based on various factors suchasdemographics,timezones,andengagement patterns is crucial for determining the optimal time anddaytosendemails.

By understanding the preferences and behaviors of different segments within your audience, you can tailoryouremailsendtimestomaximizeengagement andresponserates.

For example, if you have subscribers located in different time zones, you may need to schedule your email sends accordingly to ensure they are received atanoptimaltimeforeachsegment.


Testing different send times and days is essential foridentifyingthemosteffectivetimingforreaching your target audience and maximizing email engagement.

Conduct A/B tests or split tests where you send the same email to different segments ofyouraudienceatdifferenttimesanddays.

Analyze the results to determine which timing yields the highest open rates, clickthroughrates,andconversions.

Continuously iterate and refine your email send times based on the insights gathered from these tests to optimize performance overtime.


While audience segmentation and testing are importantforfindingthebestsendtimesanddays for your specific audience, industry benchmarks andbestpracticescanserveasusefulguidelines. Research industry-specific data and case studies to understand common trends and patterns in emailengagementacrossdifferentsectors.

For example, studies may suggest that Tuesday and Thursday mornings tend to be optimal times forB2Bemailsends,whileweekendsmaybemore effectiveforB2Cemailstargetingconsumers.

However, it's essential to interpret these benchmarks in the context of your unique audience and conduct your own testing to validatetheirapplicabilitytoyouremailmarketing strategy.

Email Design Best Practices

Effective email design plays a crucial role in capturing subscribers' attention and driving engagement. Incorporating mobile responsiveness ensures that your emails are optimized for viewing on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. Clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) guide recipients towards the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for an event, or downloading a resource. Additionally, using visually appealing elements such as images, graphics, and videos can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your emails and make them more engaging for recipients. Finally, concise and impactful copy helps convey your message efficiently and encourages recipients to take action without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Brand Consistency

Maintaining brand consistency across email campaigns is essential for reinforcing brand identity andbuildingtrustwithsubscribers.

Consistent use of colors, fonts, imagery, and messaging aligns your emails with other marketing channels and ensures a cohesive brand experience forrecipients.

By adhering to brand guidelines, you create a recognizable and memorable presence in recipients' inboxes, increasing the likelihood of them engaging with your emails and recognizing your brand across differenttouchpoints.

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalization and segmentation are powerful strategiesformakingyouremailsmorerelevant and engaging to recipients. By leveraging data such as past purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic information, you can tailor email content to match recipients' interests,preferences,andlifecyclestages. Personalized subject lines, product recommendations,anddynamiccontentblocks can capture recipients' attention and drive higherengagementandconversionrates.

Segmentation allows you to divide your audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors, enabling you to deliver targeted and tailored content that resonateswitheachsegment.

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalization and segmentation are powerful strategies for making your emails more relevant and engaging to recipients. By leveraging data such as past purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic information, you can tailor email content to match recipients' interests, preferences, and lifecycle stages. Personalized subject lines, product recommendations, and dynamic content blocks can capture recipients' attention and drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

Segmentation allows you to divide your audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors, enabling you to deliver targeted and tailored content that resonates with each segment.

Email broadcast

Email broadcast is a one-time email campaign send to a specific group of your customers subscribers. Such emails include newsletters, campaigns, special offers, featured blog posts. send an email broadcast manually once, and that’s it.

Email broadcast peculiarities; Company-centric High-complaint

Low-value Short-term

Email Broadcast Golden Rules

Personalize each email broadcast campaign Segment the audience Keep your emails short Add a clear CTA Stay consistent Send email broadcasts at the right time

5 4


1 2 3

Email Broadcast Examples

Flash company news

Inform about product updates Send the best stuff from your blog Come up with holiday special offers Promote an upcoming event Send an emergency situation email

01 02 03 04 05 06

Email Autoresponder

An email autoresponder is an automated email triggered by a specific action or behavior. Once you set up an autoresponder campaign based on a particular trigger, emails are sent continuously without your participation. For instance, you can create rules for autoresponders that send messages to:

Congratulate a user on their birthday

Cross-sell when a customer buys a specific product

Alert clients to membership renewals

Reconnect with inactive customers

Re-engage a client who has abandoned the cart

Setting up Auto Responders

To access the auto responders menu, go to your Site Tools > Email > Auto responders

Enter the email address you want to send the auto-responses from, the name you want the message to come from and the subject of the auto- response email. Finally, type in the message in the Body field.

Click on Create to create the autoresponder.

How to do Bulk Emailing?

Create contacts 1 Create labels Create a message 01 Create contacts Create labels Create a message 02 03

1. Create contacts

1. Click Create contact > Create multiple contacts, add email addresses of your recipients and click Create.

2. The added contacts will be immediately displayed in the general list.

3. You can also select the option Create a contact, and add contacts by one.

4. Use a bulk import if you have the list in a CSV (Excel) or Card file.

5.Apart from email addresses, in the file you can specify the recipient name, phone number etc. After the import, you can check the added contacts for duplicates and select to skip them.

2. Create labels

After you’ve created contacts, you need to create labels that will serve to unite contacts in groups. You can either create a label in the settings on the left or create it when actually grouping your contacts.

Click any contact icon and select All in the appeared top toolbar.

Click Manage labels and choose one of the existing labels or create a new one.

The corresponding label is automatically created for the imported contacts. You can rename it, if needed, and choose it as a label for other contacts.

3. Create a message

There are three ways you can create a bulk email in Gmail.

1.In Google Contacts.

This is the most convenient way to use right after contact creation. Choose the necessary label, click any contact icon and select All in the top toolbar. Next, click Send email. You will be directed to Gmail’s Compose mail window, where you can create the copy and send it.

1.In Gmail.

Go to your Gmail account and click Compose. In To, enter the label name, and all contacts assigned to it will automatically appear in the field. You can add several labels if needed.

To send mass HTML emails, create a template in the professional email builder.

Email Blast

An email blast is an email campaign sent to a large set of contacts or all the contacts in your bulk email list, triggered simultaneously.

There is no limit on the minimum or the maximum number of people that should be on your list to qualify the mark of calling it an email blast.

Email is sent only to legit subscribers (opt-in list) The mailing list is not segmented

Few Characteristics of an Email Blast

The email has a universal appeal It comes with one clear CTA

Email Automation

Email automation refers to the process of sending targeted and personalized emails to subscribers automatically, based on predefined triggers, actions, or schedules.

Unlike manual email campaigns, which require constant supervision and manual intervention, email automation allows businesses to streamline their communication processes, save time, and deliver more relevant content to their audience.

Benefits of Email Automation

Increased Efficiency Timely Communication Personalization

Automation eliminates the need for manual intervention in the email marketing process, allowing businesses to send emails to their subscribers at scale and with minimal effort.

Automation enables businesses to personalize their email content and messaging based on subscriber data, preferences, and behavior, resulting in more engaging and relevant communication.

With automation, businesses can deliver emails to subscribers at the right time, such as during specific stages of the customer journey or in response to certain actions or events, ensuring timely and contextually relevant communication.

Automated Email Sequences

Automated email sequences are pre-defined series of emails that are sent to subscribers automatically over a period of time, based on their behavior or interaction with the business.

These sequences are designed to nurture leads, onboard new subscribers, promote products or services, and re-engage inactive customers, among other objectives.

By creating strategic email sequences, businesses can guide subscribers through the customer journey, build relationships, and drive conversions.

Trigger-Based Automation

Trigger-based automation involves sending emails based on specific triggers or actions taken by subscribers. These triggers can include website visits, form submissions, email opens, link clicks, or purchase behavior.

By setting up trigger-based automation, businesses can deliver timely and relevant emails to subscribers based on their behavior or interaction with the brand, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Trigger-based automation allows businesses to deliver personalized and targeted communication that is aligned with the subscriber's interests and needs, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.

Send Only To ‘Subscribers’


Practices to Send Bulk Emails

Cleanup Your List

Warm-Up Your IP

Universal Messaging

Optimized For Mobile

Include Unsubscribe Link

Only To ‘Subscribers’

ct on your blasting email list should

If your subscribers permitted you to mails by subscribing or by ticking a t’s an opt-in email list.

ned this list from business cards, or ‘source’ but not the permission to , then it is not an opt-in email list.

our List a ‘subscribers’ list, the next up. alid, inactive, spam folder email addresses.

-Up Your IP

mass emails from a warmed-up IP. organic growth of your business, by its nature, creates a warm IP. reputation systems only store data for 30 days, should not go 30 days or more without on any given IP. If you do, then you will need to warm it up again.

4. Universal Messag

Once your list is checked and cleaned the actual email now. Keep your email

Subscribers tend to skim longer email so stick to your most important points.

5.Optimized For Mobile

Make sure every bulk email you send for mobile viewing.

The majority of people now check mobile devices. So if your emails do not display correctly, will go in vain.

de Unsubscribe Link

a bulk email, there are high chances you will

ve of unsubscribers.

ys a bad thing, and it’s better to have a highly

er than just a vanity metric of a large no. of a ublic.

ing easy. One- click, and that’s it. Put the in the footer. Don’t make people log in for

ude an unsubscribe link, first of all, you are .

ill have a large number of people reporting l combined with a surge in spam complaints liverability.

Tricks to Land in Inbox Instead of Spam Folder

Always Get
Emails Follow the Laws Governing Email Marketing Use a Reputable Email Marketing Program Proof read Your E-mails Don’t Write Spammy Subject Lines 2 6 5 4 3 1
Ask Subscribers to Whitelist Your Email Address

Tricks to Land in Inbox Instead of Spam Folder

Purge Abandoned Email Addresses from Your List Use a SpamChecking Tool Have a Clear Sender Address Email Your Subscribers Regularly Make it Easy to Unsubscribe Be Honest 8 12 11 10 9 7

1. Ask Subscribers to Whitelist Your Email Address

To ensure that your emails get this privileged treatment, ask your subscribers to whitelist your emails by adding your “From” address to their contacts or list of safe senders. We recommend including instruction and screenshot illustrating how to do this, as you should not assume that all of your subscribers have the technical proficiency to whitelist emails. Ensure that all your emails get this treatments, including the whitelist instructions in the first welcome email you send when someone joins your email list.

2. Always Get Permission to Send Emails

Nothing will get your emails flagged as spam faster than sending an email without permission. Sending people marketing emails without their permission is not a recipe for business success in the long term. If you want to convince subscribers to buy from you, you want them to be engaged and interested.

3. Follow the Laws

Governing Email Marketing

Speaking of ethics, you need to be aware of the laws that govern digital marketing communications.

In particular, you should be familiar with the CANSPAM Act, which outlines the practices you must use when sending commercial emails.

You don’t need to read every line of the law, but you should know that there are harsh penalties for sending spam emails.

4. Use a Reputable Email Marketing Program

One sign that spam filters keep a lookout for when trying to catch messages is to look at the IP address associated with the sending email address and see if there are any spam complaints related to it.

If there are, legitimate email addresses can get flagged simply due to association. To ensure this doesn’t happen to your emails, always use a reputable email provider.

All the top providers take steps to prevent spammers from using their platforms, which helps ensure that the malicious actions of spammers don’t hurt the deliverability of your email.

5. Proofread Your Emails

If your emails sound like they were written hastily (or by a computer), that can be a red flag for spam filters.

If a typo slips into your emails occasionally, that’s not going to cause you any serious trouble.

But if your emails are riddled with typos, grammatical errors, and sentences that sound off, then there’s the risk that spam filters will stop them.

6. Don’t Write Spammy Subject Lines

While in the past, there were specific lists of “spam trigger words” to avoid in your marketing emails, spam filters are now much more sophisticated.

Therefore, instead of focusing on particular words to avoid, it’s best to think more holistically and ensure that you don’t write subject lines that sound like spam.

7. Purge Abandoned Email Addresses from Your List

One metric that spam filters use to catch errant emails is to look at how many of the emails you are sending are active.

If the percentage is too low, that can signify that you’re sending spam email content. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you should regularly remove addresses associated with email accounts that don’t appear to be active.

If someone hasn’t opened your emails in a long time, then it’s probably safe to remove them from your list. You can think of this as pruning a tree, and you cut away small bits now to ensure the overall continued health of the organism.

8. Use a Spam- Checking


Simply send your email to their provided email address in order to automatically receive a report on how likely your email is to go to a recipient’s spam folder.

9. Have a Clear Sender Address

Your sender address appears in the “From” field when someone looks at your email.

If you have a sender address full of random characters or sounds suspicious, you run the risk of your email being flagged as spam.

10. Email Your Subscribers


If you only send an email every couple of months, you risk subscribers forgetting who you are or why they subscribed.

If this happens, they may unsubscribe or even mark your email as spam when they do finally hear from you.

To prevent this, stay in regular contact with your subscribers.

Of course, you should always provide value when sending an email; don’t just email subscribers with a specific frequency because it’s “best practice” to do so.

11. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe

Making it easy for your subscribers to leave your email list might seem like a counterintuitive suggestion, but it’s key to both complying with the CAN-SPAM Act and ensuring that subscribers trust you.

While complying with the law is your foremost priority, including a way to unsubscribe also shows subscribers that you have confidence in the value of your content.

12. Be Honest

Always be honest in your email marketing.

Don’t write subject lines that trick people into opening your messages.

Specifically, please don’t write things that make emails look like they’re from a person’s employer, subject lines that are threatening or alarming, or email addresses that appear to be from someone they’re not.

Resorting to cheap tricks like these is not the way to run a business.

Instead, focus on how you can create value for your subscribers.

When you give them a great offer, the money will take care of itself.

Top Email
ActiveCampaign Constant Contact HubSpot Sendinblue Moosend Mailerlite GetResponse Pabbly ConvertKit
Marketing Software’s

Omnisend Gist Automizy AWeber

Mailigen Benchmark SendPulse MoonMail

Ontraport Campaign Monitor MailChimp Mailjet


Campaign Insights:

-Data Analysis

Data analysis plays a crucial role in email marketing campaigns as it allows businesses to gain valuable insights into subscriber behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns.

By analyzing data such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates, businesses can better understand how their audience interacts with their emails and identify opportunities for improvement.

Data analysis also helps businesses segment their email list effectively, allowing them to tailor their content and messaging to different audience segments for maximum impact.

Gist Automizy

A/B testing

A/B testing, in the context of email, is the process of sending one variation of your campaign to a subset of your subscribers and a different variation to another subset of subscribers, with the ultimate goal of working out which variation of the campaign garners the best results.

A/B testing can vary in complexity, and simple A/B tests can include sending multiple subject lines to test which one generates more opens.

In contrast, more advanced A/B testing could consist of testing completely different email templates against each other to see which one generates more click-throughs.Suppose you’re using email tools like Campaign Monitor.

In that case, A/B testing your campaigns is very easy. You can use the email builder to create 2 different variations of your email and automatically send it to 2 different subsets of your list to see which variation performs best.

Gist Automizy

A/B testing

Benefits of A/B Email Testing

A/B testing, in the context of email, is the process of sending one variation of your campaign to a subset of your subscribers and a different variation to another subset of subscribers, with the ultimate goal of working out which variation of the campaign garners the best results.

A/B testing can vary in complexity, and simple A/B tests can include sending multiple subject lines to test which one generates more opens.

A/B Email Testing

In contrast, more advanced A/B testing could consist of testing completely different email templates against each other to see which one generates more click-throughs.Suppose you’re using email tools like Campaign Monitor.

In that case, A/B testing your campaigns is very easy. You can use the email builder to create 2 different variations of your email and automatically send it to 2 different subsets of your list to see which variation performs best.

Gist Automizy
1. Improved open rates. 2. Improved click rates. 3. Improved conversion rates and sales.


Reporting and Optimization

Reporting tools and analytics dashboards are essential for tracking the performance of email marketing campaigns and gaining actionable insights into their effectiveness.

These tools provide businesses with real-time data on key metrics such as open rates, clickthrough rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, and more. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in their email campaigns.

This, in turn, allows them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their email marketing strategy, refine their targeting and messaging, and ultimately achieve better results in terms of engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Gist Automizy

2. Improved click rates

By testing the factors that influence your open rate (e.g., your subject lines and preview text, etc.), you will better understand what resonates with your subscribers and what doesn’t. This will allow you to optimize your future campaigns for more opens.

Gist Automizy

3. Improved conversion rates and sales

BBy improving your open and click rates, you will be driving more potential customers to your site. This will ultimately result in more sales and (especially if you also A/B test elements on your store) will also result in an improved conversion rate.

Gist Automizy


https://mailchimp.com/marketing-glossary/email-marketing/ https://www.sendinblue.com/blog/what-is-email-marketing/ https://pearllemonleads.com/top-5-challenges-of-bulk-emailmarketing/ https://blog.thomasnet.com/types-of-email-marketing

https://searchcustomerexperience.techtarget.com/definition/ Opt-In-Email




https://helpcrunch.com/blog/broadcast-emailing/ https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/email/setup-autoresponders/ https://esputnik.com/en/blog/how-send-bulk-emails-gmail

https://coherentpath.com/rarelogic/blog/how-to-prevent-emails-from-going-to-spam/ https://www.adamenfroy.com/best-email-marketing-services



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