Summative Submission Procedure

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This guide emphasises on the procedures and guidelines on summativeassessmentsubmission.

Summative feedback is 'feedback on learning'. It commonly comments on what was done well or poorly in the submitted work and is often module-specific. Students should expect to receive some form of feedback on all summative assessment submissions.Summativefeedbackmaytaketheformofawritten feedback sheet indicating the student’s performance against the marking criteria and opportunities for improvement. Students should expect to receive feedback within 4-6 weeks of the deadlineforsubmissionofeachpieceofassessedwork.Wherever possible, summative assessments must be marked anonymously. The requirement for anonymity may be lifted once the first and/ or second marker has assigned a mark, to facilitate theprovision of personalised feedback to the student. The summative feedbacks may include new comments which were not provided intheformativeassessmentsearlier.


1. Learnersmustensuretheyhavegonethroughtheformative feedback and have made the necessary amendments suggestedbythetutor(ifany).

2. Learners must ensure that they have well covered all the assessmentcriteria’s.

3. Learners must be aware that the final work would be checked for any potential plagiarism and misuse of AI. If your assignment exceeds the maximum allowed plagiarism threshold of 15%, we will return you with the report, and you will get an opportunity to amend your assignment. Kindly note that the report will only be provided once, and you won't get a second chance. Please be advised to review our plagiarism and academic malpractice policies available in the Learning Portal to understand the consequences of plagiarismandmalpractice.

4. Learners must sign the Statement of Authenticity form that canbedownloadedfromtheVirtualLearningPlatform.

5. Finally, learners need to upload the Completed Assignment along with plagiarism report and a signed Statement of AuthenticityformtotheVirtualLearningPlatform.

6. Thenormalturnaroundtimefortheresultis4-6weeks,and we always strive to complete the assessment and provide theresultwithinthistime.

7. If you receive a "REFER" for a module, you will be given another opportunity to review and revise your work and then resubmit it for a second summative assessment. You willneedtocarefullyreviewthefeedbackprovidedtoyouin order to identify the shortcomings in your original submission. This feedback will highlight the assessment criteria or tasks that you have not fulfilled, thereby helping youtounderstandwhatchangesneedtobemadeinorderto meettherequirementsoftheassignment.

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