WEEK 8 I selected the line tool, and then drew a vertical line which measures 12000. I then offset that line to 3000, and offset it six times.
I created a centre line. I then measured the distance from the centre line which is 5000. I then drew another line and offset the distance to 200. This will then act as the thickness of my wall.
Using the layers that iv created for my exterior walls and grid, I just clicked on them to colour code them which will allow me to differentiate the lines from one another.
As you can see I offset the exterior wall in by 100, and then offset he grid line by 125 on each side.
I then took the fillet tool and got rid of the other lines which are not needed.
I used the previous process to do the top half of the grid.
I copied this process and using the (CO) tool, I then copied it for the rest in the internal walls of the grid.
As you can see, I have cleaned up the base plan of this cocktail bar. I can know add the rest of the details and stair plan for the bar.