1st edition, 1st print
Copyright © 2023 Scandinavia Publishing House
Drejervej 15, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
www.sph.as | info@sph.as
Text: Andrew Newton
Illustrator: Mike Krome
Layout: Yang Debiao & Hanyu Gao
Cover design: Isabelle & Hanyu Gao
Printed in China
ISBN 9788772033532
In the very beginning, God made the world. At first there was nothing, then God said, “I want there to be light.” Just like that, light filled the darkness.
God didn’t stop with light. He made the water and the land and the sky. He filled the land with plants. Everything God made was good.
God even made the sun and the moon just by saying the word. He made a universe full of stars and planets, too.
God wanted to fill the world with life, so He made all the birds, the fish, and the land animals. Each one was good, and God loved them all.
It had taken God six days to make everything in the world, but He wasn’t done yet. Finally, He created people to live in the world and take care of it.
The first people were named Adam and Eve. God loved them, and they loved Him. The whole world God had made was very good.
God showed His power by making the world out of nothing. All He had to do was say the word to create everything we see.
God also took special care when He made Adam and Eve. The Bible says God made Adam and Eve in His own image. That means He made them to be like Him.
God wanted to share His love and goodness with people like Him who would love Him back.
God made the world as a wonderful place for His children to live. When we see God’s creation, it reminds us of His love and goodness.