Hi there! I’m Mini Mike. I love adventures and going back in time. I’m especially fond of going back in Biblical times and witnessing some of the most exciting events in history. Are you good at finding things? If you are, I’d love to bring you along on another adventure. We’ll do some investigating, and you’ll be an expert Bible Detective by the end of our journey. Here are a few things you should know before we go: as you read the stories try to find the things in the side bar for each scene. When you find each clue, you’ll learn a little more about the colorful, dramatic, and sometimes chaotic life in Biblical times. You’ll see funny or surprising things along the way—some, I hope will make you laugh, others might make your jaw drop—it’s all part of the fun as we go Looking for God’s People together.
God Creates the Animals
After God had created the earth, He said, “Let the earth be filled with animals.” So God made tame animals, small crawling animals, and wild animals of all shapes and sizes. When God saw all the animals He created, He said “It is good.” Genesis 1:24-25
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Noah Builds the Ark
God told Noah, “All the people on earth have become evil. Build a boat for your family because I am going to flood the earth and destroy all living things. But you will be safe in the boat. Also bring two of every animal on the boat to keep them alive.� Noah did everything God commanded. Genesis 6:13-22
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Quarreling at the Tower of Babel There was a time when everyone spoke the same language, and they decided to make a tower that reached the sky so they would become famous. God said, “They are united because they speak the same language. They could accomplish anything they want.� So God mixed up their language and scattered them over the world. Genesis 11:1-9
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Israelites Cry in Egypt
The people of Israel lived in Egypt. There were so many Israelites that the king of Egypt was afraid they might fight against the Egyptians. So the Egyptians made slaves out of the Israelites, making them work hard in their fields and build their cities. Exodus 1:7-14
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The Egyptians Drown
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the Egyptians chased after them, trying to bring them back to Egypt. When they came to the Red Sea, Moses held up his hand and God parted the waters. The Egyptians followed them into the sea, but after the Israelites crossed to the other side, God let the waters crash over the Egyptians. Exodus 14:21-30
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Eating Manna in the Desert
While the Israelites were traveling, God heard them grumble about their hunger. So He sent birds each evening so they would have meat, and He sent manna each morning, which was like bread. Moses told them God had provided this food, and they should each gather enough for their families. Exodus 16:12-16
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War against the Amalekites
The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites. As they fought, Moses, Aaron and Hur went to a hill nearby and Moses held up his hands. If he let his hands down, the Amalekites would win, but if he held them up, the Israelites would win. Aaron and Hur helped Moses hold up his hands, and the Israelites won the war! Exodus 17:8-13
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Looking for the Promised Land Looking for Jesus
Looking for the first Christians