The Comic Book Bible - New Testament vol 1

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THE COMIC BOOK BIBLE JESUS’ BIRTH AND EARLY MINISTRY Published by Scandinavia Publishing House 2011 Scandinavia Publishing House, Drejervej 15,3, DK-2400 Copenhagen, NV, Denmark Concept by Jose Perez Montero Text copyright © Ben Alex Illustrations copyright © Jose Perez Montero Design by Ben Alex Printed in China Hardcover ISBN 978 87 7132 511 9 Softcover ISBN 978 87 7132 512 6 All rights reserved





This is the story of Jesus’ birth and early ministry. Jesus was the son of God, the savior of the world, and the greatest person who ever lived on this earth. He was born in Israel, the land of the Jews, which was only a minor province in the mighty Roman empire ruled by Caesar Augustus. King Herod the Great was king of Israel, but most Jews didn’t like him because of his cruelty and collaboration with the Romans. They were waiting for a righteous king who would free them from the Romans...

One more thing. Your relative Elizabeth is also having a son. She is already six months pregnant.

Mary knew well that any young girl getting pregnant outside of marriage would be in serious trouble. And what would Her fiance Joseph say when she told him she was with child?

Elizabeth would understand! Mary could hardly wait to tell her the news. she rode all the way from Nazareth to Mary! Elizabeth’s home in Judea. Elizabeth!

In Israel lived a certain priest, Zechariah, who was married to a woman named Elizabeth. They had no children, and this was a great sorrow to them in their old age.

Zechariah, do not be afraid! God has heard your prayers. Elizabeth will give birth to a son.

One day something unusual happened. Zechariah was on temple duty when suddenly an angel appeared.

Elizabeth is too old for that. How will this be?

May it happen according to your word.

Then the angel disappeared. The baby in my womb leaped for joy at the sound of your voice!

His name will be John. he will be filled with the holy spirit and be a blessing to you as well as your people.

Because of your doubt, you will not be able to speak until the day your son is born.

Look! Zechariah is making signs. What is he saying?

What for?

Zechariah, I think I’m pregnant! Maybe God has finally heard our prayers!

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. Elizabeth gave birth to a healthy boy. all her neighbors and relatives rejoiced with her. When the boy was 8 days old, he was taken to the temple to be circumcised and named. Shouldn’t he be named after his father Zechariah?

You are going to be the mother of Jesus, son of the most High God. What does this mean? I don’t understand.

Elizabeth, I’m so happy that the Lord has chosen me to carry his son. But I’m also scared.

later Zechariah returned to his home...

Six months later the archangel Gabriel appeared to a relative of Elizabeth, a young woman named Mary. Mary was engaged to Joseph, a young man in the town of Nazareth in Galilee.

Hello Mary, do not be afraid. God has chosen you.

Mary told Elizabeth what had happened.

Jesus will be the king everyone has been waiting for. You will give birth to him.

Dance, Elizabeth, dance! The Lord has been good to both of us.

Zechariah wrote On a tablet: His name is John!

Immediately Zechariah’s mouth was opened so he could speak.

What does his father think? Praise the Lord, for he has visited and saved his people so we can be a holy nation and serve him !

Am I not too young for that? Besides, I’m a virgin. I think he should be called John.

Nothing is impossible for God. The Holy Spirit will come upon you.

John grew up to become a man of spiritual strength. He lived in the desert until the day he would appear publicly to the people of Israel.


Luke 1:5 – 2:20



Mary left Elizabeth and Zechariah and went home to Nazareth.

Hello Joseph!

Welcome home! How was it? How’s Elizabeth?

How can I explain this to him?

Joseph, there’s something I must tell you...


Fine! She gave birth to a beautiful boy.

Wonderful, although she seems too old for that.

You also know how the prophets have foretold that Messiah would be born of King David’s lineage, right?

Joseph, your family descends from the house of King David, right?

Mary! Joseph!

Joseph, I am going to be his mother. I am 3 months pregnant!

then the happy parents-to-be were married.

Yeeees... yes, So?

How could you do this to me?

Joseph, Come back please! I promise you, this is God’s will. An angel told me God has chosen us to be his parents.

Listen, people of Nazareth! This is a decree from emperor augustus in Rome...

Then one night...

I can’t marry Mary now. But I love her, and I don’t want to expose her to public disgrace. What shall I do?

Oh, I’m so happy. Praise God!

Mary, I’m sorry! The angel of God told me everything. Will you marry me?

Months went by. Life in the small town of Nazareth went on as usual. Joseph was busy in his workshop, and Mary was counting the days until giving birth. Then one day a roman official arrived in town...

Ceasar wanted a counting of all the people in his empire. The people of Nazareth would have to go to Bethlehem in Judea to register.

What’s that?

Soon they were on their way...

This is a long trip, Mary. Think you can make it?

I must break the engagement.

Many other travelers were on their way to bethlehem.

Joseph was confused. Then...

Joseph, Joseph! Don’t worry, Mary is right. You can Marry her for The baby is conceived by the Holy Spirit.

An angel from God! Look, Jerusalem! Bethlehem can’t be far away.

At last they arrived in Bethlehem. But The nights were cold, and they needed a place to sleep.



Joseph, I think it’s time for the baby to be born.

Mary and Joseph looked at the baby and couldn’t quite understand they were holding the messiah in their arms. Mary wondered what his life would be like. How would he save their people and bring light to the world? Joseph, I’m so happy... and a bit worried too.

There were many people in town. Joseph went from place to place... Sorry, no vacancy.

in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were watching their sheep when an angel appeared... A savior has been born in Bethlehem. He is Messiah, the lord!

Glory to God, and peace on earth to those who love him!

Come, let’s go to Bethlehem and see what has happened!

Mary was in labour. Joseph was getting desperate... I know someone who might be able to help you.

OK, You may stay in my stable for the night.

This must be the child the angels told us about!

This way! Joseph, It’s now!

May God help you!

Maybe God has finally heard the prayers of his people and sent a savior to us!

Right there, in a stable outside of Bethlehem, the savior of the world was born.

Then the shepherds left the stable.



Far away in the East lived three wise men called the Magi. in the western sky, they noticed an unusually bright star. They knew the star signified an important event, so they followed the star and finally arrived in Jerusalem.

When Jesus had been circumcised and named, Joseph and Mary took him to the temple in Jerusalem to make a special offering to God--a pair of turtledoves and two young pigeons. His name is Jesus, which means ‘God saves.’

We have seen the star of the future king of the Jews. Where can we find him?

An old man of God named Simeon came up to Mary and Joseph... Can I hold him? God told me I wouldn’t die until I had seen the savior.

God, now let your servant die in peace for I have seen the savior with my own eyes.

This child will be a light to the people of Israel and all the world!

His life will bring you pain. for although many will rejoice because of him, others will hate him when he reveals their innermost thoughts.

When Herod heard about a new king, he got upset and summoned the chief priests and wise men to his court. he asked them where this king was supposed to be born according to the scriptures. They told Him:

“Out of You, Bethlehem in Judea, will come a ruler and shepherd of my people Israel!” Now Herod was really worried. He secretly called the Magi... when you find this king, let me know where he is. I want to worship him too!

The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem!

This was a lie. Herod had other plans. I must kill him.

The Magi left and came to the place where the baby was...

In the temple was also an old woman named Anna. She never left the temple but was fasting and praying day and night, and she always talked to people about the coming savior.

...and they worshiped him and offered him expensive gifts. Then they returned to their country without telling Herod where they had found him..

Mary, I’m sure God will protect us.

This child will rescue Jerusalem!


Luke 2:21-38




Matthew 2:1-12

That night Joseph had a dream. In the dream an angel said to him: Joseph, wake up! Herod wants to kill the child. you must Flee to Egypt.

Every year Jesus and his parents used to go to Jerusalem for the passover festival. This was an important religious event. When Jesus was twelwe years old, they went to the festival as usual.

When the sun came up, they were on their way to Egypt. Mary, get up! the angel told us to leave.

On their way home Mary couldn’t find Jesus. Go from house to house and kill every boy under two years old!

When Herod realized he had been outwitted by the magi, he was furious.

Son, this is the great temple built by king david and solomon.

I wonder where the boy is.

Probably with Joseph.

then They went back to Jerusalem to search for him there.

Joseph, is Jesus with your group?

Have you seen our son Jesus?

No, we haven’t.

No, I thought he was with you!

In the meantime Jesus and his parents had arrived safely in Egypt.

The soldiers carried out the king’s orders... Sir, every boy under two is dead.

For three days they were searching for Jesus.

They stayed there for over a year...

We have looked all over town.

You are safe now. Herod is dead.

There he is--inside the temple!

He’s talking with the religious teachers!

...until the angel told them to go home.

Herod died and was succeeded by his son who was even worse than his father. I am the greatest king ever in Israel. Write it down!

After their longjourney...

Back in Nazareth, far from the king’s palace in Jerusalem, Joseph’s family was received with joy.

We have looked all over for you! Why did you do this to us?

Welcome home!

You didn’t need to look for me. You should have known I must be in my father’s house. At that time they didn’t know what Jesus meant. But Mary stored all these things in her heart. After this Jesus returned with them to nazareth, and he continued to grow in wisdom. God was pleased with him, and so were the people around him.

Jesus grew up and helped Joseph in his workshop. He was growing up to become a mature young man, full of wisdom and pleasant to be with.


Matthew 2:13-23




Matthew 2:41-52

When Jesus was thirty years old, his cousin John started to preach on the banks of the Jordan river. John urged people to change their lives, return to God, and have their sins forgiven. As The prophet ISAIAH Had said long ago, “Someone is shouting in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord!”

Repent, You Hypocrites! You think you’re safe because you’re jews.

Back in Nazareth Jesus had taken over Joseph’s cabinetmaker business.

Everyone talks about John. He’s preaching that the kingdom of God is near.

This was exciting news. For although the rabbis had spoken about the coming kingdom for centuries, no one had dared talk about it like John.



At the Jordan river, John was baptizing people.

Mother, I must go and see John. I’ll be back.

What are you doing here?

Me baptize you? No, you should baptize me!

It’s right that you baptize me, John. do it!

Baptize me, John!

After his baptism Jesus listened to John for a while. One day a group of religious leaders came out to investigate who this strange man was.

Change your hearts! And prove this change in your lives! The axe of judgment is ready to cut down the trees that don’t produce fruit.

What should we do? Share what you have with those who don’t have! Don’t cheat people!

Be happy with your pay, and don’t force people by making false accusations!

Or Elijah?


you know I’m a nobody who only baptizes with water. but among you is a man you don’t know. He is the one. I’m not even worthy to tie his shoes. Are you the Messiah?

I am the voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’

What about us? I baptize you with water, but someone is coming soon who is greater than I am. He will baptize you with the holy spirit.


Who do you think you are? Messiah?

This is my son, the one I love. I am pleased with him.

Luke 3:1-22; Matthew 3:13-17; John 1:19-34


If you’re not the Messiah or Elijah, who has given you the authority to baptize people?

This is hilarious! We must keep an eye on them so they won’t cause trouble.


He is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

After Jesus’ baptism, God’s Spirit led him into the desert to be tested. For 40 days and nights he didn’t eat anything, and he was getting very hungry. That’s when the devil came to tempt him...

Can anything good come from there?

The news about Jesus got

You’re certainly a man of integrity, Nathanael.

out. More Nathanael, and more we’ve found a people heard prophet, jesus about him. of nazareth!

If you are the son of God, you can easily order these rocks to become bread!

No, God says obedience to his word is more important than bread.

Prove your faith in God by jumping off this roof! God has promised to protect you.

I saw you under the fig tree. How did you know me?

Then the devil took him up to the top of a high mountain... I’ll give you all the kingdoms in the world if you will worship me!

God also says, ‘Don’t test me!’

Jesus and his handful of disciples walked from town to town in Galilee, preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and healing every disease and sickness among the people. The news about him spread even beyond the borders of Israel.

away with you, Satan! God’s word says to worship him alone.

Then the devil took him up on the temple roof...

You will see greater things than this.

Master, you are the son of God!

Andrew, do you really think Jesus is the messiah?

I never heard anyone speak like him.

Simon, push your boat out into the water!

Peter, I know he is! After this the devil left Jesus alone for awhile. instead angels came and strengthened him.

You must be andrew. I saw you with John. Tell me, where is he?

I must see John.

Simon, throw out your nets!

Jesus spoke to the crowd from the boat. Then...

OK, Master, but we have worked all night and haven’t caught a thing.

Andrew was a disciple of John. He told Jesus the bad news: John had been imprisoned by Herod. Now Andrew had lost his master. Andrew found some of John’s other disciples...

Didn’t John tell us this Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?

When they found him... Come with me!

And didn’t John say this Jesus is greater than him?

Let’s find out who he is!

Peter didn’t want to make a fool of himself.

Try again!

We want to follow you.

Friends, what do you seek?

where do you live?

I’m from Nazareth in Galilee where some of you also live.

We’re from Bethsaida.

The nets were so full they began to tear!

On your word then.

Come and see!

Come and help us!

Master, please leave me alone. I am a sinful man.

Fear not, simon Peter. from now on you’ll be fishing for people.

Follow me, Philip!

As soon as peter and his companions landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.


Matthew 4:1-25; John 1:35-51; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:2-11



We’re out of wine!

After this Jesus stayed in Capernaum

A couple of days later, Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding. Jesus’ mother, Mary, was also there.

for a couple of days with Mary, his brothers, and the disciples.

He wanted to continue to the passover feast in Jerusalem, so He only stayed there for a couple of days.

A wedding usually lasted for seven days, and the guests were served wine and delicious foods that were not available on normal days. But at this particular wedding there was a problem... There’s no more wine. Maybe it’s time for Jesus to step in.

Ok, fill the jars with water.

Mary went to the servants... Jesus saw the merchants selling animals for the sacrifices. Son, they are out of wine.

Maybe you can help them.

Dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies.

Why are you telling me this? My time has not yet come.

Do whatever he tells you.

How could it get to this point?

The master of ceremonies had no idea where the wine came from. This is a good wine-very good!

Get it out of here!

Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

How dare he!

You have turned my father’s house into a marketplace!

Ha, it took 46 years to build it--and you will build it again in three days!

If God gave you authority to do this, prove it with a miracle! The master of ceremonies went to the bridegroom...

How come you have saved the best wine until now?

They didn’t get that Jesus meant his body, not the building.

I have to meet this man.

Rabbi, can I talk to you, please?

We all know that God has sent you to teach us...

Nicodemus was a pharisee and an important Jewish leader. He decided to meet with Jesus at night. Like Jesus he loved truth, and he felt Jesus had a point.

This was the first miracle Jesus did--turning water into wine at a wedding in the town of Cana in Galilee.


John 2:1-11




John 2:12-25


John 3:1-21

Nicodemus, listen! unless you’re born again, you can’t see the kingdom of God.

What do you mean? No one can go back into their mother’s womb.

No, you must be born from above --by water and the spirit of God. long as you worship him in spirit and in truth. the father is looking for True worshipers.

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.”

Hmm... When messiah comes, he will explain everything.

I am the messiah.

I have food to eat that you don’t know about. Master, we got food!

I am a teacher in Israel, but I have no idea what he is talking about.

How is this possible?

Just then the disciples came back...

Through faith.

In the meantime the woman had gone back to town. When she told people about Jesus, many believed, and they begged him to stay.

Rumors about Jesus got around. More and more people wanted to see him. This made the religious leaders furious for they feared he might cause even more trouble than John the Baptist. so They were relieved when he finally left Judea and headed north towards Galilee.

Jesus and the disciples continued their journey and arrived in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. On the sabbath he entered the synagogue...

Jesus, this road will take us through Samaria. We Jews usually want to avoid the samaritans.

While Jesus was waiting for them, a woman came out to draw water from the well.

A jewish man like you isn’t supposed to talk to a Samaritan woman.

Please give me a drink!

The disciples were hungry and tired. Let’s take a rest.

You don’t know who I am, and you have no idea what God can give. If you would ask me, I would give you living water.

We’ll go to town and buy some food.

He was welcomed by the rabbi and seated.

Then they handed him the book of Isaiah and asked him to read. He found the place where it is written,

“The spirit of God is on me. He has called me to preach good news to the poor, to heal those who hurt, to set captives free, and to announce the time for god’s favor on people.”

But you have nothing to draw with. Besides, are you greater than our ancestor Jacob who built this well? This water will make you thirst again. But The water I give will be like a spring inside of you.

Then he sat down and said, What I just read has come to pass today.

At first the people agreed with him. But when they realized he was speaking about himself, they got furious. Isn’t this the son of Joseph, the cabinetmaker?

Sir, please give me that water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again.

I don’t have one.

Right, you have had five, and the one you live with now is not your husband.

Go get your husband!


Get out of here!

Sir, you must be a prophet. Can you then tell me where to worship god--on this holy mountain or in the temple in Jerusalem?

No prophet is accepted in his hometown.

The time has come when it doesn’t matter where you worship God...

John 4:4-26

Who do you think you are?




Luke 4:14-30


Outside, they drove Jesus to the top of a hill...

Then she got up and waited on them.

...But he turned around and walked away.

Jesus, did you come here to destroy us? We know who you are--God’s chosen one!

...and spoke to them about the kingdom of God..

He healed their sick...

Jesus left NAZAreth and preached all over Galilee. People came from far away to hear him teach.

That evening many people brought their sick friends and relatives to Jesus. he laid hands on them, and they were healed. Others were delivered from evil spirits, and when they came out, they cried, “Spare us, Jesus of Nazareth!” On his way back, he met peter...

Father, I am one with you.

One sabbath, when Jesus came into the synagogue in Capernaum to teach, he was harrassed by a demon-possessed man... Be quiet and come out of him!

The spirits left the man at once.

Look! even the evil spirits obey him!

What kind of teaching is this?

At daybreak Jesus got up and went to a solitary place. In another town they met a man covered with leprosy... Watch out, he’s unclean! Get out of here!

Come, Philip! Peter is waiting.

Jesus, my mother-inlaw is sick. Will you help her?

Master, if you want to, you can heal me!

Don’t let him get near Jesus!

She has a high fever.

I want to. Be healed!

Jesus ordered the sickness to go away, and it left her immediately.


Where have you been? There are so many needs. They want you to stay with them.

I must preach God’s kingdom in the other towns as well.

Luke 4:31-36; 4:38-44; 5:12-16



Immediately the leprosy went away. Look! My hands!

Don’t talk about this. Instead go to the priest and let him witness your healing.

Then offer a gift to god in the temple.

But the man was too

excited to keep quiet... But Jesus knew what the leaders were thinking.

So the news about Jesus spread, and people came to see him. But Jesus went away to pray.

I am healed! Jesus healed me!

Would you rather see his body healed than believe his sins are forgiven?

friend, your sins are forgiven.

Who does he think he is? Only God can forgive sins. I said it so you can see that the son of man has the power to forgive sins.

A few days later, Jesus returned to Capernaum where he was invited to someone’s house. When the people heard that Jesus was back in town, they ran to the house to hear him speak, hoping to see a miracle.

Take your bed and walk!

We’ll make a hole in the roof!

Welcome, master!

Great idea! Hey, we can’t possibly get our friend inside.

We have never seen anything like this!

I have an idea.

Then the man took his bed and walked away.

As Jesus was walking along the seashore with his disciples, he noticed a man called Matthew, levi in Hebrew, sitting at his desk gathering taxes. Then they let down the bed with the lame man on it.

Master, please heal our friend!

tax-collectors took money to give to the romans. Therefore they weren’t liked by the Jews. Besides, they usually put aside some money for themselves.

Levi, follow me!

Hey you, come back! You can’t just leave your job like that!


Luke 5:17-26; 5:27-39



Matthew didn’t hesitate for a minute. He got up and followed Jesus.


Please come to my house for dinner!

Later jesus found the man at the temple...

Matthew wanted to throw a party for his new master. Among the guests were several shady people.

you’re well now. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.

Look! He’s partying with sinners.

Come and meet the man who changed my life.

One sabbath day, when Jesus and his followers were hungry, they picked some heads of grain in a field and ate them...

Then the man left and went back to the jews. It was Jesus who healed me.

Hey, you’re breaking the sabbath rules!

Don’t you know that the sabbath was made for man and not vice versa?


Hey! Do you realize what kind of people you’re eating with? They are impure according to the law.

Healthy people do not need a doctor, but sick people do.

After this the Jewish leaders began harassing Jesus for breaking the law. They were looking for reasons to have him arrested.

Arrrg! Let’s go. He’s not worth argueing with.

God, my father. is always working, and so am I.

He’s even making himself equal to god! This is blasphemy!

From then on the religious leaders left him alone. Some time later, Jesus and his followers were in Jerusalem for another religious festival.

Near the Sheep Gate was a pool called Bethesda. Many sick and disabled people were camping there, hoping to get healed. One particular man had been sick for 38 years...

Later that day, when Jesus went into the synagogue, he noticed a man with a deformed hand. Tell us, does It’ll be interesting to the law also permit see what Jesus will do. you to heal on the sabbath?

Do you want to be well? Master, look at those poor people!

Sir, there’s no one to help me into the pool when the water stirs. Someone else always gets down ahead of me.

Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk.

Immediately the man picked up his mat and started walking. Hey, you’re not allowed to carry your mat on a sabbath!


Isn’t a human being worth more than a sheep?

The man who healed me told me to.

I don’t know who he was.

John 5:1-18; Matt. 12:1-13; John 5:19-47

You’re teaching your disciples to break the law.

Who was this man?

Why do you accuse me? Haven’t you read how david and his men went into God’s house and ate the sacred bread when they were hungry?

If your sheep fell into a well on the sabbath, wouldn’t you work to get it out--or would you wait until the next day?

Be healed!

Hold out your hand!

But we know! It was Jesus of Nazareth.


After this the pharisees plotted to kill Jesus.


Let’s call for a meeting.

The Jewish authorities decided to keep a close eye on Jesus and his followers.

That evening Jesus went up on a hill and spent the night praying to God.

How dare you speak to us about God? Prove that he sent you!

John the baptist was testifying about me. But I have no need of human witnesses. God the father is my witness.

You study the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life.

Why don’t you come to me to receive eternal life?

But can’t you see the scriptures point to me?

We have the scriptures. They are our witness!

Listen, I have chosen twelve of you to be my apostles.

My miracles are mine.

I give you the power to preach and heal.

I don’t need your approval. You go around approving each other; but you don’t care about God’s approval.

The disciples were Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another James, Simon the zealot, Judas (son of James), and Judas Iscariot. Go to the Jews who are lost. Do not go to anybody else.

By now the relious leaders had gathered enough evidence to have Jesus arrested. He had broken the Sabbath rules, and he openly spoke about God as his father. Besides, they didn’t like the way he was undermining their authority. yet they were still hoping for the final evidence. Jesus knew this and decided to retreat to the sea of Galilee.

But people from afar followed him, hoping to see his miracles. On the shore of the lake, a demon-possessed man came up to Jesus...

We know who you are. You’re the son of God!

The next morning he gathered his disciples.

Don’t you tell me who I am. And don’t tell anybody else about me.

Then the disciples pushed a boat from the shore, and Jesus spoke to the crowd from the boat.

You have received it for free. now give it for free.

don’t bring anything with you. a worker is worth his keep.

But don’t worry about how to defend yourselves. God will give you the right words at the right time.

What are we supposed to say?

I’m sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as shrewd as snakes and as harmless as doves.

Tell them that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons.

It won’t be easy. You will be handed over to the courts and be flogged in the synagogues. You will be procecuted by the authorities because you follow me.

And wherever you stay, bless the people who live there.

The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Pray and Ask the Lord to send more workers into his fields.

When Jesus had finished instructing them, he continued to preach in the towns of Galilee.


Mark 3:7-12




Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 9:37-11:1

One day, as the crowds were gathering around Jesus, he went up on a mountainside to teach them...

God blesses the poor, for God’s kingdom is theirs; those who mourn will be comforted, and the humble will inherit the earth.

And remember, love doesn’t expect anything in return.

They shall be called children of God.

How about those who are persecuted for seeking peace and righteousness?

God also blesses those who show mercy and have a pure heart.

Master, what you teach is contrary to what the teachers of law are saying.

Maybe, But my teaching is not about breaking the law; it’s about fulfilling the law.

Master, how should we pray?

You are the salt of the earth.

When you give to the poor, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

When you pray or do good deeds, don’t show off or babble on and on. Your father in heaven will hear you and reward you.

Pray something like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us the food we need for today, and forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And help us not to yield to temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Master, what do you mean? Do not store up possessions here on earth. Instead, store your treasures in heaven. Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.

What good is salt if it loses its flavor? keep my words, and you will preserve the earth from corruption.

You are the light of the world for all to see. You are like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.

Master, what would you say is the essence of your teaching?

The law says, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth!’ But I say, Love your enemies, and do not resist evil.

The law also says, ‘Love your friend and hate your enemy.’ But I say, love your enemy too! If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also.

And don’t worry about the future, what you will eat or drink, or what you will wear...

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly Father feeds them. And look at the lilies of the field. They don’t worry about what to wear.

Don’t worry about your lives. Your heavenly father will take care of you.


Matthew 5:1-7:29



anyone who puts my teaching into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain came, and the winds beat against it, but it didn’t c0llapse.

I Tell you, never have I found such a simple trust among our own people.

but anyone who doesn’t put my teaching into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. When The rain came, and the winds beat against that house, it collapsed with a great crash.

When the men returned to the captain, they found the servant up and well.

Later, as Jesus was entering a town called Nain, a funeral procession walked by...

Most people in Israel didn’t know what to make of Jesus. They couldn’t deny his healings and miracles, but it was difficult for most of them to understand his teaching and believe he was the Messiah promised by the old prophets. Maybe he was just a prophet too, or could he actually be the son of God?

The dead person was a widow’s

Woman, don’t cry!

only son.

The crowds were amazed at Jesus’ teaching. He spoke with authority--not like the other religious teachers in Israel. When Jesus had finished speaking, he went to Capernaum... Sir, please come with us. A Roman captain asks you to heal his servant who is sick.

Because he prizes him highly and doesn’t want to lose him.

He doesn’t feel worthy to come to you. Besides, he loves our people. He has even built our synagogue.

Then Jesus touched the dead body.

Ok, I’ll go with you.


Immediately he sat up and began talking.

Young man, I tell you, Get up!

your son is back.

But why are you coming on his behalf? In the meantime the Roman captain had second thoughts.

My friend, go and tell Jesus that I am not worthy to receive him in my house.

he believes you can heal his servant even without seeing him.

He thinks a word from you is enough.

What a prophet! God is among his people. he cares for us!

I know about chain of command. tell Jesus I believe he can command evil and sickness the same way I can command my soldiers.

When they told Jesus about the captain’s faith, jesus was amazed.

The good news of Jesus was spreading like wildfire across Galilee and beyond.


Luke 7:1-10; 11-17



John the baptist had been imprisoned by King Herod Antipas for his bluntness and provocative behavior. his disciples were allowed to see him in his prison cell, and they told him about jesus’ teaching and miracles. John didn’t quite know what to make of it.

John, John, we have news from Jesus!

He is the one! There’s no doubt. We have witnessed his miracles and healings. He is the messiah!

Great. Friends, I want you to go back and ask Jesus who he really is. Tell him John wants to know.

The other day he even raised a young man from the dead!

they found Jesus with a man who had just been healed.

what do you think?

Master, john is asking whether you’re the messiah or if we should expect someone else.

Go back and tell John what you see. the blind are healed, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Also tell him, blessed are those who don’t doubt me!

He said you’re the greatest person on earth. He even compared you to the prophet Elijah.

I believe. I knew in my heart from the very beginning this was the real thing.

When you first went out to meet John, didn’t you expect to see a prophet of God?

John showed you a funeral. he fasted, but you didn’t mourn. You just said he was weird. I tell you, john is more than just a prophet. he is a special messenger of God.

In fact, John is the greatest person who ever lived...

Then I came to show you a wedding. I Ate and drank with you, But you didn’t rejoice. You thought I was weird too.

...because he preceded me, the son of God.

Now this special prophet of God was anxiously waiting in prison for his disciples to return with an answer from Jesus.


In the meantime Jesus spoke to his disciples about John.

Matthew 11:1-24



Both of You are law breakers. that’s what you are!

Woe to you unbelievers of Capernaum for you will go to hell! If the miracles I have done in you had been done in Sodom or Gomorrah, they would have believed in me and avoided God’s judgment.

Father, I thank you for hiding the truth about me from those who think they are wise and revealing it to people with minds like little children!

One day A pharisee named Simon had invited Jesus for dinner at his house. A town prostitute wanted to meet Jesus, and During the dinner she walked into simon’s house. This was an awkward situation because Pharisees were religious men of high morals and dignity, and they usually avoided This is women. embarrassing! Doesn’t Jesus The woman know what kind knelt before of woman Jesus and she is? wept.

This is a waste. Jesus can’t possibly be a man of God.

she even kissed them and poured perfume on them.

Woman, your faith has saved you. Go in peace! She loves much. therefore her many sins have been forgiven.

Only God can forgive sins!

Look! She’s wiping his Feet with her hair.

Simon, I have something to say to you.

The woman even kissed his feet.

Yes, teacher!

Who is he? I saw him heal a man who was possessed by thousands of demons!

Is he the messiah we’ve been waiting for?

“The man was so violent that no one could control him. But Jesus simply commanded the demon to leave him.”

“Afterwards the man was completely calm.”

a man loaned money to two people -$5,000 to one and $50,000 to the other. Neither of them could pay him back, so he cancelled their debts. Now which of them will love him more?

I bet he’s driving out demons by Beelzebub, the prince of demons.

Fellas, I know what you’re thinking. But won’t you agree that a kingdom that is at war with itself is doomed to fail?

then Why this nonsense? why can’t you just accept that God is at work here and his kingdom has come?

The one who owed him the most, I guess. Right! now Look at this woman. When I entered your house, you didn’t bother to offer me water to wash my feet...

...but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

He hasn’t proved yet that his teachings and miracles are from God.

Listen! Anyone who is not with me is against me. And anyone who doesn’t work with me is working against me.


Luke 7:36-50; 8:26-39; 11:14-28




Luke 8:26-39; 11:14-28

oh, you foolish people! You clean everything on the outside, but you don’t care about the inside.

Jesus reclined at the table. Jesus didn’t usually care too much about traditional cleanliness rules. One of these rules said that one must wash hands in a certain ceremonial way before eating.

Jesus, How come you didn’t wash your hands?

One day Jesus was invited to the home of a pharisee who began to question him about this ancient tradition.

Woe to you, experts of the law! You have gained much knowledge about God...

This is offensive to us. you’re not only criticizing the pharisees but we law experts as well.

A farmer had a fig tree in his vineyard...

Jesus now began to teach them about true wealth. Like many times before, he taught them by telling a story.

The tree didn’t bear fruit, so he told his servant to cut it down.

The Next year there was plenty of fruit on the tree.

So be it.

...but your very knowledge is a hindrance for others who want to get to know God.

suddenly a man came up to Jesus...

But I tell you, Beware of greed! happiness isn’t found in the things you own.

Teacher, our father just died. Please tell my brother to share the inheritance with me as the law prescribes.

This is how God produces spiritual wealth in a person’s life. each tree is known by its kind of fruit.

A farmer went out to scatter his seed.

Some seed fell along the path, and the birds ate it.

Jesus also told this story...

There was a wealthy farmer who had much land and rich crops. “I must tear down my old barns and build bigger ones to hold my crops,” he thought.

Then I will retire and tell myself to take it easy, to eat, drink, and be happy.

Other seed fell on rocky ground. It sprouted quickly in the shallow soil.

But it soon died because it had no roots.

...a yield of up to 100 times what was planted!

But God said to the man, “You fool! Tonight you will die. Then what will become of all this you have stored up?”

Everyone who has ears to hear, pay attention to my words! Here’s another story...

Sir, how come there are weeds in the wheat? Didn’t we only sow grain?

This is what will happen to those who store up riches for themselves. In God’s eyes they’re not wealthy at all.

The kingdom of God is like a farmer who sowed good seed in his field. But when the workers were sleeping, his enemy came and spread weeds in the field.

An enemy did it.

some fell among thorny plants.

But the thorny plants grew and choked them.

The good soil symbolizes a person who hears the word of God through me and understands it in his heart.

Still other seed fell on good soil and bore good crops...

I’m not supposed to mediate between you and your brother. Then Jesus told them a story:

“Sir,” said the servant, “let’s give it another year. I’ll tend it an try to make it grow.”

the weeds grew up among the wheat.

No, you might unintentionally pull up the wheat, too. When harvest time comes, we’ll divide the weeds from the wheat and then burn all the weeds.

Don’t you want us to pull them up then?

After this the pharisees and the teachers of the law began to harrass Jesus fiercely in order to catch him off guard.


Luke 11:37-54; 12:13-21




Luke 13:6-9; Matthew 13:1-23; 24-30

Here’s another story Jesus told... A man found a treasure in a field...

I must hide this treasure and buy the whole field. then the treasure will be mine.

Most of the time, Jesus was surrounded by many people with many different needs. One day he told the disciples to get into their boats.

so The man sold everything he owned and bought the field.

you see, when you find the treasure, you must sacrifice everything else in order to have it.

Simon, let’s go to the other shore.

Jesus lay down to rest. Master, take a rest. We’ll do the work.

We’ll wake you up when we get there.

The disciples began to realize the cost of following Jesus and his word. Some left him because they felt the prize was too high; others wanted more... God’s kingdom is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in his garden.

The seed sprouted and grew into a tall tree where the birds could build nests and hatch their young.

Jesus wanted to show them how the kingdom of god may seem unreal... Jesus told them another story: The Kingdom of god is like a fishing net cast into the sea. In the catch were both eatable fish and worthless fish. The fishermen threw away the bad fish and kept the good fish.

...and insignificant at first. But later it will grow into something really big. This is what will happen at the end of time. God’s angels will separate the evil people from the good and throw the evil people into a lake of fire.

But a big storm blew across the lake. the disciples were scared.

Master, wake up! We’re drowning!


Matthew 13:44-46; 31-32; 47-50




Mark 4:30-41

No one was strong enough to control him.

Jesus went on sleeping... master! We’re drowning!


Lord, we’re not gonna make it!

The Gerasene people lived on the other side of the water. When Jesus and the disciples got there, a man who was insane met them.

My name is ‘many’ because there are many spirits in me.

What is your name?

so he lived among the burial caves...

why do you torture us? please don’t punish me!

...where he would scream and cut himself.

You are Jesus!

You evil spirits, come out of this man!

Be calm!

No, Please don’t cast us out!

There were about 2,000 pigs in The herd. when The evil spirits left the man, they went into the pigs. the pigs took off and tumbled into the lake and drowned.

The wind stopped immediately, and the water became calm.

At least send us into the pigs over there!


The pig herder panicked and ran back to the village to tell the people what had happened.

the herd has drowned!

Friends, why are you afraid? where’s your trust?

Then the whole village ran out to see the man who had done all this. as they sailed on, the disciples said to each other, “Who is this man? Even the weather obeys him!”




Mark 5:1-20

Please leave, we don’t want you here. You have ruined our livelihood.

There he is!

Jesus told Peter, james, and John to follow him to Jairus’ house. Many people were crying loudly outside.

Jairus, don’t despair. believe she will live.

Jesus was getting ready to leave in the boat when the man who was healed came back...

Master, can I come with you? no, go home to your family and tell them what God has done.

Don’t you make fun of us! can’t you see the girl is dead?

Jesus and the disciples sailed back to the other side of the lake. There a large group of people gathered around him on the shore. Master, I’m Jairus, leader in the local synagogue. My young daughter is dying. Please come and heal her!

ok, I’ll come with you.

The crowd was pushing close around Jesus when A woman elbowed her way forward...

Please leave my house. Jesus wants to be alone with the girl.

Why all the fuss? can’t you see she’s only sleeping?

This woman had suffered severe bleedings for the past twelve years.

Talitha koum! Little girl, I tell you, get up!

Hmm, some power just left me.

If I can just touch Jesus’ clothes, I will be healed.

who touched my clothes?

Master, lots of people are pushing against you.

She finally came up behind

Mom! Dad!

Jesus and touched his coat.

Finally, the woman stepped forward. shaking with fear, she told Jesus her story and how she had consulted many doctors in vain.

She’s alive!

Woman, you are healed because you believed. now Go in peace!

After this some men from Jairus’ house arrived with bad news. Friend, your daughter is dead!

news about Jesus’ healings got around. In Jericho two blind men were anxiously waiting for Jesus...

Give her something to eat.

before jesus left he told them not to tell anybody what had happened.





Mark 5:21-34; 5:35-43

This happened when Jesus and the disciples were leaving the town of Jericho... Son of David, have mercy on us!

what would you like me to do for you?

Be healed!

We want to see!

I can see!

During the party Herodias’ daughter, Salome, danced for the king and his guests. they were very pleased with her. Herod may have been drunk, and when you’re drunk you sometimes say things you later regret. Herod would soon regret this night...

Jesus healed us!

By now almost everyone in Israel had heard about Jesus and his healings. who was this man? The two blind men had no doubts.

One day came the opportunity Herodias had been waiting for. On his birthday Herod gave a dinner party for his top officials, military commanders, and other important leaders.

Besides, he considered John a good and holy man, and he liked to visit him in prison and hear him teach.

He’s the messiah-the king we’ve been waiting for!

Back in Jerusalem king herod didn’t like what he heard about Jesus. several months earlier he had executed John the baptist. Herod sensed there must be some kind of alliance between Jesus and John, and he wanted to get rid of Jesus as well. But he knew this could mean trouble because Jesus was still popular among the people. This Jesus may be a prophet like John.

a king then? No. My father eliminated that possibility long ago. Jesus is just...

...a cocky, unlearned preacher from up north.

Herod felt guilty about John’s death. This is how it came about... THis woman of yours is your brother’s wife!

When salome had finished her dance, the king called for her...

How dare he!

Or could he be john himself risen from the dead? hardly so.

How wonderful! What can I give you in return?

John was right. Herod had stolen his half-brother’s wife, herodias.

John was put back in prison, out of sight. but herodias couldn’t get him out of mind. Darling, why don’t you just kill this brash man?


I know! I’ll give you anything you want. Whatever you ask for I’ll give you--even half my kingdom.

but Herod didn’t want to kill john. he knew that the prophet’s death could easily cause a riot.

Matthew 20:29-34

This was the moment herodias had been waiting for.




Mark 6:14-31; Matthew 14:13

Mother, what should I ask for?

I want john the baptist’s head on this silver plate!

Go back and Tell herod this...

In prison John was wondering what this kingdom-ofgod thing was all about. Had he fulfilled his mission? had he failed? Then he remembered his words to his disciples...

Give her what she asks for.

John was ready to die. The soldier lifted his sword, and with one strike...

Moments later, John’s head was given to Salome on the silver plate.

Herod was shocked, but he couldn’t break his promise in front of the dinner guests.

I must fail for Jesus to succeed.

The girl passed it on to Herodias.

finally dead!

q Later, John’s disciples came and took John’s body and buried it in a tomb.

when Jesus heard what had happened to his dear cousin, he left in a boat. He wanted to be alone and commemorate John, but he also wanted to seek God for his own mission and destiny.

King Herod antipas whom Jesus would later call “that Fox,” ruled as king of the northern territory for another eight years. he suffered a horrible death-just like his father Herod the Great who had considered himself a god and had brutally killed all the little boys in Israel at the time when Jesus was born.


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