The Life of Jesus

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No. 1: God’s Wonderful Creation

No. 2: God’s Chosen People

The Puzzle Bible series covers all the favourite Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. Put the pieces together and see how the stories unfold. This is learning by doing. For children age 4 to 8

No. 3: A People of Faith

No. 4: Through Trials and Triumphs


No. 5: The Good Shepherd

Puzz Bible 6 cover.indd 1


No. 6: The Life of Jesus

07-09-2010 16:12:16

The Puzzle Bible The Life of Jesus

Copyright © 2006 Scandinavia Publishing House Drejervej 15,3, DK 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark Tel.: (45) 35310330 Fax: (45) 35360334 E-Mail: Illustration copyright © 2003 Gustavo Mazali Design by Ben Alex Printed in China ISBN 9788772476025 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Jesus Saves Peter While the disciples were crossing a lake in their boat, the weather turned bad. Suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water. They were afraid, but Peter shouted, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come.” So Peter stepped out of the boat and walked towards Jesus. Soon Peter got scared and started to sink. But Jesus pulled him up and saved him. Matthew 14:27-31

Jesus Meets Zacchaeus People didn’t like Zacchaeus because he cheated them. One day when Jesus was passing through town, Zacchaeus climbed a tree to get to see Him. When Jesus passed by, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down, I want to visit you.” Jesus was not like other people. He loved everyone — even those who cheat. Luke 19:5

Jesus Blesses the Children Some people brought their children to Jesus, so He could bless them. His disciples told the people to stop bothering Jesus. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, don’t try to stop them! The children belong to God’s kingdom.” Matthew 19:13-15

Jesus Dies on the Cross Most people liked Jesus. But the leaders in Israel hated him because He told the people that the leaders were not right with God. So the leaders had Jesus arrested, and even though they didn’t find Him guilty of anything, they encouraged the crowds to yell, “Kill Him, kill Him. Nail Him to a cross!” And so it happened that Jesus was crucified. Luke 23:33

Jesus Goes to Heaven But Jesus rose from the grave. First He was seen by a few women, then by all the disciples. “Go tell everybody in the whole world about me,” He said. Shortly afterwards Jesus was taken up to heaven. “I am going to prepare a place for you in my Father’s house,” He promised everyone who believes in Him. Matthew 28:1-20

In the Footsteps of Jesus After Jesus had returned to heaven, the disciples began to speak and teach about him. They followed Jesus’ example and went out to heal the sick and bring comfort to those in need.

Acts 3:1-10

No. 1: God’s Wonderful Creation

No. 2: God’s Chosen People

The Puzzle Bible series covers all the favourite Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. Put the pieces together and see how the stories unfold. This is learning by doing. For children age 4 to 8

No. 3: A People of Faith

No. 4: Through Trials and Triumphs


No. 5: The Good Shepherd

Puzz Bible 6 cover.indd 1


No. 6: The Life of Jesus

07-09-2010 16:12:16

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