Scan Group Targeted 1 to 1 Marketing

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Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng 1 to 1 Marke*ng BUILD A 1:1 RELATIONSHIP

Make it -mely, make it relevant, make it personal

Track results Improve marke-ng ROI

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Why? We Live in a Select or Delete World

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng What is it?

Targe&ng and Customizing your marke-ng with Relevant Messages to start conversa-ons, build rela-onships, increase response and revenue.

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Why? People Prefer 1 to 1 Sta-c, messages and offers that everyone receives, regardless of individual needs/ interest


Highly Targeted 1 to 1 with Personalized with your name and address, but not

much that is unique to your needs/ interests


messages and offers that are unique to your needs /interests


Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Why? 1 to 1 Communica-ons Improve Profits % Increase REPEAT ORDERS RESPONSE RATE RESPONSE TIME OVERALL REVENUE/PROFIT ORDER SIZE/VALUE

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Why? 1 to 1 Lowers Cost Per Response Paradigm shi\ … from cost per page

… to cost per response

Interquest study • Response rate +21% • Cost per response –54% • Sales increase +93%

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Data

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Data Basics The Rela-onship is in the data Start with the basics and build Consistent Data Hygiene is cri-cal for success Data allows you Work Smarter not Harder!

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Successful Data Driven Solu*ons Integrate The Right Message ‐ call to ac-on / message and images

based on known informa-on about the recipient.

To the Right Person ‐ target recipients most likely to


At the Right Time ‐ such as seasonality and other factors:

Past purchase history including -ming and last items purchased

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Significant increases are common



Highly Relevant

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Timing can be most cri*cal!

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Most Common Excuse… “We don’t have enough data” You probably already have sufficient informa-on to be relevant. You need no more informa-on than your best salesperson would need

to have a relevant conversa-on.

For B2B, the name and a -tle can be sufficient. Adding data from a list source can fill in the gaps.

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Hygiene = Accuracy Hygiene = significant improvements in a database •  NCOA alone can improve a file by 3 to 10+%. •  Duplicates can easily make up more than 5% of a file • Person no longer employed at company or new hires as much as 5%

Hygiene should be performed before each mailing Hygiene should be performed every 3 to 6 months

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Data Enhancement Enrich by appending informa-on from third‐party databases: Business Industry / Ver-cal , Company size, Years in Business, Minority Owned Lifestyle / Interests Hobbies and Ac-vi-es: golf, skiing, gardening, own a dog Life Stage In layman’s terms: Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers & Seniors

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Segmenta*on

Your Target…Blue haired adults

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Data Drives Segmenta*on



Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Segmenta*on can get out of Control quickly Single Product Segmenta-on Example ‐ Business services with mul-ple decision makers/influencers.

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Keep it Simple & Consider an Evolu*onary Path

Stage 1: One‐size‐fits‐all

Stage 2: 3‐5 segments

Stage 3: Add Relevance factors • Repeat Customer vs. new visitor • Geography • Seasonality Ul-mately, you are likely to find 2‐3 relevance factors that give you most of the li\ from targe-ng.

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Relevance

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Is Relevant and overused term?

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Defini*on of Relevant Marke*ng The art and science of understanding your audience so well that you can speak to them in a tone and with informa-on that precisely meets their needs every -me.

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng What do we believe?

Successful companies… are dedicated to understanding their customers as unique individuals, have made the commitment to learn more about them, and will communicate to them based on their preferences with relevant informa-on

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Art and Science Meet

The combina-on of crea-ve and data to enhance marke-ng into a dynamic communica-on piece.

Customer Profile Name:

Mike Yager Location:

Illinois Brand:

Corvette Model: #4 LeMans Year: 1968 Color:

LeMans Blue

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng How much does it really maUer? Relevance is the single largest lever on response Improve results and revenue by as much as 3 -mes

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Personaliza*on is NOT Relevance! Personaliza*on is good, but relevance is much, much beUer “John, at Avis we try harder for XYZ corpora-on”. If John is the person in charge of preferred rental car decision making for a pharmaceu*cal company:

“John, Pharmaceu-cal companies like XYZ spend an average of $1.3 million per year on rental car expenses.

In less than 3 minutes, when you visit your personal website you’ll learn the 5 ways Avis’ new program for pharmaceu-cal companies can cut XYZ rental car expenses by 20% annually.”

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Relevance by Job Title Execu-ve…”grow into new markets & growth strategy” Crea-ve…”for breakthrough marke-ng” Produc-on…”improve results with workflow automa-on” IT / Programmer…Unix, Linux, Java, C++, PHP Engineer…CAD, DMU, CAE, MRO, CNC

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Speak their language! Jargon is good : Relevant Direct Marke-ng can be specific and speak their language

Less is more: Because you can get very specific you don’t need to include everything and the kitchen sink

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Triggered Response…the next level Triggered based programs require business rules Good model for Cross & Up selling Customer Loyalty programs Sales data is leveraged Generally the most Relevant as -ming & known informa-on are the core drivers

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Triggered Response…the next level

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Triggered Response…Highest Li]



Highly Relevant

Targeted 1 to 1 Marke-ng Summary Use 1 to 1 to Build Rela-onships Data is the Central Element Data Hygiene = Accuracy Enhancement from 3rd party lists to fills in the gaps Segmenta-on can get out of control, start simple and evolve Best li\ = 3 to 5 segments with 2 to 3 relevant factors Relevance lets you speak to them like you’re one of them 1 to 1 allows you to Work Smarter rather than harder

CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS W222 N625 Cheaney Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186 • P(262) 521‐1365 • F(262) 521‐3265 •

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