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In an increasingly technological world, paper documents often seem like relics from the past. Many enterprises and organisations have realised that digitising their documents not only frees up space but also increases efficiency and productivity.
Imagine the following: The head of a company is at the airport, waiting for boarding, when an important client calls. The contract is finally ready to be signed. But: Nobody was prepared for this speedy development. For internal reasons, the contract needs to be signed within the next two hours by said director (and only by her!). Now someone tries to get to the airport as quickly as possible to have the document signed.
By the time the contract is at the airport, the plane has long gone. Or the director missed her plane and thus another important meeting in London. That’s the situation before digitisation. Sounds like a lot of stress and uncertainty. And yet it probably happens more often than you think.
Thanks to software company d.velop, which has been taking care of efficient data management for more than 30 years, the above sce- nario is a thing of the past. d.velop’s solutions enable users to easily access centrally stored documents from anywhere. All they need is a smartphone, tablet or PC and wifi. Adjustment and signing of contracts, payslips, verification of invoices etc., are thus possible at any time -the manager in above described scenario would have been spared a lot of trouble. d.velop Chief Product Officer Nico Bäumer can reassure companies that still shy away from digitisation because of its allegedly substantial time expenditure. “Thanks to AI and elements of machine learning, when it comes to automatic classification, end-to-end digitisation is faster than you think. Even in large companies with a high volume of documents. The system can be set up in the cloud within minutes. Daily mail or similar, is imported by scanner within minutes, already existent information such as emails, offers, contracts etc. are directly archived.” www.d-velop.com
But why digitisation? “Only what is available centrally can be retrieved, developed or expanded,” emphasises Bäumer. “To realise this setting we digitise all common formats - emails, Word documents, presentations, graphics or special formats such as CAD drawings. We convert these into long-term stable, legally compliant and audit proof formats so that companies can store the data on their own corporate server or in our highly secure cloud,” clarifies the digitisation expert from d.velop.
More efficiency is possible. Thanks to d.velop.